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    2,000 logo wanted ofert prac znalezionych

    Medical Copywriter WANTED! Edycja i parafrazowanie 214 artykułów w WP Zlecę kompleksową pracę związaną z copywritingiem. Zagadnienia związane z Medycyną, Suplementami, Farmaceutykami, Chemią. Jeżeli masz doświadczenie w pracy z takimi tekstami śmiało czytaj dalej. Do realizacji jest parafrazowanie, edycja tekstu oraz SEO. Język pracy polski lub angielski do wyboru. Mam dokładnie dwa zlecenia tego samego rodzaju. Konieczne jest podpisanie NDA (Umowa o poufności) i przeniesienie pełnych praw autorskich majątkowych etc na zamawiającego. Tzn jest to praca nad typowo komercyjnym projektem. Łącznie mamy 214 artykułów o różnej długości od 100 słów do około 3000 słów. Docleowo te artykuły mają stać się produktami. Lista aktywności do realizacji j...

    $546 Average bid
    $546 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    [CIO wanted] PayBuddy – a fintech startup in its infancy is looking for a CIO in Warsaw. Experience in programming for the financial sector/banking required (IOS App, Android App, Online Service in .Net). Desirable with knowledge of protection for the platforms mentioned above. Further information after sending a CV. [CIO poszukiwany] PayBuddy - fintech'owy startup w początkowej fazie rozwoju poszukuje CIO najlepiej na terenie Warszawy. Wymagane doświadczenie w programowaniu dla sektora finansowego/bankowego (aplikacja na IOS, Android, serwis internetowy w .Net) wskazane ze znajomością zabezpieczeń dla wspomnianych platform. Bliższe informacje po przesłaniu CV.

    $32789 Average bid
    $32789 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlecimy programowanie front-endu w aplikacjach WEB (JavaScript, CSS3 i HTML5) w siedzibie firmy. Siedziba firmy mieści się na Mokotowie. W przypadku zainteresowania współpracą proszę o przesyłanie portfolio i CV wraz z informacją o stawce godzinowej i dostępności na adres: wanted@

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukiwany opis BOOT protokołów dla urządzeń HID i Mass Storage USB. Dodatkowo: jeśli Ktoś chciałby napisać artykuł o protokole BOOT dla HID i Mass Storage proszę w ofercie podawać cenę - ale to nie jest treścią aukcji, aukcja polega na znalezieniu opisu BOOT protokołu HID i Mass Storage.

    $6 - $18
    $6 - $18
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, oto scenariusz: Scena 1 - Napis - Are You bored of afkers and trolls?" Scena 2 - do 2:42 Scena 3 - Napis - Always wanted to skip boring low divisions?" Scena 4 - do 26s Scena 5 - Napis + logo - is here to help You." Scena 6 - Napisy - 100% safe accounts!" You will get: Username, Password, Original Email & All Recovery Info." Scena 7 - Screeny z komentarzami Scena 8 - Scena 9 - Scena 10 -

    $193 Average bid
    $193 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Jesteśmy międzynarodową firmą, z siedzibą na Malcie, zajmującą się tworzeniem wysokiej jakości treści z dziedziny e-gaming. Poszukujemy polskojęzycznych osób "z lekkim piórem", którym chcemy zlecić tłumaczenia artykułów z angielskiego na polski. Tematyka: zasady gry w pokera, strategie i taktyka gry, psychologia pokera. Docelowo chcemy przetłumaczyć kilkaset artykułów, aczkolwiek to zlecenie będzie rozbite na szereg mniejszych. To zlecenie obejmuje przygotowanie 10 pierwszych tłumaczeń aczkolwiek oczekujemy współpracy długoterminowej przy kolejnych zleceniach. Wymagania: - dobra znajomość tematyki pokera texas holdem oraz sceny pokera - dobra znajomość - lekkie pióro, czyli wysoka jakość pisanych tekstów, "dobry&quo...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    witam! otóż poszukuję osoby, która wykona marketing szeptany dla pewnego serwisu finansowego chodzi jednak o to, by: a) marketing był prowadzony z kilku różnych kont; b) był prowadzony na wielu stronach/forach/blogach; c) był prowadzony bardzo aktywnie (min. kilkanaście wpisów dziennie na różnych stronach); najważniejsza jest jednak forma przykładowo na pewnym forum jest wątek o emeryturach znajdujesz na naszej stronie odpowiadający danemu tematowi artykuł, kopiujesz link, wklejasz na np. dane forum + dodajesz swój komentarz zajmuje to więc chwilę, ponieważ nie na każdy temat mamy artykuły w serwisie preferowane jedynie osoby z doświadczeniem ! KONTAKT JEDYNIE NA PRIV !

