Example marine biology research paperprojekty
...Standard area for documents (eg toolkit); · MP3 videos and sound to be embedded in website - editing and upload; · A space for blogs (ESW will control); · Photo gallery; · Toggle pictures function; · Search area for events filtering by equality strand, date and place; · Searchable research library (useful document area); · Press release search; · RSS feed; · Include social media – Facebook; Twitter; and YouTube · Incorporate Latest News page - generated from external source (Equality North East’ website); · Incorporate Knowledge Base –...
Witam! Potrzebuje osobe do zrobienia intensywnego researchu. Research polega na tym, by dla kazdego podmiotu z listy (beda to firmy obecne w internecie): 1. Sprawdzic, czy pojawily sie jakies niusy o nich w 2008, 2009, 2010 i 2011 roku (mozna uzywac Google Wiadomosci, Netsprint Donosiciel, itp.) 2. Jesli nius jest z odpowiedniej kategorii (wywiady z wlascicielami, dokladaja nowa funkcjonalnosc, chwala sie osiagnieciami, nawiazuja wspolprace z duzym partnerem, itd...), archiwizujemy go (zapisujemy i odpowiednio nazywamy plik, opis przesle temu kto dostanie zlecenie). 3. Mowimy zarowno o artykulach po polsku i po angielsku, wiec prosze byc przygotowanym na telefon ode mnie sprawdzajacy znajomosc angielskiego :) Prosze podawac stawke za 100 znalezionych i zarchiwizowa...
...3000 słów maksimum. Raport ten ma polegać na wybraniu jakiejś organizacji typu British Petroleum (BP), IKEA albo innej podobnej. Do tego trzeba wybrać dwa tematy z poniższej listy tematów i trzeba je zastosować do wybranej przez nas organizacji. Oto lista tematów: - Globalization - National Differences in Political Economy - Ethics in International Business - International Trade Theory - Research Methods - International Trade Theory - Multi Nationals & HRM - International Labour Relations - Foreign Direct Investment - Regional Economic Integration Raport musi mieć poniższą strukturę: - Executive Summery. - Contents. - Introduction. - Main Body (including Headings) - Conclusions / Recommendations - Appendix. Wszystko musi by...
Zadaniem osoby, której zlecę to zadanie jest dotarcie do konkretnych osób (płeć, wiek, wykonywany zawód, znajomość angielskiego... dam dokładne instrukcje o jakie osoby mi chodzi i jakie warunki musi spełnić) - głównie poprzez Facebooka i inne portale społeczne. Mają to być osoby z listy ok 20 krajów, które podam. Chodzi o znalezienie takich osób, dotarcie do nich i złożenie im propozycji biznesowej. Opłata byłaby za każdą osobę, która zainteresuje się propozycją i zgodzi się na kontakt ze mną. Robiłem samemu te działania i jest to jak najbardziej wykonalne, wymaga po prostu zaangażowania i czasu - a tego mi ostatnio brakuje. Cechy, które pomogą w tej pracy - b. dobry angielski w piśmie, komunikatywność i super wiedza o F...
Temat: Gender in translation studies. Do men and women translate differently? Limit slow: 600-800 Tekst oczywiscie w jezyku angielskim. Teks musi zawierac: - bibliografie, - referencje ( Harvard citation style) W tej pracy nalezy odpowiedziec na nastepujace pytania: Why did you choose this topic? Why are you intrested in it? What do you think your research will achieve?
Witam, Zlecę wyszukanie niemieckich adresów stron www o konkretnej tematyce (motoryzacja, nieruchomości, medycyna, przemysł). W przypadku pytań proszę info na pw.
Szukam osoby posiadającej wiedzę z zakresu rynku usług dentystycznych w Polsce do współpracy przy projekcie biznesowym opisującym sytuację za rynku i prognozy rozwoju. Projekt polega na zebraniu danych (tzw. desk research), przeprowadzeniu około 30 wywiadów telefonicznych, a następnie zebraniu pozyskanych danych w formę podsumowania zgodnie z ustalonymi wytycznymi. Docelowy produkt powinien liczyć około 100 stron maszynopisu. Przedział czasowy: 4-6 tygodni. Wynagrodzenie: 7000zł brutto na podstawie umowy o dzieło lub podwykonawstwo. Zainteresowane osoby proszę o kontakt.
