Jamroom expertprojekty
Dzień dobry, cześć! szukam eksperta wordpress z którym mógłbym nawiązać współpracę na jakis dłuższy czas. Systematycznie był zlecał rożnego rodzaju prace.. od poprawienia podstrony i jakiejś funkcjonalności po stworzenie całej podstrony, strony z mini sklepem, landingpagem. Szukam experta, osoby które nie trzeba pilnować i nie pokazywac palcem każdej kropki na stronie jak ma wyglądać. Najbardziej zależy mi żeby osoba miała następujące umiejętności : - umiała programować ( nietypowy formularz na stronie, liczniki, aktywne sekcje ) - miała talent graficzny ( najlepiej hobby związane z rysowaniem ) - podziały pi/ złote podziały - bardziej mi chodzi o idee żeby osoba była świadoma dobrej formy "a nie roboty na od@%$dol" - miała talent fotograficzny ...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
Rozszerzyć system FLOTA tak, aby obejmował rezerwację pojazdów. Klient może zarezerwować konkretny pojazd na wybrane dni. Rezerwacja jest bezpłatna. System powinien wyszukiwać pojazdy wg zadanych kryteriów, sprawdzać dostępność pojazdów. Wspomagać zmianę terminu wypożyczenia (wydłużenie lub skrócenie wypożyczenia). Oraz dokonywać kalkulacji szacowanych kosztów związanych z wypożć system FLOTA tak, aby obejmował rezerwację pojazdów. Klient może zarezerwować konkretny pojazd na wybrane dni. Rezerwacja jest bezpłatna. System powinien wyszukiwać pojazdy wg zadanych kryteriów, sprawdzać dostępność pojazdów. Wspomagać zmianę terminu wypożyczenia (wydłużenie lub skrócenie wypożyczenia). Oraz dokonywać kalkulacji szacowanych koszt&oa...
Zlecę jednomiesięczne poprowadzenie kampanii Adwords Polska. Budżet kampanii 750 zł.
Zlecę jednomiesięczne poprowadzenie kampanii Adwords Polska. Budżet kampanii 750 zł.
Potrzebny programista Ruby on Rails. Doświadczony. Najlepiej z okolic Śląska.
Cześć chciałam się dowiedzieć czy znasz się na programie OIXD ? Mam do stworzenia kilka sklepów on-line potrzebuję kogoś od programowania. Będę wdzięczna za odpowiedź. Pozdrawiam, Pat
Cześć chciałam się dowiedzieć czy znasz się na programie OIXD ? Mam do stworzenia kilka sklepów on-line potrzebuję kogoś od programowania. Będę wdzięczna za odpowiedź. Pozdrawiam, Pat
Szukam osoby, która bardzo dobrze zna się na laptopach i może występować w roli eksperta na forach internetowych. Rozliczanie od ilości poprawnie dodanych tematów. Dodatkowe możliwości premiowania. Um.zl./fvat
Evo otvaram projekt za SEO experta. Bit će hourly based project i stavit ću 50$ satnicu. Postavit ću milestone.
witam, szukam kogos znajacego bardzo dobrze PHP i MYSQL. Robimy wersje mobilna strony i chcemy polaczyc bazy danych z pomoca drivera, badz PHP. Chodzi o to oba sklepy mialy dane z tej samej bazy danych (sa to zupelnie odrebne sklepy,ie: glowny sklep jest na OSCgold (klon Oscommerce) a nowy jest na Woocommerce. Prosze o kontakt tylko ludzi, ktorzy wiedza jak to zrobic i gwarantuja niezawodosc dzialania swojej pracy. Kontakt via email/skype
Witam, poszukuje developpera, experta od wordpressu w celu nawiazania stalej/dlugotrwalej wspolpracy. Powazne projekty, stala wspolpraca/partnera, osoby dobrze zorientowanej na sukces, konsekwentnej, summiennej, rzetelnej i dyspozycyjnej. Znajkmosc jezyka angielskiego konieczna. Wszystkie warunki wspolpracy do ustalenia. Prosze o powazne oferty. Nie jest to aukcja chce zazanczyc, to ogloszenie ma na celu wybranie OSOBY do powaznego przedsiewziecia. Oferty prosz kierowac mailem na motiontwisterae@
witam, poszukuje osoby swietniej znajacej Asteriska/Trixboxa. Potrzebuje pomocy przy zdalnej konfiguracji tego systemu (prosty PBX), oraz koncowek (telefonow) Bardzo prosze o oferty tylko majace spore doswiadczenie w tym systemie. Kontakt przez email/
witam, poszukuje osoby swietnie znajacej OsCommerce/OSC GOld oraz PHP. Musze poprawic pare bledow w sklepie (OSC GOLD) oraz dodac pare modulow. Prosze o oferty tylko osoby ktore naprawde sie znaja na tym, jako ze mialem juz niestety sycznosc z ludzmi ktorzy mysleli ze potrafia... kontakt: email/gg
Nasza firma zajmuje sie design i programowaniem (PHP ) od pewnego czasu mamy coraz wiecej zlecen i dlatego poszukujemy programistow grafikow od webdesign (opencart, wordpress) którzy mogą podjąć się współpracy z nami.
