Data conversion quality checking softwaresprojekty
As a native Polish speaker, your primary task will be conducting approximately 400 follow-up sales calls to prospective customers in December and January 2025. Experience in an outbound call center is essential, as is the ability to communicate effectively in English. Key Responsibilities: - Making follow-...for making the calls. Compensation will be based on an hourly rate. The sales agent will use a VoIP telephone system for making calls. An initial training session will be provided to familiarize the sales agent with our lottery product and sales script. The compensation will be based on an hourly rate. Each sales call is expected to last between 5 to 10 minutes. No specific targets for sales conversion rates are set. The sales agent will follow a provided call script for mak...
Potrzebuję nagrać brytyjskiego lektora (może być AI), do trzech filmów. Filmy trwają odpowiednio 20, 27 i 30 minut. Idealne umiejętności: - - Doświadczenie w nagrywaniu głosu w filmach - Znajomość oprogramowania do edycji dźwięku Kluczowe wymagania: - Zapewnienie wyraźnego i angażującego głosu w brytyjskim angielskim - Upewnienie się, że głos jest zgodny z oryginalnym tempem i tonem polskiej narracji - Nałożenie głosu na film bez zakłócania istniejącej muzyki w tle lub efektów dźwiękowych Idealny kandydat będzie miał skrupulatne oko do szczegółów i doskonałe umiejętności komunikacyjne, ponieważ będzie odpowiedzialny za zapewnienie, że brytyjsko-angielska wersja tych filmów będzie równie angażująca, jak oryginalna polska wersja.
Poszukuje osoby, która przeredaguje istniejące treści na stronie internetowej i będzie cyklicznie pisała krótkie wpisy na blogu - tematyka: wynajem samochodów do ślubu
Poszukuje kogoś, kto jest w stanie nauczyć mnie, w jaki sposób połączyć API konwersję Facebooka z moją stroną internetową w sposób ręczny.
Car rental - checking and renting cars, including those currently available, - charging a rental fee, depending on time (fixed amount + fuel); discounts for regular customers - client (browses the car list, rents it in one of the company's branches, pays, returns) and employee (adds the car to the base, confirms the rental/receipt, sets the price list). Program valid until 4.11.2021 (inclusive).
...currently borrowed should be kept for individual readers, the time at which the book should be returned, and any penalty charged for delay in returning the book. Information about users and books in files - lines, fields in lines separated by semicolons. I am asking for a quote - I need to hand over the project on 13.02 Library program with the possibility of: - borrowing a book - book return - checking if the book is available for borrowing by name - details of the person who borrowed the book - the date of handing over the book - penalty for delay in returning the book - possibility to add / remove a user when renting a book...
Mam sklep internetowy sprzedajacy odziez meska. Moj system pozwala mi uzyskac moje produkty w formie pliku XML. Poszukuje kogos kto ustawilby dla mnie ogloszenia Google shopping. Sklep ma 6 kategorii i 6-7 podkategorii. Interesuje mnie szybki set up, bez pozniejszego monitorowania: - wyszu...odziez meska. Moj system pozwala mi uzyskac moje produkty w formie pliku XML. Poszukuje kogos kto ustawilby dla mnie ogloszenia Google shopping. Sklep ma 6 kategorii i 6-7 podkategorii. Interesuje mnie szybki set up, bez pozniejszego monitorowania: - wyszukanie najlepszych slow kluczowych - ustawienie jak najnizszych Bid strategy, na naszym konkurencyjnym rynku liczy sie ilosc ludzi, jako ze conversion rate jest bardzo niski - ustawienie ogloszen dla kazdej kategorii produktu - kampania w...
...Browser window opening time • Browser window id - The browser window will be the name of the folder in which cookies will be saved • Other browser parameters to be changed c. Opening the browser window with new parameters for a specified period of time with the parameters from the task file - described in the item above d. Closing the browser window or calling the next page in an open browser e. Checking if the proxy server is active f. Setting the address of the active proxy server through which the browser should connect. For each window, a different proxy server from the list. g. Ability to open many browser windows at the same time For the price I want to receive the source code. I anticipate the development of the application and further cooperation....
