Weblinc website design pricesprojekty
I have a website on wordpress, Divi theme. I want to implement a sock price slider on my site. We currently have 9 models of socks in our range. For each model I want to implement a slider that will change the prices depending on the size of the order. An example of a similar solution can be found here: , I tried to create something similar on my own via the plugin. However, I can't use it because for an unclear reason I can't change the currency from dollars to euros. I have contacted the plugin service, but they have not been able to solve the problem. I am looking for a "lightweight" solution that will not seriously slow down my site. What is very important to me, I care about a slider that I can edit
PL Moja firma może zaprojektować dla CIEBIE co tylko chcesz. Ceny są bardzo dobrze. Skontaktuj się ze mną. OFERTA DLA CAŁEJ EUROPY ENG My company can design whatever you want for YOU. The prices are very good. Contact me. OFFER FOR ALL OF EUROPE
Logo of shoe shop. Jesteśmy firmą, która od wielu lat zajmuje się sprzedażą stacjonarną obuwia. W tym roku zaczęliśmy sprzedaż interneto...dzieci i mężczyzn (w kolejności). Preferujemy projekty minimalistyczne. Projekt chcielibyśmy otrzymać w formie jpg, png oraz grafiki wektorowej. Preferowane kolory: pomarańczowy, czarny, szary, biały (nie muszą być wszystkie - jesteśmy otwarci na propozycje). Nazwa firmy - Stolc Obuwie Logo of shoe shop. We are looking fot logo for e-commerce shop with shoes for women, children and men in medium prices. The women would be the major group of clients. We are looking for something minimalistic. We prefer black, orange, gray and white but we are open for your ideas. Name of the store is - Stolc Obuwie. The logo should me made in jpg, png and ...
...- statystyki wyswietlen oraz kliknięć w linki dla poszczególnych użytkowników oraz ogolne dla portalu - ranking użytkowników oraz system punktów przyznawanych za aktywność Przykład podobnej strony można zobaczyć tutaj: Poprosiłbym o ceny oraz czas wykonania dla versji MVP oraz wersji z pełną funkcjonalnością podaną w ogłoszeniu. Graphic design and coding of the internet portal work includes graphic design and coding of an internet portal. The portal will be a portal bringing together users who want to earn on reference links. The basic functions of the portal will be (stage 1 of MVP): - database of affiliate offers, reference links, promotions and bonuses available on the Polish market - create user account - the ability to add your own ref...
Potrzebny fotograf do zrobienia zdjęć ślubnych, kameralna uroczystość w Urzędzie Stanu Cywilnego w poznańskiej Wadze, a później obiad weselny w restauracji. Termin 10 Listopada. Proszę o oferty z cenami, i jeśli to możliwe wgląd do tymczasowego portfolio. [English translation] A photographer is needed to take pic...poznańskiej Wadze, a później obiad weselny w restauracji. Termin 10 Listopada. Proszę o oferty z cenami, i jeśli to możliwe wgląd do tymczasowego portfolio. [English translation] A photographer is needed to take pictures of weddings, an intimate ceremony at the Civil Registry Office in Poznań Waga, and later a wedding dinner at a restaurant. The deadline is 10 November. I am asking for offers with prices, and if possible, an insight into the temp...
...purchuased seperately or in a set. I need to have the option of creating sets and changing the prices. Attached files: - after choosing item, the video is played. On the right there will be video controllers and option to change the camera (load the second movie). In the picture there are four cameras, but for now there will be only two. After clicking 'diagram' button the graphic will be load (the one under the BACK TO PATTERNS button). The middle part with the three sentences are for future development (like the 'step by step. next move and repeat move buttons). - after clicking this button we get a popup window with the text and the other grapic. Graphic design is ready, but of course it can be changed if needed. It has to have the possibility to s...
Witam, Mam do zrobienia aplikacje mobilna ktora robi dwie rzeczy: 1. Robi...transcribes picture into DATA (by hand). 2. It displays food recipes, their respective price and distance to the supermarket - it's using an algorythm taking into account: data from the data-center (summed up price of ingridients), geolocation (each supermarket has different prices), and individual profile preferences (halal, vegetarian, allergies, etc.) Data-center interface has to be so easy that even a monkey can easily add new recipes (picture, description and list of ingridients) and transcribe&add data from the picture (prices of ingridients). If you have zero experience, are an IT "sweatshop" or can't communicate in english - don't bother. I have a mock-...
