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    2,000 duplex apartment design plans ofert prac znalezionych

    Zlecę dodanie do istniejącego serwisu następujących funkcjonalności: systemu dodawania ogłoszeń z opcji darmowej na płatną cenników oraz abonamentów w panelu z płatnościami dotpay Portal oparty o sysyem OSCLASS MARKET ------------ I would like to add the following functionalities to the existing website: 1. Change of the system of adding ads from free to paid option 2. Adding price lists and subscriptions in the panel with dotpay payments Portal based on OSCLASS MARKET system

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert
    Wizualizacje mebli 3D
    Zakończone left wykonania. Prosiłbym o wycenę stołu na białym tle jak i w aranżacji. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need a person who is good at visualizing 3D products and interiors. The order concerns the performance of a few tables at the beginning, on a white background as well as against the background of a nice interior in the apartment. Below shows exactly what to do. I would like to quote the table on a white background and in arrangement....

    $41 Average bid
    $41 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert
    $89 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    $89 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    Project for Pawel P.
    Zakończone left

    Witaj, widziałem w opiniach, że zintegrował Pan komuś elastisearch więc chciałem spytać czy może pomoże Pan mi. Jest taka aplikacja - Django plans, której zadaniem jest stworzenie systemu subskrypcji miesięcznej lub rocznej i nie wiem jak zrobić, aby aplikacja tylko ograniczyła widok. Chodzi oto, aby użytkownicy bez opłaconego konta nie mogli wejść do danego kursu. Z tego co widziałem, trzeba tylko napisać krótki walidator, są tam gotowe, ale tylko ograniczające ilość na przykład dodanych zdjęć.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    Integracja django plans
    Zakończone left

    Tworzę portal w oparciu o framework django, nie jestem jednak zaawansowanym programistą pythona, więc szukam osoby, która zintegrowałaby aplikację Django plans. Samo zainstalowanie nie jest problemem, chodzi jednak oto, aby django plans sprawdzało czy użytkownik ma dostęp do danej strony, jeśli tak, powinno mu wyświetlać kursy, jeśli nie, musi mu pokazać informację, że ta część serwisu dostępna jest w abonamencie.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    ...które wyglądają tak Bingo| Kompania Węglowa bankruptcy averted Bango| Adam Roguski Django| Rzeczpospolita Strana| 04 Mango| ekonomia i rynek Lango 04.07.2014 ------------------ Kompania Węglowa bankruptcy averted Kompania Węglowa has signed an initial agreement with its bond program guarantors which encompasses rolling them over and conducting a new issue in accordance with plans to conduct restructuring of the company's debt as well setting commitments that the coal giant can meet. KP issued PLN1.23bn in medium-term bonds on September 2013. Chciałbym zlecić przygotowanie strony www, na której będę mógł 1)wgrać pakiet 15stu takich plików txt 2)edytować je (najlepiej jakby to było okno powiązane z google docs i z ichniejszym m...

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    WItam, Mam do wprowadzenia kilka poprawek na swojej stronie z ktorymi nie moge sobie...wprowadzenia kilka poprawek na swojej stronie z ktorymi nie moge sobie poradzić 1 Przeniesienie loga do góry tak aby było widoczne( Dopasownie kolorystyki loga do strony) 2 Wykasowanie Komunikatu ktory pojawia sie w trakcie ladowania strony "The requested content cannot be loaded Please try again later" 3 Wstawienie na mojej stronie podstrony na wzór http://xn----8sbehubhgexidspi1f.xn--p1ai/Plans/k1/ chodzi mi o to wyświetlenie zdjęc bez ladowania nowej podstrony + wstawienie pod każdym piętrem tabelki na wzór z tej strony + dopasowanie jej kolorystycznie do strony. Moja strona -

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    95680 Poprawienie url
    Zakończone left

