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    2,000 price comparison website data ofert prac znalezionych

    ...API lub CSV – przechowywanie adresów stron Proxy/rotacja User-Agentów – jeśli konieczne Tych adresów będą tysiące z różnych krajów. Moje pytania: 1. Jaki koszt wykonania takiej apliacji 2. Jaki czas realizacji 3. Czy będę mógł tą aplikacje pobrać dla siebie (nie wiem czy to ma być na komputer czy na hosing) ENGLISH Is it possible to create an application and at what price that will automatically browse a specific website (the list/database of websites can be in some database), then find a form on this page, fill it in and send it according to the specified content? The scheme of action would be as follows: 1. Download the www address from the database, list, e.g. csv or google sheet 2. Go to the given address 3. Sea...

    $238 Average bid
    $238 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    Car rental - checking and renting cars, including those currently available, - charging a rental fee, depending on time (fixed amount + fuel); discounts for regular customers - client (browses the car list, rents it in one of the company's branches, pays, returns) and employee (adds the car to the base, confirms the rental/receipt, sets the price list). Program valid until 4.11.2021 (inclusive).

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    ...secured ready CMS if it meets all our requirements. The key functions of the store, besides the basic ones, that each store offers (I do not need to mention the basket and the option of payment or page creation functions) are: - advanced search engine with multifiltration by product parameters - multilingual (PL, EN, DE, FR) - multi-currency (PLN, EURO, GBP, USD) - the delivery price list is fully modified and the price of product shipments depends on the category of the baselinker product - mapping and linking Baselinker categories to readable for the customer, e.g. "category X" + "category Y" in the baselinker in the store will be visible as one "category Z" with the filtering parameters of both - the ability to edit a given product "o...

    $5620 Average bid
    $5620 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    Zlecę dodanie do istniejącego serwisu następujących funkcjonalności: systemu dodawania ogłoszeń z opcji darmowej na płatną cenników oraz abonamentów w panelu z płatnościami dotpay Portal oparty o sysyem OSCLASS MARKET ------------ I would like to add the following functionalities to the existing website: 1. Change of the system of adding ads from free to paid option 2. Adding price lists and subscriptions in the panel with dotpay payments Portal based on OSCLASS MARKET system

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert the server. The browser is to save cookies as a regular browser. At , you can check the information sent by the browser, I want to be able to change it. At you can check more information that can be obtained from the browser, I would also like to change this information to any one before connecting to the server to download the website. Basic Functionality: a. Loading from the text file of the list of proxy servers saved in JSON format b. Loading from the text file to the substitution in the browser header - a text file in which the instructions for the application in JSON format will be stored. Each task will be described by parameters • The address of the page to be opened in the browser • Address referer url • Browser window

    $568 Average bid
    $568 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    ...Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi. Praca zaliczeniowa dotyczy przedmiotu Etyka w zarządzaniu. Temat, wytyczne a także przykładowa literatura są podane w języku angielskim, natomiast praca ma być napisana w języku polskim. Minimalna ilość stron to 7. Termin oddania pracy 28.03.2018. Temat pracy: General topic: Current Forms of Situation Ethics and its Practical Impact on Management and Economy. A Comparison between Situation Ethics and … Particular topics: … the Theory of X (an exemplary thinker), who represents a. … feminism b. … neomarxism c. ... postmodernism d. … “new” theology e. … business (management) ethics Spośród punktów od a do e podanych w tytule należy wybrać jeden...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Zlecę zrobienie następujących elementów na sklepie Presta Shop ver. - likwidacja numerów ID z adresów url produktów - naprawienie sortowania postonicowanej listy produktów według ceny w taki sposób aby produkty wyświetlały się w kolejności: te z normalną ceną posortowane...ej do najmniejszej/największej Za prawidłowo wykonane zadanie płacę 100zł. Budżet za całość: 200zł. ==================== ENGLISH ======================= There are following tasks to do: - removing ID numbers from products SEO urls - fixing sorting of paginated product list that the products will display in this way: 1. sorted list of products with an old price 2. sorted list of products with an new price For each one solved t...

