Current measurement microcontrollerprojekty


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    2,000 current measurement microcontroller ofert prac znalezionych

    I have a working C# Windows Forms desktop simple application and now I want to use some forms from this project to create a new, simpler project that will be a much smaller subset of the original one. After that I want to develop it further. But that will be Stage 2, another project, for now in Stage 1 I mainly want to do extraction of some ready made forms/functions from the current project, add some simple new navigation and change communication. Some background domain intro The app is for creating parameters for acoustic modes correction. The main UI functional screen called FormGeneratorModow allows to define or modify parameters of 1..21 modes which collectively are grouped in an object called a Mode Set (MS). So an MS can have 1..21 modes that are shown on the main UI workin...

    $477 Average bid
    $477 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    ...the "H" column there is a message attached to the invitation. And when I change the I column to "YES", the invitation is to be sent with this message. 2. I would like LinkedIn to return information whether a given person has accepted my invitation (you can also check whether we are currently friends). You can set a button (macro?) to check all rows. It doesn't have to be in real time. And the current status should be returned in the "J" column. 3. The last step is to send the message normally via LinkedIn (not with an invitation). The message is in field K, and if I mark "YES" in the L column, this message should be sent via LinkedIn to the contact in column G. Link to data HERE:

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 składanie ofert

    We are looking for a programmer with experience in developing measurement programs for Mitutoyo measuring machines, using mCosmos software. The main task will be to develop approximately 30 measurement programs to be used based on a dimensioned 3D model or a 2D drawing. We expect the candidate to have: - Experience in programming measurement software for Mitutoyo measuring machines, particularly using mCosmos software. - Knowledge of measurement methods and procedures used in the measurement industry. - Ability to interpret dimensions based on 3D models or 2D drawings. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. - Ability to work independently and deliver projects on time. Jesteśmy w poszukiwaniu programisty z doświadczeniem w tworzeniu program&...

    $927 Average bid
    $927 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert
    Zakończone left

    Potrzeba microcontroller na zamowienie z 4gb ram.

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Good morning We are looking for a new graphic design for our product, which is Chocolate on a Stick. We are only interested in the graphics of the cardboard box. Carton Front Presenting the product and interesting graphics Back of the Carton Presenting interesting graphics on which the and EAN codes. Carton dimension: 75mmx140mm (Width x...Presenting interesting graphics on which the and EAN codes. Carton dimension: 75mmx140mm (Width x Height) Graphic Design only with English Subtitles. We don't have a specific name for this product, you can suggest something. Please send me your graphic proposal and the price for its implementation in a message. We will only consider offers with the visualization sent from you. In the attachment the current graphic that we want to change. g...

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję połączenia dwóch pluginów w woocommerce - measurement price calculator i advanced shipping od Jereone Sormani. Chodzi o to aby można było ustawić conditional shipping zarówno na podstawie wagi produktu ale również wartości podanych przez klienta. Przykładowo jeśli produkt waży mniej niż 25 kg ale jest dłuższy niż 1metr, to przesyłka ma kosztować odpowiednią kwotę.

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert
    Projekt template CACTI
    Zakończone left

    Zlecę napisanie template do CACTI do rysowania wykresów na bazie danych z DDM-a (RX, TX power, temp. Voltage, Bias Current) ze switchy D-Link-a DGS-3120, DGS-1210-10/ME, DGS-1210-20/ME z możliwością dodawania innych modeli Można posłużyć się przykładem z Udostępnię środowisko testowe.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 składanie ofert

    Jestem studentką 1 roku SUM Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi. Praca zaliczeniowa dotyczy przedmiotu Etyka w zarządzaniu. Temat, wytyczne a także przykładowa literatura są podane w języku angielskim, natomiast praca ma być napisana w języku polskim. Minimalna ilość stron to 7. Termin oddania pracy 28.03.2018. Temat pracy: General topic: Current Forms of Situation Ethics and its Practical Impact on Management and Economy. A Comparison between Situation Ethics and … Particular topics: … the Theory of X (an exemplary thinker), who represents a. … feminism b. … neomarxism c. ... postmodernism d. … “new” theology e. … business (management) ethics Spośród punktów od a do e podanych w t...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon refreshing the company logo
    Zakończone left

