Less sass scss work argentinaprojekty
...chciał(a) :) Dostarczone Ci zostanie bardzo wiele elementów identyfikacji wizualnej naszej firmy oraz poprzednich projektów - do wykorzystania, modyfikacji, rozbudowy, inspiracji itd. Wymagania: - bardzo dobra znajomość Photoshopa - znajomość HTML/CSS w zakresie pozwalającym na prostą edycję stron i przygotowywanie newsletterów - samodzielność i logiczne myślenie :) - kierowanie się zasadą "less is more" i zmysł graficzny w tym kierunku - bardzo nie lubię nas****** (przeładowanych) projektów - co do kwestii redagowania treści - nie musisz być zawodowym copywrighterem, wystarczy żebyś pisał rzeczowo i sensownie, czasem z lekkim polotem oraz co najważniejsze - znał na wylot podstawowe zasady ortografii i interpunkcji Zasady współprac...
...przez siebie rozwiązań, jednocześnie potrafi je trafnie uargumentować. Jeśli zamiast męczenia się w maszynkach do tłuczenia kodu (czyt. polskie software house'y) bardziej cenisz atmosferę startupów to właśnie znalazłeś swoje miejsce. Konkretne wymagania: - Im więcej doświadczenia tym lepiej, min. 2 lata - JS, HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3, AJAX, jQuery w małym palcu ... plus jeśli zaskoczysz nasz używając LESS lub Saas - Twoje projekty muszą być zgodne ze standardami W3C, musisz też wiedzieć co to WCAG oraz potrafić dostarczyć taki interfejs, który działa u wszystkich i na wszystkich (sensownych) przeglądarkach... nie tylko u Ciebie - Praca z systemem wersjonowania GIT oraz praca zgodna z metodyką Agile będzie kolejnymi plusami - Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielski...
...podstron (jeden widok przedstawia dodatkowo komunikaty bledow formularza): Kilka wytycznych: - arkusze styli w sass - - kod zwalidowany, czysty, semantyczny - poprawne wyswietlanie pod wszystkimi przegladarkami - formularze z projektu- defaultowe- systemowe - w widokach gdzie pojawia sie formularz uploadu plikow- rezygnujemy z niego - do tego dojdzie wstawienie 4 gotowych skryptow/komponentow jquery - szczegoly pozniej - nie trzeba nic oprogramowywac w php Bardzo prosilbym o podeslanie konkretnej
Zlecę przepisanie styli 20 prostych templatów, używanych w systemie CMS z css na LESS. Wszystkie templaty są podzielone na te same bazowe części, i wszystkie zawierają ten sam zestaw elementów : logo, baner, menu ( poziome i pionowe ), tekst, zdjęcie, galerie zdjęć, button, film youtube etc. Praca szybka i mocno akordowa dla osób znających podstawy LESS'a Propozycje proszę przesyłać bezpośrednio na adres northon@
Zlecę pocięcie layoutu do HTML5/CSS3. Kod w pełni zgodnie z wymaganiami HTML5 (baza może być na podstawie html5 boilerplate). Liczy się poprawne wykorzystanie semantycznych tagów <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article>, <figure>, <aside> itd. Layout powinien być lekki i czytelny. Style bazujące na CSS3 (cienie wynikające z...niezbędne. Do przygotowania strona główna oraz 3 podstrony według dostarczonego szablonu w psd. Proszę o rozsądne propozycje. Oraz najlepiej przesłanie kawałka pociętego kodu, jako przykład. EDIT: Równolegle do składania ofert mailowych proszę zamieszczać ofertę pod aukcją. Tylko w ten sposób zostanie wyłoniony ewentualny zwycięzca. Dla wygody wykonacy style mogą być przygotowane w formacie LESS...
Zlecę przepisanie styli 20 prostych templatów, używanych w systemie CMS z css na LESS.
