Genetic algorithm thesisprojekty
EN I would like to order an autopilot program (sources in C required) for the STM32F103 or STM32F401 or STM32F411 platform. The autopilot's task is to swim to the target in a straight line (I don't care what algorithm will be used) by controlling the model of a two-engine boat (in my model it is controlling 550 class motors with XXD HW30A 30A Motor ESC regulators) GPS with built-in RadioLink Mini M8N GPS TS100 compass. If you need an external compass, I'm open, if you can't use the built-in Radiolink, eg Gyroscope, Accelerometer, GY-511 compass. I want the program to calculate the route based on the GPS indications and the gyroscope and / or accelerometer and / or compass. The destination point is entered by means of 2 strings long and lat. I don't need mo...
Projekt nr 1: Prosty algorytm genetyczny Prosty AG maksymalizujący funkcję kwadratową ?(?) = 〖ax〗^2 + ?? + ? dla ? ∈ {0, 1, 2,⋯, 255}. Wejście: Parametry: a, b, c – współczynniki równania kwadratowego liczba populacji, liczność populacji (150 - osobników = lb.pop. x ) liczba uruchomień programu prawdopodobieństwo krzyżowania prawdopodobieństwo mutacji Wyjście: Wypisanie wartości funkcji przystosowania najlepszego osobnika w ostatniej populacji. Wypisanie osobnika (odkodowany) - do pliku. 1. Kodowanie: osobnik ciąg długości mogący zapisać 256 informacji 256 = 2^8 - ciąg długości 8; np. 0 --> 00000000 56 --> 00111000 255 --> 11111111 2. krzyżowanie: 2 + 2 (dwoje rodziców, dwóch potomków) a) losujemy osobniki w pary b) losujemy ...
Senior Computing Engineer, praca zdalna (machine learning, data science, optimization, operations research, genetic algorithms) Poszukujemy programisty Senior Computing Engineer do współpracy przez około 30 godzin w tygodniu. Jesteśmy otwarci na młodych absolwentów oraz studentów studiów doktoranckich. Osoba na tym stanowisku będzie zajmowała się zagadnieniami związanymi z machine learning, data science, optymalizacją, operations research, algorytmami genetycznymi i innymi metodami scientific computing. Przez optymalizację należy rozumieć optymalizację matematyczną, a nie optymalizację kodu. Nie trzeba znać wszystkich tych zagadnień, aby aplikować. Wystarczy dobrze znać jedno z nich i być otwartym na nauczenie się pozostałych. Stanowisko to wymag...
...developer/company with in-depth knowledge and the experience of the JSPRIT routes planning and optimization algorithm The existing opensource version of it does not have all required by us functionalities. We need to have JSPRIT algorithm enhanced by multi pallets load functionality in (2D). Currently there is an option to check number of homogenous pallets load (pieces) into the truck as well as to check its weight or sq meters. But all these are homogenous parameters. In real business life scenarios often there are different sizes of pallets which are loaded onto the same truck. Therefore JSPRIT would need to be associated/linked with another bin packing algorithm which would check during every truck loading if another pallet would still be p...
Implement an algorithm for selecting the leader (coordinator) based on the bully algorithm. Use of the mechanism of sockets. Description: The program must have work in console. 3 computers (or more) must be connected to a network or to a single router. On all 3 computers, the program must operate. At the interfaces must be a message that the computer is a leader and who is not, and any additional information (eg .: -why this computer is a leader, or -why this computer is no longer a leader or -time embodiment algorithm, or -time transmission of information, or -whatever, the more the better) PL: Zaimplementować algorytm wyboru lidera (koordynatora) w oparciu o algorytm bully (tyrana). Wykorzystać mechanizm gniazd Opis: Program może działać w k...
Potrzebuje zmienic szablon bloga z thesis 1.8 na responsywny i dobrze czytelny , i to tak zeby zachowac pozycje SEO w wyszukiwarce google. Nowy szablon juz mam, trzeba dopasowac na nowo po zmianie szablonu , byc moze poprzenosic meta tagi i inne tego typu sprawy wordpresowe, doinstalowac i skonfigurowac popup itd.