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko Account Manager. Kraków i okolice. Od kandydatów oczekujemy: - co najmniej rocznego doświadczenia na podobnym stanowisku w pracy z klientem korporacyjnych - bardzo dobrej znajomości zagadnień z zakresu new media / interactive - komunikatywności i umiejętności budowania relacji z klientami oraz zespołem / produkcją Dodatkowymi atutami będą: - znajomości języka angielskiego na poziomie umożliwiającym swobodną komunikację w mowie i piśmie Napisz kilka słów o sobie i wyślij na praca@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Job description Remote work out of your home - Monday thru Friday 4 hours per day " between 5 pm to 1 am standard polish local time you can choose your hours" Our company is a full-service design, development and marketing firm in New York. Our work covers web, mobile and print projects. We love what we do and that drives us to work every day! We're seeking a solid technical project manager with a proven history managing software projects (web preferred), requirements gathering, scope management, solid written and verbal communication skills, and a strong understanding of website projects. In short - we need someone who really gets what we do. Ideally we'd like you near Katowice but if you're reeeally good – location is irrelevant. ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, chciałbym zamówić wykonanie szablonu pod grę via www. Ciemna kolorystyka, przypominającą grę need for speed most wanted. Potrzebował bym wykonanie 2 pod stron tj: - Pierwsza pod stronę przed zalogowaniem i cała strona była by obrazkiem samochodu (najlepiej BMW z NFS'a) taka budowa, tej strony przed zalogowaniem. - Strona po zalogowaniu wiadomo te odzielanie jest losowe, moga miec inne wymiary itd. do tego potrzebowałbym ikony: - koła zębatego - 3 puchary (złoto, srebro, brąz) to tak w skrócie, czekam na odpowiedź z wyceną i na ewentualne pytania. Pozdrawiam

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Prosze o kontakt osob z jak najwiekszym doswiadczeniem oraz portfolio w JOOMLA ! Kontakt na: discountprint@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    WANTED!!! Poszukujemy około 3-4 osób Poszukujemy doświadczonych dyspozycyjnych programistów ze znajomością: Syntax, Semantik, Morphologie, Lexikon, Ontologien. Praca w międzynarodowym zespole w Niemczech specjalizującym się w Speech Technology Praca na kontrakt 6 miesięczny(możliwość stałej pracy) Zapewnione zakwaterowanie i opcjonalnie wyżywienie. Wymagany: Angielski lub Niemiecki (komunikatywny) System pracy: 5 dni w tygodniu, 10h dziennie WYNAGRODZENIE TO 2000EUR miesięcznie (koszty utrzymania pokrywa pracodawca) Miejsce pracy: Heidelberg Prosimy tylko o poważne oferty. Prosimy także o przesłanie CV na adres warsawxmedia@ ZAPRASZAMY

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    WANTED!!! Poszukujemy 3-4 osób Poszukujemy doświadczonych dyspozycyjnych programistów ze znajomością: SPHP, JAVA, SQL, C++. Praca w międzynarodowym zespole w Niemczech specjalizującym się w Speech Technology Praca na kontrakt 6 miesięczny (możliwość stałej pracy). Zapewnione zakwaterowanie i opcjonalnie wyżywienie. Miejsce pracy: Heidelberg Wymagany: Angielski lub Niemiecki (komunikatywny) System pracy: 5 dni w tygodniu, 10h dziennie Prosimy tylko o poważne oferty ze stawką godzinową za którą są w stanie Państwo pracować. Prosimy także o przesłanie CV na adres warsawxmedia@ ZAPRASZAMY

