Lesson plans writing intermediateprojekty
...HTML5; ASP; mySQL; SQL; XML and DHTML; -advanced knowledge of PHP and JavaScript; -advanced use of Adobe Photoshop to enable image manipulation and website build from PSD layers; -very communicative, quick and precise, well organised; -competitive and loyal, flexible as to the working hours; -open for new challenges, keeping distance and resistant to stress situations; -English speaking and writing (German language will be an advantage); -very communicative and flexible skills as to the working time; -minimum 3 years experience in Web designing, references and proofs required; -ability to relocate temporary to Austria. We offer: a training and good possibilities to the future; an interesting job in the international environment; attractive payment conditions. Persons ...
Witam, Potrzebuję rozbudować PHP o własną funkcję. Mam gotową (działającą) funkcję xyz() napisaną w C i chcę abym w PHP dostał nową funkcję xyz() doładowywaną jako moduł PHP. Nie chodzi o przepisanie funkcji na PHP, bo właśnie przepisałem ją z PHP na C, bo była zbyt wolna. Jeżeli nie wiesz nic o extension writing dla PHP, to daruj sobie zlecenie. Możliwość dalszej współpracy.
Przedmiotem aukcji jest po...się też po kliknięciu w menu po prawej stronie, odpowiednio: reklama: strona główna statystyki strony ;op=sitestats regulamin ;op=terms plany i taryfy ;op=plans logowanie klienta ;op=client ;redirect= Zlecenie dotyczy poprawy tylko kilku url, a nie wszystkich w całym serwisie. W 80% url są już poprawione! To co jest do poprawki dokładnie opisałem w aukcji.
...compensation: $2,000 (USD) monthly for a start, $3,000 after the trial period, $4,000 for proven team members * Opportunity to learn from the best: we know how to build internet software that scales, and we know what to build so that users love it * Flexibility and independence: you work from home when you want and how you want - we evaluate you based on your output We expect: * Experience writing web applications * Willingness and ability to learn quickly * High motivation and ability to work effectively without supervision * Understanding of scalability challenges * Reasonable English skills (we're not native English speakers, but we communicate in English) * Basic understanding of Facebook application platform Technologies we use most frequently: * Rail...
...<fstream> using namespace std; #include "" // przykladowy komentarz ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, Kstel& k) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<; i++) { o << *([i]) << endl; } return o; } void Kstel::save(const char * fname) { ofstream f(fname); if (!f.is_open()) { cerr << "Error writing " << fname << endl; return; } for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++) { if (tab[i] != NULL) f << tab[i]->getName() << " " << tab[i]->getNrTel() << endl; } } void Kstel::load(const char *fname) { ifstream f(fname); if (!f.is_open()) { cerr << "Error reading " << fname <<
Demurez Cover Arts () is a new picture agency specialised on images for book covers. We are located in Vienna and plan to open a second office in Krakow soon. We are seeking a Freelancer for Keywording for 20-30 hours/week You will keyword our images through the internert. You are free to choose your working place and working time. The right candidate should have: - Good writing skills in English & German - Quick & reliable internet connection at your working place - Interest in art and a good imagination skills - You live in or close to Krakow - You can issue an invoice Please send your application with CV & photo via email to info@ricardodemurez.com.
Zlecę tłumaczenie około 10 tekstów z ang na polski o tematyce powiązanej z architekturą ogrodową. W tekstach będzie sporo technicznych zwrotów. Przykładowy tekst - Proszę o cenę za 1000 znaków.
