Finance essay academicprojekty
W związku z moją pracą potrzebuję stworzyć kalkulację w oparciu o arkusze google sheets polegającą za stworzeniu tzw. index indicator w oparciu o dane zaciągane z google finance. Zadanie polegałoby na stworzeniu indexu składającego się np. z 50 spółek. Następnie trzeba zaciągać dane dotyczące ceny zamknięcia dla każdej z tych spółek. Kolejna czynność to wyliczenie dla każdej spółki jej 5,10,20,50,100,150,200 okresowej średniej kroczącej. Ostatnią i najważniejszą czynnością jest stworzenie 7 wykresów, które będą obrazowały ile procent spółek z tego indeksu znajduje się powyżej odpowiednio 5,10,20,50,100,150,200 średniej kroczącej.
Potrzebuję kilkustronicową pracę (2-3 strony na każdy temat)na tematy : a) klasyfikacja środków ergogennych stosowanych w sporcie. ( Chodzi tylko o suplementy diety ) b)metody wspomagania zdolności wysiłkowych c) Suplementy jako żywieniowe wspomaganie treningu Punkty b i c mogą być napisane jako jeden punkt. W pracy proszę załączyć bibliografię. Praca jest bardzo pilna i najlepiej na dzisiaj. Proszę o oferty
Potrzebny super - copywriter z doświadczeniem z zakresu finansów, umiejący pisać o rzeczach skomplikowanych (consumer finance, kredyty gotówkowe, kredyty konsolidacyjne) prostym i zrozumiałym dla przeciętnego Kowalskiego językiem. Przedmiotem zlecenia będzie przygotowanie treści na stronę firmy uwzględniając: - główne copy sprzedażowe nad foldem - wyjaśnienie działania produktu - benefity dla klienta - treść zakładki "O nas" - treści do podstron tłumaczących cechy, działanie i koszty produktów finansowych (kredyt gotówkowy, kredyt konsolidacyjny) oraz opracowanie press release dotyczącego samej działalności firmy jak i ostatnich wydarzeń (pozyskania dużej rundy finansowania). Jeśli treści opracowane na stronę przyczynią się ...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
Firma TNN Finance poszukuje programisty PHP do wykonania zadania. Wymagane umiejętności: - Webservice, SOAP, XML na poziomie zaawansowanym. Szczegóły po kontakcie mailowym na adres programistaphp@
...and / or limit understanding of phenomena? 4. Discuss how postmodern theory has changed the intellectual landscape over the last 20 years. 5. Feminist research is generally different from, incompatible with and also critical of conventional social research and science and the way they treat gender (Sarantakos 2004:64). Discuss. 6. What issues did Sokal’s hoax raise for academic theory and practice? 7. Discuss the relationship between a writer and his / her readers, making reference to the debate on intellectuals’ responsibility? 8. Critically evaluate the use of various sources in a scholarly text of your choosing. 9. Explain why plagiarism is a recurrent problem within the university and beyond. 10. Critically evaluate Booth e...
Witam, Mam do wykonania następujący projekt internetowy (opis w j. angielskim, ale projekt jest na rynek polski). ------------- Website for finance-related desktop application with user accounts, licenses and paid subscriptions management system. 1. Website: Would provide information about the application, its overview, short information about company, blog, users forum. No complex CMS is needed! It could be Wordpress (at least for the information pages, blog, homepage news etc; Wordpress-Zend Framework integration samples could be provided) or some other OOTB solution based (see below). Pages: - Homepage, - Application Overview, - User Account, - About, - Blog, - Forum, - Bugs reporting system, - Admin Panel. 2. User Accounts: Users should be able to create...
Witam, zlece napisanie pracy na dwa poniższe pytania z przedmiotu network security. Każde z nich powinno być na około jedna stronę w wordzie. Praca ma byc edytorska i muszą być zastosowane referencje w stylu harvardzkim. Wiecej informacji wysyłam na adres mailowy. Task 1: Insider Crime -Literature Review. Identify and summarise 3 academic articles relating to the profiling of Cyber-criminals and/or hackers Task 4: The Enron Dataset. - Describe the Dataset. The Enron Dataset is available to download and contains a staggering amount of e-mail data as well as some very compromising emails from the company. Describe the structure and format of the data-set
Szukam osoby ktora podjelaby sie napisania pracy/eseju po angielsku badz po polsku na ponizszy temat Since the "credit crunch" and recent recession(s), Governments have been encouraged to "stimulate" the economy: 1. Discuss the policies/strategies the last(UK-Brown) overnment implemented to encourage this. Is there evidence that they were successful? you can also use examples from other developed countries-eg USA, Ireland, etc, in order to develop your argument We hear frequently statements from the present Government on the need to cut Government spending: 2. Discuss the changes (in context of policy) the present Government plan Will they work? What might be their impact? Globally some countries have been able to cope with the present crisis/recession bett...