Java implementation of Lyra2 algorithm. C source:
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
Implement an algorithm for selecting the leader (coordinator) based on the bully algorithm. Use of the mechanism of sockets in C or .NET Description: The program must have a windowing interface, not the console. 3 computers (or more) must be connected to a network or to a single router. On all 3 computers, the program must operate. At the interfaces must be a message that the computer is a leader and who is not, and any additional information (eg .: -why this computer is a leader, or -why this computer is no longer a leader or -time embodiment algorithm, or -time transmission of information, or -whatever, the more the better) PL: Zaimplementować algorytm wyboru lidera (koordynatora) w oparciu o algorytm bully (tyrana). Wykorzystać mechanizm gniazd ...
Szukam developera wordpress specjalizującego się w platformie Thesis. Głównym zadaniem developera będzie wdrożenie uzgodnionej struktury wordpress opartej na Thesis i Marketers Delight. Liczę tutaj na aktywność ze strony developera w proponowaniu najlepszych jego zdaniem rozwiązań. Kolejne zadania to instalacja potrzebnych wtyczek, oraz optymalizacja serwisu pod kątem SEO. Dodatkowe wymagane umiejętności developera - znajomość i umiejętność intalacji pluginów z płatnym contentem, lead pages, połączenie z mailchimp. Zależy mi na tym, żeby developer był z Warszawy, lub spod Warszawy. Chciałbym uczestniczyć w pracach wdrożeniowych i tym samym uczyć się tematyki wordpress.
Poszukuję osoby do zaprojektowania płytki elektrycznej PCB wraz z miniprocesorem. Chodzi o układ sterowania, regulator grzewczy, sterowaniem algorytmem PID. Układ ma być jak najmniejszy. I`m lookind a person who will make a project of electric PCB with micro procesor. It will be a controler of heating instalation. Control with algorithm PID. The PCB should the the smallest as it is possible.
Zlece wykonanie modyfikacji w serwisie zbudowanym na Thesis 2.0. pozdrawiam Jerzy Domanski
The role is of high priority fo...of the internet market including job sites, blogging and social networking. · Able to analyse web pages and make detailed SEO recommendations · Working knowledge of HTML, CSS · Proficiency with SEO and keywords research Tools, Google Analytics, Microsoft Word, and Excel · Enthusiasm for and a commitment to keep up to date with current SEO strategies and algorithm changes · Detail-oriented with strong organizational and reporting skills · Self-motivated, disciplined, and able to work effectively as part of a global team · An experienced SEO looking for an opportunity to prove your ability on a global stage. Your CV (english) please send to this address e-mail: @
...dostępna gdyż czasami nie mam czasu na wprowadzanie zmian/korekt w danym projekcie, a czasem są to rzeczy pilne. Wymagam znajomości xhtml/css, frameworka jquery, budowy wordpressa (jego bazy, systemu szablonów) i rozeznania w obsłudze, konfiguracji i modyfikacji wordpressowych wtyczek (next-gen, wp-ecommerce, cforms etc). Dodatkowym atutem będzie znajomość popularnych szablonów wp jak Classipress czy Thesis oraz umiejętność pisania pluginów pod ten system. Ze swojej strony gwarantuję łatwość w komunikacji (sam jestem koderem więc zrozumiemy się na pewno) i szybkość wpłat. Proszę o podanie: 1. stawki godzinowej netto 2. wyceny średnio-skomplikowanego wdrożenia wp (blog, galeria zdjęć, formularz kontaktowy, elementy ajax) 3. linku do portfolio (osoby l...