Witam Potrzebuję dodać w opcjach mojego szablonu opartego na Wordpressie i Woocomm...możliwość włączenia automatycznego przelicznika i dodawania sumy podatku tylko w koszyku i checkout. Chciałbym aby to tak samo wyglądało na stronach produktów. Potrzebuje szybkiego rozwiazania aby jak najszybciej wdrożyc mój sklep. Warunki do uzgodnienia. I need to add in the options of my template based on Wordpress and Woocommerce features automatic conversion and adding VAT to 23% of net product prices on each product page. At the moment I only have the possibility of automatic conversion and adding the sum of the tax only in the cart and checkout. I would like to make it just as it looked on product pages. Looking for quick solutions to rapidly deploy my shop. Conditions To b...
poszukuje... ktora zobowiazala by sie postawic na tym systemie prosta strone www. Strona ma gotowa strukture i tresc. Prosze zerknac tutaj - - to obecna strona. Nowa strona byla by bardzo podobna. Zlecenie obejmowaloby : 1. utworzenie sub menu, i przekopiowanie trescie (menu i tresc jest juz zrobiona w MODX) 2. Job Order, czyli obecny dokument zlecenia (patrz ) utworzony w Excelu, mialby znajdowac sie na stronie jako interkatywne menu. 3. baner/zdjecie na stronie glownej, mogloby by byc bardziej dynamiczne 4. mail/kontakt - jako formula do wypelnienia jezeli ktos mialby jakies dodatkowe interesujace propozycje - jestem bardzo otwarty, pomoc dotyczaca seo - mile widziana. prosze skontaktowac sie w kwestii detali
...for a company which could provide a complete web site design + installation + at least 1 year guaranty period. The objectives of the web site: 1. It will be dedicated to professional seeking for reports, news and advisory for business solutions. 2. It must have any easy to use CMS system for multiple administrators with different levels of access. 3. Integrated payment system (i.e. pay pal) + an option in CMS to set up the prices for products available on the web site. 4. Front end must have a minimalistic design, 6 pages (news, companies list, map, etc.), logging option for companies, call to action (i.e. buy report) + typical pages: about us, terms and conditions, contact. 5. Banner configuration in CMS: configurable banners, time, prices. 6. CMS: users (s...
...code that I wrote: This is how it should work: - when you click on first five buttons, you toggle between offers (only one can be selected). When you click on active offer, you will go back to default data (option_0). - when you click on next five buttons, you get extra offer. You can select all of them and then you can see the smallest numbers (those will be prices). When you unclick one of extra offer, you will go to the another smallest offer etc. - and last feature which I want to make. When you click offer 1, two other offers (f.x. extra 2 and 4) will be disactivated....
