Water conductivity measurement circuitprojekty
We are looking for a programmer with experience in developing measurement programs for Mitutoyo measuring machines, using mCosmos software. The main task will be to develop approximately 30 measurement programs to be used based on a dimensioned 3D model or a 2D drawing. We expect the candidate to have: - Experience in programming measurement software for Mitutoyo measuring machines, particularly using mCosmos software. - Knowledge of measurement methods and procedures used in the measurement industry. - Ability to interpret dimensions based on 3D models or 2D drawings. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. - Ability to work independently and deliver projects on time. Jesteśmy w poszukiwaniu programisty z doświadczeniem w tworzeniu program&...
O firmie: Firma Wordfall zajmuje się produkcją i wynajmem wyjątkowych wodnych maszyn dla branży event-owej i reklamowej. Maszyny są na tyle unikalne, że pewnych rozwiązań z naszego portfolio nie oferuje nikt inny na świecie. A nawet jak oferuje, to gorsze. To powoduje, że z naszych usług...(1-2 razy na kwartał) Wymagania: Bardzo dobra znajomość jednego z języków: niemiecki, francuski, hiszpański, włoski, arabski, rosyjski. Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego lub innych języków jest silnym atutem Doświadczenie w pracy na podobnym stanowisku Samodzielność Doświadczenie w tłumaczeniu dokumentów będzie ogromnym plusem. PROSIMY O APLIKACJĘ PRZEZ FORMULARZ NA STRONIE INTERNETOWEJ:
Wymagany język napisanej aplikacji: Python Model obiektu: zbiornik z wodą z jednym wlewem i wylewem Program ma przyjmować dane wejściowe takie jak: oczekiwana wyso...jednym wlewem i wylewem Program ma przyjmować dane wejściowe takie jak: oczekiwana wysokość słupa cieczy, czas, itp. Mają być one wprowadzane przez konsolę. Program ma na wyjściu porównać dane otrzymane przez PID i fuzzyPID w postaci wykresu. Wykres ma być przedstawiony przy użyciu matplotlib. Required language of application: Python Model of an object: water tank with one inlet and one outlet App is supposed to take input data like: water height, time, etc. These have to be passed into console App is supposed to compare data received by PID and fuzzyPID in a chart. The chart is supposed to be created in ...
Potrzebuję połączenia dwóch pluginów w woocommerce - measurement price calculator i advanced shipping od Jereone Sormani. Chodzi o to aby można było ustawić conditional shipping zarówno na podstawie wagi produktu ale również wartości podanych przez klienta. Przykładowo jeśli produkt waży mniej niż 25 kg ale jest dłuższy niż 1metr, to przesyłka ma kosztować odpowiednią kwotę.
Projekt obejmuje przygotowanie logotypu dla linii produktów. Produkty to urządzenia do filtracji wody. Logo powinno zawierać jedno słowo "Prime". Powinno zawierać element lub elementy graficzne kojarzące się z wodą lub nawiązywać kształtem do fali. Może nawiązywać do innego firmowego loga "Water Star", które przesyłam w załączeniu. Logo widziałbym w dwóch wariantach tj modernistycznym (nowoczesnym) oraz drugim tradycyjnym i ekskluzywnym (czcionka jak pismo odręczne lub podobny styl).
Szukam wykonawcy grafik do wycinania na ploterze frezującym lub water jet, Grafiki inspirowane tradycyjnymi wzorami etnograficznymi rosyjskimi, Grafiki przeznaczone do wykorzystania na podświetlane panele ścienne, sufitowe. Grafiki będą wycinane w arkuszu o wymiarze 120 x 60 cm, muszą być dostosowane do tego rozmiaru Warunek współpracy: prawa autorskie przechodzą na zleceniodawce, zakaz publikacji w jakiejkolwiek formie. Proszę o podanie propozycji cenowej za 1 szt grafiki oraz orientacyjny czas wykonania. W razie pytań o szczegóły proszę o kontakt mailowy biuro@
Background The SP-Gateway datapath has the responsibility of managing all the packet flows between the SGi interface and eNodeB S1U interface. This includes: -...et_linux.c and etcgmac.c are good places to start) Tasks - Provide new <if_iProcNorthstar_netmap.h>. This will contain board-specific source code functions needed to integrate to netmap - Modify driver source changes with conditional compile calls to netmap functions either in existing netmap library or to functions defined in < if_iProcNorthstar_netmap.h>. - Verification and measurement of operation (including cpu-usage and data rates) using pkt-gen netmap function - (NAT-specific) provide api to enable NAT support in platform hardware accelerator such that the NAT facility can be used in conjunction wi...
