Round robin algorithmprojekty
EN I would like to order an autopilot program (sources in C required) for the STM32F103 or STM32F401 or STM32F411 platform. The autopilot's task is to swim to the target in a straight line (I don't care what algorithm will be used) by controlling the model of a two-engine boat (in my model it is controlling 550 class motors with XXD HW30A 30A Motor ESC regulators) GPS with built-in RadioLink Mini M8N GPS TS100 compass. If you need an external compass, I'm open, if you can't use the built-in Radiolink, eg Gyroscope, Accelerometer, GY-511 compass. I want the program to calculate the route based on the GPS indications and the gyroscope and / or accelerometer and / or compass. The destination point is entered by means of 2 strings long and lat. I don't need mo...
Cześć, poszukuję developera RoR, który pomoże mi wykończyć aplikację webową napisaną w tym środowisku. Proszę o kontakt na w sprawie szczegółów zlecenia - sprawa pilna, a zostało tam już niewiele pracy : (malpa)
...developer/company with in-depth knowledge and the experience of the JSPRIT routes planning and optimization algorithm The existing opensource version of it does not have all required by us functionalities. We need to have JSPRIT algorithm enhanced by multi pallets load functionality in (2D). Currently there is an option to check number of homogenous pallets load (pieces) into the truck as well as to check its weight or sq meters. But all these are homogenous parameters. In real business life scenarios often there are different sizes of pallets which are loaded onto the same truck. Therefore JSPRIT would need to be associated/linked with another bin packing algorithm which would check during every truck loading if another pallet would still be p...
Implement an algorithm for selecting the leader (coordinator) based on the bully algorithm. Use of the mechanism of sockets. Description: The program must have work in console. 3 computers (or more) must be connected to a network or to a single router. On all 3 computers, the program must operate. At the interfaces must be a message that the computer is a leader and who is not, and any additional information (eg .: -why this computer is a leader, or -why this computer is no longer a leader or -time embodiment algorithm, or -time transmission of information, or -whatever, the more the better) PL: Zaimplementować algorytm wyboru lidera (koordynatora) w oparciu o algorytm bully (tyrana). Wykorzystać mechanizm gniazd Opis: Program może działać w k...
Java implementation of Lyra2 algorithm. C source:
Implement an algorithm for selecting the leader (coordinator) based on the bully algorithm. Use of the mechanism of sockets in C or .NET Description: The program must have a windowing interface, not the console. 3 computers (or more) must be connected to a network or to a single router. On all 3 computers, the program must operate. At the interfaces must be a message that the computer is a leader and who is not, and any additional information (eg .: -why this computer is a leader, or -why this computer is no longer a leader or -time embodiment algorithm, or -time transmission of information, or -whatever, the more the better) PL: Zaimplementować algorytm wyboru lidera (koordynatora) w oparciu o algorytm bully (tyrana). Wykorzystać mechanizm gniazd ...
Poszukuję osoby do zaprojektowania płytki elektrycznej PCB wraz z miniprocesorem. Chodzi o układ sterowania, regulator grzewczy, sterowaniem algorytmem PID. Układ ma być jak najmniejszy. I`m lookind a person who will make a project of electric PCB with micro procesor. It will be a controler of heating instalation. Control with algorithm PID. The PCB should the the smallest as it is possible.
Zlecę wykonanie kilku algorytmów w języku C++ (na potrzeby programu omnet++). Potrzebuję 3 schedulers: RR (round-robin) i jego modyfikacje: WRR i DRR. Zapraszam jedynie osoby znające omnet i potrafiące programować w C++.
Chcemy osiągnąć na ispconfigu pracującym w trybie wielu serwerów taką funkcjonalność by była dostępna kopia na dwóch serwerach jednocześnie i wpisanie domeny będzie powodowało że raz będzie kierowało ruch na jeden a raz na drugi serwer. Rozwiązania w celu zapewnienia kopii skryptów na dwóch serwerach jednocześnie zastosowanie wielu IP dla domeny to tzw. round-robin - działa on w ten sposób, że dla każde kolejne zapytanie kieruje on do kolejnego z listy zdefiniowanego adresu IP sam DNS nie realizuje sprawdzania czy IP pod który kieruje ruch jest dostępny, trzeba to połączyć z innym mechanizmem (tzw. fault-tolerance) Wykorzystanie Rsync do utrzymywania dwóch tych samych kopii plików oraz mechanizmów replika...
witam, mam portal filmowy i w niektorych filmach jest taki blad : Video not found: http://sea...require_once ''; if(isset($_COOKIE['dle_user_id']) && $_COOKIE['dle_user_id'] !== 0){ $url = flv($id); $h = @get_headers($url.$pos, 1); header('Content-Type: video/x-flv', true); header('Content-Length: '.$h['Content-Length'], true); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$id.'.flv"', true); $speed = round(200 * 1024); $handle = fopen($url.$pos, 'rb'); if($handle !== false) while(!feof($handle)) { print stream_get_contents($handle, $speed); flush(); ob_flush(); slee...