...pozycjonowanie angielskiego serwisu w na następujące frazy kluczowe. · Reproduction furniture · Classic furniture · Traditional furniture · Antique reproduction furniture · Traditional sofas · Reproduction mirrors · Antique mirrors · Wall tapestries · Marine paintings · Beach paintings · Landscape paintings · Portrait paintings · Still life paintings Domena sześcioletnia – pagerank 1. Proszę o wycenę za komplet za top10, top5 i top3 oraz warunki wykonania zlecenia. Oferty proszę składać tylko za pośrednictwem zleceniaprzeznet Pozdrawiam Michał
Jessa Research & Development odpowiada za maksymalizację potencjału rynkowego małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (głównie zagranicznych). W związku z rosnącym zapotrzebowaniem na nasze usługi oraz ekspansją firmy poszukujemy zaangażowanej , kreatywnej i uczciwej osoby na następujące stanowiska: Programista / webmaster oraz Pozycjoner SEO WEBMASTER - PROGRAMISTA Obowiązki • Analiza i projektowanie serwisów internetowych • Tworzenie funkcjonalnych serwisów internetowych dla naszych klientów (głownie php/mysql) – wysoce zorientowanych na klienta końcowego (end-user) • Raportowanie i przesyłanie wyników pracy do centrali Wymagania • Szeroka wiedza z zakresu tworzenia stron internetowych...
...site for Derbyshire Crimebeat, the charity run by the High Sheriff of Derbyshire. Derbyshire Crimebeat provides funding for projects by young people that aim to reduce crime in Derbyshire. The new web site went live late last year. The purpose of this assignment is to extend this site. While the current site provides information on the charity, all applications for funding have to be submitted on paper. This causes problems for the charity since they have to schedule meetings of the trustees to go through the applications. It would be preferable to allow applications to be submitted on-line and stored in a database. The co-ordinator would then be able to circulate electronic copies of the application. It would also speed up acceptance or rejection of applications. The following...
Szczegółowy opis: Szukam dobrego copywritera który napisze raport - e-book [ok. 30 stron]) Wytyczne: tekst pisany lekkim, ciekawym i przystępnym językiem, odnoszący się do czytelnika. Temat to wprowadzanie nowych produktów do diety niemowlęcia, raport wymaga research-u. Zasady współpracy: - proszę o podesłanie swoich tekstów (portfolio) lub próbny tekst na 1 stroną na interesujacy mnie temat - zależy mi na długoterminowej współpracy bo jest jeszcze kilka innych interesujacych mnie tematów. KONTAKT: @
Szukam dobrego copywritera który napisze raport - e-book [ok. 50 stron]) Wytyczne: tekst pisany lekkim, ciekawym i przystępnym językiem, odnoszący się do czytelnika. Temat to zdrowe żywienie małych dzieci, raport wymaga research-u. Zasady współpracy: - proszę o podesłanie swoich tekstów (portfolio) lub próbny tekst na 1 stroną na interesujacy mnie temat - zależy mi na długoterminowej współpracy bo jest jeszcze kilka innych interesujacych mnie tematów. KONTAKT: @
Witam serdecznie, rozwijamy ogromne przedsięwzięcie i potrzebujemy natychmiastowo pozyskać partnerów mogących pomóć nam w szybkim pozyskaniu klientów. More/More Agency jest firmą składającą się z 9 działów. Działy te zajmują się odpowiednio: Event - tworzeniem eventów dla firm, event PR Create - agencja reklamowa, kreatywna; CI, strony internetowe (projekt+programowanie), logo, paper design, kampanie reklamowe, e-marketing etc Tech - tworzenie programów i aplikacji, systemów zarządzających Media - gazety, portale, telewizja internetowa (wkrótce pełną parą wejdą na rynek) etc. Photo - agencja fotograficzna, stock fotograficzny, fotografia reklamowa, komercyjna, kampanie fotograficzne, zdjęcia na zamówienie, ob...
Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczącego portalu piszącego eseje. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła custom essay, term paper, research paper, writing service
...własności do logo (podpisany druk) Oferty powinny zawierać: - cenę za każde zlecenie z osobna i razem (logo i ulotka) - waszą interpretację tematu, jako, że muszę mieć pewność, że dobrze się rozumiemy. Proszę o link do portfolio. Dodatkowym plusem będą bardzo wstępne pomysły graficzne. Możliwość dłuższej współpracy. Faktura nie będzie konieczna. Opis zlecenia: Nazwa firmy: Jessa Research & Development Companies Firma zajmuje się: - maksymalizacją potencjału stron internetowych - zwiększaniem potencjału i poziomu motywacji pracowników - wizerunkiem publicznym firm Wymagania - Logo - jasne, przejrzyste, nowatorskie, neutralne barwy - nawiązujące w jakiś sposób do tego co robimy - znak marki + nazwa firmy, do użycia osobno i razem ...