...języku - aby opisy (komentarze) dały się łatwo zrozumieć. 1. Program po odpaleniu ma działać identycznie jak p0f - najlepiej, żeby klient stworzył 2 wersje: 1. działającą pod Win 2. działającą pod Linux/Unix; może być pozbawiony zaawansowanych funkcji - ma pokazywać źródło, cel, system operacyjny, typ pakietu - to wszystko. Opcje p0f KTÓRE MNIE NIE INTERESUJĄ (no może poza NAT): "Measurement of system uptime and network hookup, distance (including topology behind NAT or packet filters), user language preferences, and so on. Automated detection of connection sharing / NAT, load balancing, and application-level proxying setups. Detection of clients and servers that forge declarative statements such as X-Mailer or User-Agent." 2. Źródła program...
...com/ MEDIUM (10 kr.) MEDIUM (50 kr.) MEDIUM (10 kr.) MEDIUM (38 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) Pozdrawiam!
Witam, Zlece wykonywanie prac z zakresu HNC Applied Chemistry Przyklad: Assignment Task: Research the following topics: -Electrolysis of molten salts -Electrolysis of aqueous ionic solutions -Products at the anode and cathode -Oxidation and reduction equations -Find out about the role of water in electrolysis and the meaning of overvoltage itd. pelny Assignment wysle emailem lub przez Skype Oczekuje wypelnienia pelnych zadan na minimum PASS Wszystkie odpowiedzi mozna znalezc w internecie z wiedza chemiczna i znajomoscia jezyka angielskiego. Przyznam sie szczerze ze poprostu nie mam czasu na odrabianie lekcji. Wspolpraca bedzie mozliwa przez 2lata. Mozliwosc otrzymywania zadan co tydzien! Na nie ktore zadania dla osoby znajacej sie w temacie moze to zajac max 1h. ...
...gramatycznie, jakościowo i merytorycznie. Mile widziana kreatywność i oryginalne ujecie tematu. Na stronie już są teksty edukacyjno - rozrywkowe, np: Chciałbym teksty typu entertainment/funny/interesting, np. Does bong size matter ? Yes it does! badz Practice makes perfect. How to roll a joint. Można wspomnieć o celebrity bongs/joints, czyli o takich
Zlecę wykonanie konfiguratora oraz wiuzalizatora wg projektu zawartego na Oczywiście projekt autorski - jedynie wzorowana zasada działania jak w powyższm Aplikacja może być oparta o przykłądowe - zewnętrzne pliki graficzne (nie osadzone w aplikacji - prosta pózniejsza podmiana grafiki ) Szczegóły po wybraniu oferty. Rozpoczęcie pracy po podpisaniu umowy o dzieło
...i z grand prix. Chciałbym, aby można było dzień wczesniej włączyć live timing i zeby sie sam włączał bo zawody formuły jeden sa często późno w nocy. zasyłam linki do innych live timingów na innych stronach: W tabeli live timingu chciałbym mieć pola Pozycja: zajmowane miejsce Status - czy kierowca jest na torze czy w garażu Kierowca flaga z jakiego kraju jest kierowca flaga z jakiego kraju jest zespół Zespół Nazwa marki bolidu f1 liczba okrazem: chodzi mi o
...i z grand prix. Chciałbym, aby można było dzień wczesniej włączyć live timing i zeby sie sam włączał bo zawody formuły jeden sa często późno w nocy. zasyłam linki do innych live timingów na innych stronach: W tabeli live timingu chciałbym mieć pola Pozycja: zajmowane miejsce Status - czy kierowca jest na torze czy w garażu Kierowca flaga z jakiego kraju jest kierowca flaga z jakiego kraju jest zespół Zespół Nazwa marki bolidu f1 liczba okrazem: chodzi mi o
Zlecę pozycjonowanie strony na hasła: balustrady cięcie wodą orurowania Water Jet orurowanie samochodowe balustrady producent Interesuje mnie pierwsza 10 i cena za 1 dzień top 10. Tylko na fakturę szczegóły na email
Jeżeli potrafisz wykonać animację na poziomie podobnym do przedstawionych poniżej napisz do mnie mam dla Ciebie zlecenie... YouTube - Cool CG Fluid Morphing with RealFlow YouTube - 3d Studio Max Animation YouTube - Magic Water Realflow 4 (Fluid Simulation) YouTube - particulas YouTube - 3DsMax 9 particle simulation YouTube - Thinking Particles Morph Test 01 YouTube - Soldier to dust YouTube - Krakatoa Test YouTube - 3D Studio Max - Particle Flow with the famous teapot YouTube - realflow
...values", 0x2BC => "XMP metadata", 0x3 => "East or West Longitude", 0x4 => "Longitude", 0x4746 => "Rating", 0x4749 => "Rating in percent", 0x5 => "Altitude reference", 0x6 => "Altitude", 0x7 => "GPS time (atomic clock)", 0x8 => "GPS satellites used for measurement", 0x827D => "Image input equipment model (2)", 0x8298 => "Copyright holder", 0x829A => "Exposure time", 0x829D => "F number", 0x83BB => "IPTC-NAA metadata", 0x8568 => "IPTC-NAA metadata", 0x85D8 => "Model Transformation Tag", 0x8769 => "...