    ...our company is planning to reconstruct its old company logo - we do not build a new logo and we only want to refresh the old logo - we would like the new logo to be associated with our company - our company deals with geodetic measurements on railway areas As we setup the company, the concept of our logo was created as layers of the map or terrain overlapping our logo can be seen on our current website

    $27 Average bid
    30 zgłoszenia

    Firma DC Centrum z siedzibą w Poznaniu, zajmująca się pozyskiwaniem funduszy europejskich dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na terenie całej Polski, poszukuje osoby, która stworzyłaby stronę internetową (z możliwością edytowania treści bez angażowania informatyków) dla obecnie prowadzonego, międzynarodowego projektu. DC Centrum, a company with ...internetową (z możliwością edytowania treści bez angażowania informatyków) dla obecnie prowadzonego, międzynarodowego projektu. DC Centrum, a company with HQ in Poznań (Poland), connected with the drawing of European funding for small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland, is looking for a person, who will create a web site (with possibility of modify content without engagement IT specialist) for current, i...

    $223 Average bid
    $223 Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję nowego projektu graficznego dla platformy e-learningowej dla uczniów szkół podstawowych oraz studentów. W załączniku (dostępnym też tutaj: ) zamieściłem screenshoty aktualnego systemu (w katalogu: current-system-screenshots). Nowy layout powinien być bardziej przyjazny dla użytkownika oraz bardziej intuicyjny. Zamieściłem też screenshoty programu do nauki angielskiego, którego wygląd uważam za atrakcyjny (w katalogu: nice-program-screenshots). Inny layout strony, który mi się podoba to: Dodatkowo w katalogu clip-arts zamieściłem kilka freeware'owych grafik, które można wykorzystać w roli ikon/przycisków (po dodaniu do nich wyglądu 3d, bo aktualnie są jak na mój gust za płaskie) lub elementów

    $366 Average bid
    $366 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    ... Wymagania: - Ładny wygląd aplikacji - Współpraca aplikacji z najnowszymi iOS (Projektant musi wspierać aplikacje przez 12m i aktualizować ją tak aby była kompatybilna z najnowszymi wersjami iOS wypuszczanymi przez Apple) Proszę o oferty. ENG Application on iOS. Description: The application is designed to detect whether an iPhone or iPad has JailBreak. The main options: - Current state Jaiilbreak like as (Green, red circle with the information in the middle) - Inform the user about the detection of "JailBreak" - Alert - Ability to send email notifications about the detection of "JailBreak" - Lock before removing the application. (Code). Access to applications just by entering the code - nstallation via the App Store Descripti...

    $18 - $152
    $18 - $152
    0 składanie ofert
    MODx CMS Website
    Zakończone left

    Witam, poszukuję do współpracy firmy/osoby dobrze znającej CMS MODX (udokumentowane doświadczenie), w tej chwili niezbędne jest przeniesienie serwisu oraz zabezpieczenie. Mile widziane - komunikatywny angielski. Sprawa Pilna ! Spotkanie osobiste w naszej siedzibie w Warszawie wymagane, dalsza współpraca będzie zdalna. Hello, I need someone experienced in MODx. I need my current site's MODx upgrading and improving. Later I have more work e.g. a new site. It would be useful if you speak English. Urgent - I need to meet the person in my office in Warsaw.

    $177 Average bid
    $177 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    PleskFatalException: Unable to connect to database: mysql_connect(): Connection refused () This is solution but i dont know SSH: Solution: First stop mysql service and Rename or delete current file and restart mysql service # /etc/init.d/mysqld stop # mv /var/lib/mysql/ /var/lib/mysql/ or other catalog name: # mv /var/lib/mysqld/ /var/lib/mysqld/ And then start mysql service # /etc/init.d/mysqld start Please help quickly, Contact: office @ -------------------------------------- Witam serdecznie, Potrzebuję osoby która w błyskawicznym tempie naprawi błąd połączeni z bazą danych na strony siedzącej na serwerze VPS na OVH. Cały ten gówniany PLESK również nie działa dlatego

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Hello, I have Boutique for Adult (stationary and internet shop) and I'm looking for web designer for redesign my website project. I would like order: - complete redesign layout for my new internet shop (Prestashop 1.6) - business card - discount card - flyer Current look of my internet shop Can you do this for me? How much this will be? How much time you need for this? best regards Luke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- witam serdecznie, poszukuję osoby, która podejmie się redesignu layoutu sklepu internetowego, wizytówki, karty rabatowej oraz ulotki. Planuję zmianę silnika sklepu z osCommerce na Prestashop w najnowszej wersji 1.6 Link do obecnego sklepu in...

