Legal transcriptionist positions philippinesprojekty
Pojekt Zadanie polega na napisaniu: 7 sztuk Artykuły SEO od 2000 - 2500 znaków, Opis do każdego z artykułów: 270 - 300 znaków, Tytuł każdego z artykułów do 80 znaków, H1 każdego z artykułów do 70 znak...Wymagania tekstowe: Konieczne jest stosowanie fraz kluczowych specyficznych dla tematyki promowanej strony. Unikalność tekstu musi wynosić 100%. Spamowanie tekstu na poziomie nie większym niż 55% Strony dla których piszemy SEO teksty: Więc informacji po umowienniu
...bazodanowych, zwracanie raportów z zapytań i ich wizualizacja. Obecnie aplikacja posiada funkcjonalności core oraz trzy moduły (bundles). Poniżej więcej informacji o firmie i projekcie. Company overview IT9 is consulting company in the areas of IT, process automation, project management advisory. IT9 is also software provider for business process robotization, as well as reg-tech, tax-tech and legal-tech solutions provider. Project overview • Web application for taxes helping to process financial data and create tax declarations. • Many inputs are CSV files and output are mostly XML files. • Processing of data is being done in a queque as the size of files can be huge, especially for input XML files that can be even 10GB files. However, the standard...
...vIir5IVNF8Acdzh.qK.3w1yLEAJCGFn6XRkryeb2IM 4. oraz potwierdzenie od radcy prawnego, że usługi które oferuję sa legalne w kraju gdzie zarejestrowana dzizłalność, oraz w krajach w których planuję wyświetlać reklamę.Tak to zrozumiałem z tego: as well as provide a copy of their gambling license or a legal memo from a qualified legal counsel (when a gambling license isn't available) indicating the legality of the business in the region targeted as well as in the regions they operate in, for us to proceed with next steps. Czyli naprawde od prawnika muszę mieć takie pismo? Owszem konsultowałem to z radcą prawnym na zasadzie rozmowy zanim zarejestrowałem działalność, ale nie mam tego na piśmie. Firma jest zarejestrowana
Program system /support for basketball betting at bookmaker bet365 -flash- counting points OVER / UNDER and comparing with the starting line OVER/UNDER and all matches must be sorted sorted according to the criterion of deviation points from the starting line. Presentation on the internet in a readable form supporting betting on O...on OVER UNDER on basketball LIVE (live in real time) and before the start of the meeting. Calculation of handicap spreads - preferably with bet365 ( in flash or other technology to parse that data soemhow if it is possible) how to not be from the other side) Ideally it must be presented on the website in smilar way liek bet365 as only according to my criteria will be displayed at the first positions of the list of games you should choose for betting...
Mam do zlecenia mailing do firm oraz osób prywatnych zajmujących się SEO. Sprawa nie jest niby trudna, gdyż bazę takich firm i ich maili posiadam sam, lecz od zleceniobiorcy oczekuję jednego: MAILING FULL LEGAL, tzn. ma być wyrażona zgoda na otrzymanie takiego maila przez odbiorcę. Po zakończeniu proszę o raport osób, które odczytały maila. Rozumiem, iż płatność będzie właśnie za każdy z takich rekordów. Przy podaniu ceny proszę o opis, czy jest to cena za jeden rekord czy za całość usługi (i ile rekordów będzie ona wówczas zawierała). Czekam na propozycje i liczę na udaną współpracę.
