How angular 2 works internallyprojekty
zy Ktoś tu podjął by się napisania tutoriala o programowaniu urządzeń USB w wykorzystaniem biblioteki libusb-win32? widzę to jako dwa pliki - jeden rozbudowany tutorial dla mnie, a drugi (nie konieczny) do wstawienia na moją stronę www... a konkretnie to widzę to tak, jeden plik dla mnie zawierający wszelkiego rodzaju teorię działania libusb-win32 (zawierający opis instalacji oraz znaczenie poszczególnych funkcji biblioteki zakończony prostymi przykładami), a drugi plik na moją stronę www - opis działania libusb-win32 na przykładzie jakiegoś w miarę rozbudowanego (chodzi o zaprezentowanie typowej komunikacji - wysyłanie i odbieranie danych) programu przykładowego zapewniającego komunikację z klawiaturą lub myszką USB... preferowany opis na bazie Visual Studio Express Edition ...
czy Ktoś tu podjął by się napisania tutoriala o programowaniu urządzeń USB w wykorzystaniem biblioteki libusb-win32? widzę to jako dwa pliki - jeden rozbudowany tutorial dla mnie, a drugi (nie konieczny) do wstawienia na moją stronę www... a konkretnie to widzę to tak, jeden plik dla mnie zawierający wszelkiego rodzaju teorię działania libusb-win32 (zawierający opis instalacji oraz znaczenie poszczególnych funkcji biblioteki zakończony prostymi przykładami), a drugi plik na moją stronę www - opis działania libusb-win32 na przykładzie jakiegoś w miarę rozbudowanego (chodzi o zaprezentowanie typowej komunikacji - wysyłanie i odbieranie danych) programu przykładowego zapewniającego komunikację z klawiaturą lub myszką USB... preferowany opis na bazie Visual Studio Express Edition...
Poszukujemy osoby z doświadczeniem do opisania 'know-how' czyli wartości intelektualnej - przedsięwzięcia w formie portalu internetowego - która ma być wniesiona w formie aportu jako kapitał założycielski spółki. Może to być częścią i przeróbką części biznes planu, który dana osoba otrzyma do wglądu. Propozycje wraz z orientacyjną ceną prosimy kierować na e-mail : @ lub paulina-o-86@, wszelkie informacje dostępne pod nr. tel. 888 989 888.
czy Ktoś tu podjął by się napisania tutoriala o programowaniu urządzeń USB w wykorzystaniem biblioteki libusb-win32? widzę to jako dwa pliki - jeden rozbudowany tutorial dla mnie, a drugi (nie konieczny) do wstawienia na moją stronę www... a konkretnie to widzę to tak, jeden plik dla mnie zawierający wszelkiego rodzaju teorię działania libusb-win32 (zawierający opis instalacji oraz znaczenie poszczególnych funkcji biblioteki zakończony prostymi przykładami), a drugi plik na moją stronę www - opis działania libusb-win32 na przykładzie jakiegoś w miarę rozbudowanego programu przykładowego zapewniającego komunikację z klawiaturą lub myszką USB... preferowany opis na bazie Visual Studio Express Edition lub Borland C++ 5.5 Free... poszukuję też autorów artykułów (...
Chciałbym zlecić Komuś napisanie treściwego how-to na temat pisania plików makefile dla gcc. Po opisie ogólnym na temat pisania makefiles, chciałbym prosić o odniesienie się do pisania makefile w środowisku WinAVR.
Zlecimy tłumaczenie opisów programów komputerowych z języka angielskiego na polski. Tłumacze...rozpoznawania mowy W sumie jest do przetłumaczenia BARDZO dużo opisów (40 - 100 tysięcy). Każdy opis to kilka zdań - MAKSYMALNIE 450 znaków. Proszę PODAĆ CENĘ ZA TŁUMACZENIE 100 OPISÓW. ***** PRZYKŁAD OPISU AKVIS Enhancer is image enhancement software that improves detail on an image, no matter what was the cause of the unsharpness. Enhancer works in four modes. The program detects detail in underexposed, overexposed and mid tone areas of a photo with uneven exposure. It brings into focus blurred images. The program supports HDRI technology. The program is available as a standalone application and as a plugin to a photo editor.