Licytacja dotyczy wypozycjonowania na pierwszej stronie wyników google 2 stron. 1. Strona Pozycjonujemy na słowa "waterjet, water-jet, water jet, cięcie wodą" z głównym naciskiem na waterjet. 2. Strona Pozycjonujemy na te same słowa z głównym naciskiem na cięcie wodą. Konkurencja jest dość niewielka, więc powinniśmy dość łatwo wskoczyć na pierwszą stronę wyników. PROSZE O KONKRETNE OFERTY CENOWE. Podałem wszystkie informacje które wystarczą na przygotowanie wyceny. Aukcje "do negocjacji" będę ignorował.
Witam serdecznie, Zlecę wykonanie strony dla radia inetrnetowego. Wymagam tylko rzetelnej, sprawnej i uczciwej współpracy. Zależy mi aby jako tło strony był jeden obrazek, który będę sobie mógł co jakiś czas zmieniać. Oto kilka wytycznych co do wykonania strony radia: 1. Całą grafikę radia zastąpi jedna wielka tapeta na cały ekran. Np. ta lub inna. Raz w tygodniu będziemy ją wymieniać, lub np. raz w miesiącu 2. Na środku tapety lub w którymś z górnych rogów umieścimy duży okrągły guzik PLAY z bezpośrednim odnośnikiem do włączania odtwarzania muzyki. Ma to byc coś w tym stylu: 3. gdzieś muśimy umieścić widoczne
Licytacja dotyczy wypozycjonowania na pierwszej stronie wyników google strony waterjetsystems.pl. Pozycjonujemy na słowa "waterjet, water-jet, cięcie wodą".
Do przygotowania jest logo dla firmy handlującej maszynami. Główna nazwa firmy to "WATER-JET". Prawdopodobnie dojdzie do niej jeszcze słowo "Poland" lub "SYSTEMS Poland", jeszcze nie wiadomo. Logo powinno być proste, czytelne i nowoczesne. Proszę o oferty tylko od osób które zajmują się projektowaniem logo na co dzień. Po zalicytowaniu proszę o przesłanie swojego portfolio na adres adam@xcomgroup.pl.
...absorbed very quickly leaving skin feeling fresh and firm. Handy dispensers allow easy hygienic usage and thermo-isolated packaging enables safe long-term storage. It also guarantees that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water evaporation. This way it moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted i...
...absorbed very quickly leaving skin feeling fresh and firm. Handy dispensers allow easy hygienic usage and thermo-isolated packaging enables safe long-term storage. It also guarantees that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water evaporation. This way it moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted i...
...Specializing in Plastics/Polymers Markets Specializing in Membranes/Separations Markets Specializing in Instruments/Sensors Markets Specializing in Information Technology Markets (includes IT, Banking, Communications, Computers, Discrete Electronic Devices and Systems) is seeking a contract writer(s) who can research and write market research reports analyzing Environmental Mitigation markets (Waste, Water, Air, Land) Specializing in Life Sciences including Biotechnology and Healthcare Specializing in Chemical Industries Markets Specializing in Advanced Materials (includes Ceramics, Composites, Electronic Materials, Nanotechnologies, Optics, SMT/Coatings) Wszelkie pytania kierowac na maila. Przemek1983a@ Pozdrawiam Przemysław...
