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2,000 funny kenyan phrases ofert prac znalezionych

Write for me a funny script for advertising about an ecological blog. max 150 words

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

Hello, I am looking for someone who will translate first chapter of a fantasy book from Polish into English. I need someone with experience with similar projects, fluent in both English and Polish. The book is full of black humor, funny situations and wordplay and it is very important to keep this style in English version. Final English translations should be fantastic to read, full of humor, understandable and engaging. Whole chapter is 6581 words (18 pages). I am enclosing few sentences from the book: "Wiedział, że Ci, na spotkanie którym biegną są elitą wśród ludzkich wojowników. Elitą szkoloną przez lata do walki z różnymi istotami zagrażającymi porządkowi ich królestwa. Podobnie jak reszta znudzony był już szybko kończącymi się...

$301 Average bid
$301 Średnia Oferta:
30 składanie ofert

Create Sketch Of Modern Babaji For To Use For Funny Jokes

$13 Average bid
$13 Średnia Oferta:
4 składanie ofert

New site, new domain top10 for phrases: pozycjonowanie cena pozycjonowanie stron wrocław

$200 Average bid
$200 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Potrzebuję piętnastu obrazków "Kolorowanki - Dinozaury" i piętnastu "Kolorowanki - samochody" z pełnym przekazaniem praw autorskich do nieograniczonego wykorzystania offline i online (internet, aplikacje mobilne, publikacje papierowe, dalsza sprzedaż). Obrazki przyjmę w formacie skanu obrazka wykonanego na papierze (nie grafika komputerowa!). Minimum 300DPI, PNG albo JPG. Obróbkę obrazów komputerową realizuję sam. Uwaga: Kolorowanka to obrazek czarno biały, z samych linii, na którym wszystkie pola są "domknięte" i który można pokolorować "wylewając" farbę w poszczególne obszary. Rozdzielczość skanu - minimum 300DPI. Format - kartka A4 - w pionie. Obrazki rysowane w konwencji: dzieci, radość, śmies...

$87 Average bid
$87 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert

SEO positioning for my site in google phrases "serwis komputerowy lublin" "naprawa komputerów lublin" site name :

$49 Average bid
$49 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert

...postaci. Beda to na 99% czarno biale illustracje (same postaci, czasami z roznymi rekwizytami) byc moze z czasem rowniez w kolorze. Najwazniejsze na poczatkowym etapie bedzie swtorzenie jednego typu postaci (on/on) ktore pozniej beda rozwijane na potrzeby roznych krotkich historyjek. Styl podobny w klimacie do ponizszych ilustracji - prosta kreska, bez cieniowania etc... ,1304619260,2/

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...proszę wycenić przygotowanie i realizację rysunków dla dwóch postaci w 8 wersjach (różne pozy i emocje na twarzy). Docelowo postać musi być zapisana jako rysunek wektorowy tak, żeby można go było wykorzystać w druku. Przykład rysunku w takim stylu, który mi odpowiada (czytelny, łatwe do zaprezentowania emocje, łatwe do odczytania pozy): oraz tutaj: Ten drugi obrazek prezentuje postać bliższą temu co chcę żeby wyrażała. Postać ma być godna zaufania, nie za młoda, raczej mężczyzna, łatwy do przedstawienia w różnych pozach i z

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...kreatywność i oryginalne ujecie tematu. Na stronie już są teksty edukacyjno - rozrywkowe, np: Chciałbym teksty typu entertainment/funny/interesting, np. Does bong size matter ? Yes it does! badz Practice makes perfect. How to roll a joint. Można wspomnieć o celebrity bongs/joints, czyli o takich ludziach jak : Bob Marley

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Zlecę pisanie UNIKATOWYCH tekstów po ANGIELSKU o tematyce związanej z: funny pictures, funny videos, entertainment, epic shit itp proszę o wycenę 10 tekstów po 1000 znaków kontakt na pw

$48 Average bid
$48 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Witam, zlecę pozycjonowanie mojej strony w (google z usa) na frazę funny pictures. czekam na propozycje. Najbardziej interesoawła by mnie opcja płątności za uzyskane efekty (zresztą taki system rozliczeń jest chyba standardem w tej branży) Ewentualnie jestem otwarty na inne propozycje współpracy. Może np. ktoś po zapoznaniu się z treścią strony zaproponuje mi inne słowa kluczowe odpowiednie dla strony. kontakt ze mną przez maila gerardo1@ pozdrawiam