    Przedmiotem aukcji jest po...się też po kliknięciu w menu po prawej stronie, odpowiednio: reklama: strona główna statystyki strony ;op=sitestats regulamin ;op=terms plany i taryfy ;op=plans logowanie klienta ;op=client ;redirect= Zlecenie dotyczy poprawy tylko kilku url, a nie wszystkich w całym serwisie. W 80% url są już poprawione! To co jest do poprawki dokładnie opisałem w aukcji.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...następujących poprawek w kodowaniu: 1. Logo jako <img src...> 2. Jak masz logo &#8220;NEWHAUS NIEUCHOMOŚCI&#8221; to potrzebuję identycznego obrazka, ale z tekstem &#8220;NEWHAUS REAL ESTATE&#8221; 3. SEARCH jak SZUKAJ 4. tyle, że want to sell the house? or rent an apartment? ADD OFFER IN OUR SERVICE mógłbyś też poprawić znaki PL i może uda się wyraźniejszy 5. Pozycje menu jako 1 styl obsługujący wszystko a nie każda pozycja osobna klasa 6. Potrzebuję podstrony z treścią (nagłówek + treść) 7. Miejscowość i okolica input zamiast select. 8. Button szukaj jako klasa odrębna 9. Menu dolne również jako 1 klasa obsługująca komplet. Dysponuję plikami PSD. Oferty

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę tłumaczenie około 10 tekstów z ang na polski o tematyce powiązanej z architekturą ogrodową. W tekstach będzie sporo technicznych zwrotów. Przykładowy tekst - Proszę o cenę za 1000 znaków.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, mam problem z doborem hostingu do strony hostingu zdjęć bez limitu. Dlatego mam kilka firm które pr...który umożliwi uruchomienie takiej strony i czy może być instalowany hosting zdjęć ze względu na wykorzystywaną dużą powierzchnię dyskową. Myślę tylko i wyłącznie o Planie hostingowym. Czekam na oferty

    $0 Average bid
    $0 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    ...który(a) w profesjonalny sposób przetłumaczy dla nas teksty z j. angielskiego na j.polski. Źródło strony link Jest to szereg róźnych, większych i mniejszych tekstów jak poniżej. Poszukujemy osoby, która ma doświadczenie w tłumaczeniu podobnych tekstów. ASK OUR EXPERTS CATEGORY Is There a Time Limit to Revist a Settled Claim? Rented Apartment to Friends: Can They Claim for Accident? CASE STUDIES CATEGORY An Unsuccessful Claim for Personal Injury: A Case Study Clinical Negligence: A Case Study Compensation for Wrongful Detention: A Case Study Criminal Injuries Claim: A Case Study I Won My Libel Case: A Case Study Personal Injury Claim: A Case Study EMPLOYMENT CLAIMS CATEGORY Claims for Discrimination Claims f...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...wyliczona zostanie usulug. Wyslanie formularza mialoby sie wiazac z tym, ze wybrane dni w okreslonym apartamencie zostaja zaciemnione na kolor odpowiadajacy wstepnej rezerwacji. Po otrzymaniu przedwpłaty na konto mam mozliwosc zmiany na kolor ktory oznacza juz wiazaca rezerwacje. Chciałbym aby ten skrypt działa na zasadzie jak na tej stronie:

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...communication, organizational and project-management skills, and knowledge of the various phases of online e-commerce, website and marketing content development and production (copy writing, Web site design, interaction design, front end technologies and implementation). The ability to simultaneously manage multiple complex projects with critical deadlines and material risks is essential. Detailed knowledge of online, content development and e commerce (including a strong working knowledge of iterative Web design processes, a understanding of front-end technologies, a strong familiarity of Interaction design). The right candidate will possess the following: strong analytic skills (ability to analyze what the customer wants to specification, and the ability to...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...umożliwiające testowanie aplikacji. Do testów dostarczone zostaną pliki PCL wygenerowane przez sterowniki najpopularniejszych drukarek dostępnych na rynku wraz z opisem. Opis testu będzie ustandaryzowany, tak aby aplikacja testowa sama mogła zweryfikować poprawność analizy danych (np. plik CSV, gdzie odpowiednie kolumny to odpowiednie parametry: nazwa pliku, ilość stron, ilość kopii, tryb simplex/duplex oraz dla każdej strony informacje o rozmiarze strony i informacji o kolorze - czyli ilość kolumn dla każdego wydruku/wiersza będzie zależna od ilości stron, czyli drugiej kolumny). Informacje o PCL, PCL XL są dostępne publicznie. Dane przykładowe można sobie wygenerować drukując do pliku na drukarce PCL-owej (nie trzeba mieć fizycznie takiej drukarki - opcja drukuj do pl...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, poszukuje solidnego freelancera lub firmy do stworzenia strony internetowej. Wymagana duza dbalosc o detale i najwyzszy standard kodu php/mysl, oraz html/css zoptymalizowany pod SEO. Wymagane takze doswiadczenie w tworzeniu CMSow (Control Panel), doswiadczenie z platnosciami online (a...&#8226; Creating New Categories and Subcategories &#8226; Maintaining Banners displayed on the website &#8226; Maintaining Designers' Accounts 2. Users Area: &#8226; Simple and Advance Search Feature &#8226; Interactive Map (find designer by zip code) &#8226; Creation of Account which will allow for example manage email alerts 3. Designer Area: &#8226; Payment Plans - payment OnLine ( and paypal) &#8226; Creation and Maintaining the profi...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Flat Building Nr Street Post Code Mobile Mobile Home Home Fax Work Work Work Fax Email Email Notes ( czyli miejsce na wpisanie notatek) W dodawaniu mieszkania musi sie znaleźć; Flat Building Number Street Post Code City Area: gdzie bedzie mozna dodac dzielnice + nieograniczona ilosc osiedli do kazdej dzielnicy (to jako pole wyboru) Pola wyboru: TYPE: House, Flat, Apartment, Maisonette, Studio, Ex-council FURNISHED: Furnished, Part Furnished, Unfurnished BEDROOMS: 1, 2,3 .... 10 BATHROOMS: 1,2,3 ... 5 GARAGE: Yes, No PARKING: On Street, Off Street Potrzebuje aby nie dalo dodac sie dwa razy tego samego mieszkania ani osoby ale chcialbym aby system sprawdzal przed dodaniem wszytskich danych (strata czasu), dostep po zalogowaniu sie. Do tego wy...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, szukam kogoś kto zrobi ładną - choć prostą stronkę mieszkania do wynajęcia na doby (takie mieszkania nazywane są hucznie "apartamentami"). Chodzi o stronę główną, z dwie podstrony , kilka zdjęć - najważniejsze żeby to wszystko było ładnie i schludnie, zachęcająco ubrane. Żadnych baz danych, żadnych formularzy. Prosiłbym o...prostą stronkę mieszkania do wynajęcia na doby (takie mieszkania nazywane są hucznie "apartamentami"). Chodzi o stronę główną, z dwie podstrony , kilka zdjęć - najważniejsze żeby to wszystko było ładnie i schludnie, zachęcająco ubrane. Żadnych baz danych, żadnych formularzy. Prosiłbym o przedstawianie swoich przykładowych prac To może być coś tego typu:

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Linia światłowodowa oraz telefoniczna: L.P. Nazwa Ilość Jedn. 1 Kabel telef. XzTKMXpw 5x2x0.5 130 m 2 Kabel światłowodowy 6G62,5 wzmocniony MM 130 m 3 Konwerter światł. 2 szt. 4 Przełącznica światł. 2 szt. 5 Panel czołowy 2 szt. 6 Magazynek na spawy 2 szt. 7 Magazynek na światłowód 2 szt. 8 Adapter ST 12 szt. 9 Zaślepka ST 12 szt. 10 Pigtail 12 szt. 11 Patchcord duplex 2 szt. 12 Spawanie światłowodu 12 szt. Cały zakres robót powinien odbyć się w terminie nie dłuższym jak 3 dni. Oferta cenowa powinna zawierać wszystkie niezbędne do realizacji zakresu robót składniki cenowe oprócz piasku i betonu (dostarcza firma zewnętrzna). Roboty powinny odbywać się w sposób zapewniający normalną pracę węzła, ewentualne ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    1) 5 videos add a text clip 2) rip 15 vids all you do is add the a caption and upload to a site I give you. 3) 1 general professional header using the logo below....for 3 other websites headers will be the same just need text change on each.... 4) design a logo(have basic idea and sample already) + a template slide for the end of the video clips(sample of one that was done before can be found at the end of the video clips below) 5)3 banners general design and text already made just need someone to put it together for me. This job may seem like a lot of work but it is mostly editing refining and perfecting. Most of the creative work is done, I just need someone professional who knows what they are doing to put everything together for me. I'll provide you with full...

