Logo design for productprojekty
Hello, I am looking for a graphic designer to create/design the front packaging for a product in the form of a stick/sachet – similar to the Olimp Labs Hydro Stick product, which I have attached. The product is an electrolyte powder. I need three versions of the product front: Using the Saudi Arabian flag as the main theme Using the image of the King of Saudi Arabia as the main theme Using the Saudi Aramco logo as the main theme I don’t have any graphics, so I would like it to be presented in an interesting way. Would you be interested? Please send me a quote. Witam. Poszukuję grafika który wykona/ zaprojektuje front opakowania Produktu w formie sticka/ saszetki - np jak produkt Olimp Labs Hydro Stick któ...
Cześć Natalia, poszukuje copywritera do stworzenia opisu pod nowy produkt na ( po niemiecku). Daj znać proszę czy masz doświadczenie w pisaniu copy produktowego i czy jesteś zainteresowana współpracą. p.s. budżet wbiłem tylko na potrzeby kontaktu. Pozdrawiam, Marcin
Strona z 2-3 kategoriami , w kazdej z kategori po 5-6 produktów , do tego blog , kontakt , galeria
Poszukuję osoby która zainstaluje i uruchomi Fancy Product Designer z Codecanyon.
...currently looking for Product Designer for a project. In short, it is supposed to be "A social platform to keep up to date in a given profession and exchange knowledge between users" I will provide more information after recruitment. Scope: - I estimate that there would be about 60-70 screens - Desktop and mobile version (responsive web design) - In-depth problem analysis - Analysis of prepared and possible functionalities solving the problem - Information architecture - Designing low-fi mockups - Designing Hi-Fi mockups - assistance of programmers during implementation What is made: - Persons - List of initial problems with a description of how the users are currently dealing with the problem - preliminary interviews with users ab...
Hello, I am looking for a person who will make a box for me, add graphics, make necessary corrections, etc. //Witam szukam osoby która wykona dla mnie pudełko ,naniesie grafike , wykona potrzebne poprawki itp .
Proszę zrobić prezentację na temat promocji regionu jako obszaru turystycznego how to promote a region as a tourist product, można wybrać własne miejsce na 5-6 slides. Projekt/prezantacja na przedmiot język angielski, więc może nie być tak poprawna ze strony marketingu lub turystyki.
Product Owner / System Engineer (technologie telekomunikacyjne VoIP) Twoja rola w organizacji: • Działając jako Product Owner / System Engineer pracujesz nad rozwojem nowej rodziny produktów Ambient System dla branży Security (bezpieczeństwo budynkowe); • Analizujesz bieżące trendy branży i zmiany w otoczeniu rynkowym ; • Definiujesz strategię rozwoju produktu w porozumieniu z działem Sales, Technical Support oraz R&D; • Opracowujesz koncepcję i założenia techniczne dla nowych projektów rozwojowych; • Koordynujesz wdrożenia produktu na rynek we współpracy z odpowiednimi działami w organizacji (R&D, Technical Support, Sales); • Współpracujesz z kluczowymi dostawcami oraz klientami firmy; Wymagane kompetencje: &...
Potrzebuję projekt opakowania, a dokładniej kartonowego pudełka gotowego do wydruku. Więcej informacji podam później. Pozdrawiam
Mam oprogramowanie, które musi zostać przetłumaczone na język polski. Tekst oprogramowania jest dostępny w pliku JSON. Liczba słów w pliku wynosi około 13000.
Potrzebujemy osoby, która dokończy konfigurowanie wtyczki i naniesie zmiany w produktach, które maja być dodane do kreatora według wskazówek naszego klienta. Głównie zostało do poprawienia ostylowanie, przygotowanie plików graficznych do produktu, drobne zmiany we ustawieniach wtyczki Fancy Product Designer, szczegóły w załączniku. Proszę o zaproponowanie ceny i czasu realizacji.
poszukuje kogoś kto stworzy dla mnie uniwersalny układ srony produktu w sklepie internetowym wraz z przerobionymi zdjęciami produktu. Powinien być atrakcyjny. Produkt jest podobny do TV, w różnych wielkościach ekranu. Zdjęcia/schematy powinny mieć możliwość dostosowania do różnej wielkości ekranu. 1. Posiadam zdjęcia od producenta 2. Jest możliwość pracy w .css lub bootstrap. Sklep internetowy oparty jest na prestashop. Więcej info na priv.
