Mining companies tarkwa ghanaprojekty
...podmianą zdjęć z panelu zarządzania podstroną. Możliwość zmiany elementów i dodawania/usuwania kolejnych produktów - Dostęp tylko do odczytu: pobieranie danych użytkowników razem z unikalnymi linkami pobieranie raportów z uzupełnionymi danymi przypisanymi do konkretnego użytkownika General Information The landing page is used to select products and to provide shipping details. It is used by companies to make their products available to their employees. A mockup on Figma and the entire graphic design were created. We need a programmer to implement the website. In addition to the proper website, we need a simple CMS panel (can be based on WP). Page appearance Page structure: Home page divided into three sections: Section 1: Banner with graphics and ...
Prosta strona firmowa z branzy Medical Software. Moze byc na Wordpress, moze byc oparta na szablonie - ogolnie technologia do uzgodnienia. Ma byc podobna do Oto struktura menu: 1. Products //drop-down a)Physical Therapy...moze byc oparta na szablonie - ogolnie technologia do uzgodnienia. Ma byc podobna do Oto struktura menu: 1. Products //drop-down a)Physical Therapy Software b)Psychology Software c)Diet and lifestyle d)Generic Telemedicine Software 2. Solution //drop-down a)Private Hospitals b)Public Healthcare providers c)Healthcare insurance companies d)Other private healthcare organizations 3. Resources //frop-down a)Blog b)Documentation c)VR/AR 4. Company 5...
Potrzebuję biblioteki w PHP do łatwej obsługi API z Autenti () - włącznie z obsługą błędów, testami na środowisku testowym, testami wdrożeniowymi, dokumentacją, przykładami wykorzystania i min 3-miesięczną gwarancją na usuwanie ew. błędów (do ustalenia szczegóły). Do uruchomienia w środowisku shared hostingu na , PHP 7....wykorzystania i min 3-miesięczną gwarancją na usuwanie ew. błędów (do ustalenia szczegóły). Do uruchomienia w środowisku shared hostingu na , PHP 7.3. Interesuje mnie w efekcie taki plug&play w stylu biblioteki, którą np. oferuje SMSAPI dla PHP: Zapraszam zainteresowanych! (⌐■_■) Paweł Owczarek EDIT: Due to privacy & GDPR regulations I can offer this job only to EU companies.
I need well-designed, subtle and modern graphics for use in printing (A3 format) and digital. Inside the Oxygen logo or our device (). An inner circle showing the 50 largest countries in the world (name and flag), an outer circle showing the 100 largest companies on the S&P 500 list (logo, ). Companies are not assigned to specific countries. It's urgent. Some inspiration from our YT channel:
Poszukujemy osób do współpracy na projektach programowania przemysłowego realizowanych przez naszą Firmę Konieczna jest z... 4. Moeller 5. Omron 6. ABB 7. AEG 8. Schneider Modicon TSX 9. Rockwell Konieczna znajomość języka niemieckiego i/lub angielskiego. Zapewniamy długookresową współpracę na interesujących projektach. We are looking for people to cooperate on projects of industrial programming realized by our Company The knowledge of PLC programming of one or several of the following companies is necessary: 1. SIEMENS 2. Mitsubishi 3. Allen-Bradley 4. Moeller 5. Omron 6. ABB 7. AEG 8. Schneider Modicon TSX 9. Rockwell Communicative knowledge of German and / or English necessary We provide long-term cooperation on... a different color than the rest, or the entire string in one color, Preferred logo colors are: classic colors, soft, or black, or symbolizing nobility: purple, deep red wine, etc. (no greens, browns, yellows, purples, pinks, etc. Font should be delicate, subtle, modern, retro NO, not any fancy fonts, sth classic. Please avoid references to standard, common inspiration. Logos of companies that we like: The logo should be in the following varieties: - Small logo and company name of _____ right (color) - Large logo and company name underneath (color) - Monochrome versions of the above - The logo as a company name - If necessary, additional version of the simulation logo on the website I ask that
Hi, I'm looking for person who would build an e-mail database of people working in one of the branches of professional services in Poland. Estimated maximum capacity of the database is 50.000 records but not as many may be availible through public databases and companies' websites. If you're interested, please let me know about your experience and estimated time of completion. Regards, TOST Design ----- Dzień dobry, szukam osoby, która zbuduje bazę emailingową pracowników jednej z branż usług profesjonalnych w Polsce. Rozmiar bazy szacuję na 50.000 rekordów, ale aż tyle może nie być dostępnych w innych bazach i na firmowych stronach internetowych. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, czekam na informacje o Twoim doświadczeniu i przewidyw...
