Freelancing projects ahmedabadprojekty
...(if possible) Polish language. Subject: information technology, IT outsourcing,IT freelancing, blockchain, cryptocurrency Target group: IT freelancers and specialists Goal: To test selected social platforms and build a strong, active community on one of them. Requirements MUST HAVE: Experience in social media management (LinkedIn, Twitter lub Facebook) Working knowledge of Slack and Discord tools, in the best scenario - use of publicly available groups and communities Good writing and communication skills Very good English At least basic understanding of crypto market and blockchain technology Requirements NICE TO HAVE: Experience in building active communities on social platforms (examples of such projects) Your own experience as a freelancer Interest in information t...
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Potrzebuję żeby ktoś dla mnie napisał krótki artykuł na 3000 słów. Temat artykułu - freelancing. Szczegóły podam wybranej osobie.
Zlecę pisanie komentarzy na moim blogu (10 w ciągu 3 dni pod różnymi wpisami). Długość każdego powyżej 50 znaków. Tematyka freelancing, seo copywriting, zarabianie w Sieci godzinę pracy. Nad tematami pracujemy najchętniej wieczorem (on-line), abym miał możliwość weryfikacji aktywności i pomocy przy działaniach. Jest szybciej i obie strony szybciej realizują cele :) Będziemy również tworzyć nowe strony - proszę to mieć na uwadze (wtedy określamy kwotę / roboczogodziny i działamy). Rozliczanie - najchętniej FV ale może też być współpraca na zasadzie zleceń (freelancing). co jest dla mnie ważne: - szybkość wykonywanych prac - praca online (abym miał możliwość weryfikacji działań) - rzetelne określanie godzin pracy nad danym tematem (wycena godzinowa) - dostępność (jak coś się zepsuje / pali się itp.) telefoniczna / mailowa / komunikator (gg, skype) przypominam - proszę podawać kwotę brutto / godzinę pracy
Witam serdecznie, poszukuję osoby do stałej współpracy w pisaniu seo tekstów. Podstawowym kryterium do podjęcia dalszej współpracy będzie przede wszystkim terminowość oraz jakość pisanych tekstów. Pierwszą tematyką będzie freelancing. Proszę o wycenę na początku na 10 tekstów po 3000 znaków. Czekam na propozycje i pozdrawiam :)
Witam, Zlecę zrobienie skryptu facebook, który polegać będzie na tym że osoba zobaczy treść karty dopiero po udostępnieniu linku. Działać to ma na zasadzie jak tu: Tylko tutaj treść jest dopiero po kliknięciu lubie to. Ja potrzebuję skryptu, który ukaże treść po kliknięciu lubie to i udostępnieniu linku na swojej tablicy. Czekam na oferty. Pozdrawiam'
Temat : - nowy portal e-commerce poszukuje współpracowników - nowy portal e-commerce poszukuje zdalnego programisty php/ajax do stałej współpracy (freelancing wiązany). Oferujemy współudział w tworzeniu najnowocześniejszego polskiego serwisu handlowego ze sklepami, aukcjami i ogłoszeniami. Wymagana doskonała znajomość środowiska php i sql, podstawowa znajomość środowiska ajax, maksymalna kreatywność, umysł matematyczny oraz minimum dwuletnie doświadczenie w programowaniu. Więcej informacji o warunkach współpracy w kontakcie info@
...tworzeniu zaawansowanego oprogramowania w środowisku korporacyjnym. Wymagania: - znajomość JAVA, dodatkowo HTML, CSS, JavaScript - otwarty umysł i niesłabnący optymizm - chęć poznawania nowych technologii, zaangażowanie i chęć rozwoju Mile widziane: - znajomość Apache Click - podstawowa znajomość Spring Beans lub EJB Oferujemy: - zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy o dzieło lub faktury (freelancing) - wynagrodzenie zależne od umiejętności, rozliczanie godzinowe (min. 80 godz/mc) - elastyczne godziny pracy - w Reaktorze można siedzieć od 8:00 do 24:00 - podniesienie poziomu swoich umiejętności - pracę w zespole, który chętnie dzieli się wiedzą i doświadczeniem - fajne miejsce do pracy - centrum dla startupów (Metro pl. Wilsona, Warszawa) - możliwość...