Poszukuję frontend developera, który zakoduje w HTML projekt, który przygotowany jest w formacie PSD. Preferowane użycie AngularJS 1.x lub 2.x. Do zakodowania strona główna oraz 6-8 podstron. I'm looking for frontend developer who will be responsible for conversion from PSD to HTML (using AngularJS 1.x or 2.x). There are main page plus 6-8 subpages.
reprezentuję firmę ITEKNA Polska, grupa ALTEN. Zatrudniamy na całym świecie ponad 20 000 osób, z czego około 90% to specjaliści z szeroko pojętego IT i inżynierii. Działamy w modelu outsourcingu. Poszukuję specjalistów na stanowisko QUALITY MANAGER. Kluczowe jest doświadczenie w rozwoju produktów (specyfikacja, zarządzanie dostawcami, zapewnienie jakości) oraz komunikatywna znajomość języka angielskiego. Osoba na tym stanowisku będzie zarządzała pracownikami Departamentu Jakości. W tej rekrutacji wspieram mojego Klienta, firmę KINGFISHER (CASTORAMA) z siedzibą w WARSZAWIE przy ulicy 17 Stycznia 45A. Z uwagi na pilne potrzeby kadrowe naszego Klienta jesteśmy w stanie zaproponować konkurencyjne warunki zatrudnienia w oparciu o Umowę o Pracę lub kont...
Aplikacja webowa w oparciu o web-player wymagająca: 1. Zapoznania się z projektem. 2. Przekonwertowania projektu z Unity 4 do Unity 5 (poprawa 1 shadera) 3. Wyexportowania modeli za pomocą AssetBundle dla środowiska HTML5 4. Zmniejszenie rozdzielczosci textur zoptymalizować...wymagająca: 1. Zapoznania się z projektem. 2. Przekonwertowania projektu z Unity 4 do Unity 5 (poprawa 1 shadera) 3. Wyexportowania modeli za pomocą AssetBundle dla środowiska HTML5 4. Zmniejszenie rozdzielczosci textur zoptymalizować działanie aplikacji w docelowym środowisku 3D web application based on unity web-player needs to be updated : 1. Converting from Unity 4 to Unity 5 (shader conversion) 2. Export main models and assets (AssetBundle for HTML5) 3. Optimizing textures to work smoot...
Retouch Images....Retouch Images....Retouch Images....Retouch Images.... Retouch Images....Retouch Images....
Masz dość tłumaczenia kolejnych nudnych tekstów? Marzysz o robieniu czegoś żywego i ciekawego, co będzie wpływać na tysiące ludzi z całego świata? To może być fantas...znajomości angielskiego, potrzebujemy dobrego rozumienia obszaru nowoczesnych aplikacji internetowych oraz stylu komunikacji, który definiujemy jako profesjonalnie-swobodny. Jeżeli więc nigdy nie słyszałeś o Trello, sporadyczne formułowanie wypowiedzi w poniższym stylu nie leży w Twojej naturze, nie będzie to oferta dla Ciebie: Ugh, another form before I can send an email? Darn. I keep checking this blog, and they still haven’t announced the feature I want. Woohoo! Finished this week’s work. Now I can enjoy the weekend. Jeżeli chcesz poznać nas bliżej, nazywamy się ...
Temat: "Zaprogramuj algorytm rozstrzygający problem model checkingu dla logiki CTL dla modeli reprezentowanych przez systemy skończenie stanowe" Chodzi o napisanie programu z gotowego algorytmu opisanego w załączniku. Należy użyć algorytmów 14 do 16 Termin wykonania: 25 czerwca 2014
...routing Intelligent chat distribution between available agents. Work scheduler Manage agents' online time using the scheduler. Stats and reports Daily Summary Basic chat statistics Chat statistics Data collection via API Group statistics On-demand reporting Engagement Automated greetings Online visitors can receive automatic chat greetings that will start a chat with an agent. Personal greetings Agents can proactively start chats using pre-made chat greetings. Efficiency measuring Information on the overall effectiveness of live chat in terms of conversion and achieved sales goals. Security SSL secured connection Access restriction Restrict access to Chat to a limited number of IPs. Customization Chat window design Customize t...
I'm a foreigner looking for someone helpin...understand Polish but can't speak it so you have to be fluent at English or Russian. I'll provide and manage the strategy while you need to do the actual work. Your main duties will include: 1. Keyword research based on my suggestions 2. Find copywriters and assign tasks to them, control the text quality 3. Find catalogs based on given criteria, confirm with me, submit website to these catalogs 4. Find presells/blogs based on given criteria, confirm with me, submit articles 5. Occasionally checking the quality of translations provided by my interpreter. I pay by hours spent on each task, please name your hourly rate. Students are welcomed! I transfer money by PayPal for your services plus all the subcontracto...