Jak w temacie. Słowa śruby, elektrody, makita, works, drut spawalniczy, akcesoria spawalnicze, nakretki, kołki rozporowe, elementy złączne, nity, szlifierki,wkrętarki,elektronarzędzia, beta,esab,metabo,spawanie,narzędzia, gwoździe,wiertarki Cena z miesiąc w Top... najlepiej kazde słowo oddzielnie. chadzynp@ Pozdrawiam Pawel
...ogólne informacje: - koło 10 kategorii z licznymi podkategoriami - ogłoszenia wyróżnione/polecane (również ze zdjęciem), ostatnio dodane ogłoszenia, najbardziej popularne ogłoszenia - Menu: Górna część strony: Home, Place a listining, Search (bądź Advanced search), Stores, Pricing, FAQ, Contact Dolna część strony: Home, Place a listining, Search (bądź Advanced search), Stores, Pricing, FAQ, How it works, Advertise with us, Links, Contact - Search – przede wszystkim po słowie kluczowym i kategoriach, oraz na stronie głównej lub w opcji Advanced search wyszukiwanie uwzględniające lokalizację (kraje i miasta) oraz dodatkowe opcje typu Prices (do ustawiania z pozycji panelu administracyjnego dla konkretnych kategorii) - Miejs...
Witam All of the design images, including the background montage can be supplied to you individually. The mashup basically works like this, 1. Twitter - Feed is linked to clients Twitter account - when they update thier Twitter account so this information is pulled into the webpage. 2. Flickr - The group of four/five images is pulled in from client Flickr account. When they add new images these are pulled into Flickr panel on the webpage. 3. You Tube - Video content is pulled in from clients You Tube Channel. When they add a new video this is pulled into webpage. 4. Blogger - Title links of latest three blog articles is displayed on webpage - when new blog is added to blogger the latest headline is pulled into webpage. 5. Facebook - This is just a b...
Witam Serdecznie! Jestesmy firma dzialajaca w branzy rowerowej, poszukujemy osoby do wykonania projektu 3D prowadnic do napinacza lancucha w CAD lub Solid Works. Wzór oraz koncepcja zostanie dostarczona w formie rysunków. Na zalaczonym obrazku mozna zobaczyc który element nas interesuje: Mozliwa pozniejsza dlugoterminowa wspolpraca.
Witam serdecznie, Chciałem poprosić o wycenę zrobienia strony internetowej połączonej z płatną usługą (modułami płatności-w tym również karta kredytowa)+ tworzenie kont dla użytkowników. Strona na, której należało być się opierać (bazować) pod względem funkcjonalności to : W zakładce „how it works” jest pokaz slajdów jak funkcjonuje system “click here to see for yourself with a slideshow of how it works. ” Strona powinna być czytelna i prosta w obsłudze. Grupą docelową są kobiety więc dobrze by było, gdyby strona przyciągała i była przyjemna dla kobiecego oka. Strona informacyjna ma zawierać trzy pakiety do wyboru. W skład każdego pakietu wchodzą dokumenty zapisane w formacie ....
Witam, poszukuję doświadczonego flash developera ze znajomością AS3 do stworzenia strony na poziomie FWA: Krótka charakterystyka dot. zlecenia: 1.)ekran powitalny z wyborem języka 'EN' i 'PL' - miejsce na grafikę ok 500x300px krótki tekst a'la wizytówka 2.)główna część: - menu tekstowe (ok 5 pozycji) - portfolio (coś podobnego jak tu: , Kliknięcie na miniaturkę powiększa obrazek. Kliknięcie na powiększony obrazek powiększa do formatu rzeczywistego z tzw. 'panning effect' - formularz kontaktowy (max 3 pola do wypełnienia). - strefa klienta z logowaniem (coś jak tu: ) po wpisaniu właściwego hasła klient uzyskuje dostęp do obszaru
...zaznaczania struktury zdania i emocji, szczególnego układu wersów) - układu rymów i rytmu - struktury wiersza (np. długość, układ, struktura linijek) - doboru słownictwa (i tego jak wpływają one na ich wymowę) 1. "The woodlark" 2. "Dulce et decorum" 3. J.R.R. Tolkien "From dark Dunharrow in the dim morning..." 4. "l)a" 5. "Digging" Analiza może być w punktach, a język to angielski. Oferty proszę przesyłać
...for web designer (front-end) to make my website sweet and looking really good. I like clean websites with a bit of glossy filling. What I am looking for? Those are the examples of websites i really like: 2) Programming I need also person to implement for me: 2a) adding image option to my posts so it can be use as real estate platform 2b) aggregation function - multifeeds from other websites. SimplePie works on my hosting nicely so you can use this platform although if there is better solution out there - please use it. Please PM me with your proposal, vision, portfolio, price, etc. Cheers KONTAKT PO POLSKU Nie ma najmniejkszego problemu abyśmy rozmawiali po polsku. Pozdrawiam i czekam England. 2. What are the main features of the Old English poetry: - what kind of poetry is it? how was it transmitted? when and by whom was it written down? etc. - explain the following terms – a four line stress, caesura, alliteration, end-stopping of lines, kennings, elegiac tone, synecdoche, metonymy, litotes, heroic code (features), epic - identify kennings, alliteration, synecdoche in the Prologue to Beowulf 3. When was Beowulf created? / What literary works influenced the anonymous author of Beowulf? Can you summarize Beowulf? 4. What kind of character is Beowulf? 5. Define and explain pagan and Christian elements in Beowulf. 6. Analyse the Prologue to Beowulf (paying attention to the elements discussed in class). 7. What kinds of li...
