Moneyline south africaprojekty
...pompę ciepła + fotowolkaikę Heat pump + photovoltaics 9. Wstępne założenie kształt budynku w literę „L” gdzie ściany będą równolegle do granicy działki zachodniej i północnej, a część tarasowa od strony wschodnio-południowej. Dopuszczamy inny układ. Initial conception is that a building is L-shaped; the walls will be parallel to the west and north sides of the plot, a terrace will be on the east-south side of plot. Different shape of the building is acceptable. 10. Parter; Ground floor: • Salon + kuchnia + jadalnia 60 - 80m • Living room + kitchen + dining room 60-80 m2 • Garaż dwustanowiskowy + miejsce na stół warsztatowy • Garage for 2 cars + workbench area • Łazienka z prysznicem • Bathroom with a shower • Mas...
Witam, poszukuje kilku osób do dłuższej współpracy. Praca polega na rysowaniu postaci z bajek tj. Simpson / South Park z realnego zdjęcia, przykład na dole. Wszystkie zainteresowane osoby będą poproszone o wykonanie jednej pracy kwalifikacyjnej. Pozdrawiam Dawid
Potrzebuję stworzyć prostą, ładną grafikę dla jednej z naszych wypraw podróżniczych. Logotyp ma zawierać nasze główne logo (do zobaczenia na ), a także słowa "Africa Poland Trip" i gdzieś "2016". Grafika ma zawierać jakieś akcenty afrykańskie lub dotyczące półwyspu iberysjkiego. Jednym z pomysłów jest okrąg, a w nim na okole wpisane słowa jak wyżej. W samym kole łeb lwa o konturach afryki z otwartą paszczą o konturach europy :) To tylko pomysł, chętnie poznamy też inne. Nie jesteśmy firmą, a jedynie grupą podróżników, która nie zarabia na swoich wyprawach.
...będziemy potrzebowali również strony na której będziemy wg kategorii umieszczać odnośniki do YouTube Na chwile obecna nie mam jakiejś konkretnej wizji co do tego w jaki mamy iść kierunek designu, bardzo podobają mi się grafiki wektorowe i chciałbym w miarę możliwości pójść w tą strone, myślałem tez żeby przedstawić nasza grupę ludzi w zwektoryzowany sposób np na głównym banerze :) (jak np: south park, simpsons, family guy) będziemy tez potrzebować banerów do poszczególnych kategorii dowcipów przykładowo: dowcipy o jasiu dowcipy o żydach dowcipy o aptekarzach etc etc w każdym z tych banerów, chciałbym aby była zwektoryzowana postać kogoś z nas przebrana w adekwatny strój do kategorii Zglasz...
1. Nie dziala import przykladowy format pliku który powinien dzialac : prefix;description;voice_rate ART;South Africa - Fixed;0.138 dostaje w debugerze komunikat: Nalezy takie komunikaty rowniez uwzglednic w error messages przy imporcie. 2. Rezygnujemy z dodatkowej kolumny w clietshared, cabin_no, wprowadza to za duze zamieszanie do porzadku bazy. Zostajemy przy numeracji kabin tak jak bylo. - ewntualnie moze Pan ma jakis pomysl jak to uporzadkowac bez dodatkowej kolumny. 3. Przy przeniesieniu callsów równiez kabina powinna byc pusta bez przycisków.
Witam, jesli Pan znajdzie czas w niedalekiej przyszłości :) 1. Nie dziala import przykladowy format pliku który powinien dzialac : prefix;description;voice_rate ART;South Africa - Fixed;0.138 dostaje w debugerze komunikat: Nalezy takie komunikaty rowniez uwzglednic w error messages przy imporcie. 2. Rezygnujemy z dodatkowej kolumny w clietshared, cabin_no, wprowadza to za duze zamieszanie do porzadku bazy. Zostajemy przy numeracji kabin tak jak bylo. - ewntualnie moze Pan ma jakis pomysl jak to uporzadkowac bez dodatkowej kolumny.
