Legal transcriptionist philippinesprojekty
Pojekt Zadanie polega na napisaniu: 7 sztuk Artykuły SEO od 2000 - 2500 znaków, Opis do każdego z artykułów: 270 - 300 znaków, Tytuł każdego z artykułów do 80 znaków, H1 każdego z artykułów do 70 znak...Wymagania tekstowe: Konieczne jest stosowanie fraz kluczowych specyficznych dla tematyki promowanej strony. Unikalność tekstu musi wynosić 100%. Spamowanie tekstu na poziomie nie większym niż 55% Strony dla których piszemy SEO teksty: Więc informacji po umowienniu
...bazodanowych, zwracanie raportów z zapytań i ich wizualizacja. Obecnie aplikacja posiada funkcjonalności core oraz trzy moduły (bundles). Poniżej więcej informacji o firmie i projekcie. Company overview IT9 is consulting company in the areas of IT, process automation, project management advisory. IT9 is also software provider for business process robotization, as well as reg-tech, tax-tech and legal-tech solutions provider. Project overview • Web application for taxes helping to process financial data and create tax declarations. • Many inputs are CSV files and output are mostly XML files. • Processing of data is being done in a queque as the size of files can be huge, especially for input XML files that can be even 10GB files. However, the standard...
...vIir5IVNF8Acdzh.qK.3w1yLEAJCGFn6XRkryeb2IM 4. oraz potwierdzenie od radcy prawnego, że usługi które oferuję sa legalne w kraju gdzie zarejestrowana dzizłalność, oraz w krajach w których planuję wyświetlać reklamę.Tak to zrozumiałem z tego: as well as provide a copy of their gambling license or a legal memo from a qualified legal counsel (when a gambling license isn't available) indicating the legality of the business in the region targeted as well as in the regions they operate in, for us to proceed with next steps. Czyli naprawde od prawnika muszę mieć takie pismo? Owszem konsultowałem to z radcą prawnym na zasadzie rozmowy zanim zarejestrowałem działalność, ale nie mam tego na piśmie. Firma jest zarejestrowana
Mam do zlecenia mailing do firm oraz osób prywatnych zajmujących się SEO. Sprawa nie jest niby trudna, gdyż bazę takich firm i ich maili posiadam sam, lecz od zleceniobiorcy oczekuję jednego: MAILING FULL LEGAL, tzn. ma być wyrażona zgoda na otrzymanie takiego maila przez odbiorcę. Po zakończeniu proszę o raport osób, które odczytały maila. Rozumiem, iż płatność będzie właśnie za każdy z takich rekordów. Przy podaniu ceny proszę o opis, czy jest to cena za jeden rekord czy za całość usługi (i ile rekordów będzie ona wówczas zawierała). Czekam na propozycje i liczę na udaną współpracę.
>>> Przed podaniem dalszych informacji wymagane jest podpisanie klauzury poufności <<< Zlecenie dotyczy strony opartej o Na stronie należałoby wykonać: - dodać miejsce na reklamy na górze strony - zmiana niektórych szablonów listingu, wzór: - dodać możliwość załączania plików do formularza obecnego na stronie - dodać funkcjonalność typu “Podziel się” (Share/AddThis) - przygotowanie strony rejestracji - przygotować miejsce do logowania w górnej belce z menu na wzór - dodanie informacji w listingu i widoku szczegółowym odnośnie daty aktualizacji/dodania - uruchomienie komentarzy Podstrona
...(The completed cover sheet will not count towards the page limit); - Description of the proposed work; - Detailed programme of the work to be undertaken, including a work plan showing key date/milestones and deliverables; - Summary of relevant experience and technical knowledge to undertake the work proposed; - Information about any tribunals, legal disputes or challenges the bidder is involved in; - An assessment of risks associated with the work and how these will be managed; - The total cost and a breakdown of costs including a statement on VAT. . Tenders should clearly demonstrate: - An understanding of website design and development; - A realistic understanding of the ...
