Drawing arcobjects exampleprojekty
Cześć . Szukam freelancera który ma opanowane podstawy pracy w programie Auto Cad . Potrzebuję pomocy w wyrysowywaniu instalacji podziemnych . Projekty będą proste i niezbyt skomplikowane . Płatność w zależności od trudności od 5 do 7 funtów brytyjskich za godzinę pracy . W kilkumiesięcznej perspektywie możliwość podpisania umowy na pół etatu . Mile widziane przykłady pracy . Wymagany język polski w stopniu komunikatywnym .
...zapewnić żeby wszystkie 4 narożniki podnosiły się jednakowo i również się jednakowo opuszczały . Jeżeli będzie w pozycji „na górze” = tłoki siłowników wysunięte , nie mogą samowolnie opadać W załączniku 1. szkic platformy 2. schemat pompy hydraulicznej ręcznej 3. schemat pompy s napędem elektrycznym Pompy mam na warsztacie do wykorzystania . Pozdrawiam Hello, In the attachmend I send a drawing of platform, which is raised on 4 hydraulic cylinders placed on the each corners in the range max. 80 cm vertically. On platform ( weight of platform cca 120 kg.) is a cargo ( heavy from 0 up to max. 1300 kg) Which center of gravity is not necesarilly placed in center of platform. It may result in this that 1 corner (zylinder) is loaded more h...
We are looking for a programmer with experience in developing measurement programs for Mitutoyo measuring machines, using mCosmos software. The main task will be to develop approximately 30 measurement programs to be used based on a dimensioned 3D model or a 2D drawing. We expect the candidate to have: - Experience in programming measurement software for Mitutoyo measuring machines, particularly using mCosmos software. - Knowledge of measurement methods and procedures used in the measurement industry. - Ability to interpret dimensions based on 3D models or 2D drawings. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. - Ability to work independently and deliver projects on time. Jesteśmy w poszukiwaniu programisty z doświadczeniem w tworzeniu programów pomiarowych na masz...
Natural pet food packaging designer. Drawing experience required. Experience in the subject of animals is welcome.
Projekt ustawienia maszyn na rzucie z góry hali produkcyjnej. Część maszyn jest już wrysowana, kilka trzeba narysować. Rzut budynku mam w .dwg a finalny plik potrzebuję w .dwg i w .pdf A project of machinery park to copy from one .dwg file and put into another .dwg file (to project with building top view, to show machines in perspective to building).
...to create a shape / container / group from point to point, i.e. I click in one place, click in another place and draw a line for me, then in another and after clicking on the starting point, it creates a shape for me (is it a square, a hem, etc. .), which will be a custom shape that can change the background color, the whole size, change the position of a given point, etc. Additionally, when drawing the line, there would be an option (e.g. set as true / false in the properties) that displays the line size in a given unit, e.g. in meters, where the grid would be every X cm / m e.g. 0.00m, 0.05m, 0.10m , 0.15m or 0.5m, 1m, 1.5m etc. Something like that is in the recording and in the photo. PS. On priv, please ask for additional items that are not known from the description. PS2. ...
Lavello company is looking for graphics designer to make 4 graphics for our offers on Amazon. The ... Graphics divided into two parts (in the middle). On each of them, part of the picture of our sink (it's ready) with the text respectively: - Better sound dampening and vibration absorbtion than steel sinks - High resistance to high temperatures, thermal shock, scratches, impacts & discoloration. Each drawing must contain our logo and be maintained in a similar style. File format: PDF, text and graphics (of course, except for sink images) in vectors, dimensions 1500x1500px. Example from a competitive website: Please send your portfolio. If we are satisfied with the task, we will be sening you more jobs.
Mam już gotowy schemat w 3D , aczkolwiek jest nieczytelny do końca, potrzebuję schematu blokowego. Praca ma polegać na przerysowaniu tego schematu w SEE Electrical, EPlan, lub podobnym programie. Rysunek mieści się na jednej stronie A4 W załącznikach prześle : 1....lub podobnym programie. Rysunek mieści się na jednej stronie A4 W załącznikach prześle : 1. Rysunek 3D 2. Tabele połączeń 3. Przykładowe zdjęcie jak ma wyglądać gotowy projekt I already have a ready 3D scheme, although it is illegible until the end, I need a flowchart. The work is to reuse this scheme in SEE Electrical, EPlan, or similar program. The drawing fits on one A4 page In the attachments it will send: 1. 3D drawing 2. Connection tables 3. A sample photo of how a finished project should look...