Witam Zakupię już działający i zarabiający portal wraz z domeną i najepiej hostingiem. Proszę o składanie propozycji w której znajdzie się. - Nazwa portalu - Dochód z poprzednich miesięcy - Możliwe sposoby zarobkowaina na nim - Dobrze jeżeli znajdzie się how know na prowadzenie. Mam do wydania na niego 2500-3000zł Więc jeżeli ktoś ma przyszłościowe rozwiązania a nie ma czasu zająć się tym proszę o składanie propozycji.
...list () was updated. i.e 2005-12-01 - make sure to use this format Script is ran using Cron-jobs, so you'll need to know how to set one up on your server. UHits script <?php //Let's make sure no warrnings, in case there are some, are displayed by PHP error_reporting(0); // Specify url that shoud receive hits // make sure to include trailing slash "/" at the end of folders $url_1 = ""; // Specify your server and port $myserver = ""; // Specify how many hits to receive every time the script is run // Selecting more then 5 may not work $randnr = 2; // If you are manually updateing proxy list change the variable below from date('Y-m-d') // to a date you entered in the update
zlece wykonanie projektu 3d klawiatury komputerowej numerycznej. Projekt ma byc wykonany w programie solid works(warunek konieczny).Przyciski na klawiaturze maja byc ruchome i wymiary owego modelu maja byc rzeczywiste. Zadanie polega na wykonania złożenia (3D), dodatkowo rysunek rozstrzelony (widok) złożenia, rysunek złożeniowy 2D i rysunki wykonawcze wybranych 2-4 części (włącznie z wymiarami). Prosze o sensowne cenowo oferty.
...wielkość 80 na 80px lub 85 na 85px - waga pojedynczej grafiki do 5kb - widok na obiekty z lotu ptaka (z góry) Przykładowe grafiki, które posiadamy do innej gry, ale o takich samych parametrach technicznych: Tak te grafiki wyglądają poskładane w mapę strony (demo naszego silnika webowego): Wymagania od kandydata: - talent i kreatywność - umiejętność tworzenia grafik ręcznie rysowanych - dobre wyczucie klimatu gry Dla wykonawcy grafik oferujemy stałą współpracę przy rozwoju tej gry. Można zwiększyć swoje
...of consecutive intervals are given in an array A[n]. (a) Design a best strategy for Tchesio that tells him how many candies he should consume at each stopover (b) Give an algorithm that checks if Tchesio can successfully reach the end of the route. 6. You are given a family of n intervals on the line. The i'th interval is specified by two integers: the starting point S[i] and the ending point E[i]. Your task is to assign colors 1,2,3,... to intervals in such a way that: - if two intervals intersect then they are assigned a different color (if they share an endpoint only then they do not intersect) - the number of colors is the smallest possible Hint: some greedy strategy works. 7. Consider problem 6. Prove that the following strategy is incorrect (just sh...