Witam, Potrzebuję implementacji algorytmu CRF (chodzi o klasyfikację za pomocą Conditional Random Fields na potrzeby przeszukiwania stron internetowych). Chodzi mi o to żeby algorytm był napisany w C# .NET i był częścią działającej aplikacji internetowej, która ukazywałaby jego działanie. Przykładowy algorytm w C++ znajduje się tutaj: Aplikacja ta może być maksymalnie prosta wizualnie i funkcjonalnie oraz może w dużej mierze opierać się na powyższym przykładzie. Więcej informacji tutaj: pozdrawiam
Witam, Potrzebuję implementacji algorytmu CRF (chodzi o klasyfikację za pomocą Conditional Random Fields na potrzeby przeszukiwania stron internetowych). Chodzi mi o to żeby algorytm był napisany w C# .NET i był częścią działającej aplikacji internetowej, która ukazywałaby jego działanie. Przykładowy algorytm w C++ znajduje się tutaj: Aplikacja ta może być maksymalnie prosta wizualnie i funkcjonalnie oraz może w dużej mierze opierać się na powyższym przykładzie. Więcej informacji tutaj: pozdrawiam
Witam, Potrzebuję implementacji algorytmu CRF (chodzi o klasyfikację za pomocą Conditional Random Fields na potrzeby przeszukiwania stron internetowych). Chodzi mi o to żeby algorytm był napisany w C# .NET i był częścią działającej aplikacji internetowej, która ukazywałaby jego działanie. Przykładowy algorytm w C++ znajduje się tutaj: Aplikacja ta może być maksymalnie prosta wizualnie i funkcjonalnie oraz może w dużej mierze opierać się na powyższym przykładzie. Więcej informacji tutaj: pozdrawiam
Potrzebuje rozwiazac takie zadanka. Algorithms must be written in pseudocode 1. Show the computation of the subset sum algorithm on the following data: the elements' weights are 8,5,10,3,6,8,2; the capacity of the bin is 20. Just draw an appropriate array and fill it like we did in class. Before doing that permute the elements in your own way (leave 2 as the last item). If the answer is positive list the elements whose weights sum up to the capacity of the bin. 2. When playing a game you are at position 0 initially. You can perform three types of moves, improving your position by 1, 2 or 3. Write a dynamic programming algorithm that computes in how many ways you can improve your position from 0 to n. For example, if n = 3, you can make it in 4 ways: 1+1+1 or...
...candies, the only "fuel" accepted by our sweet man. Tchesio's capacity is c candies, and his fuel consumption is f candies per mile (independent of the amount of sweets he just consumed). Assume that the lengths of consecutive intervals are given in an array A[n]. (a) Design a best strategy for Tchesio that tells him how many candies he should consume at each stopover (b) Give an algorithm that checks if Tchesio can successfully reach the end of the route. 6. You are given a family of n intervals on the line. The i'th interval is specified by two integers: the starting point S[i] and the ending point E[i]. Your task is to assign colors 1,2,3,... to intervals in such a way that: - if two intervals intersect then they are assigned a different color (i...
Write a program that implements the divide and conquer algorithm for finding two closest points on the plane. Details: input, to be read from the standard input stream: line 1: integer n, 2 <= n <= 1 000 000 line 2: integers x1, y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under ...
Write a program that implements the divide and conquer algorithm for finding two closest points on the plane. Details: input, to be read from the standard input stream: line 1: integer n, 2 <= n <= 1 000 000 line 2: integers x1, y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run unde...
...and incorporate a variety of trading indicators and criteria. Key Aspects: - The screener should include a range of customized trading indicators, not limited to, but inclusive of, Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands. - It should also incorporate a variety of custom indicators and criteria, including price action patterns, volume-based indicators, and a custom algorithm. - The screener needs to be able to assess technical indicators, fundamental indicators, and sentiment indicators. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in TradingView and its scripting language, Pine Script. - Strong background in trading and understanding of various trading indicators. - Good understanding of technical, fundamental, and sentiment analysis. Your task will be to develop a...
I need a Python script translated into Haskell. The script implements an algorithm and is standalone, meaning it doesn't interact with any external libraries or APIs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in both Python and Haskell - Strong understanding of algorithm implementation - Experience in translating code between different programming languages - Ability to write clean, efficient, and well-documented code
I am seeking a skilled video editor and reel maker for my Instagram page. The theme of my content revolves around 'earth', and prim...reel. Each reel will follow the same theme, with only statistics and numbers changing. The stylistic approach should be 'animated and chain', so proficiency with animation and chain style is a must. Please note, the content primarily focuses on environmental awareness and sustainable living tips. Skills and experience that would be beneficial include: - Extensive knowledge of Instagram's algorithm and trends - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro) - Experience with creating animated content - Each daily video to be made on number of new statistic we provide - Excellent communication a...