Witam, chcialbym aby wykonano mi dwa rysunki, grafiki komputerowe, podobne do tych na zamieszczonych plikach. Chcialbym by były podobne, utrzymane w takim stylu jak na załącznikach ale będą zawierały mniej szczegółów. Więcej informacji po otrzymaniu ofert. Pozdrawiam serdecznie. / Hi, I would like to have two computer drawing to be drawn similar to drawings attached to this message. There will be some changes needed to be done, more info after receiving some offers. Kind Regards.
Firma DC Centrum z siedzibą w Poznaniu, zajmująca się pozyskiwaniem funduszy europejskich dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na terenie całej Polski, poszukuje osoby, która stworzyłaby stronę internetową (z możliwością edytowania treści bez angażowania informatyków) dla obecnie prowadzonego, międzynarodowego projektu. DC Centrum, a company with HQ in Poznań (Poland), connected with the drawing of European funding for small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland, is looking for a person, who will create a web site (with possibility of modify content without engagement IT specialist) for current, international project.
Projekt to clon gry flight simulator: Zasady: Z każdej strony ekranu pojawiają się statki, które trzeba palcem „tapnąć" i wytoczyć trajektorię lotu, tak aby nie zderzyły się z innymi statkami i przeszkodami, oraz bezpiecznie wylądowały. Po wylądowaniu statek znika a system zalicza punkt (punkty). Grafika jest po naszej stronie. W załączniku kilka screenów.
Potrzebuję 20 obrazków do moich aplikacji (Kolorowanki na Android, iOS i inne). Obrazki w formacie PNG (same krzywe, czarny i bialy, bez szarości). Z pełnym przekazaniem majątkowych praw autorskich do nieograniczonego wykorzystania offline i online (internet, aplikacje mobilne, publikacje papierowe, dalsza sprzedaż). 7 sztuk - samoloty na poważnie 7 sztuk - samoloty "na wesoło" 6 sztuk - profesje - np. murarz, mechanik samochodowy itp. każdy obrazek - najpierw szkic, potem komentarze i potem gotowy plik PNG.
Potrzebuję 20 obrazków do moich aplikacji (Kolorowanki na Android, iOS i inne). Obrazki w formacie PNG (same krzywe, czarny i bialy, bez szarości). Z pełnym przekazaniem majątkowych praw autorskich do nieograniczonego wykorzystania offline i online (internet, aplikacje mobilne, publikacje papierowe, dalsza sprzedaż). 7 sztuk - samoloty na poważnie 7 sztuk - samoloty "na wesoło" 6 sztuk - profesje - np. murarz, mechanik samochodowy itp. każdy obrazek - najpierw szkic, potem komentarze i potem gotowy plik PNG.
Potrzebuję 20 obrazków do moich aplikacji (Kolorowanki na Android, iOS i inne). Obrazki w formacie PNG (same krzywe, czarny i bialy, bez szarości). Z pełnym przekazaniem majątkowych praw autorskich do nieograniczonego wykorzystania offline i online (internet, aplikacje mobilne, publikacje papierowe, dalsza sprzedaż). 7 sztuk - samoloty na poważnie 7 sztuk - samoloty "na wesoło" 6 sztuk - profesje - np. murarz, mechanik samochodowy itp. każdy obrazek - najpierw szkic, potem komentarze i potem gotowy plik PNG.
Potrzebuję 20 obrazków do moich aplikacji (Kolorowanki na Android, iOS i inne). Obrazki w formacie PNG (same krzywe, czarny i bialy, bez szarości). Z pełnym przekazaniem majątkowych praw autorskich do nieograniczonego wykorzystania offline i online (internet, aplikacje mobilne, publikacje papierowe, dalsza sprzedaż). 7 sztuk - samoloty na poważnie 7 sztuk - samoloty "na wesoło" 6 sztuk - profesje - np. murarz, mechanik samochodowy itp. każdy obrazek - najpierw szkic, potem komentarze i potem gotowy plik PNG.
