Imagemagick mogrify geometryprojekty
Mam napisany skrypt, który trzeba dopracować, dodać kilka funkcji. Skrypt pisany był przez model Python w ChatGPT. Korzysta z bibliotek ImageMagick. Sam "program" po uruchomieniu robi to do czego został stworzony jednak chciałbym go rozszerzyć o okienko ustawień. Nie wiem czy kończenie tego w Pythonie jest dobrym pomysłem i czy nie lepiej byłoby przepisać go np. do C++.
Witam serdecznie, chodzi mi o rzecz prostą a zarazem skomplikowaną, dokładniej chodzi mi o poprawę pewnego skryptu(napisanie od nowa też może być). Skrypt oparty na PIL. Nie musi być koniecznie PIL, ale chodzi o podobną wydajność(czyli z góry odpada imagemagick) Problem opisany na tym linku Jako kwotę proszę koszt zrobienia tego tak żeby to działało tak jak należy.
Witam Interesuje mnie galeria zdjęć z wykorzystaniem PHP, MySql i ImageMagick z możliwością logowania, zakładania kont i komunikacją pomiędzy użytkownikami(tworzenie grup znajomych) i komentowaniem zdjęć. Potrzebuję tego na zaliczenie, także ochrona danych nie jest konieczna ponieważ skrypt nie będzie wstawiany na stronę WWW.
Witam, Posiadam autorski skrypt popularnego serwisu rozrywkowego (oparty na smarty). Wykorzystuje go na kilku stronach, lecz niestety jego t...coraz więcej inwestuję w tą dziedzinę gospodarki, więc zleceń na pewno będzie coraz więcej - nie tylko przy jednym skrypcie, ale przy nowych projektach. Nie szukam firmy, tylko freelancera, który będzie terminowy i dostępny. Jeśli współpraca dobrze się ułoży to będę mógł zaoferować stałe wynagrodzenie/stanowisko. Wymagana bardzo dobra znajomość PHP, JAVA, CSS, Bazy Danych. Przyda też się ImageMagick, Ajax i Kreatywne myślenie (chętnie wysłucham Twoich pomysłów). Oczywiście inne umiejętności też mile widziane. Można podsyłać krótkie CV. Zainteresowanym podam adres strony, którą chciałbym r...
Witam, Posiadam autorski skrypt popularnego serwisu rozrywkowego (oparty na smarty). Wykorzystuje go na kilku stronach, lecz niestety jego t...coraz więcej inwestuję w tą dziedzinę gospodarki, więc zleceń na pewno będzie coraz więcej - nie tylko przy jednym skrypcie, ale przy nowych projektach. Nie szukam firmy, tylko freelancera, który będzie terminowy i dostępny. Jeśli współpraca dobrze się ułoży to będę mógł zaoferować stałe wynagrodzenie/stanowisko. Wymagana bardzo dobra znajomość PHP, JAVA, CSS, Bazy Danych. Przyda też się ImageMagick, Ajax i Kreatywne myślenie (chętnie wysłucham Twoich pomysłów). Oczywiście inne umiejętności też mile widziane. Można podsyłać krótkie CV. Zainteresowanym podam adres strony, którą chciałbym r...
Witam poszukuję specjalisty, który bardzo dobrze zna możliwości biblioteki ImageMagick. Chodzi o napisanie polecenia, które skonwertuje z 3 podanych elementów graficznych coś na wzór pudłeka w 3d. Tutaj można poczytać o co dokładnie mi chodzi Elementy do "poskładania" to góra pudełka, grzbiet oraz front. "Do negocjacji" nie będą brane pod uwagę.