>>> Przed podaniem dalszych informacji wymagane jest podpisanie klauzury poufności <<< Zlecenie dotyczy strony opartej o Na stronie należałoby wykonać: - dodać miejsce na reklamy na górze strony - zmiana niektórych szablonów listingu, wzór: - dodać możliwość załączania plików do formularza obecnego na stronie - dodać funkcjonalność typu “Podziel się” (Share/AddThis) - przygotowanie strony rejestracji - przygotować miejsce do logowania w górnej belce z menu na wzór - dodanie informacji w listingu i widoku szczegółowym odnośnie daty aktualizacji/dodania - uruchomienie komentarzy Podstrona
...(The completed cover sheet will not count towards the page limit); - Description of the proposed work; - Detailed programme of the work to be undertaken, including a work plan showing key date/milestones and deliverables; - Summary of relevant experience and technical knowledge to undertake the work proposed; - Information about any tribunals, legal disputes or challenges the bidder is involved in; - An assessment of risks associated with the work and how these will be managed; - The total cost and a breakdown of costs including a statement on VAT. . Tenders should clearly demonstrate: - An understanding of website design and development; - A realistic understanding of the ...
...Strategies Safe Place Strategies The Effect of Making a False Claim The Importance of Risk Assessment in the Workplace FIGHTING A CLAIM CATEGORY Disproving Breach of Duty Last Resort - Employers' Liability Mitigation of Liability Through 'Contributory Negligence' The Financial Ombudsman Scheme Time Limits for Claims Vicarious Liability 'Volenti non fit Injuria' - A Key Defence THE LEGAL BASIS CATEGORY Compensation Payouts Held in Trust Criminal and Civil Liability Damages Under the Human Rights Act Employers' Common Law Responsibilities Key Health and Safety Legislation Legalisation of 'No Win No Fee' Statute and Common Law The Compensation Act 2006 MYTHS & REALITIES CATEGORY Economic Costs of the 'Co...
Do wybrania jest 1 z 3 tematow. 1. Compare and contrast STR profiling and RFLP analysis techniques used in human identification - identify any advantages and disadvantages of the systems. 2. "Legal Highs": legislation and analysis 3. Fibres analysis and its usefulness in forensic science. Raport musi byc dlugi na okolo 2000 slow oraz referencje napisane w stylu Harvard. Dodatkowe wymagania beda zalaczone w pliku, ktory przesle po obejrzeniu ofert.
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania tematu przez odbiorce podam w jezyku ang: As a SME business owner, your task is to critically evaluate whether your business can take advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that ident...the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam na rozsadne of...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania tematu przez odbiorce podam w jezyku ang: As a SME business owner, your task is to critically evaluate whether your business can take advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that ident...the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam na rozsadne of...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania tematu przez odbiorce podam w jezyku ang: As a SME business owner, your task is to critically evaluate whether your business can take advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that ident...the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam na rozsadne of...
Mam szybkie zlecenie do zoutsourceowania na zewnatrz dla sprawnego freelancera. Zlecenie obejmuje: - ostylowanie czesciowo ostylowanych podstron - ostylowanie nowych podstron (jest juz bazowy html/css, nie trzeba ciac niczego!) - w paru formularzach pare suwakow w JS, - do zrobienia bedzie okolo 15, moze 20 podstron, w duzej mierze beda podobne do siebie, - podstrony maja nie mus...terminie 2 tyg, natomiast pierwsze podstrony potrzebuje na teraz, takze rozpoczac trzeba doslownie juz (z tego wzgledu, tylko osoby ktore nie pracuja na etacie, czyli prawdziwi freelancerzy). Szukam osoby/osob odpowiedzialnych i rzetelnych, z ktorymi moge utrzymywac w ciagu dnia kontakt tel/IM/mailowy oraz weryfikowac na bierzaco postep prac. Rozliczenie: musi byc faktura vat lub rachunek, czyli ...
...‘weight and balance’ calculations. The calculations need to consider: – The empty, or basic, weight of the aircraft (allowing for basic equipment, oil, unusable fuel etc) and the location where that weight appears to act. – The weight of the pilot and passengers and where they are sitting. If there is more than one row of seats, then you need to know the positions of those rows of seats and the weight of the people in each row. – The weight of any parcels and baggage and the location where they are stowed. – The weight of usable fuel that has been added to the tanks and the location of those tanks. Any unusable fuel in the bottoms of the tanks will have been included in the empty or “basic weight&...
