Legal contracts for contractorsprojekty
...Contract Developer do projektu na 40 godzin w tygodniu. Stanowisko to wymaga solidnej wiedzy z programowania. Osoba, której poszukujemy, będzie pracowała zarówno w małych zespołach składających się z innych programistów, jak i samodzielnie z niewielką pomocą leadera projektu. Czym zajmuje się osoba na stanowisku Smart Contract Developer? Pisze smart contracts. Czego wymagamy od kandydata? Dobrej ogólnej wiedzy z zakresu smart contracts. Dobrej znajomości Solidity. Dobrej znajomości EVM. Dobrej znajomości co najmniej jednego języka programowania. Płynnej znajomości języka angielskiego i polskiego. Mile widziana dostępność “od zaraz” lub w ciągu kilku tygodni. Mile widziana znajomość , veCRV, ERC-20...
...moduły (bundles). Poniżej więcej informacji o firmie i projekcie. Company overview IT9 is consulting company in the areas of IT, process automation, project management advisory. IT9 is also software provider for business process robotization, as well as reg-tech, tax-tech and legal-tech solutions provider. Project overview • Web application for taxes helping to process financial data and create tax declarations. • Many inputs are CSV files and output are mostly XML files. • Processing of data is being done in a queque as the size of files can be huge, especially for input XML files that can be even 10GB files. However, the standard CSV files are up to 1MB. Technology stack • Single-tenant SaaS application using MVC design patte...
Posiadam kilka umów w formacie .doc, jednak potrzebuję je odświeżyć tak aby były łatwo uzupełnialne z poziomu Worda. Teraz są dostosowane bardziej do uzupełniania ręcznego. Oczekuję, że zleceniobiorca doradzi jak najlepiej przygotować umowę, tak aby f...poziomu Worda. Teraz są dostosowane bardziej do uzupełniania ręcznego. Oczekuję, że zleceniobiorca doradzi jak najlepiej przygotować umowę, tak aby faktycznie wypełnianie było jak najszybsze. Stawka wynagrodzenia proponowana to stawka za jedną pełną stronę do przerobienia. W sumie umów jest kilka wersji, razem może będzie tego około 25-30stron. Szacuję budżet w granicach 250zł. Because the contracts are in Polish and some understanding is needed to prepare it properly, Polish language speaking freelancer is prefer...
Dzień dobry, Mam do przetłumaczenia kilka tekstów z języka angielskiego na polski. ILOŚĆ SŁÓW w sumie:3222 Tematy: 1. Rental contracts & Housing rights 2. Higher education in the Netherlands 3. Dutch citizenship 4. General Practitioners (GPs) & Doctors in the Netherlands Uwaga: bardzo proszę o zachowanie kolorów w tekście ( tzn: jak coś jest na czerwono to po przetłumaczeniu tez powinno być na czerwony :)) Wymagania: - tłumaczenie organiczne - nie tłumaczymy pod seo ( ma się fajnie czytać ) - plik z tłumaczeniem musi się nazywać tak samo jak plik do tłumaczenia Zapraszam do składania ofert. oraz potwierdzenie od radcy prawnego, że usługi które oferuję sa legalne w kraju gdzie zarejestrowana dzizłalność, oraz w krajach w których planuję wyświetlać reklamę.Tak to zrozumiałem z tego: as well as provide a copy of their gambling license or a legal memo from a qualified legal counsel (when a gambling license isn't available) indicating the legality of the business in the region targeted as well as in the regions they operate in, for us to proceed with next steps. Czyli naprawde od prawnika muszę mieć takie pismo? Owszem konsultowałem to z radcą prawnym na zasadzie rozmowy zanim zarejestrowałem działalność, ale nie mam tego na piśmie. Firma jest zarejestrowana w UK, a r...
