Part time data entry jobprojekty
...CMS'a z pliku PSD 2. Modyfikacje - logowanie z udziału serwisów (facebook, myspace, twitter, blip, flaker) - śledzeni/śledzenie z mikroblogów i facebook'a w/w (coś jak tutaj ) - mapa google dla eventów, ogłoszeń, grup, użytkowników(płeć) (coś jak ) - moduł: wywiady, recenzje, wyprawy, felietony, wiersze, opowiadania, dowcipy, humor (powielone na podstawie takiego modułu jak ten: ) - moduł noclegów (podział na kategorie system drzewek, możliwość dodawania takich opcji jak: zdjęcie, video, (jak np w module jokes and humor, dodawanie w postaci zakładek opis, cennik, wolne terminy
Witam, Zlecenie polega na : Zrobieniu czegoś takiego jak jest na : ;part=TPS77533D&stock=0&SearchType=0 ICBLUE SEARCH I np zaznaczamy exact Prefix /exact base użytkownik np wisze: TPS77533D I wyskakuje mu lista proszę o podanie ceny za wykonanie takiej wyszukiwarki.
ATOMINIUM Biuro Tłumaczeń Specjalistycznych poszukuje do współpracy przy realizacji projektów lokalizacyjnych i tłumaczeniowych kandydatów na stanowisko: INŻYNIER LOKALIZACJI Wymagania: Doświadczenie w pracy zawodowej na stanowisku inżyniera lokalizacji. Znajomość różnych systemów operacyjnych, programów narzędziowych, programów wspomagających tłumaczenie (np. Trados, SDLX, Alchemy Catalyst, Passolo), doświadczenie w pracy w standardowych środowiskach programistycznych (np. Microsoft Visual Studio, Borland, Java Development Kit, Dreamweraver, Adobe Flash ) oraz języków programowania (Java, Delphi, C++, php, html). Osoba zatrudniona w charakterze inżyniera lokalizacji powinna także umieć modyfikować oraz testować dostarczone...
...Office originally created for the BBC by Ricky Gervais. Hollywood may dominate the global box office, but the Brits win the prize for exporting blockbuster TV shows- or at least the ideas for them. Long before Steve Carell stood in for Gervais as the obnoxious boss, Carroll O’Conner adapted his role as Archie Bunker in All in the Family from a British program called Till Death Us Do Part, set in London’s gritty East End. Even reality shows such as American Idol and Dancing With the Stars started off in Britain. More recent imports include the sci-fi crime drama Life of Mars. But as U.S viewers grow increasingly savvy about the wider world, there are fever reasons to retune British comedies for the American ear. For the past decade, BBC American has been broa...
...moze byc wiecej. Section 1 Design a WLAN based system In this section, students are supplied with a complex floor plan, the results of a site noise survey and a list of business requirements. Students will be required to design a solution, specify the required equipments, provide a series of design diagrams, and present in report format. Guidelines of the design process: Step 1 Data collection This project starts with collecting user requirements, especially the required bandwidth and its distribution. Please consider the following questions: • What are the needs of the end users? • What applications will be used over the WLAN and by whom? • What bandwidth do these applications require? Step 2 Coverage and throughput A g...
Szukam osoby, która naniesie kilka poprawek na mój blog – - motyw nagłówka artykułu z bloga Nagłówek jest połączeniem daty, tematu oraz zdjęcia. - zamiana angielskich słów na polskie np. “Read the rest of this entry” “No Comments” W szablonie do wystawiania komentarzy podpisy są wszystkie po angielsku. - zmiana szerokości szablonu W jednej linijce tekstu chcę aby znajdowało się około 10-12 słów Np.: - poprawki edytora tekstu w Word Press Edytując tekst i wciskając jeden raz enter powstaje przerwa jak bym wcisnął dwa razy. - wstawienie formularza
...username and password. #registration forms CC REGISTER NEW=Register new user CC NAME=Name CC USERNAME=Username CC EMAIL=Email CC PASSWORD=Password CC VERIFY PASSWORD=Verify Password CC I HAVE READ=I have read and agree to the CC TERMS AND CONDITION=Terms & Conditions CC NEXT=Next CC REGISTER=Register CC BACK HOME=Back to home CC USER REGISTERD=User Registered. CC FIELD ENTRY=Field entry CC IS EMPTY=is empty CC FIELD=Field #register email send ACCOUNT DETAILS FOR=Account Details for %1$s at %2$s SEND_MSG=Hello %s,nnThank you for registering at %s.nnYou may now log in to %s using your username and password. SEND_MSG_ACTIVATE=Hello %s,nnThank you for registering at %s. Your account is created and must be activated before you can use it....
