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    2,000 vb6 webbrowser save images ofert prac znalezionych

    Posiadam pelny kod zrodlowy programu oraz aplikacje wykonywalna. Aplikacja jest bardzo prosta, sklada sie z jednego ekranu i wspolpracuje z Microsoft Excel w celu reprezentacji danych pobranych z bazy danych (ODBC/OLE DB). Kod programu nie jest napisany zawile, aczkolwiek pozbawiony komentarzy. Interesuje mnie dokladne przepisanie programu z jednej technologii do drugiej tak aby funkcjonalnosc pozostala ta sama. Tam gdzie aplikacja ma bledy, powinna nadal miec bledy. Tam gdzie aplikacja dziala, powinna dzialac tak samo w nowej wersji. Wielkosc modulow skladajacych sie na kod zrodlowy programu: 150 KB w plikach .BAS 100 KB w plikach .FRM 4.15 KB w plikach .CLS

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...bez przykładu pracy nie będziemy brać pod uwagę. "Features of ZM-R380B: 1. Choose imported high-precision materials (temperature sensor, PLC, heater) to control the BGA desoldering & soldering procedures precisely. 2. The Top(hot-air) & bottom(IR) heaters heat independently, and it can set up 8 rising temperature segments and 8 constant temperature segments to control. It can save 10 groups of temperature curves at the same time."...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...^<]+)<br/>/gi) { $godziny=$1." ".$2; } if($strona=~/<div id="keywords"><h3>(.+?)</div>/gi) { my $temp=$1; while($temp=~/<a[^>]+?>([^<]+?)</a>/gi) { $keyword=$keyword.','.$1; } $keyword=~s/^,//g; } open(SAVE,'>>./'); my $firmy="$nazwa#$adres#$telefon#$fax#$nip#$krs#$godziny#$wlasnosc#$zatrudnienie#$keywordn"; $firmy= encode("utf-8", $firmy); print SAVE $firmy; close(SAVE); }...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, koduje strone , nie wiem jak dodać miejscowości pośrednie aby google maps wyznaczało trasę przez miejscowość początkową, poprzez dodane miejscowości pośrednie, aż do miejscowości docelowej. Pozdrawiam Marcin 664 135 881

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, zadanie jest proste chcę zoptymalizować skrypt google maps na stronie , aby działał tak samo szybko jak na Przedewszystkim chodzi o wczytywanie mapy przy zoomie (Na imap24 działa on płynnie i mapa wczytuje się szybko natomiast na save-money przy szybkim zbliżeniu trzeba czekać zanim mapa się załaduje). Na imap24 zastosowano flash buildera natomiast na save-money javascript. Chciałbym pozostać przy JavaScripcie.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Szukamy osoby, która zajmie się zabezpieczeniem luki w systemie osCommerce 2.2-MS2. Luka dotyczy katalogu Images. Umożliwia ona wgrywanie dowolnych pików. Termin wykonania - najlepiej do 7 dni, ale im wcześniej, tym lepiej. Poszukuję osoby prowadzącej działalność - chcemy otrzymać rachunek lub fakturę.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlece przepisanie programu z VB6 do C#3 Posiadam pelny kod zrodlowy programu oraz aplikacje wykonywalna. Aplikacja jest bardzo prosta, sklada sie z jednego ekranu i wspolpracuje z Microsoft Excel w celu reprezentacji danych pobranych z bazy danych (ODBC/OLE DB). Kod programu nie jest napisany zawile, aczkolwiek pozbawiony komentarzy. Interesuje mnie dokladne przepisanie programu z jednej technologii do drugiej tak aby funkcjonalnosc pozostala ta sama. Tam gdzie aplikacja ma bledy, powinna nadal miec bledy. Tam gdzie aplikacja dziala, powinna dzialac tak samo w nowej wersji. Wielkosc modulow skladajacych sie na kod zrodlowy programu: 150 KB w plikach .BAS 100 KB w plikach .FRM 4.15 KB w plikach .CLS

