Mailer debt leadsprojekty
...Responsibilities: - Making follow-up sales calls - Promoting our lottery product - Generating sales through engaging conversations Ideal Candidate: - Native Polish speaker - Proven experience in outbound call centers - Strong communication skills in English - Sales-oriented mindset - Familiarity with lottery products preferred, but not essential. The list provided will consist of warm leads. The sales agent is expected to use a telephone system for making the calls. Compensation will be based on an hourly rate. The sales agent will use a VoIP telephone system for making calls. An initial training session will be provided to familiarize the sales agent with our lottery product and sales script. The compensation will be based on an hourly rate. Each sales call is expe...
As a business, I'm looking for a professional who can manage our LinkedIn profile to help us increase brand awareness and generate leads. Polish language only! Key Responsibilities: - Create and post regular engaging and relevant content on our LinkedIn profile - Expand our network strategically to reach more potential clients Your main goals are to: - Increase our brand's visibility and reach on LinkedIn - Generate new leads through the platform It's important to post content weekly. Experience in LinkedIn management, content creation, and analytics is a plus. Poszukujemy utalentowanej osoby do prowadzenia profilu firmowego naszej agencji rekrutacyjnej na LinkedIn. Główne obowiązki obejmują tworzenie co najmniej 10 postów miesięcznie na r&oac...
Poszukuję młodszego analityka finansowego/ inwestycyjnego z dobrą znajomością Excela który mógłby mnie wspierać w pracy z klientem. Jestem konsultantem i pracuję obecnie dla kilku klientów z branży private credit/ debt. Oceniam że to będzie praca na początkowo 10h (dalej więcej) godzin tygodniowo i wśród obowiązków będzie: - przygotowanie/ formatowanie slajdów w prezentacjach - budowanie/ weryfikacja modelów finansowych - przygotowanie/ formatowanie/ proofreading tekstów biznesowych (memo inwestycyjne, term sheets, inne) Zakładam że młodszy analityk (możliwie student) nie zna dużo w temacie więc chętnie przekażę wiedzę, czyli nie szukam know-how od kandydata tylko dobrych umiejętności obsługi MS Office i bazowej znajomości f...
Witam. Potrzebuję rozwijać i zmodyfikować wtyczkę WP Leads Press. Funkcja tej wtyczki to obsługa afiliacyjnych i network marketingu, gdzie na docelową stronę firmy XYZ kierujemy ruch linkami afiliacyjnymi. Typowy scenariusz użycia: w kilka osób działamy w programie afiliacyjnym. Stawiamy stronę z blogiem, edukacją i lejkami sprzedażowymi, gdzie wszyscy możemy kierować ruch. Z naszej strony nasi klienci są kierowani do sklepu XYZ. Dzięki pluginowi Leads Press ta sama strona na WP może służyć wszystkim jej użytkownikom (zarejestrowani w WP). Plugin dodaje do WP funkcje linków afiliacyjnych do naszego WP oraz na zewnątrz, do sklepu XYZ indywidualnie dla każdego użytkownika. Dzięki temu użytkownik może zaprosić np. na stronę lądowa...
...UI, który dopracuje serwis wizualnie. Współpraca może ograniczyć się do projektu graficznego, ale idealnie byłoby gdyby kandydat do projektu posiadał również umiejętności wdrożenia w życie proponowanych zmian, czyli miał doświadczenia z wyżej wymienionym stackiem technologicznym. We are working on a new tool for settling liabilities, the target group of which are natural persons who need a soft debt collection tool. The project is based on Gatsby / react / material-ui. The website is nearing completion and all its functionality is ready, but requires rebranding / creating an attractive UI. We are looking for a UI designer who will visually refine the website. The cooperation may be limited to the graphic design, but it would be ideal if the project candidat...
Witaj editchamp, Twój profil przyciągnął moją uwagę, w związku z czym mam przyjemność zaoferować Ci mój projekt. Przedyskutujmy wszelkie szczegóły na czacie.
Jest to system realizujący projekty HR, który jest wykonany w stopniu średniozaawansowanym. Ważne jest dopięcie kilku konkretnych funkcjonalności (generowanie raportów, raportów do pdf, automatyczny mailer) i następnie, w miarę możliwości (bo może to realizować ktoś inny) wsparcie przy ewentualnych awariach. Możliwa także dalsza współpraca nad kolejnymi modułami systemu i jego modyfikacjami.