Zlecę pozycjonowanie strony www wypożyczalni samochodów (busów) w Warszawie. Oczekuję rachunku lub faktury. W przypadku pozytywnej współpracy zlecę kolejne strony do pozycjonowania. Zleceniobiorcy (wykonawcy) tylko z Polski! ONLY POLISH OFFERS! ONLY POLISH CONTRACTORS!
Mam do zlecenia mailing do firm oraz osób prywatnych zajmujących się SEO. Sprawa nie jest niby trudna, gdyż bazę takich firm i ich maili posiadam sam, lecz od zleceniobiorcy oczekuję jednego: MAILING FULL LEGAL, tzn. ma być wyrażona zgoda na otrzymanie takiego maila przez odbiorcę. Po zakończeniu proszę o raport osób, które odczytały maila. Rozumiem, iż płatność będzie właśnie za każdy z takich rekordów. Przy podaniu ceny proszę o opis, czy jest to cena za jeden rekord czy za całość usługi (i ile rekordów będzie ona wówczas zawierała). Czekam na propozycje i liczę na udaną współpracę.
>>> Przed podaniem dalszych informacji wymagane jest podpisanie klauzury poufności <<< Zlecenie dotyczy strony opartej o Na stronie należałoby wykonać: - dodać miejsce na reklamy na górze strony - zmiana niektórych szablonów listingu, wzór: - dodać możliwość załączania plików do formularza obecnego na stronie - dodać funkcjonalność typu “Podziel się” (Share/AddThis) - przygotowanie strony rejestracji - przygotować miejsce do logowania w górnej belce z menu na wzór - dodanie informacji w listingu i widoku szczegółowym odnośnie daty aktualizacji/dodania - uruchomienie komentarzy Podstrona
Zlece wykonanie portalu spolecznosciowego - warunkiem jest znajomosc jezyka angielskiego gdyz specyfikacja jest w tymze jezyku. Specyfikacja ponizej . Website Requirements 1. It is important for the new website to be stylish, effective, easy to use and accessible. The website will need to hold the user’s attention, provide the relevant information, and be able to grow with ESW’s future requirements. 2. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost 3. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimisation (search engine friendly). ...
...poniżej. Poszukujemy osoby, która ma doświadczenie w tłumaczeniu podobnych tekstów. ASK OUR EXPERTS CATEGORY Is There a Time Limit to Revist a Settled Claim? Rented Apartment to Friends: Can They Claim for Accident? CASE STUDIES CATEGORY An Unsuccessful Claim for Personal Injury: A Case Study Clinical Negligence: A Case Study Compensation for Wrongful Detention: A Case Study Criminal Injuries Claim: A Case Study I Won My Libel Case: A Case Study Personal Injury Claim: A Case Study EMPLOYMENT CLAIMS CATEGORY Claims for Discrimination Claims for Unfair Dismissal Claims for Wrongful Dismissal GOOD PRACTICE CATEGORY Cleaning and Hygiene Employers' Duties Under the Health and Safety Act Health and Safety Qua...
Hello, our company looking for someone to make a custom script similar to the one used on; I need it to capture customers details and then ask up to 5 contractors if they would like to pay (say £10) for the lead. It would need to be able to charge their card here I suppose. There should be no charge to customers and no charge for contractors for signing up, only if they buy the leads. Hope this makes sense. It also needs to run on php / mysql and be fairly easy to integrate into web design. Quote me if you can do this job and don't ask me please about budget... :-) I like this script with source code and full owned right. When you a have script like this send me please a demo. Regards Kate P....
Do wybrania jest 1 z 3 tematow. 1. Compare and contrast STR profiling and RFLP analysis techniques used in human identification - identify any advantages and disadvantages of the systems. 2. "Legal Highs": legislation and analysis 3. Fibres analysis and its usefulness in forensic science. Raport musi byc dlugi na okolo 2000 slow oraz referencje napisane w stylu Harvard. Dodatkowe wymagania beda zalaczone w pliku, ktory przesle po obejrzeniu ofert.