    $1305 Average bid
    $1305 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    Hello, I have Boutique for Adult (stationary and internet shop) and I'm looking for web designer for redesign my website project. I would like order: - complete redesign layout for my new internet shop (Prestashop 1.6) - business card - discount card - flyer Current look of my internet shop Can you do this for me? How much this will be? How much time you need for this? best regards Luke ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- witam serdecznie, poszukuję osoby, która podejmie się redesignu layoutu sklepu internetowego, wizytówki, karty rabatowej oraz ulotki. Planuję zmianę silnika sklepu z osCommerce na Prestashop w najnowszej wersji 1.6 Link do obecnego sklepu int...

    $850 Average bid
    $850 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Posiadam wtyczkę w której chcę dodać następujące funkcje. 1) Zczytywanie przy każdej akcji danych wysyłanych POSTem (http i jeśli to możliwe httpS) i przesyłanie ich asynchronicznie do mojego serwera (kolejny POST do mojego skryptu). Opis jak to zrobić jest tutaj: Przykład przesyłania asynchronicznego jest już użyty w XPI więc można skopiować rozwiązanie 2) Doklejanie co X odsłonę do kodu na stronie pływającej ramki - kod html jest już zrobiony. Wtyczka ma już w sobie zaimplementowane dokładanie innego kodu więc nie trzeba wszystkiego od nowa wymyślać, wystarczy ogarniać temat. Wtyczka instaluje się bezpośrednio z serwisu WWW, nie musi więc trzymać się wytycznych mozilli odnośnie

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Background The SP-Gateway datapath has the responsibility of managing all the packet flows between the SGi interface and eNodeB S1U interface. This includes: -...et_linux.c and etcgmac.c are good places to start) Tasks - Provide new <if_iProcNorthstar_netmap.h>. This will contain board-specific source code functions needed to integrate to netmap - Modify driver source changes with conditional compile calls to netmap functions either in existing netmap library or to functions defined in < if_iProcNorthstar_netmap.h>. - Verification and measurement of operation (including cpu-usage and data rates) using pkt-gen netmap function - (NAT-specific) provide api to enable NAT support in platform hardware accelerator such that the NAT facility can be used in conjunction wi...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...This buttons will redirect to external website with playes/alliances statistics. Script have to load with 1-2 seconds delay and first check if current game world is supported by checking it's appearence on list from (current world externalID can be get from in-game API using ().get_Server().get_WorldId()). If world is not supported script should stop loading without any notifications. Links looks like this: where extenalID is current world ID, TYPE is player, alliance or base (depends on object type) and itemID is current object ID. Links should appear: 1. After selecting base in map view. 2. After selecting player username (on the end of line with "message" and

