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    2,000 data entry company in mohali ofert prac znalezionych
    Data entry.
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    $20000 Average bid
    $20000 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam, Poszukuję szybkiej pomocy w rozwiażaniu problemu z dodawaniem komentarzy pod wpisen, na blogu postawionym na wordpresie. Od jakiegoś czasu na mojej stronie nie można dodawac komentarzy pod wpisami, bo mimo podania poprawnego adresu mailowego, ciągle pojawia się następujący błąd: Blank entry is not allowed in name field. Ented Valid Email. Co ciekawe takie spamowe komentarze z pingów (chyba?) dodają się, bo przychodzą do mnie powiadomienia do moderacji. Oczekuję szybkiej i rzetelnej naprawy powyższego problemu. Jeżeli będę zadowolona możliwa będzie także dalsza współpraca z innymi zleceniami związanymi z poprawkami na moich blogach postaeionych na wordpressie.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Mam kupiony ten szablon:...szybko jedną wartość stąd to ogłoszenie. Tutaj wskazówki od autora tego szablonu: "Unfortunately it's not easily possible to extend the content area width because the template is build on a 960px layout and all content width changes will break the layout. You need to adjust the width of the ".boxed" div, the ".center" div, the ".entry" div and you probably need to reposition ".entry .date_container" (push it towards the left). However this is just a basic guideline - there're probably some other css code adjustments required because efverything is optimised for the 980px structure." Szukam osoby, która mi to zrobi tak, żeby działało tak dobrze jakby 'fabr...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...wspolnej bazy uzytkowników dla wielu serwisów. I'm connecting to a second database on the same host through a view: The view works as i see in it the data from the table. Next i created a rule to update the source table: I tailored the code for the rule from the documentation and some examples on the web. I'm not certain it is correct. When i try to update data in the view i get the following error: Query failed: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "new" CONTEXT: Error occurred on dblink connection named "unnamed" Tried googling it but to no effect so far. It would be great if someone could just point me in the right direction. Regards, Pustka postgres 9.1 debian 2.6.26-1...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę naprawienie strony www. Dokładnie chodzi o to, że nie wyświetlają się polskie znaki oraz nie da się dodawać nowych wpisów - np. nowego artykułu albo nowego ogłoszenia, komentarza. Pojawia się komunikat np. Duplicate entry '0' for key 1Duplicate entry '0' for key 1. Proszę o oferty z wstępną wyceną. Pozdrawiam, Anna

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...możliwości wpisywania nr podstrony, na którą chce się przejść. 3. Po kliku w miniaturkę – przechodzi się do pojedynczego zdjęcia, nad którym też są dwa przyciski [poprzednie zdjęcie] [następne zdjęcie] przeładowujące stronę i pokazujące następne z dodanych zdjęć. 4. Inne urle: Adresy mają być tworzone w następujący sposób: Przykład dla strny z pojedyńczym zdjęciem: powinien tworzyć adres: Przykład dla str. tagów: and white/ powinien tworzyć adres: , a dla stronnicowania tagów itd. Jeśli tag jest jednowyrazowy: Przykład dla profili użytkowników: 5. Dwie chmurki tagów:

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Muszę przenieść moją stronę z jednej platformy cms na drugą i niestety nie jest dostępny żaden skrypt który umożliwiłby mi automatyczne przeniesienie kont użytkowników (z pełnymi profilami) ze starej strony na nową. Dlatego chcę właśnie to zlecić: - wejście na 'starą' stronę, pobranie zdjęć profilowych/avatarów użytkowników i skopiowanie tekstu z poszczególnych pól profilowych, - zarejestrowanie każdego użytkownika z domyślnym hasłem które podam i emailami które udostępnię, - przepisanie wszystkich pól profilów (imię, nazwisko, zainteresowania, kontakt, etc) i wgranie zdjęć (jedno na każdego użytkownika). Strona jest w języku angielskim więc jego biegła znajomość jest wymagana. Użytkownik&oa...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...CMS'a z pliku PSD 2. Modyfikacje - logowanie z udziału serwisów (facebook, myspace, twitter, blip, flaker) - śledzeni/śledzenie z mikroblogów i facebook'a w/w (coś jak tutaj ) - mapa google dla eventów, ogłoszeń, grup, użytkowników(płeć) (coś jak ) - moduł: wywiady, recenzje, wyprawy, felietony, wiersze, opowiadania, dowcipy, humor (powielone na podstawie takiego modułu jak ten: ) - moduł noclegów (podział na kategorie system drzewek, możliwość dodawania takich opcji jak: zdjęcie, video, (jak np w module jokes and humor, dodawanie w postaci zakładek opis, cennik, wolne terminy