Witam. Proszę o pomoc lub rozwiązanie problemu na skrzynce prezesa. Problem jest taki że przychodzi dziennie kilka wiadomości z jego własnego adresu. Jak z tym walczyć.
...zdefiniowana jako transakcja zrealizowana dnia tego i tego o tej i tej godzinie w kwocie X a płatnikiem jest Y o numerze konta Z. Opóźnienie nie powinno być większe niż kilkanaście sekund w stosunku do terminu zaksięgowania na koncie. Krótko mówiąc potrzebujemy otrzymać dane: - kto (dane wpisywane w przelewie w polu "Płatnik"), - w jaki sposób (numer konta płatnika) - kiedy (data, godzina, minuta, sekunda księgowania na naszym koncie), - i za co (tytuł transakcji) zapłacił i potrzebujemy dowiedzieć się o tym on-line, jak najszybciej, najlepiej natychmiast po zaksięgowaniu przez bank. Te dane będą potem dalej przetwarzane przez system - no ale to oczywiście już inna bajka - chodzi na tym etapie o samo pozyskanie ko...
We are looking for a detail-oriented person for: internet research, organization of data, and some simple product translation (English to Polish). Will pay an hourly rate. Interested candidates must be able to take instructions and communicate in written or spoken English. If you are interested, send responses in English (and only in English) and send us your resume or a summary of your experience, along with your proposal for an hourly rate. While not required, if you have blogging experience let us know. Ideal candidates should be prepared to start immediately and have availability for a minimum of 40 hours over the next week (or more) and part-time over several months. Send responses to: wickerparkmark@
...Home Fax Work Work Work Fax Email Email Notes ( czyli miejsce na wpisanie notatek) W dodawaniu mieszkania musi sie znaleźć; Flat Building Number Street Post Code City Area: gdzie bedzie mozna dodac dzielnice + nieograniczona ilosc osiedli do kazdej dzielnicy (to jako pole wyboru) Pola wyboru: TYPE: House, Flat, Apartment, Maisonette, Studio, Ex-council FURNISHED: Furnished, Part Furnished, Unfurnished BEDROOMS: 1, 2,3 .... 10 BATHROOMS: 1,2,3 ... 5 GARAGE: Yes, No PARKING: On Street, Off Street Potrzebuje aby nie dalo dodac sie dwa razy tego samego mieszkania ani osoby ale chcialbym aby system sprawdzal przed dodaniem wszytskich danych (strata czasu), dostep po zalogowaniu sie. Do tego wyszukiwarka i podstrony z lista wszystkich mieszkan i osob. ...
Witam, poszukuj...samochodow zarowno dostawczych jak i osobowych. Edytowana przez admina i zalogowanych uzytkownikow 4. linki do juz istniejacyh stron: Ubezpieczenie samochodu, odszkodowania 5. Naprawa samochodow / przeglad - dzial edytowany przez admina 6. Opony - klient bedzie mial mozliwosc zamowic opony oraz ich ewentualna wymiane. Logowanie, platnosc online. 7. Part exchange - uzytkownicy beda mogli tutaj zamieszczac swoje oferty samochodow jako part exchange. Powyzszy opis jest wstepny i moze ulec zmianie. Strona ma byc bardzo ladna w oblsudze, przyjazna dla uzytkownika, z przejrzystym backstagem. Prosze o kontakt wylacznie osoby, ktore sa w stanie zaplanowac,zaprojektowac i wykonac taki serwis. Interesuja mnie jedynie profesjonalne oferty. P...