...‘weight and balance’ calculations. The calculations need to consider: – The empty, or basic, weight of the aircraft (allowing for basic equipment, oil, unusable fuel etc) and the location where that weight appears to act. – The weight of the pilot and passengers and where they are sitting. If there is more than one row of seats, then you need to know the positions of those rows of seats and the weight of the people in each row. – The weight of any parcels and baggage and the location where they are stowed. – The weight of usable fuel that has been added to the tanks and the location of those tanks. Any unusable fuel in the bottoms of the tanks will have been included in the empty or “basic weight&...
Witam, Zlecenie dotyczy wykonania skryptu który: - loguje się do serwisu (posiadam login i hasło) - otwiera określoną podstronę (lista podstron w tablicy lub bazie + do każdej podstrony przypisany idProdukt) - pobiera dostępne atrybuty produktu - czasami atrybuty są parami (plus ...bazy danych (idProdukt + cena + atrybut/para atrybutów) Preferuję skrypt PHP+MySQL. Proszę o podanie ceny za wykonanie takiego skryptu (czy mozliwa f-vat -> jeśli tak to proszę o cenę brutto). Jaki koszt dostosowania takiego skryptu do pobierania danych z innego serwisu (zmienią się podstrony w tablicy oraz preg_match do wyciągnięcia atrybutów produktu z podstron). Zlecenie jest Full Legal ;) - hurtownia nie dostarcza plików XML więc trzeba pobrać dane z hurtowni... w bazie (film powitalny) b. obok playera duze-wielkie patki: - stop/zamknij - pelny ekran - suwak i glosnosc tylko po mouseover na player c. jesli pelny ekran to fajno by bylo gdyby nie gralo od nowa tylko kontynuowalo film d. suwak zeby dzialal rzeczywiscie a nie po kazdorazowym kliknieciu wracal do startu (moze to byc istotna uwaga przy wyborze playera :) ) e. player legal (nie wiem o co chodzi z tymi playerami autorskimi do flashowych filmow paletajacymi sie po kilka dolcow po necie ale player ma byc legalny) f. powtarzalne elementy (np. player) sa preloadowane i ciagane z komputera a nie za kazdym razem z servera 2. koniec filmu lub stop/zamknij = znika zaslonka: odslania sie strona glowna z wylistowanym chronologicznie kontentem vi...
Zlecimy wdrożenie serwisu internetowego (edukacyjnego) opartego na systemie Joomla pod zakupiony przez nas szablon Sport Line (You Joomla). Cechy szablonu, 22 fully collapsible module positions, PSD files included, Default Suckerfish dropdown menu, SMooth Dropdown menu (using mootools), SEO features build in, server side compression, 100% Tableless Design, XHTML Valid, CSS Valid. 5 rozszerzeń: YJ Newsflash Module, YJ Title Ticker, YJ NS1 News Slider, Multimediabox, YJ Tabs Carousel Rozbudowa portalu/szablonu o: • Większa liczba sekcji i kategorii • Przygotowanie formularza kontaktowego • Podłączenie forum dla użytkowników portalu, zarówno pod kątem rejestracji i logowania • Wydzielenie 2 stref dostępnych t...
We are running jewelry eshop www.Silver.Ag. We are looking for reliable partner in Poland to manage eshop branch in Poland. We will language (mainly by email) - looking for affordable advertising ... Partner have to be perfect in Internet marketing, strong references are necessary. Target oriented, want to work hard etc. Partner can be a company. Partner will receive payment as a % from all country sales. The offer is available also for other countries EXCEPT: Slovakia, Czechia, USA, UK, Canada, Romania, Philippines, Indonesia. Please send email with your professional background, ideas, question to: info@ . Communication in english, czech or slovak. I can understand polish slightly, however I cannot write in polish. No beginners please. Thank you...
