Logo design training instituteprojekty
Polish (native) obligatory! Poszukujemy specjalisty Odoo, który będzie w stanie poprowadzić konsultacje z początkującymi programistami Odoo oraz zająć się niektórymi zmianami w obecnym oprogramowaniu klienta. Klient korzysta z Odoo v16 i wprowadzał rękami innej firmy modyfikacje i własne rozwiązania. Teraz nastepuje zmiana wykonawcy. Wkrótce będzie trzeba też zmigrować do następnej wersji oraz zastanawiamy się nad uruchomieniem systemu na własnym serwerze. Proszę o podanie stawki godzinowej programowania oraz kosztu 4 godzinnych konsultacji/szkolenia online.
...and boosting sales. The product we are introducing to the market falls under the "supplements" category and is a shot (60ml) providing immediate support for muscle recovery for active individuals (not just those in the gym) who might need such support in emergency situations. Such needs may arise from excessive physical exertion, prolonged heavy physical work combined with training, intense workouts, resuming training, lack of sleep, or even occasional alcohol consumption. The shot contains 14 ingredients in very high doses, and its effects are noticeable (we recommend consuming it before bed to aid recovery so that the next day you are as fresh as possible). We have been operating since the beginning of May, but we have come to the conclusion that we do not ha...
...lub formy Tylko Faktura Scenariusz PL Trailer Scena 1 Logo z krótką zmianą , podobnie jak 10 Famous Brands as Animated Logos Motion Graphics logo dostarczę w krzywych - pomysł zostawiam Wykonawcy Scena 2 Pokazać progress z krótką zmianą jak powyżej Nie mam krzywych , myślałem nad animacji wypełniania się strzałki jak pokazany rosnąca temperatura w termometrze - pomysł zostawiam Wykonawcy Scena 3 PIŁKARZ i zdolności - Grafika będzie dostarczona Trailer 2 Scena 4 uwydatnić szybkość - grafika jak wyżej Scena 5 Elementy z nauki przyspieszenia 45' start - Acceleration vs Maximum Velocity Sprinting | Differences and Similarities in Movement and Technique 1:41 s fragmenty ćwiczeń typu treningi typu Full Speed Training Session | Training Drills...
Reprezentujemy globalną społeczność F45 Training, najszybciej rozwijającą się sieć klubów fitness na świecie. Z powodu pandemii stworzyliśmy F45 LIVE na platformie Zoom, co umożliwiło nam przenieść atmosferę oraz energię fizycznego studia fitness do domów osób aktywnie z nami ćwiczących. Aktualnie prężnie działamy nad przygotowaniami do otwarcia pierwszego fizycznego studia F45 w Warszawie. W chwili obecnej pragniemy zachęcić jak najszersze grono odbiorców do wspólnych ćwiczeń. Potrzebujemy pomocy przy wygenerowaniu leadów oraz w opracowaniu strategii marketingowej.
...(intro, outro) promoting our brand. Films should have the following features: Length: 20-30 seconds References to the Forex exchange, currency markets Dynamic music Fast scene transitions Scenes with: training participants, conference participants, trader in front of a computer, currency charts, etc. We also require substantive support in the selection of appropriate video parameters and their subsequent editing. Below is a link to a sample movie that meets our dynamic and music requirements: At the end of the intro and outro should be presented our logo and name (will be made available after the selection of the contractor). PL: Witam. Zlęcę wykonanie krótkich filmików (intro, outro) promujących naszą markę. Filmy powinnych posiadać następujące
Zaprojektuj logo Trening funkcjonalny, pilates , yoga, trx
Szkoła języków obcych Select Training Solutions poszukuje do stałej współpracy grafika, który będzie dla nas przygotowywał bieżące projekty materiałów reklamowych i marketingowych według potrzeb. Będą to m.in.: - projekt kartki Bożonarodzeniowej i Wielkanocnej do wysyłki mailowej i umieszczenia na portalu społecznościowym - projekt ogłoszenia rekrutacyjnego do umieszczenia na portalach społecznościowych - projekty plakatów - projekty ulotek - inne materiału według bieżących potrzeb. Osoby zainteresowane współpracą proszone są o przesłanie swojego portfolio oraz proponowanej wyceny np. ogłoszenia rekrutacyjnego.
