Simulate rotating cylinder ansys cfd fluentprojekty
Dzień dobry, Potrzebuję pomocy w stworzeniu symulacji wyników systemu HVAC w obiekcie (w moim przypadku jest to sala kinowa o kubaturze 1500m3) w środowisku CFD. Będzie to nieodłączna część mojej pracy magisterskiej na kierunku AiR. Potrzebuję osoby, która ma doświadczenie w tego typu projektach i utworzy model obiektu sali kinowej zachowując odpowiednie wymiary, zaimplementuje dobrany przeze mnie sprzęt i zasymuluje pracę obiektu i ukaże w symulacji jak zachowuje się rozkład powietrza w obiekcie wraz z parametrami. Proszę o kontakt.
...plusujesz jeśli możesz i chcesz to robić. Dla nas jednak najważniejsze to otrzymać gotowy do publikacji materiał, zmontowany z nutką kreatywności - zwykły montaż potrafimy ogarnąć po swojej stronie. Prosimy o kontakt przez freelancera z ofertą i przykładowymi realizacjami. Jeśli masz też już stawkę - podeślij, przyśpieszy nam to rozmowy. English: Hi! We are looking for a person who is fluent in: - recording with a smartphone - Editing simple tiktok videos - using your voice We are looking for a video-envelope that will help us develop Instagram. We provide you with materials and all the necessary substantive information - we need a ready-made video from you. Ultimately, we would like to publish 4-6 videos a month. They don't have to include your face...
Witam, Mam stronę na WordPress, zlecę stworzenie formularza do rejestracji nowych użytkowników z późniejszą możliwością edycji danych przez użytkowników. Profile mają się tworzyć we wtyczce Ultimate Membership. Warunek konieczny. Wszystkie dane podane w formularzu muszą być zapisane w profilu klienta oraz posiadać swoje wartości domyślne. Cały proces musi wyglądać następująco. 1. Na stronie ma być widoczne, zaloguj się/zarejestruj. 2. Proces rejestracji ma być krótki, login, e-mail, hasło. 3. Po zalogowaniu się, klient ma widzieć dodatkowe pola do uzupełnienia. Pod nimi przycisk np., uaktualnij dane. 4. Wszystkie pola wypełnione przez klienta muszą posiadać swoje wartości domyślne. Dane podstawowe są już zdefiniowane. Dane stworzone na potrzeby formularza mu...
...element, then Examine then in the Elements tab -> Copy -> Copy selector. For example, for input to enter the searched phrase has the selector "#tsf> div: nth-child (1)> > > div> > input" The application may NOT use selenium, webdriver, puppeteer etc. supporting applications. You can detect the use of these tools, that's why I don't want them. I want to simulate the user who opens the browser sees the selected element (we know the name of the selector) and clicks on it. I have an idea how to do it, but I would prefer professional programmers to think about it. The input data should be initially in a text file in JSON format - url - selector name - time after which the mouse cursor should move to the selected selector - clicking on the h...
...łączyć przeglądarka. Dla każdego okna inny serwer proxy z listy. g. Możliwość otwierania wielu okien przeglądarki jednocześnie W cenie chcę otrzymać kod źródłowy. Przewiduję rozwój aplikacji i dalszą współpracę. Possible contact in English: Please, submit an offer for the application: a web browser with the option of changing the headers sent to the server. I want the application to pretend (simulate) any browser on any system (change of user agents, referer url, etc.). The application is to enable changing the browser information sent in the headers to the server. The browser is to save cookies as a regular browser. At , you can check the information sent by the browser, I want to be able to change it. At you can check more information
Szukam osoby, najlepiej z Warszawy lub okolic, która napisałaby pierwszą wersję aplikacji na tablet z Windowsem 10. Napisałbym ją sam, ale mam za mało godzin w dobie ;) W przyszłości, jeśli biznes się zacznie kręcić, planuję nawiązać bardziej regularną współpracę. Fluent communication in Polish and ability to meet in person in Warsaw are required.