...Oczywiście to ma nie być jakaś skomplikowana animacja. Poniżej specyfikacja jaka otrzymałem: Video ad requirements Please make sure your spot meets the requirements below, otherwise our Ad Server will not be able to serve your advertisement. 1. Video settings 512x384 pixels 700 Kb/s bitrate h.264 codec flash video format (.flv) 2. Audio settings Mono AAC 88 Kb/s 3. File size Should be less than 1 MB...
Witam, Poszukuję projektanta UI/UX do powstającego startupu z branży edukacyjnej. Kandydat musi ł...sama osoba. Zadania stojące przed kandydatem to zaprojektowanie elementów interfejsu do już istniejącego layoutu (ważne zatem będzie zachowanie spójności poszczególnych fragmentów interfejsu), czasami pomoc w optymalnym rozmieszczeniu treści na stronie, analiza UX. Dodatkowe atuty(aczkolwiek nie są one absolutną koniecznością): - (choćby podstawowa) znajomość GITa - znajomość języków HAML i SASS - (choćby podstawowa) znajomość Ruby on Rails - praca na systemie innym niż windows(idealnie, gdyby był to Mac OS X) Rozliczenie wyłącznie w oparciu o umowę o dzieło lub fakturę VAT. Wymagam podpisania NDA, po wyłonieniu zwycięzcy, przed rozpoczę...
...projektowania aplikacji internetowych. Zakres prac, których mogę się podjąć: Front-end: Kodowanie statycznych szablonów w technologiach HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, CSS2.1, jQuery. Kodowanie szablonów do systemów Joomla, Wordpress, Kodowanie szablonów w RoR z wykorzystaniem Haml i Sass, Cięcie szablonów. Back-end: Programowanie aplikacji internetowych w technologiach Ruby on Rails, Kohana, Webratio. Posiadam dobrą znajomość takich technologii jak: HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, CSS2.1, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, Kohana, Ruby On Rails, Haml, Sass, Webratio, Wordpress, Joomla, VirtueMart Znajomość zagadnień Cross-browser oraz Responsive design. Podstawowa znajomość: JSP, Groovy Prestashop, Drupal Brak jakiejś technologii? N...
Poszukujemy do pracy zdalnej osoby, która zajmie się cięciem i kodowaniem layoutów. Wymagania: biegła znajomość HTML5, CSS3 i jQuery czysty, semantyczny kod, pisany zgodnie ze ścisłymi standardami W3C wywiązywanie się z powierzonych projektów w sposób rzetelny i terminowy Mile widziane: znajomość systemu Wordpress HAML, SASS, RoR Oferujemy: stawki ustalane osobno dla każdego zlecenia Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany(a) wypełnij formularz: Z przyjemnością skontaktujemy się z wybranymi oferentami.
Tłumaczenie dokumentacji Termin: do 29 października
...content shall be in JQuery 2) It needs to be layouted and graphically designed to look nice; 3) i do not accept Joomla, Drupal etc 4) wireframes are attached 5) database diagram is attached Specification: I'm attaching wireframes for home page and 3 info pages. Each of the element has it's ID. The elements are only telling You what is the type of element and where to put it more or less. The position, colors, sizes , everything can be designed by You. I want all the content elements to be put inside nice-looking frames. All the details , texts, images will be placed in database (preferably Mysql but it is up to You). I'm not attaching about us and contact form -> it should be very simple ; i'm sure You will propose something...
...Drop-down menus (with GO button next to each): Genre - default “All” (example: classical, blues, rock e.t.c) Mood - default “All” (example: angry, sweat, romantic) Instrument - default “All” (example: piano, guitar, violin) Length - default “All” ,15 seconds or less, 15-30s, 30-1min, 2min,3min,4min,5min, 6 minutes + Tempo - default “All” ,50 or less,50-70,71-90,91-110,111-130,131-150,151-170,171-190,191 + Results per page - 25, 50, 100 In the future I might add other search options like vocals e.t.c so I would like to be able to ADD/REMOVE/EDIT search options from the control panel (see 2 e) general attributes ) Search panel - for sound effects page For sound e...