...tekstu, abyśmy mogli ocenić Twój styl. Jako próbkę prosimy o przygotowanie tekstu jakby na zakładkę O NAS. Poniżej wypunktowaliśmy kilka informacji na nasz temat oraz listę słów kluczowych na które się pozycjonujemy. Dobrze byłoby gdyby któreś z tych fraz udało Ci się wpleść w tekst. Prosimy o przesłanie powyższych informacji do 31.01.2016. Kilka informacji o nas: • nazwa firmy: SELECT Training Solutions • istniejemy od 2002 • specjalizujemy się w szkoleniach językowych, szkoleniach miękkich realizowanych w językach obcych • realizujemy również inne, szeroko rozumiane usługi lingwistyczne (tłumaczenia, studyjne nagrania tekstów, lingwistyczna obsługa konferencji, spotkań, etc.) • wszystkie na...
...nada mu nowe uprawnienia; > user z uprawnieniami rejestracji na wydarzenia zamieszczone w serwisie; > instructor z uprawnieniami tworzenia wydarzenia (class); > elite z uprawnieniami tworzenia wydarzenia (class); > master z uprawnieniami tworzeń wydarzeń ( class, elite exam, workshop, training - które oprócz class - muszą być zatwierdzone przez admina ) oraz nadawania userom praw instructora, nadawania instructorom praw elite; > admin z uprawnieniami: * tworzenia (class, elite exam, workshop, training); * nadawania nowych klas użytkownikom na każdy poziom - wszystkim userom, instructorom, elite, master * pozbawiania praw wszystkim użytkownikom; * możliwość wysyłania wiadomości ukazującej się przy logowaniu się instructor, elite, m...
IS-Wireless, firma działająca w branży telekomunikacyjnej, szuka WordPress webdeveloperów (najchętniej do stałej współpracy), którzy podejmą się zadania opisanego poniżej. 1. Stworzenie systemu filtrów kursów na stronie tak jak na stronie 2. Filtry graficznie zgodny z naszym projektem graficznym. Projekt będzie oddawał to co na podlinkowanej stronie tele-scope, ale z innymi kolorami i czcionkami . 3. Możliwość edycji narzędzia filtrującego w panelu CMS (dodawanie/odejmowanie kategorii z listy) 4. Plugin kompatybilny z najnowszą wersją Wordpressa i skórki Avada. 5. Filtry mogą być w miejsce sidebaru. 6. Filtry musza być responsywne i skalować się zgodnie z innymi elementami na stronie. 7. Możliwoś...
Mam kolejne zadania powiązane z naszym poprzednim zleceniem 'Create a project of a training board for climbers.'
Hello We are looking for a graphic designer with HTML knowledge. The job is on an hourly basis from 9am to 5pm working from your home. The duties: - utilizing your graphic skills along with HTML (all training will be given) - answering clients calls (Polish clients, so only polish, as a native language ,please) - dealing with support tickets from clients (all training will be given) - attending on-line chat service Please, feel free to contact me if you have some questions. If you are interested in this position, please send your financial requirements along with availability (which days) Thank you NOTE: Only polish natives , please
Hello We are looking for a graphic designer with HTML knowledge. The job is on an hourly basis from 9am to 5pm working from your home. The duties: - utilizing your graphic skills along with HTML (all training will be given) - answering clients calls (Polish clients, so only polish, as a native language ,please) - dealing with support tickets from clients (all training will be given) - attending on-line chat service Please, feel free to contact me if you have some questions. If you are interested in this position, please send your financial requirements along with availability (which days) Thank you NOTE: Only polish natives , please
Witam, potrzbuję przygotowania grafiki na podstawie plików .indd lub .png. Pliki w załaczniku. HTML/CSS będzie uzyty jako sekcja A i C z poniższego linku
We are currently seeking a Web Designer to join our client's team located in Austria (Vorarlberg) We require: -advanced knowledge of website design, usability and function; -advanced knowledge of accessibility, W3C standards and onsite / offsite SEO and its impact upon website design; -advanced knowledge of HTML and CSS standards; -understanding and ability to amend and code using any of the following web languages: jQuery; HTML5; ASP; mySQL; SQL; XML and DHTML; -advanced knowledge of PHP and JavaScript; -advanced use of Adobe Photoshop to enable image manipulation and website build from PSD layers; -very communicative, quick and precise, well organised; -competitive and loyal, flexible as to the working hours; -open for new challenges, keeping distance and r...