I'm looking for a designer to create a simple and minimalistic water bottle design for me. The bottle should be made of a cheap material, ideally plastic, and should measure 16.9 fluid ounces (approximately 500ml). Key Design Features: - The bottle should be predominantly white with very light blue accents. - It should feature three crosses on the body, and a cross on the cap to match the label. The name of the water is “Jordan” the motto is “bless your body” Ideal Skills: - Experience in product and packaging design. - Proficiency in minimalist design aesthetics. - Understanding of cost-effective material selection. I value clean, simple designs and look forward to seeing your proposals.
...drawings of a scale 1:100 Height 37cm Base Dimensions: 65 CM x 55 CM x H: 90 CM Model: to show the above in white massing volume blocks as per scale with the required facilities Materials: The following is the material used for fabrication of such project’s models: 1 High quality acrylic (of different thicknesses), for buildings and structures 2 High quality resin for water features, to achieve the appropriate natural water look 3 Colored film for tinting buildings glass parts 4 High quality car NC paints to achieve & match the required colors and finishes. 5 Base To be made with solid wood frame, covered with MDF wood with NC sprayed paint finish. 6 Cover Model to be provided with clear Plexiglas cover for protection. 7 Methodology Below is a general me...
I'm in need of a skilled circuit board designer to create Gerber files for a single-sided circuit board. This board is meant for a hobbyist-level rpi project, so the design should be user-friendly and suitable for the DIY community. Key Responsibilities: - Design a single-sided circuit board capable of accommodating connectors. - Create detailed and accurate Gerber files for PCB manufacturing. - Ensure the design is robust yet simple enough for hobbyist use. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PCB design software (e.g., Altium Designer, Eagle, KiCad). - Previous experience designing single-sided circuit boards. - Familiarity with designing for hobbyist electronics projects. - Ability to design for and integrate LEDs and connectors. - Experience ...
Please make the water move like its waves or come up with something creative of your own ideas. I'm looking for a skilled animator to bring my logo to life with a playful 3D animation. The animation should maintain a monochromatic color scheme, using various shades and tones to create depth and interest, while still adhering to a single color palette. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in 3D animation software - Previous experience with creating playful animations - Strong understanding of monochromatic design - Ability to deliver high-quality, engaging animations Please do a good job, I have multiple logos that need animated.
I'm looking for a professional in lead generation and appointment setting specifically targeting companies with water-cooled chillers and cooling towers in the Philippines. My goal is to generate sales. Key Responsibilities: - Generate leads for companies that need water treatment for their condenser water / cooling towers in the manufacturing, commercial buildings, call center and healthcare facilities sectors in the Philippines. - Utilize cold calling and email as primary methods for lead generation. Deliverable: Set up exploratory calls or physical meetings with qualified leads in the Philippines, excluding existing accounts that I will identify. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in B2B lead generation and appointment setting. - Familiarity...
I want a person who is master in Arduino, Moisture/Humidity Sensor and Solenoid Valves of Pipes, In This project I want to integrate around 20 moisture sensor each conn...Arduino, Moisture/Humidity Sensor and Solenoid Valves of Pipes, In This project I want to integrate around 20 moisture sensor each connected to each plant and a reservoir containing water with a motor and solenoid valves leading to each plant using Arduino We can do like which plant needs water also this project should run on AC Current, when the level of water in reservoir is less it would send an alert to the user by beeping and close the motor for time being, just simple, This I want like for my home. Please if you make this it would be very kind of you because oftem I am not at home and my plants ...
I have a pdf of a house I want converted into a Revit/Enscape model. The person must be proficient in Revit and Enscape, and have the project finished to a fine standard for both the house, landscape, and interior. This will allow me to complete 3D images and videos of both the exterior and interior. Requirements: - Full interior design with realistic materials - Full landscaping with water features and lighting - Proficiency in Revit and Enscape 2025 - Ability to deliver a high-quality, detailed model
...animation techniques to engage the audience. Key elements: - Introduce the app and its purpose - How the app works - App features demonstrations - Possible companies that offer sensors and estimated cost - Outlining future development roadmap and plans - Presenting the market potential for sustainability solutions - Data metrics and statistics - User testimonials For example: The app tracks water using sensors, you can show a layout of a house for example and lighting up the places the sensors can be put, and having text that explains this, I want it to be mostly visual. The video should be about 2-3 minutes long and delivered in a high-quality format (MP4 or similar). The attached script and storyboard can be adjusted as necessary. Please confirm if you can deliver by Satu...