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Szukam osoby, która naniesie kilka poprawek na mój blog – - motyw nagłówka artykułu z bloga Nagłówek jest połączeniem daty, tematu oraz zdjęcia. - zamiana angielskich słów na polskie np. “Read the rest of this entry” “No Comments” W szablonie do wystawiania komentarzy podpisy są wszystkie po angielsku. - zmiana szerokości szablonu W jednej linijce tekstu chcę aby znajdowało się około 10-12 słów Np.: - poprawki edytora tekstu w Word Press Edytując tekst i wciskając jeden raz enter powstaje przerwa jak bym wcisnął dwa razy. - wstawienie formularza

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...#Toolbar Greeting CC TOOLBAR GREETING=Hello %1$s #Wall CC WALL=Wall CC WALL ADD COMMENT=Add Comment CC CONFIRM REMOVE WALL=Are you sure want to delete this wall post? CC WALL REMOVE=Remove CC WALL REMOVED=Wall Post Removed CC EMPTY WALL MESSAGE=Please add a wall post # Warnings CC PLEASE LOGIN=Please login CC PERMISSION DENIED=In order to view this section, you need to be a registered member first. # CC NEVER LOGGED IN=Never logged in # CC WRITE MESSAGE=Write message # CC INVITE FRIENDS=Invite friends # CC FRIENDS COUNT=%1$s friend CC FRIENDS COUNT MANY=%1$s friends CC NEW MEMBERS=New members #Sortings CC RECENT FRIENDS=Recent Friends # Activities related CC YESTERDAY=Yesterday CC DAYS AGO=%1$s days ago CC WEEK AGO=1 week ago...

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam, Szukam osoby ktora naprawi mi forum. Prosze o oferty doswiadczonych osob, ktore znaja przemo. Wywala blad Error creating new session DEBUG MODE SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '-1' for key 2 prosze o nr gg sprawa pilna Pozdrawiam Krzysztof

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    16668 Dane ze stron www
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    Szukam osoby do pozyskanie i zapisania w pliku txt, xls. itp, danych dresowych ze strony typu panorama firm. Szczegoly na email. Z racji ilosci rekordow w gre wchodzi raczej automat, nie reczne data entry.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Slideshow czytający dane z xml'a Powinien wyglądać następująco: Zmiana zdjęcia co 5 sek ew. dodatkowo tworzenie miniaturek w "locie" gg:6289098

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    7072 Prezentacja Flash
    Zakończone left

    ...spotkan z klientami (handlowiec bazujac na prezentacji bedzie opowiadal o ofercie), prezentacja bedzie zostawiana u klientow, wsparcie dzialan marketingowych (prezentacja na stoisku podczas targow, wystaw, konferencji) - prezentacja bedzie skladala sie z 6 czesci : informacje o firmie, korzysci dla klienta (te dwie czesci widoczne z kazdego poziomu prezentacji) + 4 glowne uslugi (mailing room, data entry, workflow manager, contact office) - nawigacja: mozliwosc swobodnego przejscia pomiedzy poszczegolnymi czesciami prezentacji, mozliwosc zatrzymania/ pauzowania prezentacji, mozliwosc wylaczenia dzwieku, mozliwosc puszczenia prezentacji w postaci zapetlonego filmu (gdzie wszystko po kolei automatycznie sie odpala) Prezentacja ma by we flashu, BEZ PROJEKTU GRAFICZNE...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    I have a car mold remediation business and looking for an illustrator to generate a company logo that I plan to build a website from. I would like the logo to feel natural, holistic, and green and align with the company name BreathEasy Auto Detox. The company uses ozone and it would be nice to incorporate 3 oxygen molecules someone in the logo or 03 somewhere. I'm looking for something that is simple and prints well in case I make a brochure for the company. Final deliverable will be a high def image in multiple formats for various printing and uses. Company will own the rights to the logo once delivered.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert

    Hello, On Our website we have 4 submission box where a person should type information, we need to check that the submission boxes work correctly as one of them sometimes shows numbers instead of letters, I just need a freelancer to type information in those boxes for the first task, thank you

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    76 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a multi-talented professional who can help with graphic design, video editing, and content writing. Graphic Design: - You'll be creating logos, working on branding material, and designing social media posts. Video Editing: - Tasks will include editing short clips, promotional videos, and reels. Content Writing: - I need engaging blog posts, ad copy, and social media captions. Skills and experience in all aforementioned tasks is crucial. You should have a keen eye for detail, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines. Prior experience in virtual assistance is a plus, as tasks may also extend to data entry, scheduling, and email management.

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    ...checkout page, the plugin should generate an OTP and send it to the Telegram bot. The admin will manually forward this OTP to the customer via Telegram. OTP Entry Page: After payment authorization, the user should be redirected to a custom OTP entry page (a popup or a new page). The user will enter the OTP received from the admin. OTP Verification: The plugin will verify the OTP entered by the user. If the OTP is correct, the order will be processed and placed. If the OTP is invalid, an error message will be displayed, and the user will be prompted to re-enter the OTP. Admin Interface: The plugin should include an admin interface in OpenCart to configure the Telegram bot settings, such as bot token, chat ID, and other necessary details. How It Will Work: ...

    $136 Average bid
    $136 Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a proficient English typist to assist with transcribing scanned images into PDF documents. The tasks will include: - Typing documents from scanned images - Data entry into MS Excel - Copy and paste tasks Ideal candidates should have exceptional typing skills with a knack for accuracy and speed. Proficiency in MS Word and MS Excel is a must, as well as experience with data entry. If you're capable of delivering high-quality work in a timely manner, I look forward to your proposal.

    $242 Average bid
    $242 Średnia Oferta:
    144 składanie ofert

    I need a freelancer to transcribe a research questionnaire into an Excel spreadsheet and populate it with 500 dummy data entries. Key Requirements: - The questionnaire consists of 60 questions, most of them in a Likert scale format and focused on collecting demographic and behavioural data. - The final Excel file should simulate 500 responses to the questionnaire, based on criteria provided Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data entry and data simulation - Familiarity with Likert scale and behavioral research. Please ensure that your proposal includes relevant experience and a brief outline of your approach to this task. Include the word 'Ninja' in your PM.

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Średnia Oferta:
    119 składanie ofert

    Looking for someone that can assist me get a report on the competitor landscape for Marsh and Mercer (South African Insurance Company) from a marketing perspective. I'm looking to see how we compare with the likes of AON, Willis, etc. in terms of: •⁠ ⁠Marketing campaigns •⁠ ⁠Share of voice •⁠ ⁠Social media presence •⁠ ⁠Events and sponsorships •⁠ ⁠New joiners in their space •⁠ ⁠What they're spokespeople are talking about •⁠ ⁠What colleague engagement initiatives are retaining their talent •⁠ ⁠Press mentions What they are doing different from us that we could do better and where we are beating them in terms of brand presence

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    I need a dedicated professional for data entry and document translation tasks. The documents are primarily general content. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry and translation - Familiarity with Excel and Google Sheets - Excellent command of English - Strong attention to detail Experience: - Prior experience in data entry - Experience in translating documents - Previous work with general content Your role will be crucial in maintaining the accuracy of our data and ensuring our documents are translated seamlessly. If you're detail oriented, committed to quality, and have a strong work ethic, I would love to hear from you.