Witam zlecę tłumaczenie artykułu z języka angielskiego na polski. Tematyka artykułu to nawadnianie. Liczba stron do przetłumaczenia to 7 kartek A4. Poniżej początek artykułu. After the K-Rain Marketing Meeting in Milan, a Rainworks delegation took the opportunity to travel from the North to the South of Italy. Departing from the City of Milan, we stopped in Firenze and finished our tripin the greater Bari area. Wszystko jest pisane dość dużą czcionką. Pozdrawiam, Ania @
...wybranie dyscypliny sportowej, również z tabelki (najlepiej po przez czarno białe piktogramy) d) wpisanie nazwy turnieju lub ligi, np. ATP Miami lub Ekstraklasa Polska e) wpisanie wydarzenia sportowego, np. Rafael Nadal - Roger Federer f) wybór flagi państwa (ikonki powinny być do wyboru przy nazwie turnieju lub ligi oraz przy każdym z rywali) g) wpisanie grupy typu, np. Zakład na zwycięstwo, Moneyline lub under/over h) wpisanie typu, np.1, 1X czy 3,5 i) wybranie bukmachera z tabelki z logami (logo pokazuje się później przy typie w archiwum lub przy nowym typie i jest odnośnikiem do strony bukmachera) j) wpisanie kursu, np. 2,25 k) wybór stawki, zakres 1-100 jednostek l) wpisanie analizy do podanego typu - rozliczanie typów: a) wpisanie wyniku s...
...odpowiednio 4. Trzeba z głównej usunąć baner z logotypami (pod trzema białym boxami z napisaem obrazek), całą sekcję z mapą strony, baner z bankami - kosmetyka. 5. Trzeba zrobić nową stopką (mam ją w photoshopie, trzeba ją zakodować, ale dużych różnic nie ma, trochę ładniejsza graficznie jest). 6. Trzeba usunąć boxy z prawej strony tj te: Zamiast nich powinno pojawiać się boczne menu z kategoriami - z lewej strony, po wybraniu jakiejkolwiek kategorii głownej odpala nam się strona tejże kategorii a z lewej menu z drzewem kategorii. 7. Dodatkowe drobne modyfikacje np. zmiana strony z kartą produktu (czcionka, zmiana
...resulting in big regional differences. In the north, the dishes are milder and include quite a lot of cabbage and pork but not much seafood. The further east you go, the more surprising the food may become, as you can come across such exotic specialties as fried insects (mainly ants, grasshoppers and locusts) or frogs in a spicy sauce. The food here is hot, with copious amounts of chilli added. The south is primarily the country of coconut – sweet coconut milk is an important ingredient in many dishes. Coconut oil, in turn, is used for frying, and gives the dishes a unique taste. Crabs, squid, prawns and lobsters can appear both in main courses as well as in salads. Irrespective of the region, the characteristic feature of Thai cuisine is the balance of the five fundame...
Witam Szukam doświadczonej osoby, która podjęłaby się wykonania animacji do przygotowanej grafiki (możliwa w wektorach), która wygląda następująco Chodzi o: -Dodanie ciekawego preloadera przed animacją -Zastosowanie efektu ruszającej się perspektywy, coś na zasadzie jak -Wykonanie animacji ruchów kończynami poszczególnych bohaterów, przykładowo, machający ogonem piesek, mrugające oczy, chwiejące się kwatki, przelatujące liście itp. (do ustalenia) pozdrawiam Piotr
Zlece stworzenie i wypozycjonowanie strony. Strona o profilu budowalnym (w jezyku angielskim), na terenie londynu, a dokladnie South East London. Proszę o podanie cen za wypozycjonowanie na 1 stronę w googlach. Proszę by oferta zawierała orientacyjny termin po jakim pojawią się frazy oraz miesieczny koszt utrzymania www na first page.
Potrzebni programisci do napisania skryptu do parsowania i zbierania listingow firm z ponizszych krajow poprzez wchodzenie na katalogi biznesowe: United Kingdom South Africa Canada Mexico Argentina Brazil China Japan South Korea India Indonesia Saudia Arabia Russia Turkey France Germany Italy Australia Nigeria Prosze o podanie ceny za napisanie skryptu na dany kraj, wybranie wszystkich listingow wraz z adresami dostarczenie w formacie CSV Termin dostarczenia wszystkich listingow z danego kraju do 10 marca.
Witam, Potrzebuję zebrać użytkowników Facebook z USA, Australia, Japan, China, India, Germany, France, Spain, South Africa. Każdy z tych krajów 1,000 friends. Proszę o poradnie ceny za 1,000 friends.
