Functional specification samplesprojekty
Zlecimy wykonanie Workflow Designera w technologii Angular + C#. W ogólnym zarysie rysujemy proces workflow przy użyciu np. takiego komponentu jak następnie tak narysowany proces zapisujemy jako plik .json. notacja pliku .json oraz szczegóły projektu zostaną wysłane tylko do osób, które odpowiedzą na ogłoszenie.
I am looking for PHP developer with ecommerce platforms experience, especially plugins. We need to create custom plugins and place them in marketplaces. Price negotiable, in the attachment specification. ASAP, can be afterhours. upload results of the race/sport event in pdf format, and the parser system should read the data from pdf and enable user to save only chosen columns to the database. Requirements 1. User can upload pdf file with sport results, pdf with multiple pages (links to samples below) 2. User should submit the file for processing (results are from multisport events, some results might have 10 columns some might have 15 columns, see the samples below) 3. Parser should process the file and retrieve only the table data (see the samples below) 4. User should view the output of the parsing on the web for further edits. 5. User should be able to decide the order of the columns (each sport results might have different columns orders, and user should be able to decide the order...
I need someone to classify data related to heartbeat. Classification is to be assigned to the following classes: - a healthy heart - not the correct heart rhythm - too noisy, too poor quality to make any inferences - patients so sick that they are either dead or in the hospital - such recordings were deleted because the diagnosis itself would not bring anything in this case I have 367 such...they are either dead or in the hospital - such recordings were deleted because the diagnosis itself would not bring anything in this case I have 367 such recordings at this link: The archive in the link, apart from the numbered recordings, has a file with a spreadsheet. The point is to, as it was described above, describe these samples.
Zaprojektuj logo Trening funkcjonalny, pilates , yoga, trx
Witaj opu00, zwróciłem uwagę na Twój profil i chciałbym Ci zaproponować mój projekt. Możemy przedyskutować wszelkie szczegóły na czacie. Verify 50000 profiles on web site per specification.
...images, specifications, pricing) we will deliver. Details of the job: - About 30 products - E-shop fitting visual (colors, banners, keyboard) to the new version of our website - (Joomla) - E-shop in two optional languages (Polish, English) - Electronic payment processing (selection of the service provider - for discussion) - Integration with and Ebay - Functional testing e-shop, including: action, edit content, collaboration with payment sites, auction sites, etc. - Provide a comprehensive report on the commissioning and testing We expect: - Complex organization of the work and activities - To carry out all the necessary arrangements =================================================================== Zlecimy konfigurację e-sklep ClickShop
Hello, I'm looking for a company which could provide a complete web site design + installation + at least 1 year guaranty period. The objectives of the web site: 1. It will be dedicated to professional seeking for reports, news and advisory for business solutions. 2. It must have any easy to use C...the level of access), articles, pages, email responder (after each action), newsletter, banner manager, SEO options (meta words, settings), dashboard (Google analytics, etc.), photo and video, LinkedIn. We are looking for a company with experience in CMS, which could provide a complete design and installation of the web site within maximum of 45 days after signing agreement. The detailed specification is available and will be sent to the chosen companies after signing a NDA. R...
Witam, Szukam osoby, ktora przetlumaczylaby ponizsza specyfikacje z jezyka angielskiego (miejscami lamanego :)) na jezyk polski oczywiscie. Specyfikacja do tego jest pod tym linkiem Do przetlumaczenia sa rowniez zdjecia, ktore sa wklejone w powyzszym pliku. Pozdrawiam i czekam na oferty
Witam, Szukamy osoby lub firmy, ktora potrafilaby stworzyc profesjonaly system do udzielania jednorazowych pozyczek. Serwis wraz z baza powinien byc stworzony bardzo profesjonalnie poniewaz chodzi o pieniadze! Jak zobacza Panst...zleceniodawca jest Polak. Chwilowo specyfikacja jest w jezyku angielskim jednak zostanie przetlumaczona na jezyk polski w razie koniecznosci. Wazna dla nas jest rowniez komunikatywnosc oraz intuicyjne podejscie do niektorych zagadnien. Przyklady podobnych stron mozna znalezc pod tym linkiem Link do specyfikacji znajda Panstwo tutaj - prosze wziac ja raczej jako wskazowke, poniewaz nie jest jeszcze dokonczona w pelni, a raczej wiele rzeczy wymaga wyjasnienia/uscislenia. Pozdrawiam
Zlecimy przygotowanie interaktywnej i edytowalnej mapy Europy. Przykład: Dane do mapy wprowadzane z pliku csv lub poprzez komponent (lub moduł) Joomla.