Temat : - nowy portal e-commerce poszukuje programisty - nowy portal e-commerce poszukuje zdalnego programisty php/ajax do stałej współpracy (freelancing wiązany). Oferujemy współudział w tworzeniu najnowocześniejszego polskiego serwisu handlowego ze sklepami, aukcjami i ogłoszeniami. Wymagana doskonała znajomość środowiska php i sql, podstawowa znajomość środowiska ajax, maksymalna kreatywność, umysł matematyczny oraz minimum dwuletnie doświadczenie w programowaniu. Więcej informacji o warunkach współpracy w kontakcie info@
Witam serdecznie, Jestem właścicielem trzech stron internetowych. Poszukuję grafika, który zrobi mi kilka Bardzo Ładnych banerów. Osoby, które uważają się za grafików z gustem, zapraszam do kontaktu. Sztywnych i topornych odrzucam :-) Kontakt najlepiej przez mail: fost@ W tytule aukcji proszę wpisać: Grafik ...uważają się za grafików z gustem, zapraszam do kontaktu. Sztywnych i topornych odrzucam :-) Kontakt najlepiej przez mail: fost@ W tytule aukcji proszę wpisać: Grafik W załączniku proszę przedstawić minimum 3 wykonane dotychczas projekty oraz krótkie CV. Przy pozytywnym zakończeniu tychże banerów, istnieje możliwość podjęcia stałej współpracy (ale dorywczo - wedle potrzeb) - Freelancing ;-) Z poważanie...
Dzień dobry, Poszukujemy programistów php do stałej współpracy na min. 2 - 6 miesiące na zasadzie wykonywania zleceń dla nowego projektu (modyfikacja, zabezpieczenie i rozbudowa serwisu). Wymagania: - bardzo dobra znajomość środowiska php (wymagana umiejętność optymalizacji zapytań i skryptów, cronów, zabezpieczanień, korzystanie z pełnych bibliotek php) - bardzo dobra znajomość baz sql (szczególnie optymalizacja, zakładanie indexów) - dobra znajomość języka ajax (głownie ruchome formularze) - znajomość zagadnienia importu danych (xml -> php -> sql) oraz exportu (sql -> php -> xml) [pliki będą nawet po 1 giga, php ma specjalne funkcje dla xml, plik musi się wgrywać - exportować bez przerwania] - znajomość web api allegro (l...
Kto rozkreci to forum? Chce stworzyc takie miejsce gdzie kazdy freelancer znajdzie cos dla siebie. Piszcie :)
Zajmujesz sie freelancingiem? Prowadzisz firmę? Sprzedajesz markowe ciuchy lub sprzęt audio? Zajmujesz się remontami? Nie masz klientów..? Podejme współpracę, pozyskam dla Cebie klientów. Jeżeli zajmujesz się czymś, z poniższej listy i chcesz pozyskać klientow: Freelancing: * Strony www, serwisy, sklepy internetowe * Katalogowanie, SEO, pozycjonowanie * Programowanie aplikacji * Grafika, fotografia * Tłuaczenia, prace edytorskie * Reklama, marketing * Administracja, hosting * Pozostałe Inne: * Towary * Uslugi napisz do mnie e-mail po przez "zadaj pytanie...", w treści opisz po krótce czym się zajmujesz, Ty lub Twoja firma i jaką oferujesz prowizje. Pozdrawiam.