I'm looking for an expert in SEO and keyword research who can help me identify specific keywords to target a particular audience on Google. - Your primary goal will be to help me reach and engage with a specific demographic through effective keyword targeting. - Experience with audience-specific keyword research is a plus. - Knowledge and understanding of Google's algorithm and trends is crucial. - SEO proficiency and a proven track record of improving site visibility and engagement through targeted keyword strategies will be highly valued. Please note, we're focusing on Google as our primary search engine. The type of keywords to target has not been specified yet, so flexibility and creativity in approach will be appreciated.
implement virtual influnencer for facebook/instagram I'm looking for a creative freelancer who can design a virtual influencer for Instagram. The primary goal of this project is content creation, specifically lifestyle posts with a vibrant and colorful theme. Key Requirements: - Design a virtual infl... The primary goal of this project is content creation, specifically lifestyle posts with a vibrant and colorful theme. Key Requirements: - Design a virtual influencer that fits a vibrant and colorful, lifestyle-centric theme. - Create engaging, visually appealing lifestyle posts. - Experience in digital content creation and virtual influencer design is a plus. - Understanding of Instagram's algorithm and audience preferences. - Ability to deliver consistent, high-quality...
I'm looking for an experienced social media marketer with a focus on Instagram. The goal of this campaign is to increase my brand visibility on the platform. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging infographics and videos - Develop a strategic post...campaign is to increase my brand visibility on the platform. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging infographics and videos - Develop a strategic posting schedule to optimize reach and engagement Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram - Strong graphic design skills for creating infographics - Video editing skills - Familiarity with Instagram's algorithm and best practices Experience in boosting brand awareness on Instagram is a must. Please provide examples of your pas...
I'm seeking a professional who can efficiently determine the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) levels ...efficiently determine the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) levels for a large dataset of 100,000 patients. Key Requirements: - Proficient in data analysis and interpretation - Familiar with the Standard ESI algorithm - Experienced in working with Excel spreadsheets The patient data is organized in an Excel spreadsheet, containing details of medical history and visit specifics. Your task will be to analyze this data and apply the ESI algorithm to classify the patients accordingly. Ideal Skills: - Strong Excel skills - Experience in healthcare data analysis - Knowledge of the Standard ESI algorithm - Ability to work with large datasets Please bid if you are capa...
I'm seeking a professional who can help boost my Telegram channel's visibility in search results. The main objectives are: - Higher ranking in public channel searches: I want my channel to appear towards the top of the search results when users are looking for channels in my niche. - Better keyword targeting for results when users are looking for channels in my niche. - Better keyword targeting for content: I need assistance in identifying and utilizing the most effective keywords for my content to improve its searchability. Ideal candidates for this project should have a proven track record in SEO, specifically for Telegram. Strong keyword research skills and an understanding of Telegram's search algorithm are crucial. Please provide examples of your pr...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to modify Stable Diffusion by adding a wireframe/mannequin that can be posed and applied to a character (LoRA). Key Requirements: - Implement a new feature in Stable Diffusion: a poseable wireframe/mannequin. - Ensure this feature can integrate with existing characters (LoRA). - Prior experience with Stable Diffusion and character d...modify Stable Diffusion by adding a wireframe/mannequin that can be posed and applied to a character (LoRA). Key Requirements: - Implement a new feature in Stable Diffusion: a poseable wireframe/mannequin. - Ensure this feature can integrate with existing characters (LoRA). - Prior experience with Stable Diffusion and character design is crucial. - Knowledge of performance optimization and algorithm updates ...
I am seeking an SEO expert who can help increase the views on my YouTube channel. The primary focus will be on keyword optimization to enhance the visibility of my videos. In ...visibility of my videos. In addition to SEO, I also need a video editor for basic editing tasks such as cuts and transitions. The goal is to make my videos more engaging and professional without over-the-top effects or graphics. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge and experience in YouTube SEO, particularly in keyword optimization - Proficient in basic video editing - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and what drives views Experience: - Proven track record of boosting YouTube channel views - Portfolio of edited YouTube videos with increased views and engagement - Familiarity with YouTube'...