Zlecę napisanie narzędzia do obróbki grafiki podobnego do: Ramka (crop) powinna być zdefiniowana z poziomu admina bez możliwości zmiany wielkości i proporcji przez użytkownika (w zaleznosci do czego dane zdjecie bedzie potrzebne) Narzędzie powinno mieć możliwość generow...mieć możliwość generowania miniatur dodawanych zdjęć (jedną lub kilka miniatur różnych rozmiarów). Zmniejszenie grafiki powinno odbywac sie po stronie użytkownika witryny (w jego przeglądarce), tak by zminimalizowac prace serwera, t.j. dowolnie duże zdjecie powinno byc pomniejszone (po stronie klienta) do 1200px (dłuższy bok) i 72dpi i take podstawione do obróbki. Specyfiacja serwera: ImageMagick 6.x. PHP Version 5.2.12 SQL 5.0.77 Pytania na maila: maciej@
Potrzebuje zastosowac kilka efektow wizualnych na tekscie uzywajac PHP/Perl/ImageMagick lub inych rozwiazan (tylko open-source). Bardziej precyzyjnie - potrzebuje piec efektow zastosowanych tutaj: (kliknij "Add Printing Text", potem kliknij menu "Advanced" i idz to zakladki "Warp" - zobaczysz "Arched", "Wavy", "Expanding", "Fisheye" oraz "Squeeze" - efekty o ktore chodzi). Nie chce jak i nie potrzebuje dobrze wygladajacego produktu - po prostu funkcjonalny skrypt (PHP - same efekty zmiany wprowadzonego np. poprzez formularz tekstu). Pozdrawiam Marek PROSZE O KONTAKT POPRZEZ WEWNETRZNY SYSTEM WIADOMOSCI!!
Potrzebuje zaimplementowac kilka efektow wizualnych na tekscie uzywajac PHP/Perl/ImageMagick lub inych rozwiazan (tylko open-source). Bardziej precyzyjnie - potrzebuje piec efektow zastosowanych tutaj: (kliknij "Add Printing Text", potem kliknij menu "Advanced" i idz to zakladki "Warp" - zobaczysz "Arched", "Wavy", "Expanding", "Fisheye" oraz "Squeeze" - efekty o ktore chodzi). Nie chce jak i nie potrzebuje dobrze wygladajacego produktu - po prostu funkcjonalny skrypt (PHP - same efekty zmiany wprowadzonego np. poprzez formularz tekstu). Pozdrawiam Marek PROSZE O KONTAKT POPRZEZ WEWNETRZNY SYSTEM WIADOMOSCI!!
Poszukuję osoby, firmy która potnie i ewentualnie zoptymalizuję grafikę na potrzeby xHTML. - zgodnie z najnowszymi standardami - zachowanie kompatybilności z różnymi przeglądarkami - wsparcie przy rozwiązywaniu problemów, które mogą wystąpić przy wprowadzaniu treści. - cenie sobie profesjonalne wykonanie i przejrzystość kodu - termin 2 dni. Dodatkowe atuty: Znajomość technologi “ImageMagick”. Ale to nie jest najważniejsze. Tworzenie kodu z uwzględnieniem SEO W trakcje trwania “aukcji”, wybranym osobą prześlę link do grafiki projektu zapisanej w jpg. W razie dodatkowych pytań jestem do Państwa dyspozycji. Zapraszam do składania ofert. Pozdrawiam Artur Jończyk
Zlecę wykonanie kosmetycznych poprawek technicznych do istniejącego serwisu opartego o CMS wordpress (2.8.4 - aktualny). Na stronie nie działają pomniejsze wtyczki i istotą zlecenia jest weryfikacja przyczyn tego faktu i ewentualne poprawki by moduły działały poprawnie. - Nie działa plugin 'anyfont' - wymaga do działania bibliotek GD/Imagemagick, a te na serwerze są zainstalowane - Na stronie nie wyświetlają się tagi dodane do wpisów/stron - Plugin cforms przestał wyświetlać kod captcha Błędy najprawdopodobniej generuje fakt umieszczenia serwisu w innej niż standardowa ścieżce i źle skonstruowane pliki .htaccess . Zastrzegam sobie możliwość rozszerzenia zakresu prac nad serwisem. Serwis - funkcjonujący pod adresem:
prosta galeria zdjęć z możliwością logowania, dodawania zdjęć i komentarzy. zdjęcia przechowywane w bazie danych, obrabiane programem imagemagick . skrypt na zaliczenie, także nie musi byc dokładnie dopracowany.