Witam, mam problem z doborem hostingu do strony hostingu zdjęć bez limitu. Dlatego mam kilka firm które pr...który umożliwi uruchomienie takiej strony i czy może być instalowany hosting zdjęć ze względu na wykorzystywaną dużą powierzchnię dyskową. Myślę tylko i wyłącznie o Planie hostingowym. Czekam na oferty
Zlecę wykonanie dwóch modyfikacji pluginu WP e-Commerce: Potrzebuję dwóch funkcji: 1. Wybór formy wysyłki (przez dropdown lub radiobuttony) na podstawie...podsumowania (Checkout) przed zsumowaniem należnej kwoty (koszt wysyłki ma być wliczony do sumy). 2. Płatność poprzez - napisanie bramki na podstawie bramek istniejących (najbliższa wydaje się być bramka Paypal Express Checkout) oraz na podstawie dokumentacji: a) : b) pluginu: Posiadam konto w , które może zostać w razie potrzeby wykorzystane do testów. Faktura VAT mile widziana, ale nie niezbędna. W razie pytań zapraszam.
Zapraszam chętne osoby do poprawienia błędu: Warning: imagejpeg() []: Unable to open './galeria/mini/phpcmnq8D' for writing: Permission denied in /home/megaaukc/domains/ on line 188 oraz jeszcze 1 który powiem zainteresowanemu. Zapraszam do kontaktu gg 3246270, kto pierwszy ten lepszy. prosze o podanie ceny za wykonanie.
Do wykonania wtyczka do popu...odtwarzania, filmu zostanie on przeniesiony na pobrany wcześniej z adserwera URL. Oczywiście ma czas odtwarzania filmu reklamowego zostają wyłączone elementy odtwarzacza pozwalające ominąć film reklamowy. Uwagi: 1. Funkcjami odtwarzacza można zarządzać z wbudowanego API odtwarzacza, podobnie jest z playlistami. 2. Dokumentacja pisania wtyczek: 3. Przykłady wtyczek do emisji reklamy dla innych sieci reklamowych: - kolumna "Advertising networks" 4. API: Wszelką korespondencję proszę kierować na adres "wroclaw [zwierzę z bananem] ".
...confidential consideration to this position, please send your resume directly to Husar3000@yahoo.com. The right person will have proven experience in Web Development and Project Management. The role requires strong communication, organizational and project-management skills, and knowledge of the various phases of online e-commerce, website and marketing content development and production (copy writing, Web site design, interaction design, front end technologies and implementation). The ability to simultaneously manage multiple complex projects with critical deadlines and material risks is essential. Detailed knowledge of online, content development and e commerce (including a strong working knowledge of iterative Web design processes, a understanding of front-end technologies, a...
We are looking for young hard-working, honest, ambitious people who want to gain experience by realizations on Internet. A very good knowledge of English is required. Editorial and researching information, writing thematic texts, we are also looking for web-masters, programmers and animators. If you are interested in this adventure, please send brief information about yourself, Info including interest, the argument of your skills and how you would contribute to this business. We do not accept CV! Contact studio@
We are looking for young hard-working, honest, ambitious people who want to gain experience by realizations on Internet. A very good knowledge of English is required, including an ability to write precise information, whilst having a knowledge and analysis of global markets, particularly the BRIC. Editorial and researching information, writing thematic texts, we are also looking for web-masters, programmers and animators. If you are interested in this adventure, please send brief information about yourself, including interest, the argument of your skills and how you would contribute to this business, via e-mail address; produkcja@
Drodzy Państwo! Poszukuję dwóch _kreatywnych_ i _inteligentnych_ osób o bardzo dobrej znajomości angielskiego (i z odpowiednimi writing skills), którym chciałbym zlecić napisanie _dobrej jakości_ tekstów. Będą to: - około 30 artykułów o długości 4500-6000 znaków bez spacji - 70 postów blogowych długości 2500-3000 zbs - 65 _opisowych_ przepisów kulinarnych na różne dania (z góry narzucone), długość 2500-3000 zbs. (wszystko do podziału na dwie osoby; proszę __OFEROWAĆ CENĘ ZA POŁOWĘ__ powyższej ilości) Notki blogowe będą proste i bardzo łatwe do napisania. Artykuły będą od Państwa wymagały nieco większego nakładu pracy, trzeba będzie zapewne dokonać pewnego researchu w internecie... Niemniej jednak biorą...