Tworzymy w serwisie słownik branżowy dot. Rynku Forex. Mamy już listę ze skrótowymi wyjaśnieniami. Teraz czas na jej rozbudowę i rozwinięcie niektórych terminów i zagadnień. Bardzo ważny jest tu research i znajomość tematu. Poniżej kilka przykładów tego jakie to hasła i jak to wygląda: A book / B book sposób realizacji zlecenia przez brokera CFD. W praktyce broker może zrealizować zlecenie na rynku wewnętrznym (B book) lub zewnętrznym (A book) (więcej...) Analiza fundamentalna (AF) jedna z metod analizy instrumentów finansowych – ich kondycji i otoczenia zewnętrznego. Opiera się na danych płynących z gospodarki, a nie danych dotyczących aktywności na rynku (więcej...) Aprecjacja wzrost wartości waluty wpływający bezpośrednio na wzrost...
...działa poprawnie, klient może zapisać na swoim koncie wybrane parametry swoich soczewek aby ułatwić i przyśpieszyć kolejne zakupy, otrzymuje maila z potwierdzeniem itp jednak nie przewidziałem problemu z szybkością działania sklepu. Otoż podstawowe soczewki (sferyczne) posiadają przeważnie jeden parametr tj moc, jednak już bardziej skomplikowane soczewki toryczne posiadają kilka parametrów (moc, cylinder, oś) każda z opcji jest niezbędna do określenia w w większości przypadków mogą być one w dowolny sposób ze sobą mieszane. Jeśli więc zostaną stworzone wszystkie dostępne warianty danej soczewki to powstaje ich nawet kilkaset tysięcy. (rekodrowy produkt to 131 788 800 możliwości konfiguracji). Dodanie tak dużej ilości wariantów sprawia, że witryna przes...
Poszukuję copywritera do tworzenia artykułów wysokiej jakości na temat rynków finansowych, a dokładniej branży forex/cfd/etf. Głównie zadanie będzie polegało na tworzeniu bazy wiedzy - artykułów na określone tematy. Bardzo proszę o podanie stawki za tworzenie takich tekstów, najlepiej w formie ceny za 1000 zzs.
-porting drivers for PowerPC / linux. -on site in berlin -fluent english - written spoken -hour rate €50-60 depends on experience
Hello, I am looking for someone who will translate first chapter of a fantasy book from Polish into English. I need someone with experience with similar projects, fluent in both English and Polish. The book is full of black humor, funny situations and wordplay and it is very important to keep this style in English version. Final English translations should be fantastic to read, full of humor, understandable and engaging. Whole chapter is 6581 words (18 pages). I am enclosing few sentences from the book: "Wiedział, że Ci, na spotkanie którym biegną są elitą wśród ludzkich wojowników. Elitą szkoloną przez lata do walki z różnymi istotami zagrażającymi porządkowi ich królestwa. Podobnie jak reszta znudzony był już szybko kończącymi się...
Okres współpracy: Długoterminowa Zadanie: Tworzenie artykułów/newsów do działu wiadomości na portalu dotyczącym rynku Forex/CFD Tematyka: Forex/CFD, inwestycje, rynki finansowe Długość wpisów: Średnio od 500 do 1500 znaków ze spacjami Częstotliwość: 3-5 wpisów tygodniowo Poszukuję copywritera do stałej współpracy przy tworzeniu wiadomości do portalu o tematyce Forex/CFD. Branża dosyć specyficzna, jednak po kilku artykułach powinna stać się bliższa. Artykuły będą tworzone na podstawie notek prasowych/innych wiadomości/wiadomości ze stron anglojęzycznych. W praktyce podsyłam notkę/link do danego artykułu i proszę o przeredagowanie na nasz portal. Na ogół są to krótkie wiadomości, czasami zdarzają się...
...przedstawiamy po angielsku. Job description: · Troubleshooting potential issues with rendering on the network and with our software · Monitoring and analyzing render jobs · Providing first line support to our customers · Communicating with customers via messenger, voice calls, and email in a friendly and professional manner · Working remotely · 8 hours shifts, flexible hours Requirements: · Fluent English · Very good knowledge of at least one 3D application and willingness to learn others (3ds Max, Maya, Lightwave, Cinema 4D, Blender and others) · Computer with good internet connection and quiet workplace · Strong work ethic with ability to work remotely jest jednym z największych serwis&oa...