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, zlecę pozycjonowanie mojej strony w (google z usa) na frazę funny pictures. czekam na propozycje. pozdrawiam

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, zlecę pozycjonowanie mojej strony w (google z usa) na frazę funny pictures. czekam na propozycje. pozdrawiam

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...mordować". Dostaniesz od nas 10-20 kont (sam sobie możesz wybrać ile potrzebujesz) i Twoje zadanie będzie polegać po prostu na pisaniu na całym ang. forum - stąd wymagana przynajmniej podstawowa znajomość gry Tibia. Jest też dział z pierdołami i rozmowami o wszystkim - tam też można pisać. Ilość znaków na post nie ma takiego znaczenia, jakkolwiek nie może to być tylko wszędzie "lol that's funny" średnia ilość znaków na post ma oscylować w granicach 50-150 znaków czyli praktycznie długość SMSa. Zlecimy na początek napisanie 1000 postów. Czas na napisanie 1000 postów od 2 do 4 tygodni. Proszę podać cenę za łącznie 1000 postów pisanych z tych różnych kont. Przykłady doświadczenia w tego typu akcjach m...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, Interesuje nas realizacja zelecenia na poziomie porównywalnym do: ******************************** Czas naszego spotu: 30 sekund Aktora ogranego kamerą dostarczamy. Potrzebujemy 30 sek. animację na porównywalnym poziomie. Ewentualne pytania przed licytacją można kierować na bok@ Pozdrawiam, Kinga Niescierowicz Senior Account Manager

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...problem-solving skills - Ability to work independently and deliver results in a timely manner Details... On-Page SEO Service Pages: Optimize each service page () for relevant keywords. Ensure: Title tags: Use localized keywords in each title tag (e.g., “Electrical Services in (suburb) | Ace Sydney Electricians”). Meta descriptions: Include key phrases and the location (e.g., “Looking for expert electricians near Suburb? We offer installation, repairs, and more. Call Ace Sydney Electricians!”). Header tags (H1, H2, H3): Structure content with keywords like “Electrical Services in suburb” and “Our Expert Electricians Serve list of suburbs.” Image Alt Text: Include descriptive alt tags with keywords for images on service pages. Servi...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
9 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a talented designer who can create funny and humorous mushroom caricatures for T-shirts. These should be simplistic, caricature-like with bold lines and simple, soft pastel colorways. Key Design Elements: - Exaggerated facial expressions: The mushrooms should have funny, over-the-top expressions. - Exaggerated body types: Some mushrooms should have comically large heads, tiny bodies, or other silly proportions. Ideal Skills: - Cartoonish Design: A knack for creating funny, whimsical characters. - T-shirt Design: Experience in designing for apparel. - Understanding of Color: Ability to work with a pastel and soft color scheme. Please provide a portfolio of similar work if available. Looking forward to seeing your designs!

$31 Average bid
$31 Średnia Oferta:
54 składanie ofert
Trophy icon Core Values Art Work
13 dni left

Freelancers, We are in need of a graphic for our CORE values using the acronym R.I.G.S and spelling out the phrases - Respect, Innovative, Get it Done, Safety-minded. Our colors are CMYK 0,66,99,0, Balck and Gray 80. This will be displayed internally at our corporate offices and at our construction job sites.

$10 Average bid
14 zgłoszenia

Please do other mascot for this kebab owner in order to use it on our social network and website Please use the same style as attached. You just need to change his expression and posture (4 visuals). We also want to create 4 visuals with a kebab spit as a same style of the mascot. Please alsways ...83 attached on the kebab spit and on the tshirt of the guy. Remember, do not change the whole style, just change the face, expression and posture for the owner mascot ! For the Kebab spit, please create vectorials as the same style What we need, summarized: - 8 new visuals with cartoon style as the style attached - use nice and funny creation, like with a kebab spit who has a face, with the guy or without the guy, with the 83 logo - please be creative and funny ! See examples ...

$30 Average bid
63 zgłoszenia

I'm looking for a male actor to react to a compilation of funny videos for one hour (60 minutes). The videos will be provided. Requirements: - Must be a male actor - Must know English - Must attach a recent photo The reaction video will be published on YouTube.