Poszukuje osoby ktora potrafi zrobic to: W moim przypadku ma byc to prosty formularz wordpress + paypal + wyslanie danych do Zoho Crm TYLKO osoby ktore znaja zoho crm !!!!
Poszukuje osoby ktora potrafi zrobic to: W moim przypadku ma byc to prosty formularz wordpress + paypal + wyslanie danych do Zoho Crm
About us: Friskylabs, is a young, dynamic internet software company located in want to estimate friend strength, including: who is posting on your wall, who is messaging you, who you are tagged in photos with, etc. Once you have built the above application, please submit the following to jobs[at]: * A link to your application so that we can try it out. * A short description explaining how you decided to calculate "friend strength". * Samples of the code, or the entire codebase. We look forward to you submission! Referral program: If you know someone who should join us, email them this ad and put jobs[at] in CC. If your friend is hired and successfully completes the trial period, we will pay you $2,500 for a successful referral!
...Zalaczniki moge tez wysylac na mail. I need very simple portal (home page, 3 info pages, about us and contact form) that would describe offer of my company. The main requirements: 1) The dynamic content shall be in JQuery 2) It needs to be layouted and graphically designed to look nice; 3) i do not accept Joomla, Drupal etc 4) wireframes are attached 5) database diagram is attached Specification: I'm attaching wireframes for home page and 3 info pages. Each of the element has it's ID. The elements are only telling You what is the type of element and where to put it more or less. The position, colors, sizes , everything can be designed by You. I want all the content elements to be put inside nice-looking frames. All the details , texts, images...
Zlece wykonanie stosunkowo prostego upper filter drivera zagniezdzonego ponad serial driver. Zadaniem filter driver'a jest filtrowanie IRPs typu write i read, a nastepnie odczytanie ich payload'u i przekazanie go wraz z timestamp do user-space. Przechwycone IRPs powinny byc nastepnie puszczane dalej w dol stosu do function dri...nie pozwala na otwarcie wiecej niz jednego handle do serial portu co powoduje, ze sniffowanie przez zwykle otworzenie portu jest niemozliwe, bo jest on juz "zajety" przez aplikacje sterujaca dostepem do internetu. Zlecony filter driver nie musi zajmowac sie zadnymi rzeczami zwiazanymi z power managment itd, a jedynie z IRP write/read, wiec jest zdecydowanie prostszy niz jakikolwie functional driver. W razie jakichkolwiek niejasnos...
...Website for finance-related desktop application with user accounts, licenses and paid subscriptions management system. 1. Website: Would provide information about the application, its overview, short information about company, blog, users forum. No complex CMS is needed! It could be Wordpress (at least for the information pages, blog, homepage news etc; Wordpress-Zend Framework integration samples could be provided) or some other OOTB solution based (see below). Pages: - Homepage, - Application Overview, - User Account, - About, - Blog, - Forum, - Bugs reporting system, - Admin Panel. 2. User Accounts: Users should be able to create and manage their accounts. For each user account there is a key which is then inputed into the application. The application connec...
