Extract data website using foxproprojekty
...also to create so-called dynamic sets A/B/C/D that are current combinations of mode parameters that can be switched around without saving them to a permanent storage. The tasks to be done: • Extract 5 existing (fully working) user Forms from the attached C# project (one of them is the above mentioned FormGeneratorModow, the heart of the app) • Add a simple 4-button main navigational screen as on the attached pptx slide and connect the 4 user forms to the navigational buttons • Add simple one-way sending of UDP messages when parameters of any mode are changed (currently messages are sent but using COM/UART, also the message structure need to be changed) The 5 existing UI forms/screens are shown on the attached PowerPoint slide where the to-be navigation pa...
Poszukuję osoby, która mogłaby napisać albo poprawić dostępny skrypt MATLAB pozwalający na wydobycie i analizę sygnału z nagrania oraz porównanie go z danymi referencyjnymi. Opisy i przykłady są dostępne pod linkami: Chodzi mi dokładnie o skrypt/rozwiąznie, który pozwoli na ekstrakcję z nagrania (plik dźwiękowy wav) zakłócenia o częstotliwości około 50 Hz (przydźwięku sieciowego) w postaci jak najdokładniejszego przebiegu czasowo-częstotliwościowego tego konkretnego sygnału. W dalszej kolejności dane
Car rental - checking and renting cars, including those currently available, - charging a rental fee, depending on time (fixed amount + fuel); discounts for regular customers - client (browses the car list, rents it in one of the company's branches, pays, returns) and employee (adds the car to the base, confirms the rental/receipt, sets the price list). Program valid until 4.11.2021 (inclusive).
Mam pewien pomysł przygotowanie strony, mam layout w PS. Szukam ktoś przeniesie go do Adobe Dreamweaver.
Analyzing piezoelectric materials
Analyzing piezoelectric materials
Analyzing piezoelectric materials frequency analysis stress analysis thermal analysis fatigue calculation
Analyzing piezoelectric materials
Witam Potrzebuję kawałek kodu w Visual FoxPro, którym w środowisku Runtime złączę 2 pliki dbf. Ciekawostka jest taka, że mam taki kod, natomiast nie wiem czemu, ale działa on wyłącznie na moim notebooku. Nie wiem czemu. Na innym komputerze mam komunikat o błędzie, taki jak na obrazku: Kod wygląda tak: SET SAFETY OFF set exclusive on RESTORE FROM konfig ADDITIVE USE ADDBS(BAZATRANS)+"ARC" USE ADDBS(BAZATRANS)+"ARC" select rachunki2 APPEND FROM rachunki REINDEX close data return Szukam kogoś, kto szybko i sprawnie pomoże mi wskazać taką komendę, która wywoła polecenie łączenia zbiorów komendą APPEND lub każdą dowolną inną, która dołączy rekordy ze wskazanego pliku. Chętnym udostępnię pliki niezbędne do r...
Zlecę napisanie programu do eksportu danych z bazy programu sprzedażowego (tabele DBF FoxPro) do zdefiniowanych tabel (dbf, txt,csv,xml - do wyboru programisty). Brak interfejsu użytkownika, uruchamianie z linii poleceń z podaniem parametrów warunkujących filtry dla pobieranych danych i położenie tabel z danymi. Program tworzony z wykorzystaniem wolnych od opłat narzędzi programistycznych. Preferowany język C++ (ale niekoniecznie). Wymagane jest pozostawienie możliwości nanoszenia drobnych poprawek i powtórnego kompilowania Skrótowo: W wyniku uruchomienia programu tworzyć się mają 4 tabele. Dane z tabel źródłowych należy wyfiltrować i przenieść do tabel tworzonych, niektóre dane należy również na nowo wyznaczyć. Jedna z tabel, w sz...
We are looking for the person who set streaming on linux for multiple channels using oscam and Wowza. We have TBS6981 DVB-S2 Dual Tuner PCIe Card.