$11 Average bid
$11 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert
Comical Poultry Design Overhaul
6 dni left

I'm looking for a creative freelancer to transform my existing "Power to the Poultry" design into a series of engaging, comical, and fun iterations. Key requirements: - Develop several versions of the design, each incorporating different text elements, graphics, and overall layouts. - Use of humorous quotes, puns about poultry, and catchy phrases. - Emphasis on colorful graphics, with a modern and sleek aesthetic. Ideal skills and experience: - Graphic Design: You should have a strong portfolio of comical and colorful designs. - Creative Writing: The ability to come up with engaging and witty text elements will be a plus. - Adobe Illustrator or similar software: Proficiency in using design software is a must. Please feel free to bring your own ideas to the table. T...

$78 Average bid
$78 Średnia Oferta:
137 składanie ofert

...problem-solving skills - Ability to work independently and deliver results in a timely manner Details... On-Page SEO Service Pages: Optimize each service page () for relevant keywords. Ensure: Title tags: Use localized keywords in each title tag (e.g., “Electrical Services in (suburb) | Ace Sydney Electricians”). Meta descriptions: Include key phrases and the location (e.g., “Looking for expert electricians near Suburb? We offer installation, repairs, and more. Call Ace Sydney Electricians!”). Header tags (H1, H2, H3): Structure content with keywords like “Electrical Services in suburb” and “Our Expert Electricians Serve list of suburbs.” Image Alt Text: Include descriptive alt tags with keywords for images on service pages. Servi...

$206 Average bid
$206 Średnia Oferta:
155 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a video editor to help me edit my gaming videos for YouTube. The primary goal of these videos is to entertain viewers, so the editing needs to be funny and fast-paced. Ideal skills and experience include: - Prior experience editing gaming videos - Understanding of YouTube trends and audience preferences - Ability to create engaging, humorous edits - Proficiency with video editing software Please include examples of your previous work in your bid.

$103 Average bid
$103 Średnia Oferta:
39 składanie ofert
Political Humor T-Shirt Logo Design
4 dni left

I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a T-shirt logo that combines political humor with a realistic style. Requirements: - The logo needs to be controversially funny, targeting current political leaders. - The design must be in a realistic style rather than cartoonish or abstract. - Experience in T-shirt graphic design is a plus. - Creativity and a good sense of humor are essential.

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Średnia Oferta:
98 składanie ofert

PLEASE NO AI!!! AI DESIGNS WILL NOT WIN! I'm in need of an EXPERIENCED graphic designer who can create different versions of a T-shirt for me. The design must feature a cocktail glass filled with ice, paired with the phrases "cowboy tears" and "on the rocks". The color scheme should be neutral tones. Be creative! Use different compositions and different fonts. DO NOT copy any of the inspiration designs exactly. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Photoshop, Illustrator - Proficient in graphic design, preferably with experience in apparel design. - Able to create minimalist, yet engaging designs. - Strong understanding of typography and font usage. The winner of this project will be considered for future design tasks.

$20 Average bid
190 zgłoszenia

I'm in need of some creative t-shirt designs that merge text and illustrations with an emphasis on dogs and service dogs. Key Requirements: - Text-based design: The designs should prominently feature text, which may include phrases, slogans, or quotes. - Illustrative style: The graphic design should be illustrative, with intricate and engaging designs that tell a story or convey a message. - Dog or Service Dog theme: All designs need to be based around service dogs. This could include designs that celebrate dogs or service dogs, raise awareness about their importance, or express gratitude for their service. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design skills, particularly in text-based and illustrative design. - Experience with t-shirt design and an understanding of what makes a de...

$26 Average bid
$26 Średnia Oferta:
48 składanie ofert

...YouTube channel is to entertain viewers, so the videos need to be engaging, humorous, and high-quality. Key Responsibilities: - Edit gaming content with a focus on entertaining the audience - Incorporate smooth transitions throughout the video - Use cartoonish sound effects to enhance the comedic elements - Add subtitles, memes, and background music appropriately - Ensure the final product is funny and of high quality Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software - Experience with gaming content, particularly Roblox - Understanding of YouTube trends and audience preferences - Creative with a good sense of humor - Able to use sound effects and music to enhance the video Your ability to deliver a final product that is entertaining, well-edited, and in line with my vision ...