Grupa "Insertivo Polska", w ramach projektu "Insertivo Music Institute" - sprzeda, bądź wykona na zlecenie podkłady muzyczne. Tworzymy utwory, które doskonale znajdują swoje miejsce w filmach reklamowych oraz wszelkich dynamicznych obrazach. W załączniku pozwoliłem sobie przedstawić naszą ofertę, wraz z cennikiem. Szukamy także osób, które chciałyby wesprzeć nas w tworzeniu kreatywnych projektów - także zapraszamy do ewentualnego zapoznania się z celami naszej firmy. Chętnych ewentualnej współpracy, prosimy kontaktować się poprzez: GSM: + 48 797 521 547, E-mail: agencja@, gg: 7617202, Skype: fedain360, www.insertivo.pl. Serdecznie zapraszamy do wypróbowania naszych usług!
Bylbym bardzo wdzieczny za napisanie mi tej pracy do wtorku, najwaznijsze - osoba ktora zna sie na formal letters MUSI BYC PO ANGILESKU....CZEKAM NA PROPOZYCJE!!! SITUATION A You work as Assistant Manager alongside Mr Michael Roberts, General Manager of a professional training organisation that arranges seminars on professional topics (GIVE IT A NAME). In the last six months your successful selling and management seminars have been very effective receiving much acclaim and widespread publicity. Your organisation is now planning a one day conference (GIVE IT A NAME), incorporating presentations by distinguished speakers on: 'The Administrator's Role Today and Tomorrow', 'Effective Communication', 'The Role of Management', 'H...
Witam, Zlecą wykonanie szablonu sklepu/ecommerce () wg następujących wytycznych. 1. Logo Firmy 2. Szablon allegro 3. Szablon sklepu oparty na szablonie: 4. Szablon Bloga 5. Pocięcie szablonu 6. Postawienie na serwerze oraz zitegrowanie całego oprogramowania czyli: daz/subiekt_gt/mozliwosci_prog z wykożystaniem następujących zdjęć (główne zdjęcie miałoby się zmieniać (jak w gifie lub po przeładowaniu strony)):
...systemem hotelowym. ( czekam na specyfikacje systemu hotelowego - jeszcze do konca nie wiadomo czy da sie to zrobic ). do tego beda 2-3 wersje jezykowe. oczywiscie jakies pol roku serwisu calosci. prosze policzyc wdrozenie no i wykonanie w dosyc ekspresowym tempie . rozliczenie umowa o dzieło lub faktura VAT - wolabym faktura ps calosc bedzie wzorowane na - tam tez jest podobny system rezerwacji...
...showed the gel's moisturising and anti-wrinkle properties. During treatment, the skin becomes softer, moisturised and more elastic. These effects were achieved on the majority of people tested, regardless of skin type. Collagen Beauty has been awarded the following certificates: Certificate of Health Quality PZH - HŻ/00698/-1/2004 Included in the National Information System of Cosmetics (Institute of Medicine - Łódź) Tests of the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (Micro-biological tests, tests concerning heavy metals) Tests of quality and quantity using the Electrop Horesis Method and HPLC Marking collagen quantity based on hydroxyprolin content The means of collagen extraction is a company secret. We are taking it only from one type of fish...