...with one manufacturer - who are one of the largest manufacturers of proteins within Europe and we are the UKs official partner. We have a large and growing presence within the UK with an excellent reputation. Currently there is a large untapped market of potential clients that are Polish, as in Poland the product is extremely popular. We are therefore looking for someone that is a native Polish or fluent in Polish to help us with marketing to Polish people within the UK. You will be required to use forums, social media and 3rd party selling sites to make Polish people a wear of the product within the UK. We are able to provide a wide range of marketing materials for you to distribute, as well as product information. All marketing undertaken should increase traffic to our website...
...części z Polaków, ale w komunikacji w firmie używamy języka angielskiego, więc poniższy opis zadań przedstawiam po angielsku. Job descriptions: · Setting up scenes to render · Operating and monitoring the farm · Providing first line of support for customers · Communicating with customers via IM, voice calls, and email · Working remotely · 6 hours shifts, flexible hours Requirements: · Fluent English · Very good knowledge of at least one 3D application and willingness to learn others (3D Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave, Cinema 3D, Blender and others) – in terms of setting up rendering · Computer with good internet connection and quiet workplace · Strong work ethic with ability to work ...
...guzikiem 'play'. Dane jest list dla 'L': List<Point3D[3]> T; Kiedy guzik 'play' jest naciśnięty slider jedzie od 0 do (). W tym samym czasie 'L' rusza się według T: (t)[0] jest jedna ręka, (t)[0] center, i (t)[0] droga. Manualnie ruszenie reku tez rusza 'L'. Można kamerkę w 3D obrazie ruszać, ale to zmienia tylko perspektywę. -- A Fragment which shows a 3D rotating 'L' shape on top and a slider on the bottom with a "play" button. You are given a time series of the three points defining the L: List<Point3D[3]> T; When the play button is pressed, the slider on the bottom moves from 0 to (). As it moves, the L shape rotates according to T: so that (t)[0] is the coordinate of th...
Poszukuję developera wordpressowego do pomocy z drobnymi poprawkami na wordpressowych stronach. Na początek potrzebuję pomocy przy rozwiązaniu problemu ze stroną z rezultatami wyszukiwania - posty pokazują się poprawnie, natomiast strony (pages) pokazują się jedynie jako link "read more". Strona oparta jest na wordpressie + framework genesis. Oczekiwania: fix, ...rozwiązaniu problemu ze stroną z rezultatami wyszukiwania - posty pokazują się poprawnie, natomiast strony (pages) pokazują się jedynie jako link "read more". Strona oparta jest na wordpressie + framework genesis. Oczekiwania: fix, żeby na stronie z wynikami wyszukiwania strony pojawiały się w postaci: tytuł strony, description oraz link read more. Strony w języku angielskim: poszukiwany dev z Polski, ...
I'm a foreigner looking for someone helping me with SEO execution for new Polish website. I understand Polish but can't speak it so you have to be fluent at English or Russian. I'll provide and manage the strategy while you need to do the actual work. Your main duties will include: 1. Keyword research based on my suggestions 2. Find copywriters and assign tasks to them, control the text quality 3. Find catalogs based on given criteria, confirm with me, submit website to these catalogs 4. Find presells/blogs based on given criteria, confirm with me, submit articles 5. Occasionally checking the quality of translations provided by my interpreter. I pay by hours spent on each task, please name your hourly rate. Students are welcomed! I transfer money by PayPal for your s...
...sąsiedzka i inne tego typu inicjatywy, raport jak to działa w Polsce, popularność 5. Konta osobiste - porównanie kilku najpopularniejszych internetowych kont osobistych, wady, zalety (minitest) 6. Kredyty hipoteczne 7. Kredyty mieszkaniowe ( w tym z dopłatami rządowymi itp wynalazki) 8. Inwestowanie na rynku walutowym (forex) w praktyce 9. Inwestowanie na rynku kontraktów terminowych, kontrakty CFD, platforma City Index 10. ETF-y, co to jest, jakie działają na świecie i w Polsce, jak w praktyce inwestować 11. Inwestowanie w wino, i ew. innego tego typu platformy 12. Przegląd programów i usług online dotyczących budżetu domowego, z uwzględnieniem i/lub podobnych 13. Oszczędzanie energii elektrycznej, wody, wybór najtańszych dostawców ...