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania ...justifies the key areas of risk and compliance that you need to take into account in the making your decision. 4 elementy raportuy ktore beda stanowic ala rozdzialy: 1. Briefly identify the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam ...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania ...justifies the key areas of risk and compliance that you need to take into account in the making your decision. 4 elementy raportuy ktore beda stanowic ala rozdzialy: 1. Briefly identify the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam ...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 2500 wyrazow (moze byc w jezyku pl) dla lepszego zinterpretowania ...justifies the key areas of risk and compliance that you need to take into account in the making your decision. 4 elementy raportuy ktore beda stanowic ala rozdzialy: 1. Briefly identify the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam ...
Mam szybkie zlecenie do zoutsourceowania na zewnatrz dla sprawnego freelancera. Zlecenie obejmuje: - ostylowanie czesciowo ostylowanych podstron - ostylowanie nowych podstron (jest juz bazowy html/css, nie trzeba ciac niczego!) - w paru formularzach pare suwakow w JS, - do zrobienia bedzie okolo 15, moze 20 podstron, w duzej mierze beda podobne do siebie, - podstrony maja nie mus...terminie 2 tyg, natomiast pierwsze podstrony potrzebuje na teraz, takze rozpoczac trzeba doslownie juz (z tego wzgledu, tylko osoby ktore nie pracuja na etacie, czyli prawdziwi freelancerzy). Szukam osoby/osob odpowiedzialnych i rzetelnych, z ktorymi moge utrzymywac w ciagu dnia kontakt tel/IM/mailowy oraz weryfikowac na bierzaco postep prac. Rozliczenie: musi byc faktura vat lub rachunek, czyli ...
Witam, Zlecenie dotyczy wykonania skryptu który: - loguje się do serwisu (posiadam login i hasło) - otwiera określoną podstronę (lista podstron w tablicy lub bazie + do każdej podstrony przypisany idProdukt) - pobiera dostępne atrybuty produktu - czasami atrybuty są parami (plus ...bazy danych (idProdukt + cena + atrybut/para atrybutów) Preferuję skrypt PHP+MySQL. Proszę o podanie ceny za wykonanie takiego skryptu (czy mozliwa f-vat -> jeśli tak to proszę o cenę brutto). Jaki koszt dostosowania takiego skryptu do pobierania danych z innego serwisu (zmienią się podstrony w tablicy oraz preg_match do wyciągnięcia atrybutów produktu z podstron). Zlecenie jest Full Legal ;) - hurtownia nie dostarcza plików XML więc trzeba pobrać dane z hurtowni... w bazie (film powitalny) b. obok playera duze-wielkie patki: - stop/zamknij - pelny ekran - suwak i glosnosc tylko po mouseover na player c. jesli pelny ekran to fajno by bylo gdyby nie gralo od nowa tylko kontynuowalo film d. suwak zeby dzialal rzeczywiscie a nie po kazdorazowym kliknieciu wracal do startu (moze to byc istotna uwaga przy wyborze playera :) ) e. player legal (nie wiem o co chodzi z tymi playerami autorskimi do flashowych filmow paletajacymi sie po kilka dolcow po necie ale player ma byc legalny) f. powtarzalne elementy (np. player) sa preloadowane i ciagane z komputera a nie za kazdym razem z servera 2. koniec filmu lub stop/zamknij = znika zaslonka: odslania sie strona glowna z wylistowanym chronologicznie kontentem vi...
...angielsku i jezyk komunikacji w projkecie to angielski). Overview The goals is to use human powered search and intelligent scraping to produce a valuable set of pages for users to find helpful content. Platform We have installed Dekiwiki as it seems to be an easy way to manage entries and comments and it uses PHP. However we may also use DokuWiki or any otehr wiki platform for this project. Selected features * Scalability to up to 1 Mio entries without pain (each page must be 100% loaded after 10 seconds) * Search friendly URLs * Comments * Easy registration for editors * Simple review and approval of changed content * Manages imported/scraped content and user generated content se...