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę realizację projektu w Access'ie. Znajomość Excela, SQL i VBS będzie dodatkowym atutem. Projekt dotyczy zagadnień: -kwerendy wybierające i krzyżowe -operator PIVOT -schemat gwiazdy i płatka śniegu, -tworzenie tabel wymiarów i faktów sprzedaży -tworzenie dedykowanych hurtowni danych -analiza wielokryterialna z wykorzystaniem agregacji -konstruowanie drzewa decyzyjnego (min. 3 poziomowe) Do każdego z punktów projektu należy dołączyć dokumentację sposobu tworzenia. Szczegóły projektu i współpracy dla zainteresowanych na maila. slader@

    $2 - $31
    $2 - $31
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę realizację projektu w Access'ie. Znajomość Excela, SQL i VBS będzie dodatkowym atutem. Projekt dotyczy zagadnień: -kwerendy wybierające i krzyżowe -operator PIVOT -schemat gwiazdy i płatka śniegu, -tworzenie tabel wymiarów i faktów sprzedaży -tworzenie dedykowanych hurtowni danych -analiza wielokryterialna z wykorzystaniem agregacji -konstruowanie drzewa decyzyjnego (min. 3 poziomowe) Do każdego z punktów projektu należy dołączyć dokumentację sposobu tworzenia. Szczegóły projektu i współpracy dla zainteresowanych na maila. slader@

    $2 - $31
    $2 - $31
    0 składanie ofert
    12994 newsman wanted!
    Zakończone left

    Poszukuje 2-3 osób, które systematycznie dostarczać mi będą aktualności na serwis o tematyce IT. Oczywiście odpada kopiowanie z sieci - teksty wypada przeredagować a najlepiej korzystać ze źródeł. Interesuje mnie cena za 100 wpisów (minimum 5 wpisów tygodniowo). Możliwa szersza współpraca. GG:1453285

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Oferta dotyczy: !WANTED-Grafik tworzacy layouty stron www-WANTED! Poszukuje grafika tworzacego layouty stron internetowych do PRZEPROJEKTOWANIA ISTNIEJACEJ STRONY. Ktos kto ma pojecie o rysowaniu, kolorze, kompozycji. Najchetniej ktos w trakcie ASP lub po. Przepraszam ale nie interesuja mnie "cudowne dzieci", ktore szukaja szybkiego zarobku. Umiejetnosc flasha mile widziana, ale nie konieczna. Koncowy produkt: plik psd, ai + storyboard do animacji. Prosze o przeslanie na adres email: cena czas realizacji zlecenia portfolio krotki opis o sobie,

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje grafika tworzacego layouty stron internetowych - do wspolpracy - kontakt z osoba - nie firma ! Ktos kto ma pojecie o rysowaniu, kolorze, kompozycji. Najchetniej ktos w trakcie ASP lub po. Przepraszam ale nie interesuja mnie cudowne dzieci, ktore szukaja szybkiego zarobku. Umiejetnosc flasha mile widziana, ale nie konieczna. Koncowy produkt: plik psd, ai + storyboard do animacji. Prosze o przeslanie na adres email: CV ewentualnie krotki opis o sobie, proponowana cena za projekt portfolio kontakt

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Junior Technical Support Assistant Limassol, Cyprus Responsibilities: Monitor and reply to incoming technical support tickets, chats, and frequently asked questions Manage and distribute incoming queries from clients and users Provide customer support by phone Assist with internal departmental workload as needed Requirements: Bachelor's or Master's degree in Mathematics, Finance, Computer Science, IT, or a related field Strong mathematical understanding High level of computer literacy and excellent knowledge of software for working on the Internet Excellent written and verbal command of the English language Ability to work effectively as part of a team Strong moral and ethical character Ability to provide clear explanations with sound reasoning Ability to learn fast - the chose...

    $15527 Average bid
    $15527 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Seeking a skilled Instagram Reels editor for lifestyle content. Your role will involve: - Colour grading to warm tones - Clipping shots seamlessly - Incorporating sounds and music - Implementing the latest viral Instagram font edits Content creator style content like , robthebank, maximise, mashalcrews, shotbysammy, striivebeyond, therunningeffect Ideal candidate should have prior experience editing lifestyle content for Instagram and a good understanding of current trends. Please include examples of your previous work that align with this project.