* Analizy rynku typu desk research; * Tabulacja i analiza wyników ankiet; * Analizy jakościowe i ilościowe; * Prognozowanie, analizy wielowymiarowe, taksonomia, regresja, analiza zdarzeń, analiza czynnikowa, głównych składowych, analiza dyskryminacyjna i inne :) * Projekcje demograficzne * Schematy doboru próby do badania * Analizy na zaliczenie, jak również do prac dyplomowych * Oprogramowanie: SPSS, Excel, PowerPoin Doktorant Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu - profesjonalnie i niedrogo.
We are looking for a detail-oriented person for: internet research, organization of data, and some simple product translation (English to Polish). Will pay an hourly rate. Interested candidates must be able to take instructions and communicate in written or spoken English. If you are interested, send responses in English (and only in English) and send us your resume or a summary of your experience, along with your proposal for an hourly rate. While not required, if you have blogging experience let us know. Ideal candidates should be prepared to start immediately and have availability for a minimum of 40 hours over the next week (or more) and part-time over several months. Send responses to: wickerparkmark@
Zlecę research AKTYWNYCH kont e-mail osób kontaktowych w szkołach językowych w Polsce. Proszę o wycenę 100 rekordów. Wymagam rekordów w postaci plików CSV.
Firma Natural Labs, zajmująca się sprzedażą produktów w kategorii Zdrowie i Uroda, poszukuje osoby, która będzie odpowiadać za prowadzenie bloga traktującego o kosmetykach, urodzie oraz zdrowiu. Do obowiązków zatrudnionej osoby należeć będzie: - utrzymywanie bloga o tematyce zdrowotno-kosmetycznej, - research tematyki artykułów i tworzenie treści w stylu konwersacyjnym, który zachęca czytelników bloga do komentowania, - współpraca z innymi działami firmy (Marketing oraz IT), - współpraca z autorami innych blogów w celu promocji bloga, - udoskonalanie bloga o nowe sekcje, plug iny i inne elementy, które sprawią iż blog stanie się atrakcyjniejszy, - rozpoznawanie ewentualnych problemów w funkcjonowan...
Witam! Zlecę wykonanie layout strony www Tematyka: historyczna Najlepiej w stylu "old paper" choć niekoniecznie liczę na inwencje twórczą oraz kilka propozycji, wybiorę najlepszą pracę. Kontakt przez mail, prosił bym o zarys pracy. kontakt@
Zlece przygotowanie opracowania nt. wyjazdu do Dubaju. Wybieram się na wycieczkę do Dubaju na 10-14 dni pod koniec listopada. Interesuje mnie wyjazd dla 2 osób. Szukam najtańszych (!): lotu (z Poznania, Warszawy lub Berlina) z maksymalnie jedną przesiadką, hotelu lub hostelu, samochodu. Interesują mnie również informacje wizowe. Jeśli opracowanie będzie dobre poszukuję kogoś do stałej współpracy
Przedmiotem zlecenia jest usluga WYSZUKANIA programu do mierzenia czasu pracy. Program musi posiadac nastepujace funkcjonalnosci: 1. Bezproblemowe dzialanie w srodowisku Linux oraz Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Vista, Vista x64 2. Logowanie czasu przyjscia / wyjscia pracownika - zalogowanie do systemu reczne lub automatyczne, - wylogowanie z systemu reczne oraz automatyczne w przypadku wylaczenia komputera bez wczesniejszego wylogowania. 3. Oznaczenie czasu w ktorym pracownik pozostaje bezczynny (tzn. nie pracuje na komputerze - idle time) - wazne jest by pracownik otrzymywal informacje o tym, ze aktualnie jest bezczynny w postaci zmiany koloru ikonki lub innego komunikatu. 4. Mozliwosc generowania i odczytu zbiorczych raportow (mile widziany eksport do zewnetrznego arkusza ka...