...elementy ale jeśli Twoja koncepcja będzie lepsza to wchodzimy w to. Całość musi być JASNA lub na kontrastowym tle. KSZTAŁT: Właściwie dowolny. Nawet nieregularny weźmiemy pod uwagę. TŁO: Na całej lub większości powierzchni, ma być ciekawe i nie jednokolorowe. Nie musi być jednak pstrokate. Odpowiemy na wszystkie pytania ze strony dachyswiata P L ENGLISH One of the biggest roofing companies in Poland is looking for a designer who can design a banner will not only be the start of reshaping the face of the company but also it can be the start of a partnership. The design must have a possibility of rescaling without changing any proportions. This specific design will be used as a signage of our cars and equipment. We have a wide range of models ranging from small to l...
Przeanalizować zbiór pewnych danych statystycznych w celu znalezienia zależności pomiędzy nimi, znalezienie: - reguł asocjacyjnych (np: "Jeżeli (cpu_load>0,1 i dostępna_pamięć<100) to zwykle (test1='fail' i test2='pass') ") - utworzenie drzew decyzyjnych dla określenia na podstawie zebranych parametrów wyników z testów (test1, test2, test3, test4, test5) Na wpływ wyników testu mogą wpłynąć szczególnie parametry z 2 grup (2x 4 kolumny z 10000 rekordów) i to na ich podstawie w pierwszej kolejności należy szukać zależności. Analizę można wykonać w programie WEKA lub podobnym. Do wyników proszę dołączyć dużą ilość zrzutów ekranu z obliczeń oraz przekształcone dane które zostały do ...
...elementy ale jeśli Twoja koncepcja będzie lepsza to wchodzimy w to. Całość musi być JASNA lub na kontrastowym tle. KSZTAŁT: Właściwie dowolny. Nawet nieregularny weźmiemy pod uwagę. TŁO: Na całej lub większości powierzchni, ma być ciekawe i nie jednokolorowe. Nie musi być jednak pstrokate. Odpowiemy na wszystkie pytania ze strony dachyswiata P L ENGLISH One of the biggest roofing companies in Poland is looking for a designer who can design a banner will not only be the start of reshaping the face of the company but also it can be the start of a partnership. The design must have a possibility of rescaling without changing any proportions. This specific design will be used as a signage of our cars and equipment. We have a wide range of models ranging from small to l...
...bardzo dobra znajomość PHP, - bardzo dobra znajomość WordPress, - dobra znajomość HTML5 / CSS3 / jQuery, - znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie pozwalającym na swobodne czytanie dokumentacji technicznej, - komunikatywność i kreatywne podejście do rozwiązywania problemów Mile widziane, acz nie wymagane: - znajomość systemu operacyjnego Linux, - znajomość zagadnień związanych z data mining Oferuję: - pracę zdalną lub w biurze w Szczecinie, - elastyczny czas pracy, - ciekawe, nieszablonowe, unikatowe projekty, - wyjazdy na międzynarodowe konferencje (np. CeBIT, TNW), - otwartość i przejrzystość relacji biznesowych Proszę zgłaszać się podając link do portfolio lub ostatnio realizowanych projektów. Z chęcią zapoznam się również z...
Hello, I am looking for some company that could sell me list of contacts (email, phone) of various Poland companies and websites. Please reply me to : pago2@ Thank you Jakub Glos
Szukam osoby do stałej współpracy w zakresie data mining. Chodzi o szukanie i zbieranie informacji z różnych dziedzin. Zapraszam do kontaktu osoby zainteresowane. Proszę też o proponowanie metody rozliczenia.
Hello, I...must have a minimalistic design, 6 pages (news, companies list, map, etc.), logging option for companies, call to action (i.e. buy report) + typical pages: about us, terms and conditions, contact. 5. Banner configuration in CMS: configurable banners, time, prices. 6. CMS: users (setting up the level of access), articles, pages, email responder (after each action), newsletter, banner manager, SEO options (meta words, settings), dashboard (Google analytics, etc.), photo and video, LinkedIn. We are looking for a company with experience in CMS, which could provide a complete design and installation of the web site within maximum of 45 days after signing agreement. The detailed specification is available and will be sent to the chosen companies after signing a...