Witam Potrzebuję dodać w opcjach mojego szablonu opartego na Wordpressie i Woocommerce funkcje automatyczne...automatycznego przelicznika i dodawania sumy podatku tylko w koszyku i checkout. Chciałbym aby to tak samo wyglądało na stronach produktów. Potrzebuje szybkiego rozwiazania aby jak najszybciej wdrożyc mój sklep. Warunki do uzgodnienia. I need to add in the options of my template based on Wordpress and Woocommerce features automatic conversion and adding VAT to 23% of net product prices on each product page. At the moment I only have the possibility of automatic conversion and adding the sum of the tax only in the cart and checkout. I would like to make it just as it looked on product pages. Looking for quick solutions to rapidly deploy my shop. Con...
I'm looking for someone that can write simple UserScript () which will add few buttons in Tiberium Alliances browser game (). This buttons will redirect to external website with playes/alliances statistics. Script have to load with 1-2 seconds delay and first check if current game world is supported by checking it's appearence on list from (current world externalID can be get from in-game API using ().get_Server().get_WorldId()). If world is not supported script should stop loading without any notifications. Links looks like this: where extenalID is current world ID, TYPE is player, alliance or base (depends on object type) and itemID
Witam, zlecę dostosowanie zakupionego LP: a dokładniej wersję: Layout With Product Tabs do zmainy: logo ikony społecznościowe, będzie tylko fb zmiana numeru telfonu ;) podlinkowanie przycisku kupna z systemu sprzedażowego dodanie niezbędnych grafik oraz tekstów podłączenie do newslettera chciałbym na takiej stronie umieścić np. 4 produkty - czy istnieje mozliwość aby cały content działał na zasadzie slideshow lub też gdzieś w topie nazwa produktu i po kliknięciu to samo tylko dane innego produktu?
Poszukujemy osoby do współpracy w zakresie zwiększenia odwiedzalności strony oraz podniesienia conversion rate. Dodawanie do katalogów oraz linkowanie. Zależy nam na stałej współpracy i rozliczaniu się za wyniki.
Witam. Szukam osoby, ktora zaprojektuje jedna strone zamowienia dla aplikacji HostBill bez ciecia. przykladowe strony zamowienia sa Jezeli potrafisz zaprojektowac cos ladniejszego to napewno bedziemy dlugo współpracować :) Pozdrawiam Krzysiek B. Moj email: praca@
Przerobienie formularzy flash na zwykłe formularze HTML wymaganie: 1. Formularze na bazie zwykłego <form> 2. kontrole w java script - poprawność adresu e-mail - wypełnione pola według wymagania 3. Zmieniona szata graficzna - większe pola bardziej wyraźne - oznaczone pola wymagane ...zwykłego <form> 2. kontrole w java script - poprawność adresu e-mail - wypełnione pola według wymagania 3. Zmieniona szata graficzna - większe pola bardziej wyraźne - oznaczone pola wymagane 4. formularze do przeróbki - - 5. Przykład grafiki do oznaczenia wymaganych pól Szybkie wykonanie będzie preferowane 2-3 dni
Witam, Poproszę kogoś o usunięcie kilku błędów zgłaszanych przez dla strony: Errors found while checking this document as HTML 4.01 Strict! Result: 37 Errors, 2 warning(s) Chciałbym żeby ta strona również była podobna do "kartki papieru" np: Tekst: Zostaw numer swojego telefonu! ... oraz tekst z ul nie może wchodzić na czerwone pole Przycisk "zostaw swój numer" na środku
...klikalności CTR współczynnik określający stosunek kliknięć internauty w reklamę do ilości jej wyświetleń. Współczynnik ten przydatny jest w mierzeniu skuteczności kampanii reklamowych w internecie, ale w sposób pośredni i niedokładny, ponieważ kliknięcie w reklamę nie przesądza o zakupie dokonanym przez internautę. Dopełnieniem CTR w dokładnym określeniu skuteczności reklamy jest wskaźnik CR (Conversion Rate) lub współczynnik konwersji oraz ROI (Return of Investment). OPCJA ROI z ang. Return on Investment – analiza działań marketingowych pod kątem zwrotu z inwestycji, w marketingu wyszukiwarek jest możliwość mierzenia ile osób po przejściu na dany serwis dokonało interakcji z serwisem www. ( sprzedaż, rejestracja, wysłanie zapytania...