...website accordingly. All product types and their features like paper format ,amount, finishing method, prices and so on must be management by admin (cms) Order module sections types card paper 2.format&paper depend from product type ,4,3, ,4,3, format dimension weight( 90, 120 , 300 ….) type (gloss , chalk, sateen) depend from product type Order module work description: Client after login to system can chose a product type, then depending from product type choose proper features - settings of paper type and format, digital or offset printing, finishing methods
...Safety/Security Markets Specializing in Packaging Technologies Markets Specializing in Plastics/Polymers Markets Specializing in Membranes/Separations Markets Specializing in Instruments/Sensors Markets Specializing in Information Technology Markets (includes IT, Banking, Communications, Computers, Discrete Electronic Devices and Systems) is seeking a contract writer(s) who can research and write market research reports analyzing Environmental Mitigation markets (Waste, Water, Air, Land) Specializing in Life Sciences including Biotechnology and Healthcare Specializing in Chemical Industries Markets Specializing in Advanced Materials (includes Ceramics, Composites, Electronic Materials, Nanotechnologies, Optics, SMT/Coatings) Wszelkie pytania kierowac na maila....
...clean white background. Save the edited images using filenames that match the product names. Upload Photos to Google Drive: Create a main folder on Google Drive for the project. Within this folder, create separate folders for each product category. Upload the edited photos to their respective category folders and ensure that the filenames correspond with the product names. Barcode Collection: Research and obtain unique barcodes for each product. This may involve using online barcode generators or databases to find existing barcodes. Ensure the barcodes are accurately recorded in the Excel sheets. Finalize Excel Sheets: Populate each Excel sheet with the collected data, ensuring all fields are complete and accurate. Double-check that product names in the Excel sheets match the ...
I conducted a research study on student awareness of Vitamin D and its deficiencies impact on mental health and need help writing the content of the scientific article. I'm looking for someone with experience in scientific writing who can help me convey my findings in a clear and professional manner. The article writing style should be as per Manipal Academy of Higher Education policy
I'm looking for a professional who can help enhance my preschool's visibility on Google My Business to drive more foot traffic to our location. Key Tasks: - Conduct comprehensive keyword research to determine the most effective terms for our specific industry and location - Implement strategies to improve our ranking to number 1 within a 10km radius Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Google My Business - Strong SEO and keyword research skills - Background in promoting preschool or similar businesses is a plus - Excellent communication skills for clear reporting and updates
*BUDGET IS UNDER 70* IF YOUR ESTIMATE IS HIGHER DO NOT CONTACT *NO AI OR PLAGARISM* Write a very well research paper around 7pages long single spaceed sized 12 times new roman on any of these two topics and try to get published. (MUST INCLUDE ALL SORTS OF DATA SUCH AS BULLET POINTS, TABLES, IMAGES, DIAGRAMS)....How can AI improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses using patient records while ensuring compliance with data privacy laws like HIPAA? Why? This question tackles two critical fields—healthcare accuracy and legal compliance—showcasing both technical and ethical awareness. It’s also highly relevant in today's healthcare systems, making it an appealing topic for academic journals. What role can AI play in detecting and preventing cyberattacks on e...
...required. Please provide an estimated timeframe for completing the project. Style Guide (If Applicable): Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content creation. Excellent command of English grammar, punctuation, and style. Ability to rewrite content effectively while maintaining accuracy and originality. Strong research skills to verify information and ensure factual accuracy. Familiarity with SEO writing practices (preferred). Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. Experience with plagiarism detection tools is a plus. Proposal Requirements: Please submit a proposal that includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant project...
I have a completed PowerPoint presentation for my college psychology class on the topic "Dreams". However, I need assist...PowerPoint slides and if necessary, I may need you to switch around a few words on the PowerPoint to make it fit. - The sources must relate to the content within the PowerPoint, which covers dream theories, REM sleep, lucid dreams and their triggers, recurring dreams, as well as dream physiology and the brain. - I would prefer a mix of both theoretical research and empirical studies but mostly empirical Ideal skills for this job include academic research, familiarity with psychology and dream theories, and proficiency with PowerPoint. I am looking for someone who can quickly and effectively find relevant sources and make minor modifications to ...
...a global audience while promoting sustainability and luxury. We are seeking experienced freelancers to help us identify and connect with potential distributors in Europe and the Gulf region (UAE, KSA, Qatar etc). The ideal candidates should have a proven track record in business development, sales, or distribution within the beauty, skincare, or organic products industry. Responsibilities: Research and identify potential distributors in the European and US markets. Initiate contact with distributors and present our product portfolio. Facilitate communication and negotiations to establish distribution agreements. Provide insights on market trends and strategies to expand our brand's reach. Requirements: Experience in sales, business development, or distribution. Strong ne...