Cześć, potrzebuję artykułów opisujących produkty zdrowotne/kosmetyczne w języku polskim. Każdy artykuł powinien mieć 1900 słów oraz około 700 słów komentarzy Artykuł powinien być napisany bazując na briefie, który dołączę. (tabela z nagłówkami i dokładną liczbą zwrotów jakie należy użyć w tekscie pod każdym nagłówkiem) Proszę o wysłanie przykładowego artykułu. Mam ich więcej do napisania, także szukam osoby do dłuższej współpracy.
I have product group wich is ( laptop power adapters) that need creative content written / copywriting, headline , slogans, password, avertising and and grapic banners about them. Will give you all inportant informations about this grup. These products are actually sold on sites like amazon, ebay, allegro, online shops and others as well. We need use them in all promotion materials, offers, websites , brochures and leaflets .We need also full property rights. Potrzebujemy kreatywnego przygotowania opisu content written/copyeriting, nagłówku, sloganów, haseł reklamowych i banerów do grupy produktowej którą sa zasilacze do laptów. Przekaże wszsytkie ważne informacje które powinny sie tam znalezc. Produkty sprzedawane sa na platformach han...
Hello, I ask the execution of an online store for products of jewelery, along with a simple and intuitive product configurator (Similar to Lilou. pl ) (configurator should configured the type of material, color, tag / tag / fittings) Additional informationons on priv. Witam, zlecę wykonanie sklepu internetowego dla wyrobów biżuteryjnych , wraz z prostym i intuicyjnym konfiguratorem produktów ( Podobne do lilou . pl ) ( konfigurator ma konfigurować rodzaj materiału , kolor , zawieszkę/zawieszki / łączniki ) Dodatkowe informacje na priv .
Mam kolejne zadania powiązane z naszym poprzednim zleceniem 'product/software name'
Retouch Images....Retouch Images....Retouch Images....Retouch Images.... Retouch Images....Retouch Images....
Dzień dobry, zlecę wykonanie...(layout) wraz z pocięciem do CSS i wdrożeniem na platformie CMS WordPress. Reprezentuję firmę która będzie ostatecznym użytkownikiem tej strony. Ma to być estetyczny, SEO optymalny, product page dla nowo wprowadzanego na rynek produktu sektora premium elektroniki użytkowej. Zgłoszenia od osób bez portfolio składającego się z wdrożonych, aktualnie działających projektów nie będą brane pod uwagę. Hello, I'd like to find a freelancer who will design an ORIGINAL layout, and then implement it on WordPress CMS platform. It's got to be of high aesthetic, SEO optimized design for a product page of a newly introduced product from premium consumer electronic-sector. Freelancers without an on-...
Zlecę zrobienie następujących elementów na sklepie Presta Shop ver. - likwidacja numerów ID z adresów url produktów - naprawienie sortowania postonicowanej listy produktów według ceny w taki sposób aby produkty wyświetlały się w kolejności: te z no...największej/najmniejszej do najmniejszej/największej Za prawidłowo wykonane zadanie płacę 100zł. Budżet za całość: 200zł. ==================== ENGLISH ======================= There are following tasks to do: - removing ID numbers from products SEO urls - fixing sorting of paginated product list that the products will display in this way: 1. sorted list of products with an old price 2. sorted list of products with an new price For each one solved ta...
Zlecę zrobienie następujących elementów na sklepie Presta Shop ver. - likwidacja numerów ID z adresów url produktów - naprawienie sortowania postonicowanej listy produktów według ceny w taki sposób aby produkty wyświetlały się w kolejności: te z no...największej/najmniejszej do najmniejszej/największej Za prawidłowo wykonane zadanie płacę 100zł. Budżet za całość: 200zł. ==================== ENGLISH ======================= There are following tasks to do: - removing ID numbers from products SEO urls - fixing sorting of paginated product list that the products will display in this way: 1. sorted list of products with an old price 2. sorted list of products with an new price For each one solved ta...
Mam zaplanowane kolejne zadania związane z naszym poprzednim zleceniemBarcode based Product Finder'
Potrzebuje pomocy z designen produktow do mojego webshop i robienia roznych banerow praca na pare godzin w miesiacu.