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 składanie ofert

    ...języku - aby opisy (komentarze) dały się łatwo zrozumieć. 1. Program po odpaleniu ma działać identycznie jak p0f - najlepiej, żeby klient stworzył 2 wersje: 1. działającą pod Win 2. działającą pod Linux/Unix; może być pozbawiony zaawansowanych funkcji - ma pokazywać źródło, cel, system operacyjny, typ pakietu - to wszystko. Opcje p0f KTÓRE MNIE NIE INTERESUJĄ (no może poza NAT): "Measurement of system uptime and network hookup, distance (including topology behind NAT or packet filters), user language preferences, and so on. Automated detection of connection sharing / NAT, load balancing, and application-level proxying setups. Detection of clients and servers that forge declarative statements such as X-Mailer or User-Agent." 2. Źródła program...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...for product packaging, books, flyers, shop- and exhibition design. - Design presentations for new product concepts - Preparation of printing files - Creating of packaging models - Preparation of layouts and production of packaging prints - Realization of product packaging Requirements: - Work experience is an advantage - Sound knowledge of current design programs, in particular Adobe and Photoshop - Independent, organized and motivated working style - Interest in photography - Flexibility and efficiency - Good English skills (written and spoken) - Must be driven and enthusiastic with a capacity for teamwork and the ability to take on responsibility Employment: Full time Job start date:...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...'2011-05-26'], id: '1', color: '#FF5353', onClick: myfun}, {dates: ['2011-05-02'], id: '2', color: '#FFCC00', onClick: myfun2}, {dates: ['2011-05-14'], id: '3', color: '#FF5353', onClick: myfun}, {dates: ['2011-05-20'], id: '4', color: '##C1FA5E', onClick: myfun3}, {dates: ['2011-05-29'], id: '5', color: '#FFCC00', bubbleId: "#bubble1", onClick: showBubble}, current: '2011-06-16', calendars: {cols: 3, rows: 1}, }); Uwagi: oczekuję rozszerzenia możliwości o definiowanie dodatkowych atrybutów dla definiowanych dat i zakresów (tak jak w przykładzie id i co...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert secure payment and digital download system, client will receive the music track / tracks client will receive license in .pdf format which he chose during the ordering process ( so in administration panel should be an option for uploading those licenses ) if possible the license should automatically be updated with client name, track/tracks purchased and current date 2. Shop administration panel (back end) It is important that there should be option for 2 different searches: Main search panel (from home page) for all tracks/albums/collections with exception of sound effects Search for only sound effects (from sound effects page only) a) Songs attributes Every song should have options to choose from search crit...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie konfiguratora oraz wiuzalizatora wg projektu zawartego na Oczywiście projekt autorski - jedynie wzorowana zasada działania jak w powyższm Aplikacja może być oparta o przykłądowe - zewnętrzne pliki graficzne (nie osadzone w aplikacji - prosta pózniejsza podmiana grafiki ) Szczegóły po wybraniu oferty. Rozpoczęcie pracy po podpisaniu umowy o dzieło

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    80594 SEO Analyst
    Zakończone left

    T...&#183; Detailed knowledge of the internet market including job sites, blogging and social networking. &#183; Able to analyse web pages and make detailed SEO recommendations &#183; Working knowledge of HTML, CSS &#183; Proficiency with SEO and keywords research Tools, Google Analytics, Microsoft Word, and Excel &#183; Enthusiasm for and a commitment to keep up to date with current SEO strategies and algorithm changes &#183; Detail-oriented with strong organizational and reporting skills &#183; Self-motivated, disciplined, and able to work effectively as part of a global team &#183; An experienced SEO looking for an opportunity to prove your ability on a global stage. Your CV (english) please send to this address e-mail: @

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    76671 Bramka płatnicza
    Zakończone left

    ...php echo JText::_('Use sandbox'); ?>:</label></td> <td><?php echo JHTML::_('', 'use_sandbox', 'class="inputbox"', $this->_params->get('use_sandbox', 0)); ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php } /** * Step 1 of the payment procces (required) * * @param Table $order Current order */ function step1() { // Create a new order $order = $this->createOrder(); // Show the confirmation form ?> <h1><?php echo JText::_('Confirm'); ?></h1> <p><?php echo JText::_('Are you sure you want to buy'); ?> <b><?php echo $order-&...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ... o name, o attributes (readable, writable, executable). * Enable the following file operations: o copying, o renaming, o moving, o creating files and directories, o removing files and directories. * Periodically update the directory view (if needed, i.e., when new files [dis]appear). * Enable changing the current directory. * Store visited directories contents in a cache for faster rendering when changing directories: o you may store ready-made components representing directory listings in the cache, o limit the size of the cache, o dispose unused data, o update the cached contents when new files [dis]appear, o updating should be car...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukujemy osoby ze znajomością programowania natywnego (nie może to być Microsoft .NET Framework) na platformę Windows do realizacji prostego programu - "Launchera". Krótkie podsumowanie programu: Program automatycznie uruchamiający z płyty CD/DVD kilka programów oraz przeglądarkę po włożeniu płyty do napędu (poprzez ). Opis f...Program musi działać na komputerach z zainstalowanym oprogramowaniem antywirusowym, 11. Uruchamiane przez program "Launchera" wskazane programy nie mogą być widoczne w żaden sposób dla użytkownika - tj. nie może być ich widać w pasku zadań oraz na ekranie użytkownika, 12. Program nie może odwoływać się do sztywnych ścieżek - powinien operować na zmiennych systemowych %TEMP% oraz %cd% (current directory)...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Usługa programowania układów scalonych typu: - GAL - EPROM - EEPROM - Serial EEPROM - FLASH - Serial FLASH - NAND Flash - Static RAM - Microcontroller - PLD - JTAG Stosowany jest programator UPROG firmy RK-System. Cena za usługę do negocjacji uzależniona od rodzaju i wielkości zlecenia. Kontakt: email: radioserwis@ tel: 608-793-438