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    do istniejącej aplikacji napisanej w VB6 potrzebuję kod procedury wystawiającej komentarz dla określonego użytkownika z określonej aukcji ja sobie to tak wyobrażam że jest procedura której parametrami będą: nick allegro (wystawiajacego komentarz) haslo numer aukcji nick allegro (dla ktorego ma byc wystawiony komentarz) typ komentarza (pozytywny, neutralny, negatyw) treść komentarza (ciąg znakowy) procedura będzie wywoływana z już istniejącej własnej aplikacji aplikacji do obsługi transakcji z allegro.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...przekopiowanie produktów ze strony producenta na stronę sklepu internetowego. Kopiowanie polega na: 1 przeklejeniu opisu w języku polskim i angielskim bez formatowania &#8211; proste Ctrl + c i Ctrl + v. 2. Skopiowaniu zdjęcia w dużej rozdzielczości, prostym przerobieniu zdjęcia na swoim komputerze za pomocą aplikacji irfanview () dwiema funkcjami Image/Resize i File/Save for Web lub innej aplikacji, która zmniejszy rozmiar zdjęcia aby było odpowiednie na stronę www i wgraniu go do sklepu. Zlecenie dotyczy produktów ze stron: i Wszystkie produkty mają być wklejone do sklepu do jednej kategorii. Napiszę dokładną instrukcję co i jak należy kopiować gdzie i jak należy wklejać. Zlecenie jest do wykonania przez osobę, która ma ty...

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...pentameter, blank verse 10. Who were courtier poets? (names, biographies, titles) 11. Define an ideal courtier (features, origins). 12. Analyse Sir Thomas Wyatt&#8217;s ode (The lover showeth how is he is forsaken of such as he sometime enjoyed) and sonnet (The lover confesseth him in love with Phyllis). 13. Analyse Surrey&#8217;s sonnet (Description of spring, wherein every thing renews, save only the lover). 14. Analyse Sir Phillip Sidney&#8217;s Sonnet I. 15. Who was Edmund Spenser? (biography + titles) 16. Explain the structure of The Faerie Queene. 17. Explain the terms: Spenserian stanza, allegory, the cult of Queen Elizabeth. 18. Explain the nature of allegory in The Faerie Queene. 19. What numerous literary traditions does The Faerie Queene combi...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...generated automaticaly using "", so hopefully this proxy list is still available when you try to create this script. In case it is ofline, you can add your own proxy list. Just create a text file called and add one proxy address with port number per line: Make sure to save this file in the same directory where script is located. Also, if the proxy list is ofline, you need to open "" and enter the date proxy list () was updated. i.e 2005-12-01 - make sure to use this format Script is ran using Cron-jobs, so you'll need to know how to set one up on your server. UHits script <?php //Let's make sure no warrnings

    $4 Average bid
    $4 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...powinna byc to cena za m2 wtedy cena za paczke --> powstaje po pomnozeniu przez wspolczynnik --> Pack (m2) 3. prosze usunac z admina i z kalkulatora ---> Old price ---> musi tez zniknac ---> Price was &#8364;, Save up to 40% &#8364; ze strony produktu ---> ;path=36&product_id=49 PODOBNIE TUTAJ ---> ;path=37&width=2&length=3 powinno zniknac ---> RRP &#8364; 270 i You Save &#8364; 19.77 4. PROSZE usunac z pod miniaturek na home i w poszczegolnych kategoriach ---> up to &#8364;5/m2 5. CENA pod miniaturka powinna byc /CENA ZA m2 ta sama co w pkt.2/ 1/2 raza wieksza i wygladac ---> up to &#8364;

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje osoby/firmy która jest w stanie przebudować silnik wyszukiwania advanced_search_result. Mam sklep internetowy (około 25.000 produktów) to jest przebudowany oscommerce (keywords 77.000). Przy wyszukiwaniu wyrzuca mi często błąd: Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /includes/functions/ on line 49 1053 - Server shutdown in progress Chciałbym mieć system wyszukiwania podobny do google, szczególnie zależy mi nai: - jeżeli ktoś wprowadzi błąd w nazwie musi dawać sugestie... - operacje wyszukiwania max 3-4 sek Proszę o sugestie rozwiązania, lub przykłady demonstracyjne jak to działa. Nie ma dla mnie znaczenia czy będzie to od nowa napisany kod czy instalacja już istniejącego. Skrypt musi być zgodny z PHP 4....