chodzi mi o wykonanie sklepu lub samego modułu webapi oferta niedługo pojawi się na freelancing MODUŁ webapi wszystkie podstawowe funkcje - wystawianie aukcji wg szablonów html z danymi z xml'a lub php - czytanie danych aukcji zakończonych, czytanie zwyciezców + te najnowsze i zaawansowane (czesc z nich nie bedzie wykorzystywana puki nie powstanie moduł, który będzie z nich korzystał) - czytanie formularzy opcji dostawy czytanie adresów wysłki - automatyczne wysyłanie przypomnienia, wystepowanie o zwrot prowizji, anulowanie zwrotu prowizji stała współpraca przy poprawkach jak wiadomo allegro ciągle coś zmienia
...mySql do stalej wspolpracy zdalnej w wymiarze od 5 do 30 godzin miesiecznie Czynnosci do wykonywania - Opieka / konsultacje z 2-3 osobowym zespolem mlodych programistow - Czesciowa realizacja kodu oraz testowanie aplikacji - Planowanie oraz nanoszenie poprawek - Rozwijanie kolejnych modulow. KONIECZNA znajomisc jezyka angielskiego w stopniu przynajmniej srednim. Ciekawy, rozwojowy freelancing ze sporym potencjalem. Prosze podac przedzial czasowy (liczbe godzin w skali miesiaca) jaka moglaby byc przeznaczona z Panstwa strony na wspolprace. (oczywiscie przedzial czasowy w skali roznych miesiecy moze byc ruchomy i ulegac zmianie ze wzgledu na zapotrzebowanie z naszej strony lub dostepnosc Wykonawcy) Prosze podac dlugosc doswadczenia praktycznego jako Programista ...
Witam, jestem freelancer'em, szukam pracy w Warszawie w pełnym wymiarze...szukam pracy w Warszawie w pełnym wymiarze godzin (etat). *Pracuje na platformach: - MACINTOSH (Mac OS X) - PC (Windows/Linux) *Soft: - Photoshop CS2/CS3 - Illustrator CS3 - Dreamweaver 8 / CS3 - Flash 8 PRO / CS3 - MODO 301 (luxology) *Osiągnięcia: Nominacja jednej z moich stron internetowych na Layout Roku 2007 w kategorii otwartej (). Ambicja pcha mnie do przodu a sam freelancing nauczył mnie terminowości i odpowiedzialności. *Języki obce: - angielski (zaawansowany) - niemiecki (komunikatywny Proszę o kontakt. CV prześle zainteresowanym agencjom drogą mailową. Cała reszta na stronie. TEL: +48 503 363 354 MAIL: @ WEB: Pozdrawiam. Piotrek.
Poszukuje okolo 20 osob chetnych do promocji serwisu zlecen typu freelancing. Licytujemy kwoty od pozyskania kazdych kolejnych 20 uzytkownikow (przy rejestracji musza podac Twoj login). Szczegoly po zakonczeniu aukcji (adres serwisu, forma rozliczen itp.).
I'm hosting a family gathering on February 2, 2025, at 8:30 AM in Ahmedabad near Gota, and I need a talented photographer. The event will have over 100 guests. Requirements: - Capture a mixed style of photography: candid and traditional posed shots. - Experience with large gatherings is essential. - A portfolio demonstrating previous work at family events would be ideal.
I'm looking to kickstart my freelancing journey as a copywriter. I need an experienced freelancer who can guide me through the process, help refine my skills, and assist in finding potential clients. Skills in SEO and digital marketing would be a plus.
???We are looking for a freelancer/bidder ??? ✅ who can bring in genuine software development projects (MERN, PHP, Vue.js, WordPress) from online platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. Your role will be to identify, bid on, and secure projects for our development team. ✅ You will be compensated based on each project successfully acquired, with payment made per project. Ideal for someone with experience in bidding and negotiation on freelancing platforms. ✅ If your developer and have clients collaboration also possible after discussion. For more details can dm and we are open to discuss. Asap
I'm looking to kickstart my freelancing journey as a copywriter. I need an experienced freelancer who can guide me through the process, help refine my skills, and assist in finding potential clients. Skills in SEO and digital marketing would be a plus.