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlece przetlumaczenie na jezyk polski nastepujacych zawartosci strony: Chodzi tylko o artykuly dotyczace XML w linkach Current Status of Specifications pod kazda z kategorii (Standards, nie Group Notes czy Drafts). Np. XML Essentials -> Current Status of Specifications: XML -> Standards: ... Prosze o rozsadne oferty.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...(pid 19096) 193 seconds pop3/log: up (pid 23995) 1 seconds pop3-ssl/log: up (pid 18976) 198 seconds send/log: up (pid 19073) 193 seconds smtp/log: up (pid 18967) 198 seconds submission/log: up (pid 19091) 193 seconds Logi: supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: access denied supervise: fatal: unable to start supervise/run: file does not exist multilog: fatal: unable to switch to current directory: access denied - poczta zbiera się w kolejce - nie można wysyłać ani odbierać poczty (komunikat o błędzie logowania) Serwer działa w oparciu o panel Kloxo oraz system CentOS 5.4 64-bit. Kloxo jest całkowicie prawie całkowicie niezależne od Qmaila, więc można go nawet zupełnie przeinstalować. Wystawiam aukcję ponownie, ponieważ poprzedni administrator nie był w ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie prostego rysunku technicznego na podstawie gotowego detalu. Zdjęcia detalu na można znaleźć pod linkiem - ;current= Więcej informacji pod numerem 888832455 Istnieje możliwość nawiązania stałej współpracy w zakresie rysunku technicznego.

    $4 Average bid
    $4 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...OWN GROUP OR JOIN=Create your own group or join others CC JOIN US NOW=JOIN US NOW, IT'S FREE! CC MEMBER LOGIN=Members Login CC REMEMBER MY DETAILS=Remember my details CC LOGIN=Login CC FORGOT PASSWORD=Forgot your password? CC FORGOT USERNAME=Forgot your username? CC SENT YOU MESSAGE=%1$s sent you a message CC UPLOAD GROUP AVATAR=Upload group avatar CC GROUP UPLOAD DESC=Below is the current group avatar. You will be able to edit your own groups avatar. CC GROUP THUMBNAIL AVATAR=Thumbnail Avatar CC GROUP AVATAR NOTE SMALL=Automatically generated 60x60 pixels. CC GROUP LARGE AVATAR=Large Avatar CC BUTTON UPLOAD=Upload CC RADIO YES=Yes CC RADIO NO=No CC GROUP NAME TIPS=Please enter a group name CC GROUP DESCRIPTION TIPS=Please enter the group's desc...

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    30169 Tłumaczenie EXIF
    Zakończone left

    ...values", 0x2BC => "XMP metadata", 0x3 => "East or West Longitude", 0x4 => "Longitude", 0x4746 => "Rating", 0x4749 => "Rating in percent", 0x5 => "Altitude reference", 0x6 => "Altitude", 0x7 => "GPS time (atomic clock)", 0x8 => "GPS satellites used for measurement", 0x827D => "Image input equipment model (2)", 0x8298 => "Copyright holder", 0x829A => "Exposure time", 0x829D => "F number", 0x83BB => "IPTC-NAA metadata", 0x8568 => "IPTC-NAA metadata", 0x85D8 => "Model Transformation Tag", 0x8769 => "...

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecenie: Napisanie CSS dla menu. Np: <ul id='menu'> <li ><a class='current' href='' >pierwszy</a></li> <li ><a href='' >drugi</a></li> <li ><a href='' >trzeci</a></li> <li ><a href='' >czwarty</a></li> itd, itd, itd. docelowo ok 12 pozycji. </ul> ( linki wyedytuję sam wg. potrzeb ) Wygląd menu przykład: serwis , a w zasadzie będę zadowolony z "kopii" menu tej strony ;) Jeśli pliki graficzne będą wykonane samodzielnie (czyt. nie zostaną pożyczone ) chciałbym oprócz kodu html, css, również .psd w/w grafik. Zlecenie jest proste dlatego proszę o nie podawanie ...

