Dbmss used web applicationsprojekty
...zakładkami na podstawie uchwytu okna itd. Ale to będzie do osobnej wyceny. Pozdrawiam, Łukasz I will order a Windows application that will open a web browser (chrome, firefox, Edge) and click on the selected element based on the selector name. The name of the selector is obtained, for example, in chrome by right-clicking on the selected element, then Examine then in the Elements tab -> Copy -> Copy selector. For example, for input to enter the searched phrase has the selector "#tsf> div: nth-child (1)> > > div> > input" The application may NOT use selenium, webdriver, puppeteer etc. supporting applications. You can detect the use of these tools, that's why I don't want them. I want to simulate the user who opens the browser se...
Do wykonania mam napisanie aplikacji w formie PWA oraz aplikacji na Androida i iOS we Flutter lub R...mam napisanie aplikacji w formie PWA oraz aplikacji na Androida i iOS we Flutter lub React Native lub innej technologii. Funkcjonalności: - rejestracja pacjenta z opcja podpisut na aplikacji w wersji mobile i myszką w wersji desktop - umówienie wizyty w przychodni - umówienie wizyty na szczepienie - czat z lekarzem To develop is an application in the form of PWA as well as Android and iOS applications in Flutter or React Native or other technology. Functionalities: - patient registration with the option of signing on the application in the mobile version and with a mouse in the desktop version - arranging a visit to the clinic - making an appointment for vaccination ...
Cześć, jestem osobą prywatną i również zajmuję się programowaniem. Poszukuję programisty aplikacji webowych (single page applications) do pomocy w zaprojektowaniu/zbudowaniu małej (początkowo) aplikacji (kreator produktu/wizard). Funkcjonalność pierwszej wersji aplikacji, pozwoli uzytkownikowi na: * logowanie/autentykacje/autoryzacje * stworzenie nowego produktu * otworzenie wczesniej stworzonego produktu * dolaczenie do stworzonego produktu zalacznikow (drag and drop) * dodanie do produktu krotkich notatek Jesli nieobce są Tobie: * RESTful APIs * Python * Javascript + JS frameworks (react lub angular, vue) * Jenkins CI/CD * Docker oraz programujesz zawsze zaczynając od testów (TDD), odezwij się. Możliwa współpraca długoterminowa. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
-Android API (applications) -Android Native (lower-level functions, i.e. camera) Poszukuję podwykonawcy, start ASAP. Rozliczenie T&M. Developer dołączy do istniejącego teamu klienta (3-4 osoby). Temat bardzo ciekawy, z obszaru obsługi precyzyjnych kamer do identyfikacji twarzy (również stereo-kamery). Zadanie polega na dostosowaniu istniejącego frameworku testowego uruchamianego na Androidzie do nowego sprzętu (stąd znajomość poziomu Native). Praca zdalna Dowolna forma umowy Zapraszam do rozmowy: (Removed by Freelancer.com Admin)
...potwierdzenie umiejętności programowania testami kompetencji. - Doświadczenie w realizacji projektów informatycznych w technologiach: C#, .NET, AngularJS, WCF, SQL, HTML 5, CSS, Javascript, ,ASP.NET. - Znajomość narzędzi: MSSQL, Visual Studio, GIT, JIRA, Ant, Msbuild, TeamCity, powershell. - Doświadczenie w pracy metodyką Agile. - Mile widziane certyfikaty: - MCTS: .NET Framework 4.0, ASP.NET Applications Stawka: do 115 zł/h OFERTA -Współpraca UoP/B2B (brak bezpłatnych przestojów projektowych) -People Development Programme (Indywidualny plan rozwoju wybranej ścieżki kariery) -Szerokie portfolio projektowe, jasne procedury zmiany projektu -Kontakt z Line Managerem (Wsparcie projektowe, relacji z klientem i współpracownikami)-j. angielski w biurze/onli...