...Cup South Africa Spain Winner 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Netherlands Runner-up 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Germany 3rd place 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Uruguay 4th place 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Argentina Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Paraguay Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Ghana Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Brazil Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Mexico Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa England Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup ...
Do realizacji rozbudowanego portalu internetowego potrzebny będzie programista znający następujące technologie: Języki programowania: Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS W połączeniu z: Django, jQuery Przyda się także znajomość mechnizmów: Filtrowanie CSRF, Memcache Django Cache, System kontroli rewizji SVN, Asynchroniczne kolejkowanie, AJAX, Nginx, South, Haystack, Piston, Virtualenv, MySQL. Jeśli uważasz, że znasz się na tych technologiach i jesteś gotów/gotowa podjąć się wyzwania (konieczne będzie podpisanie umowy uwzględniającej kary umowne w przypadku niewywiązania się ze zlecenia) - zapraszam do kontaktu w celu ustalenia szczegółów współpracy i wynagrodzenia.
Zlecę napisanie oryginalnych tekstów na strony www. Teksty mają dotyczyć diet: kopenhaskiej, south beach, jogurtowej. Dla każdej z diet tekst powinien mieć około 8000 znaków.
Szukam kogoś kto dobrze przetłumaczy opisy EXIFów dla zdjęć. Poniżej plik do tłumaczenia. Poproszę o wycenę i czas realizacji. $EXIFY = array( 0x0 => "GPS tag version", 0x1 => "North or South Latitude", 0x1 => "Interoperability Identification", 0x10 => "Reference for direction of image", 0x100 => "Image width", 0x1000 => "Related image file format", 0x1001 => "Related image width", 0x1002 => "Related image height", 0x101 => "Image height", 0x102 => "Number of bits per component", 0x103 => "Compression scheme", 0x106 => "Pixel scheme", 0x10E => "Image title...
I am interested in getting a logo for one of our new company, an e-commerce site called "Kraytomic" We sell herbal supplements like "Kratom", "Ashwagandha" "Moringa" etc. However, our main products are all "kratom". Kratom is an herbal supplement comes from south east asia. It's often pronounced as "Kraytom", this is why our brand is called "Kraytomic" PLEASE NO AI GENERATED LOGO! Our quality control team will verify every logo. What are we trying to accomplish with this logo? - Logo should be bold enough for people to know it's kratom or herbal supplement replated - Logo should create a brand style - Let's create this nature inspired logo as kratom is a natural product We are ONLY looking for o...
We will create a Homepage for the Region of South Styria and North Slovenia. We have a lot of wine, nice wine hills, a lot of good food and friendly people. Logo should be very simple, fresh, modern and creative. Maybe focus on the klapotetz. It is a white wine region. But don't focus too much on the wine!!! color. b) Milestone 2-International: collect 40 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. c) Milestone 3 : Schools and Professionals (i) Schools Only: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignore other countries) from th...
...Milestone 3 i) International Universities: collect 50 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. Total 198,000 rows from International Universities. (ii) African + Philippines Schools: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignor...
...Milestone 3 i) International Universities: collect 50 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. Total 198,000 rows from International Universities. (ii) African + Philippines Schools: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignor... color. b) Milestone 2-International: collect 40 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. c) Milestone 3 : Schools and Professionals (i) Schools Only: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignore other countries) from th...
I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a modern and sleek logo for my bankruptcy-focused law firm located in South Florida. Name of the law firm: SANTIAGO LAW SOLUTIONS Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate the "Scales of Justice, flame or shield" as a central element. - A color scheme of black and grey. - The overall design should be contemporary, clean, and polished. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design and familiar with creating legal-themed logos. - Strong portfolio of modern and sleek design interpretations. - Excellent understanding of color theory and ability to create visually appealing designs within a specified color scheme.
...front and 14 feet 3 inch in the back portion Owing to its rapid pace, your quick delivery and adaptive skills would be appreciable. Qualifications and Skills: * In-depth knowledge of residential architecture and interior design * Highly skilled in creating 3D simulations and models * Proficiency in color theory and material selection for interiors * Familiarity with locally available materials in South India * Flexibility to perform revisions as needed * High levels of creativity in design conception Key Deliverables: * A detailed plan for the residential house, including the first floor and terrace * Visually pleasing interior design concepts * AutoCAD 2D layout and PDF containing the layout with dimension markings * Timely submissions as per committed timelines While the de...