...open to other possibilities as well. Key Responsibilities: - Provide legal and regulatory guidance for establishing a subsidiary in a foreign country - Assist in strategic business planning for this expansion - Conduct comprehensive market research and analysis to identify the best location for the subsidiary Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in international business consultancy - Strong understanding of food delivery industry - Excellent legal and regulatory knowledge - Proficient in business strategy development - Skilled in market research and analysis Your task is to guide me through the process of establishing this subsidiary and ensuring its potential for success. If you're interested in this project, please feel free to ask me any questions t...
I'm seeking a knowledgeable professional to research and provide insights on insurance options in Australia, particularly for food delivery workers who are independent contractors or part of the gig economy. Key aspects of the research should cover: - Comprehensive insights on various types of insurance including health insurance, public liability insurance and vehicle insurance. - Detailed coverage for work-related incidents. - A thorough overall cost comparison of different policies. - Specifics on accident and injury coverage. - An in-depth analysis of insurance policy costs. I need this information to make an informed decision about insurance. Therefore, the ideal candidate for this project should have experience in insurance research, preferably within the ...
We need a data researcher with good internet research skills to research data and find business data over internet. This is long term work- please only bid if you have considerable experience in data research.
Accept this quote and create the milestone. Thank You
...managing Facebook Groups. Data Entry: Maintain accurate records and databases. Content Creation: Assist in creating content with the help of AI tools. Basic Video Editing: Use Descript for editing and producing video content. Project Management: Track project progress and ensure deadlines are met. Customer Relationship Management: Engage with clients and manage follow-ups. Research & Analysis: Conduct market research and compile reports. Event Planning: Organize and manage virtual events and webinars. Content Repurposing: Transform existing content into various formats. Administrative Support: Assist with general administrative tasks. Outreach: Conduct outreach for podcast features, news articles, and other PR opportunities. Software: HighLevel, Pipedrive, N...
I'm looking for an expert who can find and list trending products on my eBay store. The ultimate goal is anything that sells, so I need products from a variety of categories, including but not limited to electronics, clothing, accessories, and home and garden items. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize market research tools to identify trending products in the United States. - List these products on my eBay store. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using market research tools. - Previous experience in product sourcing for eBay or similar platforms. - Excellent understanding of eBay's marketplace.
I'm seeking an experienced grant writer to help my female-owned rural women's health care clinic secure government funding. The primary focus will be to cover our operational costs. Key tasks: - Research and identify relevant government grants - Craft compelling grant proposals - Suggest potential grant programs Ideal candidates should: - Have a proven track record in grant writing - Be familiar with government grant processes - Understand the needs and challenges of rural health care Please provide examples of successful grants you've written in the past.
I'm in need of a talented content writer who can craft engaging and insightful travel location reviews. These articles will be used for a travel-focused platform and need to capture the essence of the places being reviewed, as well ...talented content writer who can craft engaging and insightful travel location reviews. These articles will be used for a travel-focused platform and need to capture the essence of the places being reviewed, as well as offering useful information for potential visitors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content writing, particularly travel-related - Ability to conduct thorough research on various travel locations - Skill in crafting engaging and informative articles - Understanding of SEO principles to enhance online visibility ...
I'm in need of a professional who can create a comprehensive House Manual for my holiday rental. The manual needs to be designed as a printed booklet and should include the following sections: - House Rules: Clear, concise, and friendly rules to ensure guests understand how to treat the property. - Local Attra...local services and property management. I do not have any existing materials - the freelancer will need to create everything from scratch. Ideal skills and experience include: - Previous experience in creating house manuals or similar guides. - Strong writing skills, with the ability to convey information clearly and engagingly. - Knowledge of local attractions or ability to conduct relevant research. - Understanding of the tone and content appropriate for a holiday...
...product listings across multiple platforms (Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, Walmart). Automate & Organize: Create Airtable workflows, set up Zapier automations, and streamline processes to save time and boost efficiency. Light Project Management: Assign tasks to other team members, track progress, and ensure deliverables meet quality standards. Problem-Solve & Innovate: Use AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT) to research solutions, brainstorm new ideas, generate code and continuously improve workflows. Who You Are: Independent & Proactive: You love figuring things out on your own and need minimal guidance to get the job done. Tech-Savvy & AI-Enthusiast: You’re comfortable with a wide range of tools (Shopify, Zapier, databases) and eager to leverage AI to speed up your work. ...