Witam Bardzo pilnie na dzisiaj ! Potrzebuje pomocy technicznej ze sklepem na prestashop Potrzebuje instrukcji jak edytowac te podstrony tak żeby można było wstawiac sam tekst > Pilnie kontakt gg 3561337 tel 886347802 mail bokgreenposition@
...i szybko się ładująca - ;hl=pl Bardzo uproszczony schemat: Tworzymy 1 stronę 'Ceny w Turcj' po polsku w katalogu pl/turcja/ i system CMS automatycznie łączy się z Google translatorem i tworzy te same podstrony (text, opisy obrazków - alty, tytuły, meta tagi) w innych językach, np: en/turcja/ es/Turquía/Los-precios-en-Turquía i tak dalej na inne języki Proszę zauważyć jakie wyzwania trzeba będzie przezwyciężyć, które się nasuwają, a może być ich więcej: * dla wielu języków (w powyższym przykładzie, es - hiszpański) musi być możliwość ręcznej zmiany nazw plików, aby pozbyć się wielkich liter oraz znaków diakrytycznych nie rozpoznawanych przez serwery
Website description General Information a) Music Vendor b) Joomla c) Other details functionality (front end) a) Search Panel Main For sound effects b) Search results Table display (names and folders) Every track should have Every album should have Every collection should have Results page display and filtering options c) Shopping cart d) Buying aministration panel (back end) a) Songs attributes b) Albums attributes c) Collection attributes d) Songs / Albums / Collections / Artists administration e) General attributes a) General information b) Graphic design c) Logo d) Menu e) Modules
zlece prostą aplikację ściągającą dane ze strony z formularza po lewej jak poniżej Projected % Change 2010 2011 Real GDP 2.7 3.2 Consumer Prices 2.3 raz w miesiącu na moją stronę
...Advanced search), Stores, Pricing, FAQ, Contact Dolna część strony: Home, Place a listining, Search (bądź Advanced search), Stores, Pricing, FAQ, How it works, Advertise with us, Links, Contact - Search – przede wszystkim po słowie kluczowym i kategoriach, oraz na stronie głównej lub w opcji Advanced search wyszukiwanie uwzględniające lokalizację (kraje i miasta) oraz dodatkowe opcje typu Prices (do ustawiania z pozycji panelu administracyjnego dla konkretnych kategorii) - Miejsce na logo naszej firmy i na reklamę Podstawowe wymogi: - integracja z PAYPAL i innymi systemami płatności, również pobieranie opłat za pomocą kart kredytowych - czytelny i wielofunkcyjny panel administracyjny w języku polskim, (cały portal będzie funkcjonował w języku angie...
...the portion sizes are smaller, sort of like a tasting menu, only a la carte. Instead of committing to one large entrée, guests at Cork are given the opportunity to try many different items they wouldn’t normally order. You can have a small portion of antelope, seared scallop and braised buffalo short rib in the same meal! When looking over our menus, you may notice the cheaper prices and that is a result of our smaller portions. Brunch features more traditional-sized portions + mala galeria zdjec po prawej eco10 eco18 eco42 eco26 eco33 eco39 2. CONTENT intro znika -- oczywiscie pozostaje menu gorne + telefon + cale otoczenie podobnie jak -----> , projektujemy wstepnie menu-jadlospis z menu bocznym po lewej
...13-December-2008 2 Do zbudowania od zera prosty system raportów i administracji danymi (zmiany wartości pól) z bazy z poziomu www. Takie mini phpadmin po kilku zdefiniowanych zapytaniach z możliwoscią edycji danych bez znajomosci sql. Jak jest zorganizowana baza danych? Zorganizowana jest tak: 3 Stworzyć możliwość tzw 'fixed prices'- ustalania stałych cen za przejazdy. W tej chwili skrypt kalkuluje cene w sposób nastepujący cena = liczba mil * cena za mile Chcę żeby sprawdzal czy jest wpisana 'stala/ustalona' cena do bazy- jesli jest wpisana stała bierze stałą, jesli nie zdefiniowana stała-> bierze mile i mnoży razy stawkę z mile (+ patrz pkt4) Mozliwość ustalania cen stałych, multi edycji cen stałych (kilkadziesią...
...customized. Now, again: we have a host, and a domain. We need website, just the homepage to be customized. But here goes the question: There is also the API account, offered by WWD here: ;prog%5Fid=wildwestdomains&ci=3336 DO WE NEED THIS????? Do we need to buy this, to create the customized homepage? Or it is just changing the exsisitng source code and creating the homepage from it ??? Please, look at source code in detail again. The point is that WWD offers the API accounts, so resellers can sell their own products (i.e. buy domains and sell with their own prices) We do NOT want this - we want to sell as it is now, everything
Hej, Potrzebna osoba ktora zna sie dobrze na systemach oscommerce / CRE Loaded. Potrzebuje zmienic dwie (narazie) rzeczy w sklepie - CRE Loaded6 v6.2 Pro with patch:10.1 1) special prices sie nie pokazuja - tzn. pokazuja sie jako normalne ceny w liscie produktow i dopiero w opisie produktu pokazuje normalna cene przekreslona i special na czerwono. Potrzebuje zeby tak samo pokazywalo sie w liscie produktow jak w opisie 2) zainstalowanie i przetestowanie - ,4129
E-commerce Print House Website This project is split in 2 Phases. ----------------------------------------- !! Please only bid for Phase ONE (1) !! – Please give detailed suggestions of which methods you will use to complete. Phase 1: Making a Website with an E-commerce Solution Order Module Online Payment with VISA/Master Card and Pay pal,. We will provide the layout and logos. The website must be fit in our design. The visitors should be able to: -Select Print Products -Finish -Additional Services -Upload file (Print File, Must work to send at later stage to) -Enter address and amount etc to later be able to see full cost including transport (calculated on weight of each product from database), postage fees, VAT etc. -Register ...