Witam, Potrzebuje specjaliste od AS / FLASH do dokonczenia nastepujacej strony Oto konieczne zmiany 1. Powiekszyc czcionke o 1 punkt/pixel na wszystkich podstronach (chodzi o tresc podstron) 2. Przeniesc button The firm powyzej buttonu Legal Services czyli button The firm bedzie zaraz pod Homepage 3. Zrobic menu rozwijalne po najechaniu na Contact Us rozwijalne bedzie: i. Location – zawartosc podstrony taka jak obecnie podstrony Contact Us ii. Feedback – zawartosc jak obecny Feedback iii. Live Chat – tylko text Coming soon... iv. Case trucker – Formularz ktory narazie nic nie bedzie robil poza pokazaniem komunikatu Warning. Formularz z dwoma polami: UniqueID Password [ submit ] – button submit tak jak na innych podstronach
Job Title: Computer Programmer (Web Scraper/Software Developer) Job Location: Remote Job Type: Contract Job Overview: We are looking for a skilled and self-motivated Computer Programmer to develop a software solution that will automate the process of collecting property tax delinquent data from public property records. The solution will allow for filtering and sorting between different property types (houses and land) and should extract specific property-related information including owner names, addresses, APN (Assessor’s Parcel Number), delinquency status, county details, lot size, assessed value, and market value. The ideal candidate should have experience building web scrapers, APIs, or data collection tools, with strong programming skills and a focus on extract...
I'm in need of a diligent data entry specialist to assist with manual entry of employee records. The records are currently in PDF files, and will need to be transcribed into Employment Hero. We have approx 30 employees including contractors. We would also want procedures and policies imported into Employment hero, currently approx 400 procedures. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry - Experience with PDF to data transcription - Familiarity with Employment Hero is a plus - Attention to detail - Excellent typing skills - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with discretion.
I need assistance with converting and formatting my M&A documents from .pdf to Word. The documents should be fully formatted and ready for legal review. Skills in legal word processing, attention to detail, and experience with M&A documents are critical to the success of this project.
...This remote role is ideal for a professional who thrives in a fast-paced environment, can manage multiple priorities, and is passionate about delivering excellent customer service. Key Responsibilities: Customer Support: Handle the online chat feature on our website, manage inbound and outbound calls, and serve as the first point of contact for our customers. Social Media Management: Set up, manage, and maintain social media accounts, ensuring brand consistency and audience engagement. Design and Editing: Utilize Canva and other graphic design tools to create and edit visuals for marketing and communications. Administrative Tasks: Manage calendars, set appointments, and handle confirmations or rescheduling. Oversee projects, coordinate with vendors and contra...
...designed to connect freelancers with clients from all over the world. It acts as a marketplace where skilled professionals can offer their expertise, apply for projects, and collaborate with clients in various industries. Key Features: Freelancer Profiles: Freelancers can create detailed profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and portfolio, making it easier for clients to choose the right professional for their needs. Job Listings: Clients can post a wide range of projects, from short-term tasks to large-scale contracts, which freelancers can browse and apply for. Secure Payments: The platform ensures secure transactions for both freelancers and clients, utilizing escrow services and milestone-based payments. Communication Tools: Bui...
...well.I am currently working on developing a new line of Prebiotic soft drinks for the European market. The concept is centered around creating fiber-rich beverages, similar in essence to brands like Olipop or Wildwonder, while adhering strictly to European regulations. I am reaching out to inquire if you would be interested in collaborating on this project. Specifically, I would like your assistance in developing recipes for four different soft drink products tailored to the European market. These drinks should be rich in fibers and meet all applicable legal and nutritional standards in the region. Could you kindly let me know: 1. If this is something you would be interested in working on. 2. The estimated cost for your services, including the development...