Lista adresów (wraz z godzinami otwarcia) placówek pośredników finansowych Do przygotowania są 3 listy adresowe (najlepiej pliki txt, csv) (wraz z godzinami otwarcia) poniższych pośredników finansowych: Expander, Open Finance, Dom Kredytowy Notus Dane można ściągnąć/uzyskać z: Każda lista powinna być pogrupowana województwami i mieć adres oraz godziny otwarcia placówki Przykład listy dla Expandera Województwo małopolskie Kraków Odział I ul. Bąkowskiego 12 30-654 Kraków Godziny otwarcia: Poniedziałek - Piątek: 09.00 - 19.00 Sobota: 10.00 - 14.00 Odział II .... Rzeszów Odział I ul.
temat: Explain what is meant by the "European Social Model" with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir. Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
Esej w jezyku angielskim temat: Explain what is meant by the "European Social Model" with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir. Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
Esej w jezyku angielskim temat: Explain what is meant by the ‘European Social Model’ with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir (’05). Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila. impact of technology and provides industry and line-of-business intelligence for your specific challenges. At the same time, Profit Magazine also wants to shed light on Oracle's product and service strategies and how they'll impact your business - today, and in the years to come. 2/Global Finance has been providing monthly news and analysis since 1987 about companies and financial institutions that do business around the world. Global Finance delivers the full story; corporate finance, joint ventures and M&A, country profiles, capital markets, investor relations, currencies, banking, risk management, custody, direct investment, money management and all the rest-specifically tailored for corporate readers around the world....
Zlecę napisanie essayu na 1500 slow na temat: :" Evaluate the extent to which different employee voice schemes are used in practice, including an explanation of the key differences between union and non-union voice arrangements." Dalsze szczegóły wyślę osobom zainteresowanym na maila.
Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczącego portalu piszącego eseje. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła custom essay, term paper, research paper, writing service
...mbString w rozszerzeniach PHP - włączone - dostępność mod-rewrite Te wymagania dokładnie spełniają serwery w oraz (Hosting Unix oraz serwery dedykowane). 3. W jaki sposób pozyskać reklamodawców i zarabiać na stronie ? Portal jest zintegrowany z ponad setką programów partnerskich Citi Handlowy, Inteligo, Komputronik, Telekomunikacja Polska, Open Finance, Google Adsense, Orange, Netia, i wiele innych. Po zakończeniu aukcji otrzymasz szczegółowe informacje dotyczące współpracy z różnymi reklamodawcami. Powierzchnia reklamowa na stronie umożliwia emisję jednocześnie jednego banera o rozmiarach 750x100 oraz dwóch o wymiarach 300x250 pikseli: PORTAL JEST WYPOSAŻONY W MAPĘ XML, KTÓRĄ MOŻN...