...sąsiedzka i inne tego typu inicjatywy, raport jak to działa w Polsce, popularność 5. Konta osobiste - porównanie kilku najpopularniejszych internetowych kont osobistych, wady, zalety (minitest) 6. Kredyty hipoteczne 7. Kredyty mieszkaniowe ( w tym z dopłatami rządowymi itp wynalazki) 8. Inwestowanie na rynku walutowym (forex) w praktyce 9. Inwestowanie na rynku kontraktów terminowych, kontrakty CFD, platforma City Index 10. ETF-y, co to jest, jakie działają na świecie i w Polsce, jak w praktyce inwestować 11. Inwestowanie w wino, i ew. innego tego typu platformy 12. Przegląd programów i usług online dotyczących budżetu domowego, z uwzględnieniem i/lub podobnych 13. Oszczędzanie energii elektrycznej, wody, wybór najtańszych dostawców...
Looking for a Objective C developer with both Mac OS X application experience and iPhone OS app development experience. Candidates must be highly skilled in developing software for these platforms. The contract is to develop an iPad app connected to a OS X application and a 2D render engine. The project is approximately 10 weeks. Additional skill in XML and PHP are a plus. Applicants must be fluent in English.
Zlecenie wykonania projektu dla naszego klienta (sektor finansowy/bankowy) w Sztokholmie...wynajętym mieszkaniu i urzędowe diety w wysokości 361 SEK/dziennie (około 135 zł) na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania. Zadanie dla doswiadczonego programisty web, wymagania: - doskonałe umiejętności w programowaniu Perl i Java - doświadzczenie w rozwoju aplikacji webowych w połączeniu do BD SQL - doświadczenie w rozwoju w środowisku Unix/Linux - doświadczenie w HTML i JavaScript - język angielski fluent Dodatkowym atutem będzie - doświadczenie w MySQL i Oracle - wcześniejsza praca dla sektora bankowego/finansowego ewentualne pytania drogą mailową na @ Negocjujesz stawkę godzinową dla zlecenia (poza ww kosztami które pokrywa firma)
...integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured category images (linked to relevant categories), editable through admin. Prominent link/icon to Virtual Kitchen. VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Can search or browse the website and the shop 2. Can search by category and price 3. Two categories of shoppers: Retail (default), and Trade (admin-enabled) 4. Can register online to be able to buy, but will ...
...integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured category images (linked to relevant categories), editable through admin. Prominent link/icon to Virtual Kitchen. VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Can search or browse the website and the shop 2. Can search by category and price 3. Two categories of shoppers: Retail (default), and Trade (admin-enabled) 4. Can register online to be able to buy, but will ...
...client’s expectations. Sketch Wireframes: Start with low-fidelity wireframes to plan the layout and flow. Use tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch for wireframe creation. Phase 2: Prototyping High-Fidelity Designs: Develop polished screens incorporating branding elements. Ensure designs are aligned with accessibility standards. Prototype Interactions: Use prototyping features in Figma/Adobe XD to simulate user journeys. Phase 3: Feedback Share the prototype with the client for review. Incorporate revisions based on feedback to refine the design. 3. Deliverables Design Assets: Source files (Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch). Exported screens (PNG, JPEG). Interactive prototypes. Documentation: Design guidelines for developers (font sizes, hex codes, spacing). Annotate any specific ...
I'm seeking a dedicated and confident female Sales Executive fluent in Punjabi. The primary focus of this role is generating new leads, specifically in the education sector. You will primarily be cold calling educational institutions. Key Responsibilities: - Generating new leads primarily in the education sector - Cold calling educational institutions - Engaging with potential clients with confidence and professionalism What We Offer: - A work from home opportunity - A fixed salary with incentives based on performance - A supportive work environment with potential for growth Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluency in Punjabi - Prior experience in sales (preferred but not mandatory) - Excellent communication skills - A drive for sales and customer interaction
...looking for an expert in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to analyze an oscillating wave surge converter. This project will focus on the structural integrity (using Fluid-Structure Interaction or FSI), the hydrodynamic performance and the power output of the converter under different wave speeds (low, medium and high). Key project requirements: - Conducting a detailed CFD analysis using Siemens Star CCM+ Marine or Flow3d - Evaluating the structural integrity of the converter under different conditions - Analyzing the hydrodynamic performance of the converter - Measuring the power output with varying wave speeds - Presenting findings in a clear and comprehensive manner Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with CFD and FSI - Profic...