Project Brief for Image Editing and Website Updates Overview This project involves image editing and website updates for fine art pieces, requiring specific skills in image manipulation and website management. The tasks are split into two parts taking a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes. I would like the tasks completed within a week. Scope of Work Part 1: Image Editing (4 Tasks, 40 Minutes) 1. Create High-Resolution Image Versions ◦ Resize images to specified dimensions. ◦ Add white borders and adjust canvas size. 2. Prepare A2 Size Images with Signatures ◦ Position the image within a pre-designed Photoshop template. ◦ Blend backgrounds for natural integration. ◦ Add and adjust the artist’s signature for visibility without obscuring the subject. 3. Create I...
Accurate Transcription Services: Delivering high-quality, error-free transcripts for audio and video files, including interviews, podcasts, webinars, and meetings. Fast Turnaround Times: Reliable delivery within tight deadlines without compromising quality. Multilingual Capabilities (if applicable): Skilled in transcribing content in [language(s)], ensuring cultural nuances and linguistic accuracy. Detail-Oriented: Exceptional attention to detail for formatting, grammar, and style consistency. Confidential and Secure: Guaranteed confidentiality for sensitive and private materials. Experience Across Industries: Familiar with transcription needs in legal, medical, academic, and business sectors. Tech-Savvy: Proficient with transcription tools like Express Sc...
I'm looking for a web designer to create a professional and functional website for my legal services and consultations. The design should be similar to the example provided: Key Responsibilities: - Create a modern, user-friendly, and responsive website. - The designer should incorporate features that are typical for legal service websites. - Maintain a professional tone throughout the design. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web design, particularly for legal or consultation services. - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles. - Proficiency in modern web design tools and software. Please note, the specific style, key pages, and color preferences for the website have not been decided yet, and may be ...
I'm looking for an ambitious developer to create a unique Bitcoin(fork) Lotto application where players can purchase a weekly ticket, the winner is selected at random and they receive the prize fund to their wallet automatically. I belong to a large community of users who will use this tool. I have a bunch of other bigger projects which I'm looking for a dev for and this lotto project will potentially lead to regular work in an exciting, leading edge of blockchain development. I am looking for a long term-relationship with a quality dev to build amazing things. Key features of the application will include: - No user signup, the user only enters their chosen name for their entry to the lotto when sending their ticket purchase: The app will ...
Freelance Sales Agent – Paper Products Specialist (Hotels, Hospitals, Factories, B2B) TOTH GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, a European company renowned for its quality and innovation, is expanding into the U.S. market. We specialize in high-quality paper products and are seeking an experienced Freelance Sales Agent to lead our efforts in establishing a strong presence in the United States. About the Role: We are looking for a driven and experienced sales professional with a focus on B2B paper products, targeting sectors such as hotels, hospitals, factories, and other large-scale businesses. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in sales, a strong network within the industry, and exceptional negotiation skills. Responsibilities: - Identify and establish relationships...
My company policies require editing to ensure they are compliant and accurate. The primary objective is to align with our company guidelines. Ideal skills and experience include: - Exceptional editing and proofreading abilities - Familiarity with corporate policy language - Understanding of compliance requirements - Prior experience with editing for legal and corporate purposes
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a comprehensive website for my business. The primary purpose of the site is to showcase our services and products, as well as to facilitate booking and transactions. Key Requirements: - E-commerce functionality: The website needs to handle transactions smoothly, as it will be selling products and accepting service bookings. - Payment Integration: The site must support credit/debit card payments and PayPal transactions. An understanding of secure payment processing is essential. - User-friendly Interface: The website should be easy to navigate for all users, with a clear layout for our services, products, and booking system. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in e-commerce website deve...