Program jest napisany w Microsoft Visual FoxPro , bazy DBF. JEdna z baz słowniki ma mumer konta 10 cyfrowy , trzeba go zmienic na 15 cyfrowy (zmiana struktury bazy)
Witam, Zlecę przedstawienie sposobu otworzenia i konwersji bazy danych w plikach DBF udostępnianego przez Najprawdopodobniej jest to możliwe w programie Visual FoxPro Adres z plikami: ftp:// lub ftp://anonymous@ Dane z pliku udało mi się odczytać w programie DBF Viewer 2000 Interesują mnie wszystkie pliki zip znajdujące się na serwerze Płacę za efekt
Witam. Poszukuje osoby (nie firmy!) która napisze prosty skrypt który będzie wyszukiwał określone dane na innej stronie www. Skrypt powini...za pomocą zwykłych znaczników xHTML/HTML Strona o którą chodzi to: ;postcount=1 Dane które mają zostać pobrane ze strony to: - ramka z wykazem zmian w całości (changeloge) - całą sekcje download (od tekstu "Remember to check MD5 Checksum before flashing !!!" do "--- Don't flash RADIO from ClockworkMod recovery! Extract downloaded file and read the guide inside!" W miarę możliwości skrypt powinien dać się łatwo "przekonfigurować" w razie zmian źródła strony. Tylko osoby prywatne, oferty do negocjacji nie będą uwzględniane.
...yon californicum ferment extract, cymbidium grandflorum flower extract, titanium dioxide(ci 77891), iron oxides(ci 77491,ci 77492,ci 77499) słownik powinien właściwe zinterpretować wszystkie nazwy i przedstawić szczegółowy opis każdej z substancji. Występują jednak pewne trudności np. przedstawiona powyżej składnia: iron oxides(ci 77491,ci 77492,ci 77499). W bazie substancji opisane będą tylko ci 77491,ci 77492,ci 77499 ponieważ sama nazwa iron oxides jest zwyczajowa. W przypadku takiej składni powinien zostać wyświetlony opis: iron oxides(ci 77491,ci 77492,ci 77499) - został wykorzystany kompleks składników: ci 77491 - opis ci 77492 - opis ci 77499 - opis Innym problemem będzie składnia typu: lactobacillus/eriodictyon californicum ferment ...
...wybranych nośników które można przekazać klientowi. Forma wizualna tej prezentacji nie jest najważniejsza, ważniejsza jest możliwość prezentacji treści. Aktualnie posiadamy trzy powiązane programy do obsługi tych wymagań więc tworzony program wzorował by się na już istniejących. Posiadane programy pisane były w oparciu o bazę i oprogramowanie FoxPro. W nowym programie może zajść potrzeba zaimportowaania części danych z plików bazy FOXPro. Wymagania stawiane firmie wykonującej zlecenie są następujące: - program musi być tworzony w pełni w oparciu otwarty kod php, mysql (nie może posiadać żadnych elementów kompilowanych do których potrzebowali byśmy źródła) - musi być to firma która może wysawiać faktury - firma...
Mam leciwe ale wciąż bardzo funkcjonalne (a przede wszyskim indywidualnie dopasowane) oprogramowanie w firmie w tych językach (Clipper, FoxPro wersja pod DOS). Od czasu do czasu potrzeba jakichś zmian a dotychczasowy programista opóścił Polskę. Szukamy kogoś kto pamięta te języki. Proszę wskazać na doświadczenie, stawka (raczej godzinowa) do ustalenia. tel.O42-6551545 Łódź Pozdrawiam klasyków programowania :)
...historical events paved the way for Renaissance in England? 2. Define Renaissance Humanism in England. 3. What was Sir Thomas More? (biography + titles) 4. Explain the term “utopia”. 5. Explain and analyse the structure of More’s Utopia (paying attention to the elements discussed in class). 6. Explain the nature of the commonwealth of Utopia on the example of the extract analysed in class (paying attention to the elements analysed in class). 7. Define the Petrarchan sonnet and its subject matter. 8. Define the English sonnet and its subject matter. 9. Explain the terms: octave, sestet, quatrain, couplet, iambic pentameter, blank verse 10. Who were courtier poets? (names, biographies, titles) 11. Define an ideal courtier (features, origin...
