Formula celsius fahrenheit kelvin rankineprojekty
...kanałów które się wyświetlą trzeba będzie pobrać email. Np. "Spectrum Protocol", po wyszukaniu tej frazy wyświetli się około 12 filmików do których trzeba zajrzeć i pobrać email (+ social media jeśli istnieją np. Twitter, Telegram, Instagram) i zapisać do pliku Excel w formacie: URL, NAZWA KANAŁU, PROJECT NAME, EMAIL, TELEGRAM, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, REDDIT Lista nagłówków / tematów: - Yield App, - Celsius, - Swissborg, - Nexus Protocol, - Orion Money, - Terra Luna, - Prism Protocol, - Anchor Protocol, - Spectrum Protocol Dodatkowo trzeba pominąć kanały zawarte w tym pliku: Złożoność: Estymuję, że dla każdego z nagłówków może być między 10 a 30 linków do filmów, więc całość powinn...
...improve your acceleration | speed tutorial Treść właściwa: Scena 6 Trenerze co byś zrobił gdyby każdy twój zawodnik zawsze wyprzedzał o kilka milisekund przeciwnika ? Czy to Twoje marzenie czy cel? Scena 7 Video block: a) Przyspieszenie /szybkość sceny z publicznych materiałów - mecze piłkarskie Top 10 Fastest Football Players 2020 b) gepard - zwierzę szybkość jako budowanie atmosfery Drag Race: Formula E Car vs Cheetah, Cheetah - Chase Compilation c) Video z prawdziwych testów - dostarczone Scena 8 Tekst : Zamiast tylko marzyć realizuj swoje trenerski cele Tekst2: Wyprzedź wszystkich i zadbaj żeby twoi zawodnicy wyprzedzali (Bardziej energicznie jak "wezwanie do akcji" Scena 9 Następny video blok - podobny do 7 - inne filmiki Scena 10 Tekst: O...
Posiadam strone internetowa w wordpressie o adresie do niej by podpiety fanpage facebookowy po polsku Polska Szkola Jazdy Formula Learner z ponad 1600 likami. Posiadam drugi fanpage po angielsku o nazwie Formula Learner Driving School. Jakims cued do Polskiej strony interetowej podpiety jest angielska wersja fanpagu. Cala praca polegala by na podmianie na mojej stronie fanpagu i podlaczenie z powrotem polskiej wersji fan pagu.
Prosilbym o wykonanie omawianego wczesniej Bloga. jak wspomnialem bedzie to blog po angielsku. Jako ze wspolpracuje z Kelvin White Driving School wszystkie tresci beda oparte na blogu Kelvin White ...
poszukuje osoby, znajacej system MODX, ktora zobowiazala by sie postawic na tym systemie prosta strone www. Strona ma gotowa strukture i tresc. Prosze zerknac tutaj - http://redmasteri...Nowa strona byla by bardzo podobna. Zlecenie obejmowaloby : 1. utworzenie sub menu, i przekopiowanie trescie (menu i tresc jest juz zrobiona w MODX) 2. Job Order, czyli obecny dokument zlecenia (patrz ) utworzony w Excelu, mialby znajdowac sie na stronie jako interkatywne menu. 3. baner/zdjecie na stronie glownej, mogloby by byc bardziej dynamiczne 4. mail/kontakt - jako formula do wypelnienia jezeli ktos mialby jakies dodatkowe interesujace propozycje - jestem bardzo otwarty, pomoc dotyczaca seo - mile widziana. prosze skontaktowac sie w kwestii detali
Witam! Chcę mieć program partnerski, który umożliwiłby mi śledzenie tego, kto od jakiego partnera przychodzi. Ma to wyglądać tak: Każdy partner może się zarejestrować za pomocą specjalnego panelu oraz się logować do panelu w dowolnej chwili. Dostaje link na materiał promocyjny (darmowy) - Jeśli referal przyjdzie na moją stronę, a później coś ode mnie kupi w ciągu roku - partner dostaje określony procent prowizji. Płatności się odbywają za pomocą systemu Rozumiem, że raczej będzie potrzebna instalacja jakiegoś sklepu internetowego. W takim razie proszę wybrać coś darmowego z tej listy - i zintegrować to z Proszę pisać cenę za takiego typu rozwiązanie (lub inne możliwe) oraz opisać
Napisz program pobierajacy jako swoje argumenty sciezke do pliku zrodlowego i docelowego. Program otwiera plik zrodlowy, czyta zawarta w nim formule matematyczna (caly plik to formula zapisana w jednej lini), przelicza ja i wynik zapisuje do pliku docelowego. Dopuszczalne operacje: +, -, *, / Dopuszczalne nawiasy: ( ) Pamietaj o kolejnosci wykonywania dzialan: * dzialania w nawiasach * mnozenie i dzielenie * dodawnie i odejmowanie Niepoprawne formuly: * otwarty, ale nie zamkniety nawias, np.: (2+(2+2)*2 * wiecej niz jeden operator pod rzad, np.: 2+-2*2 Nieprzeliczenie formuly nastepuje takze w momencie kiedy nastepuje dzielenie przez zero. W tym projekcie nie wystepuja liczby ujemne. Przyklady: plik wejsciowy: 2+2*2 plik w...