Dla Państwa będę miał 2 dokumenty do tłumaczenia (jeden dokument 19 str., drugi dokument 2 str.), tylko tłumaczenie musi być PRZYSIĘGŁE i zgodnie z ustawami. Jeden dokument do przetłumaczenia jest &q...(jeden dokument 19 str., drugi dokument 2 str.), tylko tłumaczenie musi być PRZYSIĘGŁE i zgodnie z ustawami. Jeden dokument do przetłumaczenia jest "Umowa", drugi będzie zaświadczeniem o wpisie do ewidencji. "Umowę" można zobaczyć pod linkiem pt. Model articles for private companies limited by shares Proszę składać oferty, która zawiera samo przetłumaczenie oraz odpowiednie "pieczątki". W razie pytań, proszę o maila: tom@
...JavaScript, AJAX 5. Doświadczanie we wdrażaniu CMS innego niż Joomla (najlepiej: Drupal) 6. Bardzo dobra znajomość baz danych (MySql, MariaDB, Postgress) 7. Znajomość protokołów kryptograficznych (co najmniej SSL) 8. Szeroka wiedza na temat XML, SOAP 9. Wiedza na temat płatności internetowych, szczególnie rozwiązań niestandardowych, opartym o API banków 10. Wizualizacja danych w oparciu o data mining osoby chętne do współpracy proszę o przeslanie maila - w mailu proszę o załączenie portfolio i argumentów przemawiających za tym że to właśnie Ty jesteś w stanie wykonać/współtworzyć* nasz serwis. chodzi mi o współpracę długoterminową (z możliwością zatrudnienia na umowę o prace na czas nieokreślony) jako że system będzie roz...
Witam, Potrzebuję wykonać eksplorację zgromadzonych danych. W grę wchodzi wykrywanie anomalii. Proszę o licytację jeśli wszystko jest jasne, jeśli nie proszę pytać na e-mail. Zainteresowanym prześlę schemat bazy danych z przykładowymi danymi. Baza danych Oracle 11g, Pozdrawiam
Witam, Potrzebuję wykonać eksplorację zgromadzonych danych. W grę wchodzi wykrywanie anomalii. Do zaimplementowania jest algorytm w javie, dane przechowywane są w bazie danych Oracle. Możliwe wykorzystanie Oracle Data Mining API. Więcej informacji podam na e-mail zainteresowanym. Pozdrawiam
...'The Role of Management', 'Human Relations' and ' Office Technology'. You have also arranged for demonstrations of the latest equipment to be given in the breaks. All the preparations have been made to hold this conference in the second week of October at a leading hotel in London - The Carlton. Mr Roberts wishes to send circular letter to the Human Resources Managers of all the companies on your mailing list, encouraging them to send suitable staff on their organisations to the conference. The letter should stimulate their interest. It should include an outline of the theme of the conference, its aims and any other relevant information you consider relevant. The letter is to be dispatched with copies of the programme and a registration...
Hello webdevelopers from Poland. At first let me introduce Tribal ======================================================== We 're a small webdevelopment Agency, called Tribal, from Den Bosch, in the Netherlands. We have 15 employees (4 developers) Our core business is developing Websites and intranets, for midsize companies in the Netherlands, in often cases complex websites, based on the best open source .net Framework, Umbraco. Examples , , At this moment our development is done by several webcompanies in the Netherlands, an offshore company in China and intern at Tribal. In may 2011, we want to start a nearshore department in Gdansk, starting with a small team of 2-3 developers, managed by our Technical director, who moves to Poland. He
...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need two websites translated from English to Polish. A document will be provided for each with the content that needs to be translated. Currently there are roughly 3100 words in total for both sites (1580 and 1472). Both websites are for marketing companies. Most content discusses the buying process, contact information and privacy policies....
Witam, Zlece wypozycjonowanie do top 10 / top 5 kilku ponizszych fraz w wyszukiwarce - rynek USA ( zdecydowanie NIE w !!...wprowadzenie danej frazy do top 10 / opcjonalnie do top 5 ! ) Lista fraz: mc number dot number commercial truck financing truck financing commercial truck leasing truck driver job trucking job cdl jobs boat shipping yacht shipping boat transport yacht transport commercial cleaning chicago office cleaning chicago chicago cleaning service chicago maids construction companies chicago construction chicago construction services chicago Osoby / Firmy bez solidnego doswiadczenia, wlasnego zaplecza oraz referencji w SEO / pozycjonoaniu prosze uprzejmie i NIE licytowanie w tym zleceniu ! dziekuje i zycze powodzenia
...Africa Spain Winner 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Netherlands Runner-up 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Germany 3rd place 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Uruguay 4th place 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Argentina Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Paraguay Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Ghana Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Brazil Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Mexico Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa England Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Japan Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Portugal Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Ch...