Instalacja na server programu ImageMagick i sox Path to sox and ImageMagick binary not found ImageMagick () Example: /usr/local/bin/mogrify Example: /usr/local/bin/convert Example: /usr/local/bin/composite SoX () Example: /usr/bin/sox phpinfo jest to portal DATING chat+Video dla osoby co maja pojecie to jakies 10 minut pracy
Do wykonania jest aplikacja flash lub javascript - w zależności od tego które rozwiazanie będzie łatwiejsze, szybsze do wykonania. Proszę o określenie ceny i terminu wykonania. Zależy mi na jak najbliższym terminie, jakby było np. na najbliższy...przez admina - cms jest napisany). Aplikacja flash musi to zakładać że pobiera je z zewnątrz np. z pliku xml, lub txt-linki do fotek. Trudnością jest że ściany tych wizualizacji wnętrz na których są zawieszane antyramy fotografowane są pod różnym kątem. Do tego antyrama nie może mieć poszarpanych krawędzi. Dlatego może okazać się potrzebne oprogramowanie skryptu w php przy użyciu gd lub imagemagick (serwer ) który ze zwykłego jpg będzie przygotowywał 15 różnych jpg ustawiając im odpowiednią persp...
Poszukiwany jest Administrator do prowadzenia prac administracyjnych na serwerze dedykowanym. Serwer w stoi na CentOS5 i posiada 3 adresy IP, jego lokalizacja to Niemcy. Do zadań Administratora będzie należeć: - Zainstalowanie: Apache 2.2, php5.2 wraz z określonymi rozszerzeniami, Mysql 5.0, pecl, imagemagick - Skonfigurowanie DNS'ów, FTP - konfiguracja serwera pocztowego wraz Horde(Webmail) - Inne prace administracyjne - dbanie o wydajność serwera, backup. Mile widziane doświadczenie w zwiększenaniu wydajności wykonywania skryptów php, bazy MySQL, możliwe przejście z Apacha na Nginx lub Lighttpd. Dyspozycyjność 24h lub 12h /dobę w razie awarii. Zapraszam firmy i osoby prywatne Kontakt: krzysztof@ 022-20 50 687, Krzysztof Błażowski
Witam, proszę o wycenę oprogramowania z funkcjami takimi jak czyli: - rejestracja z podaniem danych + captcha - dodawanie / edycja fotek przy uzyciu imagemagick - dodawanie opisów - wyświetlanie wizytówek użytkowników w subdomenach - wyszukiwarka osób - możliwość dodawania swoich znajomych Samo oprogramowanie bez grafiki. Proszę o konkretne wyceny BEZ WPISÓW "do negocjacji". Jestem programistą ale nie mam czasu na to zlecenie dlatego będę wymagał odpowiednio napisanego kodu tak więc niedoświadczonym oferentom dziękuję z góry. Przykłady kodu (kilka plików) proszę wysyłać na maila. Będę brał to BARDZO pod uwagę. Jeśli ktoś ma coś gotowego to tym lepiej :) W takim przypadku proszę o wersje demo + kilka...
I need a freelancer who can convert my OBJ file into a STP file for product design purposes. Key Requirements: - The STP file must retain a high level of detail to ensure it meets the needs of product design. - No modifications to the geometry are needed during the conversion. The freelancer must keep the file as is. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in file format conversions, particularly from OBJ to STP. - Prior experience in product design is highly desirable. - Ability to maintain high detail level during file conversion is crucial. Download the OBJ File Here:
...Max/Blender - Proper flow in organic topology - Proper UV unfolding and cuts in the relevant areas (you can 2 two of them and separate face parts from the body ones in 2 uv maps). - Max around 15k to 30k polygons VERY IMPORTANT: - Retopology must be done manually. ZBrush’s ZRemesher or any other automated method is prohibited - No N-GONS or any polygon with more thna 4 sides in the Low Poly - No open geometry in the Low Poly - Has to be the closest alike to the look & feel demanded by the references Deadline --> Around 20th January ...