Witam Zlecę wykonanie raportów z istniejących baz danych. Oto jakie raporty by mnie interesowały: Ile kredytów, jakiego rodzaju i na jaką wartość udzielono kredytobiorcom ? Ilość oraz wartość kredytów za okres od ... do... Ilość oraz wartość udzielonych kredytów w danym dniu Zestawienie kredytó...jakie raporty by mnie interesowały: Ile kredytów, jakiego rodzaju i na jaką wartość udzielono kredytobiorcom ? Ilość oraz wartość kredytów za okres od ... do... Ilość oraz wartość udzielonych kredytów w danym dniu Zestawienie kredytów niespłacanych od dłuższego okresu czasu (złych kredytów) Program z bazami danych wysyłam temu kto wygra. Należy to zrobić w programie Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0. ...
Zlecę odnalezienie 60 firm z terenu Wielkiej Brytanii, które używają takich narzędzi do tworzenia oprogramowania jak Clarion,FoxPro lub PowerBuilder. Powinny to byc firmy zatrudnijące od 5 do 20 pracownikow.
...wprowadzić: 1) nowa kolumna do dodania: "Page Number in Publication" (ten numer będzie numerem indeksu, po którym będzie wykonywana konwersja i jednocześnie będzie nazwą JPGa z plikiem wyjściowym) 2) przyciski do umiejscawiania i przestawiania dokumentów, które będą przetwarzane 3) status bar - potrzeba czegoś ładniej wyglądającego (jakaś animacja np) 3) jeśli użytkownik zaznaczy "Extract text from PDF", wtedy po skonwertowaniu PDFów do JPGów, aplikacja powinna uruchomić narzędzie textFromPDF, które uruchomi bibliotekę DLL i wyciągnie tekst z JPGów dodatkowo: -kiedy użytkownik poda folder z danymi wejściowymi, aplikacja powinna utworzyć w nim folder 'DATA_A' który będzie folderem n...
Usiłuję przepisać do Delphi, lub C spory program bazodanowy napisany w Clipper 5.3. Bazy wyłącznie lokalne. Muszę przepisać, albo napisać od nowa. Mam bibliotekę Apollo VCL 5.1 (wydaje się rozsądna - ma całą masę clipperopodobnych funkcji). Mam jednak kłopoty z filtrow...Clipper 5.3. Bazy wyłącznie lokalne. Muszę przepisać, albo napisać od nowa. Mam bibliotekę Apollo VCL 5.1 (wydaje się rozsądna - ma całą masę clipperopodobnych funkcji). Mam jednak kłopoty z filtrowaniem rekordów jeśli muszę filtrować daty. Ma ktoś jakieś doświadczenie w tej materii? Chętnie zlecę napisanie kilku procedur. Niekoniecznie trzeba znać Clippera. Do tej pory bazy *.dbf były w formacie FoxPro, indeksy *.cdx. Fajnie gdyby pozostały, ale gdyby było coś lepszego to można przekonwertować...
...heavy metals) Tests of quality and quantity using the Electrop Horesis Method and HPLC Marking collagen quantity based on hydroxyprolin content The means of collagen extraction is a company secret. We are taking it only from one type of fish skin because it contains more collagen with the most suitable properties. Our unique technology enables us to extract it without damaging the fibre structure. Collagen Beauty is manufactured in optimal laboratory conditions: production takes place at very Iow temperatures, and then the finished products are cooled to around 5-7°C and packed in specially made thermo-isolated packaging. In the solution, which constitutes 80-90% of the gel, there is 10-13% collagen. This is why it is in the form of a gel. Using a bigge...