...portfolio znajdziesz tutaj: Chętnie zapoznamy się z Twoim portfolio. Nasze oczekiwania: Biegła znajomość (X)HTML, CSS, CSS 3 Tworzenie poprawnego, semantycznego kodu Umiejętność cięcia layoutu przy użyciu dowolnego programu graficznego Znajomość zagadnień SEO, standardów webowych, różnic między przeglądarkami Doświadczenie z MVC, HAML, Sass Znajomość zagadnień optymalizacji grafiki na potrzeby aplikacji Znajomość bibliotek JS (jQuery, Prototype, YUI lub ExtJS) Znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie umożliwiającym swobodną komunikację Zmysł estetyczny Dodatkowe atuty to: Doświadczenie w budowie witryn o wysokim natężeniu ruchu Znajomość systemu szablonów PHP (Smarty lub inny) Doświadczenie z Ruby on Rails Oferujemy:
Potrzebni programisci do napisania skryptu do parsowania i zbierania listingow firm z ponizszych krajow poprzez wchodzenie na katalogi biznesowe: United Kingdom South Africa Canada Mexico Argentina Brazil China Japan South Korea India Indonesia Saudia Arabia Russia Turkey France Germany Italy Australia Nigeria Prosze o podanie ceny za napisanie skryptu na dany kraj, wybranie wszystkich listingow wraz z adresami dostarczenie w formacie CSV Termin dostarczenia wszystkich listingow z danego kraju do 10 marca.
...Virtuemart wg producentów, ustalonych z góry przedziałów cenowych oraz kategorii. Przykład takiego rozwiązania: ;kw=strawberry%20protein&origkw=strawberry%20protein&sr=1 - po lewej stronie mamy kolumnę "NARROW BY", która działa w taki sposób, jak poszukiwane przeze mnie rozwiązanie. Nie musi być opcji "View More"/"View Less" - wystarczy tabelka z linkami, bez żadnej grafiki i wodotrysków. Koniecznie musi być wyświetlona ilość produktów przy każdym linku. Docelowo oczekuję pliku instalacyjnego modułu, bądź paczki z plikami komponentu wyszukiwania do podmiany - chętnie z opisem rozwiązania, choć to nie jest wymagane. W razie niejasności proszę pisać na mail: @ Proszę o konkretne
Poszukujemy do stałej współpracy freelancera. Podstawowe wymagania: - jquery - html/css, cross-browser issues - doświadczenie w zaawansowanych javascriptach Mile widziane - znajomość git'a - inne frameworki javascriptowe - HAML, SASS, Compass - znajomość Ruby On Rails Pierwsze zlecenie na okres 2 miesiecy, opcja przedluzenia na stale. Praca zdalna lub w biurze (Warszawa), wymagana dyspozycyjnosc 40h tygodniowo. Godziny pracy do ustalenia.
...kiedy zobaczę że jest ok, mam więcej zleceń z tego zakresu. Year Event Host Participant Position 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Spain Winner 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Netherlands Runner-up 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Germany 3rd place 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Uruguay 4th place 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Argentina Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Paraguay Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Ghana Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Brazil Quarter finals 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa Mexico Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South Africa England Round of 16 2010 FIFA (Football) World Cup South ...
temat: ‘Reward management plays a less important role in human resource strategy during a period of economic downturn’. Discuss. dlugosc:2200 slow Jezyk: angielski Krotki wstep i zakonczenie, bardzo malo zbednych opisow. Praca ma sie skladac z argumentow za(4-5) oraz przeciw(3-4) i ich dokladnej analizy. Podsumowanie ma stwierdzac czy sie zgadzmy z teza czy nie. Przynajmniej 10 zrodel. Dokladna bibliografia.