I'm seeking a proficient CNC programmer to create a G-code program for a lathe. The task involves machining simple geometric parts from steel. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with CNC programming, particularly for lathes - Proficiency in G-code - Understanding of machining steel - Capability to design for simple geometries - Good problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
I'm seeking an expert in Abaqus 2023 to create simple structural models for me. The models should be straightforward, dealing with basic geometry and loads.
I have an STL file of a 3D model that needs some repairs. Issues to be addressed: - The plug on the bottom of the model needs to be fixed. - The guide for the plug to screw on is incorrect and needs to be addressed. What I would like: This is a 3D model of a Mario Bros piggy bank I purchased. I would like to change t...the creator made the guides on both sides of the hole to go in the same direction. Because of this when you try to twist the current plug it wont turn. What I would like is something that will just screw on and will be flush with the bottom. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with 3D modeling and STL files. They should be capable of identifying and correcting geometry errors, and ideally have access to software that can handle s...
I'm experiencing persistent issues with my Geometry Dash game on Steam (Windows 11), where songs fail to download. These problems seem to be linked to my unlicensed Fortigate 30E router as they download fine when using any other internet connection (or my home NBN connection with Fortigate bypassed). I've documented a specific error message that appears when the downloads fail. I need a professional to configure my router properly to prevent these issues. - Error Messages: I have specific error messages documented that appear when the songs fail to download. I'll share this documentation with you. - Previous Changes: I engaged a Fortigate specialist to reconfigure the router but he was unsuccessful so I have reverted all changes. The ideal candidate for this project...
...points from the images, ensuring high accuracy and reliability. Test the plugin thoroughly to ensure it meets performance and security standards. Provide documentation and support for the integration and use of the plugin. Requirements: Proven experience in developing PHP-based plugins and web applications. Strong knowledge of image processing techniques and libraries (e.g., OpenCV, GD, ImageMagick). Experience with OCR tools such as Tesseract to extract text from images. Experience with API development and integration. Familiarity with handling and processing various types of ID documents. Ability to ensure data security and privacy in the processing of sensitive information. Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Excellent communication skills and abi...
...component that allows users to control various aspects of the scene, such as turning lights on/off, adjusting curtains, and setting temperature. User Interface: Design a clean and intuitive user interface (potentially using a library like ) for controlling the scene's elements. Technical Requirements: Expertise: Strong proficiency in , including: Scene setup and management Geometry creation and manipulation Material creation and application Lighting and shadows Animation and rendering Interaction handling JavaScript/TypeScript: Excellent JavaScript or TypeScript coding skills. Web Development Fundamentals: Understanding of HTML, CSS, and web development concepts. Deliverables: 3D Scene: A fully functional and visually appealing 3D scene created with Three.js. Source Code:
...organizational skills, and familiarity with educational content. Scope of Work: Provided Materials: We will supply all the necessary educational content, including past papers, question banks, and reference materials, organized by topic. Creation of Booklets: Use the provided materials to create professionally formatted booklets. Ensure the booklets are organized by topic (e.g., Algebra, Geometry, Essay Writing). Include clear labeling, proper formatting, and a neat structure for easy readability and usability. Formatting Requirements: Ensure consistent formatting throughout the booklets, such as standardized fonts, margins, and layouts. Add any requested headers, footers, or cover pages as per our guidelines. Quality Control: Ensure all questions are accurate, legibl...