...based drawing app that operates in a multi-touch system. The application is supposed to be launched as an Adobe AIR app, so written in Flash/Flex environment (using AS3). The application is little like MS Paint, but with extra features and more simple in other areas. The application’s interface is supposed to be displayed by a projector and the multi-touch functionality coming from infrared controllers (“IR Pens”), which would be tracked by an IR USB camera together with a tracking app (eg. CCV, Touchlib or similar). System is little similar to an electronic whiteboard. The application has the following functionality: 1. Administrative: extra window where admin defines app settings; 2. Main app window: window area where user draws his images with a menu sideb...
Potrzebuję 20 obrazków do moich aplikacji (Kolorowanki na Android, iOS i inne). Obrazki w formacie PNG (same krzywe, czarny i bialy, bez szarości). Z pełnym przekazaniem majątkowych praw autorskich do nieograniczonego wykorzystania offline i online (internet, aplikacje mobilne, publikacje papierowe, dalsza sprzedaż). 7 sztuk - samoloty na poważnie 7 sztuk - samoloty "na wesoło" 6 sztuk - profesje - np. murarz, mechanik samochodowy itp. każdy obrazek - najpierw szkic, potem komentarze i potem gotowy plik PNG.
Zlecenie: Skrypt w Visual Basic, który wygeneruje przylegające do siebie prostokąty (basic shapes) - u utworzy jednolitą mapę, (kafelki). Kafelki mają wypełnić równomiernie jedną stronę A4, lub zakładkę w Visio. Rozmiar prostokąta pobierany ma być z niezależnego pliku Excel. Dodatkowo każdy prostokąt powinien zawierać kilka dodatkowych informacji pobranych również z pliku - nazwa, cecha 1, cecha2, cecha 3. Po najechaniu myszą powinny wyświetlać się dodatkowe informację pobrane również z Excela (może to być w formie 'dymku' lub innego obiektu typu callout). Excel zawierać będzie prostą tabelę, w każdym rekordzie znajduje się zestaw atrybutów: 1. Wartość numeryczna - (rozmiar kafelka), 2- Tekst1 (string) wyświetlany jako cecha 1 na danym kafe...
Szanowni Państwo Poszukujemy grafika do stworzenia bazy prostych rysunków wektorowych - tzw clipartów. Rysunki maja posłużyć do wykonania szablonów rysunkowych wycinanych w plastiku, papierze oraz innych materiałach. Szablony przeznaczone będą do projektowania biżuterii, ilustracji, rysunku technicznego oraz do celów edukacy...Jeżeli są Państwo zainteresowani współpracą to prosimy o przysłanie przykładowego zestawu: 10 kształtów tancerek + 10 kształtów kwiatów + 10 kształtów wg swoich pomysłów. Prosimy o podanie ceny i czasu wykonania zestawu 100 kształtów. Termin nadsyłania ofert: do 8-go Lipca 2012 W razie jakichkolwiek wątpliwości proszę o kontakt: mail@ Pozdrawiam Artur Bocian Technical Drawing ...
...gdyż z tamtymi nie miałem nigdy nic do czynienia. Kod jest bardzo prosty i krótki, połowę zajmują komentarze. Jeśli jakaś oferta mnie zainteresuję do prześlę (lub programista sam pobierze od producenta) źródło w tych 3 językach i przetłumaczy z tego którego woli tak by działało w Delphi (7 lub 2007). Poniżej zamieszczam przykład w C++: /* MaestroEasyExampleCpp: * Simple example GUI for the Maestro USB Servo Controller, written in * Visual C++. * * Features: * Temporary native USB connection using Usc class * Button for disabling channel 0. * Button for setting target of channel 0 to 1000 us. * Button for setting target of channel 0 to 2000 us. * * NOTE: Channel 0 should be configu...
I have a digital floor plan in a PDF format created with AutoCAD that I need scaled to a 1:100 ratio. The scaled drawing should have a matching scale bar. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Experience in scaling floor plans - Attention to detail Please note, I only require the scaled floor plan with a matching scale bar. No annotations or labels need to be added.