...showed the gel's moisturising and anti-wrinkle properties. During treatment, the skin becomes softer, moisturised and more elastic. These effects were achieved on the majority of people tested, regardless of skin type. Collagen Beauty has been awarded the following certificates: Certificate of Health Quality PZH - HŻ/00698/-1/2004 Included in the National Information System of Cosmetics (Institute of Medicine - Łódź) Tests of the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (Micro-biological tests, tests concerning heavy metals) Tests of quality and quantity using the Electrop Horesis Method and HPLC Marking collagen quantity based on hydroxyprolin content The means of collagen extraction is a company secret. We are taking it only from one type of fish...
I'm looking for a professional brand name for my new company in the finance training and education sector. The primary target audience for this venture is corporate employees. The brand name should convey a sense of professionalism, reflecting the tone I want the brand to have.
I'm seeking a skilled engineer with experience in deploying Nuance applications. Your primary responsibility will be to assist in the setup and deployment of the Nuance Application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience and understandin...the setup and deployment of the Nuance Application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience and understanding of Nuance applications - Proficient in technical troubleshooting and system integration Your role will encompass: - Aiding in the deployment of the Nuance application - Providing technical support during the deployment process Please note, I currently do not require user training or support for specific Nuance applications. Your expertise in deploying and troubleshooting will be critical to the success o...
I'm seeking a professional for the installation, commissioning, and comprehensive training on a Niehoff Rod Breakdown Machine (Model - MM85). The selected freelancer will need to provide guidance on: - Technical installation steps: This includes assistance with the electrical setup, mechanical assembly, and software configuration. - Safety procedures: Ensuring all installations and operations are conducted in a safe manner. - Operational training: Teaching how to operate the machine post-installation. The ideal candidate should have prior experience with this specific model or similar machinery, and should be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of both the mechanical and electrical aspects of the setup. The role will also include assistance with the electric...
...recommendations. - User Accessibility: *Multilingual support with regional languages for farmers across India.(Kannada, English, Telugu) *Offline mode functionality for areas with limited connectivity. *Easy-to-use interface for farmers with minimal technical knowledge. - Expected Deliverables: *A fully functional Android and iOS app. *Backend setup with cloud-based infrastructure. *Documentation and training for app maintenance. - Proficiency in Android app development. - Extensive experience in AI integration within mobile applications. - Strong understanding of customer service needs and how to cater to them through technology. I look forward to seeing your proposals. *** This is an startup called BHUDEVI PROJECT ONLY FOR DEVELOPERSIN KARNATAK AND WHO ARE READY TO BE ON...
**Job Description: Photograp...engagement. - Proficiency in editing software and tools for both photo and video content. - Familiarity with social media trends and content styles, especially on Instagram and TikTok. - Knowledge of Abu Dhabi’s culture and audience preferences is a plus. **Duration:** Project-based, starting immediately with flexible working hours. **Location:** Primarily on-site in Abu Dhabi to capture the gym, training sessions, and community vibe. **To Apply:** Send your portfolio and a brief proposal outlining your creative approach to bringing the spirit of Her Fight Club to life. We’re looking for someone who can visually represent our mission: empowering women and children through self-defense, fitness, and confidence. Let’s inspire ...
I'm seeking a seasoned SAP MM Functional Consultant with a focus on the retail sector. Key Responsibilities: - Configuration and customization of SAP MM to fit our business requirements. - Providing comprehensive training on the procurement process, inventory management, and invoice verification within SAP MM. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SAP MM configuration and customization. - In-depth understanding of SAP MM's procurement process, inventory management, and invoice verification. - Prior experience in the retail industry is highly desirable. - Excellent training and communication skills.