I'm in need of a logo for my merchant account company. The logo should be simple, abstract and modern, with the following specifications: - Style: I envision a geometric style for the logo. It should be clean and precise, embodying the principles of geometry. - Color Scheme: The color palette should be neutral and muted. Think soft, subtle tones rather than bold, vibrant colors. - Elements: The logo should incorporate an icon or symbol, as well as the company name. The symbol should be abstract and simple yet impactful. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in graphic design with a particular expertise in creating geometric logos. Previous experience with minimalistic, abstract designs will be an advantage. Please provide a portfolio showcasing sim...
Please use simple geometry. We will cut with a vinyl cutter to make a 64-inch wide and 75.250-inch-tall sign for a building. Please finish in 24 hours.
...for controlling my observatory dome. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a simple yet effective User Interface (UI) as part of the ASCOM driver. The UI should be intuitive and easy to navigate. - The UI will display the dome's position, connected via USB from a multiturn encoder. Although the encoder can handle 50 turns, it only uses 11 for the dome's 360° geometry, thus, the UI should allow for editing these 11 turns to match the dome's geometry. - Create a control box within the UI where I can input a desired position, alongside 4 default settings for North, East, South, and West. It is crucial to allow customization of these default position values. - Ensure the dome can be controlled on command via the UI. Additionally, the dome driver needs to be inte...
...shapes used as fonts in CAD applications. In a CAD drawing, certain entities such as lines, polylines, and arcs combine to form a recognizable character or word (e.g., "Hello"). The goal is to match the geometry of these entities with the closest shape font from the SHX files and replace them with OdDbText at their original position in the drawing. Workflow: Input: A CAD drawing file (entities: lines, polylines, arcs, etc.). Multiple SHX files containing shape font geometries. Process: Extract the geometric entities from the CAD drawing that form a word or character. Compare the geometry of these entities to the shape definitions in the SHX files. Find the closest matching shape font based on geometric similarity. Replace the combined entities with the approp...
I'm seeking a dedicated, experienced tutor for my high school level maths, specifically in Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus. This will be one-on-one tutoring sessions, focusing on enhancing my understanding and skills in these areas. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in high school maths, particularly in Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus - Previous experience in one-on-one tutoring - Patience and ability to explain complex concepts in an understandable way - Flexible to adapt to my learning pace and style.
I'm encountering multiple issues with an STP file intended for injection moulding. The problems include: - Thickness and draft inconsistencies - Part separation Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A robust understanding of injection moulding design principles - Proficiency in working with STP files - Experience in identifying and rectifying geometry errors I'm looking for a professional who can ensure the file is compatible for the intended use within 48 hours
...Unreal Engine level. Generate detailed reports for each mesh, including: Polycount and LODs. UV layouts and lightmaps. Performance metrics (memory footprint, draw calls). Mesh Optimization Engine AI-powered mesh simplification: Automate polycount reduction using tools like Simplygon or custom algorithms. Generate optimized LODs for VR platforms. Identify and remove unused vertices, overlapping geometry, or redundant meshes. Validate UV channels and auto-fix lightmap resolution issues for optimal baking. Platform-Specific Optimization Automatically apply platform-specific settings: Optimize for Quest using lightweight models and memory-efficient LODs. Ensure high-quality models for PCVR while maintaining performance. AI-Powered Interaction Integrate LLM-based natural language i...
I need a C# code for AutoCAD that will convert selected circles, including skew circles, to polylines. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in C# programming - Experienced AutoCAD user - Knowledge of CAD software API - Understanding of geometry and polyline conversion
...finalize the model, ensuring that it is optimized for 3D printing. The main work will involve correcting the existing topology and ensuring the mesh is clean and ready for print. Key Responsibilities: - Retopologize a 3D human body model into a low-poly structure - Ensure the final model is an OBJ format - Pay special attention to the facial features, hands, hair and fingers - Fix any overlapping geometry and remove non-manifold edges. - Optimize the overall mesh density to balance detail and file size. - Verify the model meets all requirements for 3D printing, including structural integrity. - and other required things and it should be ready for printing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experience with retopology for 3D printing - Attention to detail, part...