Witam serdecznie, poszukuję pilnie osoby, która mi tanio napiszę wypracowanie na dany temat (temat podaje po kontakcie mailowym). Poziom zaawansowania "pre intermediate". Ilość: strona A4 czcionka 12pt.
Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczącego portalu piszącego eseje. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła custom essay, term paper, research paper, writing service
Witam Zlecenie polega na wyszukaniu w internecie lub udostępnieniu z własnych zbiorów testów pochodzących z tej książki: "Język angielski Advance intermediate. Przewodnik metodyczny i scenariusze lekcji z płytą CD-ROM" a dokładniej z płyty, która jest w zestawie. W razie pytań proszę o kontakt poprzez formularz kontaktowy. Może znajomy anglista posiada?:)
Witam, poszukuje solidnego freelancera lub firmy do stworzenia strony internetowej. Wymagana duza dbalosc o detale i najwyzszy standard kodu php/mysl, oraz html/css zoptymalizowany pod SEO. Wymagane takze doswiadczenie w tworzeniu CMSow (Control Panel), doswiadczenie z platnosciami online (a...• Creating New Categories and Subcategories • Maintaining Banners displayed on the website • Maintaining Designers' Accounts 2. Users Area: • Simple and Advance Search Feature • Interactive Map (find designer by zip code) • Creation of Account which will allow for example manage email alerts 3. Designer Area: • Payment Plans - payment OnLine ( and paypal) • Creation and Maintaining the profi...
Witam Jak w temacie. Szukam osoby do wykonania intro strony. Kllimatem i dynamiką jak: z wjazdem logo jak: "Scenariusz" 1. wjazd logo + 2-3 teksty 2. pozniej kilkanaście sekund z "wchodzącymi" layoutami www, każdy bedzie sie skladal z kolejnych warstw podobnie jak w pierszym linku. całość ok 30 sek Wszystko w klimacie świateł itp jak w podanych linkach. Wizualizacje kolejnych etapów i części layoutów przygotuje wybranej osobie. Na wszystkie pytania chętnie odpowiem. Prosze o przesłanie wstepnej wyceny i portfolio. Pozdrawiam
1) 5 videos add a text clip 2) rip 15 vids all you do is add the a caption and upload to a site I give you. 3) 1 general professional header using the logo below....for 3 other websites headers will be the same just need text change on each.... 4) design a lo...you with full details on what to do. I'm looking for someone who would be interested to work longterm with me and is sick of working several different projects at once and doesn't want to deal with the frustrations of having to deal with different people every time and who may be interested in getting a lumpsum of the profits for several projects that I have going on that all have marketing plans and proven hungry buying markets. I'm looking for quality work and not a rush job! Something who can wor...
...magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include your l...
...magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include...
...profilu innych użytkowników(inni użytkownicy mogą zarządzać komentarzami, jakie otrzymują{nie podoba Ci się czyjś komentarz na Twój temat, możesz go usunąć Użytkownikowi nie wolno zmieniać, usuwać etc elementów profilu lub plików wrzuconych przez innych użytkowników. Portal powinien mieć kilka zakładek; tak jak Zakładki powinny się nazywać: my music, my video, my graphic, my writing(w pierwszym etapie uruchamiamy tylko zakładkę my music, później rozszerzamy o kolejne) Wyszukiwarka ludzi: Wg. płci, wieku, tego czy ma swoją muzykę, czy nie, ze względu na zdjęcie itp. Kolejna zakładka portalu to część informacyjna my events tam będziemy pisać o wszystkich wydarzeniach, o których będziemy chcieli napisać Strona gł&o...
...Signup for different plans that you configure and host their images + Make, Edit and Delete folders to store images + Move images from from folder to folder + Upload JPG, GIF, PNG image files + Change Image quality settings + Resize images on upload + Create image PORTFOLIOS (photo albums) + Create image SLIDESHOWS + Create AUCTION GALLERIES + Upgrade their plan at any time + Cancel their plan at any time + Change their account settings such as password and email + View a demo account to try it out before they signup ewentulanie (+) integracja z jakims prostym modulem sklepowym lub przez (rynek TYLKO POLSKI) Strona administratora: + Configure each plan by price, bandwidth, space, features and more. + Add, edit and delete new plans. + A...