...współpracy. Zlecenie to wykonanie 2 mikrostron na silniku wordpressa [tylko jedna strona główna, bez podstron] na miesiąc. Wygląda to tak: 1. Stawiam Wordpressa na własnym serwerze 2. Przekazuję login/hasło do ftp oraz kod API google maps oraz googla analytics 3. Wykonawca przygotowuje layout strony głównej [w identyfikacji wizualnej, którą przekażę] podobnej [nie jest to współpraca z open finance - strony podaję jako przykład] do postaci: , Czyli to, co ma się znajdować na stronie: - logo - hasło - przedstawienie 3-5 opisów w postaci nagłówka i ok.1000 znakowego opisu - formularz kontaktowy [wordpress plugin contact form 7] - mapa google z zaznaczonym punktem - pluginy wordpressa zainstalowane
We are running jewelry eshop www.Silver.Ag. We are looking for reliable partner in Poland to manage eshop branch in Poland. We will make: - language version for Poland ( - it is under construction now) - basic SEO - we will finance or cofinance advertising campaign in country - we will take care about goods delivery, guarantee and everything about goods and payments Partner have to: - promote eshop in Poland (free ad, blogs, PR, cataloques, etc), backlinks - communicate with customers in country language (mainly by email) - looking for affordable advertising ... Partner have to be perfect in Internet marketing, strong references are necessary. Target oriented, want to work hard etc. Partner can be a company. Partner will receive payment as a % from all
Do przetłumaczenia jest kilka stron tekstu z ang na pol Teksty z zakresu informatyki i marketingu, miejscami business english Zależy mi na osobach które są native speakerem lub metodykiem z dużym stażem. Tylko profesjonali...ceny za 1800 znaków, czas realizacji to 1-7 dni, w zależności od złożoności i ilości materiału, jaki zdecydują sie Państwo przetłumaczyć. Przykładowy tekst (nie jest to tekst do przetłumaczenia) a jedynie ustala poziom trudności i złożoności: lub Wiecej informacji: biuro@ lub 508 678 135
Zlecenie zrobienia projektu pod tytułem „Aspects of Mathematical Finance” w języku angielskim. Projekt na ok. 30 stron ( calość, gotowy) z rysunkami, przykładami, wklejonymi rzutami z ekranu (exel, matlab) Projekt powinien zawierac: -wprowadzenie do problemu, rola matematyki w bankowości, zrozumienie celu etc -równanie Black-Schole, wprowadzenie, opis, przykład, program do rozwiązywania równania B-S, wnioski -Binomial Tree - --- | | --- (jak wyzej) -zakonczenie (wlasna inwersja tworcza wskazana) w razie pytan pytac
Zlecenie zrobienia projektu pod tytułem „Aspects of Mathematical Finance” w języku angielskim. Projekt na ok. 30 stron ( calość, gotowy) z rysunkami, przykładami, wklejonymi rzutami z ekranu (exel, matlab) Projekt powinien zawierac: -wprowadzenie do problemu, rola matematyki w bankowości, zrozumienie celu etc -równanie Black-Schole, wprowadzenie, opis, przykład, program do rozwiązywania równania B-S, wnioski -Binomial Tree - --- | | --- (jak wyzej) -zakonczenie (wlasna inwersja tworcza wskazana) w razie pytan pytac
Zlecę napisanie pracy: 3. FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY - THE INTERNET - A BLESSING OR A CURSE? - why is it so popular? / how has it developed through the years? - why is it useful? - who are the recipients?- what are the advantages and disadvantages for different age groups? w języku angielskim, możliwie prostym, z prostą gramatyką, 1200 słówek
Witam. Posiadamy artykul w formacie .pdf i chcemy go wstawic jako strone zakodowana w html. Link do artykylu: Strona - przykladowy szablon do ktorego nalezy wstawic skrypt : Tekst, zdjecia i szablon strony sa przygotowane. Mozliwosc zakonczenia licytacji wczesniej. Zapraszam.
I'm looking for a comprehensive 6000-wo...manufacturing sector, with a primary focus on operational efficiency. Key Requirements: - An analysis of how AI improves operational efficiency in customer service within these industries. - Utilization of industry reports as a primary data source. - Incorporation of insights from surveys and interviews to add depth and real-world context. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in academic writing. - Background in AI, customer service, or the dairy and beverage manufacturing sectors would be a plus. - Skills in sourcing, interpreting and integrating data from industry reports, surveys, and interviews. - Excellent understanding of operational efficiency metrics and how they can be influenced by AI. I have the guide lines fo...
...Deliverables: 1. A Node.js script that continuously monitors DEX prices for token pairs. 2. Code to fetch and convert sqrtPriceX96 values from multiple DEXs. 3. Arbitrage detection logic that compares prices across DEXs and accounts for fees. 4. A fully automated solution that executes trades when a profitable arbitrage opportunity is identified. If you have experience with decentralized finance (DeFi), arbitrage strategies, and blockchain development, we’d love to work with you to implement this solution. Please apply with your experience and relevant projects. Budget: To be discussed based on experience and scope. Skills Required: • Blockchain Development • Ethereum / DeFi / DEX • Node.js • API Integration (Ankr or similar) • Smart Con...
I need a professional to help format my thesis in LaTeX. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive experience with LaTeX - Prior experience in formatting academic theses - Attention to detail to ensure all elements are correctly formatted Please note that I am currently unsure about the specific elements needing formatting and whether I need a new template or not. I would appreciate your guidance and expertise in these areas.
