The best logo design websitesprojekty
Hi, I'm looking for...database of people working in one of the branches of professional services in Poland. Estimated maximum capacity of the database is 50.000 records but not as many may be availible through public databases and companies' websites. If you're interested, please let me know about your experience and estimated time of completion. Regards, TOST Design ----- Dzień dobry, szukam osoby, która zbuduje bazę emailingową pracowników jednej z branż usług profesjonalnych w Polsce. Rozmiar bazy szacuję na 50.000 rekordów, ale aż tyle może nie być dostępnych w innych bazach i na firmowych stronach internetowych. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, czekam na informacje o Twoim doświadczeniu i przewidywanym czasi...
Witam, Polskie prawo utrudnia życie freelancerom, dlatego może byłbyś zainteresowany projektem Pozdrawiam
...them during chats. Pre-chat & post-chat surveys Gather valuable information at the beginning and at the end of each chat. Agent rating Visitors have the option to rate the agent that chatted with them. Visitor details Detailed information of visitors including name, e-mail, location, currently viewed page. Multiple website support Place live chat on multiple websites. Concurrent visitors tracking Monitor live chat at any given time the number of visitors. Transfers Agents can transfer an ongoing chat to other agents when in a pinch or when expert advice is needed. Chat routing Intelligent chat distribution between available agents. Work scheduler Manage agents' online time using the scheduler. ...
Witaj! Jesteśmy zgranym zespołem, zajmującym się projektowaniem stron internetowych - nasze usługi obejmują tworzenie nowych stron, głównie na platformie WordPress, oraz towarzyszące projekty graficzne. Naszą bazę klientów stanowią przede wszystkim tłumacze, copywriterzy i pisarze. Ze względu na rosnące zapotrzebowanie na nasze usługi, postanowiliśm...ustalenia) Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowana/-y możliwością stałej współpracy, prześlij swoje CV z pełną listą umiejętności oraz portfolio lub link do strony internetowej pod adres ineed@ W odpowiedzi podeślemy Ci kilka pytań odnośnie stawek, czasu wykonania danego zlecenia, metod płatności oraz zasad współpracy! Czekamy na Wasze zgłoszenia! Pozdrawiamy, Zespół Websites for Translators
Hello, I am looking for some company that could sell me list of contacts (email, phone) of various Poland companies and websites. Please reply me to : pago2@ Thank you Jakub Glos
Hej! Poszukujemy miłej i zdolnej osoby do współpracy z naszą grupą grafików i programistów. Zadania polegają na pracy w WordPress CMS - praca łatwa i przyjemna, nie zawsze lekka - układanie poszczególnych podstron na podstawie contentu od klienta, dobór zdjęć, kolorów i layoutu. Kilka ważnych ...aplikacji proszę wziąć pod uwagę, że jako część naszej rekrutacji przekażemy jeden projekt do wykonania, dzięki czemu będziemy w stanie sprawdzić jak pracujesz i czy praca przebiega bez problemów. Zlecenie będzie płatne, stawka testowa nieco mniejsza od normalnej, ale wszystko jest do ustalenia. Zapraszam do zgłaszania się i z niecierpliwością czekamy na kontakt ;-) Pozdrawiamy serdecznie, Websites for Translators Team Kontakt: Meg Em...
We are looking for a Joomla 3 experienced enthusiast. Skills we need: - knowledge of community builder 1.9 (), - knowledge of community builder 1.9 add-ons: CB Conditionals, CB Auto Actions, CB GroupJive, - knowledge of AcyMailing component (commercial version), - knowledge of creating and setting up g...(commercial version), - knowledge of creating and setting up groups of Joomla 3 members with different access levels, - speaking english (all documentation is written in english and part of our team speaks english), - You should live in Szczecin, where our main office is, we need You working here - at our office, - Show us Your websites, powered by Joomla 3 with community builder 1.9 or ensure us You will resolve our problems without wasting time for learning the system
We are a growing company based in London. Looking for creative freelance Virtual Assistance to help us expand our business. If you know ...with a good attention to detail 3. Focussed on providing a great service to customers 4. Flexibility - We're a young and growing company so sometimes you'll be expected to perform other tasks. 5. Adaptable to change - As the business grows, so will our systems and our staff. Change is inevitable, and we're interested in people who see this as an opportunity, not a threat. 6. Self-sufficient - There will be some elements of independent working expected. 7. Problem solving - If things go wrong, can you help put them right? 8. Proven track record of delivering websites. 9. A sense of humour. Please email us on ...