Poszukuję freelancera na kwiecień do tworzenia aplikacji webowych. Warunki koniecznie: 1. Dobra lub bardzo dobra znajomość Ruby On Rails 2. Doświadczenie w tworzeniu serwisów webowych 3. Zamieszkanie w Krakowie lub okolicach (gotowość do 1 spotkania w tygodniu) 4. Praca w domu, pięć dni w tygodniu 8h przez 4 tygodnie- wykonywanie zleconych rzeczy 5. Podpisanie umowy o poufności 6. Uczciwość! Kwestia warunków prawnych współpracy pozostaje do uzgodnienia wg preferencji. Forma i transze płatności również do uzgodnienia (dziennie, tygodniowo itd.)
Witam, Szukam osoby ktora naprawi mi forum. Prosze o oferty doswiadczonych osob, ktore znaja przemo. Wywala blad Error creating new session DEBUG MODE SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '-1' for key 2 prosze o nr gg sprawa pilna Pozdrawiam Krzysztof
Poniżej jest opis - angielski wymagany na poziomie średnim: Analyx is a professional services firm with its headquarter in the centre of Poznan. We develop state-of-the-art web applications for clients in Europe and the U.S. We’re looking for a freelance or full-time/part-time Flash Action Script Programmer to engage in developing “the next big thing” in Community / Web 2.0 web applications! A potential candidate would work with a team web developers on a regular basis in our Poznan office. Required skills are: - Relevant experience in Flash Action Script 2 (AS2) or AS3 - Good knowledge of English or German is mandatory since we are an in-ternational company and use the language every day - Grafic design, visual skills e...
Firma MWProjekt Marek Wyleżoł () dysponuje systemem CATIA v5. Poszukuję zleceń z zakresu: modelowanie bryłowe i powierzchniowe (krawędziowo-powierzchniowe), modelowanie powierzchni swobodnych, symulacje ruchu, wykonywanie dokumentacji 2D, obróbka chmury punktów (z procesu skanowania) i plików stl...MWProjekt Marek Wyleżoł () dysponuje systemem CATIA v5. Poszukuję zleceń z zakresu: modelowanie bryłowe i powierzchniowe (krawędziowo-powierzchniowe), modelowanie powierzchni swobodnych, symulacje ruchu, wykonywanie dokumentacji 2D, obróbka chmury punktów (z procesu skanowania) i plików stl. Możliwe jest także organizowanie szkoleń związanych ze stosowaniem modułów: Sketcher, Part Design, Assembly Design, Wireframe and Surface Design, Draft...
Szukam osoby do pozyskanie i zapisania w pliku txt, xls. itp, danych dresowych ze strony typu panorama firm. Szczegoly na email. Z racji ilosci rekordow w gre wchodzi raczej automat, nie reczne data entry. NIE należy używać kodu źródłowego na licencji GPL (GNU General Public License), gdyż wymaga ona, aby program także był na takiej licencji (otwarty kod źródłowy). Chyba można używać LGPL (GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE / GNU Lesser General Public License). Dekodowanie na polskie litery można zrobić np. tak: uses MimePart; //biblioteka Synapse var Part: TMimePart ... := UTF_8; ; Edycja maili w formacie HTML można zrobić np. w TWebBrowser - ustawiamy designMode = 'On' lub chyba w w TinyMCE (?licencja?). W razie pytań proszę o maila. Wynikiem zlecenia powinien być skompilowany program + kod źródłowy z komentarzami do Delphi 5 - 2007 lub darmowym Turbo Delphi Express. Umowa o dzieło + prze...