...Strategies Safe Place Strategies The Effect of Making a False Claim The Importance of Risk Assessment in the Workplace FIGHTING A CLAIM CATEGORY Disproving Breach of Duty Last Resort - Employers' Liability Mitigation of Liability Through 'Contributory Negligence' The Financial Ombudsman Scheme Time Limits for Claims Vicarious Liability 'Volenti non fit Injuria' - A Key Defence THE LEGAL BASIS CATEGORY Compensation Payouts Held in Trust Criminal and Civil Liability Damages Under the Human Rights Act Employers' Common Law Responsibilities Key Health and Safety Legislation Legalisation of 'No Win No Fee' Statute and Common Law The Compensation Act 2006 MYTHS & REALITIES CATEGORY Economic Costs of the 'Co...
Do wybrania jest 1 z 3 tematow. 1. Compare and contrast STR profiling and RFLP analysis techniques used in human identification - identify any advantages and disadvantages of the systems. 2. "Legal Highs": legislation and analysis 3. Fibres analysis and its usefulness in forensic science. Raport musi byc dlugi na okolo 2000 slow oraz referencje napisane w stylu Harvard. Dodatkowe wymagania beda zalaczone w pliku, ktory przesle po obejrzeniu ofert.
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania tematu przez odbiorce podam w jezyku ang: As a SME business owner, your task is to critically evaluate whether your business can take advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that ident...the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam na rozsadne of...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania tematu przez odbiorce podam w jezyku ang: As a SME business owner, your task is to critically evaluate whether your business can take advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that ident...the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam na rozsadne of...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania tematu przez odbiorce podam w jezyku ang: As a SME business owner, your task is to critically evaluate whether your business can take advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that ident...the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam na rozsadne of...
Mam szybkie zlecenie do zoutsourceowania na zewnatrz dla sprawnego freelancera. Zlecenie obejmuje: - ostylowanie czesciowo ostylowanych podstron - ostylowanie nowych podstron (jest juz bazowy html/css, nie trzeba ciac niczego!) - w paru formularzach pare suwakow w JS, - do zrobienia bedzie okolo 15, moze 20 podstron, w duzej mierze beda podobne do siebie, - podstrony maja nie mus...terminie 2 tyg, natomiast pierwsze podstrony potrzebuje na teraz, takze rozpoczac trzeba doslownie juz (z tego wzgledu, tylko osoby ktore nie pracuja na etacie, czyli prawdziwi freelancerzy). Szukam osoby/osob odpowiedzialnych i rzetelnych, z ktorymi moge utrzymywac w ciagu dnia kontakt tel/IM/mailowy oraz weryfikowac na bierzaco postep prac. Rozliczenie: musi byc faktura vat lub rachunek, czyli ...
Witam, Zlecenie dotyczy wykonania skryptu który: - loguje się do serwisu (posiadam login i hasło) - otwiera określoną podstronę (lista podstron w tablicy lub bazie + do każdej podstrony przypisany idProdukt) - pobiera dostępne atrybuty produktu - czasami atrybuty są parami (plus ...bazy danych (idProdukt + cena + atrybut/para atrybutów) Preferuję skrypt PHP+MySQL. Proszę o podanie ceny za wykonanie takiego skryptu (czy mozliwa f-vat -> jeśli tak to proszę o cenę brutto). Jaki koszt dostosowania takiego skryptu do pobierania danych z innego serwisu (zmienią się podstrony w tablicy oraz preg_match do wyciągnięcia atrybutów produktu z podstron). Zlecenie jest Full Legal ;) - hurtownia nie dostarcza plików XML więc trzeba pobrać dane z hurtowni... w bazie (film powitalny) b. obok playera duze-wielkie patki: - stop/zamknij - pelny ekran - suwak i glosnosc tylko po mouseover na player c. jesli pelny ekran to fajno by bylo gdyby nie gralo od nowa tylko kontynuowalo film d. suwak zeby dzialal rzeczywiscie a nie po kazdorazowym kliknieciu wracal do startu (moze to byc istotna uwaga przy wyborze playera :) ) e. player legal (nie wiem o co chodzi z tymi playerami autorskimi do flashowych filmow paletajacymi sie po kilka dolcow po necie ale player ma byc legalny) f. powtarzalne elementy (np. player) sa preloadowane i ciagane z komputera a nie za kazdym razem z servera 2. koniec filmu lub stop/zamknij = znika zaslonka: odslania sie strona glowna z wylistowanym chronologicznie kontentem vi...