... o Arbitrary task implemented in a scripting language. o Finding empty files under the specified directory (including subdirectories). The configuration file specification Each line contains the description of a task in form of the following fields: 1. Time of starting the first execution of the task, 2. Period: MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, HOURLY, MINUTELY, ONCE, 3. Java class name or a script file name (the filename extension determines the scripting language). Remarks * When a task class or script does not contain the method corresponding to the period specification, the daemon issues an error message and stores it in the database. * For Java tasks these methods must be called by reflection. * When using other scripti...
Szukam osoby, która zakoduje wygląd Infowindow, który będzie podobnie wyglądał: Screenshot zrobiłem dla serwisu gdzie jest to już wykonane - więc jest to możliwe. Dodajemy tylko scroll. Wskazówki można znaleźć tutaj: Mapa (API v3),mechanizmy (php, sql) i standardowe infowindow już mam gotowe. Trzeba tylko zakodować to "infowindow". Jeśli jesteś z Warszawy - może się spotkać i omówić temat.
Web design processes, a understanding of front-end technologies, a strong familiarity of Interaction design). The right candidate will possess the following: strong analytic skills (ability to analyze what the customer wants to specification, and the ability to translate that to the development team); is easy to work with (soft skills); and has the ability to prioritize tasks and reduce stress levels. Description: As a Web Project Manager, you will drive timely execution of multiple projects from requirements through delivery and support across cross functional teams. You will work in close partnership with marketing, design, engineering and development teams, support, IT and other organizations. Responsibilities: Work with Marketing, User Experience Design, and ...
Witam serdecznie, Zlecę napisanie ok. 15 stron pracy na temat Functional Approach in translation tourist guides and brochures, interesuje mnie w całości rozdział poświęcony części praktycznej i porównanie tekstów: czyli coś cyklu : Functional approach - Comparison and differences between ............ Jeśli chodzi o wytyczne pracy: czcionka 12, tytuły rozdziału 14, przypisy 10. Bibliografia musi być zawarta. Cytaty nie mogą przekroczyć 10% pracy. Przewidziany okres czasu poświęcony pisaniu ok.14 dni Proszę o krótki opis Państwa doświadczenia na maila: dominika-wanat@
Chodzi o dokument projektowy, ktory ma miec kolo 6 stron i ktory ma zawierac: - Analize Use-Case na podstawie scenariusza - Specyfikacja Use-Case (Use-Case Model, opis aktorow ) - Use-Cases (Use-Case diagrams, Brief description, Flow of events (basic/alternative), pre-/post-conditions, extension points, and relationships) - Strukturalna i behawioralna analiza (Use-Case-Realization Specification) - Interaction Diagrams - Interaction Diagrams (alternative scenario - error or exceptional situations) - Class Diagrams - opis klas (cel i zachowanie), interakcji klas i decyzji projektowych - Sprawdzenie poprawnosci modelu projektowego dokładną treść zlecenia wrzuciłem tutaj: wszystko ma być w języku angielskim, była to robota dla 2 osob, niestety
Witam , potrzebujemy kogos kto zmieni zakupiony przez nas pakiet flash+XML. Jest to animacja flash ładująca zdjęcia i nazwy produktów, coś w stylu: problem jest następujący: nie wyświetlane są w opisach polskie znaki z klawiatury, ani cyrylica. Potrzebujemy kogoś kto poprawi skrypt w taki sposób, aby po najechaniu na zdjęcie pokazywał się napis we i polskim (z literami "ż, ć, ó"). Potrzebujemy tego na jutro!! Proszę o załączenie linków do prac wykonanych, cenę.
...0x13B => "Person who created the image", 0x13D => "Predictor", 0x13E => "White point chromaticity", 0x13F => "Chromaticities of primaries", 0x14 => "Latitude of destination", 0x14A => "SubIFD Pointer", 0x15 => "Reference for longitude of destination", 0x152 => "Extra Samples", 0x153 => "Sample Format", 0x16 => "Longitude of destination", 0x17 => "Reference for bearing of destination", 0x18 => "Bearing of destination", 0x19 => "Reference for distance to destination", 0x190 => "GlobalParametersIFD Pointer", 0x1A => "Distance to destination...
