Craft books for kidsprojekty
We are an e-commerce brand focused on the education sector, specifically publishing and selling e-books for Polish teachers. We're looking for a marketing expert to spearhead our efforts, with a view towards long-term collaboration. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective strategies across multiple marketing channels including Social Media, Email, and Content Marketing, with a primary focus on increasing our sales. - Spearhead our social media presence, primarily on Facebook and Instagram, to drive product awareness and customer engagement. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in e-commerce marketing - Expertise in Social Media, Email and Content Marketing - Strong knowledge of Facebook and Instagram marketing strategies - Excellent commun...
Aktualizacja i bieżące wsparcie modyfikacje stron opartych o Craft CMS PRO
...readers. It should be possible to borrow a book, return it and check whether the book is available for borrowing at the moment. Information on the books currently borrowed should be kept for individual readers, the time at which the book should be returned, and any penalty charged for delay in returning the book. Information about users and books in files - lines, fields in lines separated by semicolons. I am asking for a quote - I need to hand over the project on 13.02 Library program with the possibility of: - borrowing a book - book return - checking if the book is available for borrowing by name - details of the person who borrowed the book - the date of handing over the book - penalty for delay in returning the book - possibi...
ENGLISH I have 3 books in PDFs, which I want to sell through mobile app (both platforms). I want an app through which the user will be able to buy a book or all of them and will be able to read them through the app without any options to download the pdf to the device. The best would be if I could set a number of pages to be visible for free. POLSKI Mam trzy książki w pdfach. Chciałbym mieć aplikację, w której użytkownik może zakupić te książki i je przeczytać tylko w aplikacji, bez możliwości pobrania pdfa. Idealnie, jakbym mógł udostępnić kilkanaście stron każdej książki gratis do wglądu.
Nazwa sklepu na Facebooku : Foxy Kids Fashion Branża sprzedaż ciuchy dla dzieci i młodzieży Projekt być może jakiś lisek w tle lub skrócie FkF chciałbym kilka próbek świetnie by było żeby jakość była super format taki jak na logo fb do logo fb ... Zależy mi rowniez na zdjęciu tapety w tle na sklepie w formacie jak na tapetę dzięki
Hi I'm looking someone who can make intro for my chanel on YouTube. It would be nice to see style and humor as comedy cartoon ,,Rick and Morty''. Chanel shows butchery craft, talks with chef, testing difrent steaks, burgers. Talks about problems in meat industry and shows solutions to protect our environment How I see intro: The main character is a caricature of the host chanel. Prehistoric times, he leaves the cave, he hold in his hand hatchet. He starves and he goes for hunt. When he sneaks to animals, they run away. When he hunted, other animals still his preys. Suddenly, bisons run straight ahead on him, he run away, one of the bisons fall from edge and die. He pulled from bison's body long bone with meat at the end of it. At the night, a...
Zlecę zaprojektowanie 13 kart dla dzieci, z symbolami (owoce, symbole dziecięce) cyfra lub liczba na karcie ma odpowiadać ilości symboli. Mile widziane probozycje, druga strona to jakiś ciekawy wzór i nasze logo FG Kids, projekt z zaokrąglonymi narożnikami.
...sponsorowanymi napisanych w różnym stylu aby było wiadomo o co chodzi: (link poprzez zaciekawienie ) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link) (świetne zdjęcia, filmik ilink w formie url) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link + na końcu zachęcenie do wejścia 5% rabatu)
...Poniżej przesyłam listę linków z artykułami sponsorowanymi napisanych w różnym stylu aby było wiadomo o co chodzi: (link poprzez zaciekawienie ) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link) (świetne zdjęcia, filmik ilink w formie url) (krótkie opisy produktów, ładne zdjęcia i link + na końcu zachęcenie do wejścia 5% rabatu) ( tabela, naturalny link,
Szukam osoby chętnej do wspópracy z browarem rzemieślnicznym. Zlecenia to projektowanie etykiet, grafik na fanpage, grafiki do strony WWW, podkładek na piwo, itp. Wynagrodzenie adekwatne do efektów, mile widziana własna kreatywność. Wymagana minimalna znajomość trendów w polskim i światowym piwowarstwie rzemieślniczym (craft beer). Browary działające w naszej branży to np. Alebrowar, Pinta, Flying Dog, Nogne O, Brew Dog, Rouge.