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    Wdrożenie gotowego template porównywarki cenowej do serwisu postawionego na wordpress jako nowa podstrona (włączony multisite). Dodatkowo potrzebne: - śledzenie przekierowań do sklepów - tłumaczenie - opcjonalnie automatyczna aktualizacja przez klienta

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Mam zaplanowane kolejne zadania związane z naszym poprzednim zleceniemPlugin Joomla/VirtueMart Price from Exelfile'

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wypozycjonowanie strony w wyszukiwarce słowa kluczowe: Energy price comparison Swiching energy providers Cut cost of energy Gas & electricity company in uk How to reduce gas and electricty bill Lower energy bills proszę o konkretne i szczegółowe oferty

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    114489 Zen Cart moduł
    Zakończone left

    ...wprowadzenia innych wartości a w punktach 2) i 3) pobranie tych wartości dla aktualnego sklepu. 2) na stronie potwierdzenia zamówienia są zbierane dane o zamówieniu i przekazywane do szablonu (jest gotowy szablon smarty i samo php) który jest wyświetlany na stronie potwierdzenia zamówienia pod komunikatem o pomyślnym zakończeniu zamówienia. Oto zbierane dane (niektóre mogą być niedostępne w tym sklepie): $data = array( 'api_key' => wartość wprowadzona w panelu administracyjnym, 'secret' => wartość wprowadzona w panelu administracyjnym, 'email' => ?, 'firstname' => ?, 'lastname' => ?, 'street' => ?, 'zip' => ?, 'c...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    87702 porównywarka cen
    Zakończone left

    Witam, Zlecę stworzenie porównywarki cen. Proszę o propozycję technologii wykonania, orientacyjnego czasu i kosztu. Grafika jest już gotowa, pocięta. Interesuje mnie także zaproponowanie rozwiązania następującego problemu jaki widzę podczas budowy takiego serwisu, a mianowicie. Sklepy udost...przedstawienie rozwiązania tego problemu lub jakichś uproszczeń które łatwo pozwolą grupować produkty. Bardzo proszę o oferty od osób z doświadczeniem, wymagane portfolio lub opis wykonanych prac z linkami. Proszę podać widełki cenowe(+/-). Proszę napisać w jakiej technologii chcą Państwo realizować zlecenie? Porównywarka na wzór: - - W załączniku wstępny opis Pozdrawiam

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Przedmiotem zlecenia jest pozycjonowanie strony angielskiej w Hasła: My salary Salary Calculate my salary Salary checker Salary comparison Pay calculator Pay averages Pay scale Prosimy o warunki współpracy wraz z wyceną każdej frazy na wspolpraca@ Dla zainteresowanych: Domena jest poprawnie zaindeksowana w google posiada 2 lata.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...przestrzeni trzeba ja usunąć tak jak na *.net. Pyzatym chciałbym żeby obrazki z TOP (logo i tło pod logiem) zostało przeniesione na biz w kolorze niebieskim takim jak teraz na str. 12. Na stronie płatności: w wersji niemieckiej pojawia się zdanie: Versand nach: DE (by price) Trzeba to zmienić na Versand Podobnie jest na stronie: Tu jest : Versandkosten (Versand nach: DE (by price)): Trzeba zmienić na: Versandkosten trzeba tez uwzględnić wszystkie wersje językowe, Angielska, Włoska i Hiszpańską --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proszę o podanie ceny i terminu zakończenia modyfikacji na stronach.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam Poszukuje osoby, która wykona dla mnie moduł porównywarki produktów do systemu PrestaShop. Coś jak: Pozdrawiam