Cześć! Szukamy pomocy przy re-designie dwóch stron internetowych tego samego klienta. Kilka słow o projekcie: - obie strony muszą być budowane na Wordpress - obie strony będą miały taki sam "theme", z małymi zmianami w wyglądzie - szablony muszą dostosowywać się do urządzenia na którym są wyświetlane - możliwość logowania użytkowników (około ...wglądu webmastera, zaznaczająca kto zapłacił i bierze udział w wydarzeniu) - wymagana dobra znajomość angielskiego - instrukcje od Klienta w języku angielskim Prosimy o zgłoszenia osoby, które wykonały już w przeszłości przynajmniej jeden podobny projekt z uwzględnieniem baz danych pod Wordpressem i są w stanie go zaprezentować. Serdecznie pozdrawiamy i prosimy o kontakt zainteresowane osoby! Websites ...
Witam, Poszukuję kreatywnej osoby/zespołu z wizją. W bardzo ciekawej branży jaką jest Coworking przygotowuję Interaktywny Folder On-line. Ma on zawierać propozycję dla zainteresowanych poprowadzeniem sieciowego biura w swoim mieście. Mój pierwszy pomysł na taką stronę inspirowany jest pracami z: Ponieważ rozwój coworkingu przedstawia pewne analogie do rozwoju internetu, zależy mi na tym, żeby cofnąć się w czasie i zrobić tą kreację w stylu retro. Zaczynając od latach 60tych w okolicy "Mad Men", zatrzymując się na 90tych w okolicy startu pierwszych popularnych Maców i Windowsów a także nawiązując do dzisiaj. Czyli względnie do minimalizmu, ikonografii czy, no.. tu już pole do popisu dla artysty
Witaj! Jesteśmy zgranym zespołem, zajmującym się projektowaniem stron internetowych - nasze usługi obejmują głó... Jeśli posiadasz co najmniej dwie z następujących umiejętności: - projektowanie szaty graficznej strony - projektowanie grafiki pod Wordpress'a - projekty logo/wizytowek - znajomość XHTML/CSS/PHP/MySQL - bardzo dobra znajomość Wordpress'a - pozycjonowanie stron ...oraz jesteś zainteresowany możliwością stałej współpracy, prześlij swoje CV z pełną listą umiejętności oraz portfolio lub link do strony internetowej pod adres websitesfortranslators@ W odpowiedzi podeślemy Ci kilka pytań odnośnie stawek, czasu wykonania danego zlecenia, metod płatności oraz zasad współpracy. Pozdrawiamy, Zespół Websites ...
...Experience of developing object oriented code in PHP 5 & MySQL - Familiarity with MVC design patterns (Codeigniter / Zend) - CMS Drupal / Wordpress - E-commerce - Experience with Linux and Apache - Experience with PHPUnit or other testing methodology - Software version control using Github or SVN - Javascript using frameworks like JQuery, Prototype etc. - Ajax - (X)HTML / CSS Experience: - Experience delivering in a pressurised environment - Experience delivery high quality code with high quality finish - Unit testing - Demonstrable experience delivering business critical websites Additional: - Personality traits - Attention to detail is paramount - Reliable - Prepared to go beyond the call of duty when expected for a project This...
Zlecę opracowanie logotypu związanego z surwiwalowym obozem wakacyjnym dla młodzieży pod tytułem "The Heroic Life". Logo powinno mieć związek z bohaterem (średniowiecznym) więc można wykorzystać takie elementy jak: tarcza, zbroja, miecz, hełm, rycerz, księżniczka itd. Logo powinno zawierać max. 3 kolory, zawierać element graficzny oraz teksty "The Heroic Life" i "Family English Camp 2011, Poland" z przeznaczeniem nadruku na koszulkach i innych obozowych gadżetach.