The role is of high priority fo...of the internet market including job sites, blogging and social networking. · Able to analyse web pages and make detailed SEO recommendations · Working knowledge of HTML, CSS · Proficiency with SEO and keywords research Tools, Google Analytics, Microsoft Word, and Excel · Enthusiasm for and a commitment to keep up to date with current SEO strategies and algorithm changes · Detail-oriented with strong organizational and reporting skills · Self-motivated, disciplined, and able to work effectively as part of a global team · An experienced SEO looking for an opportunity to prove your ability on a global stage. Your CV (english) please send to this address e-mail: @
Witam, Potrzebuje rozwiązać jedną Metode Numeryczną: Do rozwiązania jest metoda: FEM-WS(Sformułowanie Słabe) N-R(Neumann-Robin) Galerkin(to jest jakaś wersja;p) Pełne informacje dot. rozwiązania metody"padding:5px; text-align:center; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; background:#F9F9F9;"><b>Status Twojego konta: <font style="color:#FF0000;"><? echo $stat; ?></font><br /> <? if($stat == "premium"){ $zostalo = ($pw-$czas)/86400; ?> Do wyga¶nięcia pozostało: <font style="color:#FF0000;">dni <? echo round($zostalo); ?></font><br /> <? } else { ?> dokonaj aktualizacji do opcji "premium"</b> <? } ?> </div> <br /> <div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; background:#F9F9F9;"><b>Wykonaj krok po kroku:</b><br /> <ol> <li>Wy¶lij SMS o tr...
...(Football) World Cup South Africa Ghana Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Brazil Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Mexico Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa England Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Japan Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Portugal Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Chile Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Slovakia Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa USA Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Korea Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa South Africa Group 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa...
Witam, Zlecenie polega na zaprojektowaniu i wykonaniu 4 ikon w formacie grafiki wektorowej. Ikony muszą być banalne, najlepiej w takim stylu: Chodzi o wykonanie ikon: 1. Palec dotykający kwadratu 2. "Gruszka fotograficzna" 3. Znak zapytania 4. Obiektyw fotograficzny (może być ujęcie z przodu więc bardzo łatwo bo tylko koło stylizowane na obiektyw) Wszystkie ikony muszą być wykonane w tym samym stylu więc najlepiej przez jedną osobę. Wydaje mi się ,że to zlecenie nie jest trudne, dużo tu nie ma co do projektowania. Więc koszt nie powinien być wysoki więc agencją które oferują
Witam, Potrzebuję implementacji algorytmu CRF (chodzi o klasyfikację za pomocą Conditional Random Fields na potrzeby przeszukiwania stron internetowych). Chodzi mi o to żeby algorytm był napisany w C# .NET i był częścią działającej aplikacji internetowej, która ukazywałaby jego działanie. Przykładowy algorytm w C++ znajduje się tutaj: Aplikacja ta może być maksymalnie prosta wizualnie i funkcjonalnie oraz może w dużej mierze opierać się na powyższym przykładzie. Więcej informacji tutaj: pozdrawiam
Witam, Potrzebuję implementacji algorytmu CRF (chodzi o klasyfikację za pomocą Conditional Random Fields na potrzeby przeszukiwania stron internetowych). Chodzi mi o to żeby algorytm był napisany w C# .NET i był częścią działającej aplikacji internetowej, która ukazywałaby jego działanie. Przykładowy algorytm w C++ znajduje się tutaj: Aplikacja ta może być maksymalnie prosta wizualnie i funkcjonalnie oraz może w dużej mierze opierać się na powyższym przykładzie. Więcej informacji tutaj: pozdrawiam
Witam, Potrzebuję implementacji algorytmu CRF (chodzi o klasyfikację za pomocą Conditional Random Fields na potrzeby przeszukiwania stron internetowych). Chodzi mi o to żeby algorytm był napisany w C# .NET i był częścią działającej aplikacji internetowej, która ukazywałaby jego działanie. Przykładowy algorytm w C++ znajduje się tutaj: Aplikacja ta może być maksymalnie prosta wizualnie i funkcjonalnie oraz może w dużej mierze opierać się na powyższym przykładzie. Więcej informacji tutaj: pozdrawiam
Potrzebuje rozwiazac takie zadanka. Algorithms must be written in pseudocode 1. Show the computation of the subset sum algorithm on the following data: the elements' weights are 8,5,10,3,6,8,2; the capacity of the bin is 20. Just draw an appropriate array and fill it like we did in class. Before doing that permute the elements in your own way (leave 2 as the last item). If the answer is positive list the elements whose weights sum up to the capacity of the bin. 2. When playing a game you are at position 0 initially. You can perform three types of moves, improving your position by 1, 2 or 3. Write a dynamic programming algorithm that computes in how many ways you can improve your position from 0 to n. For example, if n = 3, you can make it in 4 ways: 1+1+1 or...