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam serdecznie, Zlecę napisanie ok. 15 stron pracy na temat Functional Approach in translation tourist guides and brochures, interesuje mnie w całości rozdział poświęcony części praktycznej i porównanie tekstów: czyli coś cyklu : Functional approach - Comparison and differences between ............ Jeśli chodzi o wytyczne pracy: czcionka 12, tytuły rozdziału 14, przypisy 10. Bibliografia musi być zawarta. Cytaty nie mogą przekroczyć 10% pracy. Przewidziany okres czasu poświęcony pisaniu ok.14 dni Proszę o krótki opis Państwa doświadczenia na maila: dominika-wanat@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, chciałbym importować XML Data Feeds z sieci afiliacyjnych. Potrzebuje do tego: 1) wordpress theme, cos takiego jak to: 2) CSV / XML Import 3) wordpress price comparison, cos takiego jak to: proszę tylko o sensowne propozycje i najlepiej o przedstawienie takiego wordpressa. Wybór usługodawcy odbędzie się na podstawie przedstawionego wordpressa, który będzie automatycznie dodawał z XML importu strony do wordpressa i beda ustawione linki (zamaskowane) oraz title, description & friendly URLs itd. Jeżeli są pytania, proszę o kontakt. seta100@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam Poszukuje osoby do wypozycjonowania dwoch stron. Pierwsza to skierowana do polakow mieszkajacych w UK i chcialbym ja wypozycjonowac na dwa hasla: child trust fund, child trust fund po polsku na Droga strona to jest to strona po angielsku skierowana na rynek angielski ...Poszukuje osoby do wypozycjonowania dwoch stron. Pierwsza to skierowana do polakow mieszkajacych w UK i chcialbym ja wypozycjonowac na dwa hasla: child trust fund, child trust fund po polsku na Droga strona to jest to strona po angielsku skierowana na rynek angielski i chcialbym ja wypoziomowac na hasla: child trust fund, child trust fund comparison, child trust fund accounts w ,

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukujemy osób do pozyskiwania klientów na dedykowane rozwiązania webowe w oparciu o python/django. Możliwości 'przerobowe' to kilku programistów, graficy, osoby zarządzające projektem - używana metodologi...projektem - używana metodologia SCRUM. Posiadamy doświadczenie w pracy przy największym polskim portalu społecznościowym opartym na w/w technologii, także inne mniejsze wdrożenia. Proponujemy rozwiązania dedykowane, wymagające dużego nakładu czasu i środków. Nie szukamy ofert za 1000 zł. Idealny i sugerowany klient to klient anglojęzyczny. W rozliczeniu proponujemy % od zlecenia lub 'fixed price'. Rozliczenie na podstawie umowy o dzieło lub faktury VAT. Bardzo chętnie dłuższa współpraca z możliwością st...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    zlece wykonanie "programiku" do konwersji plikow tekstowych do konkretnego szablonu .csv np. plik tekstowy w ktorym sa dane (kolumny) name TITLE DESCRIPTION PRICE URL IMAGE BRAND ITEM GENDER RETAIL (txt) na .csv (kolumny)ProductNo, Product, SKU, Oem, Supplier, ProductType, Price, PriceRetail, Cost, Taxable, Surcharge, SurchargeTitle, Shipping, ShippingExemptInd, SaleExclude, Quantity, Unit, Threshold, Weight, Length, Height, Width, ContainerCode, Brief, Description, Subscription, Thumbnail, Photo, Template,

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...Budjet is OPEN! So you tell me!!! clone of Fully automated advanced ecommerce website with around 75 products. We must have access to change or add products, max product potential no more than 300. Some Features like UPS shipping, file uploads, customer account tracking/history, price levels, login, mysql database, plus others typical of most good eccomerce websites... should be fairly easy for someone whose built eccoomerce websites. Can give additional details to right person. We are a marketing company and have other projects too and get new projects regulalry. We outsource all our services. Report violation Fully automated advanced ecommerce website with around 75 products. We must have access to change or add products, max product potentia...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    215 Image Hosting
    Zakończone left