    $2 - $51
    $2 - $51
    0 składanie ofert
    215 Image Hosting
    Zakończone left

    ...Signup for different plans that you configure and host their images + Make, Edit and Delete folders to store images + Move images from from folder to folder + Upload JPG, GIF, PNG image files + Change Image quality settings + Resize images on upload + Create image PORTFOLIOS (photo albums) + Create image SLIDESHOWS + Create AUCTION GALLERIES + Upgrade their plan at any time + Cancel their plan at any time + Change their account settings such as password and email + View a demo account to try it out before they signup ewentulanie (+) integracja z jakims prostym modulem sklepowym lub przez (rynek TYLKO POLSKI) Strona administratora: + Configure each plan by price, bandwidth, space, features and more. + Add, edit and delete new plans. + A...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of detailed plans to build a wooden recording studio desk. This desk should be comparable to the images provided here, though not exact. I will provide overall height, width, and depth dimensions and the finished plan should fit within those parameters.

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    ...traditional design principles, to help plan a new residential 2 storey house on a 1000 sqft plot (700 sqft build permission) Key Requirements: - Design of open-plan living spaces: I want the architect to create spacious, interconnected living areas that encourage family interaction and a sense of community. - Incorporation of large windows for natural light: The design should include ample large windows, to promote natural light throughout the home, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in residential architecture, particularly traditional design - Strong understanding of open-plan design principles - Experience in incorporating large windows into designs - Excellent communication skills to understand and...

    $186 Average bid
    $186 Średnia Oferta:
    51 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a professional bicycle designer to create plans for an electric cargo bicycle. This bicycle will primarily be used for personal transport, with the ability to carry cargo as well. It should be a walk-through design. Key Features: - High Cargo Capacity: The design needs to accommodate a significant amount of cargo without compromising the bicycle's balance and handling. - Lightweight Frame: The frame of the bicycle should be lightweight yet sturdy and durable enough to withstand mixed terrain. - Underseat battery storage+ storage space in front beam of the cycle+ front basket - Place to keep the feets during journey if pedals are not desirable. - Basket in front, in behing carrier with a seat that also doubles as cargo holder like a box seat...

    $57 Average bid
    $57 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    ...Develop business plans for promising concepts The final personal knowledge base format is still to be decided, so I am open to your suggestions. Your job will also entail: - Identifying my best ideas based on their potential impact or profitability - Cross-referencing with reliable sources and using automated fact-checking tools to ensure the robustness of our ideas - Employing peer review or expert consultation where necessary - Tagging and categorizing ideas to make future searching and referencing easier. - Identifying trends and patterns in the chat logs for potential new business ideas. - Creating summary reports that highlight key findings and insights from the chat logs. - Building an interactive roadmap that outlines the development stages of ideas into business plans...

    $518 Average bid
    $518 Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    UI design for website for showing occupancy data for office To effectively visualize the data collected from occupancy sensors and support decision-making for facilities management, the following types of charts and visualizations are recommended: ________________________________________ 1. Real-Time Occupancy Data • Bar Chart or Gauge Chart: Show the current number of people in the office or at desks. • Heatmap: Display real-time occupancy across different zones or floors of the office. ________________________________________ 2. Historical Trends • Line Chart: Show occupancy trends over time (e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly). • Area Chart: Visualize peak and off-peak occupancy periods. • Calendar Heatmap: Highlight occupancy patterns by day or week. _____...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert
    9 dni left