Witam! Szukam osoby, która pomoże mi w zainstalowaniu i skonfigurowaniu serwera vps pod cs'a. Ja już trochę zacząłem zgłębiać się ...się w ten temat, ale mam problem. Postępowałem według tej instrukcji: I niestety mam problem w punkcie "Instalacja Serwera" Wpisuję: /steam -command update -game cstrike -dir /home/user/hlds_l/ -verify_all -retry i wyskakuje mi komunikat: 188:~# ./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir /home/user/hlds_l/ -verify_all -retry Checking bootstrapper version ... Updating Installation Cannot open output file '/home/user/hlds_l//' Co robię źle? W licytacji proszę podawać cenę za naprawienie tego błędu, oraz cenę za godzinę konsultacji (osobno). Pozdrawiam
... 0x10F => "Manufacturer", 0x11 => "Direction of image", 0x110 => "Image input equipment model", 0x111 => "Image data location", 0x112 => "Orientation of image", 0x115 => "Number of components", 0x116 => "Number of rows per strip", 0x117 => "Bytes per compressed strip", 0x11A => "Image resolution in width direction", 0x11B => "Image resolution in height direction", 0x11C => "Image data arrangement", 0x12 => "Geodetic survey data used", 0x120 => "Free Offsets", 0x121 => "Free Byte Counts", 0x122 => "Gray Response Unit",...
...Kliknięcia: • UC (User Clicks): • Udane kliknięcia: • SUC (Succesful User Clicks): • UA (Users action): • UA - pc (Users action - post click): • UA - post view (Users action - post view): • CTR-V (Click through ratio - views): • CTR-U (Click through ratio - users): • CR-V (Conversion rate - views): • CR-U (Conversion rate - users) : • AR-V (Action rate - views): • AR-U (Action rate - users): • TTC (time to click): • TTA - pc (time to action - post click): • TTA - pv (time to action - post view): • Ranking wydawców: • Ranking placementów: • Ranking...
We need 10 pages of quality content for information relating to 'mortgages' and 10 pages of quality content for information relating to 'jewellery'. All in MS Word. The texts are to be included on websites.
... 3. Possible integration with the website and e-shop. OBJECTIVES 1. The objective is to provide incentive to carpenters and builders (target market) to use Laminex kitchens 2. The carpenter uses the Virtual Kitchen to impress the client and gain additional credibility by associating himself with Laminex, thus improving his conversion rate 3. The carpenter also uses the program as a tool to simplify his ordering process – once his client has viewed and approved the virtual kitchen, the order is automatically generated for him to place with Laminex, thus assisting him in quote preparation, saving time, and ensuring order accuracy VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Select floor plan / edit measurements / insert doors/windows
... 3. Possible integration with the website and e-shop. OBJECTIVES 1. The objective is to provide incentive to carpenters and builders (target market) to use Laminex kitchens 2. The carpenter uses the Virtual Kitchen to impress the client and gain additional credibility by associating himself with Laminex, thus improving his conversion rate 3. The carpenter also uses the program as a tool to simplify his ordering process – once his client has viewed and approved the virtual kitchen, the order is automatically generated for him to place with Laminex, thus assisting him in quote preparation, saving time, and ensuring order accuracy VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Select floor plan / edit measurements / insert doors/windows
...based on a unique ID column - (Bonus) Renaming the first tab of the existing .xlsx file to the current user's first name It's crucial to note that the structure of the .xlsx files will be consistent every time. While it would be great if you could also incorporate a step to convert the .xlsx file to a .csv file, this isn't absolutely necessary as long as the update process works without the conversion. Please be aware of the following: - I will provide work files, but you will need to use your own SharePoint and Power Automate accounts - The bid you submit is the total amount I will pay. There will be no "bait-and-switch" - This project needs to be completed by the end of the day Friday. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency wi...
...a highly skilled Figma UI/UX designer to create modern, user-friendly workflows and designs for three high-traffic web applications: 1️⃣ Loan EMI Calculator Simple & responsive UI for users to input loan details. Dynamic EMI calculation with graphical representation. Mobile-friendly & SEO-optimized layout. 2️⃣ PDF to Word Converter Minimalistic, fast-loading UI. Drag & drop file upload with conversion progress UI. Freemium/Paid model integration (for monetization). 3️⃣ AI-Powered Resume Builder Step-by-step guided UI for easy resume creation. Pre-designed templates selection. Auto-fill suggestions using AI. What We Expect: ✅ Figma-based design with proper workflow documentation. ✅ UX-optimized layouts to ensure high user engagement. ✅ Designs that attract massive ...