...candies, the only "fuel" accepted by our sweet man. Tchesio's capacity is c candies, and his fuel consumption is f candies per mile (independent of the amount of sweets he just consumed). Assume that the lengths of consecutive intervals are given in an array A[n]. (a) Design a best strategy for Tchesio that tells him how many candies he should consume at each stopover (b) Give an algorithm that checks if Tchesio can successfully reach the end of the route. 6. You are given a family of n intervals on the line. The i'th interval is specified by two integers: the starting point S[i] and the ending point E[i]. Your task is to assign colors 1,2,3,... to intervals in such a way that: - if two intervals intersect then they are assigned a different color (i...
Write a program that implements the divide and conquer algorithm for finding two closest points on the plane. Details: input, to be read from the standard input stream: line 1: integer n, 2 <= n <= 1 000 000 line 2: integers x1, y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under ...
Write a program that implements the divide and conquer algorithm for finding two closest points on the plane. Details: input, to be read from the standard input stream: line 1: integer n, 2 <= n <= 1 000 000 line 2: integers x1, y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run unde...
Applikacja Flash pobierająca dane z plików XML Goal: - mininalna komunikacja z serwerem (RIA) - konfiguracja client-side - połączenie z aplikacją ASP.NET 2.0 Dane w postaci: - zdjęcie produktów - zdjęcia opcji (również w postaci ikonek) - ceny - numery produktów User buduje krzesło (zmiany bez „round-trip” do servera pokazane są na modelu krzesła): - wybór rodzaj materiału - wybór koloru materiału - wybór koloru środka - wybór koloru szwa/nitki (możliwość przybliżenia) - wybór rodzaj nagłówka - wybór poręczy - wybór podstawy - za każdym razem gdy user wybierzę jedną z opcji, budowny jest numer produktu z ceną, które następnie przesłane są do kontol...
...Start Date: Immediate (Today). Delivery Timeline: Initial setup and first round of content within 3 days. Duration: Initial contract of 3 months, with the possibility of ongoing collaboration based on performance. Questions for Applicants: To help us assess your suitability, please answer the following: Can you share examples of social media accounts or campaigns you've managed for similar businesses? What tools and strategies do you use to ensure consistent branding and growth? How do you create content that aligns with a business’s specific industry? Are you experienced in running Facebook and Instagram ads? If so, can you share a case study or results? How do you stay updated on social media trends and algorithm changes?...
I'm in need of a skilled Telegram developer to create a bot for My Newly Publish Token Key Responsibilities: 1. Algorithmic Price Predictions 2. Forecast Visualization in Graphs 3. Detection and Analysis of Ne...Newly Publish Token Key Responsibilities: 1. Algorithmic Price Predictions 2. Forecast Visualization in Graphs 3. Detection and Analysis of New Tokens 4. Alerts and Strategies 5. Pattern Recognition and Automatic Breakout Detection 6. Risk Management and Position Sizing Tool Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Telegram Bot API and Python/Node.js. - Experience in AI integration and algorithm development. - Knowledge in data analysis and handling media files. - Past work on similar Telegram bot projects is a plus. pls i need A very great Developer to help...