...graficznego) - strona glowna musi zawierac product boxa - strona glowna musi zawierac Image Slider/Carousel aby zaprezentować screeny i korzysci plynace z posiadania produktu (przyklad mysle ze jest idealny) - strona glowna musi miec chwytliwe odwolanie sie do kupna produktu lub próby na 30 dni - caly tekst na stronie musi byc pisany normalna czionka tak aby nie trzeba bylo go wkomponowywać w grafike (menu, guziki itp) - na dole przed stopka albo w stopce (zostawiam wybor grafikowi) dział supported sites podobny do tego na stronie - stopka podobna do tej na stronie (jest prosta i fajna, obejmuje duzo tresci po prawej logo) - strona glowna musi zawierac ladnie prezentujace sie logo - grafika strony musi byc w kolorystyce
Poszukuję osoby, która byłaby w stanie edytować Product Page istniejącego eCommerce zbudowanego na platformie VirtueMart 1.19. Oto link do przykładowego produktu: ;flypage=flypage-ask.tpl&product_id=114&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=57 Niektóre produkty dostępne są w różnych wariantach kolorystycznych, każdy kolor ma inny kod SKU. W chwili obecnej wariacje te wyświetlają się pod Product Info jako Related Products. Rozwiązanie to nie spodobało się właścicielce strony. Oczekuje czegoś działającego na tej zasadzie: ;cid=12708&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Raspberry Zależy mi na szybkim
Szukam osoby do stałej współpracy lub stałej pracy do nowotworzonego serwisu internetowego. Zadania takiej osoby byłyby zbliżone do tych dla product managera lub marketingowca: - wymyslanie konkursow, wirali (marketing wirusowy) i innych akcji specjalnych a nastepnie koordynacja ich realizacji z grafikiem itp., - SEO długi ogon, - analiza statystyk i odpowednie reakcje - analiza przeplywu ruchu na stronie, jego gubienia i dyspozycje zmierzające do optymalizowania flow serwisu, - redagowanie newslettera, - obsluga facebook (lub koordynacja obslugi facebook przez pozyskane osoby wspolpracujace) - obsluga forow internetowych (lub koordynacja obslugi przez pozyskane osoby wspolpracujace) - PR (public relations) - relacje z mediami, - nawiazywanie wspolpracy partner...
wiec sprawa jest tego typu zlece dodanie more pics, i product extra fields . skrypt byl modernizowany zaraz podam co bylo dodane ocs Thumb, similar Produsts, tiny mce ,
...Language) – Only the Best Need Apply We’re looking for an elite VSL Video Editor who is willing to edit in German. If you don’t live and breathe video editing, don’t bother applying. We don’t hire average. We hire the top 1%. If you’re not constantly pushing for better, this isn’t for you. Who We’re Looking For: A highly motivated, fast-working video editor who thrives in a high-performance environment. Someone who can take script, voiceover, and product footage and turn it into engaging, fast-paced content that grabs attention immediately. A creative mind that knows how to source high-quality B-roll and enhance the base edit with effects, audio design, and innovative storytelling. Someone who is...
Project Description: I am looking for a designer to create a logo that represents an insulated panel factory. The factory name is ZAIN. The logo should reflect the key product features, including thermal insulation, lightweight properties, and environmental sustainability, while incorporating the following design elements: Colors: • Blue (represents cooling) • Red (represents heat insulation) • Green (symbolizes environmental sustainability) • Additional colors representing construction, as deemed suitable by the designer, such as white or gray Symbols & Design: • A geometric design representing insulated panels, such as houses with overlapping rectangular panels • A symbol for thermal insulation, su...
...Angular, Java, Kafka, and MySQL, and is designed for mobile with Capacitor. Key Responsibilities: - Backend development (Java, Kafka, MySQL) - Frontend development (Angular) - Mobile app development (Capacitor) Ideal Skills: - Excellent English communication - Proactive to support and learn - Timely reporting timesheets - Availability on slack through the day - Flexible to work at own times - From 20 to 40 hours per month - Proficiency in Angular for frontend development - Extensive experience in Java, Kafka, and MySQL for backend development - Knowledge of Capacitor for mobile app development - Full stack development experience This is a startup project with flexible hours and a promise of a lot of work hours per month. I am looking for a freelan...