...elsewhere. Key Responsibilities: Provide a comprehensive developmental edit of the manuscript, focusing on: Overall structure and flow. Clarity and coherence of arguments. Consistency of voice and tone. Identification and resolution of any gaps or inconsistencies in content. Suggestions for strengthening the manuscript's appeal to potential literary agents and publishing houses. Checking for accuracy of information. Checking for logical flow of information. Provide detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement. Ensure the manuscript is polished and ready for submission Ideal Candidate: Am looking at an individual paying personalised attention Proven experience in developmental editing, particularly for non-fiction books. Strong understanding of the publishing ...
I'm looking for a seasoned digital marketing expert with a strong focus on influencer marketing, specifically targeting micro-influencers on Instagram, TikTok and X Twitter Key Responsibilities: - Identify and collaborate with relevant micro-influencers (10k-50k followers) - Develop strategic camp...on selected platforms Ideal Skills: - Prior experience with influencer marketing on Instagram and TikTok - Strong understanding of micro-influencer dynamics - Excellent communication and negotiation skills Please note, the primary goal of this campaign has not been definitively set yet. Your expertise in suggesting effective strategies for boosting brand awareness, lead generation, and sales conversion will be highly valued. IF you already have accounts with some followers that...
I'm looking for a professional to create a targeted Google Ads campaign to generate leads for my business, which offers professional services. The ultimate goal is to increase sales. Key Responsibilities: - Set clear objectives for the campaign - Cre...objectives for the campaign - Create relevant ads aimed at converting leads into sales - Establish negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic - Optimize performance and budget throughout the campaign Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful Google Ads campaigns, particularly for professional services - Strong understanding of lead generation and sales conversion strategies - Experience with audience segmentation based on geographical location - Ability to optimize ad performance and budg...
...DETAILS BEFORE APPLYING/BID*** SEO Content Writer Brief Overview We are seeking talented content writers who can create high-quality SEO-optimized articles for our affiliate marketing site. This position involves researching topics, conducting keyword research, writing engaging content, and publishing directly to our WordPress platform. Responsibilities: Content Creation Research and write informative, engaging articles (30+ per month) Adhere to SEO best practices and white hat standards Optimize content for search engines while maintaining readability Conduct thorough topic research before writing Include appropriate references and citations Perform plagiarism and fact-checking on all content SEO Expertise: Conduct keyword research using your own paid subscription tool...
I have 11 Azure Logic App workflows that need to be converted into Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Bicep. This task requires integrating with existing Bicep scripts and understanding the workflows' interactions with APIs and Databases. Key requirements: - Proficiency in Bicep and Azure Logic App workflows - Experience with IaC - Ability to integrate existing scripts seamlessly - Understanding of APIs and Databases
I have a 24x36 poster print image that needs to be enhanced for a high-quality print. The image is currently at a resolution of 300 dpi or higher and is in a JPEG format. Minor edits to enhance the image quality are acceptable. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Expertise in image editing software (like Adobe Photoshop or similar). - Experience with preparing images for high-quality prints. - Ability to enhance image quality without compromising the original aesthetics.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can interpret a photograph and convert it into a clean, line-based design suitable for a stamp. image should be black and white and include some details but not so many that it would be too busy. Feel free to include the mountain in the background as well as the flag pole with a flying flag. Requirements: - Image Transformation: The project involves transforming a photograph into a stamp design. - Line Style: The lines in the design should be medium and balanced - not too thin or overly detailed, but also not too thick or bold. - Detail Preservation: The design should preserve minimal detail from the original photograph. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Strong background in graphic design, particularly in creating line-based designs. - Adobe Illustr...
...Fajr: 5:30 AM"). Android: Use AppWidgetProvider. iOS: Use WidgetKit (iOS 14+). Syncs with app data in real-time. Timetable Scanning with AI: Feature to upload timetable images (PNG/JPG) and convert them to JSON. Integrate an AI API (e.g., Google Cloud Vision, AWS Textract, or OpenAI with Vision). Prompt example: "Extract prayer times from this image into JSON: {'MasjidName': 'Masjid X', 'Fajr': '5:30 AM', ...}". Users scan and submit timetables for their local masjids. Geolocation: Use device location (e.g., Flutter’s geolocator) to suggest nearby masjids. Request coarse location permission, fetch masjids within a 10-mile radius. Backend & Database: RESTful API (Node.js/Flask) to handle masjid data and user s...