Szukam zdolnego informatyka. Ważna jest dla mnie sumienność, rzetelność, wiarygodność. Mam do przerobienia szablon (mam go na licencji na swoim wordpressie) na szablon podobny do tego Co jest do zrobienia. Zmiana położenia białego pola. Wprowadzenie zaokragleń na rogach białego pola, delikatne cienie.
Potrzebne są mi tłumaczenia fragmentów książki i plików - dokładnie: 1. ://;lpg=PP1&dq=Netnography%3A%20Doing%20Ethnographic%20Research%20Online%20chapter%203&hl=pl&pg=PA224#v=onepage&q=Netnography:%20Doing%20Ethnographic%20Research%20Online%20chapter%203&f=false 3. 4. Proszę o wycenę każdego tekstu z osobna na e-mail - emkaef@
Najistotniejsze (3 rozdziały) ;lpg=PP1&dq=Netnography%3A%20Doing%20Ethnographic%20Research%20Online%20chapter%201&hl=pl&pg=PA43#v=onepage&q=Netnography:%20Doing%20Ethnographic%20Research%20Online%20chapter%201&f=false Kolejne strony
Potrzebuje zeby ktos mi pomogl skonfigurowac serwer MS SQL tak aby akceptowal polaczenia. Problem ponizej: C:Documents and Settingsroot>osql -U sa Password: [SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Named ...Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. [SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Login timeout expired [SQL Server Native Client 10.0]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online. C:Documents and Settingsroot>telnet 1433 Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 1433: Connec...
Witam, Zlecę pozycjonowanie rożnych stron do pozycji Top 10 , top 5 Stron nr 1 frazy: Filmy online Strona nr 2 frazy darmowe mp3 wyszukiwarka mp3 strona nr 3 frazy: gry gry online strona nr 4 frazy: mine craft
...from cameras, accessories and films to books, bags and fashion. Lomography is a young, creative and globally expanding company with its headquarters located in Vienna, Austria as well as various subsidiaries all over the world. The full line of Lomography products are on sale through its own chain of retail stores, online and globally at independent retailers such as design-, museum- & concept stores. The website hosts one of the biggest worldwide online photo communities for creative photography. For our International Design Team we are looking for Packaging- and Graphic Designer! Tasks: - Development of layouts for product packaging, books, flyers, shop- and exhibition design. - Design presentations for new...
Witam, Mam do korekty tekst o długości 55k znaków. Nie ma w nim raczej błędów ortograficznych, jest w dobrej jakości, chodzi o jego doszlifowanie. Tekst można zobaczyć tutaj: Wysłany będzie plik ODT (czyli we Writerze z Open Office). Osoby zgłaszające się do licytacji proszę o podawanie ceny za całkowitą realizację. Tylko dla polonistów, min. 24 lata, trochę wiedzy o komputerach. Proszę na PW wysłać mi wraz z ofertą potwierdzenie wykształcenia, wieku i przykład jakiegoś autorskiego tekstu (może być blog, tekst, jakiś prywatny dokument obojętnie co, żebym mógł sprawdzić czy jest ok). Zgłoszenia nie spełniające powyższych warunków BĘDĄ IGNOROWANE, nawet jak będą najtańsze. Termin realizacji: 14 styczeń. pozdrawiam
Witam! Zlecę pozycjonowanie w google strony dla słów klucz kids club chełm sala zabaw chełm
Wydawnictwo Bullet Books poszukuje ilustratorów okładek z dziedziny beletrystyki oraz fantastyki. Portfolia proszę przesylać na adres ceo@ Pozdrawiam, Rafał Wacławik.
...logo, layout oraz prace programistyczne. Podstawowa funkcjonalnosc serwisu: (1) rejestracja [jedynie email, hasło i imię, kraj] i zdjecie użytkownika; zarzadzanie kontem użytkownika tzn. zmiana maila, hasla, kraju, zdjecia ; logowanie tez przez Facebook Connect (2) książki - użytkownicy mogą budować swoje kolekcje poprzez dodawanie książek z bazy danych serwisu, baza jest oparata o Google Books API lub Amazon Product API (podstawowe info o ksiazce (tytul, autor, IBSN) or zdjecie okladki). (3) komentarze - użytkownicy moga dodaważ komentarze, oceny do książek w swojej kolekcji, zmieniac i usuwac. Takze moga zmienic status> przeczytana, czytam, do przeczytania (4) ksiązki moga byc wyszukiwane po informacjach podstawowych (tytul, autor itd) oraz po komentarzach do...