I'm seeking a skilled content creator and researcher to help me create YouTube Shorts focusing on a currently trending niche. The ideal candidate should be adept at identifying and capitalising on trending topics in the digital space, particularly on YouTube. Key ...suitable, trending niche. - Create engaging, high-quality YouTube Shorts content aimed at this niche. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content creation for YouTube, particularly YouTube Shorts. - Strong research skills, with a focus on identifying trending topics. - Ability to create entertaining and informative content that resonates with viewers. - Familiarity with YouTube's algorithm and best practices for content visibility and engagement. You will be paid for making 50 Shorts (including ti...
I'm looking for one or two engineers to assist with two implementation projects: federated learning and named data networking. Key Responsibilities: - Algorithm Implementation - Data Preprocessing and Management - System Architecture and Design Federated Learning Project: The primary goal is to enhance data privacy. Experience in privacy-preserving algorithms will be a plus. Named Data Networking Project: The main objective is to improve the Forwarding Information Base (FIB). Understanding of network architecture and data retrieval processes will be essential. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in algorithm implementation - Experienced in data management - Skilled in system architecture and design - Knowledgeable in federated learning and named data networking
I'm seeking an expert who can help increase the subscriber count for my two YouTube channels - AuraBeatsStudio and FactKronicles. Both of these channels feature songs and factual videos respectively, and both are currently equally popular. My previous attempts at boosti...attempts at boosting the channel's visibility have included SEO optimization, but I have not yet explored other methods. I'm looking for someone who can deliver organic growth, as I believe this will lead to more engaged and loyal subscribers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of growing YouTube channels - Proficient in social media marketing - Excellent understanding of YouTube's algorithm and SEO - Experience with music and factual content is a plus - Able to provide a clea...
I require a highly accurate image classification and object detection system for MRI scans using the YOLO algorithm with GhostNet as the backbone. The primary objective is detecting tumors within these scans. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expertise in machine learning, particularly in object detection and image classification - Extensive experience with the YOLO algorithm and GhostNet - Background in medical imaging analysis, specifically MRI scans - Proven track record of high accuracy in previous projects
I am seeking an expert in CUDA and cryptography, specifically focusing on implementing the ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) algorithm for encryption and decryption tasks. Key Project Components: - Implementing ECC for encryption/decryption. - Utilizing hashing for creating digital signatures. The ideal candidate should have profound knowledge and experience in: - CUDA programming - Cryptography, particularly ECC. - Digital signature generation and verification. Please provide examples of previous projects related to CUDA and cryptography when you bid. For better understanding of this project details, please review file.
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I am looking for a social media marketing expert who can help enhance my brand's presence on Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Create and implement effective Instagram marketing strategies - Increase brand visibility and engagement on the platform Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Instagram marketing - Strong understanding of Instagram's algorithm and trends - Excellent content creation and SEO skills Please note: This project does not yet have specific goals or content types defined. Your expertise in these areas will be instrumental in shaping our Instagram strategy.
I'm seeking an expert video editor for a promotional video intended for YouTube. The video should be styled as a narrated demonstration. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in video editing, especially for YouTube - Proficiency in creating narrated demonstration style videos - Prior work on promotional videos highly preferred - Ability intended for YouTube. The video should be styled as a narrated demonstration. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in video editing, especially for YouTube - Proficiency in creating narrated demonstration style videos - Prior work on promotional videos highly preferred - Ability to enhance video with engaging visuals and sound to hold viewer's attention - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and trends to optimiz...
I'm looking for a web-based ID generation program that uses the Verhoeff algorithm to generate unique, 11-digit numeric IDs, with auto-incrementing (even if 11 digit limit is breached) and formatted as numeric only. Key Requirements: - Implementing Verhoeff algorithms for ID creation - Ensuring IDs are 11 digits long - Auto-incrementing IDs Technical Skills: - Proficient in JavaScript or PHP - Experience with web development - Prior work with algorithm implementations Ideal candidates would have a strong background in JavaScript / PHP and web development, with experience in implementing algorithms for unique ID generation.
