Painting with a twist wacoprojekty
Potrzebuje ilustracje ktore beda umieszczone do broszury opisujacej cwiczenia np przysiady, pompki itp. Przyklad takiej grafiki ...To samo jak punkt 33 ale druga noga zgieta 35. Pozycja jak do plank ale jedna noga uniesiona 36. Pozycja jak do plank ale jedna noga uniesiona zgieta ( cwiczenie spiderman plank) 37. Pozycja jak w przysiadzie tylko dlonie na podlozu, jak do cwiczenia plank jumps-in 38. Wyprostowana sylwetka, rece wyciagniete do gory 39. Siad z nogami w gorze ktore sa zgiete ze skretem tulowia ( cwiczenie sitting twist) 40. Siad jak w 39 tyle rece opeiraja sie z tylu, nogi zgiete 41. Podobnie jak 40 ale nogi wyprostowane 42. Lezenie tylem rece wyprostowane z tylu, delikatnie w gorze, nogi wyprostowane delikatnie w gorze 43. tak jak w 42 ale rece dotykaja nog jak w cwicz...
...prezentacji szkoleniowych, które zostaną zamieszczone na platformie. KOGO SZUKAMY: Poszukujemy osoby z doświadczeniem w Adobe Captivate i umiejętnościami grafika, która pracuje na etacie i chciałaby dodatkowo zaangażować się w ciekawy projekt inwestycyjny, stanowiący dodatkowe i stałe źródło dochodów. ZAKRES OBOWIĄZKÓW: Opracowanie templatów prezentacji, rysunków medycznych w stylu digital painting lub ewentualnie flat design, materiałów promocyjnych, wsparcie w projektowaniu prezentacji w Adobe Captivate (szczegóły do ustalenia). CZAS REALIZACJI/BUDŻET: ok. 3 miesiące inwestycji własnego czasu (bez wynagrodzenia). W zamian, osoba staje się członkiem zespołu projektowego i współwłaścicielem platformy (szac...
Potrzebuję niestandardowy, ciekawy i przyciągający wzrok projekt etykiety na słoik dla dżemu z borówki amerykańskiej. Chciałbym uzyskać interesujący efekt wykorzystując prosty model słoika o pojemności 315 ml z wieczkiem twist off (zdjęcie w załączniku). Proszę o kreatywne podejście do tego projektu oraz oferty wraz z wyceną i terminem.
Witam, Poszukuję firmy/osoby (wyłącznie z bogatym portfolio i doświadczeniem) do wypozycjonowania kilku fraz Dla firmy działającej w Australii. Interesują mnie poważne propozycje cenowe od poważnych zleceniobiorców i dob...podać dla każdej frazy osobno, wybiorę te, które najbardziej mnie interesują cenowo. Istnieje możliwość współpracy stałej i dodawania kolejnych słów kluczowych jeśli efekty będą wymierne. Adres strony: Słowa kluczowe: house painting sydney sydney painting company painting services sydney painting company sydney painter sydney painters sydney sydney painting services exterior painting sydney interior painting sydney residential painting sydney house painting s...
...R=301] RewriteRule ^(.*).htm$ $ [QSA] # # RewriteRule ^product-([^-]*)-([^-]*)-([^.]+).html$ ;lang=$1&id=$2 [L,QSA] RewriteRule ^cat-([^-]*)-([^-]*)-([^.]*).html$ ;lang=$1&m=$2 [L,QSA] # przy wywołaniu # zostanie uruchomiony $1¶metr=2 #RewriteRule ^(.*).php$ $1 [QSA] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem w tym, że nie działa poprawnie. Wpisując adres: powinno na sztywno wyświetlić plik: a teraz wykonywany jest kolejny warunek gdzie dołączany jest ten plik jaki Z tego co się orientuje, to
...Sprzedaż sezonowa, więc chciałbym uzyskać dobre rezultaty przed Bożym Narodzeniem (jeśli to możliwe) Serwis nr 2 : page rank 4; domena 7 letnia, Zlecenie proste bo strona jest stale pozycjonowana i osiąga dobre rezultaty na wiele fraz ale trzeba ją dopozycjonować. Interesuje mnie TOP 5 lub TOP 3 na następujące frazy (w nawiasach obecna pozycja): Beach painting (67) Antique mirrors (60) Mahogany dining table (35) Period lighting (34) Portrait paintings (33) Still life paintings (25) Bespoke furniture (62) Original oil paintings (52) Period oak furniture (23) Uwaga !!! Proszę o wycenę za TOP10, TOP5 I TOP3, OSOBNO dla tych dwóch serwisów Proszę o przesłanie swojego portwolio Proszę o oferty TYLKO OD OSÓB które posiadają wi...
...joystick. Teraz ma ponad 5tys fajsow, po optymalizacji kolo3tys . Mam dla niego bitmapy w 6 rzutach. Teraz trzeba by je na ten obiekt nałożyć i wypalić jedną teksturę z UV tak żeby można to było póżniej narzucić na obiekt 3DS. Tutaj podgląd modelu i tych bitmap. Oryginalne bitmapy mam w większej rozdziałce. Interesują mnie 2 techniki: a) projection texture painting z użyciem Blendera ( tutaj przykład: ) b) Zbrush + Zapplink + Photoshop. To jest wogóle rewelacja jak dla mnie, tylko oglądałem jakiś tutorial i tam była mowa o zagęszczeniu siatki czego ja nie chce. Chyba że to jakiś etap przejściowy. Wynikiem ma być low poly + jedna textura. Dlaczego sam sie nie naucze ? Bo nie mam czasu żeby przećwiczyć
...zaprogramowanie funkcjonalnosci, bo to jestem w stanie wykonac sam. Jesli nie potrafisz malowac (digital painting), to nie jestes osoba, ktorej szukam. Mialbym takie male zleconko. Potrzebowalbym wykonanie pewnej ilustracji do projektu strony - . Ilustracja ta powinna wpasowac sie w pusta przestrzen pomiedzy menu, a naglowkami "Nowosci", "Uslugi" i "Newsletter". Ewentualnie w razie potrzeb mozna nieco zwiekszyc wysokosc, ale nie szerokosc. W miejscu tym ma sie znalezc slider do przewijania projektow z portfolio, generalnie cos podobnego do projektu - , a wiec duzy prostokat (na ok. 80% szerokosci), w ktorym znajda sie projekty, moze to byc jakby rama lub
Zlecę wykonanie bloga oraz: Instalacja pod dana domeną na wskazanym przez nas serwerze Stworzenie Grafiki - Digital Painting Tematyka i funkcjonalność jak - Współpraca przy ewentualnych zmianach funkcjonalności w przyszłości.
...ze sztuką. Czego dotyczy zlecenie: Polega na pisaniu postów oraz zakładaniu nowych tematów na forach i serwisach traktujących o projektowaniu, fotografii i sztuce. Informowanie użytkowników danego serwisu o istnieniu portalu i możliwości publikowania w nim swoich prac. Zachęcanie do odwiedzin portalu. Interesują nas konkretnie takie kategorie: fotografia, webdesign, logo, grafika, digital painting, rysunek, malarstwo, rzeźba, 3d, fotomontaż. Wymagamy: - dodawania od 1 do 10 postów dziennie w różnych serwisach o tematyce wymienionej powyżej, - pisania postów które mają sens i składają się przynajmniej z dwóch pełnych zdań, - sporządzania i przesyłania tygodniowego raportu realizacji zlecenia wraz z linkami do kon...
...wizualną. Czego dotyczy zlecenie: Polega na pisaniu postów oraz zakładaniu nowych tematów na forach i serwisach traktujących o projektowaniu, fotografii i sztuce. Informowanie użytkowników danego serwisu o istnieniu portalu i możliwości publikowania w nim swoich prac. Zachęcanie do odwiedzin portalu. Interesują nas konkretnie takie kategorie: fotografia, webdesign, logo, grafika, digital painting, rysunek, malarstwo, rzeźba, 3d, fotomontaż. Wymagamy: - dodawania od 1 do 5 postów dziennie w różnych serwisach o tematyce wymienionej powyżej, - pisania postów które mają sens i składają się przynajmniej z dwóch pełnych zdań, - sporządzania i przesyłania tygodniowego raportu realizacji zlecenia wraz z linkami do konkr...
...opowiadań - skontaktuj się z nami. Nasze wymagania to: 1. Duży entuzjazm. 2. Ogólna wiedza o grach komputerowych. 3. Podstawy lub chęć nauki: grafiki 2d / 3d, programowania, projektowania gier. Dodatkowe atuty: 1. Umiejętność tworzenia grafiki 3d. 2. Umiejętność programowania (podstawy). 3. Umiejętność tworzenia grafiki 2d i wektorowej. 4. Umiejętność rysowania odręcznego lub digital painting. 5. Zaplecze literackie (zamiłowanie do pisania opowiadań, etc.). 6. Umiejętność obróbki dźwięku lub tworzenia muzyki. 7. Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego. Oferujemy: 1. Możliwość rozwoju w wybranej dziedzinie produkcji gier. 2. Pracę nad ciekawymi projektami na PC, MAC, iPhone, iPad, Xbox 360 oraz serwisy WWW. 3. Duży wpływ na produkowane gry. 4. St...
Tak jak w temacie poszukujemy osoby od poszukiwania zlecen zagraniczny, oferujemy 20% od kazdego zlecenia + : webdesign, cale strony www(css, autorskie i nieautorskie cms itd.), pelne pisalne czcionki, ilustracje (wektory, digital painting), ikony na strony www, aplikacje, do programow, wykonujemy takze logo. Prosze pisac na ru@ a takze gg 2214828 to podamy cennik i portfolio. Prosze o powazne Rafał Urbański.
Tak jak w temacie, poszukiwana osoba od szukania zleceń(pozyskiwania klientów).Dokładniej chodzi o zlecenia z USA i Wielkiej Brytanii. Preferowana ...szukania zleceń(pozyskiwania klientów).Dokładniej chodzi o zlecenia z USA i Wielkiej Brytanii. Preferowana forma płatnośći na PayPal. Jak zostało już napisane oferuję 20% od każdego znalezionego zlecenia( możemy podpisać umowę). Proszę o oferty tylko poważnych osób! Co znajduje się w mojej ofercie: - Web design - Całe strony www (cms, portale, strony wizytówki) - ilustracje(digital painting, wektory) - ikony - czcionki - logo Oferty proszę kierować na ru(małpa) , bądź na gg:2214828 Osoba, która wygra aukcje zostanie wtajemniczona w dokładny cennik usług i nasze portfolio. Pozdra...
Witam, Zlece wypozycjonowanie strony dla firmy malarkiej w Slowa kluczowe painting nj nj painting staten island painting painting staten island painting new jersey new jersey painting Prosze o wycene i czas realizacji do top 10 kazdego ze slow, jezeli beda potrzebne inne slowa zeby pozycjonowac lepiej powyzsze prosze napisac. chadzynp@ Pozdrawiam Pawel
chciałbym zlecić pozycjonowanie angielskojezycznej strony na 3 frazy: wall painting, wall murals, wall art. chciałbym być w top-20 w google w Wlk Brytanii.
Kreatywny grafik poszukuje osoby od szukania zleceń na: -strony internetowe (całe html + css + cms ) -logo -wszelkiego rodzaju rzeczy do druku (dtp) -ilustracje (digital painting) Prosze w cenie podać ilośc PLN jaką chcielibyście Państwo dostawać od jednego znalezionego zlecenia. Proszę w każdej ofercie podać przynajmniej adres e-mail, najlepiej numer gadu-gadu.(potrzebuję szybki kontakt) Dziekuję i pozdrawiam.
Kreatywny grafik poszukuje osoby od szukania zleceń na: -strony internetowe (całe html + css + cms ) -logo -wszelkiego rodzaju rzeczy do druku (dtp) -ilustracje (digital painting) Prosze w cenie podać procent jaki chcą Państwo brać od każdego zlecenia (ale proszę nie przesadzać ). Proszę w każdej ofercie podać przynajmniej adres e-mail, najlepiej numer gadu-gadu.(potrzebuję szybki kontakt) Dziekuję i pozdrawiam.
Witam, zlece wykonanie prostych grafik wektorowych roznego typu. Najczesciej beda to wzory i ornamenty roslinne, sylwetki ludzkie itp. Jesli posiadasz tablet i zmysl artystyczny to wiesz ile czasu moze zajac stworzenie prostego wzoru czy ornamentu roslinnego(lodyga+lisc, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, scale, twist itp. itp.). Podobnie ma sie sprawa z przerabianiem ksztaltow ze zdjec i narzedziem livetrace (usuwanie zbednych anchor points). Ogolnie szybka pilka - o takie wzory mi chodzi, dlatego prosze o nie podawanie cen z kosmosu. Standardowe zasady co do grafiki: podomykane krzywe itp. Format najchetniej eps lub ai, ale ogolnie wszystko co uciagnie illustrator cs3. Wzory kupowalbym w paczkach po 10szt, najchetniej FV. W razie pytan wiecie gdzie pisac:)
Please see 2 attached images for details needed and also current logo we are unhappy with. We want you to do much better please! :D I'm in need of a distinctly appealing and unique logo for my loan business. The logo should encapsulate the essence of trust and reliability, crucial qualities in the finance sector. Key Requirements: - A modern and minimalist aesthetic, but with a unique twist - Design that conveys trust and reliability - Use of blue as the primary color, symbolizing stability and trustworthiness Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, branding, and a strong understanding of color psychology. Experience in the finance sector will be a plus, as it will help in conveying the right message through the des...
I'm in need of a unique, fusion-style Indian wedding invitation card. The design should seamlessly blend traditional cultural motifs with contemporary patterns, creating an invitation that's both classic and modern. Key Requirements: - Use of cultural motifs: These should reflect the rich heritage of Indian weddings, adding an authentic touch to the card. - Incorporation of contemporary patterns: These should provide a modern twist, making the card appealing to a wide audience. - A neutral and elegant color scheme: The overall color palette should be soft and understated, yet sophisticated. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic design, particularly with experience in fusion-style designs and cultural motifs. Usage of ...
We’re on the hunt for a marketing or recruitment expert to help launch something truly special! The BlackDog Green Program is a one-of-a-kind experience that blends playful dog-themed metaphors with proven psychological techniques. Think of it as emotional wellness with a creative twist—offering engaging, practical tools to help participants navigate life’s RUFF patches and find balance. To fully understand the program and its unique value, the selected candidate will be required to complete the beta testing experience themselves before starting recruitment and marketing efforts. This will help ensure their messaging is authentic and aligned with the program’s tone and purpose. The ideal candidate will have ...
I'm launching a local weight loss support group called "Club Chub" (or "Clubb Chubb"). We're all about camaraderie, fun, and of course, shedding those extra pounds. I need a humorous, cartoonish-style t-shirt design that captures the spirit of our group. Key Design Elements: - A fun & engaging mascot or character - Our tagline: "We are just a bunch of losers," which is a playful twist on our weight loss journey - A visual representation of weight loss, which could be integrated in various ways The color scheme should be bright and vibrant, mirroring the upbeat and positive vibe of our group. Initially, I'll need one design for the t-shirt. If this goes well, I'll likely need additiona...
I'm seeking a talented artist to create a triptych that captures the identity between sunrise and sunset. This series of three mixed media paintings will be displayed in my living room. Key Requirements: - The style of the paintings should be mixed media (no AI-Art). - Use of watercolors and ink or pencil is preferred for the mixed media aspect. - The paintings should be realistic, capturing the beauty of the sunrise and sunset in an engaging way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating mixed media artwork. - Strong understanding and ability to execute realistic styles in painting. - Portfolio demonstrating previous triptychs or similar series. - Ability to deliver high-quality, unique artwork without the use of AI.
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły. need of a friendly yet distinctive logo for my company, Brass Monkey. The design should be cute and simple, yet stand out in a crowd. It should take inspiration from the 90s punk rock aesthetic, reflecting the boldness and uniqueness of that era. Key Requirements: - The color scheme should be bright and vibrant, embodying a sense of energy and positivity. - Incorporation of punk rock symbols into the design is a must. Think along the lines of lightning bolts, but with a friendly twist. The text in the logo should be bold and chunky, maybe in a graffiti style, making it easily readable and memorable. -Adding in other brand elements for us in the brand kit would be a cool plus. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design...
I need a professional to 3D paint a 26' beam and an 8' post on drywall to mimic a black, matte-finish steel. The detail should include realistic weld marks, enhancing the overall steel appearance. - Ideal skills include: - Expert knowledge in 3D painting techniques - Experience with creating realistic textures and details - Ability to work with a matte finish - Proficiency in painting to a high standard Your work will transform the drywall structure into an impressive, steel-like beam and post. Please provide examples of similar past projects in your proposal.
I'm looking for a professional to design a catalog for 100 square-shaped colored paintings. The 24x24 cm catalog should include: - A formal index page - Each painting on a separate page - Titles, measurements, and techniques formatted below each painting The design should primarily respect frame spaces, with a few paintings being displayed end-to-end. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in creating art catalogs and be able to maintain a formal style throughout the index and the catalog. The final project should be ready to print in a professional enterprise. All files delivered should be destroyed after completion.
I'm seeking a passionate and experienced art instructor, preferably with a degree in Fine Arts or nearing graduation, to teach adult art classes in our studio, EL SACAPUNTAS, located in Castellón de la Plana. The classes will cover a variety of subjects including: - Painting - Drawing - Engraving - Watercolor - Gouache The ideal candidate will not only possess a deep love for art and art history, but also exhibit creativity and prior teaching experience.
I run a wall painting business in Dubai and I'm seeking a professional to enhance the SEO of my website, My primary goal is to increase local traffic to the site, with a specific focus on Google as the main search engine. Key requirements: - Proven experience in local SEO, particularly targeting Dubai. - Expertise in Google SEO strategies. - Ability to generate consistent monthly reports on progress and adapt strategies as needed. - SEO skills and experience in the home improvement industry would be advantageous. If the work is satisfactory, I will be looking to continue this on a monthly basis. Thank you.
I'm in need of a creative designer who can capture the vintage sports aesthetic for my new electrolyte powder brand, BUJE Hydration. The initial focus will be on the logo design, which should feature bold lettering that stands out. After the logo, the design work will extend to the sachet and box packaging. Key Design Elements: - Logo Design: This is the top priority. The logo needs to be impactful and set the tone for the brand. - Sachet Design: The design should be eye-catching and compact, in line with the overall vintage sports theme. - Box Packaging Design: This should be a retro-inspired design that ties all elements together. It needs to feature bold graphics, vintage typography, and a playful color palette. Brand Message: The branding should evok...
I'm looking for a professional artist to create a lifelike oil painting of my grandmother. The painting should be done in a realistic style, capturing the details and essence of the photograph. Key requirements: - Use of high-quality oil paint - Creation of a 16x20 inches painting - Mastery in realism style of painting
My song currently has lyrics and melody, and I'm looking for a talented producer to help bring it to life. It's a funky, groovy piece, and I need someone who can really capture that style. Key Requirements: - Expertise in funk and groovy music production - Proficiency in incorporating electronic sounds - Experience with vocal effects The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the funk genre and be able to creatively blend in electronic elements without compromising the groove. Vocal effects will be key in enhancing the melody, so a producer with a knack for vocal manipulation will be highly regarded. The goal is to create a track that is not only catchy but also has a unique twist and lively.
I'm renting a house and want to enhance my living room. The improvements focus on painting, lighting, and furniture arrangement. Key Responsibilities: - Propose a colour scheme and painting plan - Design a lighting scheme - Suggest furniture arrangements for optimal space usage I have some inspiration photos to share, but I'm open to your professional input as I'm unsure on a specific style. Your expertise in interior design, specifically in modern, traditional, and minimalist styles, will be key to this project. Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
I'm looking for a full logo design for my painting company. This should include designs for business cards and other materials. Key Requirements: - A modern logo design that reflects a contemporary aesthetic. - The incorporation of specific elements into the logo such as a paintbrush, a house, and a color palette. - A bright and vibrant color scheme, as opposed to neutral or muted tones, or a single color. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly in logo creation. - A strong portfolio of modern and vibrant design work. - Excellent understanding of color theory and ability to create striking and appealing designs.
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can assist me in modeling, printing, painting, and creating an anatomically accurate 12" (or 1/6 scale) doll. This project involves making a tangible, physical doll, not just a digital STL file or art project. Main Requirements: - The doll should have rooted realistic hair attached to the head. - A silicone body is needed for added realism. - The face should be semi-detailed and accurate, based on provided photos and descriptions. - The doll will need NSFW parts, which we can discuss more privately. - The professional(s) should be able to fully print, paint, and design the doll. - We're not adding a skeleton or any internal structure/support, more details will be provided in private discus...
I'm looking for a medium-sized, abstract style angel oil painting to be displayed in my home. The painting should be no larger than 24x36 inches. 16x 34 ideally ish a set of two that pair nicely together. On canvas and possibly framed although not required can frame locally. I found some on Etsy by the identical set it not available in the right size Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in abstract oil painting - Experience with medium-sized canvas - Ability to create a piece suitable for home display
I'm seeking a talented designer to revamp a small nursing home. The project involves giving the interior a modern aesthetic with bright colors, creating a unique ceiling design, and enhancing the entrance area of the exterior. Key Responsibilities: - Redesigning the layout of the nursing home - Crafting some interior renderings - Suggesting and implementing a facelift for the exterior, focusing on the entrance area - Making the most of painting the walls Ideal Skills & Experience: - Interior design with a modern approach - Proficiency in creating detailed interior renderings - Prior experience with exterior facelifts - Understanding of working with bright color schemes - Creative problem-solving skill...
I'm looking for a medium-sized, abstract style angel oil painting to be displayed in my home. The painting should be no larger than 24x36 inches. 16x 34 ideally ish a set of two that pair nicely together. On canvas and possibly framed although not required can frame locally. I found some on Etsy by the identical set it not available in the right size Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in abstract oil painting - Experience with medium-sized canvas - Ability to create a piece suitable for home display
I'm looking to build a high-end, luxury betting website focused primarily on casino games, with a unique twist of incorporating colour trading from esports. Key Features: - A wide range of casino games - Integration of colour trading for esports betting - A sleek, user-friendly interface that exudes luxury - A seamless, high-quality user experience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing high-end, interactive websites - Deep understanding of casino games and esports betting - Proficiency in creating luxury-grade web interfaces - Excellent track record in delivering engaging, user-friendly websites
I'm looking for a vintage and rustic logo for my new brand, Saddles and Sandbars. The brand embodies coastal living with a cowboy twist, so I need a designer who can capture that essence. Key Design Aspects: - Strong colors: The logo should have strong colors that represent coastal living. - Vintage and rustic style: This is the overarching style of the brand, so the logo must reflect this. - Elements of the brand: The logo should incorporate elements such as 'Beach and waves' and 'Horse or saddle'. Ideal Freelancer: A suitable candidate for this project should have a strong portfolio in vintage and rustic design, with particular experience in creating logos. A deep understanding and appreciation for...
Hello, we are using this program called lightpaint: and we want to remove the logo on the bottom left hand corner and the introduction popup. Make the menu on the left hand corner be able to minify and pop up so we can move it to another screen. The program is open source you can find the source code here:
I'm looking for a passionate and patient self-employed art instructor to teach a group of 5 to 10-year-olds on weekends. The ideal candidate should be skilled in Painting, Drawing, and Crafting, with a strong enthusiasm for instilling an interest in art and crafts in children. Experience in delivering kids' art workshops and holding crafting parties is preferred. Candidates with less experience will also be considered as long as they can provide compelling work samples. Key Requirements: - Proven experience and skills in Painting, Drawing, and Crafting - Previous experience in teaching art to kids - Patience and enthusiasm in working with children - Ability to make art enjoyable and engaging - Legal to work in the UK - DBS...
I'm seeking a designer who can create a classic racing style karting suit, gloves, and shirt-jacket. A modern twist on a time-honored aesthetic will be key. Key Design Features: - Color Scheme: The design should prominently feature blue and fluo yellow, complemented by white accents. - Logos: The inclusion of our team logo and various sponsor logos is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in fashion or sports gear design, specifically karting gear. - Excellent understanding of classic racing aesthetics, with the ability to modernize it. - Proficiency in incorporating branding elements into designs. Experience: - Previous work with motorsport or karting apparel highly desirable. - Portfolio should reflect a range of s...
I'm seeking assistance in locating public or other records or heirs of a person who died in 1996. The purpose of this search is to gather information regarding a painting she owned, for provenance purposes. Specific Information: - I have the full name, date of death, place of death, approximate age at death, and the last known address of the deceased. - The records of interest include death certificates, property records, and probate records - any or all of these would be helpful. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in public records search - Knowledge of genealogical research - Excellent investigative skills Experience with estate or probate matters will be an added advantage.
I'm seeking a talented designer to give my current logo a fresh, minimalist makeover. Key Requirements: - Retain the current color scheme while giving it a modern twist - Keep the idea of the icon being a 'V' with a 'fern' but more minimalist design with a better font (sans serif) - The V can be more stylized or less, but the overall icon needs to be less shapes so it is more modern and minimalist - A better font for the text as well, possibly
I'm seeking a minimalist logo that incorporates both text and icons. The logo should feature my company's name and its tagline. A unique twist would be the image of a knee being incorporated into the alphabet 'K'. The company name is KneeFirst and the slogan is @CMC Key elements of the project: - A clean, minimalist design aesthetic - Use of both text and icons in the logo - Incorporation of the company name and tagline - Creative integration of a knee image into the letter 'K' Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in minimalist logo design - Strong understanding of typography and iconography - Exceptional creativity and ability to think outside the box - Experience with incorpora...
Please READ! We do not need horrible AI renderings. We are the Kids Again Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children heal from trauma through play, therapy, and education. Our mission is to create a space where children can process their emotions, develop resilience, and reconnect with joy. We’re seeking a talented freelancer or team to help us visualize and design ( this is not being plugging it into AI) a kid friendly Trauma Center—an innovative, bubble-themed trauma and play center. Your work will be integral to securing grant funding and laying the foundation for the physical space. I would like lots of windows and light. We are still in the process of searching for the ideal location/space for the center. Spac...
...launching a bold and provocative high-fashion t-shirt brand. The designs should reflect trending and modern aesthetics, appealing to a fashion-forward audience. Theme: The collection will be inspired by Greek Mythology, incorporating iconic mythological figures, creatures, and symbolism. Think Medusa, Cyclops, Anthropoi, and other legendary beings, reimagined in a modern, edgy style. Design Requirements: Bold and Provocative: Designs should make a strong statement, challenging norms while remaining visually captivating. High-Fashion Appeal: The artwork should reflect the essence of modern luxury streetwear. Clean lines, intricate details, and a polished finish are key. Greek Mythology Influence: Each design should creatively incorporate elements of ...