Wutam, szukam osoby bardzo dobrze znjacej tajniki Joomla/Virtuemart. Mam problem z platnoscia Paypal oraz modulem wysylki Konieczna znajomosc j. angielskiego. Kontakt: email/gg
Dzien dobry, Szukam osoby do napisania Expert advisora ( EA) robot do robienia transakcji na gieldzie dzialajacy na platformie metarader 4. Szukam wykonawcy ktory zautomatyzuje moja manualna strategie gry. Oto link do szablonu takiego robota w jezyku meta quotes ; oraz do poczytania: ;page=0&news_cat_id=1082&news_id=18648 pzdr lukaszfalkowskii@
Witam. Zlecenie obejmuje zaprojektowanie GUI serwisu internetowego. Mamy już zaprojektowane 3 najważniejsze strony serwisu u grafika odpowiedzialnego za kwestie estetyczne i wizerunkowe. Posiadamy także 20 stronicową specyfikację funkcjonalną serwisu. Teraz potrzebujemy tzw. usability expert do zaprojektowania w Photoshopie GUI dla poszczególnych funkcji serwisu oraz późniejszego pocięcia do HTML/CSS/JQuery, Ogólnie mówiąc serwis jest od tematyce edukacyjnej z elementami społecznościowymi oraz z video-chat'em. Szczegóły podsyłam wybranym osobom. Proszę w licytacjach podawać namiary do swoich prac lub portfolio abym mógł podejrzeć projektowane przez Państwa GUI oraz kod HTML/CSS/JS. Najbardziej byśmy byli zainteresowaniu osoba...
witam, szukam kogos z bardzo dobra znajmoscia joomli i php. Mam projekt do skonczenia na wtorek (dosc spory) i szukam kogos konkretnego do pomocy. Prosze o licytacje tylko osoby ktore naprawde dobrze znaja temat, gdyz nie jest to nic standardowego i wymaga sporej wiedzy w dziedzinie PHP, bezpieczenstwa oraz Joomla.
Zlecę przetłumaczenie z angielskiego na polski pliku językowego skryptu Jamroom. Plik .txt dostępny jest pod adresem Tekst potoczny i powtarzający się. Nie wymagam faktury VAT. Proszę o podawanie tylko konkretnych ofert cenowych.
Witam, Jak w temacie. Zlecę wykonanie profesjonalnej oprawy graficznej pod system Jamroom. (tutaj poglądowe demo, nie zwracajcie uwagi bo to wersja testowa). Interesuje mnie najtańsza oferta, chciałbym poznać szczegóły co graficznie da się z tym zrobić. Interesuje mnie również wykonanie loga pod ten projekt. Oferty na gg: 11583903 bądź mailowo: bergman@
Witam, poszukuję kogoś bardzo dobrze znającego się na technologii Flash. Do wykonania mam zaawansowany projekt (coś w stylu wirtualnej galerii handlowej). Proszę o oferty wraz z portfolio do wykonanych projektów. Mogę nie wybrać zwycięzcy, ponieważ szukam odpowiedniej osoby w kilku miejscach.
I'm searching for a specialist with a proven track record in connecting airline reservation systems with GDS systems. This job is specifically not related to travel agency work, but rather focused on airline integration with GDS for distributing airline seats and other inventory. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in integrating with major GDS systems: Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport. - Deep understanding of IATA Type A, Type B messages, and EDI messages for availability, booking, reservation, and host-to-host (HTH) connectivity with other GDS systems. - Proficient in handling SITA messages and using IBM MQ or similar technologies. Integration Scope: - The integration should support updates for seat availability, pricing information, and passenger details. - Real-time updates f...