... Unfortunately, all of our primary keywords have now fallen below the 10th position, and we need your expertise to identify and solve the issue. Key Responsibilities: • Conduct a comprehensive audit of the website to diagnose the cause of ranking drops. • Analyze potential on-site SEO issues, such as technical errors, content optimization, or link structure. • Investigate possible Google algorithm updates or penalties impacting our rankings. • Recommend and implement strategies to restore and improve our positions on Google USA. • Provide insights on competitor analysis to ensure we regain our competitive edge. Skills We’re Looking For: • Proven experience in SEO with a strong portfolio of successful ranking recoveries. • In-depth...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor/software developer who can generate a single MP4 video from two input videos. The final product should have a 9:16 aspect ratio, with the first video positioned o...the first video positioned on the top half and the second video on the bottom half. Key Requirements: - Create a generator that is able to combine any 2 videos - The top video should be closed captioned with text derived from its audio. - The captions should use customizable fonts similar to those trending on social media platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Able to create a software algorithm - Proficient in video editing software and MP4 format. - Experience with creating closed captions. - Ability to replicate trending social media fonts Please see my PDF attachm...
...for posting, with multiple user IDs dynamically assigned. Randomized Submissions: Between 30-60 entries per session, distributed randomly across 10 user accounts. Permutation & Fixed Entries: Some entries will generate permutations, while others apply fixed rates. Mathematical Algorithm: Involves generating permutations for certain entries, adjusting fixed entries to ensure correct cumulative values, and validating the total rates. Skills Required: The development of this system requires advanced skills in algorithm design, particularly in combinatorics for handling permutations. A strong understanding of mathematical validation is essential to ensure that the cumulative values for each entry are within the required range (e.g., 3-6), especially when dealing with a ...
I'm looking for a skilled content creator to produce an engaging Instagram reel for my page. The primary goal of this reel is to connect and engage with my current followers. Key Requirements: - Expertise in content creation for Instagram - Proven experience in making engaging Instagram reels - Understanding of Instagram's algorithm and trends The reel should be: - Focused on creating engaging content - Aimed at fostering interaction with my current followers Skills & Experience: - Proficient in video editing and content creation tools - Creative thinker with an understanding of engaging content - Familiar with Instagram trends and audience preferences
I'm looking for a video editor to help me edit my social media content for YouTube, specifically educational videos. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into engaging, high-quality educational content suitable for YouTube. - Incorporate graphics, text overlays and sound to enhance the viewing experience. - Ensure the final pro...and sound to enhance the viewing experience. - Ensure the final product meets YouTube's technical requirements and best practices for educational content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience editing educational content for YouTube. - Proficiency with video editing software - Ability to create engaging, high-quality content that captivates viewers. - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and best practices for increasing v...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor/software developer who can generate a single MP4 video from two input videos. The final product should have a 9:16 aspect ratio, with the first video positioned o...the first video positioned on the top half and the second video on the bottom half. Key Requirements: - Create a generator that is able to combine any 2 videos - The top video should be closed captioned with text derived from its audio. - The captions should use customizable fonts similar to those trending on social media platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Able to create a software algorithm - Proficient in video editing software and MP4 format. - Experience with creating closed captions. - Ability to replicate trending social media fonts Please see my PDF attachm...
I'm looking to develop a cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile application that predicts the success of songs or sounds. Key Features: - A core functionality of the app is to accurately predi...application that predicts the success of songs or sounds. Key Features: - A core functionality of the app is to accurately predict the success of a song. User Interface: - The app should have a user-friendly interface. It's essential that the app is easy to navigate and understand for users of all ages and tech-savviness. Ideal Skills: - Mobile App Development (iOS & Android) - Prediction Algorithm Implementation - User Interface (UI) Design - User Experience (UX) Design Experience in music industry app development would be a plus. Please provide examples of similar pr...
I need a hybrid mobile application developed for both iOS and Android with the following features: - User onboarding through Phone Number Verification - User listing - An algorithm that lists users based on proximity using location mapping - User verification via Aadhar authentication (using Uidai API) - In-app payments The app will need to support payments via: - Credit/Debit Cards - Digital Wallets - UPI Ideal candidates should have experience with hybrid app development, integrating location mapping, implementing algorithms, and setting up secure in-app payments. Understanding of Aadhar authentication and Uidai API is a plus. Please include examples of similar past projects in your proposal.