$92 Average bid
$92 Średnia Oferta:
34 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a professional to establish a comprehensive LinkedIn automation process using N8N. Key Responsibilities: - Use specified keywords or phrases to identify suitable LinkedIn profiles. - Collect information from profiles including name, email, job title, company, skills, endorsements, and more. - Automatically send connection requests and follow up with personalized messages once requests are accepted. - Create a web-based interface for tracking all activities, such as sent requests, accepted requests, and delivered messages. - Extract emails from LinkedIn and send them automated emails. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with LinkedIn automation. - Mastery in N8N or similar no-code platforms. - Deep understanding of LinkedIn's ecosystem and various job ro...

$8 Average bid
$8 Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a talented poet to craft a limerick and a haiku for me. The theme should be humor, suitable for a general audience. Key Requirements: - Creativity: You are free to express your creativity and not limited to specific keywords or phrases. - Poetic Skills: You should have a strong command of English and an ability to write engaging and humorous poetry. - Understanding of Audience: Your work should appeal to a general audience, not just children or adults. Ideal candidates would have previous experience writing poetry and a portfolio demonstrating your creativity and understanding of humor.

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
44 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a talented animator who can create a funny 2D animation episode sort of like in the style of southpark or rick and morty. Here is script Its based on political recent events involving real political figures. Here is script: Episode: "The Binder Blunder" Scene: Truthville Middle School cafeteria. A group of kids—Pammy (inspired by Pam Bondi), Kash (inspired by Kash Patel), Laurie (inspired by Laura Loomer), and Elon (inspired by Elon Musk)—sit at a table littered with half-eaten tater tots. A TV in the corner blares news about the "Epstein Files" flop. TV Anchor: "Today in Truthville, Attorney General Pammy Bondo promised a juicy dump of the Epstein Files, but all we got were some old flight logs and a redacted list of &lsq...

$355 Average bid
$355 Średnia Oferta:
37 składanie ofert

Please design a book cover. Title: Master English Through Syntax: Unlock Grammar, Speak with Confidence Author: Karu Munugoda Please don't use AI to generate. The contents of the book and its target audience ------------------------------------- → Benefit would be that learners can leran English with the help of "syntaxes" → The book will be a guide to master grammar. → The verb patterns/golden phrases will help people learn spoken & everyday English. → Suitable from school children to matured professionals with a great deal of example sentences as it covers a wide range of the language. → This book is a great guide to anyone who is interested in learning English. → The sample cover page should look good & convey a modern idea...

$12 Average bid
293 zgłoszenia

I need an actor to react to a compilation of funny videos for one hour=60 minutes. The videos will be provided. The reactions should be in English. Attach your photo **Male **Must know English

$25 Average bid
$25 Średnia Oferta:
4 składanie ofert

I'm in need of a word art designer who can create a simple words on a page that are centered in a frame. Please see the photo examples Looking to have a few different versions of this word Art done for a shadowbox frame. The dimensions of the inside of the fra...right. Versions I would like: 1) "Need Funds For Ferrari" just Like the sample photo but for the bottom part write this "The Journey To Success is a Lonely Road. Thats why a Ferrari has 2 seats and a Bus has 20" 2) "Work Harder." Just like the sample photo this will be landscape 3) Dream It. Drive It. " make this one vertical, maybe try a version where the key is in the middle of those phrases, maybe one where the key is the 3rd line. Maybe one where Dream It is White and Drive...

$20 Average bid
59 zgłoszenia

I'm in need of a graphic designer or illustrator who can create about 10 cartoonish designs for potential t-shirt printing or gag gift items. The focus of the designs should be on humor, particularly in a way that reflects the current political climate or funny jokes. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating cartoonish designs - Previous experience in designing and drawing - Strong understanding and ability to depict various types of humor, specifically 'gag gift' type humor Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Illustration - Humor - Political Commentary - T-shirt Design

$336 Average bid
$336 Średnia Oferta:
164 składanie ofert

Hi I need Video editor (short instagram) who will edit my footage for cannabis giveway in Thailand based dispensary, it will be 30-40 seconds og video, need to add some funny cuts, transictions, maybe effects, I need a creative person who will change this footage in anesthetic and a liitle bit funny video More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Past work How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP

$22 Average bid
$22 Średnia Oferta:
30 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a skilled video editor to help edit a trailer for a reality show. Key Requirements: - Experience with editing reality show trailers is a plus. - Strong understanding of creating a funny and dramatic tone. - Ability to produce high-quality, engaging content. - Proficiency in industry-standard editing software. The ideal freelancer will have a portfolio demonstrating their expertise in trailer editing, particularly for reality shows, and their ability to convey a dramatic tone.