...odpowiedz czy ktos byly zainteresowany storzeniem nastepujacego programu: PART 1 Obtain 5 Amazon query result documents via as in the first exercise. You can use queries of your choice as long as no product appears in more than one of the result documents. Save the XML documents to disk in the "projects/1" directory as: xml xml xml xml xml PART 2 Write a DTD for Amazon query result documents and validate all 5 xmlamazon-results*.xml documents. PART 3 Write a RELAXNG for Amazon query result documents and validate all 5
Przedmiotem aukcji jest stworzenie stylu do forum opartego na skrypcie phpbb3 o tematyce POKER. Styl w miarę prosty nie chcę zbyt dużych "bajerów". Szczegóły co do moich oczekiwań odnośnie poszczególnych elementów graficznych na e-mail. W tym zleceniu chodzi mi o czas wykonania, w związku z tym budżet mogę przeznaczyc trochę większy. Bardzo mile widziane przedstawienie swoich wcześniejszych prac !!
Trochę zmian w stosunku do poprzedniej licytacji. Szukam osoby ( wspólnika ) do współpracy przy tworzeniu zarobkowego forum. Warunek dobra znajomosc phpbb3 jak i serwerów WWW. Tu by mi chodziło o samo stworzenie szkieletu forum najlepiej na niedarmowym serwerze z domeną typu Ja piszę artykuły i prowadzę negocjacje. Nawet przy dosyc niskim nakładzie pracy można się spodziewac zarobków w granicach 200-800 zł tygodniowo. Proszę o oferty.
Slideshow czytający dane z xml'a Powinien wyglądać następująco: Zmiana zdjęcia co 5 sek ew. dodatkowo tworzenie miniaturek w "locie" gg:6289098 are planning to do and what you think the task is so that i understand that you understood the task important: if the bottom frame has a different background color then i want my banner to have the same background color. so i want my banner to appear as if its part of the bottom frame. just like its part of the page. it can be above the al4a but it must be as if dont just add another frame that will be in the middle, if you do that the advertisement/banner that you add wont appear as inherent as part of the bottom site. i want you to understand my target of this task, the upper frame is mine, i dont want to show any advertisements there because i dont want users to think im advertising anything. the bottom frame is not mine because its po... and at home. We're offering two different positions: 1. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the back-end of the application, i.e. database layer, middle-tier business components and interfaces, e.g. Web-Services, for the presentation layer. Required technical skills are: - Very good knowledge of Visual Studio (Visual C#), Web Ser-vices, (N)Hibernate! - Very good knowledge in programming web technologies - Knowledge of English is mandatory Optional skills: - PHP, HTML, ASP.NET, ADO - Familiarity with source control and software testing is appreciated - Knowledge of German is highly appreciated 2. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the front-end of the application, e. g. Web...
...spotkan z klientami (handlowiec bazujac na prezentacji bedzie opowiadal o ofercie), prezentacja bedzie zostawiana u klientow, wsparcie dzialan marketingowych (prezentacja na stoisku podczas targow, wystaw, konferencji) - prezentacja bedzie skladala sie z 6 czesci : informacje o firmie, korzysci dla klienta (te dwie czesci widoczne z kazdego poziomu prezentacji) + 4 glowne uslugi (mailing room, data entry, workflow manager, contact office) - nawigacja: mozliwosc swobodnego przejscia pomiedzy poszczegolnymi czesciami prezentacji, mozliwosc zatrzymania/ pauzowania prezentacji, mozliwosc wylaczenia dzwieku, mozliwosc puszczenia prezentacji w postaci zapetlonego filmu (gdzie wszystko po kolei automatycznie sie odpala) Prezentacja ma by we flashu, BEZ PROJEKTU GRAFICZNE...
...protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from the market and has now been successfully replaced by protein extracted from fish. After carrying out tests, it was found to have better cosmetic properties than animal collagen. This is due, in part, to the very delicate collagen extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted from silver carp skin. Scientific tests have shown that fish from the carp ...
...protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from the market and has now been successfully replaced by protein extracted from fish. After carrying out tests, it was found to have better cosmetic properties than animal collagen. This is due, in part, to the very delicate collagen extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted from silver carp skin. Scientific tests have shown that fish from the carp ...
...Employment Type: Part-time Company Description Independent strategic analysis and political risk firm. Based on a solid network on experts, we stand out for our ability to provide precise geographical analyses. Next to this analytical capacity, we have the ability to quickly learn from teams of composed consultants with complementary expertise, able to meet the specific needs of clients. We are specializing in the analysis and anticipation of disruptions - social, political, security etc. - likely to have consequences on international projects. Hence we are able to alert our clients to the necessary repositioning, and supports them during these transitions. Role Description We are looking for a motivated professional to join our team on this adventurous journey. This ...
... First assignment Question: Computer Projects Exercise: Conveyor Belt Project in Appendix 2 starts on p. BeltThis first exercise is nothing more than the design of the WBS from the given Part 1 (p. 649), your deliverables will be (one- page printouts):Table A2.9 has been developed for you to use in completing the project exercisesDevelop the WBS outline Computer Projects Exercise: Conveyor Belt Project in Appendix 2 starts on p. 649. Conveyor Belt This first exercise is nothing more than the design of the WBS from the given information. For Part 1 (p. 649), your deliverables will be (one-page printouts): Table A2.9 has been developed for you to use in completing the project exercises o Develop the WBS outline using the Microsoft Project software Prepare a
...includes: - The Role of Technology in Modern Offices - Digital Transformation and Shift towards Digital Tools - Digital Technologies and Productivity - Types of Digital Technologies for Office Use 2. Security and Data Protection in Office, which includes: - Fundamentals of Cybersecurity - Privacy Tools - Securing Remote Work The teaching materials should be detailed at an intermediate level for key platforms, with a focus on setting up and using video conferencing and chats and collaborative features. The style of the materials should be formal and professional. Each part should should include: - 15 to 20 pages of original, well-structured content (to pass plagiarism and AI chatbot checks) - 2-3 pages of assessments to reinforce learning and comprehension - 20 qu...
Seeking a reliable Job Bidder to apply to job positions on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, etc. using an updated resume. The role involves researching relevant job postings and submitting applications on behalf of the job seeker. Key Responsibilities: - Research and identify relevant job postings - Submit applications on behalf of the job seeker Requirements: - Experience with job sites (LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, etc.) - Ability to apply to multiple job postings efficiently - Strong attention to detail The primary goal is to maximize the number of applications submitted. Marketing/Community Managers: Build a community, promote the game, and engage with players. Why Join Us? Collaborative Environment: Work with talented individuals who are passionate about gaming. Innovative Project: Help create a next-gen Battle Royale experience. Flexible Work: Opportunities to work remotely or in a creative space. If you’re eager to contribute your skills and be part of something exciting, let’s connect! Reach out to join the team and help shape the future of gaming....
...operation. The app will serve two primary functions: Timber Inventory Management: Data Capture: Allow field operators to capture timber inventory data using a mobile device. Use the phone’s camera to scan timber piles and auto-detect the count (for now, a simulated count is acceptable, with the option for later AI/computer-vision integration). Provide an interface for manual correction if the auto-detected count doesn’t match the physical count. Data Entry: Use dropdown menus to select timber descriptions, sizes, and lengths. Offline Capability: The app must work offline and synchronize data with the cloud when connectivity is available. Bookkeeping & Financial Reporting: Bookkeeping Module: Allow for the entry of daily fina...
...developer to create a versatile application for my sales team. This app will be utilized at various events to help streamline our networking efforts and manage contacts more efficiently. Key Features: - **Business Card Scanning**: The app should be capable of capturing images of business cards and utilizing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to convert the information into a contact entry. - **QR Code Scanning**: The ability to scan QR codes on business cards and display a QR code that contains the salesperson's contact information is essential. - **Contact Sharing**: There should be an option to share the collected contact information, along with a voice note, via email and various messaging applications. Additional Requirements: - The app needs to be develope...