    $192 Average bid
    $192 Średnia Oferta:
    48 składanie ofert

    Job Title: Senior Recruiter (Remote) About the Role: We are looking for a skilled and experienced Senior Recruiter to join our team on a part-time, remote basis. In this role, you will take ownership of the recruitment process, from sourcing and screening candidates to conducting interviews via platforms like Google Meet or Zoom. This flexible position requires a commitment of just 5 hours per week, making it ideal for professionals seeking a part-time opportunity. Key Responsibilities: Manage end-to-end recruitment processes, including sourcing, screening, and evaluating candidates. Conduct virtual interviews to assess candidates' qualifications and cultural fit. Collaborate with hiring managers to understand job requirements and provide expert advice on hiring strategies. Ensure a ...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert
    Expert Snowflake Developer Wanted
    6 dni left

    Snowflake developer Contract length - 6 month+ Shift - PST shift time Location based - Chennai(India) Experience -5+ Years Overview We are seeking a skilled Snowflake Lead/Senior Developer. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience working with Snowflake, dbt (data build tool), and have experience working with event or time-series data. Job Description Key Responsibilities: Design and implement scalable data models and pipelines using Snowflake. Develop and maintain dbt models to ensure data quality and consistency. Perform Snowflake administrative tasks related to platform performance and health. Qualifications: Proven experience as a Snowflake Lead/Senior Developer or similar role. Strong proficiency in dbt. Solid understanding of data modeling principles and be...

    $664 Average bid
    $664 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    We are looking for a content writer with a basic understanding of content creation, eager to grow and develop their skills. Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments - Open to wor...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    Description: Our Company is dedicated to inspiring and motivating children through creative and uplifting art. We are seeking talented freelancers to help us bring our vision to life and make a positive impact on young minds. Most of the artwork is simple for kids, we just need creative minds to make adjustments and prepare the art for various uses, we have ideas and know-how how art need to look. What We Need: We are looking for skilled freelancers in the following areas: • Illustrators: To design engaging and motivational artwork for children. • Graphic Designers: To help format and enhance our designs for various platforms. What We Offer: • Simple and straightforward tasks with clear guidelines. • Flexible working hours and remote opportunities. • A chance...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    33 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon Badminton Club Logo Design
    5 dni left

    I'm looking for a logo for my badminton club that is sports-themed and incorporates elements from the Simpsons universe. The logo should be presented in a unique and engaging way. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating sports-themed logos - Strong understanding of the Simpsons style - Ability to incorporate specific elements into the design - The logo that I wanted is not a wordmark or a logotype kind of thing, I don't need any text on the logo. The style could be simple and minimalist like Nike, Adidas, etc. or could be a little bit more complex as long as it is still clearly visible and represent the Simpsons. I also need all the vector files. The color scheme for the logo should be reflective of the bold and vibrant colors typi...

    $10 Average bid
    243 zgłoszenia

    Position: Healthcare Content Creator (Contract) Project Scope: 4 video deliverables Primary Responsibilities: Create engaging healthcare-focused video content, including social media reels and promotional videos Handle end-to-end content production: scriptwriting, shooting, editing, and publishing Ensure medical accuracy and compliance with healthcare communication guidelines Manage post-production including sound design, graphics, and animations Handle social media posting and optimization Required Skills: Proven experience in healthcare content creation and video production Strong portfolio demonstrating video editing and storytelling capabilities Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, or similar) Understanding of social media platforms and video opt...

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    ...untuk orang lain. Contohnya "Thank", "thank you", "thank you for everything", "thank you very much", "Thanks a lot", dan sebagainya. Ucapan responnya bisa bermacam-macam seperti “My pleasure”, “No problem”, “Don’t mention it”, “any time”, “never mind”, dan lain-lain. ADVERTISEMENT Contoh percakapan yang bisa dipelajari yaitu: Joni: Happy birthday, Maya. This is for you. Maya: Thank you, Joni. I’ve wanted this T-shirt for months. You're very nice. Joni: That’s alright. 4. Apologizing Apologizing adalah ucapan untuk meminta maaf kepada orang lain atas tindakan yang sudah diperbuat. Contohnya, yaitu “Sorry”, “I’m sorry”, &...