We are running jewelry eshop www.Silver.Ag. We are looking for reliable partner in Poland to manage eshop branch in Poland. We will language (mainly by email) - looking for affordable advertising ... Partner have to be perfect in Internet marketing, strong references are necessary. Target oriented, want to work hard etc. Partner can be a company. Partner will receive payment as a % from all country sales. The offer is available also for other countries EXCEPT: Slovakia, Czechia, USA, UK, Canada, Romania, Philippines, Indonesia. Please send email with your professional background, ideas, question to: info@ . Communication in english, czech or slovak. I can understand polish slightly, however I cannot write in polish. No beginners please. Thank you...
...section and * Page Contents: * Yahoo Answers for this keyword results * Yahoo Web Search Results * Video Search results (Yahoo or Youtube) * Pictures Search Results (Yahoo or Flickr Commercial usable) * Google 'Got Lucky' best search results? * Yahoo News for keyword * Wikipedia Texts (it's free and legal to be used - believe it or not) - Database Downloads are available here :Database_download * Section to be filled by our users (add. content, error and obmissions) * Comments from users * Disclaimer and Copyright Info (see footer for a prime example) Spam * We need to work out to have a good
Witam, Potrzebuje specjaliste od AS / FLASH do dokonczenia nastepujacej strony Oto konieczne zmiany 1. Powiekszyc czcionke o 1 punkt/pixel na wszystkich podstronach (chodzi o tresc podstron) 2. Przeniesc button The firm powyzej buttonu Legal Services czyli button The firm bedzie zaraz pod Homepage 3. Zrobic menu rozwijalne po najechaniu na Contact Us rozwijalne bedzie: i. Location – zawartosc podstrony taka jak obecnie podstrony Contact Us ii. Feedback – zawartosc jak obecny Feedback iii. Live Chat – tylko text Coming soon... iv. Case trucker – Formularz ktory narazie nic nie bedzie robil poza pokazaniem komunikatu Warning. Formularz z dwoma polami: UniqueID Password [ submit ] – button submit tak jak na innych podstronach
...counter-terrorism For other areas of focus, feel free to post on the discussion board or ask your lecturer for guidance on topics you may want to explore To accomplish this, students should outline how their chosen policy change balances the appropriate ‘risk management’ of the real threat of terrorism with the need to protect democratic and liberal values (such as human rights, democratic freedoms, legal entitlements, etc). Students should outline the impacts of your chosen area of administrative change, including considering whether your chosen policy change has created unintended consequences or ramifications upon non-‘terrorist’ groups or individuals. A reflection is required on whether the specific policy change could be considered a ‘success&...
I'm in urgent need of a dedicated professional to help me track down sellers on Temu and SHEIN who are misusing my content to sell counterfeit versions of my clothing. Key responsibilities: - Identify sellers using my photos to replicate and sell copies of my clothes - Report each case as an Intellectual Property infringement through the off...platforms Compensation: - I will pay for every case resolved Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Familiarity with e-commerce platforms, particularly Temu and SHEIN - Prior experience in IP monitoring and infringement reporting - Attention to detail to recognize misuse of content - Good understanding of the process of reporting through official platform forms Please note, I have access to legal documentation proving ownership ...
...single spaced sized 12 times new roman on any of these two topics with numerous diagrams and math and images. (MUST INCLUDE ALL SORTS OF DATA SUCH AS BULLET POINTS, TABLES, IMAGES, DIAGRAMS)....How can AI improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses using patient records while ensuring compliance with data privacy laws like HIPAA? Why? This question tackles two critical fields—healthcare accuracy and legal compliance—showcasing both technical and ethical awareness. It’s also highly relevant in today's healthcare systems, making it an appealing topic for academic journals. What role can AI play in detecting and preventing cyberattacks on electronic health record (EHR) systems in real-time? Why? Cybersecurity in healthcare is a growing concern, and this questi...