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...pozostawic je w tym samym miejscu wtekscie, niezmienione. Dołaczam tekst aby można było łatwiej oszacować ilość pracy: # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 CC WELCOME BACK=Welcome back, %1$s # Page titles CC MY APPS=My Applications CC BROWSE APPS=Browse CC APPLICATION PRIVACY TITLE=Privacy CC APPLICATION SETTINGS TITLE=Settings # Applications buttons CC APPLICATION BTN SAVE=Save CC APPLICATION BTN ADD=Add Apps CC APPLICATION BTN REMOVE=Remove Apps # Application listings related CC APPLICATION LIST ADD=Add CC APPLICATION LIST ADDED=Added CC APPLICATION LIST REMOVE=Remove CC APPLICATION LIST CANT REMOVE=N/A CC APPLICATION LIST ABOUT=About CC APPLICATION COLUMN NAME=Application CC APPLICATION COLUMN DATE=Created Date CC APPLICATION COL...

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert *********** PRZYKŁADY: DZIAŁAJĄCE przykłady w C++ Podobne w Delphi ;page=2 Informacje o menu WebBrowser'a Inny przykład w C++ (Scenario 3) Co na to Microsoft (VS.85).aspx Artykuł o IDocHostUIHandler Dodanie elementu z submenu - function

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Interesuje mnie KLON aplikacji DropSeek 2.4, ale z funkcją autorejestracji (rezerwacji) domen uznanych za wolne. [Program DropSeek w wersji 3 też ma taka funkcjonalność lecz ma dużo zbędnych funkcji typu harmonogramy]. Czyli co w skrócie ma robic aplikacja: - posiadac taki jak w DropSeeku permutacy...posiadać jakieś funkcje zapisu stanu aby można było zatrzymywać i kontynuować pracę w innych momentach - posiada możliwość pracy w pętli interesuje mnie przekazanie praw do redystrybucji programu. Prosze o podawanie orientacyjnych cen. Zwycięzcy dostarcze program. NIE INTERESUJE mnie zdekompilowana wersja programu DropSeek 2.4 (to bym umiał wykryć). Preferowany język programowania C++ ale VB6 czy inne Delphi też się nada (żaden język wymagający .net framework)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    15169 Programik
    Zakończone left

    Witam prosze o odpowiedz czy ktos byly zainteresowany storzeniem nastepujacego programu: PART 1 Obtain 5 Amazon query result documents via as in the first exercise. You can use queries of your choice as long as no product appears in more than one of the result documents. Save the XML documents to disk in the "projects/1" directory as: xml xml xml xml xml PART 2 Write a DTD for Amazon query result documents and validate all 5 xmlamazon-results*.xml documents. PART 3 Write a RELAXNG for Amazon query result documents

    $2 - $41
    $2 - $41
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, w zasadzie to nie proszę o napisanie programu tylko o pomoc przy pewnym fragmencie. Otóż program otwiera stronę internetową, najeżdża kur...fragmencie. Otóż program otwiera stronę internetową, najeżdża kursorem na współrzędną obszaru pod którym jest link i teraz chodzi o to, ze program wymusił kliknięcie w ten link, na którym ustawiony jest kursor. Na forach jakoś nikt specjalnie nie podejmować tego zagadnienia, a bardzo mi na tym zależy. Próbowałem za pomocą komunikatów nic nie dało. Nie wchodzi w grę żaden komponent Delphi typu WebBrowser ani zwykłe przekierowanie pod adres linku, to ma być wymuszone przez program kliknięcie-wszystko ma być tak jak opisałem na początku Dziękuję wszystkim, którzy będą mogli mi pom&oac...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert
    8878 Tłumaczenie z ang
    Zakończone left

    ...vm-rec-name: After the tone say your name and then press the pound key. vm-rec-unv: After the tone say your unavailable message and then press the pound key. vm-received: received vm-reenterpassword: Please reenter your password followed by the pound key. vm-repeat: Press 5 to repeat the current message. vm-saved: saved vm-savedto: saved to vm-savefolder: Which folder should I save the message to? vm-savemessage: or 9 to save this message. vm-sorry: I'm sorry I did not understand your response. vm-theperson: The person at extension vm-tocancel: or pound to cancel. vm-toforward: Press 8 to forward the message to another user. vm-undelete: Press 7 to undelete this message. vm-undeleted: Message undeleted. vm-whichbox: To leave a message, please enter a m...