I'm looking for a professional translator who can help me translate a health-related essay into Malay. This translation is for personal use, so it doesn't need to adhere to any specific academic formatting guidelines. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluent in both English and Malay - Background or strong understanding of health topics - Proven experience in essay translation - Ability to maintain the original essay's tone and intent - No need to follow specific academic formatting guidelines.
I'm in need of a virtual assistant to help me set up a virtual address in Bangladesh and manage correspondence. This is an hourly-based position ideal for a fresh virtual assistant. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up a virtual address in Bangladesh - Managing correspondence on my behalf Language Skills: - Must be fluent in both English and Bengali. The assistant will need to handle correspondence in both languages. Location Requirements: - The assistant will not need to visit any physical locations in Bangladesh. All tasks can be performed online. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience as a virtual assistant is a plus, but not necessary. - Excellent communication skills in both English and Bengali. - Ability to manage correspondence professionally and efficient...
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can create a 1/25 scale, 4 cylinder and 8 cylinder motor model for a slot car. The finished product should be a resin model with moderate details that closely resembles an actual motor. Key Requirements: - Expertise in model making, specifically in creating scale motor models. - Proficiency in working with resin. - Ability to understand and replicate moderate details from a reference image. Please note, I have a picture of the desired model, which, while not perfect, should provide a good starting point. The primary purpose of these models is to serve as a slot car engine that visually mimics a real motor.
I'm facing an issue with a web scraping project where the target site has a detection algorithm that tracks multiple attempts. The goal is to bypass this detection without compromising the efficiency of the scraping process. Key Points: - I've been using rotating proxies to avoid detection, but it's not enough. - I need someone who can help me find better strategies to bypass this detection system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Python and web scraping. - Proven track record of bypassing web scraping detection systems. - Familiarity with different types of proxies and their effectiveness. - Ability to troubleshoot and optimize web scraping scripts.
I'm seeking a talented UI/UX web app designer who is an Arabic speaker. The project revolves around a web app designed for surveys and blogs, with a voting system and a unique matching feature. Key Responsibilities...web app designed for surveys and blogs, with a voting system and a unique matching feature. Key Responsibilities: - Design an intuitive and appealing UI/UX for a survey-based app - Incorporate features like a voting system and a blogs segment - Create a user-friendly interface for a surveys and matching system Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in UI/UX design - Experience in web app development - Fluent in Arabic Your understanding and experience with designing for survey-based platforms will be crucial for this project. I look forward to seeing your innovative des...
I'm in need of a Ukrainian female virtual assistant fluent in English for various tasks. The role will involve: - Meeting schedulings - Travel arrangements - Translation tasks - Data editing and input - Web searching - Email management - Report preparation and team task follow-ups Skills and experience that would be ideal for this role include: proficient English and Ukrainian language skills, prior experience in a virtual assistant role, strong organizational skills, and familiarity with Zoom.
...Parameter Recommendation and Visualization: After the user describes the scenario, the LLM should recommend parameters for each of the four pipeline modules based on the description. Visualize the pipeline by connecting the modules on a canvas. Provide explanations for each module's parameter recommendations. Deployment Simulation: Once the user finalizes their selections and clicks "Deploy," simulate the process of deploying the model to the production line and training it. When the model meets the admission standards, display the results of applying the model to the production line (e.g., improved yield rate). Show real-time feedback of production line data being integrated into the model training CI/CD pipeline, leading to progressively better results (e.g., con...
I'm in need of a seasoned Chinese buyer agent to assist in sourcing a variety of products from China, primarily electronics, household goods, and gifts. We currently buy wholesale and manage supplier relations ourselves, but we wish to leverage the expertise of a local agent to secure better pricing and access to high-quality suppliers. Key R...negotiate with reliable suppliers in China. - Source a range of products, specifically electronics, household goods, and gifts. - Secure competitive pricing and quality products. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a buyer agent in China. - Strong negotiation skills. - Extensive network of Chinese suppliers. - Familiarity with sourcing electronics, household goods, and gifts. - Fluent in Mandarin and English, both writ...