    ...image SLIDESHOWS + Create AUCTION GALLERIES + Upgrade their plan at any time + Cancel their plan at any time + Change their account settings such as password and email + View a demo account to try it out before they signup ewentulanie (+) integracja z jakims prostym modulem sklepowym lub przez (rynek TYLKO POLSKI) Strona administratora: + Configure each plan by price, bandwidth, space, features and more. + Add, edit and delete new plans. + Add, edit and delete news. + Monitor and access all member accounts. + Change settings per member account. + Change settings, support and contact emails, and metatags. + Edit copy for most portions of the site. + Add, Edit and Delete FAQs for the FAQ section on the site. + Get quick help and support from ser...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    Lease vs. Buy Analysis for Retail
    6 dni left

    I'm seeking a dual-format design (interactive digital document and printable PDF) that compares leasing versus owning a retail space. Key elements to be included are: - Cost Comparison: A detailed breakdown of the financial implications of leasing versus purchasing. - Pros and Cons: A succinct list of benefits and drawbacks for each option. - Financial Impact: An analysis of how each choice would affect overall finances. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in commercial real estate, financial analysis, and graphic design. A knack for creating clear, visually appealing, and informative designs is crucial.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert
    App & Website Integration with MLM
    6 dni left

    Website and App 1. Core Features for the App User Accounts & Profiles: Customers and contractors should have individual profiles, storing order history, preferences, and custom pricing. Product Catalog & Ordering: Full integration with the website’s product listings, allowing easy browsing, adding to cart, and one-click reordering. Click & Collect & Delivery Options: Users should be able to select between pickup at their nearest warehouse or delivery to their job site. 24/7 Availability & Instant Access: Orders can be placed anytime, with live stock availability updates. Custom Pricing Per User: Contractors should see different price sheets based on their agreements and bulk purchases. MLM Integration: Customers should be able to track their referra...

    $1643 Average bid
    $1643 Średnia Oferta:
    74 składanie ofert

    I need an Excel expert to build and automate a user-friendly price sheet for me. Key Requirements: - The sheet should cover various categories: electrical items, labor, markup, taxes, etc. - The price sheet should be easily exportable to PDF & CSV format. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in Excel - Experience in building automated Excel sheets - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces - Understanding of pricing components (labor, markup, taxes) - PDF & CSV export experience The goal is to create a comprehensive, user-friendly, and automatable price sheet that I can use for various categories. Please only apply if you have the relevant experience.

    $460 Average bid
    $460 Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a web developer who can create a website focused on identifying arbitrage opportunities across several specific betting platforms. Key Requirements: - The site should specifically cater to Slovak betting sites Nike, Fortuna, Synottip, Tipos bet, Tipsport, and Doxxbet. - The primary focus is on finding "Sure bets". - The tool should perform odds comparisons to find potential arbitrage opportunities. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient web development skills. - Prior experience with betting websites is a major plus. - Knowledge of arbitrage betting and its metrics. - Skills in creating odds comparison tools.

    $491 Average bid
    $491 Średnia Oferta:
    87 składanie ofert

    Need a fix to force RON currency for Romanian language, as the google crawl bot has an EU address and with geo-location EUR currency is selected (which generates a price mismatch, ex. 50 RON in feed, 10 EUR on crawl) Need this done as soon as possible

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert

    I need a website to showcase my audio cassette and HiFi equipment collection. The site should display detailed descriptions, photos, and additional specifics like the year and version of production, playtime for cassettes, and the production country. Key Features: - Each item should include details: - Brand - model - Year of construction - Price (if selling it) - Whether it's on show only or for sale (sales/shop only lateron) - play length for cassettes - market (europe, usa, japan for audio cassettes) - Some further details - Brief description - several Photos - Each item should include: Item Condition (e.g., New, Mint, Used, sealed for cassettes) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development and design - Familiar with e-commerce platforms ...