I need a legal professional to represent me in court regarding a breach of contract case against an individual. The primary issue at hand is non-performance and refusal on their part. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in contract law - Proven track record in court representation - Strong negotiation skills - Excellent communication skills - Ability to prepare and present legal documents
I'm looking for a developer who can create an in-house token on the Solana blockchain for a customer loyalty reward system. The token will be given to customers with each purchase, and can be redeemed for products or exclusive access to events. Key aspects of the project include: - Limited Supply: The token will be of a limited supply, which adds to its exclusivity and value. - Smart Contracts: A smart contract will be embedded to ensure a limited distribution of the tokens over time. - Initial Distribution: There will be an initial distribution of the tokens to early investors, which will include a lock-up period. - Staking System: A comprehensive staking system needs to be developed. This system should allow users to stake their tokens for additi...
...efficiency, attention to detail, and a commitment to delivering quality results within a short timeframe. This initial project serves as a trial task, with the potential for a long-term collaboration and larger contracts based on your performance. Key Requirements: • 3+ years of experience in React Native development. • Experience with Expo and Expo Development Build. • Proficiency in TypeScript. • Must have a macOS computer for iOS development and testing. • Familiarity with clean coding practices and refactoring techniques. • Understanding of testing practices is a plus. • Arabic language proficiency is mandatory for communication. Nice-to-Have Skills: • Experience with Firebase. • Knowledge of full-st...
...points) The current status the IT operation is doing IT helpdesk work only, while we have other departments such as infrastructure (network, network security, and systems “servers and cloud solutions”). IT solutions (the deal with apps, ERP, corresponding tracking management, websites. IT governance: they do policy and handling PMO roles. The current IT Operation having 3 main employees and 2 contractors The one contractor managing assets and the other one managing the Level one support in a day shift and Printer support. While the main employees managing: Employee 1: onboarding, day shift, email issue. Sharing services. Employee 2: night shift, L1 support. Employee 3: L1 support external location, day shift, external services, and executive users. ** usually the e...
I need a seasoned Contract Express programmer to assist with creating templates for legal contracts based on my existing documents. Key tasks include: - Developing comprehensive, accurate templates from pre-existing documents - Ensuring templates meet all necessary legal requirements The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with Contract Express - A strong background in legal document preparation - Excellent attention to detail
I'm seeking a legal expert with comprehensive knowledge of California state-level case law regarding the validity of Home Ownership Association (HOA) waivers of liability. Key Responsibilities: - Research and provide insights on state-level cases from California that pertain to the validity of HOA waivers of liability. - Highlight any significant precedents, trends, or anomalies in the case law. - Offer an expert interpretation of the implications of these cases for homeowners and HOAs alike. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive background in California property law or HOA law. - Proven experience in legal research and case law analysis. - Excellent communication skills for translating complex legal concepts into understandable insights.
...would like for all designers to be aware that I sealed the submissions to ensure unique designs are submitted that do not come from batch templates, and so that you all can't see everyone elses submissions. However, I want you all to know that there have been multiple duplicate submissions from many users which is evidence you all are trying to submit someone elses ideas. Any batch submission will not be selected as the winner. Please read the specific request for examples and tailor the submissions accordingly. I'm looking for a creative professional to design Instagram post templates for my law firm that specializes in providing general counsel services to business and healthcare clients. The primary aim of these posts is to educate our audience ...
I'm in need of a professional with expertise in blockchain bridging, specifically for implementing cross-chain transfers. Key Responsibilities: - Assistance with cross-chain transfers - Implementation of smart contract functionality for MetaNet (MNet) coin transfers - Expert advice and execution on the token distribution model Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Blockchain technology - Proficient in creating and managing smart contracts - Deep understanding of tokenomics and DeFi - Previous work with cross-chain transfers and security is a plus Looking for someone who can ensure seamless transfers, with an understanding of the intricacies of token distribution, and can implement smart contracts efficiently.
Hi, I’m Louis—a seasoned full-stack web developer with years of experience and thousands of dollars earned on freelancing platforms like Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr. I’ve started an exciting experiment to help freelance developers like you get more clients and long-term opportunities while making the client communication process easier and more effective. I’m looking for 3 more freelance developers to join this project and test my tool, OkUpdate Client Magnet, which is designed to: - Improve client communication. - Boost your hiring rates on freelance platforms. - Help you win long-term opportunities with satisfied clients. What’s the Problem We’re Solving? Freelancers often face communication issues that lead to misunderstandings, ex...