Bramka sms: wysyłka masowa sms na telefony polskie i zagraniczne. Zaciąganie numerów telefonów z pliku .xls Możliwość otrzymywania odpowiedzi esemesem na bramkę. Mailer: wysyła emailer wraz z załącznikami w .pdf lub .jpg
...Kompania Węglowa bankruptcy averted Bango| Adam Roguski Django| Rzeczpospolita Strana| 04 Mango| ekonomia i rynek Lango 04.07.2014 ------------------ Kompania Węglowa bankruptcy averted Kompania Węglowa has signed an initial agreement with its bond program guarantors which encompasses rolling them over and conducting a new issue in accordance with plans to conduct restructuring of the company's debt as well setting commitments that the coal giant can meet. KP issued PLN1.23bn in medium-term bonds on September 2013. Chciałbym zlecić przygotowanie strony www, na której będę mógł 1)wgrać pakiet 15stu takich plików txt 2)edytować je (najlepiej jakby to było okno powiązane z google docs i z ichniejszym modułem sprawdzania pisowani) 3)wypluć w ...
Witam, Potrzebuję osoby, która odpowiednio potnie newsletter / zaprojektuje pod wysyłki. Wysyłka odbywa się zwykle programem 1st mass mailer (zaciągamy HTML) Mamy swój serwer - wystawiam FTP celem wgrania ew. plików. Przekazuję tekst, grafikę i założenia do newslettra. Newsletter musi być tak wykonany, aby był efektywny mimo nie zaciągania / blokady obrazków. Albo musi mieć możliwość wtopienia grafiki / obrazków, aby mimo to wyświetlały się - osoby znające się na temacie wiedzą o co chodzi. Newsletter ma być EFEKTYWNY. choć efektowny również :) Wykonanie jednego newslettera, jak będzie ok - kolejne Proszę o zaproponowanie ceny za 1 newsletter jako zlecenie. Rozliczenie - FV / umowa o dzieło Płatność po wykonaniu i akcep...
...Opcje p0f KTÓRE MNIE NIE INTERESUJĄ (no może poza NAT): "Measurement of system uptime and network hookup, distance (including topology behind NAT or packet filters), user language preferences, and so on. Automated detection of connection sharing / NAT, load balancing, and application-level proxying setups. Detection of clients and servers that forge declarative statements such as X-Mailer or User-Agent." 2. Źródła programu do mojej dyspozycji - proszę o dokładne wskazówki, co i gdzie jak się dzieje (opisy kodu) 3. W programie można wykorzystać wszystko to, co używa p0f - nawet wykorzystać lwią część jego kodu (szczególnie część odpowiedzialną za próbki fingerprintów z systemów operacyjnych). Proszę o konkretne po...
Poszukuje osoby do prowadzenia kampanii marketingowych (pozyskiwanie leads poprzez rożne landing pages, optymalizacja wyników np po reklamie adwords, szukanie nowych opcji wprowadzenia produktów na rynek (np telemarketing czy direct mailing). Praca na zlecenie z możliwością stałej umowy po okresie próbnym. Oczekuje doświadczenia w marketingu oraz kreatywności. Znajomość najnowszych trendów w marketingu internetowym i nie tylko. Branża finansowa. Umiejętności: - copywriting - prowadzenie projektów (umiejętność zarządzenia podwykonawcami) - znajomość nowych trendów w marketingu internetowym znajomość optymalizacji sprzedaży (np poprzez grafike czy tekst) praca zdalna przez internet! Pozdrawiam
witam zlecę wysłanie mailingu z mojej bazy danych. Mailing do 500 000 adresów e-mail. Proszę o cenę za całość. Wymagam profesjonalizmu i rzetelnego wykonania. Gwarantuję długą współpracę, na chwilę obecną mam kilka takich zleceń (mailing). Speców którzy chcą używać PHP Mailer czy PHP List albo inne proste cuda od razu spławiam, nie chcę trafić na black listy, tylko celem jest odebranie przez wszystkich odbiorców wiadomości oraz jak największa skuteczność. Czekam na oferty.
...-dodanie nowego pliku z wyborem pakietu -usuniecie na dobre pliku -ukrycie/aktywowanie dla userow danego pliku -zmiana pakietu dla pliku X 4) Pakiety Dodajemy pakiety pola: nazwa pakietu, komunikat gdy subskrypcja wygasnie uzytkownikowi, komunikat rozsylany via email, liczba dni subskrypcji kasujemy pakiet zmieniamy nazwe pakietu zmiana liczby dni danego pakietu edycja komunikatow 4) mailer (przez smtp gdzies konfigurowalny email) wysylanie komunikatu(temat+tresc) txt bez zalacznikow i htmla w utf8 (pamieta poprzednie ale tylko temat/tresc/date wyslania) do: -wszystkich -wszystkich majacych aktualna subskrypcje -wszystkich majacych pakiet X -wszystkich majacych pakiet X i majacych aktualna subskrypcje Panel klienta: Klient sie loguje i jest wpuszczany jez...