...can check different columns represented by stars, with higher ratings indicating better results in areas like Health, Travel, Romance, Work, Luck, Finance, Study, Lucky Number, and Lucky Color for each Zodiac sign. The platform also includes Prediction and Recommendation columns for detailed insights and feedback for the upcoming week based on the stars ratings. Role Description This is a freelancing role as a Web Developer at Vyas Card LLP in Goregaon. The Web Developer will be responsible for tasks related to back-end web development, front-end development, programming, web design, and overall web development. Qualifications Back-End Web Development and Programming skills Front-End Development and Web Design skills Experience in Web Development Strong problem-solving and...
Budget: 5k to 8k (INR) for a month - Show interest only if you are ready for this budget for only WP related work. JD: I'm looking for a WordPress developer for a month with fixed pricing. As we are outsourcing our overdue projects, this opportunity is perfect for someone who can handle tasks, finish them and give daily updates. Key Responsibilities: - Customizing themes to meet project specifications - Optimizing websites for speed and user experience Skills & Experience: - Proven expertise in theme customization and website optimization - Hands-on experience with E-commerce, Blogs, and Corporate websites - A strong focus on improving user experience and increasing conversion rates The ideal candidate will have the ability to deliver high-quality work consistently an...
Same as u have done before. $36.80 x 30 (1-2) projects per week
I need assistance with deploying a Django-based Python web application and a Node.js project on my dedicated VPS. Additionally, I require the creation of two APIs for the Python project. The ideal freelancer for this job should have: - Proven experience in deploying web applications on Dedicated VPS - Proficiency in Python and Django and flask - Strong skills in Node.js - Experience in creating APIs - Familiarity with VPS management Please submit your bid if you can deliver this project promptly and efficiently.
I'm in search of a talented animator skilled in both 2D and 3D animation to collaborate on various exciting projects. Your expertise will be instrumental in interpreting and bringing to life detailed concept art and rough sketches. Key Responsibilities: - Create high-quality 2D/3D animations based on provided concept art and project briefs. - Take creative direction and contribute to the overall creative process. - Work independently, demonstrating a strong attention to detail and understanding of animation principles. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in both realistic and cartoonish animation styles. - Excellent communicator, with a positive attitude and ability to meet creative challenges. - Able to interpret and animate from rough sketches. Since I understand that quality wo... platforms. • Communicate effectively with client pod Creative Producers and Leads to ensure that edits align with defined performance goals. •Receive, interpret, and implement creative direction and constructive feedback from both teammates and clients. • Actively utilize performance editing best practices focused on maximizing viewer engagement. • Conduct a thorough review of completed projects for technical and quality assurance, ensuring adherence to brand and legal guidelines. • Meet set deadlines for the delivery of edits and revisions. • Adhere to internal post-production organization protocols. • Manage project files and maintain server hygiene efficiently. • Participate in researching and requesting necessary media assets inte...
We are seeking a highly skilled Senior NextJS Developer to join our team for developing both internal products and external projects. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in building web applications and a strong understanding of modern web platforms. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality solutions in a fast-paced environment. If you are passionate about developing innovative web solutions and have a proven track record with NextJS, we would love to hear from you.
...need a LinkedIn expert to boost my followers by managing my account and posting daily content related to AI Technology, Freelancing, and Personal Growth. Content types will include videos (that I will create), carousels, images, and PDFs. Key Responsibilities: - Content Scheduling: Plan and schedule daily posts at optimal times for maximum visibility and engagement. - Engaging with Followers: Respond to comments and messages in a timely manner, fostering a sense of community and encouraging further engagement. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in LinkedIn management with a track record of increasing followers. - Familiarity with AI technology, freelancing, and personal growth content. - Excellent communication skills for engaging with followers. - Abil...