Hello, We are looking for a person who is able to solve our problem . We are acting applications written in C # + .NET4 . The application is a fat client , connects to the world through a simple webservicu . I would add , with a user interface correspond to the library DevExpress ( 15.2) . Our problem lies in the fact that after the application start (wine 1.5.1 - might be higher - we failed to install - maybe this problem? ) - The program is not able to connect to : - WebClient (class C # ) - WebService ( class generated based on SOAP ) . We expect a solution which will enable the use of these technologies under linux (requires three versions - Centos5 (x86 ) , CentOS6 (x86 ) , CentOS7 ( x64) with a sample program - WebService DevExpress + + C # . Witam, Poszuku...
...gdyby kalkulatory były napisane jako strona WWW wyświetlana w aplikacji android. ENG. Hello I'm interested in creating calculators construction. The range can be found at: Interested in: 1. ROOF 2. WOODEN 3. METAL LADDERS 4. CONCRETE PRODUCTS 5. BUILDING MATERIALS 6. FENCES, WALLS, FLOORS 7. EARTHWORKS For applications also you need to perform a simple graphic design. Ideally calculators were written as a Web page displayed in android application. ...
...Description: The application is designed to detect whether an iPhone or iPad has JailBreak. The main options: - Current state Jaiilbreak like as (Green, red circle with the information in the middle) - Inform the user about the detection of "JailBreak" - Alert - Ability to send email notifications about the detection of "JailBreak" - Lock before removing the application. (Code). Access to applications just by entering the code - nstallation via the App Store Description: If App detect jailbreak application should notify the user of this by a message on the screen or send an e-mail Please offer....
...LiveChat Inc lub o bardzo zbliżonych funkcjach. - chat przez www (klient,admin), kompatybilny z większością przeglądarek - aplikacja mobilna (klient,admin), android oraz jeśli to możliwe na inne platformy windowsphone/ios - aplikacja na komputer (klient,admin), windows / linux Główny program (baza i pliki) ma być zainstalowany na serwerze opartym na linuxie (debian). Applications Applications for web, desktop and mobile. Canned responses Recall pre-made messages with short tags and send them during chats. Pre-chat & post-chat surveys Gather valuable information at the beginning and at the end of each chat. Agent rating Visitors have the option to rate the agent that chatted with them. Visitor details Detailed information of...
Do małego projektu z przyczyn formalnych potrzebuje support osób posiadających następujące certyfikaty: Programming in C# Specialist. MCSD:Web Applications, tj zdane wszystkie egzaminy: 480, 486, 487 SQL Server, tj zdane wszystkie egzaminy: SQL Server 2008 - 432, 448 lub SQL Server 2012 - 461, 462, 463 Zadanie jest niewielkie, nie wymaga dużego zaangażowania ani odpowiedzialności - chodzi wyłącznie o weryfikację pewnych jego założeń. Zainteresowanych proszę o pilny kontakt.
Poszukujemy osoby, która zna lub zechce poznać technologię Bluetooth 4.0 LE pod kątem budowania aplikacji do obsługi tzw. beacon. Posiadamy hardware (transmitery BLE4.0), jesteśmy zainteresowa...do obsługi tzw. beacon. Posiadamy hardware (transmitery BLE4.0), jesteśmy zainteresowani stworzeniem kilku aplikacji wykorzystujących tę technologię. Możliwa stała współpraca. rozpoznanie tematu: We are looking for a person who knows or wants to know Bluetooth 4.0 LE for building applications to support the so-called "beacon". We have equipment (transmitters BLE4.0), we are interested in the creation of several applications using this technology. Possible permanent cooperation. identification of the subject:
...2013 we brought our unique business model to Poland. We are extensively looking for talented IT & telco specialists for our various short-term and long-term projects in Poland and abroad. Currently we are looking for: IT ENGINEER (contract) Katowice and Wrocław Contact timeline: 4 months Start: mid-March KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Administration of various servers, systems, applications and databases regarding solutions for external Clients Providing 2nd/3rd level of technical support for international users Supporting large scale infrastructure according to agreed SLAs Incident Management Standard Changes in Change Management Problem Management Responsibility for technical documentation REQUIREMENTS: Wide knowledge of at least one of IT infrastructure areas: -...