WItam, Potrzebuję zmienić sposób wyświetlania menu w Vtiger CRM. Chodzi mi o to, żeby nie wyświetlało się całe menu tylko np menu...się całe menu tylko np menu "My Home Page" oraz "Sales" a pozostałe jak "Marketing", "Inventory", "Support" i inne się nie wyświetlały w ogóle. Chodzi mi o uproszczenie wyglądu (bo i tak tylko z części funkcjonalności korzystam). Podobnie z podmenu. Czyli np chcę mieć w menu głównym zarówno marketing jak i sales ale juz potentials i leads chcę mieć tylko w sales. Zlecenie dotyczy stworzenia instrukcji jak to zrobić (na tyle elastycznej, że jak stwierdzę że jednak to menu ma się wyświetlać to będzie wynikało z instrukcji jak to zrobić). Wszelkie pytani...
...custom script similar to the one used on; I need it to capture customers details and then ask up to 5 contractors if they would like to pay (say £10) for the lead. It would need to be able to charge their card here I suppose. There should be no charge to customers and no charge for contractors for signing up, only if they buy the leads. Hope this makes sense. It also needs to run on php / mysql and be fairly easy to integrate into web design. Quote me if you can do this job and don't ask me please about budget... :-) I like this script with source code and full owned right. When you a have script like this send me please a demo. Regards Kate P.S. Oferty moga ale NIE MUSZA byc skladane w jezyku angielskim
Do projektu joomlowego potrzebuję programisty który wykona następujące modyfikacje i rozszerzenia w projekcie opartym na jooml...wykona następujące modyfikacje i rozszerzenia w projekcie opartym na joomli: 1) komponent SOBI2: * zrobienie filtrowania wpisów w listingu ogłoszeń, * podział wizytówek na premium, rozszerzone i bezpłatne, ustawianie kolejności wizytówek, wdrożenie płatności * w listingu oddzielenie graficzne premium, rozszerzonych od bezpłatnych i wyświetlanie ich nad bezpłatnymi 2) komponent Vemod News Mailer - służy do rozsyłania zajawek najnowszych artykułów z różnych sekcji i kategorii, ale wysyła do każdej sekcji/kategorii w oddzielnych mailach. Chcemy wprowadzić taką modyfikację, aby wszystkie nowości były wysyłane ...
...Auto-Submitted: auto-generated Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 19:00:47 +0100 (CET) To: xxxx@ Subject: Raport postu na Forums From: "Forums" <> Auto-Submitted: auto-generated Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 18:55:50 +0100 (CET) i tylko problem występuje na wszędzie dochodzi do odebrane...
Zlecę oprogramowanie API webowego. Wejściem procesu będzie plik CSV z kluczem w postaci NIPu lub e-maila. Plik CSV należy skonwertować do XML. W następnym kroku należy stworzyc request [API Key]&ticket=[Ticket] i POSTem posłać updatem należy sprawdzić czy istnieje już rekord i jeśli nie ma to należy wykonać insert zamiast aktualizacji. Zainteresowanym prześlę przykłady kodu w Javie i PHP i dokładny opis API.
Zadanie składa się z 3 kroków: a. instacja vTigera b. zmodyfikowanie vTigera (patrz opis poniżej) c. przeniesienie bazy SQL z innej domeny demo znajduje się tu: Login: admin Password: admin 1. W Leads | View | Edit można tworzyć filtry - dodanie w Advanced Filters dodatkowych 4 kryteriów wyszukiwania - lista Views nie pozwala na ustalanie porządku nazw filtrów; wprowadzenie takiej możliwości 2. W Leads (po otwarciu konkretnego rekordu) jest możliwość zapisania Task - obecnie otwiera się nowe okno; powinna być możliwość wpisania nowego Task bez otwierania nowego okna - pola do opisy nowego Task -- Assigned ToUser (tak jak to jest już w programie) -- data w formacie YYYY-MM-DD -- godzina w formacie HH:MM -- działanie (menu rozwijane -...