...Query Expert - Tailor-Made PDF Bill Automation & Visualization Project: I need a skilled Power Query specialist to build a customized solution for automating the extraction and organization of electricity and water bill data (PDF format) into a specific Excel structure. We will provide sample bills AND a detailed mockup of the desired final output format. This ensures your solution directly addresses our exact needs. Data Points (extracted from PDFs): Company Name Flat/Shop Number Account Number Disconnection Notices (flag/status) Electricity, Water Consumption Municipality Period Start Date, End Date Previous Balance, Total Amount Due Key Requirements & Deliverables: Automated Extraction & Format...
I am looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a cross-platform (iOS & Android) mobile application that can measure body dimensions using the mobile camera for creating customized clothing. Key features of the measurement system: - 3D Body Scanning: The app should be able to create a 3D model of the user's body using their mobile camera. - Manual Measurement Entry: Users should have the option to manually input their measurements. Additional desired features: - User Profile Management: The app should allow users to create and manage their own profiles. - In-app Purchases: I would like to include a monetization strategy through in-app purchases. - Social Media Integration: The app should have the ability to connect and share on various social media platfo...
I'm looking for an experienced landscape designer with a profound understanding of Arabian flora and climate. The project involves designing a 64 square meter (8m x 8m) garden for my villa, with a focus on traditional Arabian garden aesthetics. Key elements to incorporate: - Water features: I'm keen on including soothing water elements that reflect the traditional design. - Shaded seating areas: Comfortable spots to unwind in the cooler shade are a must. - Aromatic plants and trees: Use of fragrant flora is essential, enhancing the sensory experience of the garden. The primary purpose of this garden is to provide a tranquil space for relaxation and leisure. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven expertise in landscape and garden design, partic...
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...ingredients that effectively and scientifically block DHT with established safety profiles. this product is intended hair growth and reduce hair loss triggered by androgenic alopecia. i need you to tell me where to buy the ingredients and how to mix them and the specific ratios I need you to also mention if this formulation can be saftely mixed with minoxidil or not I need two formulation: 1- is water soluble and non greasing, doesn't weigh down the hair and is derma roller safe 2- the other formulation cab be oil based and it needs to be safe for derma roller as well it must contain some of the below ingredients (Suggest other natural ingredients proven to block DHT or promote Blood flow circulation) - saw palmetto extract - pumpkin seed oil - Rose marry extract -...
Looking for a solution to monitor and control my house water pump. The system should cut the electric supply after three operations per day, providing an alert on the fourth attempt indicating a potential leak. Requirements: - Mobile App Notification: The system should send notifications through a mobile app when the pump shuts down, indicating a possible leak. - Android Compatibility: The mobile app notifications need to be compatible with Android devices. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in Home Automation Systems. - Experience in Developing Android Compatible Mobile App Notification Systems. - Background in Electrical Engineering or similar Field is a plus.
I'm seeking a skilled PCB circuit designer based in Delhi to design a double-layer PCB for video signal transmission and separation. This PCB will primarily serve in signal processing, so experience in designing PCBs for such applications is highly valued. Key Responsibilities: - Design a double-layer PCB with a focus on video signal transmission and separation. - Ensure the PCB is optimized for signal processing. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in double-layer PCB design. - Experience in the consumer electronics industry, particularly in video signal processing. - Proficiency in using PCB design software. - Strong attention to detail and ability to work to tight deadlines. If you are a professional PCB designer with a knack for signal processing, I would love to hear from you.
...could survive in the sands covering this land today – and yet there is life - the oryx – a beacon of resilience surviving where little else can. Masters of adaptation, they have evolved unique traits that enable them to not only survive but thrive in a desert environment. There is no question that the ability to adapt is the cornerstone of surviving across generations of time both on land and in water. Please include samples of your work that match this project's requirements in your proposal....
...video based on an existing firefighting system project (Navisworks). The video will showcase the project and its Level of Development (LOD) with the following key requirements: This Video is the first one out of three Video Features: Professional production with smooth motion and visual effects. Display of sprinkler names and properties in text boxes when highlighted. Visual representation of water motion in pipes, highlighted in blue. Background soft music for the first video (AI voice-over will be required for the second and third videos). Content and Sequence: Begin with an external view of the building, displaying the text: "Industrial Active Firefighting System (Sprinklers), LOD 400" Zoom into the riser room, highlighting each item within the system sequentiall...