I am looking for a freelancer who can create a comprehensive company profile booklet for my Chinese business. This will be an essential tool for communicating our brand, values, and offerings to various stakeholders. Key Requirements: - Strong understanding of Chinese business culture and communication style - Excellent design skills to create an appealing layout - Fluent in Chinese and English to ensure high-quality bilingual content The ideal freelancer will have previous experience in creating company profile booklets or similar marketing materials, with a portfolio that showcases your design skills and understanding of corporate communication. Please provide examples of your previous work with your bid.
...System Integration Install and configure AstPP. Test CDR tracking and billing logic. 3. Week 5–6: User Portal Development Build backend APIs for trunk management. Develop frontend dashboard with React.js or Vue.js. 4. Week 7–8: Monitoring and Security Set up Prometheus, Grafana, and HOMER. Implement SIP security and HTTPS. 5. Week 9–10: Testing and Deployment Test system under load (simulate 1,000 users with 50 trunks each). Debug and fix any performance bottlenecks. Prepare final documentation for handover. --- Technical Stack --- Additional Notes Ensure scalability for handling increased call volume (up to 100K concurrent calls in the future). Provide clear documentation for system maintenance and future enhancements. Include unit...
I'm in need of a native Malayalam speaker, preferably from Kerala, who can help with the translation and proofreading of some marketing materials. These materials are intended for promotional purposes and are primarily in the format of social media posts. Essential Skills: - Fluent in Malayalam and English - Proven experience in translation and proofreading, particularly for marketing materials - Understanding of social media content and promotional language Your role will involve: - Translating English social media posts into Malayalam - Ensuring the translated content is culturally relevant and engaging - Proofreading the final content for accuracy and quality Experience in social media marketing and familiarity with Kerala's digital landscape will be a plus. Looking...
** THIS IS NOT AN ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATION ** I'm seeking a training expert to deliver CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) training aimed at boosting our team's technical software skills. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to enhance our overall productivity. Ideal Candidate: - MUST be specific to Keyence XM series CMMs and software - Fluent in English and/or Spanish speaking - Extensive experience in delivering online/remote CMM training - Proven track record in improving technical skills - Ability to tailor training to specific software usage - Keyence specific only - candidate must have relevant experience in daily use of Keyence software and hardware (XM series portable handheld CMMs) - Strong focus on productivity enhancement
... Requirements: - Bachelor’s degree or higher, with experience in AI or SaaS product management preferred. - Strong product design and user experience awareness, with a solid ability to analyze data. - Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to effectively manage cross-functional teams and drive projects forward. - Strong logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. - Fluent in English with excellent written and verbal communication skills. - Experience in startup environments is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: - Experience with products targeting the North American market. - Familiarity with AI technologies and interview coaching. - Strong market insight and an ability to innovate. Compensation: - Hourly Rate: Based on the candidate's exp...
...Android, Jetpack Compose for UI design. 3. Deployment on Android Model Deployment Convert trained AI models to TensorFlow Lite or ONNX for Android compatibility. Optimize for performance on resource-constrained devices. App Development Use Android Studio for app creation. Implement APIs to fetch and display traffic data in real-time. Testing Simulate high-traffic scenarios. Test on various Android devices to ensure compatibility. User Feedback and Updates Incorporate user suggestions for improving route suggestions and app functionality. 4. Workflow User opens the app and enters their destination. App fetches real-time traffic data from various sources. AI processes the data to predict cong...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor who can turn my raw footage into an engaging educational video. The project mainly involves simple cuts and transitions. Additionally, a Bangla voice-over will need to be incorporated throughout the piece. Key requirements: - Proficie...can turn my raw footage into an engaging educational video. The project mainly involves simple cuts and transitions. Additionally, a Bangla voice-over will need to be incorporated throughout the piece. Key requirements: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience editing educational content - Ability to sync video with voice-over - Basic understanding of simple cuts and transitions - Fluent in Bangla or able to work with a Bangla voice-over Ideal candidates will have a portfolio demonstrating si...