Project is negotiated with @seo4quality - We ignore all other bids. Google Ads campaigns according to pre-agreement by Chat (below), for a B2B webshop. Request from us, in Chat: 1. Get Google ads, Analytics and Tag Manager in order (everything is connected, but need some tweaking). 2. Set up complete campaigns, with ads groups, connected landings pages (products pages, etc.), competitors k...with me - Will take a week to complete this if everything got approved on time from your side - 7-10 days, we will setup the ads and test everything (tracking & analytics), and then will active/live the ads - The tasks which you mentioned from 1 to 4 is we do in our monthly Google Ads services - Our price is 200 USD - And will monitor the ads on the daily basis and optimize them for the sale...
I'm in need of a designer to create a mockup for a shipping mailer bag. The design should be bold and colorful, in line with this specified style. Key elements to include: - Our logo and company name - Our tagline or slogan I have a specific color palette that I would like to be used in the design. The ideal candidate for this project would have a strong understanding of bold and colorful design, as well as experience working with product mockups. A keen attention to detail and ability to follow brand guidelines closely is essential. Need the mockup in .PSD format so that we can add the design layers in future.
We are looking for individuals (people) who are car mechanic, preferably looking for a new job. Need contact information. Key Requirements: - Experience with B2B lead generation, particularly on LinkedIn - Familiarity with the mechanics industry - Ability to identify and target relevant job seekers - Proficiency in engaging and communicating with leads
I'm looking for an experienced social media marketing expert to help generate leads for my business. Key Objectives: - Focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for lead generation - Promote a variety of content, including blog posts and articles, video content, and infographics and images Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in lead generation - Proficient in creating engaging content for diverse platforms - Strong understanding of leveraging different types of content for maximum impact - Experience with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn - Knowledge of SEO and content marketing strategies
I'm seeking an expert in digital marketing, specifically in crafting engaging Instagram ads for my professional services business. The primary goal of the campaign is to generate leads or sales for a wrap special. What I want spicifically. 1. NEW YEAR sale 2 Cybertrucks Wrapped for $2,000 each offer limited to the first two that have half deposit submited. normally $2,500 2. i want my logo somewhere on the ad "logo uploaded" 3. offer ends at the end of Jan 2025 4. Text me 281-989-7133 to get offer 5. I want a picture of a wrapped cybertruck, you can use pictures from my instagram EZTwraps profile i have 2 of them that are wrapped and posted on there. One black and one that is blue/black if you would like to cartoonize the cybertruck with a different color wrap thats...
We are in search of a lead generation expert to expand our airport transfer business. The individual should have experience in pinpointing and connecting with potential corporate clients through diverse avenues. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive research on target markets, specifically focusing on corporate clients. - Use online databases to identify potential leads. - Implementing and managing strategic email campaigns to reach these clients. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in lead generation. - Proficiency in using online databases for research. - Experience targeting corporate clients. - Strong skills in implementing email campaigns. - Passionate about driving business growth. If you are a self-motivated professional with a knack for identifying...
I'm in search of a dedicated Sales and Business Development agency with a strong focus on promoting our Sales AI services. The agency should be comfortable working on a 10% commission basis, with a proven track promote our services and drive growth. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AI service selling, specifically Sales AI - Experience in engaging with high-level business executives - Proficiency in lead generation, with a specific focus on Sales AI capabilities - Skilled in conducting email campaigns for lead generation Your success in this role will be directly tied to your ability to generate leads and convert them into sales, boosting our company's business growth. Your track record in AI service selling and your network of business leaders will be instrumen...
We are looking for a detail-oriented freelancer to gather contact information for professionals in the environmental engineering field, specifically targeting roles such as Environmental Engineer, EHS, and SHE specialists. The task involves compiling a list that includes names, emails, design...includes names, emails, designations, organizations, and cities of these individuals. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining or lead generation and be able to deliver accurate and organized information in a timely manner. Candidates sending sample will be given preference. Also quote your prices per contact. If you send me a sample of approx 10 leads, I will prefer you for this job. I need active and accurate leads, you must be able to provide proof of their accura...
I'm in need of dedicated cold callers from the USA and UK for my digital marketing agency. The primary goal is to book consultations with Surgeons and doctors Key Responsibilities: - Scraping data and reaching out to potential leads. - Making 100 calls a day. - Handling objections professionally and persuasively. Compensation: This is a commission-based role, where your income potential is directly tied to your success in booking appointments. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have prior experience in cold calling, particularly with clinics - Be proficient in objection handling. - Be able to commit to making 100 calls a day. A strong understanding of digital marketing would be a plus, but is not necessary. Your ability to connect with surgeons and schedule consultations is what ...