$317 Average bid
$317 Średnia Oferta:
63 składanie ofert

I'm in need of a skilled and creative designer to create engaging, cute and playful thumbnails for my bunny-themed YouTube channel. The perfect candidate will be ab...Key Responsibilities: - Design eye-catching, cute & playful thumbnails that reflect the content of the videos - Incorporate various elements including bunny images, bright backgrounds, and text overlays - Use catchy phrases provided by me to engage viewers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) - Experience with YouTube thumbnail design - Ability to convey a playful and cute aesthetic - Strong understanding of visual storytelling and branding - Excellent communication skills to understand and execute on provided catchy phrases I look forward to seein...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Średnia Oferta:
83 składanie ofert

Hi all, I have a Russian language course (for italians currently) and I need to translate the italian part to spanish and German. I'm looking for a russian who speaks German or Spanish like mothertongue. the course is very base (from the beginning, simple words and verbs till small phrases). 200 for each translation. DON'T APPLY IF YOU WANT TO JUST USE AI!!! I had enough problems with that kind of freelancers, to avoid any problem I will request a short translation via voice message (15sec are enough) to understand if you really know the language. thanks for understanding

$556 Average bid
$556 Średnia Oferta:
14 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a creative designer to develop a t-shirt tailored for the workplace. - Style: The primary design style should be oriented towards typography, incorporating work-related phrases or terms in a clever and appealing manner. - Purpose: The shirt is intended for casual office wear, so the design needs to be professional yet trendy. - Audience: The target demographic for this shirt is adults. Therefore, the design should be sophisticated and mature, avoiding anything too juvenile or overly simplistic. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Previous experience in typography design - Understanding of adult fashion trends - Ability to create designs that are both professional and appealing for casual wear. Looking f...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
22 składanie ofert

seeking a creative and talented graphic designer to develop vibrant and colorful artwork for a die-cut mylar bag (18x18 cm) and a box (19x19x5 cm). The design should be modern, appealing, and tailored for packaging, incor...small-font "California Marijuana Warning" label on the back, as it is intended for cannabis products. The mylar bag and box should clearly indicate that it holds 28 grams of premium cannabis. We welcome all creative ideas! Feel free to incorporate elements like American flags, Donald Trump’s MAGA theme, or even references to Joe Biden and Elon Musk's Cybertruck. The goal is to create something funny yet reflective of a high-quality marijuana product. Please remember that we will need the design files, and no AI-generated content bs Pleas...

$500 Average bid
Wyróżniony Gwarantowany Najlepszy Konkurs
138 zgłoszenia
French Tutor for Business Beginner
1 dnia left

I'm looking for a French tutor who can help me learn the language to improve my professional skills. I primarily need to learn French for client communication and networking opportunities. Key Requirements: - Teach beginner-level French with a focus on business-related vocabulary and phrases. - Provide tutoring sessions on a weekly basis. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in French with excellent teaching skills. - Experience in teaching business French is a plus. - Understands the importance of client communication and networking in the context of language learning.

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
8 składanie ofert

I'm offering Tagalog language lessons tailored for adults with intermediate proficiency, focusing on business communication. Key aspects of the lessons: - Teaching business-oriented vocabulary and phrases in Tagalog - Enhancing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills with a business context - Providing insights into the cultural nuances of Filipino business interactions Ideal skills and experience for the freelancer: - Proficiency in Tagalog, with a strong understanding of business terminology - Experience in teaching languages, particularly to adults - Knowledge of Filipino culture and business practices - Ability to make lessons engaging and interactive

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert

I am in need of a skilled HINDI speechwriter to help me craft an informal and humorous retirement party speech for my father. The speech should have an engaging tone that resonates with guests. Key themes to include: - My father's career achievements: Highlighting milestones, successes, and funny moments from his professional life. - Family and personal life: Incorporating heartwarming stories that illustrate his role as a loving father and husband. - Mentorship and impact on others: Reflecting on how he has shaped the lives of others through his guidance and support. I have a few specific anecdotes and stories to share, which I want woven into the speech. I would also appreciate your creativity in filling in the gaps and making the speech as engaging as possible. Ideal sk...