EN: I ask to write code in a language Delphi / Free Pascal who will be able to show HUD in 3D applications with DirectX 9 to 11, and can be used in systems from Windows Vista to Windows 8 Or write a program / file. DLLs that will be the same as above could have written, and I could use it in your program, and a detailed explanation of how to use the file and provide all the necessary files to run and use in your program and look similar to the example: 0:00:00 - In: On Out: Off [Rec] The first time ("00:00:00"), is to give him change and to "On", "Off" and "[Rec]" as an example, and the ability to change the position of the entire text. My program is not commercial. I preferred it to be a code and output files with a p...
Witam, poszukujemy programisty (freelancer'a), który wspólnie z naszym programistą wykona mechanizm zliczania słów (wyrazów) w dokumentach, m.in. w następujących formatach: .doc (Microsoft Word) .xls oraz .xlsx (Microsoft Excel) .odt (Open Document Format for Office Applications) .ppt oraz .pptx (PowerPoint Microsoft Office) .rtf (Rich text format) Szczegóły do omówienia w kontakcie z naszym programistą. Proszę wskazać orientacyjny koszt za całość oraz przybliżony czas realizacji. Wdrożenie i uruchoienie planujemy w pierwszej połowie stycznia 2014.
Looking for a person / company that will design a unique application for me to reject specific phone numbers. Principle of operation of the program: The application will be automatically rejected calls to your telephone if the number you called will be located at the base of the numbers programmed into the a...the option "Report" which will result in sending an email to a specific email address the next time you connect your phone to the Internet. -The application must be as intuitive. Person after installation you will need to do nothing to make the application work efficiently -I would like the person / company that will undertake the creation of applications created in different versions tailored to specific environments / systems which are currently used i...
...regionalni x ,623,3.%20Przedstawiciele% - terminy seminariów aktualizacja (edytowalna tabela w CMS) + przenieść do górnego menu ,1627,4.%20Terminy%20seminari%C3%B3w% - franczyza nr 1 aktualizacja + przenieść do górnego menu ,1633,5.%20Franczyza%20nr% - wniosek podmiana wniosku na PL - restauracje w Polsce aktualizacja + przenieść do górnego menu ,578, - formularz j/w - box gwiazdka USUNĄĆ 2. zakładka górnego menu O Subway przeredagować tekst, zmienić FB, dodać baner z aktualną promocją ,601,O% - O Subway USUNĄĆ ,601,O% - Kontakt USUNĄĆ
Poszukujemy doswiadczonego programisty (conajmniej 3 lata) aplikacji webowych w Java i Objective-C. Wymagana umiejetnosc programowania z wykorzystaniem wspolbieznego przetwarzania danych. Praca zdalna dla naszego klienta w NYC. Ze wzgledu na bezposredni kontakt z klientem (skype) wymagana bardzo dobra znajomosc angielskiego. Na tym etapie wybierzemy 2-3 osoby, nastepnie zostanie przeprowadzona rozmowa kwalifikacyjna przez klienta (w jezyku angielskim). Poczatkowo kontrakt na okolo 3-4 tygodnia z mozliwoscia przedluzenia. Stawka 75zl za godzine.
...tego języka, to krótko o nim: wynalazek Microsoftu, poprzednik platformy .NET i języka VB.NET, wydany w 1998 roku, zatem już dość leciwy. Specyfika tego języka jest obecnie taka, że istnieje na rynku jakaś liczba starych aplikacji, w których czasem trzeba coś dorobić, poprawić itp. Coś jak COBOL, tylko budżety klientów są znacznie mniejsze. Warto też w tekstach eksponować VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), czyli język makr pakietu Microsoft Office - jest to zmodyfikowana wersja Visual Basic 6.0, więc większość tych rozwiązań będzie też działała bezpośrednio po osadzeniu np. w arkuszu Excela czy w Outlooku. Cel zadania jest taki, aby całość (teksty + wygląd strony + oferta biznesowa jako taka) wyglądała spójnie, solidnie i wiarygodnie dla potencjaln...