I need an expert in LS Dyna to simulate the blast response of sandwiched panels. These panels are made with metallic materials, specifically steel and aluminium foam. The primary focus of this simulation will be on energy absorption and deformation response. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in LS Dyna - Modeling of blast response - Experience with metallic materials - Understanding of energy absorption in materials - Background in structural engineering or related field
...of life, this is the place. WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING * Master the Design → Transform concepts and ideas into visuals that stop people in their tracks. * Obsess Over Perfection → Revisions are part of the game. If you’re not ready to make it flawless, don’t even apply. * Bring New Ideas Daily → Innovation is everything. We don’t imitate – we lead. So bring fresh ideas, every day. REQUIREMENTS * Fluent in English * Portfolio that proves you’re top-tier – weak designs won’t make it here * Mastery in Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma DO NOT APPLY IF * You are not ready to work 10-hour days. * You can not handle high pressure and tight deadlines. * You get easily tired of doing revisions. HOWEVER, YOU SHOULD APPLY IF *..., this is the place. WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING - Master the Edit → Take Devin’s raw footage and create something that stops people in their tracks. - Obsess Over Perfection → Revisions are part of the game. If you’re not ready to make it flawless, don’t even apply. - Bring New Ideas Daily → Innovation is everything. We don’t imitate – we lead. So bring fresh ideas, every day. REQUIREMENTS - Fluent in English. - Portfolio that proves you’re top-tier – weak edits won’t make it here. - After Effects & Premiere Pro Mastery. DO NOT APPLY IF - You are not ready to work 10-hour days. - You can not handle high pressure and tight deadlines. - You get easily tired of doing revisions. HOWEVER, YOU SHOULD APPLY IF...
I am seeking a profi...Method - Aerospace engineering background I have detailed data available for the flapping wing design, which will be provided upon project commencement. The ideal freelancer will be able to not only develop the code, but also provide insights based on the analysis of the results. References: 1. Verstraete, M. L., Roccia, B. A., Mook, D. T., & Preidikman, S. (2019). A co-simulation methodology to simulate the nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of a folding-wing concept in different flight configurations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 98, 907-927. 2. Verstraete, M. L., Preidikman, S., Roccia, B. A., & Mook, D. T. (2015). A numerical model to study the nonlinear and unsteady aerodynamics of bioinspired morphing-wing concepts. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicl...
...update their credits; if not, create a new record. Ensure that the user record is queried and updated correctly in the database. Frontend Credit Display: Review the code in the frontend that fetches and displays the user’s credits using the displayUserCredits() function. Ensure the frontend is querying the UserCredits collection and properly displaying the credit points. Test Payment Workflow: Simulate a payment using the Razorpay gateway and verify that the backend correctly updates the user’s credit points based on the plan selected. Ensure the frontend reflects the correct number of credits after the payment is processed. Debugging and Logs: Check the Wix Developer Console for any potential errors or logs that could provide insight into where the issue is occurr...
I'm in need of a transcriptionist who can help with transcribing various types of content in Khmer. Your role will primarily involve transcribing spoken conte...can help with transcribing various types of content in Khmer. Your role will primarily involve transcribing spoken content and add some tags . workload: a 20 minutes audio Key Responsibilities: - Listen to audio recordings and accurately modify and correct the transcription spoken content, the content need same with what the speaker said. -add some tags. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or fluent in Khmer with excellent command over written language. - Prior experience in transcription, particularly of interviews, lectures, and conversations. - Attention to detail and ability to deliver accurate and high-quality ...
...other issues in the back-end for troubleshooting. Ensure that all payment methods are seamlessly integrated and work as expected without conflicts. Testing and Validation: Thoroughly test each payment gateway to ensure that transactions go through smoothly and that users are correctly redirected to the relevant payment provider. Use sandbox/test accounts for Stripe, PayPal, and other providers to simulate real-world payment scenarios. Ensure that all webhook events are properly received and handled. Skills Required: Wix Velo (JavaScript for Wix development) Payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal, Coinbase, Skrill, Paysafe) Experience with webhooks and handling payment notifications Wix Data for order management and storing transaction details Familiarity with handling async...
I'm in need of a transcriptionist who can help with transcribing various types of content in filipino. Your role will primarily involve transcribing spoken with transcribing various types of content in filipino. Your role will primarily involve transcribing spoken content and add some tags . workload: a 15 minutes audio Key Responsibilities: - Listen to audio recordings and accurately modify and correct the transcription spoken content, the content need same with what the speaker said. -add some tags. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or fluent in filipino with excellent command over written language. - Prior experience in transcription, particularly of interviews, lectures, and conversations. - Attention to detail and ability to deliver accurate and high-quality ...