Firma Internet Works z siedzibą we Wrocławiu poszukuje programistę - praca na miejscu. Zakres obowiązków: - wdrażanie projektów webowych w oparciu o Symfony Framework, CodeIgniter, systemy CMS - rozwój powstających projektów Wymagania: - bardzo dobra znajomość PHP 5 - bardzo dobra znajomość technologii internetowych (HTML, XHTML, JavaScript) i standardów W3C - dobra znajomość CSS/CSS 2 - dobra znajomość SQL, w zastosowaniu MySQL i/lub PostgreSQL - znajomość framework - Symfony / Zend / CodeIgniter - odpowiedzialność, dokładność, skrupulatnosć (attention to details) - doświadczenie w wykonywaniu prac przy średnich lub dużych projektach webowych Oferujemy: - zatrudnienie w stabilnej firmie o dużym doświadczeniu - pracę w b...
...animowanych. Film traktuje o przygodach młodego pirata zakochanego w pięknej dziewczynie. Dziewczyna pirata zostaje porwana przez kapitana hiszpańskiego okrętu wojennego. Pirat w pogoni za kapitanem przeżywa wraz z piracką załogą wiele zabawnych i mrożących krew w żyłach przygód. Główne postaci: Gordon - wiek około 25 lat - jacne włosy, wysoki, opalony, przystojny (kreska ala dream works droga do eldorado), odważny, pomysłowy, ryzykant ale nie kamikaze, czasem bardzo rozważny. Shila - wiek około 20 lat - piękna długowłosa (włosy jasne), szczupła, średni wzrost, delikatna ale sprytna i z charakterkiem. Piraci: Bosman: "jednooki" (raz na lewe raz na prawe oko) mądry, sprytny, niewielkiego wzrostu dowcipny z przekąsem. Majtek: do...
... Primary work will be performed remotely. Must have excellent internet service and reliable working computer. We are primarily looking for engineers in North America or able to work with our clients between 4:00am - 6:00pm PST. Must be able to speak and write proficiently in English. If you meet the criteria below and are interested in complex IT projects let me know. We have enough work for 2-4 full time team members. I will need a formal CV/Resume for all applicants before you will be considered. This posting is for individuals only. We cannot hire other organizations for this position. This type of position requires significant trust. Candidates will need to complete certain tasks to demonstrate their competency to be considered for employment. ===== REQUIREMENTS ===...
Hey! I...simple command-line tool. Think of it as a mini-version of those big shells like bash, but way simpler and more straightforward. What You’ll Do: Build a basic command-line tool that can take commands and run programs. Work with me to add some basic features like handling different user inputs and running multiple commands at once. Make sure it works both by directly typing commands and by reading from a file. Skills Needed: Good grasp of C++ and how programs run on Linux. Some experience with Linux commands and maybe building similar tools. Ability to handle basic file operations and process management in code. Project Outcome: A neat little tool that accepts commands, runs them, and shows results. It should be able to handle errors smoothly and keep runnin... - Real-time booking and availability system - Secure payment gateway integration - Interactive map for spot location display - Mobile responsiveness for user convenience - A review and rating system for spots and users Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Proven experience in full-stack web development - Strong knowledge of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, etc.) - Familiarity with back-end development (Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Django, etc.) - Experience with database management (SQL, MongoDB) - Ability to implement interactive maps using APIs (Google Maps, Mapbox) - Knowledge of payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal) - Commitment to developing a user-friendly interface and seamless user experience This project will re...
I'm in need of a professional who can create a custom 'Add to Home Screen' prompt for my Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that works on both iOS and Android. The prompt should take the form of a popup notification. The project requires: - Expertise in PWA development and cross-platform compatibility - Ability to implement a non-intrusive yet noticeable popup notification - Knowledge of best practices for 'Add to Home Screen' prompts The customization options for the prompt are flexible and can be discussed during the project. A keen sense for user experience and design, as well as the ability to work independently and deliver on time, are essential.
...Phishing Detection System with Machine Learning and API Integration Project Description: We are seeking a skilled developer to create a phishing detection system. The project will be implemented in two phases: Phase 1: A website with a URL analysis form where users can input a website URL. The system will analyze the URL and return results indicating whether it is phishing or legitimate. Phase 2: Development of a browser extension that extends the functionality to real-time website analysis and email header analysis. The system will use machine learning (ML) for prediction and integrate external APIs (like PhishTank, WhoisXML, and VirusTotal) for enhanced detection. The core functionality must include advanced features such as website impersonation detection. Key Features to I...