...użytkownik odpowie w temacie powinna być z nim dalej prowadzona rzeczowa dyskusja. Komentarze/opinie minimum 100 znaków. Tematyka gdzie była by prowadzoan dyskusja, to tworzenie stron internetowych, hosting, domeny, pozycjonowanie, progamowanie itp, czyli wszedzie tam gdzie mozna znalezc potencjalnego nabywce. Firma ma skrypty takie jak Fantastico, Softaculous Auto Installer, Installatron Applications Installer - służące do instalacji stron jednym kliknięciem (WordPress, Joomla i wiele innych) więc posty mogą też być częściowo na forach nie związanych z branżą. Firma ma liczne promocje i istnieje już ponad 7 lat, więc jest sporo tematów które można podjąć. Płatność tygodniowa lub miesięczna, na podstawie przesłania linków do zamieszczonych op...
...użytkownik odpowie w temacie powinna być z nim dalej prowadzona rzeczowa dyskusja. Komentarze/opinie minimum 100 znaków. Tematyka gdzie była by prowadzoan dyskusja, to tworzenie stron internetowych, hosting, domeny, pozycjonowanie, progamowanie itp, czyli wszedzie tam gdzie mozna znalezc potencjalnego nabywce. Firma ma skrypty takie jak Fantastico, Softaculous Auto Installer, Installatron Applications Installer - służące do instalacji stron jednym kliknięciem (WordPress, Joomla i wiele innych) więc posty mogą też być częściowo na forach nie związanych z branżą. Firma ma liczne promocje i istnieje już ponad 7 lat, więc jest sporo tematów które można podjąć. Płatność tygodniowa lub miesięczna, na podstawie przesłania linków do zamie...
... Cree introduces HV-LEDs, Osram boosts LED light output 31 Oct 2011 Cree introduces high-voltage LEDs for small retrofit lamps and brighter models for halogen replacements while Osram launches brighter red, orange, and yellow LEDs for applications such as horticultural lighting. Cree has introduced two new high-voltage (HV) LEDs, the XLamp XM-L and XT-E, that the company says can boost driver efficiency by 10-20% in small retrofit lamps. The company also announced a new version of the XLamp MT-G LED for solid-state-lighting (SSL) applications that's 10% brighter than predecessors with the new LEDs delivering 1670 lm. Osram, meanwhile, launched new orange, yellow, and red Oslon SSL LEDs that can deliver 20% more light than predecessors. Cree XM-L and XT-E...
About us: Friskylabs, is a young, dynamic internet software company located in the heart of Silicon Valley in California. We build social applications with tens of millions of active users. We are one of largest developers on the Facebook platform. Our team members work remotely all over the world including San Francisco, Belgrade, Warsaw, Cracow, and the Caribbean, one of the two founders is Polish. We are looking for talented and highly motivated programmers (back-end, front-end, or both) who want to join us and build great social and mobile applications working from their homes. We offer: * Competitive compensation: $2,000 (USD) monthly for a start, $3,000 after the trial period, $4,000 for proven team members * Opportunity to learn from the best: we know how to...
...full-service design, development and marketing firm in New York. Our work covers web, mobile and print projects. We love what we do and that drives us to work every day! We're seeking a solid technical project manager with a proven history managing software projects (web preferred), requirements gathering, scope management, solid written and verbal communication skills, and a strong understanding of website projects. In short - we need someone who really gets what we do. Ideally we'd like you near Katowice but if you're reeeally good – location is irrelevant. Here’s what the job entails: Work with clients directly includes some phone sales meetings Understand Web Lingo Must understand differences of HTML/...
Zlecenie dotyczy przetłumaczenia poniższego tekstu; ;view=html około 2100 słów Proszę nie rozpoczynać pracy samodzielnie zgłoszę się do odpowiedniej osoby.