...MEMBERS=New members #Sortings CC RECENT FRIENDS=Recent Friends # Activities related CC YESTERDAY=Yesterday CC DAYS AGO=%1$s days ago CC WEEK AGO=1 week ago CC WEEKS AGO=%1$s weeks ago CC MONTH AGO=1 month ago CC MONTHS AGO=%1$s months ago # Lapsed CC LAPSED YESTERDAY=yesterday CC LAPSED DAYS=%1$s days CC LAPSED HOURS=%1$s hours CC LAPSED MINUTES=%1$s minutes CC LAPSED LESS THAN A MINUTE=less than a minute CC LAPSED AGO= ago # Groups CC GROUP CREATED DESCRIPTION=Congratulations on your new group. Here's what you can do with your group CC GROUP UPLOAD NEW AVATAR=Upload new avatar for your group CC GROUP POST NEW BULLETIN=Post a news bulletin CC EDIT GROUP DETAILS=Edit your group details CC VIEW GROUP NOW=View your group now. CC VIEW BY CATE...
Interesuje mnie polskie rozwiązanie workflow działające online. Nie oczekuje wielu wodotrysków. Znaczenie ma funkcjonalność, polskie menu i cena. Zadanie polega na wyszukaniu w sieci oprogramowania typu "open source", dopasowaniu do potrzeb, zainstalowaniu na serwerze oraz pomoc w okresie wdrożenia. Nie ograniczam budzetu żadną kwota i cena nie jest najważniejsza. Rozważę wszystkie propozycje dot. rozwiązania tego problemu.
...try...except. Jeśli użytkownik nie poda żadnego pliku, dane są wyświetlane na ekranie. Program ma umożliwiać obsługę transakcji w hurtowni owoców. W pliku wejściowym znajdują sie następujące dane dotyczące hurtowni owoców: - liczba gatunków owoców rozprowadzanych przez hurtownię- maksymalnie 20 - dla każdego gatunku owoców cenę za 1 kg w zależności od zamawianej ilości (3 przedziały cenowe: less than100 kg, 100-500 kg, more than 500 kg) - liczbę klientów obsługiwanych przez hurtownię- maksymalnie 50 - zamówienia od klientów (ile różnych gatunków, jaki gatunek, w jakiej ilości) Po odczytaniu danych należy obliczyć ile każdy klient zapłaci za każdy zakupiony gatunek owoców, ile klient zapłaci łączn...
I'm looking for a talented artist to illustrate less than 20 watercolor images for a children's book I wrote about Native Americans and totem poles. The illustrations should be in color and encapsulate the beauty, values, and vibrancy of Native American culture and traditions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience with watercolor illustrations - Ability to create vivid, colorful illustrations - Understanding or willingness to learn about Native American culture - Prior experience illustrating children's books is a plus Please reach out if you're passionate about these topics and believe you could bring my story to life through your artistry.
Candidate should be: 1. Be a native or near native with reading and comprehension skills of the Japanese language 2. Have the knowledge of relevance of Culturalization in software testing 3. Be an experienced Software Functional tester (preferably 5+ years exp) with manual testing experience. 4. Have the ability to communicate in English verbally and in written 5. Have strong knowledge of Japanese text composition & layout features for publishing workflows, Japanese typography and fonts 6. Have the ability to learn and adapt to operational tools 7. Have an inquiring mindset with attention to details 8. Having working knowledge of Adobe products like InDesign & Illustrator would be added advantage. Following testing requirements would be added advantages: 1. Knowledge of softwar...
...join this project and test my tool, OkUpdate Client Magnet, which is designed to: - Improve client communication. - Boost your hiring rates on freelance platforms. - Help you win long-term opportunities with satisfied clients. What’s the Problem We’re Solving? Freelancers often face communication issues that lead to misunderstandings, extra work, frustrated clients, and lost opportunities. Clear communication ensures clients are happy and want to work with you long-term. What Is OkUpdate? OkUpdate is a project management tool built to: - Generate easy-to-understand project updates from your Git commits. - Save you time explaining technical progress to non-technical clients. - Help you stand out with stronger, more compelling job proposals. - Simplify project ...