...Magazine illuminates the business impact of technology and provides industry and line-of-business intelligence for your specific challenges. At the same time, Profit Magazine also wants to shed light on Oracle's product and service strategies and how they'll impact your business - today, and in the years to come. 2/Global Finance has been providing monthly news and analysis since 1987 about companies and financial institutions that do business around the world. Global Finance delivers the full story; corporate finance, joint ventures and M&A, country profiles, capital markets, investor relations, currencies, banking, risk management, custody, direct investment, money management and all the rest-specifically tailored for corporate readers around the world....
...(podpisany druk) Oferty powinny zawierać: - cenę za każde zlecenie z osobna i razem (logo i ulotka) - waszą interpretację tematu, jako, że muszę mieć pewność, że dobrze się rozumiemy. Proszę o link do portfolio. Dodatkowym plusem będą bardzo wstępne pomysły graficzne. Możliwość dłuższej współpracy. Faktura nie będzie konieczna. Opis zlecenia: Nazwa firmy: Jessa Research & Development Companies Firma zajmuje się: - maksymalizacją potencjału stron internetowych - zwiększaniem potencjału i poziomu motywacji pracowników - wizerunkiem publicznym firm Wymagania - Logo - jasne, przejrzyste, nowatorskie, neutralne barwy - nawiązujące w jakiś sposób do tego co robimy - znak marki + nazwa firmy, do użycia osobno i razem Wymagania - Ulot...
Niemcy: keramikkatalysatoren, katalysator, katalysatoren, monolith, recycling von katalysatoren Europa: catalytic converters, precious metals, pmg metals, ferining, used converters, refining companies dodatkowo: alukat, eurokat, Adres strony podam tylko zainteresowanym osobą. Płacę za efekty, interesuje mnie czas wejścia i cena za każdą frazę z osobna.
Position: Contract VB/ASP Developer Skills: Excellent opportunity for an experienced VB/ASP , English Language .Working with an experienced UK company to deliver to some of the worlds biggest brands project, asset and brand management applications. Applicant must have 3 years experience in ASP, VB, SQL/T-SQL, Com+, HTML and XML. Great communication, analy...analytical and troubleshooting skills a must, as is experience of developing in an Object Orientatedarchitecture. Position : Contract Web Designer. Skills: 2 Years experience of designing and delivering web design including experience in Web applications and portals (not only classic websites). Good English Language skills. Working with a UK company including trips onsite to UK companies. More info on breze@
...koloru tła iv. rozwinąć się płynnie w ciągu 2 sek. do wielkości całej mapki (300x260) po najechaniu kursorem v. posiadać zbiór informacji, który jest przedstawiony no najechaniu kursorem. Czcionkę (typ, wielkość, kolor) będzie można wybierać w czasie konfiguracji każdego Państwa oddzielnie: 1. Nazwa Państwa. - Country 2. Ludność - Pop. 3. Liczba firm zarejestrowanych - Registered Companies 4. Wielkość obszaru (km kw.) - Size (sq km) 5. Obecność biura businesscentraleurope: - BusiessCentralEurope Office: 6. Liczba naszych klientów - No. of Clients 7. Informacje (max 400 znaków) - Information: 8. link do szczegółowej strony, która znajduje się w portalu; czyli otwiera się w tym samym okienku. - Details In...
I need a client space on my website for companies to manage their training. Each company will have personalized access to a dashboard with key KPIs, allowing the HR manager to monitor, in real-time, indicators such as participation rate, completion rate, hours spent per employee, and training satisfaction level. The dashboard should also provide access to scheduled, ongoing, completed, cancelled, or rescheduled training sessions. Additionally, the space must include the capability to generate detailed reports tailored to HR needs and centralize feedback from evaluations in their dedicated space. A trainer access is necessary, allowing trainers to consult their assigned sessions, manage their schedule, and upload training materials. A trainer evaluation system must be integrated, co... impressive and responsive design without compromising the chatbot's response time. The website will provide a seamless user experience while ensuring all components remain redesignable and customizable for future needs. Key Features and Requirements: Design: Design is really important for our project, as it must be impressive and charming for users. It should show that new generation of AI companies also have that good frontend design. Website itself is very simple indeed. It only contains main features. Yet it must be unique and shouldn't feel like replica of other popular chatbot websites. Core Pages: Login Page: Secure user authentication. Main Page: Provides detailed information about the chatbot and its features. Chat Page: Interactive chat interface with user-...