...heavy metals) Tests of quality and quantity using the Electrop Horesis Method and HPLC Marking collagen quantity based on hydroxyprolin content The means of collagen extraction is a company secret. We are taking it only from one type of fish skin because it contains more collagen with the most suitable properties. Our unique technology enables us to extract it without damaging the fibre structure. Collagen Beauty is manufactured in optimal laboratory conditions: production takes place at very Iow temperatures, and then the finished products are cooled to around 5-7°C and packed in specially made thermo-isolated packaging. In the solution, which constitutes 80-90% of the gel, there is 10-13% collagen. This is why it is in the form of a gel. Using a bigge...
...code must fetch all job listings from Adzuna for a given search query URL (e.g., ). Handle cases where JSON-LD data is missing by falling back to HTML parsing to extract all relevant details. Current Issues: my code scrapes some job data (titles, descriptions, company names, etc.), but many fields remain blank. Not all job listings are fetched; the script currently stops at ~157 jobs out of ~410 listed. Fallback HTML parsing is insufficient, leaving many fields incomplete. Requirements: Comprehensive Data Extraction: Fetch all job listings from Adzuna for the provided URL. Extract key fields, including: Job Title Company Name Description (cleaned and free of HTML tags) Location Posting Date ( Ensure no blank fields Pagination Support: Ensure
I'm looking for someone who can extract the Spotify URI codes for the album by Slaves to Gravity, along with the track names, and send them directly to my email. The album can be found here: These codes will be used for embedding in a website, so accuracy is crucial.
I'm seeking a professional who can assist with extracting performance data of Brazilian investment funds from the Refinitiv platform. The data should be specifically focused on performance indicators and delivered in Excel format. Key Requirements: - Access to the Refinitiv platform - Ability to extract performance data of Brazilian investment funds - Proficiency in Excel for data delivery - Capability to perform this task on a yearly basis The ideal freelancer for this project would have experience with data extraction from financial platforms, particularly Refinitiv. Understanding of investment fund performance metrics is a plus. Please bid only if you have access to the required platform and can deliver the data as specified.
I'm looking for a skilled web scraper to help me extract data from HTML tables on a website and input it into a Google Sheet. Key details: - The data is updated every 30 minutes, so I need someone who can set up a server that handles this automated process - The tables contain mixed text and numbers. Attention to detail is crucial as the data will need to be accurately transcribed. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and techniques preferably selenium - Experience with Google Sheets API. - Strong attention to detail and ability to handle mixed data types. I look forward to your bids.
...PDFs: Use advanced OCR technology (e.g., Tesseract, Google Vision API) to accurately extract text and images from scanned or image-based PDFs. Speech-to-Text for Lectures: Implement state-of-the-art ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) models (e.g., Whisper by OpenAI, Google Speech-to-Text) to transcribe lectures with high accuracy. Web Scraping Pipelines: Develop reliable web scraping tools (using Puppeteer, Scrapy) for structured extraction of content from articles, ensuring compliance with copyright laws. Dynamic Infographics: Integrate libraries (e.g., D3.js, Canva API) to generate interactive and visually appealing infographicsDeploy the system on a scalable cloud platform (AWS, GCP, or Azure) using container orchestration tools like Kubernetes for high avail...
The seismic reports and project of a steel-structured house . The analysis of this house needs to be performed in the SAP2000 program in accordance with TBDY 2018 and Turkish geotechnical survey report is provided in house project and geotechnical report will be provided to you.
Backend API Development Using TypeScript & Node.js - Sign-in, Signup, Reset Password, Forgot Password & Verify OTP - Dashboard Stats - Workspace and Project APIs - Packages and Payment APIs - Profile Update and Change Password - Contact Us - Admin APIs
I'm in need of a data cleaning professional to help me with a spreadsheet containing 50,000 rows of company details. The data is currently organized in a single column and includes company names in mixed formats. Key Responsibilities: - Extract company names from the data strings - Clean the data manually to ensure accuracy Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Excel or similar data management software - Exceptional attention to detail - Previous experience with data cleaning or data entry - Able to work independently and meet deadlines Please note that the company names are in mixed formats, so the ability to recognize and standardize these is crucial.