...and preferably interactive Figma design for a sales page for This site is intended for nonprofits to secure dedicated donors on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The design should effectively highlight the platform's features and present them in a creative and dynamic style. Key Requirements: - Showcase of the platform's features in an engaging manner - Clear and intuitive 'How it Works' section - Use of moving parts to create an engaging user experience - Design that is professional and classy - Understanding of Figma software at an advanced level The sales page copy will be provided, and while there's no need for the design to match the rest of the site, it should be adaptable for various organizations with different colors a...
...manage and optimize my B2B email campaigns. The daily sending volume is 5,000 emails, focused primarily on lead generation. The content for these campaigns will be created internally, so your role will mainly involve the technical setup, campaign management, and optimization. Key Responsibilities: - Manage and oversee the daily sending of 5,000 emails - Technical setup of campaigns on Mailchimp - Optimize campaigns to improve Click-through rates Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in B2B email marketing - Proficiency in Mailchimp - Excellent understanding of campaign optimization techniques - Ability to work with internally created content - Focus on lead generation You'll need to track and improve our Click-through rate, which is currently our most impor...
...functionality. Native iOS and Android apps (future phase). Admin Panel: User and listing management. Content moderation and review approval. Ad management and revenue tracking. Design Preferences: Clean, modern, and intuitive UI/UX. Fast-loading pages with minimal clutter. Light and dark mode options. Emphasis on high-quality visuals. Technology Stack Preferences: Frontend: React, , or Angular. Backend: Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or PHP (Laravel). Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or MySQL. Hosting: AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Timeline & Budget: Budget: To be discussed based on features and complexity. Additional Considerations: GDPR compliance. Scalability for future growth. API integration for third-party services. Please provide a detailed proposa...
...on the platform. Continuous feedback loop to improve matching accuracy (e.g., companies rating the quality of matches). NLS (Natural Language Search) Integration: Why NLS?: NLS allows users to search in a natural, conversational manner. Instead of using rigid filters, users can enter queries like, "Show me fashion influencers in Paris with over 50,000 followers and high engagement rates." How NLS Works: Tokenization & Parsing: The NLS system will break down search queries into semantic tokens (e.g., "fashion influencers," "Paris," "50,000 followers," "high engagement"). This makes it easier for the system to understand the user intent. Entity Recognition: The AI will recognize specific entities like "Paris" (...
...- Work with a quick turnaround time for each video. Requirements: - Proven experience in video editing (gaming content preferred but not required). - Proficient in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or similar. - Strong attention to detail and creativity. - Ability to take feedback and make revisions as needed. - A passion for gaming and a good understanding of what works for YouTube content. -Good with green screens Compensation: - Pay will be based on the complexity and length of each video. Rates will be discussed per project. - Competitive rates, with potential for ongoing work as the channel grows. If you're interested in being part of a growing gaming community and creating engaging content, please send over your portfolio or samples of pr...
This is a personal trainer who has been working for 7 years as a consultant for gym students, always maximizing their results, providing differentiated service, responsibility and enjoying the tr...trainer who has been working for 7 years as a consultant for gym students, always maximizing their results, providing differentiated service, responsibility and enjoying the trust of her clients. In short: We need a logo in a horizontal pattern, which can have several colors, something more modern and easy to remember, we can use the colors orange, black, white, gray. For a personal trainer who works with clients at the gym. Colors that should not be used: green, pink, purple. Note: brief summary of the use of the brand. Obs: pequeno resumo do uso da marca como os formatos PDF, PNG ,...
This is a personal trainer who has been working for 7 years as a consultant for gym students, always maximizing their results, providing differentiated service, responsibility and enjoying the trust of her clients. In short: We ne...trainer who has been working for 7 years as a consultant for gym students, always maximizing their results, providing differentiated service, responsibility and enjoying the trust of her clients. In short: We need a logo in a horizontal pattern, which can have several colors, something more modern and easy to remember, we can use the colors orange, black, white, gray. For a personal trainer who works with clients at the gym. Colors that should not be used: green, pink, purple. Note: brief summary of the use of the brand. Obs: pequeno resumo do uso...