witam, Interesują mnie, mni...projekt - galeria zdjęć użytkowników, - artykuły, - newsy, - ściągi, opracowania etc, - katalogi stron, - blogi, - ogłoszenia, (praca, kupię, zamienię) - znajomi, - grupy tematyczne, - eventy z lokalizacją na mapie, - kategorię z lokalami, opis, komentarze, zdjęcia, lokalizacja etc. (możliwość dostosowania WIKI) - ksiązki, opis, recenzje etc () - film, opis, recenzje etc. (j/w) - komentarze, ost, najwięcej etc, - zmieniane publikacje (j.w) - aktywni użytkownicy, - filmy, muzyka (oglądanie, słuchanie) - forum, Większośc modułów jest darmowych do pobrania, bądź można częśc zmodyfikować na podstawie odpowiedniej modyfikacji systemu
... Interesuje mnie - galeria zdjęć użytkowników, - artykuły, - newsy, - ściągi, opracowania etc, - katalogi stron, - blogi, - ogłoszenia, (praca, kupię, zamienię) - znajomi, - grupy tematyczne, - eventy z lokalizacją na mapie, - kategorię z lokalami, opis, komentarze, zdjęcia, lokalizacja etc. (możliwość dostosowania WIKI) - ksiązki, opis, recenzje etc () - film, opis, recenzje etc. (j/w) - komentarze, ost, najwięcej etc, - zmieniane publikacje (j.w) - aktywni użytkownicy, - filmy, muzyka (oglądanie, słuchanie) Większośc modułów jest darmowych do pobrania, bądź można częśc zmodyfikować na podstawie odpowiedniej modyfikacji systemu WiKi. Do tego chciałbym aby podpiąć to w design, który dostarczę.
Zlecę napisanie rozdziału książki - poradnika na podstawie mojego konspekt...książki - poradnika na podstawie mojego konspektu. Jeśli współpraca nam się powiedzie, możliwe że będziemy współpracować na stałe nad kolejnymi rozdziałami. Tematyka książki to w tonie osobistym napisany poradnik na temat doświadczeń rodziców bliźniaków i innych > *raczków. Książka w stylu np Planowo ksiazka bedzie miała ok 7 rozdziałów, każdy ok 30-50 stron standardowego formatu (a5) wraz z ramkami, tabelkami etc. Proszę podawać cenę na napisanie rozdziału na podstawie mojego konspektu z wykorzystaniem fragmentó...
...• • • • • • • • c 1.2 ZADANIE 2: JavaTM Authentication and Authorization Service(5 marca/9 marca) 4 1.2 ZADANIE 2: JavaTM Authentication and Authorization Service(5 marca/9 marca) 1.2.1 C´
Witam, Tak jak w temacie sprzedam haslo do normalnego 4-cyfrowego numereka GG. Jestem 1 posiadaczem tego z reguly ze mam inny numerek,potrzebuje pieniedzy postanowilem go sprzedac. W celu ochrony swojej osoby,a takze numerka nie podaje narazie zadnych dodatkowych info...(jaki to dokladnie numerek). Numerek przeznaczony dla powaznego czlowieka,ktory ma skonkreryzowane plany co do pisac na adres : gandalfinio@ CENA #GG: 400pln Sprzedaz numerkow GG jest niezgodna z regulaminem, jednakze ja nie sprzedaje numerka tylko haslo do niego :) A o tym nie ma zadnej zmianki w regulaminie Gadu-Gadu. Podziekuje (nie pisac): Dzieci neostrady Script kids abusers podrowycze dziewczyn z dzieci co nie maja pieniedzy, a maja marzenia o 4-cyfrowym numerku.