I'm seeking an expert-level interviewer in the Java development field to assess a candidate's technical skills. Key Focus Areas: - Advanced Java Programming Concepts: The interviewer should evaluate the candidate's understanding and application of multithreading, collections, and exception handling. - Framework Proficiency: Proficiency in Spring and Hibernate is critical. The interviewer should assess the candidate's experience and expertise in using these frameworks. - Database Integration & Optimization: The candidate's knowledge and skills in database integration and performance optimization are to be assessed. The ideal interviewer should have a deep understanding of Java best practices, be skilled in debugging and troubleshooting Java applications...
I'm in need of support in with our bookkeeping and accounts to assist with accounts payable and receivable and reconciliations for my existing businesses. The ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience with either Xero or QuickBooks - Strong understanding of all aspects of accounting - Ability to start immediately and work longterm - Accounting degree Please highlight your relevant experience in your application. Please also quote your hourly rate and your availability.
...reliable payment gateway and setting up an efficient inventory management system. - Theme customisation Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in Shopify with a strong portfolio of design improvements. Strong knowledge is UI/UX - Experience with integrating payment gateways and inventory systems. - Understanding of responsive design principles and best practices for navigation structure. - Expert in Shopify development, must know how to code Other things to note - Must be efficient and a good communicator - Able to work under high pressure Please reach out if you can help me get my Shopify site up to standard. The project needs to be completed within 1-2 weeks. The primary goal of these enhancements is to increase sales. Please ensure the design follows a minima...
I'm seeking a skilled social media manager to oversee my Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. The role includes creating and posting 5 posts and 3 reels on Instagram and Facebook weekly, as well as producing content for YouTube shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging FB, INSTA posts, reels and YouTube shorts. - Scheduling and Posting: Ensure posts are uploaded at optimal times for maximum engagement. - Community Engagement: Primarily focused on initiating conversations with followers. - Paid Campaigns: Plan and manage paid advertising to boost visibility and engagement. - Organic Marketing: Develop strategies to grow the channels without relying solely on paid ads. - Logo Creation: Design a unique and appealing logo for the brand. Ideal Skills and E...
I need a freelancer to design an e-bike website using OpenCart (latest version). You’ll get cPanel access with OpenCart installed. Tasks: Design a custom, responsive theme. Create a professional logo. Add 10-15 sample e-bike products (copy details/images from ). Set up homepage with banners, categories, and featured products. Ensure basic functionality (no payment integration needed). Deliverables: Functional e-bike website with logo, theme, and sample products. Responsive and optimized design. Timeline is max 2 days.
I'm seeking a skilled and experienced Exocad designer to assist with our digital dental design needs. Our primary focus is on crown and bridge designs, but there will also be opportunities to work on implant restorations, occlusal guards, dentures, and smile designs. Our practice is fully equipped with Exocad software, CBCT technology, and intraoral scanning capabilities, enabling a complete digital workflow. We maintain a steady monthly volume of cases and seek a reliable, long-term partner. Key aspects of our ideal collaboration include: - Regular communication via Microsoft Teams - Consistent turnaround times - A strong focus on quality and precision, with particular attention to the aesthetic appearance of the designs - Experience working with complex cases Please ...
I'm seeking a professional to help me post my Women's clothing on eBay. The clothing spans across Dresses, Tops, and Bottoms. I have links to the clothes and specifics from Amazon that can be used for the listings. Key Tasks: - Create compelling eBay listings using provided Amazon specifics. - Incorporate size charts and material information in each listing. - Utilize pre-prepared images for the listings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with eBay postings and eBay selling - Excellent understanding of women's clothing - Ability to create engaging online content - Experience with Amazon product listings - Attention to detail
I have a VPS with OVH, running Ubuntu or maybe apache. I need a tech expert who can install SSL on my domain and reading their server tech files I htink they suggest using Certbot, Key Tasks: - Install SSL on my domain . - Configure the server to use the certificate and set up HTTPS redirection. - Help with monitoring server performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ubantu and apache - Proficiency in SSL installation and Certbot. - Skills in server performance monitoring. - Familiarity with Ubuntu operating system.
I'm looking for a seasoned NEXTCLOUD professional based in Singapore. The project involves: MUST BE BASED IN SINGAPORE ... BUT REMOTE WORK - System Setup and Configuration: Setting up a medium-scale NEXTCLOUD environment across multiple servers. - Ongoing Maintenance and Support: Providing continuous support and necessary system upkeep. - Security and Compliance Audits: Regularly conducting thorough security checks and compliance audits to ensure system integrity and adherence to relevant standards. This project does not involve integrating with any pre-existing infrastructure. We're starting from scratch, so a comprehensive understanding of building and configuring a data center environment is essential. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with NEXTCLOU...