I'm seeking a 3D modeler to create a model of the Bronze Sea from Solomon's Temple. This model needs to be: - 3D formatted as an STL file. - Moderately de...necessary. Detailed description: 23 He made the Sea of cast metal, circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim and five cubits high. It took a line of thirty cubits[o] to measure around it. 24 Below the rim, gourds encircled it—ten to a cubit. The gourds were cast in two rows in one piece with the Sea. 25 The Sea stood on twelve bulls, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south and three facing east. The Sea rested on top of them, and their hindquarters were toward the center. 26 It was a handbreadth[p] in thickness, and its rim was like the rim of a cup, like a lily blossom. It hel...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to create a Wikipedia page for a prominent Afrikaans entertainer based in South Africa. The page should be in both Afrikaans and English or just English, highlighting the entertainer's significant cultural impact within South Africa. Key Requirements: - Familiarity with Wikipedia's guidelines and standards - Ability to structure content in a professional, engaging, and informative manner I will provide all necessary text, photos, and sources. Your expertise in creating a compelling and compliant Wikipedia page will be critical to the project's success.
...Milestone 3 i) International Universities: collect 50 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. Total 198,000 rows from International Universities. (ii) African + Philippines Schools: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignor...
Job Title: Expert Consultant for Jewelry Business Growth, Marketing, and Sales Strategy Job Description: I am looking for a knowledgeable and creative consultant to help grow my jewelry business, which specializes in silver jewelry inspired by South Asian heritage. The ideal candidate will guide me through all aspects of running and scaling the business, from marketing and maximizing sales to exploring platforms for selling and building strong networks. Responsibilities: Develop effective marketing strategies for online and offline channels. Provide insights into maximizing sales and improving customer retention. Educate on e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest Advise on content creation (photography, video, and copywriting). Network with influencers...
I have an incomplete e-commerce website and associated apps, all based for the South African market. I need an expert in JAVA and Laravel, with experience in online shopping platforms and familiarity with South Africa's e-commerce landscape, to help complete and improve them. Key Tasks: - Enhance the website (built in Java) and apps (built in Laravel) across all functionality areas - Improve the Driver Delivery App with route optimization, real-time tracking and driver communication tools - Revamp the main website's user interface design, checkout process, and loading speed - Integrate the website and apps to a payment gateway (Payfast) and complete the ordering and delivery processes - Establish a full after-sales process Please note: - This is not a redesign fro...
...entire electric vehicle is, for example, the ratio of the power consumption of devices that can be operated by the user to the power consumption of the entire electric vehicle. Another example is the distance that an electric vehicle can travel on the power consumed by devices that can be operated by the user. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, and South Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Product name: “MODEL S” Company name: “TESLA”...
I'm seeking an experienced audio technician to collaborate with our director of photography for a film shoot in Jeju Island, South Korea in early March. The job will involve working with up to six microphones in a conference-style, conversational setting. The types of microphones to be used will include boom mics, lavalier mics, and shotgun mics. There could be additional day rate documentary work besides the conference room situation. Knowledge of Canon C500 would be helpful. Key Responsibilities: - Location sound recording: Ensuring high-quality audio capture in diverse outdoor and indoor locations. DP will copy card at the end of each day. - Microphone setup and management: Preparing and maintaining all audio equipment and microphones. - Managing multiple mics: Handling up...
Looking for Blockchain Community Builders, Trainers, or Speakers We are expanding our blockchain communities and are looking for experienced Blockchain Community Builders, Trainers, and Speakers to help us grow in the following countries: 1. India 2. South Korea 3. Japan 4. Vietnam 5. Pakistan 6. Philippines 7. United Arab Emirates 8. Thailand 9. Indonesia 10. South Africa Qualifications: ✅ Strong knowledge of blockchain technology and Web3. ✅ Ability to build and grow vibrant blockchain communities. ✅ Experience in conducting online and offline training or speaking at blockchain events. ✅ Must speak the local language(s) of the country you are applying from. ✅ Excellent communication and presentation skills. ✅ Previous experience working with international teams an... both English and French to join our growing call center agency. This is a full-time opportunity requiring availability from Monday to Friday for at least 8 hours per day. Our goal is to build a dynamic and collaborative team. Successful candidates will undergo a brief team formation process before being assigned individual tasks. We strongly encourage applications from individuals based in Africa and Haiti, as we value their unique expertise and cultural insights. If you have exceptional communication skills, are detail-oriented, and ready to work in a professional and fast-paced environment, we’d love to hear from you. Apply now to be part of an exciting team shaping the future of customer support! A headset, a computer and a quiet space for work are mandatory. No...