...blocking the connection. To troubleshoot this, visit log @ :1Understand this warningAI Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()Understand this errorAI [2025-01-09T00:52:28.493Z] Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this circuit will be terminated. For more details turn on detailed exceptions by setting 'DetailedErrors: true' in '' or set ''. log @ :1Understand this errorAI [2025-01-09T00:52:28.497Z] Information: Connection disconnected. Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot send data if the connection
I'm looking for a stopwatch timer that counts the time a circuit is open. The timer needs to have a display counter using a Seven-segment display, and a reset function. This device is intended for personal use. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Experience in designing and building electronic timers. - Proficiency in working with Seven-segment displays. - Understanding of circuit design and timing mechanisms.
I'm in need of a seasoned screenwriter who can adapt a gripping, multicultural, suspense-filled, survival-themed thriller screenplay from my Novel, "Thicker Than Water" Key aspects of the project include: - Creating a screenplay that intricately weaves elements of different cultures into a suspenseful narrative. - Centering the story around the theme of survival, with engaging plot twists and turns. - Delivering a screenplay that is not only thrilling but also carries a deep sense of mystery. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have significant experience in writing screenplays, particularly in the suspense and thriller genres. - Possess a deep understanding of, and appreciation for, multicultural elements and how to incorporate them into a screenplay. - Dem...
...Floating Solar Panels on a Lake or Reservoir Description: I am looking for a skilled 3D rendering expert to create realistic visuals of a solar panel installation on a body of water, such as a lake or reservoir (not the sea). The render should depict approximately 200 floating solar panels arranged in a well-organized layout. The scene should be visually appealing and highlight the integration of renewable energy within a natural environment. Scope of Work: Use provided images and CAD files of the solar panels to accurately model the installation. Render the solar panels on a lake or reservoir with realistic water effects, reflections, and surrounding landscapes (e.g., greenery, hills). Ensure the arrangement appears practical and visually aligns with floating solar pan...
I'm seeking a Fluid Dynamics Specialist with a background in structural or hydraulic engineering to analyze two aluminum flood protection system. Structural Load Testing: To evaluate the strength and durability of the barriers under simulated water pressure conditions. Fluid Dynamics: To assess how water exerts force on the barriers and ensure they can handle varying pressure levels, wave impact, or surge forces. Specific Tasks: Designing and conducting pressure tests Verifying the materials' integrity and seals under stress. Certifying that the barriers meet relevant standards (e.g., FEMA or ISO certifications for flood protection systems). The primary goal of this project is to thoroughly analyze this specific aluminum flood protection systems, with the pote...
I'm looking for an electronic circuit designer to create a circuit for a buzzer game that will be used in a visual muscular coordination and precision abilities. Key Requirements: - The circuit will need to trigger the buzzer when a twisted wire is touched by the moving ring. - The circuit should be robust enough to handle repeated use in a game setting. The circuit to buzz and an LED strip illuminate for one second every time the metal ring in the hand of the player touch the twisted wire. After three consecutive times buzz, game will be announced over by a 5 seconds continuous buzz and LED light illuminated. The power source is a 12V AC transformer. Buzzer and led light strip are 12V powered. The picture attached is just to show the game in...
I'm looking for a skilled PLC programmer with experience in Omron PLCs and Weinview HMIs to program a pool control panel. The project involves: - Programming control functions for water circulation, heater and temperature, and lighting - Implementing a user-friendly touchscreen interface for the control system - Integrating the pool control panel with the BMS system via HLI If you have a strong background in PLC programming, particularly with the Omron brand, and can deliver a seamless integration with a BMS system, I would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a talented animator who can create an engaging 2D animation featuring a penguin in water. The animation will be used for advertising purposes, so it needs to be captivating and appealing to potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 2D animation techniques and software - Creative storytelling and character animation skills - Experience in creating animations for advertising Please include a portfolio of your previous work, especially if it includes 2D animations or advertising content.
...wallet balance Quick access to recent transactions Wallet Management: Add money to the wallet via debit/credit card, bank transfer, or mobile money Real-time balance updates Payments: QR Code Payments (Scan & Pay) Merchant payments P2P transfers (via phone number or app ID) Recharges & Bill Payments: Mobile top-ups (all major telecom providers in Sri Lanka) Utility bill payments (electricity, water, internet) Ticket Booking: Movie, bus, and train ticket booking Rewards & Cashback: Reward points system for transactions Cashback offers and discounts Transaction History: Detailed records with filtering options Customer Support: In-app chat or call support FAQs and troubleshooting Security Features: End-to-end encryption Two-factor authentication Fraud detection m...