I'm looking for a dropshipping professional with proven experience and a record of successfully sourcing products from Amazon to eBay. Your primary task will be product sourcing, specifically focusing on profitable products. What I need from you: - A track record of dropshipping experience, particularly in sourcing converting in demand products from Amazon to eBay - A portfolio or proof of past successes in dropshipping - Skills in identifying profitable, trending products for dropshipping What I will provide: - Access to my autods account for product listing - Customer service will be handled by my team Your ultimate goal will be to increase my eBay store's inventory of quality products and drive sales through effective product sourcing. We need a maximum of 50 product to st...
I'm looking for a skilled PineScript developer who can assist me with various aspects of my trading scripts. These will primarily be used on TradingView Desktop. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PineScript - Familiar with TradingView platforms - Experience in developing indicators, strategies, and alert scripts - Ability to understand and implement trading scripts for different purposes: generating signals, analyzing trends, and automating trades. Please note, the specific requirements are flexible and can be discussed further based on your expertise and suggestions.
I'm seeking a knowledgeable individual to help me assess a potentially scam-related explanation I received pertainig to blockchain's transaction process. - The explanation from the suspected scammer pertains to 'locked balances'. - I have a basic understanding of the blockchain transaction process but need expert insight. - I'm specifically curious about how 'locked balances' work in the context of blockchain transactions. Ideal candidates for this project should have an advanced understanding of the blockchain transaction process and significant experience in identifying common scam indicators. Your expertise will help me determine the credibility of this explanation and the potential risk involved.
I am in search of a ZBrush professional who specializes in Sculpting and Modeling for a long-term partnership. The types of projects will vary, so a versatile expert is highly desirable. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in ZBrush with a focus on Sculpting and Modeling - Ability to work on diverse projects - Strong communication skills for collaborative work - Previous experience in long-term freelance collaborations is a plus. Please note that the specific project types have not yet been decided, so flexibility and creativity will be key to our successful partnership.
I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance both our local and national visibility. We have a physical location in Canada, complemented by an online store. Your role will encompass: - Utilizing Google Search Console to track and optimize our SEO performance. - Conducting indexing audits to improve our Web Core Vitals. We need assistance identifying why Google is not properly indexing our pages. - Implementing strategies to boost our local SEO, driving foot traffic into our physical store, as well as enhancing our national SEO for online visibility. - Conduct competitive analysis to identify gaps and opportunities in our SEO strategy. - Develop and manage a strategy for acquiring high-quality backlinks to improve domain authority. - Perform comprehensive site audits regularly to iden...
I'm looking for an Instagram promoter who can help me maximize the likes on an image post targeting adults aged 36 and above. Your expertise in boosting engagement on Instagram and understanding of this specific demographic will be key to the success of this project. Please focus on paid advertising to enhance the post's visibility. The promotion should be completed within 1 month. The primary goal is to increase likes only. The budget for paid advertising is under $500. The promotion will utilize high-quality professional photos. The post should emphasize informative content to appeal to adults aged 36 and above. The promotion should specifically target users in certain countries. The promotion should specifically target users in India. The promotion should also target users in...
I'm in search of a dedicated Digital Marketing professional, with a strong focus on Social Media Marketing. The primary goal of this project is to boost website traffic through effective SEO strategies, primarily targeting Google. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in Social Media Marketing - Strong SEO skills with a focus on driving website traffic - Expertise in Google search engine strategies - Ability to generate innovative and effective marketing campaigns - Excellent communication and analytical skills - Demonstrated ability in creating engaging content for social media platforms - Experience with paid social media campaigns, particularly on Google Ads and Facebook Ads - Basic graphic design skills or experience with graphic design tools to create visually appealing posts -...
We Are Looking for an Expert in Transforming eBooks into Best Sellers! If you are a professional with expertise in editing, design, and eBook publishing, with a focus on digital marketing and sales, this opportunity is for you. We are seeking a highly skilled freelancer to take our eBook on managing chronic pain through lifestyle changes to the next level and turn it into a Best Seller on Amazon Kindle and other digital platforms. Our eBook already has a solid foundation: structured and scientifically backed content. Now, we need a creative and strategic mind to enhance its impact through impeccable editing, an attractive design, and an effective digital positioning strategy. What Are We Looking For? A freelancer with proven experience in optimizing and marketing eBooks, capable of ...