We're in search of a seasoned consultant with extensive knowledge in both finance and operations within the global ferry industry. Your expertise should encompass: - Market Research: We need insights on current trends, future projections, and competitive analysis within the ferry sector. - Finance - Operations Your experience should span equally across the Philippines and the UK, as these are our primary areas of interest. We value consultants who can provide comprehensive insights into any of the markets. Please submit your CV if you meet these qualifications. We will respond promptly to shortlisted proposals. Thank you!
I'm looking for an experienced legal researcher to help me find relevant case law pertaining to automatic stay violations in Texas. The specific context is a commercial lease tenant who filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy two days after being locked out by the landlord. Key points of interest: - Focus on automatic stay violations - Specifically interested in court rulings and precedents - Looking to understand the potential for compensatory damages Ideal candidates will have: - Strong background in legal research, particularly in bankruptcy and landlord-tenant law - Familiarity with Texas case law - Ability to succinctly summarize findings and relate them to my specific situation.
I am in need of a paralegal with legal expertise to assist me in filing a suit against my Homeowner's Association (HOA) in Philadelphia's small claims court. The issue at hand is that I have been subjected to unfair fees and fines imposed by the HOA. This situation has escal to the point where legal action is necessary. I have gathered a considerable amount of evidence, including: - HOA statements and invoices - Correspondence with the HOA - Proof of payments - Letters to and from the HOA's lawyer The goal of this lawsuit is to obtain a refund of these unjust fees and fines. Ideal candidates for this job should have: - Prior experience in filing small claims suits - Expertise in dealing with homeowner's associations - Strong skills in legal do...
Job Post: Web Developer Needed for MVP of Legal Marketplace Platform We are looking for an experienced web developer to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a legal marketplace platform. The platform will connect service providers with clients, ensuring seamless communication, automated processes, and secure handling of sensitive data. Project Requirements: 1. Platform Features: o Clients can submit inquiries to one or multiple service providers. o Service providers must respond within 24–48 hours with a preliminary analysis and cost estimate. o Automated contract generation with essential details (e.g., parties involved, agreed fees). o Secure sharing of client contact details upon payment of a platform fee or commission. o Dashboards for service providers displa...
...executives, focusing on the Legal and Regulatory aspects and the general mechanics of US IPOs. Key aspects of the presentation should include: - In-depth analysis of regulatory compliance - Clear breakdown of the mechanics of US IPOs The preferred format for the presentation is a slide deck with bullet points. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have a strong background in law and corporate finance - Be familiar with US IPO processes - Have experience creating professional slide decks Please ensure the presentation is suitable for corporate executives, as this is the target audience. Please review the webinar information. I need to present with regards to #3 - general mechanics of IPOs for foreign issuers under US Securities Laws and give the US Process and leg...
I'm looking for an Instagram expert to help me secure the handle @cloud. The current status of the handle is uncertain, and it's not clear whether it's being actively used or not. - Negotiation Skills: The ideal candidate would have excellent negotiation skills to converse with the current owner (if any) of the handle. - Legal Understanding: Understanding of social media law and Instagram's terms of service would be a plus, to ensure all negotiations are above board. - Brand Awareness: As this handle is associated with an individual, a sense of personal branding and communication skills would be beneficial. - Research Skills: Ability to assess the current status of the handle and if it's possible to contact the current owner. - Social Media Savvy: A deep ...
I'm in search of a seasoned legal researcher or writer to evaluate the implications of Albania's recent justice reform on judicial independence. Key tasks: - Comprehensive research on Albanian constitutional law and the justice system. - Assessing the impact of the reform on judicial accountability. - Collecting and analyzing statistical data and case studies to support our findings. This project requires a professional, not an academic. I expect structured outlines and written drafts, leading to a collaborative, high-quality analysis. Your application should showcase your expertise in Albanian law and legal writing.