Napisz program pobierajacy jako swoje argumenty sciezke do pliku zrodlowego i docelowego. Program otwiera plik zrodlowy, czyta zawarta w nim formule matematyczna (caly plik to formula zapisana w jednej lini), przelicza ja i wynik zapisuje do pliku docelowego. Dopuszczalne operacje: +, -, *, / Dopuszczalne nawiasy: ( ) Pamietaj o kolejnosci wykonywania dzialan: * dzialania w nawiasach * mnozenie i dzielenie * dodawnie i odejmowanie Niepoprawne formuly: * otwarty, ale nie zamkniety nawias, np.: (2+(2+2)*2 * wiecej niz jeden operator pod rzad, np.: 2+-2*2 Nieprzeliczenie formuly nastepuje takze w momencie kiedy nastepuje dzielenie przez zero. W tym projekcie nie wystepuja liczby ujemne. Przyklady: plik wejsciowy: 2+2*2 plik wyjsciowy...
zlece napisanie programu ktory bedzie mi obliczal dane w histori, platforma sie nazywa tradestation jest do niej dolaczony program easylanguage w ktorym mozna pisac formuly wiecej mozna sie dowiedziec pod adresami chce aby formula napisana w easy language zaznaczla mi slupki ktore beda spelnialy odpowiednie wymagania ( czyli 3 kolejne maja high wyzszy badz rowny itp,) osobie zainteresowanej przesle platfrorme w ktorej bedzie mozna napisac program, osoby ktore maja jakies pytania badz sa zainteresowane napisaniem takiego programu prosze o kontakt na maila bodynski@
razem z ADministry szukam osoby, która podejmie się złożenia strony. calosc ma byc wykonana we flashu. wstępne wizualizacje udostępnimy mailem. projekty nie sa ostateczne, aczkolwiek formula jest dosc uksztaltowana (dopinamy szczegoly) - dostarczamy PSD, zdjecia - system bedzie oparty o CMS w polaczeniu z AMF (to ew. mozemy zrobic). czego potrzebujemy? - zlozenia calosci - zintegrowania nawigacji - wprowadzenia tresci do czesci statycznych - nieco animacji funkcjonalnosci strona po czesci bedzie statyczna, po czesci dynamiczna... - strona glowna, o firmie, producenci, mapa oraz kontakt - statyczne - produkty - lista kategorii (z cms), a nastepnie prezentacja wybranych produktow dla danej kategorii - wyprzedaz i promocje - w oparciu o produkty, z informacj...
...imported and executed within the ECA module. Requirements The BPMN model should include the following steps: 1. Trigger: The workflow is initiated by a Webform submission. 2. Data Processing: • Generate an automatic product title (e.g., based on form input). • Create an automatically incrementing unique SKU (e.g., SKU0001, SKU0002, etc.). • Calculate the product price based on a predefined formula (formula will be provided). 3. Product & Variation Creation in Drupal Commerce: • The product should be created with the generated SKU, title, and calculated price. • A default product variation should be assigned. 4. Reference Linking: • The created product must include a reference back to the original Webform submission. Technical Re...