I'm seeking a proficient Chinese freelancer with a deep understanding of the Chinese language. The task involves arranging a series of English sentences into Chinese for business and educational purposes. The content primarily focuses on forex trading strategies. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or near-native proficiency in Chinese and English - Prior experience in translating business and educational materials - Understanding of forex trading strategies - Ability to maintain the original tone and context of the material - Proficiency with Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools Audience: The translated materials are aimed primarily at students. Tone: The preferred tone for the translated materials is 'trading strategies', implying a need for clarity, precision, a...
I'm in urgent need of an Excel macros specialist who can help with data analysis and reporting on financial data. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Excel macros, specifically for data analysis and reporting. - Proficiency in handling and interpreting financial data. - Ability to create summary reports from complex datasets. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in finance and data analysis, with a track record of creating effective Excel macros. Please be prepared to showcase examples of your previous work in this area.
I need an SEO specialist to optimize our landing page, which supports a dating application. The site was launched without any actions taken to make it SEO-friendly. The goal is to improve the site's visibility, increase traffic, and ultimately enhance its effectiveness in search engine results. We are looking for someone who stays up-to-date with search engine algorithms and uses various legitimate techniques to achieve optimal site ranking. Key Responsibilities: - Comprehensive setup of the website with SEO best practices - Content optimization to align with SEO strategies - Conducting in-depth keyword research and seamless integration throughout the site - Crafting effective meta tags and descriptions Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in on-page SEO, particularly ...
I'm in need of a VoIP professional who can set up and configure a private SIP panel on a cloud-based virtual setup for calling to US phone numbers. This system must be completely independent from public providers like Twilio or Plivo, allowing us full control over our communication. Key requirements include: - Extensive experience in SIP configurations and VoIP infrastructure - Ability to implement call routing and forwarding functionalities - Experience in creating secure, high-performance telephony solutions that can handle up to 50 concurrent calls Your technical proficiency will be crucial in building a reliable, self-sufficient calling system that operates seamlessly without third-party dependencies. If you have the skills and experience to deliver this private SIP solut...
I need a professional Chinese freelancer with a deep understanding of the Chinese language to arrange a series of English sentences into Chinese. The content revolves around forex trading strategies and is intended for business and educational purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Translate forex trading strategies from English to Simplified Chinese. - Arrange the content in text document format. - Ensure the translation is suitable for both business and educational use. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Simplified Chinese, with an excellent understanding of English. - Experience in translating forex trading strategies or similar content. - Ability to arrange content in a clear, coherent manner for text documents.
I need an experienced professional to optimize a PDF document template. The goal is to reduce the file size from its current 6.5MB aprox, to under 0.5MB, while still maintaining the document's quality and legibility. The PDF contains primarily text-heavy content, so your expertise in handling such documents is crucial. It's important to maintain: - Text sharpness - Font style - Formatting and layout The PDF includes graphical elements such as lines and boxes/frames that need to maintain their visual quality and proper alignment. These design elements are essential for the document's layout and must remain crisp and well-defined. We've been experiencing issues not only with the file size but also with character rendering, specifically with 'i' and 'l&...
I'm seeking a detail-oriented professional with experience in managing property data. The primary task will involve comparing a PDF (second attachment) with the map of the subdivision (third attachment). If you find any missing information or duplicates from the PDF, please add them to the spreadsheet at the bottom, leaving a few spaces from the other data currently on the sheet. The Excel spreadsheet contains the homeowners' information, so if you find any missing homeowners or street addresses, search for the information in the homeowner Excel spreadsheet. Any duplicates should also be indicated at the bottom of the provided Excel spreadsheet. (Copy and paste) Note: In the Excel spreadsheet, highlights indicate duplicate homeowners, such as husband and wife. The second documen...
I'm seeking a proficient Chinese freelancer to translate and arrange a series of English sentences into Chinese. The content revolves forex trading strategies and is intended for business and educational purposes. Key Requirements: - Fluent in English and Chinese with excellent understanding of both languages. - Able to translate and arrange sentences in a coherent and contextually appropriate manner. - Understanding of forex trading strategies is a plus. - Ability to follow specific guidelines for translation. Deliverables: - All arranged Chinese sentences to be delivered in a Word document. - The translation must be tailored for business professionals. Please provide examples of previous similar work in your application.