I need a legal expert to help me draft a motion to set aside a judgment concerning a civil case in St. Louis County, Missouri. The case was improperly served, and I have proof of the new address. - Nature of the Case: This involves a civil case, and I need a seasoned professional who understands the intricacies of civil law and can navigate through the legal jargon with ease. - Service Procedure Issue: The judgment was based on improper service procedure. I require someone who can convincingly articulate this in the motion. - Documentation: I have proof of the correct address which can support our claim. It would be beneficial if you could incorporate this into the motion. Your expertise in this matter will be invaluable and I look forward to your assistance. Thank you.
I'm seeking a straightforward and efficient tool that can gather publicly available email addresses from specific data sources, including social media platforms and public databases. The tool should export the collected email addresses into a CSV file for easy use. Key Requirements...Delivery is required as soon as possible. Applicants should detail relevant experience and provide an estimated timeline. Ideal Skills and Experience: Proficiency in software development, especially in creating data collection and automation tools. Prior experience with extracting data from social media platforms while adhering to ethical and legal standards. Ability to develop tools that export data into specified formats, such as CSV. Awareness of the legal and ethical boundaries of data...
I need an AI bot designed to analyze various types of legal documents and provide relevant legal information based on Indian Law. This bot will primarily serve lawyers, assisting them in understanding and interpreting legal materials. Key Functions: - Analyze legal documents such as court judgments, legal contracts, statutes and regulations, and other legal draftings. - Provide legal information and other relevant results. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in AI and machine learning. - Extensive knowledge of feeding the bot with Legal knowledge. - Prior work with developing AI for legal purposes is highly desirable.
...seeking a seasoned legal transcriptionist to transcribe a series of depositions for me. The transcriptions will be required in a digital text format, specifically as a Word or PDF file. I can give the transcriptionist to edit the transcript that my software already provides. For computer requirements, you can check out the MaxScribe PC requirements. Key requirements include: - Proficient transcription of deposition recordings into a clear, accurate digital text file - Adherence to standard legal formatting for the transcriptions - Timely delivery of the completed transcriptions Experience in legal transcription, especially with depositions, will be highly valued. Understanding of standard legal formatting is a
...(SRS) document. This document should detail both technical and legal requirements necessary for the app's operation. Key Aspects of the Project: - The app will verify a wide range of personal data, including employment history, education credentials, professional references, ID, address, credit history, civil records, proof of funds, AML, criminal records and others. - The SRS should cover all necessary technical specifications and verification processes to ensure the app's functionality and performance. Required help shall be provided in establishing the verification processes. - The SRS should detail all reliance on external technologies or APIs such as Artificial Intelligence and photo liveness APIs to conduct these checks. - Legal requirements must be meticu...
Necesito que la persona haga unas llamadas y sea el enlace en el extranjero para ver una situación legal
I need a professional translator to convert legal documents from English to French. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of legal terminology in both languages. Your expertise will ensure that the translation maintains the original document's meaning and intent, while also being grammatically correct and suitable for a French-speaking legal audience. Key Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in legal document translation - Native French speaker with excellent English skills - Strong understanding of legal terminology in both languages - Attention to detail and ability to maintain formatting of original documents
I need a professional translator to translate a series of legal documents from Arabic to English. The documents are primarily court transcripts in PDF format.
I want to publish a love letter in a Leyte, Philippines newspaper. It's a text-only letter. - Needs: I require a professional with experience in writing heartfelt letters. I need help writing the letter. It should be engaging and touching. - Publication: The target publication is the Leyte newspaper, Philippines. - Ideal Skills: Excellent writing and editing skills, understanding of heartfelt expressions, familiarity with newspaper publication processes in Leyte, Philippines.
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły. The posts should appeal to potential clients and cover a range of topics including legal advice and insights, industry trends and updates, and personal experiences and stories. Ideally I'm looking for someone who can help me brainstorm ideas for posts and articles, draft those posts, and then send them to me for final review and posting. My goal is to craft content to post every 1-2 weeks. Your writing should: - Be in a conversational tone, allowing for a friendly yet professional approach - Highlight my expertise in the legal field - Showcase my knowledge of industry trends - Share personal anecdotes that resonate with potential clients Ideal skills include: - Strong understanding of legal content - Proven track record of creating engaging LinkedIn...