    $150 Average bid
    $150 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    1 Minute Architectural 3D Animation
    6 dni left

    I'm in need of a one-minute 3D animated video of my architectural design, primarily for client demonstration purposes. The focus should be on the exterior facade of the building. The level of detail should only encompass the basic structure and shape, not extending to material textures or colors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D animation software (like Blender, 3ds Max, Maya) - Prior experience in creating architectural animated videos - Able to interpret and visualise architectural plans - Understanding of basic structure and shape design - Excellent attention to detail and timing for creating a coherent 1-minute video.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    I am seeking talented designers and HTML developers for an upcoming project. The specific design and HTML development tasks will be determined based on your expertise and portfolio. Please Note - You do not need to create any website. You will need to create widgets that are parts of any website. You can choose any 5 of the below widgets/sections and create 5 options each. You can take inspiration from any visually appealing website. You need to submit your bid with the widget categories that you would like to work on. We will hire multiple designers and our budget is Rs 5000 each hire. 1. Header – Logo, navigation menu, contact details, search bar 2. Navigation Menu 3. Hero Section – Large banner with an eye-catching message, CTA (Call to Action) 4. Sliders 5. Artic...

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    ...production use. Enhancing AI Image Processing Capabilities ( Features) Background removal (Integrate with or Stable Diffusion API) Flat-Lay & Mannequin Photo Transformation into On-Model Images (GANs, OpenPose, StyleGAN) AI-powered image enhancement & filters Credit-Based Payment & Subscription System Stripe & PayPal Integration for credit-based usage Subscription plans allowing unlimited or limited AI processing per user Frontend UI/UX Enhancements ( User Experience) Drag & Drop image upload for seamless user experience Real-time AI processing previews Responsive & modern UI using TailwindCSS / Material-UI Cloud AI Infrastructure & Scalability AWS / Google Cloud GPU Optimization for AI model processing Docker &...

    $1038 Average bid
    $1038 Średnia Oferta:
    68 składanie ofert

    **Table of Contents** 1. Introduction 2. Project Scope 3. Goals 4. Objectives 5. Functional Requirements 6. Design - Front-End UI Inspirations - UML Use-Case Diagram 7. Project Deliverables 8. Communication Plans --- ### 1. Introduction This project proposal outlines the development plan for an online clothing shopping web application similar to ASOS. The platform will offer a seamless online shopping experience for clothing and accessories with features such as: - A modern, responsive design accessible across devices. - Personalized product recommendations. - Secure payment options. - User account management. - Efficient order tracking. The goal is to build an intuitive, engaging, and reliable shopping experience while creating a scala...

    $1095 Average bid
    $1095 Średnia Oferta:
    37 składanie ofert

    ...including policymakers, corporations, and security professionals. The platform must be fast, secure, and designed for high-net-worth individuals, featuring a sleek, modern, and luxury UI/UX design to reflect its exclusivity. Key Features & Functionalities Required: 🔒 Security & Access Control: ✅ End-to-end encryption for confidential reports & member data ✅ Multi-factor authentication (MFA) & secure login system ✅ Private members-only forum & discussion board ✅ Secure messaging/contact form with encryption 💰 Monetization & Membership System: ✅ Subscription plans (Basic, Pro, Eli...

    $777 Average bid
    $777 Średnia Oferta:
    27 składanie ofert

    seasoned business consultant to develop two comprehensive business plans: one for a Coffeehouse, and the other for a Cigar Lounge. Each plan must encompass a detailed business strategy, financial forecasts, and a convincing pitch deck. ? Key Components of Each Plan: ✔ In-depth Business Plan (20–25 pages) ✔ Financial Projections & Statements (3–5 years) ✔ Pitch Deck (20–25 slides) ? Collaboration Approach: Our partnership will be systematic and interactive. You'll conduct research, pose pertinent queries, and refine our plans as we move along. ? Focus Areas: - Financial projections and business strategy with a robust market analysis are paramount. - For the business strategy, emphasis will be placed on market positioning, revenue growth, and poten...