...of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost. 6. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimisation (search engine friendly). 7. The website should be developed to best practice coding conventions corresponding with guidelines stipulated by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and the conformance level conformance level AA. The website should pass the W3C’s CSS and Markup validation services: and (validation logos to be displayed on the website. 8. A text resize should be included. The website should be tested to work on both Mac’s and
Poszukuję osoby znające VBA (konkretnie dla Excela 2007+) w celu konsultowania pisania skryptów, oraz być może pisania niektórych elementów. Na początek chciałbym zamówić około 10 godzin konsultacji, podzielonych na moduły 1 godzinne. Współpraca może odbywać się albo w czasie spotkania (Warszawa) albo przy pomocy narzędzi do pracy/komunikacji zdalnej przez Internet. Proszę o podanie ceny za godzinę konsultacji przy założeniu, że w zależności od "dopasowania" płacę z góry za kilka godzin lub z dołu za każdą godzinę odbytych konsultacji. Oczywiście w przypadku niedopasowania każda ze stron może wycofać się w dowolnym momencie współpracy.
...ponizszej strony: Background Last year, one of the assignments for the first year Client Side Web Development module was to create a new web site for Derbyshire Crimebeat, the charity run by the High Sheriff of Derbyshire. Derbyshire Crimebeat provides funding for projects by young people that aim to reduce crime in Derbyshire. The new web site went live late last year. The purpose of this assignment is to extend this site. While the current site provides information on the charity, all applications for funding have to be submitted on paper. This causes problems for the charity since they have to schedule meetings of the trustees to go through the applications. It would be preferable to allow applications to be submitted on-line and stored ...
...zarządzanie procesem jego budowania. Pierwszym zadaniem będzie weryfikacja założeń technicznych oraz udział w opracowaniu harmonogramu i kosztorysu projektu. Wymagania Ze względu na zastosowane technologie podstawowe wymagania są następujące: - doświadczenie w tworzeniu architektury web applications - web application development project management - back-end: znajomość Google App Engine/Java (lub/i Python) - front-end: znajomość technologii z rodziny Ajax, a w szczególności Google Web Toolkit - zalecana znajomość Amazon AWS - znajmość PHP Mile widziane doświadczenie w praktycznej implementacji algorytmów matematycznych (statystycznych) Informacje dodatkowe Wykształcenie: Wyższe inżynierskie Minimaln...
...provide a series of design diagrams, and present in report format. Guidelines of the design process: Step 1 Data collection This project starts with collecting user requirements, especially the required bandwidth and its distribution. Please consider the following questions: • What are the needs of the end users? • What applications will be used over the WLAN and by whom? • What bandwidth do these applications require? Step 2 Coverage and throughput A good Wireless LAN design will allow users to access it from anywhere within these two buildings, i.e., there is no blind spots within the coverage. It is also desirable to spread the traffic/load among different APs as evenly as possible. The following questions should b...
...zwrotach znajduja sie znaki specjalne, ktorych nie nalezy. tlumaczyc np: " %1$s", należy pozostawic je w tym samym miejscu wtekscie, niezmienione. Dołaczam tekst aby można było łatwiej oszacować ilość pracy: # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 CC WELCOME BACK=Welcome back, %1$s # Page titles CC MY APPS=My Applications CC BROWSE APPS=Browse CC APPLICATION PRIVACY TITLE=Privacy CC APPLICATION SETTINGS TITLE=Settings # Applications buttons CC APPLICATION BTN SAVE=Save CC APPLICATION BTN ADD=Add Apps CC APPLICATION BTN REMOVE=Remove Apps # Application listings related CC APPLICATION LIST ADD=Add CC APPLICATION LIST ADDED=Added CC APPLICATION LIST REMOVE=Remove CC APPLICATION LIST CANT REMOVE=N/A CC APPLICATION LIST ABOUT=Abou...
Poniżej jest opis - angielski wymagany na poziomie średnim: Analyx is a professional services firm with its headquarter in the centre of Poznan. We develop state-of-the-art web applications for clients in Europe and the U.S. We’re looking for a freelance or full-time/part-time Flash Action Script Programmer to engage in developing “the next big thing” in Community / Web 2.0 web applications! A potential candidate would work with a team web developers on a regular basis in our Poznan office. Required skills are: - Relevant experience in Flash Action Script 2 (AS2) or AS3 - Good knowledge of English or German is mandatory since we are an in-ternational company and use the language every day - Grafic de...
...od dostawcy, który udostępnia moduł WebApi, który pozwala online badać stan magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Serv...