    $1138 Average bid
    $1138 Średnia Oferta:
    77 składanie ofert
    design a price list DINA1
    6 dni left

    looking for a designer who can design a price list in neon style, 1 page

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Średnia Oferta:
    73 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a data analyst. The task is to compare the ROI of Irish whiskey casks against several traditional investments, including the stock market, real estate, bonds, and pension funds. Key Requirements: - Data compilation: You will need to gather relevant data on these traditional investment avenues and Irish whiskey casks. - ROI Calculation: The focus of this comparison will be primarily on the total return on investment. - Graph Creation: You will need to present this data in a visually appealing and easy to understand graph format suitable for a website. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data analysis and statistical software. - Experience in investment analysis. - Graphic design skills or experience with data visualiz...

    $402 Average bid
    $402 Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert
    Carpet Patterns Design
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a designer to create 4-7 floral carpet patterns based on photo samples I have attached. The final files can be delivered in either Adobe Illustrator (AI) or Adobe Photoshop (PSD) format, depending on your preference. Each carpet pattern is 2 x 3 meter in size and the file s...Photoshop (PSD) format, depending on your preference. Each carpet pattern is 2 x 3 meter in size and the file should be scalable to this required size. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop - Strong design skills, particularly in pattern creation - Experience in creating design files suitable for carpet production Please quote your price PER pattern. We will proceed 1 file at a time with the first file (first project) starti...

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Średnia Oferta:
    113 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive travel agency website. The site should include: - Admin Login: This should allow me to manage bookings, generate reports and handle user management seamlessly. - Agent Login: Travel agents should be able to manage client bookings, access special deals and provide customer support. - Search Functionality: The site should have a robust Flight/Hotel/Package search feature that filters by price, ratings and location. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web development, particularly in creating travel agency websites, and be able to incorporate the specified functionalities in both the admin and agent logins. Experience with creating advanced search filters is also crucial. Please provide exam...

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Średnia Oferta:
    80 składanie ofert

    We are looking for someone who will do the following. You will get an excelliste There you will find entries from 21435 rows Only columns A and...and so on. Most vehicles have one engine code. To find out the HSN & TSN we will provide 3x websites where this can be done. The order is made in 2000 steps in milestones A second freelancer will check the integrity of the data. It must be 100% ensured that no errors are made. We will pay in milestones everytime 2000 entrys are provided and verified by a second freelancer validying the data which has been entered by you. So the offer you make will be divided by 11 (we´ll calculate from 22.000 entries) and everytime you deliver a bunch of 2.000 entries the agreed price divided by 2.000 will be paid until the po...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    77 składanie ofert

    Title: Looking for an Experienced React Developer for Mobile Application Development Description: We are looking for a skilled React developer with expertise in mobile application development to join our project. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with React Native and be proficient in building high-performance, ...Troubleshoot and optimize performance issues Ensure responsiveness and maintain smooth user experiences Collaborate with designers and backend developers to bring features to life How to Apply: If you are a talented React Native developer looking for an exciting opportunity, please submit your proposal with: Your portfolio or examples of past React Native projects Your hourly rate or fixed price expectations Your availability and estimated projec...

    $322 Average bid
    $322 Średnia Oferta:
    42 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a data entry specialist to add listings for homestays, restaurants, and experiences to client WordPress website. You can use google for search, other airbnb or other similar website to copy data. You have to create a account on the website for posting. it is free. You can not post more than 5 listing from similar state/area. So need it need to be from different state. In each listing, the following information should be included: - Name and address - 5 images minimum - Contact details - Amenities and features - Price Give me a quote of 100 listings for starting. Type my quote for 100 listing in 3 categories are (YOUR QUOTE INR) Thanks

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a developer who can create a price comparison website similar to an existing one, but with my branding. I need the same data coming from the other website onto my site. with the same results and filtering options. Key Features: - Product Search and Filtering: Users should be able to easily find and filter products based on their preferences. - Price Comparison Charts: This is a crucial component of the site, allowing users to visually compare prices across different retailers. The primary aim of the website is to provide unbiased price comparisons. Thus, a strong emphasis on impartiality and transparency in the site's design and functionality is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Developm...