Candidate should be: 1. Be a native or near native with reading and comprehension skills of the Japanese language 2. Have the knowledge of relevance of Culturalization in software testing 3. Be an experienced Software Functional tester (preferably 5+ years exp) with manual testing experience. 4. Have the ability to communicate in English verbally and in written 5. Have strong knowledge of Japanese text composition & layout features for publishing workflows, Japanese typography and fonts 6. Have the ability to learn and adapt to operational tools 7. Have an inquiring mindset with attention to details 8. Having working knowledge of Adobe products like InDesign & Illustrator would be added advantage. Following testing requirements would be added advantages: 1. Knowledge of softwar...
I am seeking assistance with the formatting of a single PowerPoint slide. I have utilized the SmartArt graphic, however, the current selection of icons does not fit well. I require someone with a proficient eye for design who can replace the icons with simple and minimalistic ones, in line with the theme of the slide which is for a business presentation. The slide ne...formatting of a single PowerPoint slide. I have utilized the SmartArt graphic, however, the current selection of icons does not fit well. I require someone with a proficient eye for design who can replace the icons with simple and minimalistic ones, in line with the theme of the slide which is for a business presentation. The slide needs to effectively convey a step-by-step process. This task should take less than hal...
As Discussed for the next month of SEO work.
...waitwhile () Looking for someone who is meticulous with details and design aspect on proportions and symmetry. Please note only those who will work directly on the design should approach and submit. Not interested in indirect or agents who outsource the work further and act as intermediate in between. I will do in person face to face meeting with them on daily basis. Those who work only on chat need not apply. Meetings will be working sessions ensuring that the same person is working on the project. Deadline for the work is less than 1 week time (before 25th Jan, Sat) Link to doctor's app is here:
I'm looking for a professional to optimize my Shopify store. The focus will be on: - Images: delete bad images and if theirs less than 5 images in any one listing source more good images - Videos: add the videos to the listings - Descriptions: delete the standard stuff and replace with relevent ai generated descriptions and clear bullet points about the product Please only respond if you are available to start immediately.
Are you a native Australian over 50 with a smartphone? Here's an easy way to earn $100 in just a few hours! Why You Should Join: Simple and Quick: Record 1,024 short phrases like "turn on the AC" using a user-friendly app. Flexible Work: Start and stop whenever you want – complete the task in a quiet indoor space. Fast Earnings: Finish in less than 3 hours and get paid! Guaranteed Approval: Follow our straightforward instructions, and approval is 100% guaranteed! Extra Rewards: Invite & Earn More: Refer friends or family to join, and for every successful participant, you'll receive an additional $10 bonus. No experience? No problem! If you have a Australian accent, a smartphone, and a quiet space, you're ready to start. Join now and make eas...
Hello I am a representative of Anobanko - an international money transfer s...in promoting in the Asian market. Our main goal is to get quality leads. We would like to develop in the Asian region. We would like our project to be promoted through participation in online forums, closed communities, financial platforms and sites, and it is also imperative that work with reviews be carried out. Please review the 3 files describing our target audience. We want to focus on the audience of billionaire assistants, but the target audience described in the files "Option 1" and "Option 2" is no less important. What recommendations could you give? And what promotion methods, what changes and innovations can you suggest for the development? We have a website, I will ...
... quotes), subtle sound balancing, and light colour grading. Content Features: - Handwritten quotes on cards shown at the start of each video by me. - Scenic backdrops I will provide original content (e.g., beaches, palm trees, hotels) to showcase the concept of freedom. - Dynamic transitions between talking-head shots and location highlights. - Turnaround Time: 1-3 days per video. Ongoing Work: If the collaboration is successful, I’d like to build a long-term working relationship. Requirements: - Proven experience editing short-form video content, especially for social media platforms like Instagram. - Familiarity with creating engaging Reels using text overlays, transitions, and audio enhancements. Ability to maintain a consistent style across all videos. Experie...