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to help me create some designs using Illustrator, which I can install on my computer. If you have experience with Illustrator and can work with a variety of design needs, please reach out.
I'm seeking a skilled Python developer to create a program for analyzing text data from databases. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Python program primarily for data analysis. - Extract and analyze text data from various databases. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python with a strong focus on data analysis. - Extensive experience with text data processing. - Familiarity with database handling and extraction. - Ability to create efficient and effective data analysis tools.
An AI-powered data extraction tool for marketing sector. The tool would be designed to scrape data from multiple sources, including company websites and public directories, to extract company names, contact details, and decision-maker information. Its responsibilities included designing the AI model for Named Entity Recognition (NER) to identify key individuals, implementing scalable web scraping pipelines, and integrating APIs for enhanced data accuracy. A notable functionality with the use of a custom machine learning algorithm to filter and rank decision-makers based on their roles, improving the my outreach efficiency by over 70%. Excel results would be in this format- Provided Email: CEO’s Name: Company’s Name Key Requirements: - The AI shou...
Instructions for Data Scraping Task Your task is to extract specific information from job posting links. Below are the detailed requirements: Data Points to Scrape: 1. Company Information: - Company Name - Company Details: Brief about the industry or type of work they do. - Company Website - LinkedIn Page: URL to the company’s official LinkedIn page. 2. Email IDs (3 Required): - Find 3 individuals' email IDs from the following departments: - Admin - Human Resources - Head of Sales/Top Leadership (CXO level in Sales) - Marketing Head/Top Leadership (CXO level in Marketing) - Founders/CEOs/Co-founders/Owners 3. Email Requirement: - The email IDs must be professional (e.g., `name at `). - Avoid generic...
We are looking for a skilled developer to build a solution that identifies arbitrage opportunities using the sqrtPriceX96 value of token pairs across multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs). The goal is to automate the process of finding and executing arbitrage opportunities by monitoring token pair prices on DEXs like Uniswap v3, Sushiswap, and others. The solution should follow a step-by-step process: 1. Query the liquidity pools of various DEXs for the sqrtPriceX96 values of token pairs. 2. Convert the sqrtPriceX96 values to actual token prices. 3. Identify price differences between DEXs to spot potential arbitrage opportunities. 4. Account for transaction fees (gas and conversion) when calculating potential profits. 5. Continuously monitor and automatically execute arbitra...
I need a freelancer who can help me change the public SSH key for my OVH instance. The new SSH key is already available in the OVH dashboard. Your task is to change the SSH key via the OVH website, using Anydesk for remote access. Requirements: • You will not be provided with the private SSH key for the new SSH key. • You must change the SSH key through the OVH website interface only. • Anydesk will be used for secure remote access to the system. • Ensure no interruptions or issues with the instance’s access after making the change. Skills Required: • Experience with OVH cloud platform and managing instances. • Proficiency in working with SSH keys. • Anydesk usage for remote troubleshooting or configuration. Please ap...
I'm looking for an expert web scraper who can help me extract a full, publicly accessible, Trading View script. The purpose of this extraction is to allow me to modify indicators. Requirements: - Proficiency with Chrome Debugger. - Advanced skills in Java Script and Pine Script. - Proven experience in web scraping. Please note, I do not require any additional data extraction. I only need the script.
I'm in need of a skilled VB.NET developer to help me create a program that can read and extract both personal details and biometric data from a Malaysia identity card using Dermalog. The program will also need to verify a thumbprint in real-time. Key Requirements: - VB.NET programming skills - Experience with reading data from identity cards - Familiarity with Dermalog tools - Ability to implement real-time thumbprint verification Please note that I do not have the necessary Dermalog SDK or tools, so the freelancer will need to provide these. If you have previously worked on a similar project, please include a link to a sample of your work.
I'm trying to print a bible without italic words, but need a file with all the extracts for reference. I want to extract all the italic words from the kjv bible and save them by book name, chapter and verse. I would like to have them saved in Word or pdf. Attached is a example saved to pdf.