We are looking for an experienced industrial designer or graphic designer to create the design for an AC charger for electric vehicles. The ideal candidate should be abl...technical drawings and an external design concept. Job Description: Develop the industrial design for an electric vehicle AC charger Create detailed technical drawings and dimensions Design a product that is ready for manufacturing Develop a user-friendly, aesthetic, and modern external design Requirements: Experience in industrial design or graphic design Expertise in 3D modeling and technical drawing (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, etc.) Ability to create renders and concept designs (KeyShot, Blender, etc.) Knowledge of manufacturing processes is a plus Ability to provide a portfolio showcasing similar pre...
I'm looking for a fashion designer for a collection called 'RIWAAYAT'. The collection will centre around a vintage Indian theme, drawing inspiration from traditional floral motifs found in ancient Indian textiles. The design will feature intricate patterns that blend classic Indian florals with a modern twist, creating a harmonious fusion of the past and present. Prints will be applied to a contemporary co-ord set, offering a fresh take on timeless elegance. This collection aims to celebrate the beauty of India’s heritage while providing a versatile and fashionable ensemble for today’s trend-conscious audience. Key Highlights: - A blend of traditional Indian floral motifs with abstract elements. - Incorporation of cultural symbols and traditional craftsma...
I'm looking for a skilled writer to turn an interview into a blog post. The tone needs to be conversational, yet suitable for industry professionals. The primary goal of the piece is to tell a compelling story, drawing readers in and keeping them engaged. Ideal skills include: - Exceptional writing and storytelling abilities - Experience in writing for industry professionals - Ability to capture and convey a conversational tone. Prior experience in blog writing or content creation targeted at industry professionals is a plus. Please provide samples of your writing that align with this project's requirements.
We are building a 32 x 30 shouse or cabin with artic trusses. There are 2 bedrooms upstairs and one full bath. Main level is open concept with a 10 x 10 utility room and small half bath. Super simple plan just need official drawing for the building permit. We are our own project manager and interior designer by trade. The pictures of the walls don’t have proper window door placement but the number and size are correct. We are willing to work with less experienced professionals based on the simple design. Can’t wait to start this small project with you.
Purpose: eCommerce website with Shopify integration to sell digital goods Business model: Our business is a sweepstakes/giveaway company that sells digital art and media. Our customers would purchase various packages, which have different counts of entry associations. Those entries would be used in a drawing of a grand prize. The website will be a landing page to showcase a prize, then our digital products (4-5) to be sold, general information, a text body with pictures, expanding/collapsing (accordion) content sections/FAQs, followed by a section at the bottom of the landing page with our quick links such as our contact information, and links to other pages that will detail Terms & Condition, Private Policy and Official Rules. Post-go live is expected once the website is li...
...planned for the retreat. - Location and Dates: The precise location and dates of the retreat need to be prominently displayed. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Proficiency in tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or similar. - Creative Thinking: Ability to conceptualize and visualize a design that resonates with the target audience. The purpose of this flyer is purely promotional, aimed at drawing in participants who are seeking a break from their routine and an opportunity to connect with extraordinary experiences....
I need an experienced AutoCAD professional to overlay two of my drawings for comparison purposes. The focus will be on comparing the shapes within the drawings and generating inclusion and exclusion area's in visual report and reporting on percentage of overlay and percentage of no overlay. Key Requirements: - Transpose the two drawings over each other based on specific r...inclusion and exclusion area's in visual report and reporting on percentage of overlay and percentage of no overlay. Key Requirements: - Transpose the two drawings over each other based on specific reference points. - Conduct a detailed comparison of the shapes within the two drawings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in AutoCAD. - Strong attention to detail. - Previous experience with drawing...
I need a proficient CAD professional who can create precise 2D AutoCAD drawings and 3D architectural designs. - 2D Drawing: The primary task will be to create detailed 2D drawings using AutoCAD. - 3D Drawing: The 3D designs will serve a purpose in architectural design. - Technical Drawings: Ability to create technical and computer-aided drawings is crucial. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in AutoCAD and architectural design.
I'm looking for...talented artist who can create a cartoonish style caricature for an event using traditional mediums. Key Requirements: - The caricature must be drawn using pencil and paper - The features should be exaggerated in a cartoonish style, but still somewhat relatable - The final piece should be a high quality representation of your skill and attention to detail Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in traditional drawing techniques, particularly with pencil and paper - Experience creating cartoonish style caricatures - Exceptional attention to detail and ability to exaggerate features in a humorous yet flattering way Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal, preferably traditional caricatures in a cartoonish style. I look forward to seeing your creati...