I need a freelancer to help me find skincare influencers on Instagram and TikTok. The influencers should have a maximum(less is better) of 15,000 followers. - Payment: I will set weekly milestones for the project to pay the freelancer at a rate of $3 per task. - Detailed Information: I will provide the freelancer with all necessary details in a file. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in social media platforms, particularly Instagram and TikTok. - Previous experience in influencer marketing or social media research(Not necessary). - Someone who is confident at finding new skincare-related influencers. Mandatory files to check Work Guide:
I am looking for a video editor with experience in creating engaging content featuring people's faces. The details about the video's purpose, environment and specific elements are yet to be determined. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Creativity and experience in making engaging content - Good understanding of pacing, visuals and sound Experience: - Prior work with face-centric content - Knowledge of various editing techniques and effects Please note, the project is still in its planning stages and more specifics will be provided in due course.
...daytime + night time Drone shooting: 1. Horizontal version 2. Definition is more than 4k 3. Photos (not less than 15) + videos (no less than 5), the length of each video should be 3-5 minutes 4. A video of a circle around the media/building (360°) is necessary 5. City Landscape (needs to have city features and landmark buildings in Kuwait. If you have previously taken videos, you can send them to us directly, but make sure they are in line with the current season) 6. At least 3 different angles, including zoom,long shot, close-up, etc. Ground shooting: 1. Horizontal version 2. Definition is more than 4k 3. Shoot from at least 3 different angles 4. Photos (not less than 15) + videos (no less than 5), the length of each video should be 3-5 minutes All ...
Hello, With 6 years of expertise in off-page SEO, I specialize in building high-quality, do-follow backlinks to boost your website's rankings and organic traffic. My methods are entirely...Sharing ✔ Business Listing ✔ Directory Submission ✔ Web 2.0 ✔ Blog Promotion ✔ Profile Link Creation ✔ Forum Posting Submission ✔ Local Citation Backlinks ✔ Syndication Submission Why Choose Me? * Manual Backlink Creation: Quality over quantity for lasting results. * Transparent Reporting: Weekly updates to track your progress. * Google-Compliant Techniques: Risk-free and long-term success. Let’s work together to grow your website’s authority and organic reach. I’m ready to help you achieve your goals! Message me now to discuss your project in detail. Thank you, Globa...
I'm looking for a SEO expert, who will publish 4 of my articles on Techbullion. Send a proposal for all websites - Do not send me "I will get you 1st position on Google (We both know you wont) - Do not offer other websites. We will get to long term cooperation if you manage this one - I know Techbullion is generally available for less than 10 USD per post, so do not try to boost the price by "exceptional service" talk. - Lowest price wins (Guest post must be permanent, Indexed, Not marked as e.g. "sponsored", links must be follow) ps. I know there is only a benefit of increasing DA by this task and not a real SEO benefit (just like most of the websites where you guys have in your list)
I'm in need of an exciting and energetic female English voice-over artist for a radio ad. The ad is targeted towards adults and has a duration of less than 20 seconds. The purpose of the ad is a call to action. Key Requirements: - Voice Over: The voice over needs to be exciting and energetic, to catch the listeners' attention and prompt them to take action. - Target Audience: Experience in creating content aimed at adults is a plus. - Radio Ads: Previous experience with radio ads is preferred. The ideal candidate would have a friendly yet authoritative tone, delivering the call to action in a compelling way. Please provide samples of your work that fit this brief.