    $2 Average bid
    $2 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured category images (linked to relevant categories), editable through admin. Prominent link/icon to Virtual Kitchen. VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Can search or browse the website and the shop 2. Can search by category and price 3. Two categories of shoppers: Retail (default), and Trade (admin-enabled) 4. Can register online to be able to buy, but will need admin’s confirmation to access ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured category images (linked to relevant categories), editable through admin. Prominent link/icon to Virtual Kitchen. VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Can search or browse the website and the shop 2. Can search by category and price 3. Two categories of shoppers: Retail (default), and Trade (admin-enabled) 4. Can register online to be able to buy, but will need admin’s confirmation to access ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    1417 Program w Javie
    Zakończone left

    Here is your task – develop a system to help Betsy manage her till. Being a bit of a Java Guru, Betsy has already written some code. In particular her code enables the system to save everything from one run to the next. She has also provided you with a partial design which includes a number of incomplete methods. You must use (and enhance) the code provided which is designed to support the following: 1. The startUp method enables Betsy to add various goods to her system. She should be able to add an item, set the price and set the stock level. 2. Using startTill, she can add the various moneys to her till specifying the name, value and quantity of each item (If she has 33 “10p pieces”, each of which is worth 10, she enters “10p piece”, 10, 33). 3...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Filtering: Ability to search for jobs based on various criteria, such as location, job title, industry, and more. 3. Job Application Management: Ability to apply for jobs, upload resumes and cover letters, and track the status of their applications. 4. Job Alerts: Ability to set up job alerts based on their preferences and receive notifications when new jobs are posted. 5. Saved Jobs: Ability to save jobs they're interested in and view them later. Employer Features 1. Company Profile Management: Ability to create, edit, and manage their company profile, including uploading logos and descriptions. 2. Job Posting: Ability to post new job openings, including job descriptions, requirements, and application instructions. 3. Job Management: Ability to manage their job postings...

    $1277 Average bid
    $1277 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    ...manage multiple clients and assign specific professionals to each client. 9. Recipe Database • Extensive collection of categorized recipes with nutritional information. • Search functionality based on dietary preferences or restrictions. • Option to add custom recipes for individual clients. 10. Workout Uploads • Upload pre-designed or custom workout plans for clients. • Embed videos, images, and detailed instructions for exercises. 11. Client Notifications • Push notifications or emails for session reminders, program updates, and goal milestones. • Customizable notification settings for both clients and professionals. 12. Calendar for Scheduling Nutrition Program Changes • Integrated calendar to plan and schedule up...

    $2583 Average bid
    $2583 Średnia Oferta:
    61 składanie ofert

    I need someone to create a simple MAC OS application that will allow you to select a MP4 video files, parse the audio to search for common curse words/profanity, and mute the audio a few ms before and a few ms after to make it clean. I would like the curse words to be replaced with a silent pause. Should be a a MP4 video files, parse the audio to search for common curse words/profanity, and mute the audio a few ms before and a few ms after to make it clean. I would like the curse words to be replaced with a silent pause. Should be a simple interface where you simply: 1. Select mp4 file (local on drive). Allow multiple selections for batch processing. 2. click "Go" The file will process and save in the same location with an "" on the end to distin...

    $527 Average bid
    $527 Średnia Oferta:
    31 składanie ofert

    Need to hire you again for rendering images

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.

    Wyróżniony Pilny Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności

    ...OF STOCK"  (i.e. If we set it to Qty 5 then when the stock qty for the item reaches Qty 5 it will act as it is 0) Be Able to hide certain products from the public and certain customers Fix the product Printed Label to make it looks more like a UPC and remove price Add a feature to print 4x6 labels to apply to boxes which will include: How to add WxLxH of an item to obtain the volume? We want to save these values and not just get the volume of the item Copy Import SO Lines and produce for PO 2nd Internal Reference (Competitor Sku) Sku would be search on front end and rear end. Price history as updated manually Product Brand Image on Product Page and Listing Manufacture Production Order and BOL with Image and Location like Picking Ticket Link to report product mistakes or...