Position: Contract VB/ASP Devel...Developer Skills: Excellent opportunity for an experienced VB/ASP , English Language .Working with an experienced UK company to deliver to some of the worlds biggest brands project, asset and brand management applications. Applicant must have 3 years experience in ASP, VB, SQL/T-SQL, Com+, HTML and XML. Great communication, analytical and troubleshooting skills a must, as is experience of developing in an Object Orientatedarchitecture. Position : Contract Web Designer. Skills: 2 Years experience of designing and delivering web design including experience in Web applications and portals (not only classic websites). Good English Language skills. Working with a UK company including trips onsite to UK compani...
...od dostawcy, który udostępnia modół WebApi, który pozawla online badać stan magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To acce...
I'm looking for a developer to create a unique social app for dog owners focused on arranging playdates for their furry friends. Key Features: - Profile Creation for Dogs: Each dog will ...another to arrange specific playdates. - Location-Based Matching: The app should be able to connect dog owners within a certain geographical range, to facilitate convenient meet-ups. User Registration: - The app should allow users to sign up through their social media accounts only. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in app development, particularly for social-interaction based applications. - Strong understanding of location-based services. - Experience in integrating chat functionality within an app. - Knowledge of creating engaging user interfaces for pet-related apps w...
...create a comprehensive PDF Software solution. The project entails building a web application akin to along with a desktop version compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Primary Functionalities: - Sign PDF both digital signature and drawn signature. - Merging PDF files - Splitting PDF files - Editing PDF content - Convert PDF to Word and vice versa Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in software development with a focus on PDF tools - Proficiency in cross-platform application development - Strong skills in creating user-friendly interfaces A solid understanding of implementing PDF functionalities and creating seamless desktop and web applications is crucial. While the web application's user authentication methods...
...logo scalable and adaptable for different uses, both on small items like the bracelet itself and larger applications such as websites, marketing materials, and product packaging. Here are the tasks I'm looking for: Refining the Logo: Clean up the current logo design, ensuring that it’s polished and professional-looking. Scalability: Ensure the logo works well in both small sizes (for example, as an icon on the bracelet) and larger sizes (such as on the website and marketing materials). Adding Text: Integrate the company name or tagline alongside the icon. The text should complement the design and be legible at various sizes. Versatility: The final logo should be flexible enough to be used in different contexts (on the bracelet, website, social media, etc.)....
I'm in need of a full-fledged, reseller-ready School Management System website. This platform should encapsulate a multitude of core modules, a...Reporting - Biometric/Face attendance Critical Additional Modules: - Examination Management - Hostel Management - Online Admissions Access Levels: - Parent/Student - Staff/Admin - Multi-campus The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in developing complex, multi-user systems, preferably within the educational sector. Skills in integrating payment systems, mobile applications, and communication platforms like WhatsApp are a must. Understanding of inventory management systems and biometric attendance tracking will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...
Do you believe that tech has power to change lives? We do. At Four Paws, we are building a healthcare focused, tech driven ecosystem for human's best friend. We are looking for freelancers/C2H/WFH candidates to help us design, execute & access product market fit. An ideal candidate should have: •Good understanding of app development process across Android, IOS & Web platforms. •Can develop applications from scratch based on business feature list input. •Align application interface with the business requirement. •Familiar with integrating payment gateways and other APIs to the application. •Application fixation & maintenance basis business feedback. •Respect the agreed timelines & be open to share project progress. What we...
Flute Player and Video Content Creator seeks a talented Flute Player to join our team and grow our YouTube channel by creating captivating videos of themselves performing easy tune arrangements. We require approximately 140 videos of flute performances based on the arrangements listed on this page: masterpiec...music. Important Terms All sheet music usage is for personal use only and may not be shared or uploaded elsewhere. retains ownership of the video copyrights and reserves the right to publish them. Bidding Guidelines Also quote your price for creating all 140 videos (NOT your hourly rate). No place marker bids—your bid price should reflect your total price. Applications via this platform only—no phone calls or emails.