I am seeking an experienced WordPress developer to join my team. This role involves converting designs from both Figma and Adobe XD into WordPress, working primarily with custom-made themes. The ideal candidate will not only be proficient in WordPress development but also skilled in technical optimization and performance tuning. Key Responsibilities: - Convert designs...Responsibilities: - Convert designs from Figma and Adobe XD into WordPress - Work with custom-made WordPress themes - Optimize site performance (loading times, SEO, server load) - Bug fixing and troubleshooting Key Requirements: - Flexible and self-motivated working style - Hourly rate: Up to €30/hour according to Qualification If this sounds like you, please apply with examples of previous WordPress projects...
I'm looking for an SEO specialist to optimize my website, The goal is to improve search engine rankings in South Africa, boost organic traffic, and enhance visibility for my key services. Key Services for SEO Optimization: - Fencing Installers - Generator Maintenance - CCTV In particular, I would like to focus on: - On-page optimization Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly on-page optimization - Familiarity with South African market and search trends - Experience working with service-oriented websites - Ability to deliver measurable results in terms of increased traffic and improved search rankings.
I'm a newcomer passionate about content writing, particularly in the r...into the world of freelance work and build my portfolio. My primary interest lies in copywriting for email marketing campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and grammar skills - Understanding of marketing principles - Ability to write persuasive and impactful copy - Familiarity with email marketing platforms (e.g., MailChimp, Constant Contact) is a plus Experience: - While I'm new to freelancing, I have a strong passion for writing and a keen interest in marketing. I'm ready to learn and grow with every project. I am looking for opportunities to showcase my skills and dedication. I am open to constructive feedback and committed to delivering high-quality work. Let's create compel...
Needs to hire 6 Freelancers Sites Requirements: 1. English Sites: As over 30 , Traffic over 10K 2. Site niche: Technology, AI , Education(Targeting students aged 16 and above),Business 3. Need 2-3 do-follow links per post ‼️Send me the sheet including the domain, as, traffic , price, and screenshots ‼️ Screenshots: conversation with the admin shows that he accept the guest post and payment after live link is indexed. ❤Please put all the data information of the above sites into Google Docs. ❤Those who do not provide site data through Google Docs will not be replied to. ❤I will prioritize working with those who have provided all the information. Publish Requirements: 1.✔️ Need 1 do-follow link 2. ✔ Live link must be indexed in Google. Keep articles on site permanently. 3. All cont...
Job Type: Full-Time (3-Month Contract) Location: Remote Job Description: We are seeking a talented and versatile Full-Stack Web Developer with strong project management skills to join our team on a 3-month contract basis. In this role, you will be responsible for a wide range of tasks to develop, maintain, and manage our freelancing website. Your primary focus will be to lead the development efforts while ensuring smooth project management, user experience, security, and quality assurance. Key Responsibilities 1. Full-Stack Web Development: - Develop and maintain website features using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL. - Ensure website functionality, responsiveness, and security. - Implement new features, troubleshoot and fix bugs. 2. UI/UX Design: - Design us...
I am looking for an experienced freelancer who can assist with PLC programming, particularly in TIA Portal, for various industrial automation tasks. Projects may include programming operation of presses, setup of conveyors and robotics systems, and integration of system alarms for temperature control. Each project will vary in complexity; terms and specific requirements will be discussed per project basis. The presses are from 1000 to 2500 tons, they have 3 operations - compression, punching, punching. The company produces bearings for cars, heated cylindrical pieces are compressed (a circle is formed), in the second operation they are punched, the 3rd operation punches out the central part of the circle and a ring is formed, which goes into further processing. The press has the m...
We are seeking an experienced civil engineer who specializes in land development and construction projects to collaborate with our team on a regular basis. Responsibilities include advising on site planning, compliance with local regulations, design optimization, and overseeing project execution. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in both the theoretical and practical aspects of civil engineering, with a focus on sustainability and innovation in land development.