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    60 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a classic style, icon-based logo for my IT company. The design should utilize a complementary color scheme. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development Requirements: - Create a unique, memorable icon that represents the company - Use of a complementary color scheme - Providing multiple iterations for review and feedback

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Średnia Oferta:
    35 składanie ofert, creating a brand identity and designing retail packaging for a gasket company. Website: The website's primary goal is to showcase our products. It should be user-friendly, visually appealing and able to highlight our product range effectively. Experience with e-commerce and product showcase websites is a plus. Branding: We need a brand identity that includes a logo design and a color scheme. The logo should be simple yet memorable, and the color scheme should be consistent across all platforms. Previous experience in creating industrial branding will be favored. Packaging: The packaging design is specifically for retail. It needs to be attractive, functional and aligned with our brand identity. Experience in retail packaging design is essential. ...

    $87 Average bid
    $87 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    ...graphic designer to create a comprehensive WordPress site for my construction company. The site should have the following pages: Home, About Us, Our Services, Projects, Careers, and Contact Us. Key Requirements: - Utilize an available construction theme, but inject superior graphic design and high-quality images to elevate the site. - Input provided company data to complete the website. - Implement essential SEO strategies with a focus on keyword optimization, ensuring the site is mobile responsive and has a fast loading speed. The desired aesthetic for the site is 'modern and clean', so a keen eye for minimalist design is crucial. The ultimate goal of this site is to serve as a marketing tool for the company, generating leads and boosting brand ...

    $131 Average bid
    $131 Średnia Oferta:
    135 składanie ofert

    ...columns A and B are relevant for you There you have to copy out the so-called HSN and TSN of the vehicle and enter them in a portal to identify the engine code of the vehicle. The engine code must then be entered in column H or, if there is more than one engine code, in column I and so on. Most vehicles have one engine code. To find out the HSN & TSN we will provide 3x websites where this can be done. The order is made in 2000 steps in milestones A second freelancer will check the integrity of the data. It must be 100% ensured that no errors are made. We will pay in milestones everytime 2000 entrys are provided and verified by a second freelancer validying the data which has been entered by you. So the offer you make will...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    91 składanie ofert

    I need a professional to help my business group develop a comprehensive digital PDF company profile. This profile should include: - Company history - Products and services - Business Team member and support - Company growth I want the tone of the profile to be formal and professional. The ideal freelancer for this job should have excellent writing and design skills, with a proven track record of creating corporate documents. Experience in business consultancy or corporate communications would be a plus.

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Średnia Oferta:
    52 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a freelancer who is skilled in data entry tasks, specifically copy & paste jobs from online databases to spreadsheet data. Key Responsibilities: - Copying and pasting data from online databases to spreadsheets - Ensuring accuracy and attention to detail Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Experience with copying and pasting from online databases - Strong attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines. Please provide examples of similar work you have done in the past.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    142 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create an ASP.NET C# SQL Server web application primarily focused on data management. Key Features: - Data Entry Forms: The app should include user-friendly forms for entering data. - User Authentication: The app will require user authentication to access the data entry forms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ASP.NET, C#, and SQL Server - Experience in developing data management web applications - Knowledge of implementing secure user authentication systems

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    54 składanie ofert

    ...and professional tone to create compelling website content for my tech company. The primary focus will be on the Services page, aimed at attracting potential clients. In addition, the selected freelancer will also be responsible for writing a comprehensive user manual for one of our tech products. This will require a strong technical writing background, with the ability to convey detailed information in a clear and concise manner. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Exceptional content writing skills with a formal and professional tone - Proven experience in writing for tech companies or products - Strong technical writing background - Ability to write engaging content targeting potential clients - Experience in writing user manuals Please pr...

    $380 Average bid
    $380 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a diligent data entry professional to transcribe information from PDF files into a manual database. Your role will involve meticulously handling various types of data, including financial records, customer information, and product details. Key Responsibilities: - Accurately inputting data from PDF files into a manual database - Handling mixed content, such as text and images, with precision - Maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data entry - Familiarity with handling PDF files - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Ability to maintain confidentiality of sensitive data.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    106 składanie ofert
    PHP Script Modification -- 2
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a PHP expert to modify my PHP script. This script wasnt written by me so i offer NO support. This is a request script in which the user can request a song and it will play over the radio station live stream. How it works is by querying the list of songs on our internal hard drive and allowing users to search thru our library and select a song. Then submitting the form sends that data to our station software and puts it into the queue. Heres the mods: You need to change the script search box so that a user can start typing the artist OR song title and it will auto populate the results under the search form field and then the user can select the one they want then submit the form. You will also make this page mobile friendly so that it looks good and ...