...dostepnych osob do losowania (losujemy np 10 osob). Dane osob maja byc pobrane z bazy danych (imie, nazwisko, i jakies dwa stringi), a wyswietlane maja byc w postacji jak w przykladzie ponizej z tą róznica, ze karuzela kręci sie w pionie a nie jak jest w przykladzie w poziomie, a w miejsce zdjec sa wyswietlane dane z bazy czyli imie, nazwisko, i jakies dwa dodatkowe stringi. Najlepiej zeby po lewej stronie umieszczona byla przerobiona kontrolka jak w przykladzie a po prawej znajdowala sie tabela w ktorej sukcesywnie pojawiac sie beda kolejne wylosowane osoby. Natomiast na dole znajdowac sie powinny dwa przyciski Strart i Stop (ewentualnie dodatkowo Restart). Czyli to co jest do zrobienia -pobieranie z bazy danych (MySql) -przerobienie kontrolki
...wychodzącej i przychodzącej. Program nasłuchuje na localhoście i przechwytuje wiadomości wy- i przychodzące, przy czym istniejący program pocztowy użytkownika jest skonfigurowany do wysyłania i odbierania wiadomości z komputera lokalnego (localhost). Źródła aktualnej wersji programu zostały napisane w C++ (MSVC) w oparciu o biblioteki Komodia i źródła Ksniffer (). Wersja ta przechwytuje i zapisuje wiadomości. Rozbudowa programu ma obejmować pełne wyposażenie programu w parsery SMTP i POP3 tak, aby możliwe było chwilowe zatrzymanie wiadomości przychodzących przed ich udostępnieniem programowi pocztowemu i zatrzymanie wiadomości wychodzących przed ich przekazaniem do serwera poczty wychodzącej. W razie dodatkowych pytań odnośnie szczegółów
Witam, zlece przeksztalcenie badz wykonania skryptu typu slider na podstawie np. , bądź bazując na innym gotowym skrypcie Slider'a treści (obojętnie na jakiej bibliotece JQuery, MooTools etc.) W sieci istnieje MooTabs () chodzi mi o dokładnie coś takiego, tylko że: treść musiała by pojawiać się dopiero po kliknięciu w wybraną zakładkę, oraz wjeżdżać z dołu. Przekształcenie ma polegać na wyjezdzaniu "box'a" z treścią z ustalonej dolnej krawędzi w górę na ustaloną wysokość, po kliknięciu na wybrany link. Pod linkiem zobrazowanie działania: Więcej szczegółów działania podaje na email.
[ponownie wystawiona oferta] zlecę wykonanie galerii we flashu galeria wizualnie musi wyglądać tak samo jak ta: z tym że: - bez górnej nawigacji - po załadowaniu się muszą być widoczne 3 obrazki a nie dwa - galeria musi się doładowywać w locie / preloader do każdego obrazka /tak jak w przykładzie - obrazki definiowane wewnątrz fla lub xml / do wyboru - obrazki za każdym razem muszą pokazywać się w innej kolejności / lub też zdefiniowanej z wizualnych rzeczy: - galeria będzie wyświetlana na różnych tłach więc kolor tła musi być łatwo zmienialny - wielkość około 660x300 px / galeria musi być tak zrobiona żeby łatwo dało się zmienić jej wymiary z 660x300 na np: 600x250 oraz wymiary obrazków które są ładowane do
Write a program that inputs a directed graph G and computes a topological order of G. The input to the program consists of the following lines: line 1: integer n, the number of vertices in graph G, 2<=n<=1 000 000. line 2: integer n1, which is the number of outgoing...standard output stream (display). No files should be used. 3. The program will be run from the command line (Linux, MS Win). If the program is named prog2 then it will be tested as follows (in the cmd window under MS Win, for example): C:prog2 < where the file contains sample input data, and it should display the result on the screen. Besides the data described in the specification the program should not input or output any other data. No display like "Give the number of nodes" !