...section and * Page Contents: * Yahoo Answers for this keyword results * Yahoo Web Search Results * Video Search results (Yahoo or Youtube) * Pictures Search Results (Yahoo or Flickr Commercial usable) * Google 'Got Lucky' best search results? * Yahoo News for keyword * Wikipedia Texts (it's free and legal to be used - believe it or not) - Database Downloads are available here :Database_download * Section to be filled by our users (add. content, error and obmissions) * Comments from users * Disclaimer and Copyright Info (see footer for a prime example) Spam * We need to work out to have a good
We’re looking for experienced Free-lance web developers to engage in extending a large-scale web project in our Poznan headquarter. WE ARE LOOKING ONLY FOR THE PEOPLE FROM THE REGION OF POZNAN who would work freelance both in our office and at home. We're offering two different positions: 1. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the back-end of the application, i.e. database layer, middle-tier business components and interfaces, e.g. Web-Services, for the presentation layer. Required technical skills are: - Very good knowledge of Visual Studio (Visual C#), Web Ser-vices, (N)Hibernate! - Very good knowledge in programming web technologies - Knowledge of English is mandatory Optional skills: - PHP, HTML, ASP.NET, ADO -...
Witam, Potrzebuje specjaliste od AS / FLASH do dokonczenia nastepujacej strony Oto konieczne zmiany 1. Powiekszyc czcionke o 1 punkt/pixel na wszystkich podstronach (chodzi o tresc podstron) 2. Przeniesc button The firm powyzej buttonu Legal Services czyli button The firm bedzie zaraz pod Homepage 3. Zrobic menu rozwijalne po najechaniu na Contact Us rozwijalne bedzie: i. Location – zawartosc podstrony taka jak obecnie podstrony Contact Us ii. Feedback – zawartosc jak obecny Feedback iii. Live Chat – tylko text Coming soon... iv. Case trucker – Formularz ktory narazie nic nie bedzie robil poza pokazaniem komunikatu Warning. Formularz z dwoma polami: UniqueID Password [ submit ] – button submit tak jak na innych podstronach our website’s search engine rankings. Our website, , was previously ranked in the Top 3-5 positions on Google USA for main keywords just a few years ago. Unfortunately, all of our primary keywords have now fallen below the 10th position, and we need your expertise to identify and solve the issue. Key Responsibilities: • Conduct a comprehensive audit of the website to diagnose the cause of ranking drops. • Analyze potential on-site SEO issues, such as technical errors, content optimization, or link structure. • Investigate possible Google algorithm updates or penalties impacting our rankings. • Recommend and implement strategies to restore and improve our positions on Google USA. • Provide insights on competitor analysis to ensure we ...
...TP 20% Amount 20% o Stoploss option SL -20% Amount 100% (sell all when 20% in the loss) o Option to pause of activate the copy-trading wallet. o It must be possible to copy these settings for multiple wallets to be copied. But also, it must be possible to make specific (user) settings for every copied wallet. - Statistics for the user must be made visible on a dashboard view, with open positions per wallet and the PnL %. - From the statistics view, it must be possible to sell the position automatically, for x % , or 50 % or 100%. - Reporting about transactions must be possible either by e-mail or telegram. It must be editable by the user. Backend requirements: - The backends connects automatically with the popular exchanges like: Jupiter, Raydium, Orca and - The backend ...
...real-time broker rates (ICICI Direct: 9.65%, Rupeezy: 10.99%) 3. Reports Development Kharida Hua Maal: Track purchased stocks and place GTT orders Bika Hua Maal: Monitor stock sales performance (profits, brokerage, taxes, etc.) Summary Report: Monthly/annual profit calculations 4. API Integration Integrate Vortex APIs and ICICI Brize APIs for trading operations Fetch stock quotes, manage positions, and refresh daily instrument data 5. Webhooks & Real-Time Updates Real-time data access through WebSocket Notifications for orders and trades via webhooks Tools and Technologies: Frontend: Flutter (cross-platform development) Backend: Node.js Database: PostgreSQL Real-Time Data: WebSocket API --- Phase 2: Automated Investment Strategies Development Obje...