... Website Requirements 1. It is important for the new website to be stylish, effective, easy to use and accessible. The website will need to hold the user’s attention, provide the relevant information, and be able to grow with ESW’s future requirements. 2. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost 3. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimisation (search engine friendly). 4. The navigation system should be intuitive and allow the visitor to...
Hello webdevelopers from Poland. At first let me introduce Tribal ======================================================== We 're a small webdevelopment Agency, called Tribal, from Den Bosch, in the Netherlands. We have 15 employees (4 developers) Our core business is developing Websites and intranets, for midsize companies in the Netherlands, in often cases complex websites, based on the best open source .net Framework, Umbraco. Examples , , At this moment our development is done by several webcompanies in the Netherlands, an offshore company in China and intern at Tribal. In may 2011, we want to start a nearshore department in Gdansk, starting with a small team of 2-3 developers, managed by our Technical director, who m...
Zlecę wykonanie oraz wdrożenie modułu do BestShop Pro integrującego sklep z serwisem Allegro. podstawowe wymagane funkcje: Możliwość automatycznego wystawiana produktów w allegro wg zadanej listy z oferty sklepowej. Obsługa szablonów Allegro. ustawienie wszystkich opcji dla aukcji - kategorie, koszty przesyłki, wyróznienie, faktura vat itp. linkowanie do zdjęć w sklepie pobieranie do formularza: nazwy ceny opisu proszę o informację dotyczące funkcjonalności modułu i ceny w jakiej moduł mógłby zostać wykonany.
Jw. W cene proszę wliczyć koszta grafiki
Witam serdecznie z racji iż ea już 2 lata temu wyłączyło serwery owej pięknej gry poszukuje programisty który byłby w stanie napisać aplikacje serwerową. Preferowana platforma językowa to (c++ lub c#) + mysql
...Najbardziej omawia proces zakupu treści, informacje kontaktowe i polityki prywatności. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need two websites translated from English to Polish. A document will be provided for each with the content that needs to be translated. Currently there are roughly 3100 words in total for both sites (1580 and 1472). Both websites are for marketing companies. Most content discusses the buying process, contact information and privacy policies....
Witam, zlecę wykonanie grafiki na stronę główną i podstrony + logo do serwisu internetowego baza firm. Układ portalu jest gotowy. Potrzebuję grafikę głównej strony oraz około 8 podstron. Co do layoutów to życzeniem programisty jest aby grafik stworzył szablony w formie jaką można pobrać ze strony Grafika nie będzie wykonana we Flash. Odpowiem osobom, które portfolio mnie zainteresuje. Proszę o podanie ceny orientacyjnej. Ceny "do uzgodnienia" nie będą brane pod uwagę.
Witam Poszukujemy wspólnika do rozwoju projektu gry via www lub firmy chcącej odkupić prawa do gry Podczas beta testów w grze zarejestrowało się 822 osoby, które testowały ją przez miesiąc. Po tym okresie gra została zdjęta z sieci, a kilka skryptów z niej odsprzedano. Projekt zawieszono, w połowie stycznia projekt ponownie pojawił się na sieci i poszukujemy wspólnika. Od tego czasu zarejestrowały się kolejne 114 osoby Całościowo, projekt należy do naszej firmy Gra oparta jest o framework Seagull W razie chęci odkupienia praw i kodu do gry oferujemy możliwość przepisania gry na prosty CMS w trakcie do 10 dni roboczych. Poszukujemy wspólnika, który za pakiet większościowy (80% netto) udziałów w grze zechce zain...
1) Design 3 of my websites are included in hand picked list: All of them PR 3 so I decided it is time to make it better and bigger. Redesign is badly needed. I am looking for web designer (front-end) to make my website sweet and looking really good. I like clean websites with a bit of glossy filling. What I am looking for? Those are the examples of websites i really like: 2) Programming I need also person to implement for me: 2a) adding image option to my posts so it can be use as real estate platform 2b) aggregation function - multifeeds from other websites. SimplePie works on my hosting nicely so you can use this platform although if there is better
Zlecę pracę które polega na wrzuceniu na serwer kilkadziesiąt stron informacyjnych pod wspólną domeną - various-websites. Strony napisane są w języku angielskim i są zoptymalizowane pod Google w celu zamieszczania ich reklam. Zależy mi na dłuższej współpracy 3 – 6 miesięcy z możliwością przedłużenia. Do zleceniobiorcy należałyby sprawy związane z serwerem, oraz pozycjonowaniem stron internetowych. Wynagrodzenie 30-40% od przychodów z reklam.