...requirement is that both files need to be synchronized, ensuring that any changes made in one file are automatically reflected in the other. Key Tasks: - Create a master Excel file with specified columns (details will be provided) - Create a child Excel file with limited columns - Set up synchronization between the two files - Use IF formula where necessary to ensure smooth functionality Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Excel - Experience with IF formula and other Excel functions - Ability to create and manage linked files - Detail-oriented to ensure accurate synchronization The synchronization should be triggered by any of the following changes: - Adding new rows - Updating existing data - Deleting rows Please note, any change made to the child file should ref...
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I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible freelance community online. I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to actio...
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible freelance community online. I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to actio...
I cant figure out the correct formula for this hence asking our incredible freelance community online. I have a spreadsheet with two pages. -To-do page -Done Page The To-do page contains a table with data The Done page has that same table with no Data (it has the same headings) I want to be able to move a row of data from table in the To-do page to the table in the Done page. After I've moved that row of data, the row should be completely deleted from the To-do page. Also would like a Total counter on the To-do page that increments by 1 every time a row is moved. Attached is a test sheet containing small sample size of data. If someone can implement the correct formulas so it works on the test sheet, I'm happy to share the correct dataset with them for them to actio... profit or loss, and the system finds the price differences in BTC at different time frames to create a supposed buy or sell at a certain past existing price to reach that goal. • The system will recreate a past possible operation to achieve the desired profit or loss goal, considering long or short trades. • The results should reflect the reality of the markets and can be realized with a formula in an Excel sheet. • The trade results should appear in the client's portfolio in BTC, ETH, and other cryptocurrencies. • Profit and losses should appear in EUR, USD, and BTC and be added or deducted from the client's account. • It should look like past existing trading, increasing or decreasing the portfolio value. • The account should show t...
I'm looking for a Google Sheets specialist who can assist me with creating simple mathematical formulas. The tasks will primarily involve: - Using random letters, - Counting option and similar Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive experience in Google Sheets. - Possess strong skills in formula creation, particularly for mathematical calculations. - Be able to provide efficient and effective solutions to my needs. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you. The task is simple. The budget is 30 USD
...metrics (number of confirmed speakers, pending approvals, etc.) Deadlines tracker Budget utilisation summary Monthly Event Sheets (Jan-Dec) Each month that has events will have its own sheet containing: Section 1: Event Details (Frozen Top Section) Event Title Date Range (usually 1-4 days for each event but 2 speaker days) Venue Location Target Audience Total Budget Budget Remaining (formula-calculated) Event Website URL Section 2: Speaker Management Grid Columns: Speaker Name Justification/Value Proposition Proposed Fee Home Airport Status (Data Validation Dropdown) Client Reviewing Client Approved Client Declined Offer Extended Speaker Accepted Speaker Declined Final Agreed Fee Travel Requirements Flight Class Accommodation Needs Gro...
...etc. - **Formula**: Total Sales = Sum of all booking transactions. 2. **Number of Bookings**: - **Data**: Count of all bookings made during a specific period. - **Formula**: Total Bookings = Count of all sales transactions. 3. **Average Booking Value**: - **Data**: Total revenue divided by the number of bookings. - **Formula**: Average Booking Value = Total Sales Revenue / Total Bookings. 4. **Bookings by Category** (e.g., Flights, Hotels, Tours, etc.): - **Data**: Break down of sales by category (flights, hotels, cruises, tours, etc.). - **Formula**: Sales per Category = Sum of transactions for each category. 5. **Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)**: - **Data**: Marketing and sales expenses divided by the number of new customers acq...
I need a skilled Excel expert to help me with my formulas. I'm specifically working with mathematical and text functions. My main goal is to enhance my data analysis capabilities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient with Excel - Strong understanding of mathematical and text functions - Experience with data analysis
I need an AFL script that calculates the difference in Open Interest and sends raw Open Interest data to a trading platform via an API. The data should be sent every 3 minutes. Key Requirements: - AFL Scripting: The script should be written in AFL (Amibroker Formula Language) and be capable of calculating the difference in Open Interest. - API Integration: The script must be able to send raw Open Interest data to a trading platform through API calls. - Timing: Data needs to be sent every 3 minutes. Ideal Skills: - Proficient knowledge and experience in AFL scripting. - Prior experience with API integrations, particularly with trading platforms. - Understanding of Open Interest and its significance in trading.