...strategy. Indicator Enhancements: - Integrate an alert system to notify of key market signals. - Implement performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of the indicator. - Develop custom visualizations to enhance the interpretability of the indicator's signals. Strategy Development: - Design entry and exit signals based on the indicators performance. - Incorporate trailing stops to manage open positions and maximize potential profits. Trading Instrument: - The entire project is focused on a strategy for trading stocks. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Pine Script with a proven track record of coding trading indicators. - Experience in developing trading strategies, particularly for stocks. - Ability to implement alert systems, performance metrics, and custom vis...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm in need of a highly capable virtual assistant from the Philippines who can juggle a variety of tasks, including administrative duties, customer support, and social media management. Key Responsibilities: - Administrative Tasks: This will encompass a broad range of duties including scheduling appointments, managing emails, and handling data entry. - Customer Support: You will be my online chat support, helping to deliver information to drivers, tracking the distance of orders, and providing assistance to restaurants. - Social Media Management: I need help managing my social media platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience as a virtual assistant or in a similar role is highly preferred. - Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. - Proficie...
I need a lawyer to draft and send a letter to Amazon on my behalf. The purpose of the letter is to formally file a complaint regarding a policy violation. Specifically, this complaint pertains to the infringement of my brand by other sellers on the platform. Ideal skills and experiences for the job include: - Ability to handle intellectual property disputes Send a lawyer's letter to Amazon, asking it to remove the infringing links Please note that the selected lawyer will need to represent my interests with professionalism and urgency.
Since I am abroad, I need someone to visit my house in Bremen, Germany, to ascertain how many people currently reside there. This task is crucial due to legal and compliance reasons. Key Responsibilities: - A site visit to my Bremen property. - Note and info about the number and names of occupants. - Note the duration of their stay (since when to when, how found the room). - Document your findings with photographic evidence. - Compose a written report detailing your observations. Ideal Candidate: - Must be located in or have access to Bremen, Germany. - Must keep project details confidential to tenants and guests. Pay is $ 30,- and 50,- if all needed informations eg photo for evidence are fully documented. Speak to you soon, Alex
I'm seeking a paralegal with experience in family and criminal law to assist with various administrative tasks and document preparation. Key Responsibilities: - Drafting legal briefs and pleadings - Creating chronologies - Summarising discoverable documents and identifying anomalies Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience as a paralegal, particularly in family or criminal law - Strong document drafting skills - Excellent attention to detail - Experience with legal research and administrative tasks - Ability to understand legal practice management software quickly and efficiently
My company policies require editing to ensure they are compliant and accurate. The primary objective is to align with our company guidelines. Ideal skills and experience include: - Exceptional editing and proofreading abilities - Familiarity with corporate policy language - Understanding of compliance requirements - Prior experience with editing for legal and corporate purposes
...Description I am seeking a Python developer to build a WebSocket-based module for managing positions in a KuCoin Futures trading bot. The module will dynamically handle position entries, bot-managed Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP), and real-time synchronization of wallet and trading data. It will integrate with a Redis database for state management, providing seamless performance. Below are the detailed requirements and expectations. Key Features and Requirements 1. WebSocket Integration The module must utilize KuCoin’s WebSocket API to ensure real-time updates and precise control over trading operations: • Position Monitoring Subscribe to /contract/position to track and manage active positions. Ensure accurate synchronization of position details such as en...
...Description:** I am currently seeking a skilled legal writer who possesses a deep understanding of human rights law and a keen interest in the intricacies of discrimination cases, specifically focusing on male discrimination cases as adjudicated by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). This is a unique opportunity to contribute to a project that aims to shed light on the often-overlooked aspects of male discrimination within the context of human rights. The project will require a comprehensive examination of a total of 100 discrimination cases—comprising 50 cases involving male discrimination and 50 cases involving female discrimination. The primary objective is to conduct an in-depth analysis of these cases to uncover patterns, legal precedents, and the impli...