I'm seeking a skilled essayist to craft personal essays based on life experiences. The ideal freelancer will be an adept creative and technical writer capable of weaving narratives that are both engaging and insightful. The capacity to analyse and reflect upon life experiences in a relatable and inspiring manner is essential. Skills and Experience Required: - Excellent writing and editing skills - Strong background in personal essay writing - Ability to convey deep reflections and insights - Experience in creative and technical writing - Exceptional storytelling abilities
I'm looking for a talented developer to create a platform similar to OLX specifically for students. This platform will facilitate buying and selling of school-related digital items. Key Features: - Student login through a school ID card photo upload - Localized marketplace for digital items (e.g., e-books, past papers) - Commission-based revenue model from both buyers and sellers - Optional bidding feature for sellers The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proficient knowledge in web development and marketplace platform creation - Experience with implementing secure login and verification systems - Ability to design user-friendly interfaces - Understanding of commission-based models The login system will need to ensure the ID c...
I'm looking for a Cloud Priority Support Engineer. As the Cloud Priority Support Engineer, you will be main support technical expert in Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud. Be the person responsible for resolving the customers' technical incidents using your own expertise and extensive cooperation with the Company's Engineering departments. Craft email solutions, submit bug reports, coordinate complex tasks with other teams (Engineering, QA, DCO, Product Management), communicate with the customers to their complete satisfaction. RESPONSIBILITIES: Troubleshoot both software and hardware for complex scenarios, direct access to the infrastructure in both Acronis and customers' environments Perform technical analysis of customer issues and define plan ...
I'm seeking a skilled digital marketer to boost sales for my clothing brand through targeted Meta advertisements. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive advertising strategy on Facebook and Instagram - Craft engaging ad content tailored to appeal to young adults (20-35 years) - Monitor and optimize campaign performance to maximize sales impact Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in digital marketing and social media advertisements - Experience in the fashion industry is a plus - Strong understanding of the young adult demographic - Excellent content creation skills
I'm seeking a talented social media post creator who can craft engaging posts for my travel agency's Instagram. The focus should be on showcasing various destination highlights in a vibrant and colorful style. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Social Media Marketing - Content Creation - Familiarity with Travel Industry Please note, the project will involve: - Creating visually appealing, on-brand posts that highlight different travel destinations. - Capturing the 'vibrant and colorful' aesthetic in all designs. - Understanding of Instagram's best practices for travel-related content. Experience with similar projects will be highly regarded. Please include examples of your work in your application.
I am in need of a professional who can create an engaging and fun animated YouTube video aimed at children. Key Requirements: - Conceptualize the video content suitable for kids - Create high-quality animation - Ensure the video is engaging and appropriate for the target audience Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating children's content - Proficiency in animation software - Creative storytelling skills
I'm looking for a Google Ads expert to help generate leads for my startup that caters to special needs children. Key responsibilities include: - Creating ads that reach parents of special needs children - Developing a friendly and approachable tone for the ads Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with Google Ads - A knack for creating engaging, target-specific content - Understanding of the special needs community (preferred but not mandatory) Your goal will be to drive conversions into revenue through compelling, empathetic advertising.
I'm seeking a skilled interior designer to transform my 3 BHK apartment into a chic, modern sanctuary. The project encompasses the entire apartment, including the foyer, living room, TV unit, balcony, kitchen, master bedroom, kids' room, and parents' room. Key Requirements: - A modern interior design style - Use of a light color palette - Implementation of a 'whites and creams' light color scheme Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in modern interior design - Strong color coordination abilities - Previous work with full apartment interior design projects - Excellent understanding of space utilization and design aesthetics The aim is to create an inviting, stylish living space that reflects a contemporary design ethos. Your portfolio should re...
I'm looking for a talented interior designer to create a modern-style, neutral-toned design for my 3BHK apartment. The project includes designing the foyer, living room, balcony, TV unit, kitchen, master bedroom, kids room, and guest room. A key requirement of this project is the incorporation of effective storage solutions throughout the space. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in interior design, particularly in modern styles - Strong understanding of neutral-toned color schemes - Ability to create innovative and practical storage solutions - Experience with designing various types of spaces within a home - Strong portfolio demonstrating previous work in similar projects
I'm in need of a logo designer who can craft a modern-style logo for me. The logo should incorporate pastel colors and include text elements. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in logo design - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Proficiency in creating text-based logos - Ability to work with pastel color palettes - Excellent communication skills to understand the project requirements
I need a professional and proficient English speaker to help me craft an eBook about selling on Amazon, specifically tailored as a step-by-step guide for beginners. The project includes creating a voiceover to accompany the eBook. As a seasoned Amazon seller, I have a wealth of knowledge to share, and there's a strong demand for this information. I aim to recreate a course I took in the past, updating it for 2025 and making it more accessible and engaging. Your responsibilities will include: - Assisting in the writing of the eBook, ensuring a formal and professional tone throughout - Creating a voiceover for the eBook Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Exceptional English writing and speaking skills - Prior experience in eBook writi...