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Średnia Oferta:
    81 składanie ofert

    ...columns A and B are relevant for you There you have to copy out the so-called HSN and TSN of the vehicle and enter them in a portal to identify the engine code of the vehicle. The engine code must then be entered in column H or, if there is more than one engine code, in column I and so on. Most vehicles have one engine code. To find out the HSN & TSN we will provide 3x websites where this can be done. The order is made in 2000 steps in milestones A second freelancer will check the integrity of the data. It must be 100% ensured that no errors are made. We will pay in milestones everytime 2000 entrys are provided and verified by a second freelancer validying the data which has been entered by you. So the offer you make will...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    70 składanie ofert

    ...overall user experience. Key Responsibilities: - Assess gameplay mechanics: Identify any issues or inconsistencies in the game's mechanics. - Evaluate performance: Test the game's performance across various scenarios and conditions. - Experience user interface: Provide insights based on the user experience. Feedback Expectations: - User experience impressions: I am particularly interested in your perspective as a gamer and user, so please share your impressions of the game's user experience. Device Testing: - High-end devices: Test the game on premium devices to assess its performance. - Mid-range devices: Evaluate the game's functionality on typical, mid-tier devices. - Entry-level devices: Ensure the game runs smoothly on lower-end devices. ...

    $1168 Average bid
    $1168 Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a data entry specialist to add listings for homestays, restaurants, and experiences to client WordPress website. You can use google for search, other airbnb or other similar website to copy data. You have to create a account on the website for posting. it is free. You can not post more than 5 listing from similar state/area. So need it need to be from different state. In each listing, the following information should be included: - Name and address - 5 images minimum - Contact details - Amenities and features - Price Give me a quote of 100 listings for starting. Type my quote for 100 listing in 3 categories are (YOUR QUOTE INR) Thanks

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    ...Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: Articles, blogs, and creative story writing. Typing and Copywriting: Fast and accurate typing skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a proficient English typist to assist with transcribing scanned images into PDF documents. The tasks will include: - Typing documents from scanned images - Data entry into MS Excel - Copy and paste tasks Ideal candidates should have exceptional typing skills with a knack for accuracy and speed. Proficiency in MS Word and MS Excel is a must, as well as experience with data entry. If you're capable of delivering high-quality work in a timely manner, I look forward to your proposal.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    148 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a logo for my event rental company “Dream Theme - Event Rentals”. Please refer to pictures as inspiration. We want to have the dream parties picture as our main inspiration for the logo with the arch backdrop as a main focus. With the color scheme of the blush & posh picture. Want to also incorporate moon and clouds on the logo. Want the logo to be aesthetic and pastel colors. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Web Design - Logo Design

    $30 Average bid
    360 zgłoszenia
    MIS User and Data Management Site
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a developer to create a Management Information System (MIS) website. Key Features: - User Creation: The site will need to accommodate three types of users: Admins, Managers, and Sales Representatives. - Data Entry: Users will input various data points including targets, sales figures, and other performance metrics. - Reporting: The site should be able to generate reports based on the entered data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and database management. - Experience in creating user-interactive dashboards. - Prior work on MIS or similar type of sites would be a plus. Looking forward to your bids.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert
    $50 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a dedicated Virtual Assistant to help with data entry tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Data Entry: Assisting with inputting data accurately and efficiently. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Excellent attention to detail - Strong organizational skills Experience: - Previous experience as a Virtual Assistant is highly preferred. - Prior data entry experience will be a plus.

    $263 Average bid
    $263 Średnia Oferta:
    61 składanie ofert
    Company Secretary -- 2
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a professional company secretary to assist with my business. The role will primarily involve: (ONLY MUMBAI BASED COMPANY SECRETARY WITH RELEVANT AVAILABILITY) -Advisory on Security Issuance by NBFC as per Companies Act, RBI Guidelines and relevant provisions -Document Preparation and Management: This includes preparing necessary legal documents and managing their filing. - Compliance Filings and Updates: This will entail ensuring we meet all corporate governance, financial reporting standards and our specific industry regulations. Please note that this role does not require managing or preparing financial reports or internal memos. . Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with corporate governance and compliance -RBI Guidelines related...