I'm looking to hire a talented, freelancing sales professional to be part of our committee-based project. Your main task will be selling our financial services. Key Responsibilities: - Targeting and selling our services across the country - Collaborating with our committee to strategize and maximize sales Ideal Candidate will have: - Proven track record in sales, particularly in the financial services industry - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Ability to work effectively in a team - Understanding of national market trends and consumer behavior in the financial sector Your ambition and drive can help us reach new heights. Let's make it happen together!
Our project, "Data Entry Fast and Smart," is focused on delivering efficient, accurate, and high-quality data management solutions. We specialize in entering, organizing, and managing large volumes of data with speed and precision. This project aims to support businesses in maintaining their databases, spreadsheets, and other data-related tasks to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency. Key features include: Fast and accurate data entry services Data cleansing and validation to ensure data integrity Conversion of data from various formats (PDF, images, handwritten notes) into digital formats Effective data management for easy accessibility and analysis We prioritize client satisfaction...
I need an experienced Solidworks professional to assist with revising part models. The revisions will involve geometric changes, specifically dimension adjustments and the addition or removal of features. I have detailed sketches for the required changes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Solidworks - Experience with part model design - CAD design and engineering background - Attention to detail - Ability to interpret and work from detailed sketches The revisions should be completed within 1 week. The part models are complex and involve intricate geometric features. The revisions require moderate complexity with several detailed adjustments. Standard tolerance requirements should be followed for the revisions. The detailed sketches will be provided in P...
...Inventory Management: I need to update stock levels in real-time, so I can keep track of what I have on hand. - Generate monthly financial reports automatically. - Add sections to track different income sources. - Include predefined categories for common expenses. - Create a balance sheet to summarize assets, liabilities, and equity. - Include a cash flow projection to predict future financial health. - Summarize financials in a yearly overview sheet. - Add alerts for upcoming due payments or invoice deadlines. - Section to track any loans, debts, and repayment schedules. - Maintain a log of all transactions for auditing and review purposes. - Include automated tax calculation based on income and expenses. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Google Sheets...
I need a custom sales order entry screen that pulls item data from QuickBooks POS via the QODBC driver. This screen should include a few bespoke fields for displaying prices in a calculated way. Key Features: - Incorporate fields to show pricing based on Msf, Mbf, Lf and Margin % - Utilize custom pricing calculations for Msf, Mbf, and Mlf - Develop a user-friendly interface similar to the sample code provided in the link: - Add real-time inventory check functionality to ensure accurate stock levels during order entry. - Integrate automatic tax calculation based on the user's location to ensure compliance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient environment, giving you a clear view of the existing setup. Evaluation & Winner Selection We will select a winner based on creativity, feasibility, and how well the design aligns with our target audience. The winner will have the opportunity to collaborate with us further to bring their concept to life. Do you have the vision to transform our store’s environment? Submit your proposal and be part of the change! We look forward to your innovative ideas!...
I need an Arabic-speaking ClickUp expert to provide a detailed functionality overview of the program. The session should cover all intermediate & advanced features, aimed at training beginner & intermediate users. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Arabic, with clear communication skills. - Deep understanding of ClickUp, especially advanced fe...session to an intermediate user level. The training session will be conducted via a live video call. The training session should be 1 to 2 hours long. The training session should be scheduled in the afternoon. The training should prioritize workflow & Task management. The training materials should be provided in slide format. Include PDF guides as part of the training materials. The training session should be scheduled in the aft... Marketing/Community Managers: Build a community, promote the game, and engage with players. Why Join Us? Collaborative Environment: Work with talented individuals who are passionate about gaming. Innovative Project: Help create a next-gen Battle Royale experience. Flexible Work: Opportunities to work remotely or in a creative space. If you’re eager to contribute your skills and be part of something exciting, let’s connect! Reach out to join the team and help shape the future of gaming....
I am seeking a professional with expertise in astrophysics to conduct a thorough peer-review of my academic paper. The primary focus of this review will be on the scientific accuracy of the content. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience in astrophysics - Strong background in academic paper review - Ability to identify and correct scientific inaccuracies - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with the peer-review process A review of part of a paper that decribes a new theory of gravitation. The actual part is "A quantified model of Newtons's law of universal gravitation" and is about 15 pages of text and mathematics. The model may have profound impact if it's true. Basic skills in physics is required....
We are a Wedding Photograpy company based out of Chennai. We are looking for skilled video editors who can transform our South Indian wedding footages into a captivating cinematic experience. Key Focus Areas: - Bridal preparations: Capture the bride getting ready and her intricate attire. - Groom preparations: Show the groom's preparations and traditional attire. - Bride's entry: Highlight the grand entrance of the bride into the ceremony. - Ceremony rituals: Capture the essence and beauty of traditional customs. - Reception party: Highlight the joy, dance, and celebration. - Family and guest reactions: Showcase the love, laughter, and heartfelt moments. Music: The video should be set to Popular South Indian music, enhancing the cultural richness and emotional resonanc...
I need an experienced Flutter & Firebase developer to perfect the flow of my app like Omegle. My app has three main screens: 1. The Matching Screen - Users click to f...has three main screens: 1. The Matching Screen - Users click to find a partner. 2. The Intermediate Screen - Here, I find a match for the user. Once matched, the user navigates to the chat screen. 3. The ChatScreen - Matched users can chat (text only), skip each other, or exit the chat. I've written around 200 lines of code, but I'm having issues with data synchronization on the Intermediate Screen. Ideal freelancer should: - Improve real-time matching efficiency and flow. - Optimize Firestore read/writes. - Perfectly handle user skipping and exiting the chat. This is a short-duration projec...
...right side Key Elements: - The design should incorporate artificial grass and pavers in certain area / lounging area or can making good use of the space without making floor look crowded. Lines or large pattern in lounging area We have some preliminary delaying of space ready . - Include a fire pit or outdoor fireplace, and an outdoor seating area. - A water feature, like a fountain, should be part of the design. - The overall vibe should be 'nice at night', creating an inviting atmosphere for evening gatherings. Color Preferences: - The design should primarily use neutral tones, such as beige, gray, and white. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in landscape and backyard design. - Ability to create a minimalist yet functional and social space. - E...
Fulltime Job - Preferrably from India, Israel, Ukraine, Hungary, Sweden, and the Philippines. Company Name iAcuity Fintech Position Title Software Engineer – FullStack Experience 5+ years of experience in software development. Education B.E/ MCA/ Job Location Work from home (Permanently) Job Description Key Responsibilities: • Design, develop, and maintain robust and scalable web applications using : Java 17+, Spring Boot, and Angular/React. • Develop RESTful APIs and microservices using Spring Boot framework. • Implement complex search functionalities using Elasticsearch 8. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand requirements and translate them into technical solutions. • Write clean, well-structured, and efficie...
I'm looking for an entry-level virtual assistant who can help me manage my email and schedule appointments. The assistant will need to work in my local time zone. Ideal skills for this role: - Proficient in email management - Capable of scheduling appointments effectively Experience: - Entry-level experience is preferred.
I am looking for a skilled professional who can help me with applying for and obtaining approval for the ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) Sandbox as part of my hospital management software integration. The ideal candidate will be experienced with the Indian healthcare ecosystem, specifically the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) framework, and familiar with the processes and documentation required for the ABHA sandbox approval. Key Responsibilities: Guide and support the application process for the ABHA sandbox. Ensure all required documents, forms, and technical details are prepared and submitted correctly. Liaise with relevant government authorities or representatives to resolve any issues or queries during the application process. Ensure timely completion and approva...