We need 10 pages of quality content for information relating to 'mortgages' and 10 pages of quality content for information relating to 'jewellery'. All in MS Word. The texts are to be included on websites.
... login, mysql database, plus others typical of most good eccomerce websites... should be fairly easy for someone whose built eccoomerce websites. Can give additional details to right person. We are a marketing company and have other projects too and get new projects regulalry. We outsource all our services. Report violation Fully automated advanced ecommerce website with around 75 products. We must have access to change or add products, max product potential no more than 300. Some Features like UPS shipping, file uploads, customer account tracking/history, price levels, login, mysql database, plus others typical of most good eccomerce websites... should be fairly easy for someone whose built eccoomerce websites. Can give additional details to r...
1) 5 videos add a text clip 2) rip 15 vids all you do is add the a caption and upload to a site I give you. 3) 1 general professional header using the logo below....for 3 other websites headers will be the same just need text change on each.... 4) design a logo(have basic idea and sample already) + a template slide for the end of the video clips(sample of one that was done before can be found at the end of the video clips below) 5)3 banners general design and text already made just need someone to put it together for me. This job may seem like a lot of work but it is mostly editing refining and perfecting. Most of the creative work is done, I just need someone professional who knows what they ...
Poszukuje osoby która tanio tanio zrobi skrypt podobny do the crims lub vendetta lub jeśli taki ma to mi go sprzeda. Chętni pisać gg 7248851 e-mail pittero1@
Position: Contr...Contract VB/ASP Developer Skills: Excellent opportunity for an experienced VB/ASP , English Language .Working with an experienced UK company to deliver to some of the worlds biggest brands project, asset and brand management applications. Applicant must have 3 years experience in ASP, VB, SQL/T-SQL, Com+, HTML and XML. Great communication, analytical and troubleshooting skills a must, as is experience of developing in an Object Orientatedarchitecture. Position : Contract Web Designer. Skills: 2 Years experience of designing and delivering web design including experience in Web applications and portals (not only classic websites). Good English Language skills. Working with a UK company including trips onsite to UK companies. More ...
I'm looking for a top-tier, fluid website for my agriculture technology company that goes beyond simple templates. The primary goal of this website is to effectively showcase our products and services. Key Requirements: - A bold and modern design, yet premium and appealing - A robust platform to showcase our diverse range of products and services - A contact form for inquiries and feedback The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio of designing unique, fluid websites, preferably within the tech or agriculture sector. Understanding of modern, bold design principles and experience in creating premium, non-template based sites will be key to the success of this project. that facilitates connections between clients and sellers. The site should share a similar aesthetic and feature set with a pre-existing site I have in mind: No Mobile app needed at this stage. NOTE: I would like to receive an estimate of how much would the project cost, the timeline; detailed explanation of what needs to be done, what tools are to be used, which services (e.g., Wordpress). Key Requirements: - User Profiles and Reviews: Each user should have a profile, and a review system should be in place to foster trust and transparency. - Messaging System: A built-in communication system for users to discuss potential work. - Project Specifications: Clients should be able to detail the work they need done. Clients will select from var... to: ideas, guides, reviews, case studies, resources, tools , start , grow and monetize. - A system for invite-only contributors, to maintain exclusivity and quality of content. - A robust paywall feature, to monetize the site effectively. - An integrated newsletter subscription system, to keep our audience engaged and updated. All content types, from how-to guides to case studies and reviews, are deemed equally important for this blog. Therefore, the ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience in web development, particularly in creating blog websites. - Proficiency in implementing paywall and subscription systems. - A knack for creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces. Experience in managing and integrating content from diverse categories. I ...
I need a travel website focused on delivering comprehensive travel guides and engaging blogs. The website should be designed to showcase destination highlights, provide travel tips and advice, and outline itineraries and schedules. Key Features: - Travel Guides & Blogs: Content should cover various destinations, practical travel tips, and detailed itineraries. - Interactive Maps: Users should be able to engage with the content through interactive maps. - Photo and Video Galleries: The site should support rich media content to enhance the travel experience. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficient in creating user-friendly, responsive websites. - Content Creation: Experience in generating engaging, informative travel content. - Multimedia Handlin...