I'm in need of a seasoned LinkedIn Ads specialist to enhance my campaign manager's effective...specialist to enhance my campaign manager's effectiveness, focusing primarily on retargeting. The objective is to drive conversions on my website, specifically product purchases of my digital offerings. Key responsibilities: - Design and implement a comprehensive LinkedIn Ads campaign aimed at boosting website conversions. - Employ strategic retargeting techniques to reach potential customers who have previously interacted with my brand. Ideal candidate: - Extensive experience with LinkedIn Ads and Campaign Manager. - Proven track record of driving website conversions, specifically product purchases. - Strong understanding of digital product marketing....
I need a captivating half-page flyer, designed for both the front and back, to promote the launch of a new industrial product. The target audience for this piece will be industry professionals, so the design and language should be suitably technical and professional. Key Responsibilities: - Design a half-page flyer (front & back) for a new industrial product. - Use industry-appropriate language and design to appeal to professionals in the field. - Ensure the flyer promotes the product effectively. The ideal candidate for this project would have a strong background in graphic design, coupled with an understanding of industrial manufacturing and the accompanying terminology. Experience designing promotional ma...
This I reckon is a quick job and can take 30 min or 1hr or 2hrs to resolve, depending on your expertise. This is an ecommerce website that I have launched about 6 months ago. Unfortunately, it has ZERO impression in Google webmaster in the last 3 months or so, despite more than 4000 pages indexed. (1) The most pending problem right now is that I started adding blog posts but they are not showing when I tried to view them, there are only 4 blog posts, and the page is just not loading and returning a 524 error when I tried to view the page. I guess this may be a technical issue. (2) Secondly, despite zero traffic, I am constantly getting CPU resources limit reached. This task requires you to fix the blog post that are not loading, and but not necessarily issue with CPU, if you can give a...
I'm seeking assistance with adding products into me webshop (Shopify), which requires the integration of approximately 100,000 products from a various a different set of spreadsheets. The task involves translating all product information from English to Danish, converting prices from USD/EUR to Danish standards, and doing various small calculations as incorporating VAT and custom profit margin calculations. Key Tasks: - Translate all product information (SKU, Product name, price, image name, Manufacturer, etc.) from English to Danish using any suitable AI translation tool. - Delivery in a .xlxs spreadsheet which I can use to upload to Shopify. - Convert format and pricing from USD/EUR to Danish and e.g., changing 10.00 to 10,00 to be able to calculate prices co...
I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my dropshipping store, The Charger Shop. The logo should be catchy and incorporate an animated image of a wireless phone charger. The color scheme should be Orange, Black, and White. Key Requirements: - The logo must feature the name 'The Charger Shop' - It should creatively integrate an animated image of a wireless phone charger - Use of geometric shapes, icons, or symbols alongside the slogan or tagline is preferable - The overall style should be modern and sleek This logo will primarily be used for my website header and social media profiles, with potential use on product packaging. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in graphic design, mainly logo creat...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to help find high-profit, high-demand, low-competition electronics products for my WooCommerce drop-shipping store. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and source suitable electronics products. - Ensure products meet the specified criteria: high profit margin, high demand, and low competition. - Provide insights on potential market trends and product performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product sourcing for drop-shipping, particularly in the electronics sector. - Strong analytical skills to assess product viability. - Familiarity with WooCommerce platform. - Excellent research skills to identify market trends and low-competition products. I value quality work and timely delivery. Your e...
...cleaning product brand focused on sustainability, zero waste, and high-performance cleaning solutions for households and businesses. Our products include: ✅ Laundry detergent sheets (60 to 80 per pack) ✅ Dishwasher tablets ✅ Dishwashing liquid ✅ Glass cleaner (refillable bottle with tablets) ✅ Kitchen cleaner (refillable bottle with tablets) ✅ Bathroom cleaner (refillable bottle with tablets) ✅ Floor cleaner (refillable bottle with tablets) Similar to or We need a branding and web development expert to create a professional, modern, and environmentally conscious brand identity and a fully functional e-commerce website. Key Features Required ✔ Complete branding (logo, color palette, typography, and brand identity) ✔ Dual branding: One for private
I’m looking for a detail-oriented and creative Virtual Assistant to help manage my collection of digital products across multiple niches. These products are already created; your role will be to organize, package, and distribute them across my platforms, including my website (), TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. This position is perfect for someone who is self-motivated, takes initiative, and can work with little direction to strategize and execute content distribution effectively. Responsibilities: ✅ Organize and categorize digital products based on niche. ✅ Create engaging product listings and descriptions for upload. ✅ Develop ideas for packaging digital products into bundles or themed collections. ✅ Upload and manage digital product lis...