I'm in need of a skilled 3D video animator for a math learning program, specifically focused on geometry aimed at teenagers. Your task will be to create minimalist-style, visually appealing and educational animations that sync perfectly with the provided voice-over scripts. Key Responsibilities: - Develop two 3D animations each week - Ensure the animations are both engaging and informative - Match animations with pre-supplied voice-over scripts Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D animation software - Prior experience with educational content - Solid understanding of geometry concepts - Ability to create content appealing to teenagers - Strong communication skills for interpreting project requirements
Preferred simulation tool is ANSYS. The project requires fluid dynamics simulation. The fluid to be simulated is Water. The specific flow rate to be simulated is 0.1 m/s. Please provide the results in contours and Excel data. The simulation should use specific geometry provided. The project timeline is 2 weeks. The primary objective of this simulation is performance analysis. The specific geometry will be provided in a CAD file. Include pressure drop measurements in the simulation results.
I am looking for a developer to create a high school level math chatbot using the ChatGPT API. The chatbot should cover a range of topics including Algebra and Geometry, Calculus and Trigonometry, and Statistics and Probability. Key Features: - Step-by-step solutions: The chatbot should be able to provide detailed breakdowns of math problems. - Interactive quizzes: The chatbot should be able to engage users with quizzes to test their understanding. - Graph plotting: The chatbot should be able to plot graphs for various mathematical functions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development. - Experience with the ChatGPT API. - Strong understanding of high school level math. - Ability to implement interactive features and graph plotting capabilities. The chatbot will on...
...server response times by optimizing server settings and configurations - Reviewing and optimizing third-party scripts that might be slowing down the site - Integrating a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to improve loading times globally - Conducting continuous testing and monitoring to ensure sustained performance Front-End Optimization Optimize Images: Compress images using tools like TinyPNG or ImageMagick. Use modern formats like WebP or AVIF. Implement responsive images with the srcset attribute. Minify Assets: Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files using tools like UglifyJS or CSSNano. Combine CSS and JavaScript files to reduce HTTP requests (when appropriate). Enable Browser Caching: Set caching headers for static assets (e.g., images, CSS, JS). Use versioned URLs for assets ...
I'm seeking an experienced online tutor for my advanced level student. The student is well-versed in GCSE Maths, so I am looking for a professional who can provide challenging and engaging sessions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong understanding of GCSE Maths curriculum - Experience in teaching advanced level student. The student is well-versed in GCSE Maths, so I am looking for a professional who can provide challenging and engaging sessions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong understanding of GCSE Maths curriculum - Experience in teaching advanced pupils - Proficient in delivering interactive and stimulating online lessons - Able to cover a range of topics including Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics - Flexible and responsive to the student's lea...
I'm planning a math exhibition and need creative model makers to construct 150-200 math models under my guidance. These models should cover various mathematical concepts, predominantly Geometry, Algebra, and Arithmetic. Key Responsibilities: - Create 150-200 math models using primarily wood and metal. - Incorporate a mix of both interactive and static components into the models. - Contribute original ideas for model design and construction. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in understanding and applying various mathematical concepts. - Experience in model making, particularly with wood and metal. - Creativity and ability to design interactive components. - Good communication skills for following directions and contributing ideas. The goal of this project is to facilitate an engag...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a logo for my event. The logo should incorporate the event name, abstract shapes, demonstrating a unique and clever use of geometry and space. Ideal Skills: - Logo Design - Graphic Design - Understanding of Minimalist and Modern Aesthetics - Creativity and Innovative Thinking
I've got a product model created in Blender that needs some adjustments. The model needs two sides cut out to allow it to fall down in. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Blender - Experience with product model modifications - Understanding of 3D geometry and design principles
...based on real-world locations (from Google Earth), and one will be a jail scene based on a reference image. All assets must be optimized for real-time rendering in a game engine and match the provided references. Project Details: Character Models: 1. Quantity: Five (5) unique character models. 2. Requirements: • Designs based on provided references (realistic or stylized). • Clean, optimized geometry for real-time rendering. • Fully textured using PBR workflow (diffuse, normal, roughness, metallic maps). • Optional: Rigging for animation. 3. References: Detailed descriptions and reference images for each character will be provided. Custom Stages/Environments: 1. Quantity: Five (5) unique stages. 2. Details: • Four Stages: Based on real-world ...