I'm seeking a dedicated and work-minded Android developer who is adept with Android Studio. The project is to develop a live wallpaper application, with a focus on u...The live wallpaper should come with customizable settings. - Settings should allow users to change wallpapers periodically, adjust animation speed and personalize themes/colors. The application should be capable of: - Organizing wallpapers in a listview, categorized by different themes and countries. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android Studio. - Experience in developing live wallpaper applications. - Understanding of creating interactive and customizable app features. Please provide previous examples of your work, particularly if you have experience with similar projects, as well as your proposed timeline ...
...availability. As a developer, you will contribute to building and maintaining robust, scalable, and high-performing web and desktop applications using the latest .NET technologies. Responsibilities: Back-End Development: Develop and maintain server-side components using C# and ASP.NET Core. Design APIs (RESTful or gRPC) for seamless front-end integration. Work with Entity Framework and databases such as SQL Server or SQLite for efficient data management. Ensure secure and scalable solutions through best practices in cryptography and system architecture. Front-End Development: Create intuitive, responsive, and dynamic user interfaces using React, Angular, or Blazor. Implement modern web standards using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript/TypeScript. Optimize front-end perf...
I need a skilled React Native developer to build a content app primarily showcasing articles with integrated video content. The app will host some videos while others will be streamed from third-party services. Key Features: - Article display - Video content (both hosted and st...content app primarily showcasing articles with integrated video content. The app will host some videos while others will be streamed from third-party services. Key Features: - Article display - Video content (both hosted and streamed) - User interaction functionalities including commenting, liking, and sharing Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React Native - Experience in building content-based applications - Familiarity with integrating third-party video services - Knowledge of implementing user interactio...
I'm seeking a developer to create a web view application for both iOS and Android. Key Requirements: - Implement push notifications on both platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficient in cross-platform mobile development - Experience with implementing push notifications - Strong understanding of web view applications - Knowledge of both iOS and Android development standards and guidelines
I need an expert to help me evaluate my personal AI project, which is currently in its prototype/development stage. Ideal Skills: - AI and machine learning knowledge - Software testing experience - Problem-solving skills Please note, the specific purpose of the AI has not yet been determined, so a broad understanding of various AI applications would be beneficial. Your role will be crucial in identifying potential issues and providing recommendations for improvements before the AI is ready for deployment.
I'm seeking a PowerApps expert to create an application primarily for data entry and management. The data will be stored on SharePoint and will mainly consist of text and numbers. Your task will be to develop a user-friendly interface for efficient data handling. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in PowerApps - Experience with SharePoint - Ability to develop applications for data management - Understanding of handling text and numbers in apps
I'm looking for an experienced Java developer with expertise in Spring Boot and security scanning. The task is to incorporate a Fortify scan into my Java 8 Spring Boot packages using the brazilgradlefortifyplugin 8.x. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java 8 and Spring Boot - Familiar with the brazilgradlefortifyplugin 8.x - ...Spring Boot - Familiar with the brazilgradlefortifyplugin 8.x - Experience in integrating security scans into Java packages - Knowledge of Fortify’s scanning capabilities - Understanding of best practices for package security Please note that I skipped the question regarding the primary purpose of these Java packages. However, it's crucial that the freelancer can work with microservices, web applications and RESTful APIs as these are the ...
Writing HTML and Python Sections for: Business Computer Applications **Description:** I am looking for a professional writer to help draft two specific sections for an academic project. The details are as follows: 1. **HTML and Website Design:** - Discuss the importance of an online presence for businesses and the impact of website design on customer engagement. - Analyze the role of user experience (UX) and accessibility in driving business success. - Provide real-world examples of companies that have leveraged website design to achieve growth. - Use reliable sources and support the content with references in APA format. 2. **Python for Business Analytics:** - Conduct independent research on how P...
...Features: - Loan Application and Approval: The app should allow users to apply for loans and have their applications evaluated within the app. - Daily Automatic Payment Collection: A core function of the app is to collect payments daily. This should be done online and automatically, using platforms like GPay. - View Account Statements and Profile: Users should be able to view their account statements and manage their profile within the app. User Authentication: The app should utilize phone number and OTP for user sign-in, ensuring a secure and easy access process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience in developing finance-related applications - Knowledge of secure user authentication methods - Ability to incorporate automatic ...