I need a freelancer with expertise in mechanical engineering and materials science to assist in writing a scientific research paper. The paper focuses on the intersection of these two fields, assist in writing a scientific research paper. The paper focuses on the intersection of these two fields, specifically exploring the characteristics and behaviors of various materials under mechanical stress. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Advanced knowledge in mechanical engineering and materials science - Experience in scientific research and academic writing - Proficiency in structuring and formatting research papers according to academic standards - Ability to conduct literature reviews and synthesize information from various sources - Strong attention to detail and ability t...
I'm in the process of launching an online consulting service focused on the business and finance sector. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborating to create tailored consulting strategies - Identifying potential market needs and gaps - Utilizing digital platforms for service delivery - Developing a strong online presence Ideal Skills: - Expertise in business and finance - Previous experience in online consulting - Proficient in digital communication tools - Ability to develop innovative consulting strategies
...updates on Australian immigration policies, education changes, and other relevant information. Online Application System: User Registration & Login: Secure user accounts with robust password protection. Step-by-Step Application Process: Guide users through the application process with clear instructions and progress indicators. Document Upload: Allow users to upload supporting documents (e.g., academic transcripts, resumes, police clearances) with file type and size restrictions. Payment Integration: Integrate with a secure payment gateway for online application fees. User Dashboard: Application Status Tracker: Real-time updates on application progress. Document Management System: Secure storage and retrieval of uploaded documents. Personalized Notifications: Email/in-app not...
I'm in need of a Computer Science paper tailored for ACM journals, specifically focused on the area of Artificial Intelligence. Key Aspects: - The paper should concentrate on theoretical research within the realm of AI. - A significant portion of the paper should be dedicated to formal proofs. - The writing style and formatting should be appropriate for ACM journals. Ideal C...realm of AI. - A significant portion of the paper should be dedicated to formal proofs. - The writing style and formatting should be appropriate for ACM journals. Ideal Candidate: - Profound understanding of Artificial Intelligence and theoretical research. - Excellent skills in developing and explaining formal proofs. - Experience with ACM journal publication process and standards. - Strong academic ...
Seeking Freelance Resume and Cover Letter Writer – Finance Management Roles I am looking for a freelance professional with expertise in international resume writing to craft a compelling CV and cover letter tailored for entry-level management roles in the finance industry. Key Requirements: Proven experience in creating resumes and cover letters for management roles. Strong understanding of the finance industry and its expectations. Ability to effectively highlight skills relevant to managerial and finance positions at both entry and mid-levels. Expertise in writing for a range of professionals, from freshers to experienced candidates. Handwritten content only – no AI-generated material. If you have relevant experience, please include samples of y...
I am looking for a skilled proofreader to review my 3-page economics academic paper. The proofreading should particularly focus on: there needs to be in text citations and refrences can only be from 2021-2025 - Grammar and punctuation - Citation and formatting Please ensure that the paper is free from any grammatical errors and appropriately formatted according to academic standards. Experience in proofreading academic papers, particularly in the field of economics, would be highly beneficial.
I'm looking for a comprehensive three statement model to assist with investment analysis on the company ASML. This model should encompass the following financial statements: - Income Statement - Balance Sheet - Cash Flow Statement In addition to the sta...standard financial statements, the model should also include: - Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis - Comparable company analysis (Comps) - Sensitivity analysis Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in financial modeling and investment analysis. Proficiency in using Excel for complex calculations is crucial, as is a solid understanding of DCF and Comps methodologies. A background in finance or a related field would be beneficial. Your expertise will help guide investment decisions based on the insights provided...
I need assistance condensing my undergraduate thesis into a 12-15 page research paper. The paper should include the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion sections. Your task will also involve enh...conventions - Emphasis on the experimental results The paper will be submitted to a research conference at the end of this month, so timely completion will be critical. I would appreciate your expertise in ensuring it is written in a clean, technical style that follows the APA citation style. I look forward to collaborating closely with you on this project. Ideal skills include experience in academic writing, particularly in research paper preparation, and a strong understanding of the MLA citation style. Previous experience in condensing larger texts into more concise pieces ...
I'm seeking an experienced editor for my research paper in the field of Science and Technology. The paper is intended for academic submission, so it requires a professional touch to ensure clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic standards. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven track record in editing academic papers, particularly in the field of Science and Technology - Strong understanding of academic writing conventions - Excellent command of the English language. Your expertise will greatly enhance the quality of my paper and increase its chances of successful submission.