I'm looking for a friendly AI to call my leads and set up appointments with a strategist. The AI should use a casual conversation style, making the calls feel less like a business interaction and more like a friendly chat. Key Requirements: - The AI should be able to collect preferred appointment times from the leads. - The AI should be programmed to use a friendly tone throughout the call. - The AI should follow a casual conversation script. Ideal Skills: - Experience with AI development and programming. - Strong understanding of voice modulation and tone. - Ability to create casual, engaging scripts for the AI.
Journal: Bioprinting Topic: 3D bioprinting the blood brain barrier (focus on getting drugs to cancers such as glioma but also other diseases). Article Type: Review Article Plagarism : Should be Less then 10% (will be checked in Turnitin) References : Min 80 ( 50% from the 2024/2023/2022) Pic: Min 3 pictures ( Should not Copied from Internet. But can be modified) Table: Min 1 No Words: Min 10000 Words ( Exceluding the Abstract and References
NOTE: We are currently looking for a new web, app, developer, guru! Our last guru is no longer available, and we are looking for replacement. This is a small project to see if we can continue using ...similar with the ability to detect simulation emails from Infosec instead. You will need access to your own Office365 environment for testing. I will not be able to give you access to my tenant to test the app. Please note the following. Freelancers with any of the following will not be considered: - Completion rate less than 95% - Less than 100 review - Not verified by Freelancer If you are interested in this project please respond with questions you have. You will need to provide a time estimate to complete the project.
Hello, i search for tester from Brazil who can test some android apps with casino offers. All work can be done in less that a hour
I have ongoing work related to our previous project 'Cozy Loft Cottage Floorplan Design'
I have ongoing work related to our previous project 'Cozy Loft Cottage Floorplan Design'
I'm on the lookout for an experienced Power Automate Developer who is proficient with Work Queue Management, API integration and Azure Cloud Services. Key Tasks: - Integrate an external API - Develop a workflow with specific functionalities: email notifications, task assignment, and data validation Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Power Automate, API integration, and Azure Cloud Services - Demonstrable knowledge in creating workflows that support task assignment, email notifications and data validation What to Include in Your Bid: Your bid should highlight your relevant experience, particularly with Power Automate and creating workflows with specific functionalities. Give it a go, if you believe you're the right fit for this job.
SEO work for AUD$100 for a month for an online shop.
...cycles, post-cycle therapy, and similar topics. - Ensure questions are less than 1 month old and are relevant to a wide audience. - Identify "good questions" that pertain to common concerns or interests among users. - Provide 7 questions per day (49 questions total for the week). - Refer to the example provided below for the type of questions we are looking for. **Requirements:** - Familiarity with anabolic steroids, including terminology and common topics of interest. - Ability to navigate Reddit effectively and identify questions of high relevance. - Strong organizational skills to deliver a compiled list of questions daily. **Bidding Details:** You will be bidding on one week's worth of work, which includes finding 49 questions (7 ...
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who ca...MMA Myanmar logo. - Use the map and the fighter i provided PNG files. (Do not change color of the map and fighter) - the map should be less than 50% opacity faded in the back of fighter. - the word MMA Myanmar is exact color and font (Hobo std medium Font in Ai) - inside circle the theme something like Mopi logo theme but different color. I just need very similar but a bit better logo. no need change a lot. different designs will not accept. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to creatively incorporate provided elements into a cohesive design Experience: - Previous work on modern logo design - Portfolio showcasing use of warm colors ...
We are seeking a talented and creative graphic designer to join us at Dheerya Foundation. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to impactful projects like Edu-Kala, our activity-based curriculum program, and to enhance the digital presence of our organization. Key Responsibilities: Website Update: Revamp the existing website dheerya.org. Update outdated content. Add a dedicated new page showcasing the Edu-Kala program, highlighting its unique features and alignment with NEP 2020. SEO Optimization: Enhance the website’s SEO for better visibility and reach. Implement best practices to improve search engine rankings and organic traffic. Digital Marketing & Social Media: Design engaging content for our social media platforms. Develop visuals for campaigns promoting the f...