...overall effectiveness. In addition, I am well-versed in formatting documents for both print and eBooks on D2D. As an Article Writer, I’m highly skilled in SEO-optimized content and have a deep understanding of on-page and off-page SEO strategies. Thanks to thorough research and high-quality writing, my articles engage readers and rank well in search engines. I’m also proficient in Canva and Hootsuite, creating compelling social media posts that resonate with target audiences. In addition to my writing expertise, I offer video editing and creation as a secondary skill, allowing clients to develop content from script to screen. My experience spans editing explainer videos, social media content, and ads, allowing for a seamless process that strengthens your bran...
...your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all my offerings don't perfectly fit your requirements, I'm happy to discuss and create a personalized quote just for you. Let’s chat! OFFER: Book NOW for a FREE website audit where I’ll provide suggestions for improvement that can elevate your website from good to great. A highly-rated, experienced co...
I'm in need of a talented Marathi content writer who can create engaging social media content for promotional and marketing purposes. Key Requirements: - Crafting of professional themed content in Marathi - Tailoring content for various social media plat...and marketing purposes. Key Requirements: - Crafting of professional themed content in Marathi - Tailoring content for various social media platforms - Ability to create engaging, promotional and marketing focused posts - Understanding of social media trends and how to leverage them for brand visibility Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Marathi, with excellent writing skills - Prior experience in content writing for social media - Understanding of promotional and marketing strategies - Ability to write ...
I will write you a complete and comprehensive draft of your academic thesis.
I'm in need of a content writer with a formal and professional tone. The main objective of the content is to educate or inform readers. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Ability to write in a formal and professional tone - Experience in creating educational content - Strong research skills to ensure accuracy and credibility Skills Required: - Copywriting - Technical Writing - Ghostwriting - Article Writing - Content Writing I am open to various topics, so a broad knowledge base is a plus. The content will cover different subjects aimed at the general public, industry professionals, and students or learners. I am looking for someone who can create high-quality, informative articles, blog posts, a...
...Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content creation. Excellent command of English grammar, punctuation, and style. Ability to rewrite content effectively while maintaining accuracy and originality. Strong research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Appro...
Hi! I need someone skilled in C++ and familiar with Unix/Linux environments to help build a few command-line utilities. These tools replicate ba...command-line utilities. These tools replicate basic Unix commands like reading files, searching text, and compressing/decompressing data. You'll need experience with system calls like open(), read(), write(), and close(). Tasks include writing clean, efficient code and testing to ensure everything works as expected. If you're great with C++ and love working with system-level programming, let's chat! Skills Required: Proficient in C++ Strong understanding of Unix/Linux system programming Familiarity with POSIX system calls Debugging and problem-solving Writing and executing test cases Version control using Git Look...
I'm in need of a marketing professional who can boost the visibility of my brand. The job will involve creating and enhancing content from images I provide, using advanced editing tools. You'll be responsible for: - Crafting digitally enhanced photos and special effects videos for our brand - Designing adverts for social media and Google Ads - Using SEO strategies to promote the brand online - Writing SEO-focused blog posts and creating a Wikipedia page for the brand Daily posting across all platforms is expected, with weekly reports detailing progress and success metrics. The ideal candidate should have skills and experience in: - Advanced photo and video editing - Creating visually appealing and engaging content - SEO and digital marketing - Content creation for blo...
...Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content creation. Excellent command of English grammar, punctuation, and style. Ability to rewrite content effectively while maintaining accuracy and originality. Strong research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Appro...