...professional, and sleek logo for my personal training business, "Elevate with Hamish". The logo should be minimalistic yet convey a strong sense of fitness and personal growth. Key elements to include: - A silhouette of a person, symbolizing the journey of personal training and elevation. - The initials or the full business name, "Elevate with Hamish". The color scheme is strictly monochrome, which allows for a versatile and timeless design. It should be bold enough to stand out on a variety of platforms, from business cards to social media, while maintaining a professional aesthetic. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in minimalistic, professional logo design, preferably within the fit...
...functional and modern strength training studio. The studio must seamlessly incorporate both traditional workout equipment as well as functional training gear. Key Requirements: - Smart Technology Integration: The design should incorporate cameras for monitoring and interaction, alongside a creative approach to lighting and audio integration. - Premium User Experience: The studio should be designed to create an interactive and high-end experience for users, without exceeding budget constraints. - Innovative Solutions: I am particularly interested in budget-friendly yet creative and effective design solutions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with gym or commercial space design is a distinct advantage. - A strong portfolio of modern,...
I am seeking a diligent individual to help with a cargo audit. No prior experience is necessary as training will be provided. This task includes taking photos of the cargo, confirming quantities, verifying documents, and overseeing the loading process. Key Requirements: - Fluency in the local language is essential - Attention to detail for documentation - Full availability on the inspection date - Use of a smartphone with a good camera for taking photos - Comfort with using messaging apps for real-time communication The training session, which lasts one hour, will be scheduled for the day before the first task. Performance-based recurring tasks are available.
Need a Training Manual/Guide to look very professional in a native Indesign file. Each Chapter should have same design look and feel, with each section having it's own unique look within each Chapter. Sections in each chapter are: Background, Threats & Errors , and Performance Tools.
I'm seeking an expert in Power Automate for one-on-one online training sessions focused on advanced connectors , expressions and integration with other services. These sessions will be conducted via video calls. Key Requirements: - Deep knowledge of Power Automate, particularly advanced expressions and service integration - Excellent online teaching skills, capable of conducting engaging one-on-one sessions - Strong communication skills to explain complex concepts clearly - Patience and adaptability to cater to individual learning pace and style The ideal trainer will help me gain mastery over these advanced Power Automate topics, enabling me to apply this knowledge in practical scenarios.
...Customized Results: Generate personalized reports with detailed explanations and next steps. Information Hub: Education Pathways: Information on various educational options in Australia (e.g., universities, colleges, vocational training). Migration Policies: Comprehensive information on Australian immigration policies, visa categories, and requirements. Qualification Recognition Processes: Guidance on getting Australian qualifications recognized. FAQ Section: Address common questions and concerns regarding Australian education and migration. Technical Requirements: Responsive Design: Ensure website is fully responsive across all devices (desktops, tablets, and mobile phones). Secure User Authentication System: Implement strong security measures to protect user data (e.g., ...
...be used in a SBIR Phase I application and addresses the business’ sustainability plan Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of global climate innovation experts. Up to 10 winners will be awarded cash prizes of $10,000 each and receive the following additional benefits: A tailored assessment of their readiness to submit a NASA SBIR proposal Admission to a 10-week capability development training designed to strengthen their NASA SBIR Phase I proposal submissions NASA’s Climate Data Sources, Considerations, and Use Cases As a core requirement of this Challenge, participants must incorporate at least one NASA climate-related resource, e.g., climate data, projections, or models, into their business model. This dataset should play a critical role in the develo...
I'm seeking a seasoned Odoo professional for implementing and functional training on multiple modules. The modules include Sales, Inventory, CRM, and Manufacturing. Key Responsibilities: - Deliver comprehensive training sessions on the aforementioned Odoo modules. - Configure and implement as per standard features available. - Assess trainee understanding and provide additional support as necessary. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with Odoo, particularly the Sales, Inventory, CRM, and Manufacturing modules. - Proven track record in implementation and functional training. - Excellent communication and presentation skills. - Ability to customize training to cater for varying levels of understanding.