I am looking for a skilled developer to create a dynamic reverse proxy solution using and http-proxy-middleware. The proxy must function similarly to , offering seamless web proxy functionality with integration of a Service Worker on the frontend for advanced request handling. Requirements: Backend (Proxy Server): Build a reverse proxy using and http-proxy-middleware. Support dynamic target selection, routing requests to different backends based on specific rules (e.g., request paths, query parameters, or custom headers). Forward headers, cookies, and other request/response metadata correctly to emulate CroxyProxy's behavior. Implement custom middleware to modify or log requests and responses as required. Frontend
I need to extract data from and update my Shopify store. The existing products in my store must be updated with the following parameters: - Product Cost: Supplier's listed price -15%. - Offer Price: Supplier's listed price +23%. - Sale Price: Supplier's listed price +23%. - Description - Images - Inventory by Variant - Variants (color, size, etc.) - SKU If the products on the supplier's site are not in my store, they should be created with the following information: - Product Cost: Supplier's listed price -15%. - Offer Price: Supplier's listed price +23%. - Sale Price: Supplier's listed price +23%. - Description - Images - Product Name - Inventory by Variant - Variants (color, size, etc.) - This update must occur daily at 4 AM GMT-5 - SK...
NO GENERIC PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED, READ THE BELLOW CAREFULLY THEN SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST IF YOU CAN DO IT ONLY I need a chemist to ...minoxidil or not I need two formulation: 1- is water soluble and non greasing, doesn't weigh down the hair and is derma roller safe 2- the other formulation cab be oil based and it needs to be safe for derma roller as well it must contain some of the below ingredients (Suggest other natural ingredients proven to block DHT or promote Blood flow circulation) - saw palmetto extract - pumpkin seed oil - Rose marry extract - Caffeine - Biotin (answer if it can be added at home, how?, where can i buy it etc) - Tea Tree Oil - Melatonin (answer if it can be added at home, how?, where can i buy it etc) Other ingredients you suggest that a...
I have to do the coding for attiny 85 to control the led and buzzer based on the buzz wire.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me extract email addresses from various Facebook groups. The primary purpose of gathering these emails is for a marketing campaign. - **Methods of Extraction**: I would like to utilize both manual extraction and automated tools for this task. - **Access to Facebook Groups**: I will add you as a member to the necessary Facebook groups. - **Skills and Experience**: The ideal freelancer would have experience with both manual and automated data extraction methods, excellent attention to detail, and understanding of Facebook group protocols. Previous experience with email collection for marketing purposes would be a significant advantage. Looking forward to your proposals.
I'm seeking skilled developers to create a web platform aimed at optimizing accountants' workflows. This platform will allow accountants to upload tax invoices and automatically extract pertinent data via artificial intelligence and OCR technology. Key Features: - Data Extraction: The system should be able to pull out the invoice number and date, client details, and an itemized list of services or products from uploaded invoices. - User Interface: The platform must incorporate a user-friendly drag and drop interface for invoice uploads. Preferred Tools & Technologies: - Laravel for backend development - Tesseract for OCR capabilities - OpenAI API for advanced AI processing Your Role: After understanding the project, your task will be to design and im...
...for cost-saving initiatives. Timeline Expectation: 2-3 weeks ETC: January 24, 2025 2. Create Inventory Report as Highlighted by Duy Objective: Deliver a detailed analysis of inventory health to improve turnover rates and reduce storage costs. Steps to Complete: Data Collection: Extract real-time data from WMS on shortages, stockouts, and low-velocity SKUs. Financial Analysis: Calculate inventory turnover, carrying costs (including space and obsolescence costs), and aged SKU value losses. Visual Dashboard: Present data through Power BI or Excel dashboards with graphs highlighting key metrics. Insights and Actions: Recommend strategies like markdowns for aged SKUs, JIT replenishment, or phasing out low-performing SKUs. Deliverable: A professional...