    $1500 Average bid
    $1500 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...efCicient task assignment and completion. -Oversee design, development, and content creation processes to align with project objectives. -Monitor project progress, track key milestones, and address potential delays or roadblocks. -Conduct regular team meetings and update stakeholders on project status. -Act as the main point of contact for clients, providing regular updates and addressing concerns.- Manage client expectations by ensuring a clear understanding of project scope and timelines. -Conduct thorough quality checks to ensure websites meet design, functionality, and performance standards. -Coordinate user testing and gather feedback for necessary improvements before launch. -Identify potential project risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate their impa...

    $264 Average bid
    $264 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    ...efCicient task assignment and completion. Oversee design, development, and content creation processes to align with project objectives. -Monitor project progress, track key milestones, and address potential delays or roadblocks. -Conduct regular team meetings and update stakeholders on project status. Act as the main point of contact for clients, providing regular updates and addressing concerns.- Manage client expectations by ensuring a clear understanding of project scope and timelines. Conduct thorough quality checks to ensure websites meet design, functionality, and performance standards. -Coordinate user testing and gather feedback for necessary improvements before launch. -Identify potential project risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate their impact....

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    - create 3D renders for a 1200 sq ft 3 bedroom bare shell apartment in mumbai with a balcony and sea-view from all rooms. - must haves: a study cum guest bedroom. A kids bedroom. A master bedroom with a walk in wardrobe and a bath tub in the bathroom, foyer area needs to be designed, a 4-6 seater dining table, a home-temple on the north-east wall. - open to recommendations on the theme. Don’t want something too loud but not too subtle either. Want pops of colour. The design/theme needs to give the house a personality versus it looking like a dead hotel. Pops of bright colours are fine by me. Like texture on walls and like design on ceilings (no too loud). Ideally each room should have a distinct theme. - current house has Greek decor; would prefer not to repea...

    $304 Average bid
    $304 Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert

    Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.

    Pilny Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności

    I'm seeking a seasoned business consultant to develop two comprehensive business plans: one for a Coffeehouse, and the other for a Cigar Lounge. Each plan must encompass a detailed business strategy, financial forecasts, and a convincing pitch deck. ? Key Components of Each Plan: ✔ In-depth Business Plan (20–25 pages) ✔ Financial Projections & Statements (3–5 years) ✔ Pitch Deck (20–25 slides) ? Collaboration Approach: Our partnership will be systematic and interactive. You'll conduct research, pose pertinent queries, and refine our plans as we move along. ? Focus Areas: - Financial projections and business strategy with a robust market analysis are paramount. - For the business strategy, emphasis will be placed on market positioning, reven...

    $1994 Average bid
    $1994 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert

    ...detailed site plans and permitting documents for wooden storage sheds exceeding 200 sq. ft., which will be built on concrete slabs and other wooden foundations. I will provide detailed guidance for each project, including SketchUp plans to scale in some instances. The engineer must be familiar with New Hanover County and neighboring counties’ permitting requirements, as all submissions will be for these areas. Ideal Candidate: Licensed in North Carolina Experienced in site plan creation Knowledgeable in shed construction plans Familiar with local zoning and building codes Proven track record of successful permit applications Understanding of woodworking and wood construction This is an ongoing opportunity for the right professional who can consistently deliv...

    $121 Average bid
    $121 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    I need a DWG file of an apartment to be redrawn according to a hand sketch I've provided. The new DWG file should be comprehensive, containing full construction details. It doesn't need to include any specific materials or textures, just the structural details. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in AutoCAD or similar software - Experience in creating detailed architectural plans and construction drawings - Ability to interpret hand sketches and translate them into digital formats - Attention to detail to ensure all structural elements are accurately represented

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    To visualize 2D plans of the bedroom and bathroom in 3D in form of realistic renders. Two layout options for the bedroom to be created to find out the optimum furniture placement. All details as per chat. Files shared through chat.

    $179 Average bid
    $179 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I have house plans and require detailed 3D visualizations reflecting a modern style. I want every room in the house to be included in these renderings. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software like SketchUp, AutoCAD, or Blender. - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics. - Experience in creating interior and exterior visualizations. Please note that outdoor features do not need to be included in this project.