...working closely with developers and content writers. Responsibilities: - Develop and execute off-page SEO strategies (link building, outreach, competitor analysis, etc.) - Conduct keyword research for relevant topics and prepare content guidelines for writers - Collaborate with developers and content writers to ensure seamless integration of technical SEO and high-quality content - Monitor SEO performance and provide regular reports (traffic analysis, domain authority growth, SERP rankings) Requirements: - Proven experience in off-page optimization and link-building strategies - Expertise in keyword research and creating actionable content briefs - Strong communication and teamwork skills to coordinate with multiple team members - Proactive and self-motivated with the a...
Hello I am looking for a virtual assistant that can provide different research information as need it, this is an ongoing job. The person most be available to start instantly at any moment i send a request and deliver quickly the work.
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm seeking an experienced SEO specialist to optimize my website's landing pages. The primary objective is to enhance search engine rankings and consequently increase websit...website's landing pages. The primary objective is to enhance search engine rankings and consequently increase website traffic. Requirements: - Expertise in SEO, particularly with landing pages. - Proven track record of improving search engine rankings. - Proficiency in word optimization. Please note, I have my own set of phrases and words that will be provided. This project does not require keyword research and analysis services, as I already possess the necessary keywords. Your role will be to effectively incorporate these phrases and words to enhance our landing pages and improve our visi...
... BONUS: A knowledge of the Italian Language can help, in order to be able to research and read/translate Italian texts and understand relevant information in order to use them in our Articles. That’s a very big plus that we will take into consideration. OUR PROCESS We will provide you with the exact amount of words we need for each article and pay 3¢/word. This should include 1 round of edits if needed. We will also send you detailed briefs with step-by-step directions on what we are looking for. For most of our articles, we target at least: - 1.000 words (pay 30$), - 1.500 words (pay 45$), - 2.000 words (pay 60$) We are looking for people who can commit to writing 2 to 4 articles per month and do the research that goes into that, reading our briefs appropria...
My security guard website needs expert local SEO to increase visibility and traffic, ultimately bringing in clients. Currently, the site is virtually hidden. Key Requirements: - Targeting at State level: This project...hidden. Key Requirements: - Targeting at State level: This project aims to improve my website's presence across California and Texas. - Google Search Focus: The primary platform for SEO improvements is Google Search. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in local SEO is a must. - Proven track record of optimizing Google My Business profiles. - Excellent skills in local keyword research and content creation. - Confidence in their ability to significantly improve my website's visibility. Looking to have some local SEO work done from an ex...
...and stalking training, consultancy and support service. I’m happy to just receive a logo for competition entry, but I would need the winner, to complete the package with the logo on the items listed below please. The branding will include: - A logo that incorporates the company name, a symbol or icon, and our tagline which is Training, Consultancy & Support - A banner - Business card - Headed paper - Certificate designs - Instagram highlights Ideal candidates will have experience in branding design. An understanding of creating professional, high end and formal aesthetics would be great. The logo also needs to be warm, welcoming and create a sense of professionalism and trust. I am open to all types of logos aswell. Thank you. I have attached some Ai pics that sh...
...YouTube channel. To do this, I need an expert in YouTube SEO with access to paid tools. Your tasks will involve: - Keyword research and optimization: Identifying the best keywords for my content and optimizing them effectively. - Video title and description enhancement: Improving the titles and descriptions of my videos to make them more SEO-friendly. - Channel metadata improvement: Enhancing the overall SEO of my channel's metadata. The initial focus will be on my top-performing videos. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in YouTube SEO - Access to and knowledge of using paid SEO tools - Strong understanding of keyword research and video optimization - Excellent skills in improving video titles and descriptions - Experience in ...
I need an artist who specialises in black&grey and a bit of colour tattoo design I need the artist to do research on this design so they can create me the perfect design 1. Ileana (The Good Heroine) Appearance: Ileana is often depicted as a beautiful young woman symbolizing purity and grace. Her long, flowing blonde hair cascades down her back, glowing with a soft, golden light that represents her divine nature. She typically wears a long, flowing white dress, symbolizing innocence and goodness. Her skin is usually portrayed as fair and flawless, with delicate features that convey her inner strength and beauty. Symbolism: Beauty, strength, grace, divinity. --- 2. Toma Alioma (The Brave Hero) Appearance: Toma is a handsome, muscular hero with sharp, chiseled features. Hi...