Fish craft for kidsprojekty
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Nazwa sklepu na Facebooku : Foxy Kids Fashion Branża sprzedaż ciuchy dla dzieci i młodzieży Projekt być może jakiś lisek w tle lub skrócie FkF chciałbym kilka próbek świetnie by było żeby jakość była super format taki jak na logo fb do logo fb ... Zależy mi rowniez na zdjęciu tapety w tle na sklepie w formacie jak na tapetę dzięki
Hi I'm looking someone who can make intro for my chanel on YouTube. It would be nice to see style and humor as comedy cartoon ,,Rick and Morty''. Chanel shows butchery craft, talks with chef, testing difrent steaks, burgers. Talks about problems in meat industry and shows solutions to protect our environment How I see intro: The main character is a caricature of the host chanel. Prehistoric times, he leaves the cave, he hold in his hand hatchet. He starves and he goes for hunt. When he sneaks to animals, they run away. When he hunted, other animals still his preys. Suddenly, bisons run straight ahead on him, he run away, one of the bisons fall from edge and die. He pulled from bison's body long bone with meat at the end of it. At the night, a...
Zlecę zaprojektowanie 13 kart dla dzieci, z symbolami (owoce, symbole dziecięce) cyfra lub liczba na karcie ma odpowiadać ilości symboli. Mile widziane probozycje, druga strona to jakiś ciekawy wzór i nasze logo FG Kids, projekt z zaokrąglonymi narożnikami.
...sponsorowanymi napisanych w różnym stylu aby było wiadomo o co chodzi: (link poprzez zaciekawienie ) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link) (świetne zdjęcia, filmik ilink w formie url) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link + na końcu zachęcenie do wejścia 5% rabatu)
...Poniżej przesyłam listę linków z artykułami sponsorowanymi napisanych w różnym stylu aby było wiadomo o co chodzi: (link poprzez zaciekawienie ) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link) (świetne zdjęcia, filmik ilink w formie url) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link + na końcu zachęcenie do wejścia 5% rabatu) ( tabela, naturalny link,
... zlecę wykonanie ulotki dla lokalu gastronomicznego. Na zleceniu oprócz loga (posiadamy własne) musi się znaleźć - adres do fb i www - mapka dojazdu do lokalu - adres lokalu - przykładowe dania oferowane przez nas - miejsce na wpis o tradycji lokalu ( istniejemy ponad 35 lat) - całość ma mieć charakter broszury nowoczesnej, nawiązania do marynistyki i smażalni ryb (ewentualnie podobne do North Fish) - część profesjonalnych zdjęć, część własnych. - całość ma być czytelna Proszę o oferty na priv. przykłady:
Witam, zlecę wykonanie ulotki dla lokalu gastronomicznego. Na ulotce oprócz loga (posiadamy własne) musi się znaleźć - adres do fb i www - mapka dojazdu do lokalu - adres lokalu - przykładowe dania oferowane przez nas - miejsce na wpis o tradycji lokalu ( istniejemy ponad 35 lat) - całość ma mieć charakter ulotki nowoczesnej, nawiązania do marynistyki i smażalni ryb (ewentualnie North Fish) - część profesjonalnych zdjęć, część własnych. - całość ma być czytelna Proszę o oferty na priv. przykłady:
Szukam osoby chętnej do wspópracy z browarem rzemieślnicznym. Zlecenia to projektowanie etykiet, grafik na fanpage, grafiki do strony WWW, podkładek na piwo, itp. Wynagrodzenie adekwatne do efektów, mile widziana własna kreatywność. Wymagana minimalna znajomość trendów w polskim i światowym piwowarstwie rzemieślniczym (craft beer). Browary działające w naszej branży to np. Alebrowar, Pinta, Flying Dog, Nogne O, Brew Dog, Rouge.
...fragment: "Methods of catching fish and other marine animals vary, reflecting the diversity of life in coral reef ecosystems. Such 'multi-gear' fisheries range from harvesting by hand, use of spears, fish traps and nets. These methods have, over time, been adapted to increase efficiency. For example, the development of masks and spear guns has improved the efficiency with which spear fishermen can catch fish, with significant consequences for the abundance of target species. Other methods are less selective but just as damaging. The use of nets on reefs results in breakage of corals, particularly the branching form Acropora. Further, muroami fishing involves people diving down and dropping weighted lines onto coral reefs in order to...