    $966 Average bid
    $966 Średnia Oferta:
    28 składanie ofert

    ...learn how to protect the animals. The goal of the book is to teach kids about the environment, animals, and nature in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta regions in South Alabama. The story is about Captain Steve teaching Brody and Samantha about the nature in their own backyards and finding two fishermen torturing the resident gator Hooks by catching him on the fishing line. They did it on purpose, but no one wanted to fess up to it. Along the way they find herons and do some heron Thai Chi or Yoga and participate in the Shellfish Shimmy with some animals. There are a couple things that I really would like to stay in the story like some lines that Captain Steve needs to say because the character is based on a real person. Looking at around 2000 - 2500 words for the book and will share the...

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert

    Salesperson & Closer Wanted for Digital Marketing Services Description: Riovily Agency, a leading Digital Marketing Agency, specializes in providing top-notch services such as web design, email marketing, video explainer production, and social ads. We’re looking for two skilled Salespeople or Closers to help us connect with businesses in need of our services and close deals effectively. Responsibilities: Engage with potential business clients to introduce and pitch our services. Build and maintain strong relationships with prospects through effective communication. Negotiate and close deals for digital marketing solutions tailored to client needs. Achieve or exceed monthly sales targets and performance metrics. Requirements: Experience in sales or closing deals (pref...

    $44 / hr Average bid
    $44 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    we are working on an AR project for our existing business and am seeking a talented Unity developer to join our team on a monthly basis. This is a long-term opportunity. Please note, I'm only looking to hire individual freelancers based in India for this role. Application Requirements: - Please provide examples of your past work in AR, specifically educational projects. - Explain your experience in Unity and how it relates to AR development. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of developing educational AR projects. - Strong Unity skills, with a specific focus on AR. I'm excited to see your applications!

    $439 Average bid
    $439 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled digital marketing professional who can effectively manage our paid media campaigns across all social media platforms, with a primary focus on Facebook. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute paid media campaigns aimed at lead generation - Manage social media platforms, ensuring brand consistency and engagement - Provide insights and recommendations based on campaign performance and analytics Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in digital marketing and lead generation - Expertise in managing paid media campaigns on Facebook and other platforms - Strong analytical skills to assess campaign performance and optimize accordingly - Excellent communication skills for social media management

    $205 Average bid
    $205 Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert
    Chatters for OF (etc.) wanted
    4 dni left

    Chatter for OnlyFans wanted. The aim is to use ChatGPT to chat with fans and provide them with additional content.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    ...learn how to protect the animals. The goal of the book is to teach kids about the environment, animals, and nature in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta regions in South Alabama. The story is about Captain Steve teaching Brody and Samantha about the nature in their own backyards and finding two fishermen torturing the resident gator Hooks by catching him on the fishing line. They did it on purpose, but no one wanted to fess up to it. Along the way they find herons and do some heron Thai Chi or Yoga and participate in the Shellfish Shimmy with some animals. There are a couple things that I really would like to stay in the story like some lines that Captain Steve needs to say because the character is based on a real person. Looking at around 2000 - 2500 words for the book and will share the...

    $78 Average bid
    $78 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    We are looking for a content writer with a basic understanding of content creation, eager to grow and develop their skills. Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments Experience: ...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a seasoned developer and designer for our Blockchain game project. We are currently building a new project, but we are lacking the manpower to develop it successfully. We invested in Metahorse Games, which has a strong idea, and made a high return. As you know, the Munity token of Metahorse Games reached its peak a few months ago. This time, we found a good opportunity to take this metaverse game to a new level, and We are in the final stage of updating Metahorse. Accordingly, we plan to quickly promote the staking smart contract platform utilizing popular game tokens. In fact, the development of this platform started two months ago, but the team hired by the company is so lacking in skills that I plan to replace them with a senior team. Key Responsibilities: - S...

    $81 / hr Average bid
    $81 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    I'm on the lookout for a talented videographer to accompany me to iconic locations, such as the Acropolis, capturing candid and spontaneous footage for my Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Film at various locations with me - Capture candid and spontaneous moments - Create content that showcases travel and culture Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in travel and culture videography - Proficiency in using professional video equipment - Ability to capture spontaneous moments in a candid style - Instagram savvy with an understanding of what content performs well on the platform This project is perfect for a creative individual who loves travel and has a passion for videography. If you're interested, please get in touch.