I'm seeking a dynamic and driven Sales Manager with a focus on lead generation within the tobacco industry. The primary responsibility will be to generate B2B leads, so experience and connections within the tobacco sector will be a significant advantage. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective lead generation strategies - Identify potential B2B clients within the tobacco industry - Build and maintain relationships with prospective clients Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in lead generation, specifically within the tobacco industry - Strong understanding of the B2B sales process - Excellent communication and relationship management skills
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with lead generation email marketing for my project. The ideal candidate should have experience in both B2B and B2C industries, with a focus on healthcare. I am looking to generate more than 500 leads for my project.
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with lead generation email marketing for my project. The ideal candidate should have experience in both B2B and B2C industries, with a focus on healthcare. I am looking to generate more than 500 leads for my project.
I'm in need of a seasoned lead generation expert with a proven track record of delivering impactful results. My primary focus is generating high-quality leads in the technology sector, specifically targeting individual practitioners in the healthcare field. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Social Media Marketing strategies to identify and engage potential leads - Develop and implement innovative lead generation techniques tailored to the technology sector and individual healthcare practitioners Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Social Media Marketing - Prior experience in lead generation within the technology and healthcare sectors - Excellent communication and networking skills - Ability to deliver measurable results, we’d love to hear from you! Responsibilities: Workspace Optimization: Audit the current setup and identify areas for improvement. Create and enhance boards, dashboards, and automations to streamline workflows. Optimize team collaboration and task management within CRM Setup and Integration: Design and implement a CRM system using to manage leads, deals, and client relationships. Integrate third-party tools and platforms with (e.g., email, Slack, or Google Workspace). Develop automations for lead tracking, follow-ups, and sales pipelines. Training and Support: Provide training sessions to team members on the updated and CRM functionalities. Offer ongoing support and troubleshoot issues as needed. Documentation and
I'm in need of a seasoned lead generation expert with a proven track record of delivering impactful results. My primary focus is generating high-quality leads in the technology sector, specifically targeting individual practitioners in the healthcare field. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Social Media Marketing strategies to identify and engage potential leads - Develop and implement innovative lead generation techniques tailored to the technology sector and individual healthcare practitioners Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Social Media Marketing - Prior experience in lead generation within the technology and healthcare sectors - Excellent communication and networking skills - Ability to deliver measurable results
More details: What specific goals do you want to achieve with digital marketing? Generate more leads Which digital marketing channels are you interested in using? Social media, Email marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO) What type of content would you like to focus on? Videos
My Google Ads for an "Individual name policy violations related to ad content. Meanwhile, my competitor's ads are still running without any issues. I am in need of a professional or a proficient team who can help me with this situation and manage my Google Ads effectively. Key Requirements: - Policy violation - Full management of Google Ads - Expertise in generating leads via search ads - Proven track record with policy compliance and ad approval Your main objective will be to generate leads through well-managed search ads. With your expertise, I hope to not only restore our ad presence but also consistently meet our lead generation goals. Your experience and knowledge in navigating Google Ads policy can help me outshine my competitors and reach pot...
As a medical and healthcare equipment company, we need a professional freelancer to create an engaging and functional informational website for us. Key Objectives: - The primary purpose of the website is to generate leads and inquiries. Therefore, it should be designed to effectively capture potential customer interest and facilitate easy communication with our company. - We want to provide detailed information about our products, specifically their specifications and benefits. The website should present this information in a clear and compelling way to educate visitors and promote our products. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing lead-generating websites, preferably for the medical or healthcare sector. - Strong skills in web design and development, wi...
...Design and UX Expertise: • Proven experience in designing and optimizing landing pages for the insurance sector, focused on generating leads. • Familiarity with the best practices for form design to encourage user submissions. • A/B and Multivariate Testing: • Ability to conduct tests on landing pages to identify high-performing elements and improve conversion rates. 3. Lead Generation and Form Optimization: • Form Creation and Optimization: • Expertise in building and customizing forms on landing pages, ensuring they are intuitive, mobile-friendly, and conversion-optimized for insurance clients. • Lead Nurturing: • Knowledge of strategies to convert leads into customers, using relevant and targeted communication. 4. P...