Szukam zdolnego informatyka. Ważna jest dla mnie sumienność, rzetelność, wiarygodność. Mam do przerobienia szablon (mam go na licencji na swoim wordpressie) na szablon podobny do tego Co jest do zrobienia. Zmiana położenia białego pola. Wprowadzenie zaokragleń na rogach białego pola, delikatne cienie.
Wprowadzenie poprawek na stonie postawionej na cms Joomla. Poprawa struktury tekstu, uzupełnienie metadanych, poprawki w dodatkiem Joom Fish, plus minimalne poprawki grafiki. Ewentualne pytania można przesyłać na joomla @
...obecnych na tych właśnie podstronach. 2. Zmiana graficzna paginacji stron serwisu. Przyciski powinny wyglądać inaczej. Grafika zostanie dostarczona. 3. Wyłączenie wyświetlania godziny dodania artykułu w dwóch sekcjach serwisu. 4. Wizualna zmiana wyników zostanie dostarczona 5. Funkcjonalna zmiana wyników wyszukiwania. Obecnie serwis posiada doinstalowany moduł Joom!Fish służący do tworzenia alternatywnych wersji językowych całej strony. Co z kolei w wynikach wyszukiwania wprowadza nie mały chaos, wyświetlając zawsze wyniki z wszystkich trzech wersji językowych. Modyfikacja powinna usprawnić to tak by użytkownik oglądający stronę w języku polskim otrzymywał wyniki wyszukiwania jedynie spośród polskich artykułów, oraz analogicznie w p...
całe menu jet ok natomiast gdy pojawia się poziom i kliknie się na dany dział to wyświetla zła grafika przed kliknięciem jest też ok. zlecenie szybkie najlepiej do poniedziałku by naprawić
Witam, Zlecę pozycjonowanie rożnych stron do pozycji Top 10 , top 5 Stron nr 1 frazy: Filmy online Strona nr 2 frazy darmowe mp3 wyszukiwarka mp3 strona nr 3 frazy: gry gry online strona nr 4 frazy: mine craft
Witam! Zlecę pozycjonowanie w google strony dla słów klucz kids club chełm sala zabaw chełm
Witam, Zlece przygotowanie ulotki A6 reklamujacej uslugi informatyczne firmy Profesjonalna obsługa informatyczna przedsiębiorstw Outsorcing IT, Doradztwo, Administracja oprogramowaniem, Serwis sprzetu, Sieci komputerowe, Projektowanie stron WWW, + uslugi dla domu(antywirus, konfiguracja sprzetu) moj email: maxemil@ prosze o podsylanie wstepnych wersji. Logo do wykorzystania z wizytowki. Zalezy mi na zakonczeniu projektu do konca tygodnia. Zastepnym krokiem bedzie strona internetowa(obecne zlecenie nie dotyczy serwisu www!!) Pozdrawiam, Emil Rybarczyk
Poszukuję osoby, która będzie wprowadzać zmiany do strony szkoły językowej opartej na Joomlę. Mile widziana znajomość modułu Joom!Fish
Zlecę wykonanie strony www na silniku joomli (szablonu do joomli) promujacego poradnik dla konsultantów Fm Group oraz promujacego przystapienie do firmy Fm Group (). Nowa strona ma zastapić i ma za zadanie przyjąć inny koncept. Strona ma być wielojęzyczna wtyczka Joom!Fish. Strona ma posiadać dział Download dla zarejestrowanych uzytkowników wtyczka JoomDOC DEMO: Strona ma posiadać Slider ( 3 fotki do wyboru) na górze strony wtyczka: ENYTabSlider lub inny DEMO: ;view=article&id=2&Itemid=26 Wszystkie wtyczki dostarczam. Kategorie Strony: - Strona główna ( zachęcająca do pobrania poradnika
Witam, Zlecę pozycjonowanie nowej domeny na frazy: - smoked fish - frozen fish - smoked salmon Czekam na oferty.
Potrzebuję rozbudować istniejącą stronę (Joomla 1.5.14) o dodatek (Fish lub inny) umożliwiający przełączanie wersji językowych (polski/rosyjski) oraz wprowadzenie danych w j. rosyjskim (tłumaczenie posiadam, chodzi o powprowadzanie i poukładanie danych po rosyjsku w odpowiednich miejscach - głównie tekst i ok. 2 - 3 zdjęcia do 1 artykułu). Mile widziane osoby mogące wystawić fakturę.