I'm seeking an expert in stock price prediction who can leverage GPT-3 to forecast market indices. The historical data source will be Yahoo Finance, and I need the freelancer to not only perform the prediction but also secure the data with hashing to ensure its integrity. Key Tasks: - Utilize GPT-3 for predicting market indices - Use Yahoo Finance for historical data - Implement data integrity measures via hashing Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in using GPT-3 - Experience in stock market analysis - Knowledge of data security measures - Familiarity with Yahoo Finance seeking a professional with a deep understanding of academic publishing and citation strategies to assist me in increasing the visibility and citations of my existing papers, with the ultimate goal of boosting my Hirsch index in Scopus and Web of Science. Key Tasks: - Develop and implement strategies to increase citations for my existing papers, focusing on improving their SEO and visibility online. - Help share my papers on academic social networks effectively. - Design a plan for networking at conferences and seminars to increase my paper's visibility and citations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in academic publishing and citation improvement. - Strong understanding of SEO and social networking in an academic context. - Excel...
I'm seeking a professional article finder with a keen understanding of nursing research. The primary goal is to locate specific research articles within the field of nursing. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in academic database navigation - Strong research skills - Background in nursing or healthcare - Experience in finding and sourcing research articles Articles need to be specific in proving an intervention is evidence-based. Primary articles must be systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
I'm looking for an expert in literature reviews with a strong background in healthcare. The review should be comprehensive, well-structured, and suitable for an academic audience. - Focus: The review should cover various aspects of healthcare, even though a specific aspect hasn't been pinpointed. - Audience: It is intended for academics and researchers, so it should meet the standards of rigor and depth expected in scholarly work. i have already screened the studies and generated data from covidence but need help to make sense of it
I need a professional to create a comprehensive wiki page for a scientist or academic. The page will detail their early life, career contributions, and accolades. Key sections to include: - Early Life and Education: This should cover the individual's formative years and their educational journey. - Career and Contributions: This will encapsulate the person's professional life and their significant contributions to their field. - Awards and Recognition: This section will highlight the honors and accolades the individual has received. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong understanding of wiki's guidelines and protocols, and experience in writing for academic or scientific topics.
Project Description: Marketplace Platform for Scientific Services We are seeking to develop a comprehensive online marketplace platform tailored for the scientific research sectors, similar to and Science Exchange. The platform will connect vendors offering scientific services/products with buyers from academic institutions, biotech companies, and pharmaceutical firms. The project will include the development of the following core components: Admin Panel – Comprehensive dashboard to manage users, transactions, approvals, and overall platform settings. Vendor Panel – A dedicated space for service providers to list their offerings, manage orders, update availability, and communicate with buyers. Buyer Panel – A user-friendly interface for researchers and companie...
We're a Hungary-based scientific online journal focused on world politics and economy, currently seeking an experienced graphic des...touch to our logo. - The use of Budapest landmarks should be subtle yet impactful, showcasing the city's architectural grandeur without overwhelming the core design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in logo design, particularly with classic styles. - Strong understanding and appreciation for architectural design and details. - Experience working with clients in the scientific or academic field is a plus. - Ability to create a design that is both trendy and timeless. Your task will be to translate our ambitions and aspirations into a visual identity that can help us exceed in this competitive arena. We look forward to your...
...implementing a scientific paper titled "Behavioral Based Insider Threat Detection Using Deep Learning". The replication should encompass all components of the original study, including: - Methodology and implementation - Results and findings - Literature review and background - Source code The literature review must incorporate previous research papers. This replicated study is intended for academic research purposes. Therefore, it is crucial that the replication is rigorous, comprehensive and aligns closely with the original study. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in deep learning methodologies - Experience with scientific research replication - Strong literature review skills - Ability to implement complex methodologies - Familiarity with source code gen...
Let me introduce myself, my name is Tuti Siti Maesaroh. I am a bachelor's degree graduate in financial management. I currently work in finance at a clothing distributor company. I am used to inputting data, both financial and non-financial. I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
...regulatory domains. From Bitcoin’s inception in 2009 to the emergence of thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies, the crypto space has grown into a multi-trillion-dollar market, reshaping our understanding of money, investment, and decentralization. This article explores the history, technology, applications, and challenges of cryptocurrency, while also discussing its potential to redefine global finance. A Brief History of Cryptocurrency The journey of cryptocurrency began with the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper by the pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” the whitepaper outlined a vision for a decentralized digital currency that eliminated the need for intermediaries like banks. Bit...