I'm looking for a Hindi content writer specializing in creating formal and informative blog posts about travel and schemes. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in Hindi content writing, particularly blog posts. - In-depth knowledge or interest in travel and various schemes. - Ability to write in a formal and informative tone. - Excellent understanding of Hindi grammar, punctuation, and style. - SEO knowledge will be an added advantage. Please provide samples of your previous work in Hindi.
I'm looking for a talented content writer with a strong understanding of technology and AI, to craft engaging and informative 60-second scripts for my Instagram Reels...writer with a strong understanding of technology and AI, to craft engaging and informative 60-second scripts for my Instagram Reels and Shorts. The scripts should be designed to educate and inform the audience about various tech AI topics in a clear and concise manner. Key Responsibilities: - Writing engaging, informative, and educational 60-second scripts focused on technology - Narrating the scripts with clear, confident, and engaging voice Ideal Skills: - Strong content writing skills / prompt writing skill - Deep understanding and passion for technology - Experience with Instagram reels and ...
...Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content creation. Excellent command of English grammar, punctuation, and style. Ability to rewrite content effectively while maintaining accuracy and originality. Strong research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Appro...
I have an experimental research paper focused on Artificial Intelligence within the broader Science and Technology field that I'm looking to get published. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with publishing research papers, particularly in the field of Science and Technology an...research paper focused on Artificial Intelligence within the broader Science and Technology field that I'm looking to get published. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with publishing research papers, particularly in the field of Science and Technology and more specifically, Artificial Intelligence. - Strong understanding of experimental methodologies. - Excellent writing and editing skills to ensure the paper meets the high standards requi...
...a deep understanding of the fashion industry and experience in writing guest blogging and outreach. The primary objective of this project is to increase website traffic and get high quality links through strategic guest posts on niche-topic fashion blogs. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and targeting high-quality, niche-topic fashion blogs for guest post opportunities and write and post. - Crafting compelling, engaging, and relevant guest posts that align with the target blog's audience. - Building and maintaining relationships with blog owners and editors for future collaboration. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in guest blogging and blog outreach, particularly in the fashion niche. - Exceptional writing and communication skills. - Strong und...
The format we gave you genarate document (look attached file below) in the same format, give promt to AI to make our new document in which we need to develop a new website. AI generates content but in the same format. Key Requirements: - The AI should generate textual content specifically for the Product/S...generates content but in the same format. Key Requirements: - The AI should generate textual content specifically for the Product/Service descriptions section of the website. - The tone of the content should be formal, suitable for a professional audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in using AI tools for content generation. - Excellent understanding of formal tone and style in writing. - Experience in web content creation, especia...
Key: Include the word "Pristine" at the start of your response so we know you've read the full post. Looking for a skilled video editor to create high-quality 10-15 second Google ads for our laundry service startup. We're in growth mode and seeking VC funding, with plans for multiple campaigns. Please review both reference videos below before applying: Reference Video (Professional Quality Target): Our Current Version: Requirements: - Must be able to match the professional quality transitions and animations shown in the first reference video - Experience with short-form video ads (10-15 seconds) - Professional editing and motion graphics skills - Available for ongoing hourly work as we scale
I'm looking for a seasoned writer with a strong grasp on technology and a professional writing style to pen 60 blogs a month, each around 1000 words. Key Requirements: - In-depth understanding of the technology sector, especially in areas like Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Gadgets and Reviews - Exceptional content writing skills to create engaging and informative pieces - Proficiency in SEO to ensure the blogs reach a wider audience - Capability to convert images and data into infographics for blog inclusion - Experience in data entry and assignment writing Your writing should always maintain a professional and formal tone. Please provide samples of your previous work in the technology field.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a T2P game for Telegram. Your tasks will include coding the game and integrating it with the Telegram API. Key Responsibilities: - Game Coding: You'll be responsible for writing the code that brings the game to life. - Integration with Telegram API: A crucial part of this job is seamlessly integrating the game with the Telegram API to ensure smooth functionality on the platform. Game Features: The game should include in-game purchases and leaderboards. Your ability to design and implement these features will be key. Primary Platform: The game is designed exclusively for Telegram, so experience with Telegram development is a significant advantage. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in game coding - Experience with integrating gam...