    $493 Average bid
    $493 Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert

    I'm encountering an issue where images uploaded to the media via CKEditor5 within my content are not displayed when the content is converted to a PDF. The images display correctly on the web version of the content. The images are embedded as Base64 encoded strings, and I'm currently using xhtml2pdf as my PDF conversion tool. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong experience with CKEditor5 - Proficient in troubleshooting PDF conversion issues - Familiar with xhtml2pdf - Knowledgeable in handling Base64 encoded images

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert
    Mass illustrations edition
    6 dni left

    Your mission will be very simple: -> You will receive a folder with 2000 HD illustrations in webP ratio 3:4 -> You will hav...illustration). For each line you will have - A title (ex "New York") - An hexadecimal color (ex "#00000") - A font family (among 2 or 3 max) For each entry (2000x) you will have to: - Open the illustration in Photoshop, Illustrator, Canvas etc... whaveter suits you best - Copy paste the related the title on top or on bottom of the illustration depending of the best fit, with the right color and font - Save the illustration in PDF hight quality (details will be provided). This is a repetitive work but that requires care. Drop your best price for the 2000x iteration + the expected tools you will use to do the design work (Example...

    $377 Average bid
    $377 Średnia Oferta:
    130 składanie ofert
    Apple / Flutter Push Notification
    6 dni left

    I am looking for a expert who know Apple Push Notification. We are using Appwrite Server to send push notifications. This notifications we want save into local database on phone. If app on background or closed it not save to database. We looking for a developer who can made it work on our demo. Task: save push notification while app is in background or closed.

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Średnia Oferta:
    52 składanie ofert

    ...(Name, email, phone number) Step 2: Address Details (Location, zip code, etc.) Step 3: Payment Details (Bank account for payouts, debit/credit card for deposit processing) Use input fields that auto-format (e.g., phone number, address) and give clear, real-time validation messages. Pre-fill User Information: If users have previously logged in or filled in certain data, pre-fill the form fields to save time and reduce friction. Ensure the interface allows users to easily modify or confirm pre-filled data. 2. Processing Deposits and Returns Deposits are crucial in rental marketplaces, and the process should feel secure, transparent, and automatic. Clear Deposit Amounts and Terms: Display the deposit amount up front with a breakdown of how and when it will be returned. This could b...

    $653 Average bid
    $653 Średnia Oferta:
    42 składanie ofert
    Private Jet Flight Booking iOS App
    6 dni left

    ...flight booking process. Ideally, the app should be intuitive, user-friendly, and able to cater to both seasoned fliers and first-timers. Key Features: - Payment Integration: The app must have a secure and seamless payment gateway. Experience with integrating payment systems like Stripe or PayPal is a plus. - User Accounts: The app should allow users to create accounts, track their bookings, and save their preferences for future use. Knowledge of implementing user authentication and data security measures is essential. - Flight Searching: An intuitive flight searching feature is crucial. This should allow users to easily find flights that fit their schedule and budget. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a proven track record in iOS app development, with a portfoli...

    $2328 Average bid
    $2328 Średnia Oferta:
    173 składanie ofert

    The client requested the resizing of 5 images to specific dimensions (2603x1375). It was important to maintain the quality of the images and not to modify the appearance of the watch in order not to lose its authenticity.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...Calendar:** - Add events using simple voice commands such as: *"Create event: doctor's appointment tomorrow at 10 AM."* - Daily event reading using ElevenLabs AI text-to-speech. - Basic list view for events. #### **3. Initial External Calendar Integration:** - One-way synchronization with Google Calendar to import events. #### **4. Quick Authentication:** - Login via Google or Facebook to save preferences. #### **5. Lightweight and Intuitive Design:** - Simple interface with clear, accessible options. - Compatibility with Android and iOS. --- ### **2. Proposed Technology for Rapid Development** #### **Frontend (User Interface):** - **Flutter (Dart):** Cross-platform development for rapid deployment with flexible UI. - **Recommended CodeCanyon Templates:**...