I'm seeking a skilled web designer to create a professional, user-friendly e-commerce website for my business. Key Responsibilities: - Design a website aligned with my existing brand style guide and logo - Incorporate e-commerce best practices for optimal user experience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing e-commerce websites - Proficiency in aligning designs with brand style guides - Strong understanding of e-commerce best practices and UX design
I'm seeking a skilled web designer to create a modern and sleek website for my finance company. The primary objective of the site is to attract new clients. Key Features: - The homepage should prominently feature an 'About Us' section and a 'Services Overview'. - The design should be contemporary, sleek, and appealing to potential clients. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in web design, particularly for finance-related sites. - Strong portfolio demonstrating modern, sleek design capabilities. - Ability to create engaging, client-attracting websites.
...a data collector who can scrape an industry-specific websites for over 500 contacts. This task involves extracting specific fields and updating the information through internet searches and LinkedIn profiles of the company and people working in that company , if available. The ideal candidate will have experience in data collection, web scraping, and a knack for thorough research. Mandatory Fields: - Company Name - Email ID Mobile Number Important but not mandatory: - Contact Person - Designation The primary source will be an industry-specific site, and the selected freelancer will need to find other details and verify the Email IDs and Mobile numbers through other online sources. Familiarity with LinkedIn is a plus. Please note, th...
gner who can bring the period from 20D to 90AD to life through a captin. The project has not been fully fleshed out yet, and I would appreciate your expertise in deting the project's direction. Key Aspects: - Concept Development: Your input will be invaluable in deciding on the designnssn's theme and style, whether it should be historically accurate, a modern interpretation, or a futuristic reimagining. - Deliverable Creation: I would like you to propose and create the most suitable type of deliverable for this project, whether it be digital artwork, print-ready desissiogn or a 3D model. - Element Inclusion: The ign could potentially incorporate a variety of elements such as figures/characters, arcral structures, and artifacts/items. I...
I'm seeking a diligent freelancer for a data entry project involving approximately 3,000 companies. The task requires inputting company information into a directory page on a website. Key Responsibilities: - Extracting data from an existing directory website, including: - Company name and address - Contact information - Description of services - Inputting this information accurately into the designated website Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in data entry - Attention to detail - Familiarity with extracting data from websites - Ability to follow instructions accurately Please note, this project does not require any data cleaning or verification beyond basic entry. Therefore, I am not looking for a freelancer who will need to spend time ...
...of a seasoned expert in the Houzez WordPress template. I aim to transform this template into a fully functional real estate listing website. The project involves a comprehensive range of customizations including: - Design/Layout Changes: I would like to modify the color scheme, typography, and layout structure to create a unique and appealing design. - Functionality Enhancements: Key upgrades will involve the implementation of advanced search filters, integration with various third-party services, and establishing a robust user account management system. - Content Updates: This will also include updating the site with relevant content. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with the Houzez template, a strong background...
I'm seeking a diligent freelancer for a data entry project involving approximately 3,000 companies. The task requires inputting company information into a directory page on a website. Key Responsibilities: - Extracting data from an existing directory website, including: - Company name and address - Contact information - Description of services - Inputting this information accurately into the designated website Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in data entry - Attention to detail - Familiarity with extracting data from websites - Ability to follow instructions accurately Please note, this project does not require any data cleaning or verification beyond basic entry. Therefore, I am not looking for a freelancer who will need to spend time ...
The Project aims to create a platform. The platform will include a scalable website, secure APIs, and an efficient database capable of handling billions of records (around 300-400 billions). The system will provide users with actionable insights through dashboards, monitoring tools, and real-time alerts. These are a few functionalities and features planned as of now. Once these implementations are completed successfully, we aim to scale the platform further by introducing advanced capabilities and enhancements to cater to a broader audience and meet future demands. To achieve this, we are looking for skilled professionals with expertise in database management, web development, and cloud infrastructure. Below are the detailed requirements for the ...