I'm launching a Food and Beverage store and need a professional logo. The design should be modern and minimalist, reflecting the store's theme and concept. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize design expertise to craft an attractive and fitting logo for my store - Provide initial concepts and be open to revisions based on feedback - Stay updated on current design trends to ensure uniqueness and relevance of the logo Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for food-related businesses - Proficiency in design software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop - Strong understanding of modern, minimalist design principles - Ability to work with a neutral color palette, primarily black and white Please include a portfolio of releva...
I'm looking for a creative writer to help me craft inviting messages to encourage people to watch my YouTube vlogs. Details: - My channel revolves around food, so the messages should reflect that theme. - The tone of the messages should be casual and friendly. - Ideally, you should have a good understanding of the vlog and YouTube culture, particularly in the food niche. Skills & Experience: - Strong command of the Malay language. - Experience in content creation or social media promotion. - Understanding and passion for food vlogs.
I'm seeking a skilled VFX and 3D modeling artist to help create short sequences for a horror/fantasy feature film using Blender. Key Tasks: - Craft realistic robots and car crashes - Create intricate, high-detail monster models Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio demonstrating: - Realistic monster creation and VFX - Environment enhancements and supernatural effects - High-detail 3D modeling with intricate textures If you're passionate about horror and fantasy, and you have the skills to bring this project to life, I would love to hear from you.
I'm seeking a creative and skilled designer to craft an engaging and visually appealing poster for my Influenza vaccination campaign. The primary aim of this project is to effectively promote vaccination to the general public. Key Requirements: - The poster should be professional and eye-catching, with a vibrant design that captures attention. - Clear communication of the promotional details is crucial. The message should be easy to understand at a glance. - A fast turnaround is necessary for this project, as time is of the essence for the campaign. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in creating promotional materials. - A portfolio demonstrating modern, bold and colorful design work. - Strong communication skill...
Looking for storytellers who speak Telugu. Here iam attaching my youtube link which includes stories and educational videos for kids. Its a english channel, but i can speak telugu also fluently. To know more about project detail, requirement and some of the work we have done, please visit @Joy_Kids_Mom
I'm seeking a complete design for a box package for an educational kids game. The game is aimed at the whole family, so the design needs to appeal to a wide age range. Key Requirements: - Full design of the box package - Various colour design options - Implementation of a family-friendly, educational theme Visual Style: - The desired visual style is illustrative. - The package should feature engaging illustrations that are appealing to both kids and adults. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design skills, with a focus on packaging design. - Experience in creating designs for children's products. - Ability to work within a specified theme. - Proficient in using design software. - Excellent understanding of colour theory and design principles.
This will be for the zoho cliq section last two projects at the end of word document, and and first general projects in CRM, here is a video explaining this section
Zoho Desk, Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, Justcall, notes in this video
I'm in need of a 3D animated explainer video aimed at educational content for data scientist. The video will serve to demonstrate a product in a fun and engaging way. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D animation - Experience in creating content for children - Ability to simplify complex concepts Please provide samples of similar work.
I'm looking for a creative logo designer to help me craft a unique logo for our family trip to Ireland in 2025. The logo will be used on T-shirts and should incorporate a cartoonish caricature of our grandparents along with the text "Cousins Ireland Trip 2025". Color Scheme: - The logo should utilize traditional Irish colors: green, white, and orange. I invite you to review my portfolio here: Please feel free to reach out so we can discuss your project in greater detail and explore how I can assist you most effectively. Best Regards, Noor D
I'm seeking a talented writer to help me craft a captivating Nepali novel set in an urban environment, with a focus on romance. The story should be appealing to a general audience, so it needs to be relatable yet engaging for all age groups. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing romance novels, preferably with a focus on urban settings. - Ability to create relatable characters and engaging plots that can capture the interest of a general audience. - Understanding of Nepali culture and urban life to create an authentic setting. - Excellent command of the Nepali language, with a knack for storytelling. - Ability to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work. If you have the skills and experience to help bring this project to life, I would love to he...