    $347 Average bid
    $347 Średnia Oferta:
    62 składanie ofert

    ...text from all pages (speech bubbles, captions, annotations) into a single structured text file. Supported input formats: PNG, JPG, WEBP, and PDF. Automated Translation Use extracted text to auto-translate into the desired language using AI APIs (e.g., OpenAI GPT, DeepSeek, Google Gemini). Allow users to download the translated text file in multiple formats (e.g., DOCX, TXT). Glossary and Learning Save all character names, locations, and specific terms into a glossary database, linked with the respective manga/comic series. Utilize the glossary to ensure consistent translations across chapters and series. AI integration to learn and improve translations over time based on user feedback and glossary updates. Text Replacement and Customization Replace the extracted text in comic ...

    $302 Average bid
    $302 Średnia Oferta:
    56 składanie ofert

    I need a designer to design 10 images for the best performance campaign in three dimensions - horizontal, longitudinal and square. The images must contain the advertising message written in Arabic because the target segment is the Arab countries. Tasks required of the freelancer: Design images suitable for a spiritual healing website Writing the advertising message

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Średnia Oferta:
    94 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a user-friendly, efficient e-commerce website for selling physical products. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: The site should have a seamless shopping cart experience, with features like save for later, edit quantities, and easy check out. - Product Reviews: Customers should be able to leave reviews on products, to promote engagement and trustworthiness. - Customer Accounts: The website should allow customers to create personal accounts, track their orders, save their favorite products and view their purchase history. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development - Strong understanding of UX/UI design principles - Familiarity with secure payment gateways and customer data protection - Ability t...

    $1344 Average bid
    $1344 Średnia Oferta:
    157 składanie ofert

    ...screenshots and isolate the relevant data sections, focusing on the area below the column headers. The cropping areas may vary slightly between different screenshots. OCR Data Extraction and Excel Conversion: Use OCR tools (like Tesseract) to extract text from the cropped images. Convert the extracted data into a structured format, and save it into an Excel file, with each piece of data placed into corresponding columns. Requirements: Proficiency in Python (Pillow, OpenCV, pytesseract). Experience with OCR for text extraction from images. Ability to work with Excel files using Python (openpyxl, pandas). Experience with automating image processing tasks. Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills. Project Details: This is a freelance task-focused projec...

    $490 Average bid
    $490 Średnia Oferta:
    55 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented freelancer who can utilize generative AI to create photorealistic images of Indian food dishes. Key Requirements: - Expertise in generative AI and image creation - Ability to produce high-quality, photorealistic images - Understanding and representation of various Indian food dishes - Creativity and attention to detail Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI image generation tools - Strong understanding of photorealistic image creation techniques - Experience in food photography or food-related image creation - Knowledge of Indian cuisine Your task is to create images that not only look real but also showcase the beauty of Indian cuisine.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    Excel Data Cleaning: Removing duplicates, errors, and inconsistencies for accurate analysis. Excel Data Formatting: Organizing data into a clear and professional layout. Excel Dashboards: Creating interactive and visually appealing dashboards for data visualization. Excel VBA: Automating repetitive tasks and creating custom macros to save time. Pivot Tables and Charts: Summarizing and visualizing large datasets effectively. Data Analysis: Performing advanced calculations and trend analysis for insights. Conditional Formatting: Highlighting important data with rules and color coding. Formulas and Functions: Using advanced formulas (e.g., VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH) for dynamic calculations. Data Validation: Ensuring data accuracy with dropdown lists and validation rules. Excel Reports: Gen...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Średnia Oferta:
    37 składanie ofert
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I need a freelancer to help me gather real estate property addresses from public companies' websites. I will provide the list with 25 public companies with the URL to their properties. Save the list of properties for each public company in a separate Excel to avoid confusion. Please compile the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and ensure to include the following fields for each property address: - Street Address - Address 2 (optional) - City - ZIP/Postal Code - Name (if applicable) - State - Country I will provide a sample template to help. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web research - Familiarity with Microsoft Excel - Attention to detail - Understanding of real estate terminology. Thank you!