Job Description: Excel Advanced Formula Specialist Job Overview: We are seeking an Excel Advanced Formula Specialist to join our team. The ideal candidate will have expertise in advanced Excel formulas, functions, data analysis, automation, and reporting. This role involves developing complex formulas, optimizing spreadsheets, and ensuring efficient data handling for business decision-making. Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement advanced Excel formulas (e.g., INDEX-MATCH, VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, IFERROR, INDIRECT, OFFSET, ARRAYFORMULA). Create and manage pivot tables, charts, and dashboards for data visualization. Automate tasks using Excel VBA (Macros) and Power Query to improve workflow efficiency. Clean, structure, and analyze large datasets using data ...
Hi, We have a relat...foward issue, we use a spreadsheet as a total hour tracker for some of our employees as they need to maintain 38 hours per week, but will do different each week, so we just keep a running balance the formula just takes the total balance from the last week, adds on total hours worked this week, etc =O166-[@[Total Hours]]+38 Now its an absolute mission to add new employees or additional weeks into this chart, I would like a button (Marco?) at the top where we could insert a new employee and where we can add additional weeks into the spreadsheet. See attached for what we are using - my formula that I am using could probably be made better. if we could have a running total somewhere that we could pull data off that would be nice - as currently we just l...
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can help me create a formula that calculates payment using the FIFO (First In, First Out) method for my invoices. The data is spread across multiple sheets, so the freelancer will need to be comfortable with cross-sheet referencing. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Excel, particularly with complex formulas and cross-sheet referencing. - Previous experience dealing with invoice data - Understanding of FIFO payment calculation The invoice data includes: - Multiple sheets with different invoice amounts and dates - Payment records - A column that indicates how much credit can be taken (PBC) if the credit value is sufficient The ultimate goal is to use this formula to reduce the net credit to be paid. Please note that attention to detail...
I'm seeking a compelling product description for my shampoo and conditioner. The products are enriched with Pro Vitamin B5 and Milk Protein to maintain the moisture of children's hair, making it smooth, soft, shiny, and easy to manage. Key Features: - Gentle formula: Safe for the eyes and made with natural, non-SLS ingredients. - Long-lasting fragrance: Keeps the hair smelling fresh. - Universal use: Suitable for adults, pregnant women, and nursing mothers who desire softer, healthier hair. - Balanced pH: No side effects and can help with hair loss. - Affordable pricing: Only 15 RB. The packaging is cute and appealing for kids. It's available in 180ml and 100ml bottles. I need the description to highlight the product benefits and advantages, with a particular foc...
I'm searching for an Oracle Benefits Fast Formula specialist who can assist with the implementation of a formula for the life event of adopting a child. Key requirements: - The formula needs to handle specific calculations and rules: it should ensure that this life event does not trigger for a specific contract type, namely non-executive contracts. - Comprehensive understanding and prior experience with Oracle Benefits Fast Formula is essential. - Prior experience with creating Fast Formula for various life events in the Oracle system is a must. Skills Needed: - Expertise in Oracle Benefits Fast Formula - Experience with life events calculations - Understanding of contract types and their implications on benefit eligibility - Strong analyti...
I have a Excel formula and seem to be getting an error where additional results are showing up when it shouldn't be. I just need the proper formula to fix this.
I'm seeking a compelling product description for my shampoo and conditioner. The products are enriched with Pro Vitamin B5 and Milk Protein to maintain the moisture of children's hair, making it smooth, soft, shiny, and easy to manage. Key Features: - Gentle formula: Safe for the eyes and made with natural, non-SLS ingredients. - Long-lasting fragrance: Keeps the hair smelling fresh. - Universal use: Suitable for adults, pregnant women, and nursing mothers who desire softer, healthier hair. - Balanced pH: No side effects and can help with hair loss. - Affordable pricing: Only 15 RB. The packaging is cute and appealing for kids. It's available in 180ml and 100ml bottles. I need the description to highlight the product benefits and advantages, with a particular foc...