...two-stage optimization algorithm. This algorithm should be able to handle scenarios where only non-negative solutions are relevant, such as resource allocation or practical constraints. Key Requirements: - Develop a C algorithm that uses a two-stage optimization approach. - The first stage involves solving a transformed problem to approximate the solution. - The second stage refines the result by optimizing the original function. - The algorithm should be efficient and flexible, ensuring practical, constraint-compliant solutions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in C programming. - Strong understanding of optimization algorithms. - Experience with resource allocation problems or non-negative solution scenarios. - Ability to demonstrate th...
I'm looking to develop an automated trading system for stock trading on the Zerodha platform. Key Features: - Real-time Data Analysis: The system should analyze market data in real-time. - Automatic Order Execution: Based on the analysis, the system should automatically place buy/sell orders. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming languages (Python, Java) for algorithm development. - Experience with Zerodha's API for platform integration. - Strong understanding of stock market dynamics and trading strategies. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
We are a skincare brand for teenagers looking for a freelancer to increase engagement and grow our follower base with a targeted audience. The task includes liking, commenting, and interacting with users to boost visibility and align with TikTok’s algorithm. Applicants must: - Provide references of accounts they’ve managed. - Be fluent in youthful, engaging English. - Offer a price based on the number of activities (likes, comments, interactions). - Ensure comments are varied and authentic, avoiding repetitive or generic responses. - Deliver a weekly Excel report listing the links to accounts interacted with and the number of actions performed.
...Responsibilities: - Create videos suitable for a YouTube audience - Develop and implement creative, educational content related to personal development Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in video creation, particularly for YouTube - Strong understanding of personal development topics - Creative mindset able to develop engaging content - Proficient in video editing software - Experience with SEO and YouTube's algorithm to increase visibility of content Your role will be pivotal in helping me to create high-quality, engaging videos that can captivate and educate viewers. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in the past. tl;dr Nothing big, and not something cannot do. Just need someone who can weave stock videos to create narrative. Or, should be ...
...for loans,” but focused on financial transactions. If you have experience in building fintech applications, marketplaces, or similar platforms, we want to hear from you! Key Features: 1. User Registration & Authentication: • Borrowers and lenders sign up via email, phone, or social media. • KYC verification for both parties (document upload, ID verification). 2. Loan Matching System: • Algorithm to match borrowers and lenders based on criteria like amount, term, and interest rate. 3. Loan Request & Offer Management: • Borrowers: Request loans with desired terms (amount, repayment period). • Lenders: Review borrower profiles and submit loan offers. 4. Secure Payment Gateway: • Enable loan disbursements and repayments securely...
Seeking an experienced FlutterFlow developer to finalize our pre-structured mobile app. Key features to develop include user registration with Instagram integration, a multi-step application system, an AI-based matching algorithm, real-time in-app messaging, dynamic page linking, and event management. Requirements: - Proficient in FlutterFlow - Experience with Firebase Auth - Skills in AI algorithm development - Knowledge in real-time chat systems - Understanding of dynamic UI/UX experiences - Ability to deliver a fully functional prototype within 20 days. The highest priority is the User Registration & Login feature. Bidder's portfolio should demonstrate similar projects successfully completed.
Project Details ₹1,500.00 – 12,500.00 INR Bidding ends in 6 days, 23 hours Your work is to write an algorithm that plays the game of Hangman through API server. When a user plays Hangman, the server first selects a secret word at random from a list. The server then returns a row of underscores (space separated)—one for each letter in the secret word—and asks the user to guess a letter. If the user guesses a letter that is in the word, the word is redisplayed with all instances of that letter shown in the correct positions, along with any letters correctly guessed on previous turns. If the letter does not appear in the word, the user is charged with an incorrect guess. The user keeps guessing letters until either (1) the user has correctly guessed all the letters...
I am looking for a Python expert to help build an algorithmic trading strategy focused on trend following in the stock market. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a trend following algorithm using Python. - Tailor the strategy specifically for the stock market. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge and experience in algorithmic trading. - Proficient in Python programming. - Familiarity with the stock market and trend following strategies. Please include examples of your previous work in algorithmic trading when you bid.