...creativity, and authenticity. The name "Ekaagra," rooted in Sanskrit, translates to "focus," symbolizing our commitment to a singular vision and excellence in filmmaking. Design Aesthetic: We want the logo to reflect a balance between modern sophistication and minimalism and the cultural heritage of India. It should incorporate elements of Indian or Sanskrit design, such as traditional motifs, sacred geometry, or calligraphic typography, while maintaining a clean and professional appearance. The business is aimed equally in Indian and International markets. Key Elements to Consider: Symbolism of Focus: Represent the concept of Ekaagra (focus, concentration) in a visually engaging way. This could include abstract designs, or a focal point within the design....
I am looking for a professional who can study the types of angular measurements including Degrees, Radians, and Gradians. This study should also cover the applications of these angular measurements in the fields of Mathematics and Algebra, specifically within Trigonometry, Geometry, and Calculus. Ideal skills for this job include: - Strong expertise in Mathematics and Algebra - Knowledge in the types of angular measurements - Familiarity with their applications in various fields - Proficient in Trigonometry, Geometry, and Calculus The final deliverable should be a detailed set of presentation slides. The presentation should consist of 20-30 detailed slides. The presentation should be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint. The applications of angular measurements should be c...
I need a college-level geometry final designed as a test. - Content: The test should cover all aspects of geometry, specifically Euclidean, Non-Euclidean, and Analytic Geometry. - Difficulty: All questions must be advanced level problems. - Format: The final project needs to be in the format of a test. Ideal candidates for this project are those with a deep understanding of various geometry branches and experience in creating advanced-level academic assessments.
I need a Math expert who has the knowledge and experience to build an online K-12 math program. This program should cover a range of mathematical topics from basic arithmetic and geometry to advanced calculus. Key Requirements: - Design of a comprehensive K-12 math curriculum - Development of self-paced, interactive online courses - Incorporation of various mathematical disciplines within the program Ideal Skills: - Strong mathematical background, particularly in K-12 curriculum - Experience in online course development - Ability to create engaging, interactive self-paced learning experiences
CFD Analysis of a Swirl Combustor Burner Using ANSYS Details of the Combustor Geometry: The combustor is a cylindrical chamber with swirling vanes for air injection and a central injector for the fuel stream. Key components are: 1. Main Combustor Chamber: • Length: 0.5 m • Diameter: 0.15 m 2. Swirler Vanes: • Number of vanes: 8 • Swirl angle: 45° • Inner vane radius: 0.03 m • Outer vane radius: 0.05 m
Need The Geometry Model For This Project CFD Analysis of a Swirl Combustor Burner Using ANSYS Objective: To analyze the flow, combustion, and thermal characteristics in a swirl combustor burner using ANSYS Fluent. This simulation will involve creating a complex 3D geometry, applying appropriate boundary conditions, and interpreting results related to turbulence, combustion, and thermal profiles. Problem Statement: Analyzing a swirl combustor burner commonly used in gas turbines. The burner must feature a central fuel injector surrounded by swirling air, designed to enhance mixing and combustion efficiency. Details of the Combustor Geometry: The combustor is a cylindrical chamber with swirling vanes for air injection and a central injector for the fuel stream. Ke...
I am looking for a freelancer who can find me 3 students that I can teach for $20 an hour. If you can do that, and they actually pay the first class, then you will get your money! They have to be in NJ, USA. Also, do not use my name. After you are sure that they will pay me, I will give you the contact information for them to contact me.