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    We are seeking a skilled and creative Mobile App Developer with expertise in building intuitive, user-friendly applications for both Android and iOS platforms. The ideal candidate will focus on designing and developing a responsive and engaging mobile application with seamless UI/UX experiences. **Responsibilities:** - Develop a feature-rich mobile application with a focus on user-friendly interfaces and functionality. - Collaborate with the teams to create visually appealing and interactive UI/UX designs. - Implement app navigation, forms, and pages to provide seamless user interactions. - Ensure the app’s compatibility across various devices and screen sizes. - Write clean, maintainable, and well-documented code. - Test and debug the application to ensure performance...

    $684 Average bid
    $684 Średnia Oferta:
    49 składanie ofert

    I'm in search of four dynamic and enthusiastic content creators to host our new football podcast, Rabona Radio. This isn't just an ordinary podcast; it's a platform where we delve deep into the world of football and share our passion with listeners. 45min recorded sessions 1 episode a week Key Responsibilities: - Conducting match analysis - Interviewing fans - Sharing player stories - Exploring club history Ideal Candidates Should: - Be passionate about football culture - Be confident in front of the mic and camera - Be bursting with creative ideas If you think you've got what it takes to be the voice of Pelota and help us revolutionise football content, please don't hesitate to reach out. Together, let's make Rabona Radio an unforgett...

    $1164 Average bid
    $1164 Średnia Oferta:
    27 składanie ofert
    verificar mobile app
    3 dni left

    Hello, Six months ago, I hired a developer to create a social network-type app. I released the funds upon completion, but after implementing an improvement update, the developer stopped responding. It’s been over a month without any reply. I have: -The APK file of the app. -Access to the code on GitHub (though I’m not sure if it’s correct). I would like...improvement update, the developer stopped responding. It’s been over a month without any reply. I have: -The APK file of the app. -Access to the code on GitHub (though I’m not sure if it’s correct). I would like to have the app rebuilt so it can be further developed. The main task would be to verify the app. If you provide a fair price and quality work, I would also like you to handle the new upda...

    $206 Average bid
    $206 Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert

    Job Posting: E-Commerce Website Developer (Flexible Tech Stack) We are seeking a skilled and experienced E-Commerce Website Developer to create a professional, user-friendly, and secure e-commerce platform. The ideal candidate will have expertise in building feature-rich online stores and the flexibility to choose the best tools and technologies for the project. Responsibilities: Design and develop a fully functional e-commerce website with key features, including: Product listings, categories, and advanced search. Shopping cart and secure checkout process. User authentication and profile management. Payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). Inventory and order management. Shipping and tax calculation. Optimize the platform for mobile responsiveness, SEO, and performance. Ensur...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    62 składanie ofert

    AI Developer for Business Solutions. Hello All, I am looking for a highly skilled AI Developer to join a project aimed at creating cutting-edge AI solutions for businesses. The role involves building and deploying AI agents and leveraging various AI models to develop impactful web applications tailored to business needs. Key Responsibilities: • Design, build, and deploy AI agents to address real-world business challenges. • Develop and integrate AI-driven solutions using frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or other relevant platforms. • Work with language models (e.g., GPT, BERT, LLaMA) to create applications for natural language processing, automation, and decision-making. • Leverage tools like n8n, , or other automation platforms to streamline workflows and...

    $35034 Average bid
    $35034 Średnia Oferta:
    55 składanie ofert to protect the animals. The goal of the book is to teach kids about the environment, animals, and nature in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta regions in South Alabama. The story is about Captain Steve teaching Brody and Samantha about the nature in their own backyards and finding two fishermen torturing the resident gator Hooks by catching him on the fishing line. They did it on purpose, but no one wanted to fess up to it. Along the way they find herons and do some heron Thai Chi or Yoga and participate in the Shellfish Shimmy with some animals. There are a couple things that I really would like to stay in the story like some lines that Captain Steve needs to say because the character is based on a real person. Looking at around 2000 - 2500 words for the book and will share the i...