I'm in need of a skilled anime artist with a style reminiscent of One Piece. The project involves creating original characters, similar to Luffy, Zoro, and Nami, but...need of a skilled anime artist with a style reminiscent of One Piece. The project involves creating original characters, similar to Luffy, Zoro, and Nami, but uniquely my own. The primary setting for these illustrations is an adventure-filled backdrop, akin to the high seas and uncharted islands. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in traditional One Piece style anime drawing - Experience in character design - Ability to illustrate diverse, adventure-themed settings The goal is to bring my unique characters and their thrilling pirate adventures to life in a captivating, One Piece-inspir...
use the provided pdf file to produce a 2d line drawing for construction
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a modern yet rustic logo for my woodworking business. The design should incorporate a tree and a subtle cross, with a crown of thorns as indicated in the provided sketch. Key requirements: - The tree should be ...should be integrated into the tree in a subtle manner. Ideal candidates should have: - A strong portfolio of modern rustic designs - Experience in logo design, particularly for small businesses - A good understanding of earthy color palettes - Excellent communication skills to ensure the design aligns with my vision. After logo is created customer also would like to have like just a black line drawing of this logo so he can make a branding iron out of his logo. Thank you for considering this project. I look forwar...
...inscribed with both superimposed characters and designs as per pic 18 and pic 19 . Colour similar 5/ similar design, but in smaller rectangular ceramics 6/ windows and slim columns as per drawing 7/ base of the protruding tower sliming down as per drawing 8/ around the opening of the balcony, molded columns and frame with turning vegetal and flowery pattern 9/ Built bottom of balcony rail guard following deco drawn 10/ rail guard as per pic 20 11/ left column capital follows lotus flower 12/ right column capital follows Corinthians with lively leafy flames 13/ existing wooden panel to be fit as per drawing and inclined 45 d. 14/ bottom forged iron gate : unchanged Top view : (pic 21) 1/ lower roof/awning starts with a flat one meter part , and then 2/ a 2 meters...
I need a precise conversion of a SketchUp house model into AutoCAD and Revit. This includes capturing all architectural, structural, and MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) details with high detail level. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD and Revit. - Experience with high-detail model conversions. - Strong understanding of architectural, structural, and MEP detai...Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD and Revit. - Experience with high-detail model conversions. - Strong understanding of architectural, structural, and MEP details. The Revit model should be prepared to LOD 200 (General elements). Please only apply if you have a strong portfolio in similar work. Will need to use revit to convert drawings for MGO sip panels. You may need to tidy up the ketchup drawing before...
I need an basic architectural drafter to produce 2D Drawings for a residential renovation project which will be submitted as part of a 'Complying Develop...and doors & Windows Added. Allow for 3 revisions to finalise. Draft, For Approval, For Construction Part 1: Basic Demolition Plan noting walls to be removed (Could be combined with Engineer Drawing) Overall Floor Plan Detailed Joinery Elevation Drawings -Kitchen -Dining room Storage -Bathroom Vanity 2 External elevations - can be on one drawing Part 2: Structural Engineer has marked up drawings, the comments need to be captured All drawings have been prepared with dimensions and details ourselves. However, we don't have the ability to draft these up. Supply DWG File and PDF. However, drawing...
I'm looking for someone to draw a few images to the story (posted). It's called "a Merciful Judge". So I need (1) an image of Cameron walking into a court room; (2) an image of Cameron standing before the judge; (3) an image of a lawyer in the court room paying the fine to the...It's called "a Merciful Judge". So I need (1) an image of Cameron walking into a court room; (2) an image of Cameron standing before the judge; (3) an image of a lawyer in the court room paying the fine to the court secretary; (4) an image of Cameron and Ben (the lawyer) sitting drinking tea/coffee and reading the Bible or praying. The drawings can be just simple line art. The characters in each drawing have to be the same people (Cameron in image 1 has to be the same Came...
I'm going to create a professional line portrait drawing
I have an overhead drawing of an outdoor Pool club. Its fairly simplistic and I have very descriptive examples to make it easy to understand on your end. I need a detailed construction drawing. Key Requirements: - Incorporate the pool layout, landscaping details, and building structures. - Create a detailed layout with dimensions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural design and construction drawing. - Experience with designing recreational facilities. - Ability to interpret and incorporate provided examples and specifications into the drawing.