...specifically focusing on product listing and cataloging as well as account performance and reporting. Key Responsibilities: - Product Listing and Cataloging: - Writing compelling product descriptions - Optimizing product images for better visibility and appeal - Managing product categorization for ease of navigation - Account Performance and Reporting: - Conducting thorough sales analysis to assess performance - Analyzing customer feedback to improve service and product offerings - Tracking inventory to maintain optimal stock levels Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Myntra or similar e-commerce platforms - Excellent writing skills for product description - Proficiency in image edit...
I'm looking for a talented content writer who can help me with writing product descriptions for our clothing line. The ideal freelancer for this job should have: - Excellent grasp of English language - Experience in writing engaging and persuasive product descriptions - Understanding of fashion industry and trends - Ability to adhere to brand voice and guidelines Your task will be to create compelling descriptions that not only inform but also entice our customers to make a purchase.
I'm looking for a creative designer to design a packet for my company's 1Kg ice cubes. The design should be captivating and can fall under any style - modern, traditional, or minimalist. Key Requirements: - The packet design must prominently feature my brand name and logo. - The design should be within a budget of 500 to 1000 rupees. Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in product packaging design is highly desirable. - Strong graphic design skills. - Understanding of brand-centric design.
===>>> BUDGET $10 <<<=== ===>>> BUDGET $10 <<<=== Modify Product Page's width as seen in attached below. Product page width design SHOULD NOT change Homepage, Category, Blog or other pages widths, header and footer.
I'm looking for an expert in Photopea who can teach me how to create product mockups for Etsy, specifically for print-on-demand posters. The goal is to leverage these skills to enhance my Etsy shop's visual appeal and ultimately boost sales. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Photopea - Proven track record in creating product mockups, particularly for print-on-demand posters - Experience with Etsy's platform and understanding of its visual and market demands - Excellent teaching skills, able to break down complex processes into manageable steps - Strong understanding of design principles to create attractive and effective mockups
I'm seeking a reliable manufacturer or supplier to produce high-quality versions of my product mockups for my brand, Nueva Luna Creations. The product line includes a canvas tote bag, a keychain crafted from zinc alloy with enamel, and a backpack made from oxford fabric. All these items should be suitable as promotional items and feature durable materials with excellent print or engraving quality. Key Requirements: - Production of a canvas tote bag using sublimation printing - Manufacturing of a keychain through die casting of zinc alloy with enamel - Creation of a backpack via sublimation printing - Small-batch or larger run production options available Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating promotional items - Expertise in using the s...
I'm in need of a mobile application with features akin to Amazon and Talabat. The app is intended for both services & retail product after sale, delivery services. The size of the project big as Amazon application and Talabat Key Features: - The application needs to offer a wide range of retail products and food delivery services. - It must include user authentication features via email and password. - The app should support Credit/Debit card payments exclusively. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile app development (both iOS and Android). - Prior experience in developing e-commerce and food delivery apps. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles for creating user-friendly interfaces. - Knowledge of secure payment integration mechanisms.
I am in need of a skilled Product Design Engineer to help design physical components for a purifier. This includes aspects such as the housing, tanks, and filtration units. Key Responsibilities: - Utilising AutoCAD to create 3D models and technical drawings - Selecting appropriate materials, primarily food-grade plastics, based on durability and cost - Adhering to specific size specifications throughout the design process The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with AutoCAD, a strong understanding of material science, and a proven track record in prototyping. It is crucial to have the ability to design within specific size constraints.
I'm seeking an experienced web scraper to extract product information from various e-commerce websites. The specific data points I need are: - Product names and prices - Product descriptions - All product images - Technical Specifications Ideal candidates will have a strong background in web scraping, particularly from e-commerce platforms. Proficiency in data organization and analysis will be highly advantageous. Prior experience in handling large datasets is preferred. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
I'm seeking a modern and clean logo for my honey company. The design should incorporate bee imagery, reflecting the source of our product, while maintaining a sleek and minimalist aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating modern and clean logo designs - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong understanding of incorporating imagery into logo design Color Scheme: - The primary color for the logo should be black. Included a black silhoutte of a bee i have used previously. I love the ease in working with it, but would like some personalization to it. Can you take the silhouette and make it Swamp Honey ? Also including an image i use currently. I like it but its too complicated to work with.