    $291 Average bid
    Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $291 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    I'm in search of skilled Estonian and Latvian voice over freelancers.

    $56 Average bid
    $56 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking 10,000 tech educators and professionals to develop comprehensive courses for various levels at our tech institutions. Details: - Course Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced - Subjects: Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering - Course Formats: Text documents, Video lectures, Interactive modules Ideal candidates should be seasoned educators or professionals in the tech industry with a passion for teaching and curriculum development. Experience in developing engaging and interactive course material is a plus.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert

    ...POLYGON) 4) I want the sending screen to be easy and to show the message easily. 5) VPN and TOR options included with the proxy Blockchain server option 100% confirmed transaction The transaction fee is max, priority for quick confirmation Cannot cancel a transaction with the bitcoin server It works with all wallets Anyone able to do this job send me your best quote + BIG bonus in any form wanted (WU, Amazon gift cards, ect) after delivery and proof of trial! I am open for discussions and We can discuss about more in chat I want good work to be done without problems, Need it today NO UPFRONT IN OTHER PLATFORMS BEFORE DELIVERY!! Skills Required Python Windows Desktop Software Architecture Blockchain Cryptocurrency...

    $662 Average bid
    $662 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented and imaginative freelance content writer who can help me with various projects, primarily focused on blogs. Key Requirements: - Exceptional command of the English language with outstanding writing skills. - Demonstrable experience in content writing (please share your portfolio or writing samples). - Proven ability to create engaging and high-quality content. - Strong research skills to ensure content is accurate and well-informed. - Consistent ability to meet deadlines without compromising content quality. Responsibilities: - Craft compelling and error-free content across a variety of topics. - Tailor tone and style to suit different target audiences. - Revise and edit content as necessary. Ideal Candidates Will: - Have a passion for writing and storytel...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    64 składanie ofert

    ...Automatically updated using DSM reports: Date, fuel type, vehicle number, and amounts. Payments received are linked to reduce outstanding balances. - There is seperate log for each term trackable be it the individual dsm sales report ,non cash transaction ,oil stock sales, fuel sales, meter sales , creditors and these logs data if required can be traced back to its source for example if wanted to enquire the creditors entry log transaction can be traced back to the specific dsm report showed it in its report . 7. Daily report : - The owner/manager can view a comprehensive daily summary, including fuel sales (by type, meter, and shift), non-cash transactions (total number and amount), total sales, and daily revenue. They can also edit or add transactions/expenses to en...

    $257 Average bid
    $257 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    Experienced UX designer with a strong background in Figma and current design trends wanted to work on an auction marketplace project. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Design as many as 10 - 20 full unique screens monthly - Gather user requirements, map or identify user flows and journeys - Create wireframes based on gathered requirements or user stories - Convert wireframes into visually stunning and intuitive interfaces on Figma - Prototype the UI screens - Collaborate with the client to brainstorm ideas then turn concepts into user-friendly interfaces - Redesign desktop screens for mobile responsiveness - Complete, refine, and optimize existing UI/UX work of the project CANDIDATE QUALIFICATIONS: - Be creative - Have strong Figma skills for the design and prototyping of websites & S...

    $250 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Gwarantowany Ukryte
    35 zgłoszenia

    Hi Mehedi. You did a logo for me a few years back. It was the Wizard Turtle. You did a great job on that so I wanted to see if you wanted to do another project. It's another fun one like that. Let me know and I'll give you the details and you can give me your price. Thank you.

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...Player Interaction: Pickup zones, minimap and basic UI, basic character movement, weapon mechanics, melee combat system, basic health system, inventory system, weapon modifications, basic cover system, interactive shops. NPC Systems: Walking & driving NPCs, enemy NPCs & civilian NPCs, police NPCs, NPC dialogue system, enemy AI behavior, dynamic AI pathfinding. Gameplay Features: Vehicle controls, wanted system, mission types, side missions, randomized objectives. Performance: Totally lag & heat-free. Please inquire about powerful post-processing options to ensure smooth performance, with flexibility for low (longer time), normal (balanced time & heat), or high (shorter time, more heat) settings. Purchase Feature Options: • High game quality. • High p...

    $7 - $8
    $7 - $8
    0 składanie ofert