Hello,we’re looking for Philippines translators to handle this project very well . We have some documents that need to be translated from English to Philippine,
I'm seeking a professional to assist with the preparation of documentation related to an increase in child support. The primary focus will be on income verification. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with child support processes - Experience with documentation preparation - Ability to conduct financial assessments - Legal knowledge in child support matters is a plus - Skills in creating and organizing income verification documents
I need an agreement document to confirm the exchange of funds post-divorce. The document should include details of 'completed funds sent and received'. This document is strictly between myself and my ex-spouse. Ideal Skills Include: - Legal document drafting - Familiarity with divorce-related agreements - Excellent attention to detail
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I have some documents that need to be translated from English to Twi. The ideal candidate for this task should be a native Twi speaker with excellent command over English, able to accurately convey the meaning of the original text in a culturally and contextually appropriate manner. Skills and Experience: - Native Twi speaker - Proficient in English - Strong translation skills - Familiarity with cultural nuances - Document translation experience
I need assistance in preparing and filing one personal injury case and three small claims cases. Details: - Most of the cases will be filed in small claims/justice court, with one in district court for the personal injury case. - I require support in various aspects including legal research, document drafting, case strategy consultation, and settlement negotiation. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in legal research and document drafting. - Experience in strategizing for personal injury and small claims cases. - Skilled in negotiation and settlement discussions. Required Skills: -Fluent in Englsih
Looking for a mechanical engineer to help for two months on a project in Manila, Philippines. Main role: installation of IoT devises (sensors like temperature, flow rate, pressure and power meter reading), and data collection of water cooled chiller systems (including chiller, pumps, cooling tower). Ideal qualifications: - Mechanical Engineering Expertise: Strong understanding of mechanical engineering principles, particularly in industrial equipment design and optimisation. - IoT Technology Knowledge: Familiarity with IoT solutions, including designing and implementing data collection systems for industrial applications. - Data Analysis Skills: Experience in analysing performance metrics of industrial equipment to identify inefficiencies and improvement opportunities. - Energy ...
As the owner of a business in the UK, I am currently dealing with an online fraud issue. I am in need of a lawyer who specializes in cybercrime. The scope of this project involves both legal representation as well as guidance on preventive measures to safeguard my business from future incidents. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have a strong background in cybercrime law, particularly in cases of online fraud - Proven track record of representing small businesses - Experience in advising on preventive measures against cybercrime - Located in California - Able to communicate complex legal concepts in an understandable way - Able to sign a Contingency Fee, Costs, and Expenses Agreement The posts should appeal to potential clients and cover a range of topics including legal advice and insights, industry trends and updates, and personal experiences and stories. Ideally I'm looking for someone who can help me brainstorm ideas for posts and articles, draft those posts, and then send them to me for final review and posting. My goal is to craft content to post every 1-2 weeks. Your writing should: - Be in a conversational tone, allowing for a friendly yet professional approach - Highlight my expertise in the legal field - Showcase my knowledge of industry trends - Share personal anecdotes that resonate with potential clients Ideal skills include: - Strong understanding of legal content - Proven track record of creating engaging LinkedIn...
I'm seeking assistance to convert legal PDF documents into Word format. The successful freelancer will need to meticulously preserve the original layout of the documents. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in typing and Microsoft Word - Exceptional attention to detail - Experience handling legal documents - Able to preserve document layouts accurately
I seek a qualified lawyer with expertise in property law and waste land. The purpose of the consultation is to clarify my legal rights concerning a piece of land I have some documents for. Ideal candidate should: - Be proficient in property ownership laws - Have experience dealing with waste land - Be able to interpret and assess property documents - Provide clear and concise legal advice - note* : need tamil lawyer Pay for consultation ( 1 hour ) = 200₹