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Średnia Oferta:
    89 składanie ofert

    ...yet professional. Key Elements: - Cursive Writing: The logo should incorporate elegant cursive writing, reflecting a touch of sophistication. - Single Pen: A single pen should be included in the design. This could symbolize the signing aspect of the business. - Text Integration: I want to see both options - the pen integrated within the text and as a separate element. This will allow for a comparison to see which is more visually appealing. Design Style: - Overall Style: The design needs to be clean and sleek, with a feminine touch that doesn't compromise professionalism. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Previous experience in logo design is a must. - Understanding of brand identity and visual communication. - Ability to create a desig...

    $50 Average bid
    710 zgłoszenia

    I'm in need of a skilled web developer who can create a website for my online business that scrapes product prices and descriptions from one specific website after inputting client information. The data should be displayed in tables on the site. A key requirement is that the site updates with this information on a daily basis. Ideal Skills: - Web Scraping - Web Development - Data Analysis - Experience with building comparison tools - Knowledge of implementing daily scraping schedules

    $330 Average bid
    $330 Średnia Oferta:
    82 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a creative designer to help with my Instagram content focused on brand awareness. You have to share your best and non negotiable rate for around 15 posts. Content Breakdown: - 10 Static Creatives - 3-4 Reels - 2 Carousels Please provide your price for this bulk content. Only bids that explicitly state "My Quote for 15+ Creatives" will be considered. Skills Needed: - Graphic Design - Experience with Instagram content - Understanding of brand awareness strategies - Ability to create content in an elegant and sophisticated style - Experience with creating Instagram Reels and Carousels.

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    ... Airflow analysis illustrating velocity and direction. Justification for the chosen fan configuration and speed. Comparison of results between the two heater configurations (Problem 1 and Problem 2). Discussion of the performance of the proposed fan(s), including any recommendations for alternative fans. ANSYS Workbench Files: All ANSYS Workbench project files, including all analysis parameters used, to ensure reproducibility. Key Considerations: Fan Optimization: The project emphasizes identifying the optimal fan configuration (direction and mounting) and speed to achieve the desired temperature uniformity. Airflow analysis is crucial for this. Heater Configuration Comparison: The simulations should compare the two provided heater configurations (straight and angular) t...

    $150 Average bid
    2 zgłoszenia

    ...beginner level course, so they're not overly complex. Key Requirements: you are a financial analyst at a large corporation responsible for managing and analyzing the company's product reports and financial data. Your goal is to set up a dashboard to display the needed information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in creating educational materials - Competence in trend analysis - Ability to work with financial data Heres the Project: You are a financial analyst at a large corporation responsible for managing and analyzing the company's product reports and financial data. The company deals with various products in different business segments and countries. Your task is to create a comprehensive dashboard that provides insights i...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    I need a document translated from Hebrew to English. The translation should be done in a Word document and should closely resemble the original in terms of formatting. While it doesn't need to be 100% identical, it should be similar enough to allow easy comparison with the original document. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Hebrew and English - Experience in document translation - Familiarity with Microsoft Word and its formatting tools The document is 6-20 pages long.

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Średnia Oferta:
    59 składanie ofert
    Investment-Ready Pitch Deck Design
    6 dni left

    ...Go-to-Market Strategy: Plan for how you will enter the market and attract your first customers. - Solution Overview: Detailed description of your proposed solution and its uniqueness. - Financial Projections: Revenue, expense forecasts, and key financial metrics for the next 3-5 years. - Milestones and Traction: Key achievements to date and milestones to be reached. - Competitive Analysis: Detailed comparison of your solution with existing competitors. - Funding Requirements: Specify the amount of funding needed and how it will be used. - Use of Funds: Breakdown of how the investment capital will be utilized within the business. - Risk and Mitigation: Identify potential risks and how you plan to mitigate them. - Exit Strategy: Outline possible exit strategies for investors. Idea...