...assignment will focus on implementing branding, navigation. Assignment Requirements: 1. Splash Screen: Purpose: Create a visually appealing splash screen that displays the branding (e.g., logo and app name). Features: The splash screen should appear for 3 seconds before navigating to the dashboard. Add animations such as fading in/out or sliding transitions. Display branding elements clearly. 2. Dashboard: Purpose: Develop a dashboard with the following sections: My Wallets Monitored Wallets Features: Each section should have a card or tile layout for easy readability. Include mock data for "My Wallets" and "Monitored Wallets" (e.g., wallet names and balances). 4. Drawer Navigation: Purpose: Implement drawer navigation to enable seamless navigation...
...Restaurant - Web Panel for Driver - Web Panel for Eater - Web Panel for Administrator - Native Android & iOS Apps for Eater, Driver & Restaurant - Integration of Stripe Payment Gateway and another payment gateway from a provided list Additional Features: - QR Code Utilization - Marketing Tools Implementation - API Integration Technology Stack: - Python Django Framework for backend and API - Angular for Frontend I'm particularly focused on a platform that accommodates three user roles: Eater, Driver, and Restaurant Owner. The most critical aspects of user experience should be fast loading times, user-friendly navigation, and visual appeal. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python, Java, React Native, and Node.js - Previous experience in developing resta...
I'm looking for a PHP expert to modify my PHP script. This script wasnt written by me so i offer NO support. This is a request script in which the user can request a song and it will play over the radio station live stream. How it works is by querying the list of songs on our internal hard drive and allowing users to search thru our library and select a song. Then submitting the form sends that data to our station software and puts it into the queue. Heres the mods: You need to change the script search box so that a user can start typing the artist OR song title and it will auto populate the results under the search form field and then the user can select the one they want then submit the form. You will also make this page mobile friendly so that it looks good and ...
I'm looking for a talented professional to create a modern and engaging portfolio to showcase my work and attract potential employers. The design should be minimalistic, clean, and user-friendly, emphasizing quality over quantity Key...portfolio to showcase my work and attract potential employers. The design should be minimalistic, clean, and user-friendly, emphasizing quality over quantity Key Requirements: Experience in creating professional portfolios Strong understanding of modern, minimalistic design principles Ability to integrate interactive elements and ensure responsiveness Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (React/Angular knowledge a plus) Examples of previous portfolio work If you're skilled in creating high-quality, visually appealing designs, I'...
...Repository 2: opticai GitHub Repo Hosted on Vercel: (To access the AI chat, create a Stripe test username/password and use Stripe test credit card info.) 2. Issue Description: On (from /Optic-AI repository): When the Generative Diagrams and Generative UI settings (from the attached image) are enabled, everything works as expected. On (from /opticai repository): When these same settings (Generative Diagrams and Generative UI) are enabled, it fails, and I get an error. 3. Request: Investigate why the Generative Diagrams and Generative UI features don't work on Resolve the issue locally first. Once the issue is resolved locally, we can discuss how to ensure it works correctly
...futuristic interface). Include a trust badge or a small note like: “Trusted by businesses worldwide.” 2. Benefits Section Headline: "Why Choose AITopMatch?" Key Benefits: Curated Agency List: "Access top-tier AI agencies vetted for quality and expertise." Tailored Solutions: "Get personalized recommendations based on your project needs." Expert Guidance: "Speak with an AI expert for free to define your project goals." Time-Saving: "Skip the hassle of searching—we bring the best options to you." Visuals: Icons or graphics for each benefit. 3. How It Works Section Headline: "How Does AITopMatch Work?" Steps: Step 1: "Tell us about your project in a free 30-minute consul...
...represent our brand on our website, clothing products, and promotional materials. What We’re Looking For: Text or Symbol + Text Logo: You can design a text-only logo featuring "MyMe" or combine it with a unique symbol that complements the brand. Style: Modern, trendy, and eye-catching. The design should resonate with a fashion-forward audience. Colors: Open to your creativity, but ensure the logo works well in both full color and monochrome. Originality: The design must be 100% original and free of copyright issues. About Us: is a clothing brand dedicated to providing stylish and high-quality apparel. Our brand is all about individuality, confidence, and modern fashion trends. Submission Requirements: High-resolution logo files in formats such as AI or EPS.... hosting setup. Ensure DNS records in Route 53 and GoDaddy are properly configured. Set up or verify SSL for HTTPS using CloudFront or ACM. Domain 2: Registered on GoDaddy and managed via Route 53. Needs to redirect to Verify Route 53 DNS records and configure S3 for redirection. Requirements: Expert knowledge of AWS services, including S3, Route 53, and CloudFront. Familiarity with GoDaddy domain management. Ability to configure SSL certificates for HTTPS. Clear communication and a detailed explanation of the fix upon completion. Deliverables: resolves and works over HTTPS. redirects to Documentation of changes made and why. Budget: $50–$150 (negotiable) Deadline: 5 hours
*JOB DESCRIPTION The position of Deskside Technician – End User Computing performs troubleshooting, repair, and preventative maintenance of end user computing equipment and peripheral equipment at corporate locations. The candidate works on assignments of a diverse scope where analysis of data and hardware requires evaluation of identifiable factors. The candidate exercises judgment with supervision within the generally defined practices and policies in selecting methods and techniques for obtaining solutions and acts as a liaison between customers, departments, and within the organization to lead problem resolution. Essential duties for the position include, but are not limited to the following: Provide onsite support to Authorized Users with operational and technical sup...