...columns to fill in: A. TAXI#: sequential number for each company (row). B. PHONE NUMBER: The phone number displayed with the taxi cab company. C. CITY: Must be one of the following 8 cities in Massachusetts (abbreviated MA): Arlington, Belmont, Boston, Brighton, Brookline, Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown. You use the first 3 letters of the city name (ARL, BEL, . . . , WAT). Ignore North, South, East and West in any city name. Example: “East Arlington” = Arlington is ARL. D. NAME Of TAXI: Name of the tax cab company. E. RATING (Average score / # of Reviews): The rating is a fraction consisting of the average score 1-5 and the number of reviews. The number of reviews is given in all 3 sites. For the examples, they are 38, 11 and 42. The Average is given for ...
I'm looking for a creative and experienced branding professional to help me develop an engaging brand for a new toothpaste product aimed at the Central African demographic. Key Features of the Project: - Target Market: The toothpaste is specifically designed for the Central Africa demographic. Understanding this market, its preferences, and cultural nuances will be crucial. -I need to follow elements of the market leading brand in the market. I will send over the packaging of this and a packaging of a product that we like. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in consumer product branding, particularly in the personal care sector. - Experience with branding for the African market is a big plus. - Be able to adapt a design based on different packaging and instructi...
Full Website Development including 10 Pages: Page Us Us (1 service page which will be copied for several services) Areas Page(1 city page which will be copied for several cities) (should be customized) Business Name: Monster Grass South Florida Phone Number: Will be provided soon Address: 1145 S 28 Ave, Hollywood, Florida, 33020, United States Email: abel @
I'm seeking a skilled architect or designer to create a detailed floor plan for a Hindu temple tailored for worship and prayer. The design should incorporate specific areas such as the ...specific areas such as the main prayer hall, the sanctum (Garbha Griha), and a meditation room, along with a mandapam, dwajastanbam, and antralayam. Key Requirements: - The design must adhere to the South Indian Dravidian style. - Experience in temple architecture is highly desirable. - A portfolio showcasing previous work of similar nature will be advantageous. The ideal candidate will understand the functional and spiritual aspects of a temple's layout, creating a space that is both practical for worship and prayer, as well as embodying the aesthetic and architectural traditions of ...
Program that scrapes soccer pre-match betting odds from 3 South African bookmakers and identifies surebets, using Python (Playwright and Numpy) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping technologies - Proficient in programming languages suitable for this task (Python)
...that they follow the car ahead. After this, if the driver does not start following the car ahead, the suggestion is stopped. Please search for this technology. [3. Reference information] For example, the driving assistance system stops the suggestion if a long time has passed since making the suggestion. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, and South Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ・Submit documentary evidence that clearly states the details of the subject product, the name of the company selling the product, and the company that plans to sell the product. Documentary evidence includes websites, YouTube videos, repair manuals, photos of the actual product, vehicle owner's manuals etc. ★Clearly i... and 50 ml). 2. Product Description: Cosmetics for scalp, facial, body, and hair tip care. 3. Company Name: Will be provided. 4. Industry: Premium cosmetics production and sales. 5. Product Categories/Services: Skin, hair, and body care cosmetics. 6. Distribution Channels and Geography: Sold via pharmacies, cosmetics stores, beauty salons, and online platforms in Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, and the USA. 7. Target Audience: Women and men aged 25–55 who value high-quality products and are invested in skin and hair care. 8. Positioning: Premium cosmetics focusing on natural, effective ingredients. 9. Competitors: BABOR, Velet, Gerovital, and other pharmacy cosmetics brands. 10. Competitive Advantages: High-quality ingredients, natural composition, safety, a...