Posiadam strone internetowa która nie zostala dokonczona i szukam projektanta który moglby to zrobic tzn. dobudowac kilka podstron majac dotychczasowe zrodlo, zachowujac podobny klimat, kolory, trzcionke itd. Adres strony to , strona tytulowa jest zrobiona, pozostale już nie. Podstrony „contact”, „quality”, „prices” i „services”, będą stronami prostymi, zawierajacymi tylko text i zdjecia. Troche bardziej skomplikowana będzie podstrona „offer”, będzie bardzo podobna do tego co znajduje się na tej stronie Będzie tam opcja rezerwacji, wyboru dni w kalendarzu itd., do tego dojdzie podlaczenie
...com - zależy mi na czasie, tak więc proszę nie czekać na zakończenie aukcji ze swoją ofertą. Szczegóły poniżej: WEBSITE SPECS FOR NETKITCHENS SUMMARY 1. Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featur...
Projekt dla australijskiej firmy webmasterskiej - możliwość stałej współpracy. Szczegóły poniżej WEBSITE SPECS FOR LAMINEX NETKITCHENS SUMMARY 1. Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured ...
I'm seeking a skilled data scraper to extract stock prices from Yahoo Finance. The data should cover both the NYSE and NASDAQ. Key Responsibilities: - Scrape real-time and historical stock prices from Yahoo Finance. - Implement data scraping in a way that it can be run periodically. - Store the scraped data into a MySQL database using "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" to handle potential duplicates. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web scraping, particularly finance data. - Strong knowledge in MySQL and data management. - Familiarity with Yahoo Finance and stock market data. Please bid if you can provide a prototype and have experience in similar projects.
Full Time Job Website and E-commerce Specialist Please bid monthly salary you are looking for. Job Description: We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented individual to join our team as a Website and E-commerce Specialist. In this role, you will be responsible for managing and optimizing our website, eBay, and Amazon platforms. Your primary focus will be to ensure that our online presence is up-to-date, user-friendly, and competitive in terms of pricing. This is a remote position, allowing you to work from the comfort of your own home. Responsibilities: Website Management: Regularly update and maintain our company website, ensuring accurate product listings, pricing information, and images. E-commerce Platforms: Manage our presence on eBay...
About the company: - CandidMen is a fashion Rental Company. CandidMen is the perfect solution for men's designer wear at affordable rental prices. From tuxedos and suits to kurta-pajamas and sherwanis, we offer premium quality products for any occasion. We are committed to providing sustainable fashion and minimizing wastage, making CandidMen an environmentally friendly company. Shoot Once in Every week for CandidMen: - 1. We create fashion videos on a weekly basis. 2. You can go through our Instagram page to understand the video requirements- 3. Shoot will be with our Male models in our Jaya Nagar showroom. 4. The concept and the product will be taken care by us. We are looking for a videographer who can work with us once a week. Google Location: -
Description:** Hello! I am looking for a reliable freelancer to assist in uploading products to my POS system and website. The project involves managing between 1,000 to 2,000 items and must be completed within 3 days. **Key Responsibilities:** - Upload product listings to the POS system and website. - Ensure all product details (descriptions, prices, images) are accurate and complete. - Organize products into relevant categories. - Review entries for quality and consistency. **Requirements:** - Experience with product uploading or data entry. - Familiarity with POS systems and e-commerce platforms. - Attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. - Ability to work independently and meet tight deadlines. **Budget:** Maximum CAD $50. **How to Apply:** Ple...