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Średnia Oferta:
    40 składanie ofert

    ...screws go in must remain in the same location to ensure the bolt pattern/distance is the same so it can mount correctly in the same place when swapping it with the OEM bracket. NOTE: "(RESOURCE MIGHT HELP YOU OUT)" I kept searching on for Bi-Led. I came across few links of a complete BI-LED Projector Animated that someone previously designed. it wasn't a .stl file to be able to save and edit. If you have the knowledge/experience to extract The Top MOUNTING LOCKING BRACKET for the Lens in case that makes the job easier for you. Resource Links i came across:

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking animators to help create a 2D animated video in the style of the odd1sout and other storytime animators like that for a youtube channel. The story is very near and dear to my heart and any help is appreciated. Sadly I don't have much to offer in terms of monetary compensation but I'll do what I can with what I've managed to save up. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 2D animation, specifically in a cartoon style - Strong skills in visual storytelling - Ability to deliver high-quality, engaging animations Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in animation software - Experience in creating content for the entertainment industry - Creative mindset with a keen eye for detail Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project.

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Średnia Oferta:
    38 składanie ofert
    GPS Data Entry from Aerial Images
    5 dni left

    I need a methodical and detail-oriented freelancer to assist with data entry from supplied aerial site images. Specific Tasks: - Using Google Maps to obtain GPS coordinates for 96 marked building locations on the aerial images. - Pasting these coordinates into a provided Excel spreadsheet template. - Manually verifying each entry to ensure accuracy. Automation is not an option for this task. Example provided for the Excel spreadsheet. Please note, only the GPS coordinates are required from Google Maps, with the building locations indicated by outlines on the aerial images. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in using Google Maps - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to work methodically and systematically - Competency in Excel - Previous experience with similar data e...

    $71 Average bid
    $71 Średnia Oferta:
    89 składanie ofert

    ...key role in the acquisition process by identifying opportunities, conducting in-depth research, and providing actionable insights to help drive strategic investment decisions. Key Responsibilities: • Deal Sourcing: Research and identify online businesses, content websites, SaaS companies, social media accounts, and mobile apps that align with our acquisition criteria. • Data Capture: Capture and save key information about each target company into our database. • Financial Assessment: Conduct financial modeling, evaluate revenue streams, and assess growth potential for potential acquisitions. • Due Diligence: Collaborate with the team to conduct due diligence, reviewing key metrics, customer data, and operational details of target companies. • Collabora...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    20 składanie ofert

    ...need of an experienced VB6 developer who can update my source code and add new features to my application. Key Requirements: - Update existing VB6 application source code - Implement user authentication - Integrate data export functionality - Enhance existing reporting tools The primary goal of this project is to add new features to the application. Please note that I am not looking to fix any bugs or improve performance at this time. Your main focus will be on the successful implementation of the new features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with VB6 - Proven track record of updating source code - Prior experience implementing user authentication - Capability to integrate data export functionality - Experience enhancing reporting tools in a...

    $505 Average bid
    $505 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    I need an app built with python to take call recordings, Transcribe and Diarize the call into a JSON output, Summarize the call based on a set of goals, gauge the sentiment of the conversation, and save all this into a simple user interface. I want to use locally hosted LLM/AI models. Whisperx and Ollama (Not sure which models to use for the summarization), and I have a basic layout of how to do all of that. The data can be loaded into a SQL database. The interface should be a simple table layout with a list of the calls, including the date and time of the call, To and From Numbers, and the Sentiment. When you open a call, I would like to see a player at the top to listed to the call, the summery of the call on the right side, and the transcript in the main body. The call should...

    $505 Average bid
    $505 Średnia Oferta:
    91 składanie ofert

    ...freelancer to help gather images using MidJourney and organize them into specific folders based on the detailed descriptions I will provide. This is a straightforward task but requires attention to detail and some familiarity with MidJourney or similar AI-based image-generation tools. --- Responsibilities: Generate images using my MidJourney account based on the provided prompts and descriptions. Save images in the appropriate folders as per the given organizational structure. Ensure the images meet quality expectations (instructions will be provided). Communicate progress regularly and adhere to deadlines. --- Requirements: Familiarity with MidJourney or willingness to learn quickly (training/resources can be provided). Good organizationa...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    68 składanie ofert