    $375 Average bid
    $375 Średnia Oferta:
    64 składanie ofert
    Increase 20% Price CSV Excel File
    5 dni left

    I have a CSV/Excel file containing product prices that I need adjusted. All product prices need to be increased by 20%. If the price is $0 then do not update and leave it at $0.

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Średnia Oferta:
    42 składanie ofert

    ...decor to highlight it for guests. -Provide two versions of the rendering: --Daytime view showcasing the Caribbean setting. --Nighttime view highlighting lighting and ambiance. -Ensure the design accommodates 60 guests and aligns with the theme of casual tropical elegance. Additional information - Please include examples of similar work in your application, along with your proposed timeline and price. - Please convey how your design accommodates 60-80 guests comfortably while maintaining an airy, open feel. -Add thoughtful design touches like custom signage, custom place settings, a designated bar area, or other ideas designed for guest comfort. -Add tropical floral installations and greenery arrangements, to bring elegance and a natural vibe. Notes: - Spatial Flow - We will b...

    $395 Average bid
    $395 Średnia Oferta:
    56 składanie ofert

    ...for E-commerce Website Creation in Elementor/WoodMart/Divi Seeking a highly experienced and dedicated software developer with extensive experience... The candidate will be responsible for creating a comprehensive e-commerce website within one month. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience in developing multiple combo offer pages like Buy1-Get1,Buy2-Get2 & Buy3-Get3 pages, gift card pages, gift pages, coupon pages, OTP verification, Abandoned cart notification, order notification and payment gateway integration, Note 99.9% website has to be managed through Dashboard, like editing pricing, bulk import,export,bulk move with-in pages, bulk edit, bulk delete, Hide category, in page pages or multiple pages, Edit in one page or multiple pages, though ...

    $306 Average bid
    $306 Średnia Oferta:
    53 składanie ofert
    5 dni left

    please provide : 1. Hero Image 2. Info graphics 3. Lifestyle Images 4. Detail or Close-up Images 5. 360° Images or Interactive Images 6. Size/Dimension Images 7. Comparison Images *Images must be unique* I have attached the white background image of the product and my brand logo. need 7 images as mentioned. i will attach the sample image for reference and white background image to use. kindly txt me for any clarifications. provide with jpeg, png files as the amazon required quality in a google drive. whats app : 9597008642 note: 1st 2 images are white backround 3rd image is LOGO remaining images are just for reference.

    $11 Average bid
    17 zgłoszenia

    ...comprehensive information about my products and services, with a strong focus on SEO to increase visibility and reach. Key Features: - Showcasing Product Details: The site should include detailed specifications for each of our satellite TV offerings. - Customer Reviews & Testimonials: A section dedicated to customer feedback and testimonials to build trust and credibility. - Product Comparison Charts: Interactive comparison charts to help potential customers understand the differences between our products. - Frequently Asked Questions: A comprehensive FAQ section to address common customer queries. The ideal candidate for this project should possess strong web development skills, particularly in creating SEO friendly sites. Experience in e-commerce is a plus, as a s...

    $394 Average bid
    $394 Średnia Oferta:
    163 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can design and implement an employment agency website using a ThemeForest template. The main focus of the site will be job listings but it will also include: - An 'About Us' page - Detailed information on our service offerings - A comprehensive 'Contact Us' section - Employee profiles complete with certificates - A feature for employers to post jobs - Employees profile and Certificate - Comparison and search filter by salary, country, experience, gender, age, location - An interactive chat function for interviews between employees and employers - A secure payment gateway that accepts Visa/Master cards, PayPal, and Alipay - Three multi-language wmpl- Thai, English, Chinese, Myanmar The site needs to accommo...

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Średnia Oferta:
    124 składanie ofert