I need a skilled professional for thesis writing, specifically for chapter 2 (Literature Review) and chapter 3 (Methodology). - Chapter 2 should cover various aspects of e-wallet usage and its impact on millennials in Selangor, Malaysia. Here are some potential research objectives for studying identify the relationship e- wallet use and continuous intention among millennial’s : The specific objectives are: 1) To identify perceived usefulness and perceived ease of us of e-wallets among millennials. 2) To identify the role of use trust. 3) What is the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of us and continuous intention. - Chapter 3 should be written with a focus on a Quantitative research methodology. Of survey by 399 participant from 1 million millenials ...
I need a skilled professional for thesis writing, specifically for chapter 2 (Literature Review) and chapter 3 (Methodology). - Chapter 2 should cover various aspects of e-wallet usage and its impact on millennials in Selangor, Malaysia. Here are some potential research objectives for studying identify the relationship e- wallet use and continuous intention among millennial’s : The specific objectives are: 1) To identify perceived usefulness and perceived ease of us of e-wallets among millennials. 2) To identify the role of use trust. 3) What is the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of us and continuous intention. - Chapter 3 should be written with a focus on a Quantitative research methodology. Of survey by 399 participant from 1 million millenials ...
...Responsibilities Data Ingestion Schedule Python scripts using AWS Lambda to fetch data from APIs. Handle API rate limits, errors, and retry mechanisms. Store raw data temporarily in Amazon S3. Data Parsing Clean and structure raw data for further processing. Ensure data validity and store parsed data in S3. Data Transformation Enrich and reshape parsed data for analysis or database upload. Store intermediate results in S3 for staging. Data Upload to SQL Database Save transformed data into Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL/MySQL) with optimized database inserts. Ensure data integrity and performance. Data Analysis and SQL Transformations Execute SQL procedures and queries in RDS for additional analysis and derived insights. Store final results in the database for website access. RESTful...
...Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content creation. Excellent command of English grammar, punctuation, and style. Ability to rewrite content effectively while maintaining accuracy and originality. Strong research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Appro...
...the marketing team to develop content strategies and align with overall business goals. - Optimize content for search engines to improve organic search rankings and drive traffic. - Edit and proofread content to ensure it is free from errors and adheres to our brand guidelines. Requirements: - Proven experience as a content writer, preferably with a focus on blog posts and reviews. - Excellent writing, editing, and proofreading skills with a keen eye for detail. - Strong understanding of SEO principles and best practices. - Ability to conduct thorough research and present information in a clear and engaging manner. - Familiarity with online courses and the e-learning industry is a plus. - Ability to meet deadlines and work independently or as part of a team. Preferred Qualifica...
...the marketing team to develop content strategies and align with overall business goals. - Optimize content for search engines to improve organic search rankings and drive traffic. - Edit and proofread content to ensure it is free from errors and adheres to our brand guidelines. Requirements: - Proven experience as a content writer, preferably with a focus on blog posts and reviews. - Excellent writing, editing, and proofreading skills with a keen eye for detail. - Strong understanding of SEO principles and best practices. - Ability to conduct thorough research and present information in a clear and engaging manner. - Familiarity with online courses and the e-learning industry is a plus. - Ability to meet deadlines and work independently or as part of a team. Preferred Qualifica...
I'm looking for a professional writer to create 60 blogs per month on various topics related to technology, digital marketing, software development, an...development, and image conversion. This is a long-term project, so only genuine writers committed to delivering high-quality, AI-free content will be considered. Each blog should be accompanied by relevant images and infographics. Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of the English language - Ability to write in a formal and professional tone - Experience in the mentioned fields Responsibilities: - Writing 60 blogs per month - Researching and incorporating a mix of provided and self-researched keywords - Sourcing and including relevant images and infographics Please note, I'm looking for a writer who can deliver without ...