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Średnia Oferta:
    67 składanie ofert

    As an owner-builder, I have existing house plans that need to be reworked for construction using lightweight steel instead of double brick. Key Requirements: - Collaborate to revise the current plans while maintaining the same floor layout. - Create detailed building specifications that include specified materials. - Adjust the plans for the use of lightweight steel, specifically focusing on the structural framework, insulation and cladding, as well as roof and foundation anchoring. Additionally, I would like to incorporate energy efficiency features into the new plans. An ideal candidate would have: - Extensive experience and qualifications in architecture and structural engineering. - A solid understanding of lightweight steel construction. - A proven trac...

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert to help with the approval process of a residential building plan. This will specifically involve securing zoning approval. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge of residential building plans. - Proven track record in obtaining zoning approval. - Familiarity with the local zoning laws and regulations. - Strong communication skills for liaising with the relevant authorities.

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    We are in search of a talented illustrator who can design our wedding invitations and other related items, such as menus, seating plans, and thank-you cards. We have a particular style in mind, which is detailed in the brief provided. Key aspects of the project include: - Creating personal illustrations, particularly a sketch of our wedding venue, to be included in the designs. - Incorporating our specific color scheme and the details of our wedding date and venue into the designs. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in illustration and design software. - Experience in creating wedding stationery. - Ability to adhere to a specific design brief. - Strong communication skills to ensure alignment on design elements. What we love of our ...

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Średnia Oferta:
    66 składanie ofert

    Architect Needed for Basic House Design Project Description: I am seeking a qualified architect to create a basic design for my new house. I currently own two adjoining plots: my existing house measures 38' x 60.5', and I have recently purchased a plot that is a replica of mine. I intend to demolish the existing structures on both plots and construct a new house. Project Requirements: - Design Therapy: I need someone who can understand my vision and requirements for the new house. - Site Details: The new construction will be on a completely open land on three sides. - Design Preferences: I am looking for a design that maximizes space and integrates well with the surrounding environment. - Functional Spaces: Consideration for the number of be...

    $337 Average bid
    $337 Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an architect proficient in industrial design to create plans for a 10,000 m2 factory. The factory will manufacture steel structural electric powerline towers and include all types of automated steel structure smart parking systems. Key project components: - The factory will occupy 50% of the total area. - Distribution of machinery and equipment inside the plant along an assembly line. - movement of product from raw material until final product and storage. - The remaining space of the land (5,000m2) will be allocated for roads, a storage area, a paint chamber, greenery, a showroom, and offices. - Emphasis on functionality is paramount; the design must prioritize efficient use of space and practical workflow. - The factory needs to accommodate variou...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    ...industrial structures. 1. Piping Work Preparator - Main tasks: Preparing work packages, creating material lists, and writing installation and fabrication instructions. - Essential Skills: Deep knowledge of piping systems and proficiency in CAD software. Familiarity with industry standards such as ASME and ANSI is crucial. 2. Structural Draftsman - Main tasks: Designing detailed drawings and plans for structural components using CAD software. - Essential Skills: Exceptional proficiency in AutoCAD, Tekla, or similar software, coupled with a solid understanding of structural engineering principles. For both roles, adherence to local regulations is paramount. Please note, the Piping Work Preparator role's most important tasks include creating detailed drawings, compiling mat...

    $1939 Average bid
    $1939 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    Find the Code Challenge down below (link or files linked to this project) and take it up or do not make an offer. Thank you ElectriCAD is looking to expand its software development team. We are seeking two qualified developers with expertise in building complex applications using user inputs to create interactive plans and diagrams in SVG. You are solution-oriented. You show perseverance and never give up when faced with challenges. You are passionate and involved in your projects. You are **creative** and **intelligent**. React is your tool of choice. JavaScript holds no secrets from you. You are passionate about DOM and creating engaging user interfaces. You are available for a full-time position with a minimum duration of 12 months. You are the person we are looking ...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    64 składanie ofert