    $328 Average bid
    $328 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a freelancer with proficiency in software, training expertise, and technical support skills to train my team on the Accurate system, focusing on system configuration and customization. The ideal candidate should have advanced experience with data entry and management within the Accurate system. Please include in your bid: - Your experience with the Accurate system. - Examples of past training experiences. - Your technical support background.

    $49056 Average bid
    $49056 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of an expert who can help me create a polished, professional company statement in Microsoft Word that reflects the quality of my business. Key Responsibilities: - Structure the document using the information I provide and my existing company letterhead - Incorporate my company logo, a photo background and branded colors in a tasteful, appealing way - Enhance the grammar and overall language to a formal, above-par level The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word with experience in document design - A keen eye for aesthetics and attention to detail - Excellent English language skills for grammar correction and text improvement - Ability to maintain a formal tone throughout the ...

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a meticulous Data Collection Specialist to research global university programs for our education consultancy platform. This role involves gathering critical information to aid students in their educational pursuits. Your main tasks will include: - Collecting details on various programs, including course name and category (e.g., Business, IT, Engineering). - Researching and documenting tuition fees, both annual and total course fees. - Determining the program duration, noting the length of each program (e.g., 1 year, 2 years). - Identifying intake dates, specifically available start dates for international students. - Understanding entry requirements, detailing academic and English language prerequisites (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL, GPA). - Ensuring the accura...

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Średnia Oferta:
    28 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional for data entry. The task involves entering specific sales data into Excel and tracking transactions in Tally Prime. Key Responsibilities: - Data Entry: Inputting sales invoices and summaries from Tally Prime into a standard Excel format. - Tally Prime: Manage and track all sales data in Tally Prime. Requirements: - Proficiency in Excel: Familiarity with the standard Excel format is necessary, as you will be expected to use this for all data entry. - Experience with Tally Prime: Prior experience working with Tally Prime is crucial, as this will be the primary platform for tracking sales data. - Attention to Detail: Precision is key, as data accuracy is critical for th...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    48 składanie ofert

    ...(Hybrid/Remote Options Available) We are a real estate company and law office seeking an HR professional with exceptional English skills to assist in screening candidates, conducting interviews, and enhancing our onboarding process. The ideal candidate will have experience in recruitment, a keen understanding of effective onboarding strategies, and the ability to conduct interviews on behalf of the hiring manager. Your expertise will be crucial in selecting the right talent and ensuring a smooth integration into our team. Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement effective recruitment strategies to attract top talent. Screen resumes to identify qualified candidates for various roles within the organization. Conduct initial phone, video, and in-p...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I...freelancer who can assist in gathering the details of company directors from a list of data centres. The project involves finding information for 100 plus data centres. Key Requirements: - Full Name, Title, Email Address, and Phone Number of the directors are required. - Experience with data gathering and research is crucial. - Prior experience in sourcing business contacts is a plus. - Directors' LinkedIn Profiles are required for validation. - Please include the directors’ specific company roles in your search. Your bid should reflect your ability to provide this information accurately and efficiently. Looking forward to your proposals. The gathered information should be organized in an Excel spreadsheet for...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    46 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a dedicated Virtual Assistant to help with data entry tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Data Entry: Assisting with inputting data accurately and efficiently. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Excellent attention to detail - Strong organizational skills Experience: - Previous experience as a Virtual Assistant is highly preferred. - Prior data entry experience will be a plus.

    $389 Average bid
    $389 Średnia Oferta:
    123 składanie ofert

    We are looking to give our company logo a fresh, modern update. The new design should be recreated using Photoshop and Illustrator. Please only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience. Payment will only be made if the final design meets our expectations. You will not be paid for your time if the job is not completed to our satisfaction. To assess your capabilities, we have uploaded an image for you to replicate as a draft. If the draft meets our standards, we will proceed with assigning you the project. We are prepared to offer a competitive fee for the completed work.

    $188 Average bid
    $188 Średnia Oferta:
    150 składanie ofert