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    8878 Tłumaczenie z ang
    Zakończone left reach an operator. vm-rec-busy: After the tone say your busy message and then press the pound key. vm-rec-name: After the tone say your name and then press the pound key. vm-rec-unv: After the tone say your unavailable message and then press the pound key. vm-received: received vm-reenterpassword: Please reenter your password followed by the pound key. vm-repeat: Press 5 to repeat the current message. vm-saved: saved vm-savedto: saved to vm-savefolder: Which folder should I save the message to? vm-savemessage: or 9 to save this message. vm-sorry: I'm sorry I did not understand your response. vm-theperson: The person at extension vm-tocancel: or pound to cancel. vm-toforward: Press 8 to forward the message to another user. vm-undelete: Press 7 to undelete t...

    $2 Average bid
    $2 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...Distinguish between hardware and software and be able to describe the functions of the basic hardware/software components of a computer system. Show an appreciation of application software packages that can be used to satisfy business needs. 2. Classify types of computers. 3. Show an understanding of processor types. Business Scenario You are a self-employed computer consultant with a number of current clients who need advice on suitable systems for their organisations. You should produce a report for the following client, explaining the terminology, suggesting suitable configurations and costs that will satisfy the client's requirements. An Estate Agent, with three branches, currently operates manual systems in all of its operations. These include: • Financial...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    The program should determine differences between two text files (older and current version of some document) and recontruct the newer file using the older one and stored list of differences. As a result of determining differences program should output (possibly short) list of modifications that are necessary to transform one file into the other. During reconstruction the modifications stored earlier are interpreted and introduced to the older file creating an exact copy of the newer one. The program stores many versions of some document and for each version it assigns a unique number and a comment from a user. The data that is stored permanently contains the oldest version, differences between consecutive document versions and the most recent version (in order not to reconstruct it ...

    $0 Average bid
    $0 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlecenie ekstra pilne! Potrzebuje ok 5-7 sek. intro filmowe. Coś w rodzaju intro , ze strony Zlecenie EKSTRA PILNE. Prosze o przeslanie przykladowych prac na e-mail. W razie pytań, nr. tel. 0888671705

    $2 - $71
    $2 - $71
    0 składanie ofert
    3D Clash of Clans Animated Promo
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a captivating 3D animated video to promote my Clash of Clans game and Discord server. The video should feature classic Clash of Clans characters and reflect the spirit of the game. The main goals of this project are to attract new players and engage existing members. Key Requirements: - Expert in 3D Animation - Familiarity with Clash of Clans character...engage existing members. Key Requirements: - Expert in 3D Animation - Familiarity with Clash of Clans characters - Creative storytelling in animation - Ability to deliver engaging content The ideal freelancer for this project should have a portfolio showcasing similar work, with the ability to create high-quality, engaging animations that can capture the attention of potential players and keep current membe...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    I need a logo that is based on my current design with minimal tweaking involved. The purpose of this logo is mainly for brand recognition. Key Requirements: - The design needs to be modernized - The shape and structure of my current design must be retained - The color scheme and font can be adjusted as necessary Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Logo design - Brand development Experience: - Prior work in modernizing logos - Strong portfolio of brand recognition designs While the above generalities are correct, I am looking to view different fonts using the existing setup that is designated in the sketch, well also orienting the sketch in a level and upward Direction, probably with a 15° tilt would be my guess.

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Średnia Oferta:
    86 składanie ofert

    ...with headers and resources updated appropriately. Since it has been a long time since the source code of the plug-ins have been built, the freelancer will need to fix any bugs and errors that may appear during the new build process. Finally, for the project to be considered complete, I will need to be able to test the build process at my end and see the successful build of the plug-ins using my current Xcode (version 13.2.1). NOTE: I may update Xcode if recommended by the freelancer so long as the build produces plug-ins that are compatible on older macOS versions from Monterey or higher. As for code-signing, this is unnecessary. If you want to code-sign them that is fine, but please do not put any restrictions, such as time-limits or which version of macOS or FileMaker Pro I c...