I'm seeking a professional lead generation expert to source commercial property managers and real estate brokers in Sydney. About us: JASN Constructions checked using an email verification software. ● In your application please provide the price per lead you can deliver us ● In your proposal please provide a sample of 10 leads. We’re looking for a hardworking, honest and detail-oriented individual. This is an ongoing job if hired your services will be used on an ongoing basis. Preferred qualifications: English level: Fluent Skills: ● Data Mining ● Data Scraping ● Internet Research ● Lead Generation ● Spreadsheets ● Web Scraping List 1: Property Managers in Sydney Australia - up to 5000 contacts List 2: Real Estate Agents in Sydney Australia - up to 5000 conta...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
1. All Africa Under 15 Championships Badminton: 28 July to 03 August 2025 2. All Africa Under 15 Championships AirBadminton: 28 July to 03 August 2025 3. All Africa Schools Championships Badminton: 04 to 07 August 2025 4. All Africa Schools Championships AirBadminton: 04 to 07 August 2025 5. JE Wilson Ghana International Juniors: 08 to 10 August 2025 6. JE Wilson Ghana International Seniors: 13 – 17 August 2025
此工作項目僅適用於中國或香港居民(我們將要求提供證明文件:護照或身份證明文件),中文母語水平和中等英語水平, 因此,本描述的一半內容為英文。 我們不需要行銷、搜尋引擎優化 (SEO)、搜尋引擎行銷 (SEM) 或人工智慧 (AI) 方面的專家。 我們不投資廣告活動或社群媒體。 我們只投資真正的人,我們需要銷售人員。 只有當您可以產生預約而不僅僅是潛在客戶時,才請回覆。 We are a european business center located in Spain. We do b2b business. We offer logistics services to companies from China or Hong Kong that sell to Europe through Alibaba, Aliexpress and/or Temu, saving them an average of 33.38% in logistics costs for returning items from Europe to China or Hong Kong for items sold to europeans. Examples of savings percentage by country: • Spanish customers: 26.13% savings on logistics costs to China or Hong Kong per item <500g • French customers: 26.13% savings on logistics costs to China or Hong Kong per item <500g • German customers: 3.71...
...allows me to automate the use of my ASIC mining computers depending on the level of rooftop solar energy my house is generating. I essentially have all devices monitored & connected via various iot methods (rooftop solar monitoring, smart metre monitoring, smart plugs). I need you to automate the changes in power levels of my ASIC mining computers (can be changed easily via the Braiins OS), based on the power being generated by rooftop solar panels (solar monitored via Powersense monitor + also by inverter login/dashboard). I have illustrated the outline of what I require in a brief pdf document which I can send you. I also have more detailed plans for a small database/csv file 'fields required' & extensively documented algorithm on how the mining...
I would like to build an AI call center agency for my company. I would like agents that can make outward calls and receive inward calls. Similar companies that offer this service as a white label are "" and "", i want all the same features for my panel/agency. -Simultaneous calls -AI agent knowledge base (files+websites) -Prompt builder for integrations -Integrations like the examples listed with above agencies (Autocalls & Synthflow) -Human transfer on request -Voice/agent voice cloning for owner, real estate agents, influencers, etc -Ability to read online reviews, business info, offers -Multi language agents -AI agents that can auto detect | switch mid conversation with client (ex. English speaking customer switches to Spanish or french language
...detail-oriented individual to manage LinkedIn activities related to job applications. The ideal candidate should be familiar with LinkedIn's job application process and professional networking. Responsibilities: Manage and optimize my LinkedIn account for job applications. Research and identify suitable job openings based on my skills and experience. Send referral requests to employees of the target companies. Maintain a record of applied jobs and referral requests for tracking progress. Requirements: Strong knowledge of LinkedIn and its job application features. Excellent communication skills for professional correspondence. Ability to work independently and meet daily targets. Compensation: Salary will be based on the number of successful referral requests sent. Work ...
I need a freelancer to help me gather real estate property addresses from public companies' websites. I will provide the list with 25 public companies with the URL to their properties. Save the list of properties for each public company in a separate Excel to avoid confusion. Please compile the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and ensure to include the following fields for each property address: - Street Address - Address 2 (optional) - City - ZIP/Postal Code - Name (if applicable) - State - Country I will provide a sample template to help. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web research - Familiarity with Microsoft Excel - Attention to detail - Understanding of real estate terminology. Thank you!