I'm looking for a dedicated professional to help with cold calling to small businesses. The main focus of this project is on generating new leads. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to small businesses - Generate new business opportunities - Report and track outcomes of calls Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in cold calling, particularly targeting small businesses - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Ability to handle rejection and maintain a positive attitude - Experience in lead generation - Knowledge of sales funnel management
I'm seeking a seasoned PPC expert with a proven track record in lead generation, specifically through Google Ads. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and manage a PPC campaign on Google Ads aimed at generating leads. - Conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify optimal targeting opportunities. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong expertise in Google Ads with demonstrated success in lead generation. - Proficient in keyword research and analysis. - Excellent understanding of PPC strategies and techniques.
I'm seeking a talented digital marketer skilled in leveraging social media, search engines, and email marketing to generate leads for my credit card comparison website. This venture not only offers the opportunity to work on a commission-based partnership model, but also a chance to earn 20% from every sale or lead you generate. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement digital marketing strategies focused on lead generation. - Drive traffic from social media, search engines, and email marketing campaigns to the website. - Monitor, analyze, and report on the performance of these campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in digital marketing, particularly in lead generation. - Strong understanding and skills in social media, search engines, and email marketing. - Capac...
I'm seeking an expert in digital marketing to manage a complete campaign across multiple platforms and channels. The primary focus will be on social media marketing, SEO and email marketing, all aimed at increasing brand awareness, generating leads and boosting website traffic. Key Responsibilities: - Implement and manage effective SEO strategies to increase organic reach. - Create and oversee engaging content on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. - Design and execute email marketing campaigns to drive engagement and conversion. - Monitor, analyze and report on campaign performance, adjusting strategies as necessary to meet objectives. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Social Media Marketing, SEO and Email Marketing. - Excellent understanding of Facebook, Instagram and Twitt...
I'm seeking a dedicated Sales and Marketing Specialist focused primarily on lead generation. Your main tasks will revolve around leveraging email campaigns and Search Eng...a dedicated Sales and Marketing Specialist focused primarily on lead generation. Your main tasks will revolve around leveraging email campaigns and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to attract and secure potential clients. Key Responsibilities: - Craft and implement effective lead generation strategies through SEM. - Design and execute engaging email newsletters aimed at capturing and converting leads. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in lead generation, particularly through SEM and email campaigns. - Proficiency in creating compelling email content. - Strong analytical skills to measure and optimize campai...
I'm seeking a freelancer with a talent for innovative design and effect...generation strategies. The website should: - Have a modern and creative style to showcase our capabilities as a leading web development company. - Include a contact form for potential clients to reach out. - Feature client testimonials to build trust and credibility. - Incorporate an interactive project gallery to engage visitors and display our work. The primary goal of this website is to generate leads. Therefore, the design and layout should seamlessly guide visitors towards getting in touch, while also impressing them with our portfolio. Your ideal skills for this project would include web development, creative design, and lead generation strategy. Previous experience with similar projects will be h...
I'm on the lookout for proficient German-speaking B2B sales experts based in Tunisia. Your industry experience is not a deal-breaker; what matters most is your solid sales background and adeptness in various sales activities. Key Responsibilities: - Engaging in customer support - Cold calling - Upselling - generating leads by phone and funnels Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong B2B sales background - Excellent command of German - Based in Tunisia - Versatile in various sales roles - Excellent customer support skills 10 Euros per hour, plus bonus when reaching the target. We offer relaxed working in a family like environment. We have ongoing projects and are looking for 3 people to assist us.
I'm seeking a seasoned sales funnel designer with expertise in Gohighlevel. The primary aim of this project is lead generation. Key Responsibilities: - Design a sales funnel tailored for lead generation. - Incorporate E-books and whitepapers into the funnel as key content pieces. - Strategically optimize the bottom of the funnel to convert leads into customers. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven experience with Gohighlevel and sales funnel design. - Strong content creation and curation skills, particularly with E-books and whitepapers. - Excellent understanding of bottom-of-the-funnel strategies and techniques.
Digital Marketing and Content Management Specialist We are looking for Digital Marketing and Content Management Specialist to help us establish, optimize, and manage our online presence across various platforms to generate more leads. This is a comprehensive role that involves creating, publishing, and managing content, as well as configuring CRM and metrics to ensure our campaigns are effective and data-driven. Scope of Work 1. Create and Optimize Pages/Profiles : Set up and optimize profiles on social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube) to ensure they align with our brand. 2. Content Creation : Develop engaging and high-quality content across various formats: Content: Social media posts, outreach emails, newsletters, blog ar...