I'm seeking a compelling product description for my shampoo and conditioner. The products are enriched with Pro Vitamin B5 and Milk Protein to maintain the moisture of children's hair, making it smooth, soft, shiny, and easy to manage. Key Features: - Gentle formula: Safe for the eyes and made with natural, non-SLS ingredients. - Long-lasting fragrance: Keeps the hair smelling fresh. - Universal use: Suitable for adults, pregnant women, and nursing mothers who desire softer, healthier hair. - Balanced pH: No side effects and can help with hair loss. - Affordable pricing: Only 15 RB. The packaging is cute and appealing for kids. It's available in 180ml and 100ml bottles. I need the description to highlight the product benefits and advantages, with a particular foc...
I'm in need of an Excel expert who can help me create dynamic data connections using VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. Key tasks include: - Using lookup and reference formulas to establish these connections - Assisting with the necessary formula setup Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in Excel, particularly with VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP - Experience in creating dynamic data connections - Strong problem-solving abilities to troubleshoot any issues that arise Ensure the data connections update automatically. Please include additional data processing as part of the project requirements. part numbers
I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can help me with specific formulae in Google Sheets to facilitate my financial calculations related to Medicaid billing and payments.
I have an Excel workbook that has an error in the February tab. The daily totals are not posting in the correct cells. I need you to fix this issue and ensure that the tab matches both the layout and the formula structure of the January tab. Additionally, I need the remaining months of the workbook resized to look like the January tab. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel - Strong analytical skills to identify and rectify errors - Prior experience with data management and workbook formatting - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy and consistency
I'm seeking assistance in improving the organization of my Excel sheet which records staff daily work activities. The primary focus will be on refining the data layout for better clarity and accessibility. I need to separate outreach calls vs in-person assistance/community events. I started formula to total based on week and the month. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel, particularly in data sorting and filtering. - Experience with creating organized data layouts. Although I don't have specific formulas in mind, I would appreciate a professional with knowledge of various Excel functions who can suggest and implement suitable ones to enhance the functionality of the sheet.
I'm seeking a product development expert to create an innovative, environmentally-friendly skincare herbal product formula for women in Pakistan. The product should address common skincare concerns and be suitable for the local climate and skin types. Key Responsibilities: - Research and propose unique skincare product ideas. - Conceptualize the product in various forms (e.g. creams, scrubs, serums). - Ensure the product is made from sustainable, herbal ingredients. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of skincare and herbal ingredients. - Experience in product development and market research. - Understanding of environmental sustainability in product design.
I have an excel sheet consisting of about...consisting of about 5000 lines and about 15 columns. The data is a bit random and requires advanced logic to organize. I have added an explanation video and sample excel data sheet to the files. Due to company restrictions, I can't share the excel sheet directly, but I can provide snapshots and detailed descriptions of the tasks and formulas required. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize advanced Excel formula logic to sort data into specific categories. - Implement conditional calculations, data aggregation, and advanced filtering as per the project needs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in advanced Excel is a must. - Prior experience in data sorting and organization. - Strong analytical skills to understand and apply the ...
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...budget for current year -linked to company financials inputs and maps values from actual cost categories to simpler aggregated expense categories in Cash Flow model, Project Revenues tab – calculates annual revenues from project scenario data in external spreadsheets and includes project revenues that are secured Headcount tab – calculates annual headcount increase based on manual inputs and formula linked to Project Revenue tab calculation tab Capex tab – contains capex projections, separate from the budget tab Cost of Goods tab – calculates cost of goods and expenses required to secure revenues based on input from Project Revenues tab, for calculation of gross revenues ‘above the line’ in the Cash Flow tab Lookup tab – Standard in...
Google Sheet Automation Using Formula for summation based on Given Date Range.
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I'm facing a challenge with a prompt to modify a Microsoft word file. The prompt is intended to modify the word file. The statement from chatgpt states that it has performed the task as instructed and provides me with a fact not made any changes to the file. Where am I making a mistake. Can you please guide me. I want to create a chatgpt prompt or agent that analyses, reviews and modifies excel and word files Requirements: - Modify both Word and Excel files - Word modifications: Text edits, Formatting changes, Content review and suggestions - Excel modifications: Data entry and edits, Formatting changes, Formula updates and suggestions 1 use case is that the prompt should modify the file Updated audit report so that the comments should disappear as shown in the file ...