Since I am abroad, I need someone to visit my house in Bremen, Germany, to a...need someone to visit my house in Bremen, Germany, to ascertain how many people currently reside there. This task is crucial due to legal and compliance reasons. Key Responsibilities: - A site visit to my Bremen property. - Note and info about the number and names of occupants. - Note the duration of their stay (since when to when, how found the room). - Document your findings with photographic evidence. - Compose a written report detailing your observations. Ideal Candidate: - Must be located in or have access to Bremen, Germany. - Must keep project details confidential to tenants and guests. Pay is $ 30,- and 50,- if all needed informations eg photo for evidence are fully documented. Speak ...
...operational needs. You will be responsible for finalizing our terms of service, privacy policies, user guidelines, and platform rules. Key Responsibilities: - Research and rewrite content from similar platforms, focusing on common terms, policies, and rules. - Customize the content to align with our brand voice and tone, ensure legal compliance, and enhance user engagement. - Create formal documents detailing user responsibilities, vendor responsibilities, and affiliate responsibilities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in content research and rewriting. - Strong understanding of legal and compliance language. - Exceptional writing skills with the ability to create formal documents. - Previous experience working with terms of service or similar l...
...specifically for commercial tenant improvement projects (restaurants). Given the nature of these projects, it is crucial that the architect is: - Compliant with all legal requirements of the state - Able to sign and seal the documents as per the state's regulations The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience and understanding of the legal compliance requirements in Washington State - A registered architect status in Washington State - Experience with commercial tenant improvement projects, specifically restaurants - Capacity to efficiently sign and seal documents Please note that the primary task is to ensure the documents are legally compliant and to provide the necessary signatures and seals. A comprehensive compliance check or local building ...
I'm in urgent need of a professional U...dispute with a customer and to represent my company during negotiations. Key Responsibilities: - Representing my company during negotiations to resolve a dispute involving our physical products. - Providing expert legal advice and assistance in finding an amicable settlement. Ideal Candidates Should: - Be a licensed attorney in the USA. - Have a strong background in contract law and dispute resolution. - Be experienced in representing companies in negotiations concerning physical goods. - Possess excellent negotiation skills. - Be able to provide professional legal representation for my company. Please note that the priority is on resolving the dispute as soon as possible. I'd appreciate your assistance in making t...
I am on the lookout for a dedicated sales executive with expertise in the ceramic tile industry to help boost our presence in Malaysia. Your primary focus will be on engaging wholesale distributors. Key Responsibilities: - Lead Generation: Identifying potential wholesale distributors and cultivating relationships with them. - Contract Negotiation: Utilizing your negotiation skills to secure beneficial contracts. - Client Follow-ups: Ensuring consistent communication with distributors to maintain strong relationships. Essential Skills: - Negotiation Skills: Ability to negotiate favorable terms and conditions. - Relationship Building: Proven track record of establishing and maintaining professional relationships. - Market Knowledge: In-depth understanding of the Malaysian cer...
I'm looking for a blockchain developer to create a presale contract for utility tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. The presale should have an integration with the Moonpay gateway, allowing participants to purchase tokens using credit or debit cards. Key Requirements: - Development of a presale contract on Ethereum for utility tokens. - Integration with the Moonpay gateway for card transactions. - Implementation of features enabling credit/debit card purchases during the presale. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ethereum blockchain and smart contract development. - Experience with Moonpay integration. - Expertise in creating utility token presale contracts. Please note: - There's no need for KYC integration for card purchases.
I am seeking a professional translator with expertise in legal documents, specifically contracts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in legal terminology in both source and target languages - Prior experience translating contracts - Attention to detail and accuracy - Confidentiality and professionalism