I'm seeking a modern and vibrant PowerPoint template specifically designed for lecture presentations within a flight paramedic education program. The template should facilitate engaging and informative presentations, and include: - Widescree...Content with caption, Picture with caption - Defaults: Header in Arial 44; Bullets in Arial 32 initial (dot), sub bullets in Arial 28 (hyphen) - Custom graphics/icons relevant to critical care paramedic education - Pre-defined layout slides for consistency and ease of use This project requires a PowerPoint expert with a knack for modern design, who can create a visually appealing and functional template. Experience with educational or training program design will be a significant advantage. Please include examples of simil...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional for one-on-one leadership training with a focus on enhancing my decision-making skills. Key Aspects: - Training will primarily revolve around improving my leadership decision-making capabilities. - Sessions will be conducted in a personalized one-on-one format. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in leadership and decision-making training. - Proven track record in one-on-one coaching. - Excellent communication and teaching skills.
...social media management, and an eagerness to learn design tools like Canva. Key Responsibilities: • Create and post videos: Confident in front of the camera, record videos to be posted across various social media platforms. • Social Media Management: Handle posting and scheduling content across our social media channels. • Content Design (Training Provided): Assist with creating graphics using Canva (training will be provided if needed). • Ad Hoc Tasks: Support with various tasks such as content research, email campaigns, and more. Skills Required: • Confidence on camera for video content creation. • Experience in social media management (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, etc.). • Basic design skills (Canva or si...
...fostering spiritual growth among youth and young adults. This platform will primarily facilitate group discussions and training events. Key Features: - Group Discussions: Users need to be able to join different groups for discussions, based on their interest. - Multimedia Sharing: The platform should allow for the sharing of text-based posts and photos. - Azure Hosting: The code will be hosted in Azure. Future Phases: - Following the completion of the web application, a mobile application will be developed in Phase 2. Please Review: For project requirements and user stories please the attached documents Your Bid Should Address: - Your suggested database architecture/design for this application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ASP.NET or .NET - Expe...
Project Title: Air Ambulance Website Development Project Description: Design and develop a user-friendly and informative website for an air ambulance service. The website will showcase services, provide critical contact information, and build trust with potential clients. Project Objectives: Develop a professional and modern website that reflects the air ambulance service's brand and values. Clearly present the services offered (e.g., medical transport, organ transport, repatriation). Provide accessible contact information and a clear call to action for emergencies. Ensure the website is responsive and optimized for various devices (desktops, tablets, and mobile phones). Include an area for testimonials or success stories to build credibility. Potent...
Project Overview: We are seeking an experienced freelance WordPress developer to transform our website design, currently in Figma, into a fully functional WordPress site. The design comprises approximately 8 pages, emphasizing responsiveness, user experience, and adherence to modern web standards. Key Responsibilities: Convert Figma designs into a responsive WordPress theme, ensuring pixel-perfect accuracy. Develop custom functionalities as specified in the design, including: * Sticky Header * New Visitor Popup * Video/Image Post Sliders (internal & external linking options) * Parallax Slider * Class Post with specified inputs * Event Posts with specified inputs * Leadership & Instructor Popups Ensure cross-browser compatibility and mobile responsiveness acro...
Proyect 1: 1. Implementing a platform for the creation, training, and management of AMCO AI agents is an integrated system designed to streamline the creation, training, monitoring, and deployment of artificial intelligence agents. These agents are programmed to execute specific tasks, such as analyzing data, interacting with users through natural language, predicting behaviors, or automating processes. The platform will enable users, even those without advanced programming knowledge, to develop and manage customized AI agents tailored to their operational needs. 2. Create a first AI agent capable of accessing the cadastral database and resolving queries for AMCO staff PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE: Frontend (User Interface): Streamlit: To create an intuitive interface where user...
Clearly outline the project goals: Preparing ~1,000 PDF pages with images for fine-tuning. Handling image metadata and linking it to text. Formatting content in JSONL for OpenAI fine-tuning. Specify requirements: Experience with OpenAI or similar tools. Familiarity with data preparation for AI training. Knowledge of technical manuals and metadata handling. Mention deliverables: Clean, structured dataset ready for fine-tuning.