Witam serdecznie. Dziś poszukuję osoby która zna się dobrze na joomla i fish potrzebuję aby usunięte zostało wyrażenie : TO JOOMLA! z nagłówka na poniższej stronie, zarówno w wersji polskiej jak i angielskiej. jest to sprawa pilna
Witam, Tak jak w temacie sprzedam haslo do normalnego 4-cyfrowego numereka GG. Jestem 1 posiadaczem tego z reguly ze mam inny numerek,potrzebuje pieniedzy postanowilem go sprzedac. W celu ochrony swojej osoby,a takze numerka nie podaje narazie zadnych dodatkowych info...(jaki to dokladnie numerek). Numerek przeznaczony dla powaznego czlowieka,ktory ma skonkreryzowane plany co do pisac na adres : gandalfinio@ CENA #GG: 400pln Sprzedaz numerkow GG jest niezgodna z regulaminem, jednakze ja nie sprzedaje numerka tylko haslo do niego :) A o tym nie ma zadnej zmianki w regulaminie Gadu-Gadu. Podziekuje (nie pisac): Dzieci neostrady Script kids abusers podrowycze dziewczyn z dzieci co nie maja pieniedzy, a maja marzenia o 4-cyfrowym numerku.
Do zrobienia: Postawienie joomla postawienei jooml fish (plus 4 języki) postawienie Virtue Markt (będzie ok 500pozycji) newswetter, kupujacy z podizialem na hurtownik i zwykły. kilka wariantó cenowych. Boxy promujace, najczescij kupowane, przeceny, intalacja + odpowiednia konfiguracja + grafika Grafika ma byc z elementami flash, na wysokim poziomie. SPRAWA JEST DIABELNIE PILNA. za wykonanie w ciagu tygodnia płacę 25% premi. Dokładny opis będę wysyłał dla osob/firm z udokumentowanym folio na e-mail. dodatkow liczy się pomysłowość wykonawcy co można jeszcze wdrążyć. Konieczna Faktura. Najchętenij osoby z okolic Poznania, aby można było szybk osie umowić i podpisać umowę. UWAGA: aukcja trwa dwa dni.. chcę natychmiast wyłonić zwyciężcę, uzgodni...
Witam! Zlece instalację i skonfigurowanie komponentu Mambel Fish na działającej stronie Mambo. Należy uaktywnić wybór języków na stronie. Preferowane osoby z doświadczeniem w Mambo a najlepiej znające też Mambel Fish. Proszę o oferty
...Przemyslaw, I look for people who could help me put the new product, Collagen into The market in system multi level marketing I’m interested in all countries, the most about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from specifi...
...Przemyslaw, I look for people who could help me put the new product, Collagen into The market in system multi level marketing I’m interested in all countries, the most about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from specifi...
I am seeking a highly skilled and talented economic content writer to craft exclusive articles with a primary focus on the professional analysis of international economic policy. Ideal Candidate Attributes: - Possesses deep research expertise and keen insights into international economic policies. - Demonstrates a strong track record of accomplishments in the field of economics. - Exhibits excellent communication and writing skills, with the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively. - Preference will be given to candidates with experience in government or political roles. If you are interested, kindly include examples of your previous work with your application. I look forward to reviewing your submissions.
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create an engaging, educational app for children aged 3-14 that teaches Maths and English. Features to include: - Gamification: The app should have multiple levels of increasing difficulty, rewarding kids and keeping them motivated. - AI: The app needs to incorporate personalized learning paths, adapting to each child's unique pace and abilities. Additionally, it should include voice recognition capabilities to enhance interactivity and learning. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in app development, particularly in the educational sector. - Skills in AI integration and gamification. - A portfolio of engaging and interactive apps for children. I'm looking for a professional who ...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to help craft user-generated content (UGC) for Instagram. The focus will be on the Product Key Requirements: - Experience editing product review videos - Familiarity with Instagram's video format and aesthetic - Ability to edit videos to be under 1 minute Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Understanding of Instagram trends and audience - Creative storytelling through video Please provide examples of similar work you've done, particularly any product review videos edited for Instagram.
I'm looking for a creative individual with a strong understanding of Instagram and brand promotion. Your task will be to create engaging carousel posts to increase our brand visibility on this platform. Key Responsibilities: - Design and create compelling Instagram carousel posts. - Strategically craft content focused on enhancing brand awareness. - Deliver posts that align with our brand identity and messaging. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design and content creation. - Deep understanding of Instagram's algorithm and user engagement tactics. - Previous experience with brand promotion on social media platforms.