IOA Visa Gift Card Program Flyer - I will forward flyer details separately. I'm checking on the timing of when we will send the cards with boss man.
Hi Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Experts, We are looking for an expert to help us track key metrics on our webpage and pass this data to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Below are the specific requirements: Task: We need to track user registrations and deposits on our deposit confirmation page with the following details: Capture users who have registered and made their first deposit shortly after registration. We need to track both the deposit count and deposit value on the deposit confirmation page and send this data to GA4. Additionally, we want to track all deposits made at any time, not just the first deposit. Reporting Requirements: Once the tracking is set up, we need to generate a campaign-wise report in GA4 that includes: Registrations: Count only. First...
I have a protected PDF containing primarily text and documents that I need converted into a printable version. It is a link that I can share and that link should be converted into a final PDF that must have all parts editable, including the header and footer, main body text, and annotations and comments. Ideal skills for ...protected PDF containing primarily text and documents that I need converted into a printable version. It is a link that I can share and that link should be converted into a final PDF that must have all parts editable, including the header and footer, main body text, and annotations and comments. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Experience with file conversion - Attention to detail to ensure all parts are correctly mad...
...Key Responsibilities: ✔ Ad Revenue Optimization Set up and optimize Google AdSense, Ezoic, or Mediavine for better earnings. Strategically place ads without disrupting user experience. ✔ Affiliate Marketing Strategy Identify and implement high-converting affiliate programs (Amazon, Udemy, Grammarly, etc.). Optimize blog content to increase affiliate sales. Track, analyze, and improve conversion rates. ✔ Sponsored Content & Brand Collaborations Develop a sponsorship rate card to attract brands. Manage brand partnerships & sponsored content opportunities. ✔ Digital Product & Course Monetization Assist in creating and selling ebooks or online courses. Optimize landing pages and checkout flows to improve conversions. ✔ Traffic Growth & Revenue Optimi...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to convert my existing website www.gund... from Microsoft Front Page to WordPress. The ideal candidate should have: - Proficient experience with WordPress, Microsoft Front Page, and web development in general. - A keen eye for detail to ensure the current design is faithfully replicated on WordPress. Key Project Details: - The primary goal of this project is to maintain the current design of the site in the WordPress conversion. - While there are no immediate requests for additional features or content updates, a proactive approach to identifying opportunities for minor improvements would be appreciated. - All content, both text and images, will remain the same. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your ...
I need a professional to set up Google Ads conversion tracking for my Shopify store. The specific conversion I want to track are form submissions. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive knowledge of Google Ads - Experience with Shopify - Proficiency in tracking and analytics Please note, the specific app or plugin used for forms on my store has not been determined yet. As such, flexibility and adaptability will be key. Previous experience with Shopify's default form builder, third-party apps, and custom code will be beneficial.
I am seeking an experienced software developer to create a Windows-compatible Quality Management System (QMS) software. The software should incorporate the following key functionalities: - Document Control - Audit Management - Risk Management - Compliance with ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 standards - Maintenance Management - Artificial Intelligence capabilities The software must also integrate seamlessly with existing ERP systems. Ideal candidates for this project should have a deep understanding of quality management systems, relevant standards, and experience in software development for Windows. Knowledge in AI and ERP systems integration is a significant advantage.
I have an excel document that I need converted into a php website. The excel document has many formulas which need to be converted into php functions so that when I type in the required data in the input boxes the output will be the exact same as the output shown on the excel document. In the excel document Column B Row 1 - 13 are input fields that need to be html inputs with the current values as placeholders In the excel document Column B Row 18 - 31 are also input fields that need to be html inputs with the current values as placeholders for testing. Column B Row 33 needs to be an input field as well with a value of 1178.39 Column B Row 34 is the calculated output from the excel formulas Column C Row 34 is an output required Column D Row 34 is an output required I will ne...
I need a skilled professional to convert a JPG image into a vector file for website graphics. The project requires the following specific tasks: - Conversion of a JPG image to a vector format suitable for website graphics - Delivery of the final vector image in SVG and AI file formats - Removal of the background from the image during the conversion process Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in image conversion and vector graphics, with a strong portfolio demonstrating the successful completion of similar projects. Your attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines will be crucial to the success of this project.