Here’s the consolidated and revised project description for Expanza, integrating the website development requirements: Project Overview: Develop a corporate website for Expanza, a business-focused enterprise offering loan services, financial growth solutions, and expert resources for entrepreneurs and companies in Canada. The website must have the same design and layout as while integrating detailed content and functionality outlined below. This project will be built primarily in Elementor, ensuring easy updates and customization. Sitemap and Content Overview: 1. Home Page • Welcome Section: • Overview of Expanza and its mission. • Emphasis on user-friendly tools and expert services. • Highlighted Features: • Loan Finder Tool: Explore customi...
needs to be able to help with daily calls and correspondence. scheduling meetings and/ or appointments with business to business needs and personal needs. help with organization of day and tasks needing to be completed. paying bills, troubleshooting business problems such as getting in contact with various companies to coordinate daily projects, to do’s in timely manner. will be in constant contact to ensure daily, weekly, monthly projects are completed
I'm looking for an expert to assist me in finding career boards for non-technical jobs from a list of approximately 1500 companies. The company list already has their website URLs and I've completed 60 as an example. Ideal Skills: - Data Entry - Research - Excel/CSV Proficiency Requirements: - Find career boards for non-technical jobs - Populate a CSV file with results I have tried to programmatically finish (you can not do this) and I have manually completed 60. This will be around 6 hours of manual internet search. I recommend doing site: <url> careers. I have created another sheet called to help where I have done this to give you a starting point. Some of the will be the correct location, others will need more clicking to find the correct place where
I work with a boutique venture capital firm specializing in acquiring and scaling online businesses, including content websites, SaaS companies, social media accounts, and mobile apps. They are committed to innovation, data-driven decision-making, and fostering entrepreneurship. I have been tasked to hire a PART TIME, motivated and analytical Venture Capital Intern to join our dynamic team. This paid internship offers hands-on experience in sourcing, analyzing, and evaluating potential business acquisitions. The role is ideal for individuals passionate about online businesses, financial and market analysis. As an intern, you will play a key role in the acquisition process by identifying opportunities, conducting in-depth research, and providing actionable insights to help drive ...
...organizations to improve their cybersecurity. These attacks are usually carefully planned and financially motivated. Cybercriminals specialize in different types of attacks like phishing, scams, malware, ransomware, and hacking, each using their own methods. To protect against these growing threats, companies need to strengthen their cybersecurity. In June 2017, the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) introduced the "Essential Eight" strategies to help businesses improve their security. However, companies should not rely only on these strategies and should add extra layers of protection. ### The Essential Eight Techniques The Essential Eight is a set of eight key strategies designed to reduce cybersecurity risks. These strategies focus on preventing, stopp...
I'm looking to develop a comprehensive mobile and web application for B2B freight forwarding networking. This subscription-based platform, with a unique 'coins recharge' system, will facilitate global meetings for individuals representing various companies. Key Features: - Video Conferencing: This will enable face-to-face interactions and discussions, mimicking real-world meetings. - Messaging System: An integrated messaging system for instant communication and coordination. - Event Scheduling: A user-friendly event scheduling feature for planning and organizing meetings. The ideal developer for this project should have extensive experience in building interactive mobile and web apps, with a particular focus on B2B platforms. A strong understanding of integrating v...
I am looking for a skilled data scraping professional with experience in extracting text content from websites. - Primary Source: The data needs to be scraped from a specific website. - Data Type: The focus is primarily on text content. - Frequency: The data needs to be scraped periodically. Ideal skills for the job wou...content from websites. - Primary Source: The data needs to be scraped from a specific website. - Data Type: The focus is primarily on text content. - Frequency: The data needs to be scraped periodically. Ideal skills for the job would include proficiency in web scraping tools and programming languages such as Python, familiarity with data extraction from websites and understanding of web data mining. Previous experience with similar projects will be an ...
...connect with audiences in culturally relevant ways. AI-Powered Capabilities: Chatbots and Voicebots for enhanced customer engagement. RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) for tailored, context-rich answers directly from knowledge bases. Automated data processing and analytics to optimize operations. Seamless integration with enterprise systems to drive measurable results. Our mission is to help companies harness AI innovation to unlock their potential and achieve new levels of success. Key Design Elements Graphics and Icons Showcase advanced technology concepts like AI, data networks, automation, multilingual support, and tailored assistants. Visual metaphors for improved performance, innovation, and efficiency. Icons representing key capabilities: chatbots, voicebots, RAG, reg...