$13 Average bid
$13 Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert

...and challenging racing game titled 'Crazy Driver - The Ultimate Speed Challenge'. Below is the game concept and requirements: ? Crazy Driver - The Ultimate Speed Challenge ? Game Concept: • You play as a Crazy Driver racing on the world's most dangerous and eccentric tracks. • Experience high-speed action, impossible stunts, extreme traffic dodging, off-road madness, and hilarious challenges. • Funny twists include gravity-defying moments where your car might suddenly fly, the road might vanish, and unexpected obstacles cause wild bounces, spins, or rolls. Mission: • Complete each level in the fastest, craziest way without crashing. • Improve your rank based on performance and earn top rewards via an integrated leaderboard system. Game ...

$420 Average bid
$420 Średnia Oferta:
18 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a professional video editor who can work on my mobile gaming footage. The editing needs to be in a gaming style, with a good dose of humor to keep the videos entertaining. If you have experience in editing Let's Play, Montage, and Tutorial videos, that's a plus. Key Requirements: - Extens...Requirements: - Extensive experience with mobile gaming video editing - Proficiency in creating fast-paced, engaging gaming edits - Ability to add humorous elements in a professional manner - Previous experience with 'Let's Play', 'Montage', and 'Tutorial' video editing - Creative with a good sense of pacing and timing I need someone who can take raw mobile gaming footage and turn it into high-quality, funny, and engaging videos...

$90 Average bid
$90 Średnia Oferta:
8 składanie ofert

...Audio bubbles with phrases like "How are you?", "Nice to meet you!". ✈️ A floating airplane ticket to New York or London. 3️⃣ Final CTA (Call to Action): The screen displays text: "Want to be here? Join our free English lesson today!" A QR code or button appears, linking to the sign-up page. Technical Requirements ? Video Duration: 15-30 seconds ? Resolution: 1080x1920 (vertical for TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts) ? Real-World Footage: Provided by freelancer or sourced from stock footage ? AR Elements Creation: 3D modeling and animation (Cinema 4D, Blender, Unreal Engine, or similar) Seamless integration into the real-world scene (After Effects, Nuke, or similar) ? Sound Design: Light futuristic sound effects Native English voice snippets ...

$110 Average bid
$110 Średnia Oferta:
26 składanie ofert
Trophy icon AI-Generated Brand Awareness Video
1 dnia left

...2: Close-up – Dog uses paw or nose to push the pantry door open. ? Shot 3: POV shot (from dog’s perspective) – Messy pantry revealed, snacks everywhere. ? Shot 4: Close-up – Dog tilts head in confusion/disgust at the mess. ? Sound Effects & Editing Tips: ✅ Add a “record scratch” sound effect when the messy pantry is revealed. ✅ Use a zoom-in effect on the mess for dramatic effect. ✅ Overlay a funny “? CHAOS MODE” text. ? Text Overlay: “Even the dog knows this is a disaster.” ? Scene 2: The Dog Takes Charge ? Shot 5: Dog trots off-screen with a determined look. ? Shot 6: Dog returns carrying a Home Hints box in its mouth (or nudging it with its nose). ? Shot 7: Close-up – Dog drops the box dramatically like i...

$50 Average bid
12 zgłoszenia
UI Text Translation for Global App
1 dnia left

I'm seeking a professional translator to help me translate approximately 1500 words of user interface text into 50 international languages. Key Requirements: - Expertise in translating user interface text. - Ability to accurately translate and maintain specific language-related terminology and phrases. - High proficiency in the target languages. - Experience with app translation is a plus. I have a list of specific terms and phrases that must be maintained, as well as a glossary for translation. I'm looking for a company who can ensure that the translations are both accurate and contextually appropriate, taking into account the technical nature of the content.

$106 Average bid
$106 Średnia Oferta:
62 składanie ofert

We're looking for an experienced...refine and elevate our logo design and associated creative sketches for our new clothing brand. Our brand draws inspiration from Enlightenment Spirituality, modern self-discovery, and thought-provoking imagery. Key requirements: • Refine the current logo design with an exaggerated, creative font layout that brings a unique flair. • Fine-tune our sketches to create polished artwork. • Integrate key phrases such as: - “Beyond Immagination” - “The fire from within” - “Enter a new dimension” • Collaborate on expanding the creative vision to enhance the brand’s capsule release. Deliverables: Final logo, refined sketches, and artwork aligned with the inspirational, modern, and ...

$451 Average bid
$451 Średnia Oferta:
66 składanie ofert