I'm in need of a skilled freelance copywriter who can create engaging and reader-focused articles for me. I will provide the topics and I need you to follow my proven article creation formula. Your writing should be friendly and conversational, speaking directly to the reader. Responsibilities: - Write content that is personable and engaging - Adhere to a specific article creation formula for consistency and quality - Use Grammarly to ensure all work is error-free and polished Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of English - Experience in copywriting - Familiarity with using Grammarly - Ability to write in a friendly and conversational tone - Ability to follow specific guidelines and formulas
I need an experienced Excel expert to rewrite my complex, formula-heavy and macro-utilizing XLSX file for use on a Mac M3 Sequoia. This project involves ensuring the formulas remain unlocked and adding filters to the spreadsheet. Key Tasks: - Convert the current XLSX file for compatibility with Mac - Ensure all complex formulas and macros are functional and unlocked - Implement filters into the file - Add Pivot tables as per the original file - Apply basic styles and colors for customized formatting Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Excel and XLSX files - Proficiency in creating and modifying Pivot tables - Strong understanding of basic Excel formatting - Familiar with Mac M3 Sequoia compatibility issues - Able to unlock formulas and add filters as required This project r... pesticides to help me create a concentrated liquid bio organic fertilizer specifically for my chilli crop. This formula should also help to combat various fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases that typically afflict chilli plants. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a concentrated solution of liquid bio organic fertilizer - Create a formula that targets specific diseases: - Fungal: Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Fusarium wilt, Phytophthora leaf blight, Choanephora blight - Viral: Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), Leaf curl virus, Begomovirus, Potyvirus, Tospovirus - Design a liquid soil conditioner formula The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in chemical engineerin...
I'm working on a high school project involving a basic calculation app APK. I need a freelancer to extract the arithmetic operations from the source code and provide them in a plain text document as a step-by-step list of formulas. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in working with APKs and understanding app source code - Excellent written communication skills for clear, concise explanations. The app only performs basic arithmetic operations: When entered inpurts. I need the extracted formulas listed in a simple format.
I'm looking for a skilled website designer with a passion for motorsports to create a dynamic, fun and energetic website for my small Formula racing academy based in Florida. The primary goal of the website is to promote our events and services. Key Features: - A web store to sell our race services and merchandise - A calendar of upcoming events - A section for team announcements and news - Page for Race Series we are a part of - Pages for our team and drivers - Links to our social media-Contact US The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of e-commerce, event promotion, and the motorsports industry. Experience creating engaging, user-friendly websites with a fun and energetic theme is a must.
Gyro Stablizer Unit Request for Bid. Angular Momentum: The gyroscope must have enough angular momentum to counteract the angular momentum of the spin. The formula for angular momentum (L) of a gyroscope is: L=Iω where I is the moment of inertia of the gyroscope, and ω is its angular velocity. Gyro Size and Speed: Size: 7cm to 9cm Speed: Higher speed (ω) Estimation: Rough Calculation: Target RPM I desire is variable speed 1000 to 5000 RPM with a variable ability. and Hold ability. Let's assume a moment of inertia about the vertical axis (very roughly, around 3-5 kg·m² The plate 12 inches x 12 inches is spinning 1 revolution per second (6.28 rad/s), your angular momentum would be about 18.84 kg·m²/s to 31.4 kg&mid...
I need assistance with using mathematical formulas in Excel, specifically 'Sum and Average' and 'Index and Match'. Your role will mainly involve data entry and creating charts. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel - Experience with data entry and chart creation - Familiarity with mathematical formulas, specifically 'Sum and Average' and 'Index and Match' - Attention to detail and ability to work accurately.
I need an experienced Amibroker developer who is proficient in AFL (AmiBroker Formula Language). The specific purpose of the script has not been determined yet, but I would like to explore potential uses such as backtesting strategies, generating buy/sell signals, and analyzing market data. - Customization: The script may require medium to highly customized features. - Data Integration: There could be a need for the script to integrate with external data sources, potentially both real-time feeds and historical data. Ideal skills for this project include deep knowledge of AFL, experience with AmiBroker software, and capabilities in data analysis and algorithm development. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your bid.