I need a skilled designer to create a contemporary, sleek (1) memo and (2) letterhead template for my law firm. T...while still being modern and stylish. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of our company logo and contact information into the designs - Aesthetic that is both modern and sleek - Use full legal name: Rolf Martin Lang LLP Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design experience, particularly with creating business templates - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to create designs that effectively communicate a professional image Comments - We currently brand with the attached logo (ROLF). We are okay with continuing to use it as a focal point, but we are interested in elevating the full legal name: Rolf Martin Lang LLP - perhaps with the &...
This project involves comprehensive pre-employment vetting based in Sydney, New South Wales. The specifics of the checks needed, the types of positions being vetted for, and the preferred format for receiving the vetting reports have yet to be determined. Ideal skills and experience: - Expertise in pre-employment vetting processes - Familiarity with Australian employment law - Proven track record in delivering comprehensive background checks - Excellent reporting skills
I'm looking for a web developer to create a site. Key Features of the Website Homepage: Highlight ongoing and upcoming exhibitions. Featured stalls with special deals. Countdown timer for the next big event. Stall Listings: Categorize by product type (e.g., fashion, food, electronics). Include images, videos, and ...functionality for finding specific stalls or categories. Vendor Portal: Easy sign-up for vendors. Upload stall details, deals, and images. Analytics to track views, clicks, and engagement. Customer Engagement: Newsletter subscriptions for updates on new deals. Push notifications for registered users. Chat support for inquiries. Monetization: Paid promotions for stalls (highlighting or top positions). Sponsored banners on the homepage. Affiliate deals with p...
...and highlight my qualifications accordingly. Key Responsibilities: - Understand and research the target job role in the Technology/IT sector. - Emphasize the alignment of my skills and experiences with the job description. - Reflect my unique voice and career aspirations in a compelling manner. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in writing impactful cover letters, particularly for corporate positions in the tech industry. - Exceptional writing and editing skills, with a keen attention to detail and professionalism. - Able to deliver a customized and polished cover letter within a specified timeframe. If you have a strong background in crafting career documents and can create a cover letter that stands out, I’d love to hear from you. Please share relevant samples of you...
I'm seeking a qualified lawyer with expertise in loan restructuring for a small business. Key Responsibilities: - Assist in the loan restructuring process to enhance cash flow. - Provide legal guidance and support throughout the refinancing. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in small business finance. - Proven track record in loan restructuring. - Excellent understanding of legal aspects of refinancing. - Able to provide innovative solutions to improve cash flow.
I am seeking the services of a professional writer who specialises in Nati...aligns with the requirements of this petition type, I would be interested in discussing how you can assist me with the writing process. Your responsibilities will include: Understanding the details of my research and its benefits to the United States. Crafting a compelling petition that clearly demonstrates my eligibility for the National Interest Waiver. Ensuring the petition meets all relevant legal and formatting requirements. Assisting with any additional documentation or information needed to support the petition. I seek a freelancer who can deliver high-quality work within a reasonable timeframe. If you have the necessary experience and skills for this project, I would be happy to discuss the detail...
I'm in need of a recruitment specialist who can assist in filling some technical positions within my growing business. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and recruit suitable candidates for entry-level technical positions. - Primarily focusing on candidates with basic IT support knowledge. Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in recruiting for technical positions is preferred. - Strong understanding of IT support roles. - Excellent networking and communication skills.
I'm seeking a driven digital marketing expert specializing in public relations for my intellectual property law firm. The primary aim is to generate leads throug...- Crafting compelling content to engage our audience and showcase our expertise in intellectual property law. - Developing and executing a robust PR strategy to enhance our firm's reputation and reach. - Monitoring campaign performance and adjusting strategies as necessary to optimize results. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in digital marketing and public relations, preferably within the legal sector. - Exceptional skills in Social Media Marketing, particularly on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. - Strong content creation and communication skills. - Proficient in analyzing marketing data and adjusting str...