...(spare parts, toiletries, cleaning supplies). Purchase order generation and vendor management. Low-stock alerts. 8. Purchase Management Procurement planning and tracking. Vendor database and payment schedules. Budget approvals for purchases. 9. Human Resources (HR) Staff database with roles, responsibilities, and attendance tracking. Payroll management. Performance reviews and feedback. Staff training schedules and certifications. 10. Marketing & Sales Campaign management for promotions and offers. Integration with social media and email marketing platforms. Analytics on campaign performance and ROI. 11. After-Sales Service Loyalty programs for repeat customers. Handling guest queries and complaints. Offering discounts or packages for returning customers. 12. Guest Feedback M...
Digital Marketing Platform for CITB Brands Requirements: We aim to acquire a digital marketing platform that will strengthen CITB’s communication capabilities across our three brands—CITB, Go Construct, and NCC. The solution will provide a multichannel communication tools that allow us to deliver tailored, relevant messages to diverse audiences, including employers, training providers, and individual learners. Essential features include reliable email delivery, audience preference management, automated workflows, survey and form submission capabilities, and real-time tracking of interactions to optimise campaign performance. By capturing and analysing engagement data instantly, the platform will enable us to drive positive communication outcomes, streamline feedback ...
... 8. Develop SOPs for SOS System Objective: Create comprehensive instructions for system use that align with financial and operational goals. Steps to Complete: Process Documentation: Write detailed instructions for each module, incorporating error- reduction metrics and time savings. Financial Metrics: Include cost savings and efficiency gains from automating tasks like order tracking. Training Program: Develop quick-reference guides and video tutorials for onboard staff efficiently. Deliverable: A complete SOS user manual. Timeline Expectation: 4 weeks (collaborating with Klesta/Spencer) ETC: Early February 2025 Timeline Table Action Item Timeline Start Date ETC 1. Process Flows 2-3 weeks 12/27/2024 01/24/2025 2. Inventory Report Month of Jan 2025 01/01/2025 02/03...
I'm seeking a professional and formal profile write-up to enhance my job application prospects. My background as a trainer includes the successful management of over 50 projects, coupled with strong coaching and mentoring skills. This profile should encapsulate my ability to guide and support team members throughout their onboarding process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert in ...coupled with strong coaching and mentoring skills. This profile should encapsulate my ability to guide and support team members throughout their onboarding process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert in crafting professional and formal profiles - Previous experience with job application profiles - Ability to highlight coaching and mentoring skills - Understanding of project management and train...
... 8. Develop SOPs for SOS System Objective: Create comprehensive instructions for system use that align with financial and operational goals. Steps to Complete: Process Documentation: Write detailed instructions for each module, incorporating error- reduction metrics and time savings. Financial Metrics: Include cost savings and efficiency gains from automating tasks like order tracking. Training Program: Develop quick-reference guides and video tutorials for onboard staff efficiently. Deliverable: A complete SOS user manual. Timeline Expectation: 4 weeks (collaborating with Klesta/Spencer) ETC: Early February 2025 Timeline Table Action Item Timeline Start Date ETC 1. Process Flows 2-3 weeks 12/27/2024 01/24/2025 2. Inventory Report Month of Jan 2025 01/01/2025 02/03...
I'm seeking an videographer to cover a training event in Basingstoke. The primary purpose of this shoot is to capture the interactive sessions of the training. The footage will be only be the internal training sessions, so no editing is required. It will involve filming and playback across the day 9am to 4pm, then downloading the final files on 23 Jan.
I'm seeking a skilled AI/ML professional to fine-tune the Llama model to comprehend court resolutions across all types of cases. Key Requirements: - The primary aim is to enable the model to understand key legal points and apply them in novel situations. - Previous experience with training language models on legal data is a plus. - Strong skills in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) are required. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on, and how you can adapt the Llama model to meet these objectives.