...new module for our existing system that manages expenses, inventory, and POS operations. The new module will focus on laboratory testing services. The client needs to register both in-house services at zero cost and third-party services with associated costs for profit tracking. The system must accommodate various pricing structures based on insurance coverage, allowing clients to see normal prices alongside insurance options when they inquire about services. Additionally, we need to implement a queue system for patient assistance, where clients can be billed and directed to the appropriate service provider. Results for lab tests may vary in delivery time, so the system should keep track of pending results. Furthermore, we require an integration with a government tax agency fo...
To create such an AI, here’s a high-level roadmap: 1. Data Preparation: • Collect high-quality trading chart data, including “before” and “after” segments with corresponding numerical data (e.g., price, volume, indicators). • Label the data for supervised learning (e.g., upward, downward, or sideways movement). 2. Preprocessing: • Normalize numerical data (e.g., scale prices and indicators). • Convert chart images into numerical matrices or use image processing techniques to extract features. 3. Model Selection: • Use a hybrid model combining: • A convolutional neural network (CNN) for image analysis (chart patterns). • A recurrent neural network (RNN) or transformer for sequential numerical data. 4. Trainin...
I'm looking to build a mobile application for a price comparison website. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Product Search: The primary focus of the app. It should allow users to search for products efficiently. - Price Comparison: This will be an integral part of the app. Users should be able to compare prices of products from different retailers. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - UI/UX design - Knowledge of price comparison algorithms - MYSQL Experience: - Previous work on e-commerce or price comparison apps is highly desirable.
I am in need of a skilled developer who can create a bespoke Google Shopping XML feed for my Shopify store. I am specifically looking for a tailored solution and not a generic app, so please don't recommend any pre-installed applications. The XML feed should include: - Product details and prices - Inventory levels - Product Title - Product Description Custom Field It should be updated on a weekly basis. Additionally, I need the feed to support: - Product variants - Custom attributes Ideal skills for this project would include proficiency in XML, Shopify, and experience with Google Shopping integrations. A strong understanding of product variants and custom attributes in Shopify is also crucial.
I am looking for an experienced Minecraft plugin developer to create a user-friendly CommandPanel for my server players. This panel should include essential plot management commands and an economic trading system. Requirements: CommandPanels for Plot Management /rp commands should be executable via clicks in t...Protection Implement safeguards to prevent abuse, such as players claiming unnecessarily large or excessive plots. In the Nether and End dimensions, plots cannot be claimed within 20 blocks of the portal. In-Game Economy System Activate an in-game currency for players to trade. Admins should be able to place NPCs or signs where items can be bought and sold using the in-game currency. Items and prices and shops as NPC/or signs should be configurable and easily adjustable a...
I'm looking for an expert in Google Sheets who can use RDS Functionality to retrieve and plot market data. The specific type of market data is yet to be determined, so flexibility and adaptability are key. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Sheets - Experienced with RDS Functionality - Capable of handling various types of market data (stock prices, cryptocurrency values, commodity prices) Key Responsibilities: - Utilize RDS for data retrieval - Plot the data in a clear, understandable manner - Adapt to different types of market data as needed
Website specification: Important information!!! I have £50 to spend on this. please do not accept my proposal if you are not willing to do a project in this range. I was contacted by many people for this project who advertised low prices and then bait and switched me. Context: This is a debating organisation set up to make debating more accessible. I will thus need you to find images related to this, and insert them. Although I won’t provide you with the text or content that will ultimately be on the website, eg what I want to write in the ‘about us’ section, I would like you to make up a description so that you can ensure the website is complete, which I can then edit with the correct information. You could use ChatGPT to do this. Yo...
I'm seeking a cost-effective Laravel expert to assist with a web application. This expert will be responsible for both developing new features and fixing existing issues. The focus will primarily be on frontend enhancements, although backend improvements and database optimization may also be necessary from time to time. DO NOT APPLY IF YOUR PRICES ARE TOO HIGH. Let's not waste time please. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Laravel framework. - Strong understanding of frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.). - Problem-solving skills for fixing issues and bugs. - Ability to develop new features in a user-friendly way. - Experience with backend and database work. - Cost-effective and efficient work ethic. This project will require the freelancer to: - ...