...expertise and certifications. • Mission statement and values. • Professional photo or team images. • Contact Page: • Contact form (name, email, phone, message). • Phone number, email address, and office address. • Google Maps integration (if applicable). • Blog/Resources Page (Optional): • Share updates, training tips, and industry news. • Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: • To comply with legal requirements. 5. Visual Content • Photos of vehicles, drivers, and training sessions. • Icons for services (e.g., audit, training, compliance). • Certificates or accreditations displayed as badges. 6. Functionality • Navigation menu with clear categories (Services, About, Contact, Blog). • Call-to-a...
...expertise and certifications. • Mission statement and values. • Professional photo or team images. • Contact Page: • Contact form (name, email, phone, message). • Phone number, email address, and office address. • Google Maps integration (if applicable). • Blog/Resources Page (Optional): • Share updates, training tips, and industry news. • Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: • To comply with legal requirements. 5. Visual Content • Photos of vehicles, drivers, and training sessions. • Icons for services (e.g., audit, training, compliance). • Certificates or accreditations displayed as badges. 6. Functionality • Navigation menu with clear categories (Services, About, Contact, Blog). • Call-to-a...
FREELANCE COPYWRITER Strong Bullet Points Handpicked by Hiring Managers CONTENT CREATION • Authored compelling website content for a leading tech startup, boosting visitor engagement by 40% and increasing organic search traffic by 25%. Generated SEO-optimized blog posts for a portfolio of 5 diverse clients, resulting in an average ranking increase of 15 positions on Google within 3 months. To BRAND MESSAGING • Revamped brand messaging and tone of voice guidelines for a mid-sized retail company, leading to a 20% increase in social media engagement and 10% growth in online sales. EMAIL MARKETING • Designed and executed a targeted email marketing campaign for a SaaS provider, achieving a 35% open rate and 10% conversion rate, surpassing industry averages. SOCIAL...
...stakeholders. Below are the specific tasks, objectives, and design values for each visual component: 1. Infographics: - Tokenization Process: - Objective: Illustrate the steps involved in tokenizing an asset to clarify the process for readers. - Design Values: Use a flowchart format with arrows to indicate the flow of steps, incorporating simple icons for each stage (e.g., valuation, legal compliance, issuance, trading). Color code each step to enhance visual clarity. - Investment Journey: - Objective: Depict the typical journey of an investor on the platform, highlighting key features and benefits at each stage (e.g., onboarding, trading, earning rewards). - Design Values: Use a linear timeline or circular layout with engaging visuals, brief text descr...
...stakeholders. Below are the specific tasks, objectives, and design values for each visual component: 1. Infographics: - Tokenization Process: - Objective: Illustrate the steps involved in tokenizing an asset to clarify the process for readers. - Design Values: Use a flowchart format with arrows to indicate the flow of steps, incorporating simple icons for each stage (e.g., valuation, legal compliance, issuance, trading). Color code each step to enhance visual clarity. - Investment Journey: - Objective: Depict the typical journey of an investor on the platform, highlighting key features and benefits at each stage (e.g., onboarding, trading, earning rewards). - Design Values: Use a linear timeline or circular layout with engaging visuals, brief text descr...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dear Legal Expert , I kindly request your assistance in understanding my rights and options as a creditor in the following situation: I have a documented claim of €5,000 based on a written agreement between myself (a private individual based in Poland) and a company headquartered in UK , which is already ot of EU. However, I do not possess any invoices to support this agreement. I am concerned that the company might soon be dissolved, and I fear I will lose my ability to recover the funds owed to me. Questions and Concerns: 1. What happens if the company’s assets are transferred to the state under Bona Vacantia? • Will I still have the ability to pursue my claim? • How is such a situation regulated under UK law? 2. What is the maximum period during which...