    $766 Average bid
    $766 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert
    Zen Cart 1.5.x Upgrade with Plugins
    6 dni left

    I am in need of an experienced Zen Cart developer to upgrade two Zen Cart stores running 1.5.5a. to the latest version 2.1.0. Current Store - Running 1.5.5a - PHP 5.6.40 (Zend: 2.6.0) Plugins - Sage Pay ZC Form - Ceon URI Mapping (SEO) - Zen Lightbox Settings - Google Merchant Center Feeder - Magic Zoom - Cross Sell Key Requirements: - Expertise in Zen Cart upgrades - Experience with 1.5.5a version - Proficiency in handling plugins during upgrades - Knowledge in payment processing plugins - Familiarity with SEO enhancement plugins The upgrade should ensure all existing functionalities from the plugins are preserved. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of Zen Cart's architecture, and should be able to troubleshoot any potential issues during the upgrade proce...

    $36 / hr Average bid
    $36 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    137 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to creat..., and Key Requirements: - The site must be built on WordPress. - The new design should showcase the brand effectively. - It should be responsive, looking good on both desktop and mobile devices. - The site will incorporate a service listing, gallery displaying previous work and a contact form. - We aim to migrate as much content as possible from our current website (). Your Experience: - Proven track record in developing professional and responsive WordPress sites. - A strong portfolio showcasing your previous work. - Ability to migrate content effectively. - Excellent communication skills and a keen eye for design. - Experience with service showcasing sites is a plus.

    $750 - $1500
    Pilny Ukryte
    $750 - $1500
    120 składanie ofert

    Hi there, As we agreed for upgrading your current 3D model based on the floor plans and reference photos and provide front side view until Monday afternoon, Thanks Mohsen

    $450 Average bid
    $450 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I need a WordPress expert who can help me with a simple project. My site currently has an Enfold theme with an embedded Layerslider component, which has now split off and wants to charge extra fees. I want the Layerslider removed from my theme and replaced with a good free alternative, with any functions now using Layerslider transferred to the new one. - Current LayerSlider Content: The LayerSlider currently handles only images. - New Slider: I am open to suggestions for a specific free slider plugin as a replacement. - Animations: The new slider should only need to replicate basic transition effects. There are no custom animations or effects that need to be retained. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in WordPress, particularly with the Enfold theme. - Experienc...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Średnia Oferta:
    142 składanie ofert
    Add 460 Products to WordPress Site
    6 dni left

    I have an xlsx file containing 460 products that need to be added to my current WordPress website. The products already have categories and URLs, so no categorization is necessary. However, the URLs don't require any modifications and only basic product information need to be included - no specific attributes such as size, color, or brand. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress - Familiar with handling product uploads - Able to work with Excel files - Attention to detail for product categorization - Basic understanding of eCommerce sites

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Średnia Oferta:
    91 składanie ofert

    ...double page A4 landscape, to be formatted, printed, and bound as a hardcover coffee table book in A4 landscape. Deadline is 30 copies: 25 delivered to Canada and 5 to me by end January. (I am in Sydney Australia) The issue here will be taking my PowerPoint file and resetting to match a required standard format for existing print and cover sizes or do a custom size paper and cover to match my current layout with almost no modifications. You need to be more than someone who can format but have the right format confident in knowing the printer service requirements and outcome. In short you will need a relationship with printing service or familiar with how to get "self-publishing" done at an online or quick print service. I basically want to send you my PowerP...

    $223 Average bid
    $223 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of professional guidance focusing on job search strategies within the technology sector. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive job search strategies tailored for the tech industry - Mock interview sessions to prepare for real-life scenarios Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in tech industry job placement - Expertise in need of professional guidance focusing on job search strategies within the technology sector. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive job search strategies tailored for the tech industry - Mock interview sessions to prepare for real-life scenarios Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in tech industry job placement - Expertise in conducting mock interviews - Strong understanding of current tech industry tren...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    ...landscape of selling cigarettes through an online food delivery app from my shop in Tamil Nadu. Key Areas of Concern: - Licensing for online sales: I need clarity on what licenses are necessary to sell cigarettes online, and how to obtain them if I don't have them already. - Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements to ensure that my business is compliant with state and national laws. Current Licensing: - I currently possess a Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (COTP) license, as well as a trade license and GST registration. Ideal Candidate: - A legal professional with experience in e-commerce and tobacco sales in India. - Understanding of health regulations and age verification requirements for online tobacco sales. - Skills in simplifying complex legal jargon ...

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert