Mrege esri shape files arcgisprojekty
I am looking for an experienced person in matrices and vectors to optimize the game client (lags caused by game effects. Images read from files in .tga and .dds formats. If you are interested, please contact me. Possible one-time order or longer cooperation. The second problem is with the outline, because Character names can also lead to game lag.
...into our advices and additional information. Jar 1 – attachment Height 195 mm, upper and down side like underlined (blue color) in attached file sample.stl. Preview picture includes shape that we would like to get, additional elements (decorative style) are random and they can look like rose, leafs, rose petals etc. Jar 2 – attachment Height 195 mm, upper and down side like underlined (blue color) in attached file sample.stl. Preview picture includes shape that we would like to get, additional elements (decorative style) are random and they can look diamonds or polygon shape. If you will have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards and good luck....
...Heat pump + photovoltaics 9. Wstępne założenie kształt budynku w literę „L” gdzie ściany będą równolegle do granicy działki zachodniej i północnej, a część tarasowa od strony wschodnio-południowej. Dopuszczamy inny układ. Initial conception is that a building is L-shaped; the walls will be parallel to the west and north sides of the plot, a terrace will be on the east-south side of plot. Different shape of the building is acceptable. 10. Parter; Ground floor: • Salon + kuchnia + jadalnia 60 - 80m • Living room + kitchen + dining room 60-80 m2 • Garaż dwustanowiskowy + miejsce na stół warsztatowy • Garage for 2 cars + workbench area • Łazienka z prysznicem • Bathroom with a shower • Maszynownia (kotłownia) • ...
...zoom, a list with shapes that have their own size, background color, background image, name, additional custom data. These shapes from the list can be dragged onto the grid, grouped, resized, rotated, text inside them, etc. In addition, there is an option to create a shape / container / group from point to point, i.e. I click in one place, click in another place and draw a line for me, then in another and after clicking on the starting point, it creates a shape for me (is it a square, a hem, etc. .), which will be a custom shape that can change the background color, the whole size, change the position of a given point, etc. Additionally, when drawing the line, there would be an option (e.g. set as true / false in the properties) that displays the line size in a gi...
...ale także "numery OEM produktów". Cel jest taki, aby w jednym pliku do kolumn "ID aukcji internetowej" i "numery artykułów", dopisać odpowiadające "numery OEM produktów". Na więcej pytań odpowiemy w korespondencji prywatnej. *** Hello, I am looking for a person / team / company that is able to "map" (link) selected data (information) from two or more .XLS / .CSV files. We want to link (map) selected information from two files: For example: in one CSV file, "auction ID" and "item numbers" appear in one of the columns, in the other XLS file also the same "item numbers", but also "OEM product numbers" are found in one of the columns. The goal is to add the corresp...
Cześć Potrzebuję prosty edytor plików SVG z możliwością wczytania/zapisu wielu kształtów w jednym pliku oraz edycji jego właściwości np. wybieram plik svg który ma w sobie '2x circle, 1 rectangle, 2x square' i każdy ma np. inny kolor tła, zaznaczam dany kształt, wyświetla mi się z prawej strony lista właściwości, które ...które mogę edytować (np. kolor tła, kolor obramowania, grubość linii itd.). Edytor musi posiadać: - siatkę taką jak w Paint lub kontrolce 'Diagram z devexpress' - domyślne kształty takie jak koło, kwadrat, prostokąt, które można z listy przeciągnąć i upuścić na canvasie Po czym klikam 'zapisz' i zapisuje mi to do pliku który mogę później wczytać w kontrolce Diagram w DevExpress (WPF) ...
...need to show attached files ("Odpowiedniki kursów" and "Ścieżki szkoleniowe") on the website, but I have done it in Powerpoint and they're ugly. I need them to be as beauty as possible. The company does location intelligence technologies, so please consider showing each tile as globe or something alluding to geographic information systems. The company website: The global company website: Please use Averta font (attached in the files). Please send me editable Adobe files such as .ai or .psd, because in the future I will need to add more tiles to the graphic. The texts inside the graphics: 1) "Scieżki szkoleniowe:" ArcGIS Pro: Wprowadzenie do systemu GIS (2 dni) • Wykorzystywanie ...
Zlecę wykonanie logotypu (branża zoologiczna): Wymagania: *2-3 ROBOCZE szkice do zatwierdzenia przed właściwą reali...ZAKRESIE INNYCH BRANDÓW Proszę podać kontakt mailowy prześlę dokładniejszy opis projektu. I would like to commission a logotype (zoological industry): Requirements: * 2-3 WORK sketches for approval before proper implementation (can be handwritten) + the possibility of making corrections to the vector design * logo in vector format (EPS), output file in AI format * 2 versions of the logotype's shape: in the contour of a square and a rectangle * 2 CMYK and RGB versions * VAT invoice + copyright transfer * welcome creativity, own portfolio WE OFFER PERMANENT COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF OTHER BRANDS Please provide an email contact for more detailed proje...
...closed in dimensions height 28cm width 17cm 11cm depth The hole in the shape of a heart seen from the front (heart in gray on the attached file) should be ~ 9x9cm. Through this opening, in the housing will be visible glass and the flame inside (the housing is a case for heart shaped glass inside – case for glass is subject of the competition) The components are: Cap- windsheld and stand-base (blue color) - No guidelines for shape of cap , there are hoods on the market, in the shape of a rose flower etc… Base- stand we want rather simple symmetrical shape , square or oval shape. The center element of the casing (yellow color) - Outline is the one included as a yellow element, but it is not a rigid guideline, the shape may be propo...
Termin projektu to 15.02 do godziny 24.00. Projekt ma na celu napisanie skryptu w pythonie, który pozwoli wygenerować pliki xes w oparciu o wczytany plik konfiguracyjny json(przykładowy plik został załączony). Sam skrypt parsujący plik json jest już napisany i załączyłem go tutaj. Załączyłem także skrypt generujący pliki arff. Mój skrypt ma działać analogicznie do tego skryptu, z tym że ma generować pliki xes, które także mają być sortowane po timestampach(skrypt wykonujący to sortowanie został dołączony wraz z plikiem wejściowym oraz wyjściowym). (Testowanie skryptu)Projekt wykorzystuję bazy danych aware. Należy pobrać aplikację na telefon i wygenerować trochę danych (Załączniki) Zawierają skrypty parsujące i generujące pliki arff, skrypt sortujący przykła...
Potrzebuję zaprojektować ulotkę dobrej jakoś ulotce musi znajdować się: - zdjecie maszyny bodyshape, -najważniejsze aby napisać że: 30 min 3500 calories,oraz :First in Ireland -Health benefits Burns up to 3500 calories in 30 min LED collagen anti-aging effect Eliminates cellulite Body sculpturing and slimming Rapid fat loss (thighs, abdomen, buttocks) Body shape brings permanent effect Improves circulation of blood and lymph Boosts energy and vitality, Like Platinum Tanning Studio on Facebook Knocknacarra across Joyce's 091-520002 Przesyłam zdjęcie maszyny,studia w środku może się przyda oraz informacje.
Aplikacja do rysowania/projektowania pokoju w przeglądarce Potrzebuję aplikację w HTML5, w której będzie można zaprojektować własny pokój. Użytkownik po ur...aplikacji wybiera kształt i wymiary pokoju, później umieszcza przedmioty, które się w nim znajdują. Stworzony obrazek można pobrać oraz jest zapisywany na serwerze. Możliwe, że trzeba będzie również wdrożyć aplikację do działającego serwisu WordPress. in English: App to draft room in web browser I need app in HTML5, which will be able to design own room. User afrer running app choose the shape and dimensions of the room, then places the objects that are in it. Created image can be downloaded and is stored on the server. It is possible that you will also deploy the application...
...ruszenie reku tez rusza 'L'. Można kamerkę w 3D obrazie ruszać, ale to zmienia tylko perspektywę. -- A Fragment which shows a 3D rotating 'L' shape on top and a slider on the bottom with a "play" button. You are given a time series of the three points defining the L: List<Point3D[3]> T; When the play button is pressed, the slider on the bottom moves from 0 to (). As it moves, the L shape rotates according to T: so that (t)[0] is the coordinate of the top arm of the L, (t)[1] the middle, (t)[2] the other arm. It also rotates when dragging the slider manually. You can rotate the camera for the 3D L shape by dragging it: this changes the camera perspective only: the motions specified by the list are independent ...
Zaprojektuj logo firmy zajmującej się przygotowaniem i dostawą dietetycznego, zdrowego nazywa się Shake Your Shape. Podobałoby mi się użycie trzech pierwszych liter z trzech wyrazów. SYS.
...are looking for a creative proposition. It can be associated with roofs and roofing or it can be something completely different. In the future it must be easily used in modern advertisements and be easily recognizable. We are purposely not pushing any specific theme because we are looking for a fresh and original look. The one important thing is that it will not be an badly associated element. Shape: basically any. We will even consider irregular shapes....
...are looking for a creative proposition. It can be associated with roofs and roofing or it can be something completely different. In the future it must be easily used in modern advertisements and be easily recognizable. We are purposely not pushing any specific theme because we are looking for a fresh and original look. The one important thing is that it will not be an badly associated element. Shape: basically any. We will even consider irregular shapes.... posiadać pełne możliwości w zakresie wydajnego przeglądania, wyszukiwania, wyróżniania, operacji blokowych, grupowania, symboli rastrowych i wektorowych oraz edycji, rysowania i szkicowania wielowarstwowego. W przypadku modułu do przeglądania map akceptowalne powinno być przegląd i edycja mapy terenu lub schematy w różnych formatach wektorowych, takich jak AutoCAD, Microstation, MapInfo, ESRI ArcGIS lub DXF, gdzie automatycznie pozycjonując poszczególne sekcje na tle skonsolidowanej mapy terenu, umożliwiając przy tym reorganizację warstw źródłowych w celu zachowania jednolitego standardu rozwarstwienia dla całego schematu. Przy zastosowaniu mapy cyfrowej program umożliwiać powinien wczytanie i precyzyjne pozycjonowanie map skanowanych i ...
...około 70-80 (dostarczam listę obszarów), a sam opis przybiera następującą postać HTML: <area shape="poly" coords="74,16,74,11,74,8,79,3,90,3,95,9,95,12,95,16,91,13,84,14,78,13" title="Głowa" href="glowa"> <area shape="poly" coords="77,16,77,20,81,20,83,18,86,20,92,20,92,16,84,16" title="Oczy" href="oczy"> <area shape="poly" coords="74,20,74,28,71,25,71,20" title="Uszy" href="uszy#1"> <area shape="poly" coords="94,20,94,28,97,25,97,20" title="Uszy" href="uszy#2"> <area shape="poly" coords="82,25,85,25,85,19...
Agencja intraktywana GRAFIX STUDIO Rafał Kilanowski poszukuje do pracy w Poznaniu osobę na stanowisko: montażysta-animator flash wymagania: - znajomość podstawowych technik animacji we flashu (motion tween, shape tween, paths itd.) - umiejętność synchronizacji animacji z lektorem - zmysł estetyczny - pracowitość, sumienność, terminowość - podstawy pracy w Photoshopie podstawowy zakres obowiązków: - tworzenie prostych animacji edukacyjnych w oparciu o dostarczone scenariusze, elementy graficzne i ścieżki lektorskie miejsce pracy: siedziba firmy w Poznaniu; w późniejszym etapie, możliwa częściowo praca zdalna w domu. dodatkowym atutem będzie posiadanie dodatkowych umiejętności z któregoś z zakresów: - projektowanie graficzne - tworzenie ilus...
...użycia 2 (rozszerzenie przypadku 1): Powiedzmy, że po przypadku użycia 1. wygenerowałem stronę na nowo, w jakiś sposób wygenerowałem sobie kod HTML który wyświetla ładną mapkę HTML z 2 sekcjami AREA wskazującymi na Jana Nowaka i Adama Kowalskiego. Dokładnie kod wygląda następująco: <map name="xxx"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="" alt="xxx" /> <area shape="rect" coords="90,58,3,12" href="" alt="xxxx" /> </map> Z wygenerowaną ładnie stroną biorę laptopa i jadę do babci. Otwieram jej to samo zdjęcie, na którym mam już zaznaczonego Kowalskiego i Nowaka. Babcia wskazuje 3 osobę "To przec...
Zlecę wykonanie schematycznej mapki centrum handlowego. Mapka ma być analogiczną do dostępnej na terenie centrum handlowego oraz na stronie internetowej centrum(kwestia przerysowania ze strony). Wytyczne: - Mapka ma zostać przygotowana w .psd w warstwach - każde osobne pole (sklep, korytarz) ma być jako osobny "shape" - każde pole powinno posiadać hoover - każdy element mapy i jego hover muszą być tak samo wyrównane do siatki 10x10px(jeśli lewy górny róg elementu leży w punkcie (23, 27) to lewy górny róg hovera też musi leżeć w punkcie (*3, *7)) Proszę o podawanie ceny, czasu wykonania i danych kontaktowych
Agencja intraktywana GRAFIX STUDIO Rafał Kilanowski poszukuje do pracy w Poznaniu osobę na stanowisko: montażysta-animator flash wymagania: - znajomość podstawowych technik animacji we flashu (motion tween, shape tween, paths itd.) - umiejętność synchronizacji animacji z lektorem - zmysł estetyczny - pracowitość, sumienność, terminowość podstawowy zakres obowiązków: - torzenie prostych animacji edukacyjnych w oparciu o dostarczone scenariusze, elementy graficzne i ścieżki lektorskie miejsce pracy: siedziba firmy w Poznaniu; w późniejszym etapie, możliwa częściowo praca zdalna w domu. dodatkowym atutem będzie posiadanie dodatkowych umiejętności z któregoś z zakresów: - projektowanie graficzne - tworzenie ilustracji - programowanie...
Nawiążę współpracę z grafikami komputerowymi zainteresowanymi pracą zdalną opartą przynajmniej o jeden z poniższych opisów: I. Projekty DTP a) przygotowanie projektu plakatu/ulotki/wizytówki/banera wg pr... formatowanie wiersza - liczba znaków 1000 3) prosty efekt grafiki wektorowej - dodanie cienia, metamorfoza 4) ułożenie kompozycji wg wskazówek II) Grafika na potrzeby www a) przygotowanie layoutu strony www wg przesłanego pomysłu b) banery we flashu Proszę podać wycenę dla punktu a) (prosta wizytówka firmy bez flasha ) i b) (750x100 max 30kB, 468x60 max 20kB - prosty motion tween, shape tween, podsatwowy action script) Proszę deklarować chęć współpracy wraz z podaniem cen dla wymienionych wyżej przykładowych real...
Witam. Posiadam logo w .psd do zamiany na .ai. Sam tekst mam jako shape także z tym nie bedzie problemu, jednak znaczek trzeba będzie narysować. Proszę o zgłaszanie się wraz z nr. gg wtedy też pokażę logo w celu dokładniejszej wyceny. Pozdrawiam
Zlęcę wykonanie trójwymiarowego modelu terenu Polski. Chciałbym móc edytować scenę za pomocą aplikacji Vue 7 lub Cinema4D w rodzimym rozszerzeniu jednego z nich, konwersja do ustandaryzowanych formatów nie w...rodzimym rozszerzeniu jednego z nich, konwersja do ustandaryzowanych formatów nie wchodzi w grę. Na scenę winne być nałożone tekstury terenu. Wysokość terenu, góry, wyżyny, depresje oraz rzeki powinne być orientacyjnie naniesione, aby było jednoznaczne rozpoznanie każdego kawałka sceny. Otoczenie granic terytorium kraju (sąsiedzi itp.) powinno być usunięte. Mam do dyspozycji wysokiej rozdzielczości shape'y i trasy (.ai) jeżeli zleceniobiorca preferuje wykroić obiekt ze ściezki. Technicznie niezbyt trudne zlecenie, dla wprawnej ręki r&oa...
Oferta obejmuje zrobienie filmu animowanego w technice Macromedia Flash. Praca ma obejmować: - opracowanie scenariusza filmu animowanego - model postaci sheet filmu oraz projekt layoutu - Zastosowanie technik :poklatkowa,motion tween, shape tween w animacji Flash. - Animacja ma trwać 2 minuty wraz z osadzonym w niej dźwiękiem. Film ma być prosty,kolorowy, atrakcyjny i dokładny - pomysł należy do Was. Proszę o dopisanie kosztu wykonania. Pozdrawiam"map2"> <area href="" coords="37,88,77,78,72,63,68,50,37,46,28,36,9,46,12,71,26,86" shape="poly" title="Iceland"/> <area href="" coords="302,413,308,401,302,396,301,386,298,382,294,380,291,389,294,390,294,407" shape="POLY" title="Albania"/> <area href="" oords="199,325,204,330,220,326,223,332,240,331,251,326,255,320,254,312,257,312,257,305,244,305,238,309,226,314,229,319,228,324,224,324,221,320,214,323,211,326,206,324,202,326" shape="poly" title="Austria"/> <area href="" coords="306,252,316,248,350,246
...about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from...
...about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from...
... animations, and products ✅ Inspire children’s curiosity, emotional intelligence, and creativity ✅ Become a global leader in children’s educational entertainment Our first project is a series of curiosity books, where three unique characters—Sic, Sac, and Suc—explore knowledge in fun and engaging ways. We are searching for a lead designer to develop the visual identity of these characters and shape the future of this brand. This contest is your opportunity to join an exciting, long-term creative journey! 📚 What is Sic Sac Suc? Sic Sac Suc is an educational, character-driven brand designed to entertain, teach, and grow with children. By blending fun storytelling, humor, and developmental learning, we aim to inspire kids while making knowledge exciting. 🎨...
I need a professional logo for my newly established digital marketing business. The company's name is 'NextEra Digital'. Key Requirements: - Typography: The logo should feature basic, easy-to-read typography. The term 'NextEra' could be bolded or displayed in a slightly larger f...Alternatively, the icon could be stacked with 'NextEra' on top of 'Digital'. - Visual Elements: The logo may incorporate pixels or lines to give it a digital feel. - Color Scheme: Possible colors include blue, green, or teal, with a potential use of gradient shades. I want a white background. - Industry Relevance: As my business operates within the health-related sector, the logo could feature some sort of shape or letter that reflects this. Preferred Font St... and features that enhance customer experience and engagement. Key Features: - A comprehensive product catalog and an efficient search function to help customers easily find their desired sunglasses. - An innovative 3D Face Scan feature, allowing customers to virtually try on the sunglasses. - Integration of biometric data to ensure personalized fitting. - An adjustable frame size and shape feature for the perfect fit. - A post-adjustment option for frames to be 3D printed. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in Shopify, with a strong portfolio of minimalist and clean design styles. Knowledge and previous work with advanced interactive features like 3D scanning and virtual try-ons would be a major advantage. Secure payment processing...
...create an STL file of my logo, tailored for 3D printing. Key Requirements: - The overall shape of the STL file should be a circle, with a diameter of 30.61 MM. - A hole, centered at the top of the circle, should be included. The hole should be 6 MM in diameter with approximately 6 MM of material surrounding it for the keychain. - The logo itself has blank spaces in it; these should be raised 3MM above a solid background. - The total thickness of the design should be around 8 MM. - The design should not include any text, only the logo. Material: - The STL file is to be designed for printing in plastic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Experience with creating STL files for 3D printing. - Attention to detail and ability to follow speci...
I have several company logos that need to be modified and enlarged for clearer visibi...for clearer visibility on my website. The current logos are in JPEG/PNG format and I need the final versions to also be in JPEG/PNG. Modifications Include: - Color Adjustments: Some logos need a color tweak to align with my website's theme. - Shape Adjustments: A few logos may require some shape alterations for better visual appeal. - Text Additions or Changes: There are certain logos that need text additions or modifications. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design and logo modification - Experience with color adjustments, shape alterations and text modifications - Familiar with working with JPEG/PNG formats - Ability to deliver high-quality, clear and vi...
I'm in need of a one-minute 3D animated video of my architectural design, primarily for client demonstration purposes. The focus should be on the exterior facade of the building. The level of detail should only encompass the basic structure and shape, not extending to material textures or colors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D animation software (like Blender, 3ds Max, Maya) - Prior experience in creating architectural animated videos - Able to interpret and visualise architectural plans - Understanding of basic structure and shape design - Excellent attention to detail and timing for creating a coherent 1-minute video.
I'm in need of a professional with extensive experience in ArcGIS Pro to help create a variety of maps for my project.
I need a professional who can convert my OBJ and SKP house files into a 3MF file suitable for 3D printing on Bambu Labs A1 Combo Printer Key Details: - Model Scale: The 3D printed model should have maximum size of 256x256x26mm - Color Scheme: The model will be printed in four colors: White, Grey, Orange, and Clear. - Custom Color Assignment: The specific color allocation to different parts of the model has not been decided yet. Your input and expertise in identifying suitable parts for each color would be invaluable. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software capable of handling OBJ, SKP, and 3MF file types. - Prior experience in preparing files for 3D printing. - Strong understanding of color application in 3D modeling. - Familiarity with Bambu Labs A1 Combo 3D p...
***LONG TERM POSITION AVAILABLE*** We are looking for a skilled 3D Render Artist who can produce high qu...render a controller that matches or improves on the quality of the sample HERE: 2. Create a web banner in size 1920 x 700px using the rendered image(s) you create, with the following text: Line 1 (main text) "10% OFF Personalized Controllers" Line 2 (sub-text) "Using Code 10CMODZ" You have full flexibility in terms of the web banner, You can download all of the model files and textures below: Please see the examples of banners we like the style of (but ideally want different and improved versions), below:
...Responsibilities: Market Research & Competitive Analysis • Conduct thorough industry research to identify market size, trends, and pricing models, accompanied by relevant data sources. • Analyze competitor strategies to uncover product-market gaps and differentiation opportunities. Marketing & Audience Analysis • Evaluate customer demographics, industry dynamics, and digital traffic sources to shape marketing strategies. • Identify effective acquisition channels and define KPIs for tracking early traction. High-Fidelity Prototyping & Product Development • Design a detailed, interactive prototype for showcasing to investors • Provide insights to UI/UX and feature prioritization for an MVP. Go-To-Market & Pricing Strategy • Defi...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm a roofing company owner in need of a professional designer to create unique, bold and colorful square business cards for me. I have all the necessary information and a logo ready to go. Key Requirements: - You'll need to incorporate my company logo prominently on the card. - The design should be bold and colorful, aligning with my preference. - The shape of the card is square, so creativity in this dimension is key. - Experience in designing business cards, particularly for a bold and colorful aesthetic, is highly desirable. Please, do not hesitate to reach out if you're interested.
I'm looking for a 500ml hydrogen water bottle made of plastic. The design should be a transparent bottle. Key Features: - Built-in digital display: The bottle should have a display that shows relevant information. - Temperature control: It should...should be able to display multiple colors. The bottle should have stainless steel cap and base areas. The built-in digital display should show the hydrogen concentration level and the current temperature. The bottle should be made from Tritan plastic. The digital display should show the hydrogen concentration level, current temperature, and battery status. The bottle should have a sleek cylindrical shape. The LED lights should display multiple colors based on the functionality and status of the bottle. The portable charger should b...
...visible when the logo is scaled down for use as a website icon. Key Requirements: - Incorporate the letters E and H, and a reversed E to form a C. - Use dark grey/black as the primary color, with accents in Neon green and bits of white. - Design an abstract shape for the logo, possibly resembling a shield. - Integrate elements of an abstract hockey stick shape not the stick itself and a abstract puck shape, along with the league name and some team imagery. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in modern logo design. - Experience with abstract shape design. - Ability to creatively incorporate specific elements into a cohesive and visually appealing design. I look forward to seeing your creative interpretations and proposing a design that meets these specifications....
I'm in search of a talented graphic designer who can create a sleek, professional, and minimalist logo for my architecture and interior design firm. The logo must embody elements of both architecture and interior design, using an abstract shape to communicate the essence of our brand name. Key Design Elements: - Incorporation of an Architectural Symbol - Use of an Interior Design Element - Employment of an Abstract Shape - A distinctive touch that encapsulates the meaning of our firm name Color Scheme: The logo should be designed in a monochrome palette, reflecting a timeless and elegant appeal. Ideal Candidates: - Experience in designing for premium brands, specifically within the architecture and interior design industry - Proven portfolio demonstrating minimalist d...
...handbag designer to create a stylish yet practical leather tote. The bag should blend functionality with a classic yet modern aesthetic, appealing to those seeking a reliable companion for daily errands without compromising on style. The design should be unique representing a modern luxurious feel. The bag should feature an open back pocket to hold a mobile phone. Soft pebble leather with a unique shape is a must (not the standard square tote with top handles). Key Aspects to Consider: - Design: The handbag should be a tote style, which means it should have an open top with two handles, large enough to carry a variety of items, and a laptop. - Material: The primary material for this project is leather. The designer should have experience working with this material and be able...
I need CAD drawings for 4 units, each 20 ft by 8 ft, arranged in a U-shape surrounding a pool. Additionally, 2 shed units of 10 feet by 8 feet need to be included. The site plan is provided as a photo. The drawings must be done in AutoCAD. We include an example "Number of bedrooms, front, back, side elevations and structural engineering to move forward with permitting," plans which are acceptable by the county. Key Requirements: - The CAD drawings must have detailed measurements and annotations. - Basic interior details are not required, only the exterior of the units and their layout. - The final deliverable should be CAD compatible with AutoCAD. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is crucial for this project. - Previous experience in creating detailed CAD drawings f... - Ensure Stuller products appear within Shopify’s native product display. CleverGem API Setup & Testing: - Confirm CleverGem API is correctly integrated and products are being pulled in properly. - Verify that products are categorized correctly and follow Shopify’s tagging system. Filters & Categories Optimization: - Ensure all filtering options work correctly (e.g., diamond shape, metal type, ring size, etc.), similar to - Standardize product categories across Stuller and CleverGem so they match (e.g., Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, etc.). Payment & Fraud Prevention Credit Card Fraud Prevention: - Set up Shopify to only accept payments if the billing and shipping addresses match to reduce fraud risk. - Expl...
...ever-evolving corporate world, success extends beyond job performance and traditional leadership roles. To stand out, executives must build a powerful personal brand—one that not only reflects their expertise but also enhances their influence, credibility, and career trajectory. *Beyond the Title* by Martin Rowinski is a strategic guide to executive branding, providing leaders with the tools to shape their professional identity, amplify their impact, and position themselves at the forefront of their industry. Drawing from real-world insights, industry trends, and proven methodologies, Rowinski explores the essence of executive branding—what it is, why it matters, and how it can be leveraged to inspire teams, drive business growth, and foster thought leadership. He ...
I am in need of a 3D model of a sports car that can be used for 3D printing. I want a 3D design Take it to a specialized printing press to print this shape as a 3D model As shown in the picture... a Porsche car Length x Width x Height 1/10th: 45cm x 18cm x 13cm Key Requirements: - Experience in creating intricate and precise 3D models. - Understanding of the requirements for a model to be 3D printed. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with a keen eye for detail and a strong background in 3D modeling, ideally with a focus on automotive designs. The ability to deliver a model that is both visually impressive and functional is key.