I'm seeking an expert for creating and managing social media advertisements, primarily image-based, on Facebook and Instagram. The goal is focused on sales conversion within the travel industry. Key Responsibilities: - Design and launch 2-3 ads monthly, all year round - Continuous monitoring and refining of campaigns based on performance, objectives and the evolving social media landscape - Leveraging insights to optimize for sales conversion Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in social media advertising - Knowledge and experience in the travel industry is a plus - Strong analytical skills for monitoring and improving ad performance
More details: Which game engine do you prefer to use for the animation engine? Raylib and Lua Do you have specific animation primitives that must be supported? Graph traversal, Algorithm tracing, User interaction What specific types of user interactions should be supported by the engine? Changing input parameters, Interactive tutorials, Real-time feedback and assessments
...create a comprehensive e-commerce website where users can order physical goods. The site should come with an interactive menu and include the following features: - An ordering page with tracking capabilities for each order, so users can keep tabs on their purchases - A section for user reviews, allowing customers to share their experiences and feedback - A 'Recommended Products' feature, using an algorithm or set criteria to suggest products based on user behaviour or popularity The payment system should cater for traditional credit card transactions as well as transactions made with app-based digital currencies. A crucial part of the project is the handling of user accounts. I want to keep it simple and user-friendly by allowing guest checkouts. Ideal candidates ...
...Formula: =B3-B2 Ensure cells B2 and B3 are formatted as Date. 2. Rental Cost Based on Type: Formula (in B9): =IF(B4="Daily", B5*B6, IF(B4="Weekly", ROUNDUP(B6/7,0)*B7, IF(B4="Monthly", ROUNDUP(B6/30,0)*B8, IF(B4="3-Month", ROUNDUP(B6/90,0)*B9, 0)))) Explanation: Use the daily, weekly, monthly, or 3-month rate depending on the rental type. For weekly, monthly, and 3-month rentals, round up to the nearest full unit of time. 3. Excess Mileage Cost: Formula: =MAX(0,(B12-B11)*B13) Explanation: Subtract mileage allowance from actual miles driven. Multiply any excess by the per-mile charge. 4. Card Fee Amount: Formula: =B16*B17/100 Explanation: Calculate a percentage fee on the payment amount. 5. Total Cost: Formula: =SUM(B9,B...
I'm looking for a Quotex bot that specializes in signal generation. The primary task of this bot will be to generate trading signals that are highly accurate. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in trading bot development, particularly for Quotex. - Strong background in algorithm design for signal generation. - Knowledge of trading strategies, even if not specifically requested, can be a plus. - Experience in ensuring high accuracy in signal predictions. Please note, while the bot will be focused on signal generation, understanding of market dynamics and ability to incorporate different trading strategies can enhance the bot's performance.
Development of single-phase dq control for AC modules, including parallelization and droop control for parallelizing DC modules and AC modules. Creation of a simulation model in PLECS to verify and optimize the control system. Note: The control algorithm must be clean and well-structured. It will later be converted into C code for use on a microcontroller. The conversion to C code is not part of this project. The attachments are only examples. Required Skills: - Proficiency in control systems design, particularly dq control and droop control. - Experience with PLECS
...the WordPress website. Implement SEO strategies to improve content ranking. Troubleshoot website issues and optimize page loading times. Collaborate with the content and design teams to ensure a seamless user experience. Qualities Needed: Strong technical skills in WordPress development. Passion for SEO and improving website performance. Adaptability to stay updated on SEO trends and algorithm changes. Accountability to ensure site performance is optimal....
I'm looking for a freelancer who specializes in YouTube channel management, particularly in content creation. The content will primarily be videos ranking different items like games, movies, etc. Key Responsibilities: - Conceptualizing and creating engaging ranked-item videos - Editing the videos to ensure high quality and viewer engagement - Creation of 5 v...Conceptualizing and creating engaging ranked-item videos - Editing the videos to ensure high quality and viewer engagement - Creation of 5 videos as a test to see future potential of working together Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content creation for YouTube - Proficient in video editing software - Creative mindset with a passion for ranking content - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm f...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create an e-commerce website for selling physical products. The site should have a smooth user exp...skilled web developer to create an e-commerce website for selling physical products. The site should have a smooth user experience and be able to handle diverse product listings. Key Features: - Customer Reviews: A section for customer feedback on product pages. - Product Variants: The ability to showcase different sizes, colors, and other variants of a product. - Related Product Suggestions: An algorithm to suggest related products to encourage cross-selling. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in e-commerce platforms and web development. - Experience with UX/UI design for e-commerce. - Knowledge of SEO and digital marketing w...