...requested parts. Offers or discounts on frequently searched items. Subscription Plans: Offer subscription plans for frequent buyers (e.g., workshops, fleets) with benefits like: Bulk purchase discounts. Priority access to rare parts. Supplier-Facing Features Supplier Management Portal: Enable suppliers to: Manage inventory through a dashboard or bulk upload (CSV/API integration). Update prices dynamically. Track orders and revenue metrics. Performance Metrics and Analytics: Provide detailed analytics for suppliers, including: Sales trends. Order volumes. Customer feedback. Dynamic Pricing: Allow suppliers to set discounts for bulk orders or promotions. Order and Shipping Management: Allow suppliers to process customer orders and provide shipment updates with t...
I need a skilled developer to help me integrate and set up a JavaScript program into my WordPress/WooCommerce store. This program was originally created by someone else, and it needs to be adapted to ensure my store is always synchronized with our product supplier. Key Requirements: - Synchronization of product inventory, product descriptions and prices, as well as order statuses on a daily basis. - Automatic updates for new products introduced by the supplier. Tools & Technologies: - Currently using WP All Import, but open to other solutions if they're more effective. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience with WordPress/WooCommerce. - Proficiency in JavaScript. - Familiarity with WP All Import. - Previous experience with product supplier synchronization preferred. Looking...
I'm looking for a professional app developer who can create a mobile app (iOS and Android) for my restaurant similar to Joe & The Juice's app. The app should allow customers to order food from our full menu, and offer discounts and other benefits to our customers. Key Features: 1. Full menu display: The app should display our complete menu with descriptions and prices. 2. In-app ordering: Customers should be able to place orders directly in the app. 3. Restaurant integration: The app needs to integrate with an iPad in our restaurant, so that orders arrive there. 4. Payment support: The app should support card payments on the spot when the customer picks up their food. Additional Features: - Loyalty program: A system to reward our repeat customers. - Push notification...
Project Description We are looking for professionals or a development team to design and develop a web and mobile platform for bus and car booking. The project includes features for clients, travel agencies, and administrators. Main Objectives: 1. Provide a user-friendly platform for users. 2. Allow travel agencies to manage their fleet and promote their vehicles. 3. Automatically calculate prices based on criteria (distance, vehicle type, duration). Target Audience: - End-users: Tourists, businesses, schools, individuals. - Travel agencies: Owners of buses, minibuses, and cars. Main Features: For clients: - Search based on departure point, destination, and parking duration. - Display available vehicles with prices. - Instant booking with secure online payment....
...agent that specializes in property recommendations for renters in the real estate market. The primary function of this AI agent will be to assist renters in finding suitable properties. The AI agent should provide: - Available properties: The AI needs to have access to an updated database of rental properties, and be able to filter options based on user preferences and requirements. - Rental prices: The agent should have the capability to provide up-to-date pricing information for these properties. - Neighborhood details: The AI should offer insightful information about the neighborhoods of the available properties, including safety, amenities, schools, public transport, etc. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in AI development, specifically in ...
I need an e-commerce website updated to the latest version of its WordPress theme. The update must ensure the website remains fully functional and visually consistent. Currently, the site is running a nulled version of the theme. However, the official version has been purchased from Themeforest, and the new files are ready for replacement. The website is experiencing the following issues: Prices are not displayed for logged-out users. Occasional downtime. Preferred Skills and Experience: Expertise in WordPress, especially with e-commerce themes. Strong knowledge of website design and functionality. Proven experience updating WordPress themes without service interruptions or design inconsistencies. Ability to troubleshoot and resolve any ...
I need a comprehensive website that allows various rental businesses to list their vehicles for rent. The platform should support all types of vehicles, with a primary focus on cars. Key Features: - Multi-vehicle support: The platform should be able to accommodate listings for cars, bikes, trucks, and other vehicles. - User-friendly interface: It should be easy for rental businesses to post their vehicles and for users to browse through listings. - Robust search functionality: Users should be able to filter searches based on vehicle type, rental rate, location, etc. -The rental businesses will be able to post their vehicles -On the listings, it should include (prices,descriptions,google maps, images, services avaiable in the vehicle, etc) -search by area (google map...