I'm in need of a talented content writer to craft engaging and informative travel-related blog posts. The ideal freelancer should have a deep understanding of the travel niche and an ability to write in a clear, informative style. Requirements: - Proven experience in writing travel blog posts - Exceptional command of the English language - SEO knowledge is a plus - Ability to meet deadlines consistently Skills: - Content writing - SEO understanding - Time management The goal is to create blog posts that not only inform but also inspire readers to explore the world.
I'm in search of a talented illustrator to bring my children's book to life. The book is intended for kids and requires an engaging, cartoonish style of illustration. Key Requirements: - More than 20 illustrations needed - Cartoonish style, appealing to children - Experience in book illustration preferred Ideal Skills: - Cartoon-style illustration - Understanding of children's book market - Prior experience with more than 20 illustrations in a single project
I am looking for talented designers to create original unique pajama designs inspired by Hawaiian elements. The designs should reflect the beauty and essence of Hawaii, incorporating motifs such as: • Tropical flowers (e.g., hibiscus, plumeria) • Sea animals (e.g., turtles, dolphins, fish, sea shells, sea stars) • Hawaiian mountains, volcanoes, and lush landscapes • Palm trees, coconut trees, or other tropical foliage The pajamas will be marketed as cozy yet stylish, so I’m looking for creative and elegant designs that resonate with the Hawaiian vibe while being versatile for sleepwear. Project Requirements: 1. Design Style: • Modern, chic, and visually appealing. • Use of soft, calming color palettes (but open to bol...
...Signup/Login with OTP, Buy Subscription Paytm gateway, Add/delete device, Set screen time, app block, hear sound of mic, Check Location, camera viewer same as reference, screen mirror, view notifications & files. See subscription details, check kid phone permissions details. Kids: app will be hidden, unable to uninstall easily. On the parent app add device button it should guide the Parents to download the kid phone apk from the URL, and after installing the kid phone apk it will ask for all the permission that needs. For a more detailed process understanding , check the reference app once. I need almost the same thing as the Reference App…. Reference App website - Reference App -
I have a product line of wooden engraved pieces with painting kits tailored for kids, and I'm seeking an experienced affiliate marketer to sell these in the USA. The sales will be conducted via Shopify links, with the affiliate receiving a percentage of the sales. Target Platforms: - Social Media: Primarily focusing on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Tiktok. - Blogging Websites: Engaging with parenting blogs or craft-related sites to reach potential buyers. I have all the necessary marketing materials prepared, so the role will primarily focus on driving sales through your established networks and platforms. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in affiliate marketing, particularly in the toys or craft industry. - Strong presence and connections on ...
I'm in urgent need of a skilled video editor who can craft two ~30 second videos for me: 1. A compilation of customer testimonials 2. An ad edit featuring supers, icons and vectors Both videos should adhere to a 'professional and clean' aesthetic and be delivered in MP4 format. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have prior experience in video editing, particularly with creating testimonial compilations and advertisements - Be able to deliver high-quality work promptly, as I am looking to get this done as soon as possible - Have an understanding of, and can deliver to, the specified 'professional and clean' style Please apply if you are available immediately. I look forward to your responses.
I'm seeking a ghostwriter to craft engaging, conversational LinkedIn posts and short articles for me, an intellectual property lawyer. The posts should appeal to potential clients and cover a range of topics including legal advice and insights, industry trends and updates, and personal experiences and stories. Ideally I'm looking for someone who can help me brainstorm ideas for posts and articles, draft those posts, and then send them to me for final review and posting. My goal is to craft content to post every 1-2 weeks. Your writing should: - Be in a conversational tone, allowing for a friendly yet professional approach - Highlight my expertise in the legal field - Showcase my knowledge of industry trends - Share personal anec...
We’re looking for a skilled content creator to craft engaging posts for Reddit, specifically targeting the 3D printing community. Here’s what we need: - Content Creation: Posts should revolve around 3D printing topics—think FDM vs. resin printers, slicer software tips, filament comparisons, or cool print designs. The content needs to be relatable, shareable, and spark discussions. Memes, tutorials, or even troubleshooting guides are all fair game. - Targeted Subreddits: Focus on 3D printing-heavy subs like r/3Dprinting, r/AdditiveManufacturing, r/FixMyPrint, or niche communities like r/3DPrintingDeals or r/3DPrintingMarketplace. Bonus points if you know smaller, hobby-specific subs like r/PrintedMinis or r/FunctionalPrints. - Brand Awareness: The goa...