...including company websites and public directories, to extract company names, contact details, and decision-maker information. Its responsibilities included designing the AI model for Named Entity Recognition (NER) to identify key individuals, implementing scalable web scraping pipelines, and integrating APIs for enhanced data accuracy. A notable functionality with the use of a custom machine learning algorithm to filter and rank decision-makers based on their roles, improving the my outreach efficiency by over 70%. Excel results would be in this format- Provided Email: CEO’s Name: Company’s Name Key Requirements: - The AI should primarily source information from company websites, google and other free data websites - The tool must be capable of accurately identify...
each day make 2 reel for our products and get paid $2 per reel. I'm seeking a creative professional to produce a YouTube Reel aimed at promoting my brand to the general public. The primary purpose of this project is to enhance brand visibility and recognition. Key Requirements: - Experience in video production and editing, preferably with a focus on You...preferably with a focus on YouTube content. - Strong understanding of brand promotion and audience engagement strategies. - Creativity in conveying brand messages in an entertaining and engaging way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous work with promotional content on YouTube or similar platforms. - Ability to deliver high-quality, visually appealing content. - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and content trend...
...experienced Search Engine and Social Media Marketing Expert with Hospitality Experience to help us increase our bookings and revenue by reaching more NYC-based leisure travelers. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage a targeted Google Ads campaign and other paid ads / social media platforms specifically aimed at NYC leisure travelers. - Develop strategies to attract more guests and improve our year-round occupancy. - Provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the campaign. - Advise on the timing of the campaign - whether to start now or wait for our busy season. Background: While I’ve run small ad campaigns on Google, Facebook, and Instagram (spending about $100-$150/month), they haven’t made much of an impact. I’ve also tried backlink building and ke...
I'm seeking a seasoned editor and publishing consultant for my saga book, "A Warrior Returns Home," which is divided into three parts. - **Copy Editing**: The manuscript has undergone editing twice already, but I require a third round of copy editing to ensure clarity, coherence, and adherence to standard English conventions. - **Publishing Strategy Consultation**: Given my extensive experience with intellectual property protection and previous consultations with legal experts, I now need a professional to help navigate the intricacies of the publishing world. - **Traditional Publishing Queries**: Assistance with traditional publishing inquiries is crucial. The ideal freelancer would have extensive editing experience, particularly with saga or series-type lite...
Hello, I'm looking for someone who can create a logo for a new business. Name of the business: Colors on Panels What they do, they make custom made wooden panels for interior. For the more luxurious homes. Top quality. the logo al...looking for someone who can create a logo for a new business. Name of the business: Colors on Panels What they do, they make custom made wooden panels for interior. For the more luxurious homes. Top quality. the logo also need to look luxury and elegant. Client like to see someting of the panels coming back in the logo. But likes to get suprised as well Tips: they are gonna use the logo as a round format. so the logo will need to fit a circle. in the attachment from the panels they are going to make. If there are questions, please ask...
...routes to specific careers). Educational resources (schools, courses, training programs). Local job market trends (in-demand skills, available jobs). Data Processing: The raw data collected will be organized and structured to make it usable by the application. This likely involves cleaning, formatting, and storing the data in a database. Application Algorithm Development: This is the key part of this section. The project will develop an algorithm or use AI to match user inputs (like their skills, interests, and qualifications) with suitable career pathways. This is what will provide personalized career recommendations to users. 2. Design: This section focuses on the look and feel and user experience of the application. Brand Development: This involves creating a visual id...
...the user can ask questions like "What can I make with rum and lime?" or "Why is this drink perfect for me?" Response Section: ChatGPT’s answers will be displayed in bubbles, with a follow-up button for the user to ask more or refine the question. Help Option: A small icon or button to access a help guide, explaining how the ChatGPT feature works. Design: Minimalist, with a friendly, modern look. Round chat bubbles, differentiating between user and bot responses (different background colors for each). A smooth scrollable interface where users can tap to ask questions or view more detailed responses. Floating button for initiating a new conversation, placed at the bottom-right corner. 7. User Profile & Settings Screen Layout: Profile Picture: A circle...
I'm looking for an experienced YouTube professional to help me create a YouTube channel focused on entertaining pop music content. Key Responsibilities: - Create a unique and engaging YouTube channel cente...Create a unique and engaging YouTube channel centered around pop music - Develop entertaining content that appeals to pop music fans - Implement strategies to grow the channel's audience and engagement The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive knowledge and passion for pop music - Proven experience in creating and managing successful YouTube channels - Strong understanding of YouTube's algorithm and best practices for audience engagement - Creativity in developing entertaining content Please provide examples of previous music-related YouTube channels y...