I'm seeking skilled Software Developers specializing in Web Development for multiple upcoming projects. The nature of these projects varies, including but not limited to E-commerce, Blogs, and Corporate websites. Ideal candidates should possess: - Proficiency in various web development languages and frameworks - Experience in creating diverse types of websites - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to work on different projects concurrently Your portfolio should showcase a range of web development projects. Looking forward to your proposals.
I'm in need of an experienced video editor for a variety of upcoming projects. Key responsibilities: - Editing a range of video types including promotional and tutorial videos, with advanced effects and animations. - Utilizing Adobe Premiere Pro exclusively for all editing tasks. Ideal candidates should: - Be proficient in using Adobe Premiere Pro. - Have a strong background in video editing, particularly with creating advanced effects and animations. - Be able to handle multiple projects in a timely manner. If you're passionate about video editing and have the skills necessary to bring my videos to life, I would love to hear from you! Contact on WhatsApp 7247827956
I'm in need of a local photographer in Ahmedabad, India, to capture a 20-minute proposal event at Rancherda. The shoot will be primarily romantic in theme, with poses suggested by the photographer. Key Responsibilities: - Capture the proposal itself and couple portraits post-proposal. - Suggest poses and compositions that align with a romantic theme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Candid, traditional and artistic photography - Experience with proposal shoots - Ability to suggest poses - Understanding of romantic photography - Local to Ahmedabad Please note, this project requires a local photographer who can suggest poses and capture the moment beautifully.
Please see private messages for project details
Please see your private DM's for details of all projects and work.
I'm seeking a professional with experience in creating captivating GIGs for my freelancing services in Web & Digital Marketing. My services include SEO optimization, Social Media Management, Content Marketing and overall Digital Marketing. My Domains of Expertise is: Website Design & Dvlpt & Digital Marketing Services & Graphics Designing & Video Creation & YT Channels Creation Understanding of Target Audience: The GIGs need to be tailored for large corporations (OR) High Ticket Clients. Therefore, you should have experience in writing content that appeals to this demographic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in creating successful freelance GIGs - Deep understanding of SEO, Social Media Management, Content Marketing and Digital...
I'm looking for a US-based YouTube Channel Manager (Mandatory) to oversee my channel focused on freelancing, digital, and business content. Mandatory: You need to have solopreneurship/LLC or similar. Croatian tax system is extremely stupid and hiring freelancers is considered tax evasion (Otherwise we need to pay tax on freelancers) so I need to work with people with registered entities. Key Responsibilities: - Posting content: I'll provide 5 videos to start, followed by approximately 1 weekly. - Crafting engaging, casual and conversational descriptions and texts for each video. (Optional) - Reviewing and advising on content: While I’ll provide the video and titles, I highly value your feedback. - Must be located in the US for at least a couple of weeks during p...
We are seeking skilled and experienced freelance Odoo developers to collaborate with us on customizing Odoo ERP solutions for our clients. This is an exciting opportunity to work on diverse projects and establish a long-term professional relationship with our team. Key Responsibilities: Customize Odoo modules to meet client-specific requirements. Develop and integrate new features into Odoo ERP systems. Troubleshoot, debug, and optimize existing Odoo implementations. Ensure timely delivery of projects with high-quality standards. Provide ongoing support and maintenance as needed. Requirements: Minimum 3+ years of proven experience as an Odoo developer. Proficiency in Python and Odoo framework. Strong knowledge of Odoo modules such as Sales, Accounting, Inventory, HR, etc. ...
[Freelancer] is an online platform designed to connect freelancers with clients from all over the world. It acts as a marketplace where skilled professionals can offer their expertise, apply for projects, and collaborate with clients in various industries. Key Features: Freelancer Profiles: Freelancers can create detailed profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and portfolio, making it easier for clients to choose the right professional for their needs. Job Listings: Clients can post a wide range of projects, from short-term tasks to large-scale contracts, which freelancers can browse and apply for. Secure Payments: The platform ensures secure transactions for both freelancers and clients, utilizing escrow services and milestone-based payments. Communication Tools:...