zlecę wykonanie galerii we flashu galeria wizualnie musi wyglądać tak samo jak ta: z tym że: - bez górnej nawigacji - po załadowaniu się muszą być widoczne 3 obrazki a nie dwa - galeria musi się doładowywać w locie / preloader do każdego obrazka /tak jak w przykładzie - obrazki definiowane w pliku zewnętrznym xml lub wewnątrz fla / do wyboru - obrazki za każdym razem muszą pokazywać się w innej kolejności / lub też zdefiniowanej z wizualnych rzeczy: - galeria będzie wyświetlana na różnych tłach więc kolor tła musi być łatwo zmienialny - wielkość około 660x300 px / galeria musi być tak zrobiona żeby łatwo dało się zmienić jej wymiary z 660x300 na np: 600x250 oraz wymiary obrazków które są ładowane do galerii
...dostarczone. Niektóre elementy graficzne trzeba będzie sobie pociąć a żeby móc je wykorzystać. 1. Dodanie na stronie głównej ikony z logo"Nominated" (z ) oraz odnośnika do strony www. 2. Okładki Fairyland - po kliknięciu dodanie stron podobnych do (download, components, samples) 3. Przycisk "Pobierz" - po kliknięciu dodanie tekstu na stronie - "Wybierz co chcesz pobrać..." - zamiana i dodanie elementów do pobrania. 4. Przycisk "Przygoda z Fairyland" - po kliknięciu dodanie strony podobnej do z polskim tekstem. 5. Przycisk "Club" - dodanie nowej strony- informacja
Modyfikacja przykładu SQL (klient SOAP): Chodzi o modyfikację przykładów dostępnych w serwisie - szczegóły (pliki wsdl, informacje o działaniu prześlę zainteresowanym na konto e-mail). Może być też klient SOAP w oparciu o inne przykłady i funkcje, ważne że powinien działać na ORACLE 10g Poprzednia aukcja - wykonanie biblioteki SOAP zakończyła się fiaskiem, dlatego pomysł na zmianę platformy.
I need an expert to setup my website SMTP for email using Amazon SES, integrating Google reCAPTCHA into the codebase, and ensuring the setup my website SMTP for email using Amazon SES, integrating Google reCAPTCHA into the codebase, and ensuring the websites are fully functional. Each sites would be done for 2 different websites located on different servers. Key Responsibilities: - Setup SMTP for email using Amazon SES/ or other third party - Integrate Google reCAPTCHA into the codebase - Ensure all websites functions are fully functional Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Hyperledger/blockchain - Extensive experience with AWS - Knowledgeable in setting up Amazon SES - Able to integrate Google reCAPTCHA - Strong troubleshooting skills to ensure all websit...
I'm in need of a professional embroidery digitizer who can create DST and EMB files for modern-style designs on clothing, specifically T-shirts and hoodies. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in embroidery digitizing - Proficiency in creating DST and EMB files - Experience with modern design aesthetics Please provide samples of your previous digitized work, preferably modern clothing designs.
...research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expe...
I'm looking for a talented web designer to create a new home page for my Wix site. The website should have a unique, creative and artistic touch to it, reflecting a modern and minimalistic style. Key Requirements: - Design a creative/artistic portfolio website - Incorporate animated elements throughout the site - Implement a functional contact form Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web design and development - Experience with creating interactive and animated websites - Strong understanding of modern and minimalistic web design principles - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing the vision
I'm looking for a 3D animator professional or studio than can make animations from the scratch like in these samples: I need an estimation of cost and timeframe for a 6 to 10 seconds animation. This is for a casino, so think of something like a hand thowing a couple of dices on a table and the effect like they're dropping out from the screen. Looking for a high-end result. Don't bid if you can't deliver quality like in the samples. It's for a large outdoor cornered screen of 2 meters (height) x 5+3 meters (length). If we're happy with the result there will be more animations needed for this and other screens. Porfolio of similar works is a must.