I'm developing a creative E-commerce site and I'm in need of a skilled front-end developer. The candidate should be proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and familiar with frameworks like React and Bootstrap. Key Responsibilities: - Implement interactive forms that enhance user experience - Enable dynamic content updating to keep the site engaging - Ensure a responsive design that works seamlessly across devices The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. Experience in developing E-commerce sites is a plus.
I am seeking an experienced Angular 2+ developer to assist with the development of new user interface features and optimizing performance of my existing project. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborating on the development of new UI features - Conducting performance optimizations to ensure smooth operation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong expertise in Angular 2+ - Proven experience in new feature development - High level skills in performance optimization - Prior experience with user interface enhancements If you have a passion for creating seamless user experiences and have the requisite skills in Angular 2+, I would love to hear from you.
...). Download the Update: Download the latest Moodle release from Moodle Downloads. Upgrade Process: Replace old Moodle files with the updated ones (except and custom plugins/themes). Visit your Moodle site, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade. Test Thoroughly: Ensure the site runs smoothly after the update and resolve any plugin compatibility issues. 2. Ensure the Site Works Well Steps: Conduct a full site audit to identify bugs, broken links, or outdated plugins. Optimize site performance: Compress images and media. Minify CSS/JS files. Enable caching. Test functionality (e.g., course enrollment, certificate generation, notifications, and reports). 3. Match the Theme Colours to Blue and Yellow Logo Steps: Update the Moodle theme to reflect the bl...
My Node.js application is not functioning properly after being migrated to a new Windows server. The application works perfectly on the old server, but fails to run on the new one. I need a skilled developer to diagnose the problem and implement a fix, ensuring the app runs as intended on the new server. Key Responsibilities: - Investigate and resolve any server configuration or environment issues. - Confirm all dependencies are installed correctly on the new server. - Check that ports, environment variables, and settings are configured properly. - Debug and rectify any errors preventing the app from running. - Ensure the app has access to databases and external resources. Ideal Skills: - Extensive Node.js expertise. - Proven experience in server migration and troubleshooting. - F...
My project is halfway done and just needs some HTML/CSS and responsive design tweaks to ensure it works smoothly on mobile phones and desktop computers. Key Requirements: - Enhance the existing landing page - Ensure responsiveness across specified devices Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML/CSS - Experience in responsive web design - Understanding of desktop and mobile interface differences
I need an expert to design and develop a professional online store for selling jarred salsa. The store should include: - A shopping cart with a smooth checkout process. - A customer review system to build trust and engagement. - Any other essential functionalities that a professional e-commerce store requires. The store must also support integration with specific payment meth...integration with specific payment methods, namely: - Credit/Debit cards - Apple Pay/Google Pay Skills in e-commerce development, UX/UI design, and secure payment integration are essential. Experience with food product online stores will be a plus. Looking to automate the sale portion of the company so i can focus more on social work ( events, community givebacks, expanding the company and the works of th...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to migrate my PHP app, built using the AdminLTE template, to Angular 19 with the Fuse Angular 21.0.0 template. The current application comprises roughly 30 screens featuring forms and tables. Key aspects of the project include: - UI Enhancement: The primary goal of this migration is to improve the current user interface design. I have detailed specifications for these enhancements, which include upgrades to navigation menus, form layouts, and table displays. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with PHP and Angular - Proficiency in using the Fuse Angular template - Strong UI/UX design capabilities - Ability to understand and implement detailed design specifications Please only apply if ...