Please review the description carefully and provide an accurate fee. I require detailed shop drawings for a metal structure in a multipurpose commercial building. The project includes a roof patio, where we need a ballast tray to securely attach the handrail. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating precise and detailed shop drawings - Strong understanding of metal structure specifications and requirements - Hands-on experience with metalwork, including assembly, cutting, and welding - Familiarity with commercial building design The attached drawings includes the roof layout and the necessary drafts to construct the ballast tray structure. Thank you, and I look forward to your proposal.
I'm in need of a talented illustrator who can create detailed drawings for two types of clothing items: T-shirts and Pants. I have specific designs for these items that I will share with the successful bidder. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in clothing design illustrations - Able to interpret and deliver from specific design brief...detailed drawings for two types of clothing items: T-shirts and Pants. I have specific designs for these items that I will share with the successful bidder. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in clothing design illustrations - Able to interpret and deliver from specific design briefs - Strong understanding of T-shirt and Pants design elements Please note, the drawing style has not been specified, so flexibility and adaptability to different drawing ...
I need a mobile app that can help me draw existing assets on-site. This project involves creating floorplans of various locations using laser scanning data for...locations using laser scanning data for measurements. Key Features: - Ability to create floorplans of existing spaces - User-friendly interface for easy on-site usage - Precision in drawing according to data provided Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development - Experience with spatial design or CAD software - Understanding of laser scanning data interpretation - Strong focus on user-friendly, intuitive design Please note, the existing assets are not in a pre-determined format like blueprints or digital images. They are physical locations that require on-the-spot drawing and...
I'm looking for a talented artist to create a comprehensive, realistic drawing of my restored car. The drawing should capture the car from front, side and rear perspectives. It's crucial that the drawing highlights all modifications made to the vehicle, including the paint job, rims and tires, as well as the front grille and lights. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Exceptional drawing skills, particularly in a realistic style - Previous experience in automotive illustrations - Ability to capture intricate details and modifications accurately - Proficiency in depicting multiple perspectives in a single drawing.
I'm in need of a CAD professional who can create a moderately detailed DWG file for a product I'm prototyping. The CAD drawings will primarily serve for prototyping, so precision and a clear understanding of product design is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software - Experi...a moderately detailed DWG file for a product I'm prototyping. The CAD drawings will primarily serve for prototyping, so precision and a clear understanding of product design is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software - Experience in creating CAD drawings for product prototyping - Ability to deliver in DWG format Please ensure you can provide a moderate level of detail in the CAD drawing, sufficient for prototyping but not requiring excessive detail. I look forward to ...
I have more than 10 architectural AutoCAD drawings that need to be converted to PDFs. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Previous experience in converting AutoCAD to PDF - Attention to detail to ensure all aspects of the drawing are accurately represented in the PDF - Ability to handle and process large quantities of files
I have a blank green wall in my home that needs to be filled with an abstract, modern and monochromatic line drawing. I need someone to create or paste some line drawings on my wall, creating a depth effect that makes the room feel bigger and deeper. Requirements: - Create or paste line drawings on my wall - Create a depth effect. (This is most important thing which makes the room big due to deep art) - Use an abstract, modern and monochromatic style use AI or any tools Please carefully refer to the attached images and reference line paintings. Please pitch with your work or do some research and come up with line drawing depth effect images for this wall and let's connect.. after successfully completing with the help of local artist we draw that on our wall.
Subject: Creative Video Editor Needed for Rock Band - Social Media Hey, I’m Johnny from Lard Bedaine. We’re gearing up to launch our album, drawing from the alternative 80s and 90s art rock and punk scenes, infused with the boldness of 60s pop art. We’re seeking an artistic and edgy designer/editor to craft our social media videos. Requirements: * Project: One 30-second video with a 15-second cutdown, formatted for Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. * Visuals: Quick rhythmic cuts of band performances, interspersed with gritty urban footage reminiscent of Montreal or NYC, and striking pop art style inserts. * Text/Graphics: Display of our band name and album title, using preferred fonts and open to evolving styles. * FX Styles: VHS Aesthetic, ...