“Toranj Tour & Travel” is a travel agency in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia providing tourism services in South East Asia -Agency has a great deal of history and reputation in past 10years -The design should be modern and minimal but very unique for Toranj Tour & Travel -The logo will be on their transportation Buses & Vans as well as all website and social media channels -As we would like to get fresh ideas on this branding, you can share your thoughts about the whole design concept following current color schemes. -Being creative and thinking of something unique is highly appreciated. -Current version of the logo is attached for your reference. -Having creative way of presenting the nature of the business (Travel) is priority. -Toranj is the main name of the agenc...
...landscaping of the area surrounding the patio. I need this to be redesigned as with a Syrian patio inspiration. Picture inspiration attached. The current fountain is not operational. Please cancel it and renovate the patio pathway accordingly. There has to be a ramp for kids carts and elderly/wheelchair access. The sitting and grill areas should be redesigned. we can extend the patio towards the south to have the grill area separately. 3- Entrance/Storage Room I want this to be a nice entrance of the house/ might use this as an air-conditioned smoking room during the hot weather. Will still be used for storage. 4- Main Living/dining room. Entrance This normally seats around 30 people every weekend. The dining table seats 6 people. The couches will still be on both sides...
Pack type : Standup Ziplock Pouch 4Inch X 7Inch White Color – Attached Basic pack before printing Printing MATT Finish Front Side Design Pattern: Use a pattern inspired by Sample Designs 1, 2, and 3, incorporating South Indian cultural motifs like traditional temple designs, banana leaves, or intricate borders. Maintain a consistent earthy color scheme (like Yellowish Orange for Sambar ReadyMix and Brownish Red for Vathakulambu Readymix). Brand Elements: Place the One Masala logo prominently. Below it, add the product name: "Sambar ReadyMix" / "Vathakulambu ReadyMix" Icons: Add Pure Veg Logo, No Additive Logo, and Homemade Logo in a horizontal or triangular layout. Use clean, modern vector graphics for these logos. Back Side Cooking Instructions: I...
...volunteer activities in South Bend, Indiana. The job involves filming this volunteer activities in various locations in South Bend, Indiana. to send us the files to edit after. So, we just need the shooting, no editing. REQUIRED EQUIPMENT A hybrid camera capable of shooting photos and video in 4K 50fps at 10-bit color is ideal. We also need a lavalier microphone and wireless audio system. We love a Gimbal for those smooth shots. WHAT WE NEED • Your fixed rate for 4 hours of shooting, 8 hours rate for longer activities, and a price per extra hour. We have several projects throughout the year, so we need someone flexible with dates and eager to work on a project to spread awareness of volunteer activities that help the most in need in ...
**About the Role**: We are seeking a proactive and dynamic Business Development Specialist to help us expand into cross-border influencer marketing markets, focusing on regions such as Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, and beyond. This is a part-time or freelance role with the potential to become a core team member of our future overseas office. **Key Responsibilities**: 1. **Client Acquisition**: Identify and establish relationships with brands and businesses looking to expand their presence in cross-border markets through influencer marketing. 2. **Market Research**: Analyze market trends, client needs, and influencer dynamics in target regions to provide strategic recommendations. 3. **Partnership Development**: Build and nurture relationships with...
I'm looking for a meticulous Data Entry Specialist to assist in compiling a database of retail store locations. Key Tasks: We are looking for a detail-oriented freelancer to create a highly accurate database of retail stores located in major malls in South East Florida USA. The database will be created in Excel and must include the following fields:Latitude; Longitude; Store Name; Mall Name; Category All this information can be retrieved easily and fast from Google Maps (go to google map, search for the mall, right-click above any store, and there you can copy & paste all the data required) You will submit data one mall at a time for review and approval before proceeding to the next mall. I will tell you each mall you need to work each time. This project will start with a...
I'm seeking a South Carolina licensed engineer for a structural analysis of a residential building, specifically the roof structure. My primary concern is the load capacity of the roof. Ideal skills for this project include: - Structural engineering expertise - Proficiency in load capacity analysis - Knowledge of residential building standards - Structural analysis from SC licensed engineer for rooftop-mounted Solar Systems. The analysis must include an evaluation of the structural components for the additional loads as well as an ability to resist components and cladding wind loads. The ICC specifies that a single unit must be used to establish the effective wind area.