We are looking for a freelancer with basic skills in listing products on Amazon and Best Buy, as well as updating the product listings on our website. The key responsibilities will include: - Listing new products on Amazon and Best Buy with accurate information (titles, descriptions, prices, etc.). - Updating product details on our website to ensure consistency across platforms. - Running successful campaigns for the listed products to drive sales and visibility. The role could either be a monthly payment arrangement or based on the specific services required. We are a wholesale company specializing in computer and laptop parts, and we need someone who can manage this process efficiently.
...with a dedicated contact form for team queries and feedback. Key Features: - An intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows easy navigation and information access. - A secure and private environment, with appropriate access controls to protect sensitive information. - A responsive design, ensuring usability across various devices. Define the basic requirements: Basic features: User management: Log in users (admin, employee, etc.). Create a quote(jobe): Enter customer details, products or services, prices, and taxes. Jobs section (airport/ land /sea) Convert to invoice: Convert the Jobs to a final invoice. Manage invoices: View past invoices, edit, and print. Notifications: Alert users about outstanding or unpaid invoices. report for job's & invoice Export...
...like solar energy and efficient water management, adding extra value to the lots. 3. Thriving Tourism Potential • Jericoacoara and its surroundings are in constant development, attracting new resorts, hotels, and high-end guesthouses. • Steady international and domestic tourist demand creates greater liquidity in the local real estate market. 4. Secure Investment • The region’s real estate prices have consistently appreciated, with strong demand for lots in prime tourism and leisure locations. • The project is already in an advanced stage of development, and most of the land acquisition has been completed. We offer investment quotes equivalent of 2% of the project with the exit option securely with 4.000 SQM for uSD 400.000. That can be invested 4...
...automatically. Everything checked for bugs and flow. 5. Monthly subscriptions: The site has a credit purchase system. Right now it is setup for only spending credits to purchase images and videos. The users will be able to also purchase monthly subscriptions. So the creators can set a monthly price to subscribe to their profile, or they can set it to be free to follow. They can also set individual prices on videos and images, but that is already finished. It’s just the monthly credit charges that are needed to be created. 6. Messaging: The messaging system has a series of buttons to attach an image/video, price to view, etc. Those buttons don’t work. The image and video attachment must only allow something to be sent if it has already passed the admin approval...
Build a Website with Booking System, Marketing Integration, and Customer Data Management Description: We are Kids Cafe - a family-friendly business offering fun activities, party packages, and events for kids. We are looking for an experienced developer to create a website that integrates a robust booking system, customer data management, and marketing tools. Key Features Needed: 1. Website Creation: Design a clean, responsive, and mobile-friendly website. Include sections for: About Us Activities Offered Birthday/Event Booking Activity Pricing and Booking Contact Information 2. Booking System for Activities and Events: Activity Booking: Allow customers to book activity time slots once they arrive at the venue. Include real-time availability updates. ...
I'm looking for an experienced web scraper to extract data from several retail websites. The goal is to compile a list of products and compare their prices across different platforms. The ideal freelancer for this project would have: - Extensive experience in web scraping and data analysis - Familiarity with retail websites - Excellent attention to detail The project will involve: - Scraping specific retail websites to be communicated post-hiring - Collecting product names, prices, and descriptions - Compiling the data into a comparative list A strong understanding of data manipulation and pricing analysis is crucial for this project. Please provide examples of similar projects you have successfully completed.
I'm seeking a professional to assist in purchasing medical disposable and consumable products from China, specifically syringes and needles, gloves and masks, as well as IV and drainage bags. Key Responsibilities: - Find reliable suppliers of these medical products - Negotiate prices to ensure cost-effective procurement - Handle all aspects of shipping and logistics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in sourcing and purchasing medical supplies from China - Strong negotiation skills - Proficient in managing shipping and logistics - Excellent supplier relationship management skills - Knowledge of quality control procedures for medical supplies