...research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expe...
I'm looking for a Hindi content writer specializing in creating formal and informative blog posts about travel and schemes. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in Hindi content writing, particularly blog posts. - In-depth knowledge or interest in travel and various schemes. - Ability to write in a formal and informative tone. - Excellent underst...informative blog posts about travel and schemes. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in Hindi content writing, particularly blog posts. - In-depth knowledge or interest in travel and various schemes. - Ability to write in a formal and informative tone. - Excellent understanding of Hindi grammar, punctuation, and style. - SEO knowledge will be an added advantage. Please provide samples of your previous...
Freelancer Wanted: After Effects Artist (m/f/d) for Trailer Transitions and Effects We are looking for an experienced After Effects artist to help us design specialized scene transitions and visual effects for a trailer. This project requires a high level of creativity and technical expertise, as it involves complex visual representation...strong eye for aesthetics and attention to detail. Good German language skills to fully understand and implement the project requirements. What We Offer: A unique project with exciting creative challenges. Opportunities for collaboration on future creative projects. Fair compensation based on your experience and qualifications. Interested? We look forward to your application, including work samples and a brief description of your previous...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a WordPress with WooCommerce-based shopping website primarily focused on selling clothing. Key Requirements: - Create a fully functional e-commerce website using WordPress with WooCommerce. - The website should be optimized for selling clothing products. - Integrate secure payment options, primarily Credit/Debit cards. - Ensure the website is user-friendly, mobile responsive, and SEO-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce. - Experience in building e-commerce websites. - Strong understanding of SEO and mobile responsiveness. - Knowledge in secure payment integration. Please submit your proposal if you have the necessary skills and experience to complete this project.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor for my personal vlogs that will be shared on Instagram. The editing style should be smooth and professional, enhancing the content without overwhelming it. Key aspects of the project: - Editing personal vlog footage into Instagram-ready reels - Adopting a smooth and professional editing style - Ensuring the final product is e...footage into Instagram-ready reels - Adopting a smooth and professional editing style - Ensuring the final product is engaging and high-quality Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with video editing for Instagram - A portfolio of smooth and professional edits - A keen understanding of the Instagram Reels format and audience - Creativity and attention to detail Please share relevant samples of your work...
I'm seeking a professional photographer for our reunion in East Troy, Wisconsin. The event will take place in a combination of indoor and outdoor settings. Key Responsibilities: - Capture group photos throughout the event - Candid shots to document the day - Portraits of attendees upon request - Video coverage of a music performance, broken down ...Candid shots to document the day - Portraits of attendees upon request - Video coverage of a music performance, broken down into multiple short clips Ideal Skills: - Experience in event photography and videography - Ability to capture candid moments and group photos - Proficiency in shooting and editing short video clips - Good communication skills for coordinating with attendees Please include samples of your previous work in si...
I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a modern-style menu and posters for my cafe. The designs should incorporate my logo, photos of my dishes, and social media links. Posters can be of events that the cafe organizes and social media marketing. You should have experience in graphic design and a strong portfolio of modern-style work. Ability to work with ...graphic designer to create a modern-style menu and posters for my cafe. The designs should incorporate my logo, photos of my dishes, and social media links. Posters can be of events that the cafe organizes and social media marketing. You should have experience in graphic design and a strong portfolio of modern-style work. Ability to work with food photography is a plus. Please include relevant samples of your work in...
...research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expe...
We are seeking skilled Czech voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or mu...
We are seeking skilled Dutch (Belgium) voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background no...
We are seeking skilled Romanian voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or mu...
We are seeking skilled Vietnamese voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or...