...Specification for the Development of the Flash USDT-TRC20 Project 1. General Description The Flash USDT-TRC20 project aims to develop software for generating temporary Flash USDT-TRC20 tokens based on the USDT-TRC20 protocol. These tokens will be used exclusively for the company’s accounting and auditing purposes, as well as for short-term balance adjustments. Flash USDT-TRC20 must: • Fully merge with original USDT-TRC20 tokens. • Be compatible with all wallets that support DEX and Web3. • Have a lifespan of one to two months, after which they automatically burn if unused. • Allow seamless transfer between wallets without any conversion or alteration. 2. Project Goals • Create Flash USDT-TRC20/ERC-20 tokens with...
...copywriter to create compelling website content aimed at increasing sales. The ideal freelancer will have a strong background in copywriting and a proven track record of crafting high-converting web copy. Key Responsibilities: - Develop engaging and persuasive copy for my website with the primary goal of boosting sales. - Understand the brand's voice and reflect it in the copy. - Collaborate with me to understand the product details and USPs. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience in copywriting, particularly for e-commerce or sales-oriented websites. - Excellent understanding of SEO principles and ability to incorporate them into the copy. - Strong research skills and ability to understand and reflect the bra...
Hello I need quick programming using Laravel-PHP for a very simple MVP News website HTML pages are ready: home, news list, news category, news article, contacts, terms +...I will share pages If you have previously developed a similar website, I would appreciate it if you could share it with me. Thank you. Thanks I'm looking for a competent Laravel-PHP developer to assist with the programming of a straightforward news website. All HTML pages (home, news list, news categories, news article) are prepared and I have a small backend using an existing project. I will share all the necessary details. Please note, I need this completed fairly promptly. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Laravel-PHP - Experience in developing news websites - Ability to...
I need someone to help me download images from various websites. I have a list of URLs that contain images I need to save. I have a list of 800 URLs of listings. Each listing contain 19-20 images. I need all images saved in JPEG format in Main folder named photos & each link in sub folder named 1, 2, 3... for the serial no of the urls. In each sub folder save the photos by name 1,2,3,... & make sure that the 1st image is the cover photo of that listing. In total I expect 14-15k images. I have tight budget & deadline. Let me know if this is possible programmatically. Budget 30$ MAXXXX Requirements: - Download images from provided URLs - Save all images in JPEG format Ideal skills: - Familiarity with web scraping and image downloading...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer with extensive experience in creating ecommerce websites. This site will sell a variety of products, predominantly clothing, home decoration items, and furniture. Key Features: - Essential ecommerce functionalities - Product reviews and ratings: To build trust and encourage interaction - Size guide: Particularly for the clothing segment - Wishlist functionality: To enhance user engagement and experience Design Preference: - The website should embody a modern and clean aesthetic, appealing to a broad audience without compromising on usability. to: ideas, guides, reviews, case studies, resources, tools , start , grow and monetize. - A system for invite-only contributors, to maintain exclusivity and quality of content. - A robust paywall feature, to monetize the site effectively. - An integrated newsletter subscription system, to keep our audience engaged and updated. All content types, from how-to guides to case studies and reviews, are deemed equally important for this blog. Therefore, the ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience in web development, particularly in creating blog websites. - Proficiency in implementing paywall and subscription systems. - A knack for creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces. Experience in managing and integrating content from diverse categories. I ...
I'm looking for a professional web developer with experience in creating E-commerce sites. The primary focus of this project will be developing a site that seamlessly integrates a payment gateway. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in website creation, particularly E-commerce platforms. - Proven experience with payment gateway integration. - Strong knowledge of web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. - Ability to design user-friendly and responsive websites.
I'm looking for a proficient web developer to build a comprehensive car rental website. The platform should have robust functionalities for managing cars, users, and cities. Key Features: - Car Management: The admin should be able to Add, Edit, or Delete car listings. The system should also have the capability to Track car availability and schedule Maintenance for the vehicles. - User Management: The website should handle User registration and profiles, keep track of User booking history, and enable User role management. - City Management: The admin should be able to Add, Edit, or Delete city listings. The platform should also provide City-specific car availability and generate City-specific user activity reports. Ideal Skills:...