I am in need of a talented copywriter who can help me craft compelling product descriptions aimed at increasing sales. The target audience for these descriptions is the general consumer market, so the copy will need to be accessible, engaging, and persuasive to a wide array of potential customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in copywriting, particularly in crafting product descriptions - Strong understanding of sales-oriented copy - Ability to write for a general consumer audience - Creativity and ability to think outside the box - Excellent command of the English language
I'm looking to completely redesign my home with a modern aesthetic. The property needs a full overhaul to maximize space utilization. Key Areas: - Open concept kitchen with an island that has seating - A luxury living room that has a warm and cozy feel - Two kids' bedrooms (one for each of my two children) - A master bedroom - Three toilets The house is small, so creative space-saving solutions are crucial. The ideal freelancer for this job should have a strong background in modern interior design and space optimization. Experience with high-end, cozy living room designs will also be highly valued. Please include a portfolio with similar projects you've completed.
I'm seeking a talented video editor to craft a reusable, playful video template for my YouTube channel, Sprunki Reacts to Sus TikToks. This template will lay the groundwork for my reaction videos, ensuring a consistent, professional, and playful look across all uploads. Key Requirements: - Design a minimalistic yet playful video template - Incorporate humorous animated transitions - Ensure the template is suitable for reaction-based content Ideal Skills: - Expertise in video editing software - Creative design skills with a playful touch - Ability to create humorous and engaging animated transitions - Experience in developing YouTube video templates Your work will directly contribute to the visual identity of my channel, hence a keen understanding of YouT...
Seeking a creative Tamil content writer to craft captivating scripts for YouTube Shorts aimed at promoting affiliate products. Key Responsibilities: - Writing engaging and persuasive scripts for short videos - Focusing on driving viewer engagement and conversions Requirements: - Proven experience in catchy content creation - Understanding of affiliate marketing - Ability to script for product benefits, customer testimonials and promotional offers This role is ideal for a talented writer who can create compelling content that drives viewer engagement and increases conversions. Experience with YouTube content and affiliate products is a plus.
Job Title: Professional Resume Designer for Recent Graduate Job Description: I am looking for a talented and experienced freelancer to create a polished, modern, and professional resume for a recent graduate in Business Administration. The resume should effectively showcase his education, internship experience, skills, and interests to help him stand out in the competitive job market. Scope of Work: Design a visually appealing, ATS-compliant resume that highlights key strengths. Include sections for education, work experience, skills, certifications, hobbies, and career goals. Use clear and professional formatting suitable for entry-level positions in marketing or project management. Provide both one-page and two-page versions of the resume in PDF and ...
...illustrator for a captivating children's book aimed at 5-10 year-olds. The primary theme revolves around kids meeting our company mascot and discussing recycling. MUST HAVE COPYWRITING AND DESIGN EXPERIENCE Key aspects of the project include: - Crafting an engaging, age-appropriate narrative that introduces the company mascot in a fun and relatable way whilst discussing the company and recycling - Creating vibrant, appealing illustrations that complement the story and captivate the young readers. -Creating basic storyboards for us to hand over to our designers Ideal candidates should have a strong background in children's literature, with experience writing for the children's demographic. An understanding of the intricacies of storytelling ...
I need a creative designer to craft a vibrant and eye-catching t-shirt graphic. This t-shirt will be used for a promotional event targeting adults. Key Requirements: - The design should be bold and colorful, steering clear of minimalistic or vintage styles. - Understanding of adult fashion trends and preferences is crucial. - Experience in designing for promotional merchandise will be highly regarded.
...only Job Description: We are looking for an experienced Amazon Books Profile Optimization Specialist to help enhance our presence and visibility on Amazon. The ideal candidate will be well-versed in Amazon’s platform, specifically with optimizing author profiles, book listings, and marketing strategies to increase sales and discoverability. Responsibilities: • Optimize Amazon Author Central profile, including biography, photos, and social links. • Update and refine book descriptions, categories, and keywords for maximum visibility. • Implement best practices for metadata optimization (titles, subtitles, keywords). • Suggest and implement promotional strategies to boost rankings and sales. • Analyze and report on book performance, prov...
I am looking for an innovative freelancer to create compelling and engaging creative projects to be used as promotional material. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Creative writing: Ability to craft a captivating blog post, poem, or short story that can capture the audience's attention. - Visual artistry: Skills in creating eye-catching posters, custom bookmarks, or unique digital artwork. - Photography: Experience in capturing a series of high-quality photos, or creating a vision board that can visually tell a story. - Understanding of promotional content: Prior experience in creating content intended for promotion is preferred. Please note: A portion of the content may involve science fair projects and assistive technology-themed projects. Exp...