Cover letter to apply for a jobprojekty
Witam, zlecę napisanie listu motywacyjnego po angielsku (Letter od Introduction) musi być napisany poprawnym językiem angielskim bez błędów i w odpowiednim formacie (rozplanowanie na A4) List ma dotyczyć chęci nawiązania współpracy z nowym dostawcą - jest on wymagany przy składaniu aplikacji do hurtowni o otwarcie konta treść zwięzła, typu: jesteśmy zainteresowani współpracą z państwa firmą. specjalizujemy się w sprzedaży gier na konsole i PC. na rynku działamy od maja 2011 dlatego poszukujemy dostawców początkowej fazie planujemy obroty roczne na poziomie 40tys fontów. preferujemy płatność w formie przedpłaty na Wasze konto bankowe, nie wykluczamy zakupów z pozostałej waszej oferty. liczymy na pomyślny proces rejestracji i owoc...
...Information a) Music Vendor b) Joomla c) Other details functionality (front end) a) Search Panel Main For sound effects b) Search results Table display (names and folders) Every track should have Every album should have Every collection should have Results page display and filtering options c) Shopping cart d) Buying aministration panel (back end) a) Songs attributes b) Albums attributes c) Collection attributes d) Songs / Albums / Collections / Artists administration e) General attributes a) General information b) Graphic design c) Logo d) Menu e) Modules General inf...
Demurez Cover Arts () is a new picture agency specialised on images for book covers. We are located in Vienna and plan to open a second office in Krakow soon. We are seeking a Freelancer for Keywording for 20-30 hours/week You will keyword our images through the internert. You are free to choose your working place and working time. The right candidate should have: - Good writing skills in English & German - Quick & reliable internet connection at your working place - Interest in art and a good imagination skills - You live in or close to Krakow - You can issue an invoice Please send your application with CV & photo via email to
looking for a freelance photographer for 2 hours job in Gdansk and Krakow next week. Please contact for more details. Darren: yoonhuat@
...PROPOZYCJE!!! SITUATION A You work as Assistant Manager alongside Mr Michael Roberts, General Manager of a professional training organisation that arranges seminars on professional topics (GIVE IT A NAME). In the last six months your successful selling and management seminars have been very effective receiving much acclaim and widespread publicity. Your organisation is now planning a one day conference (GIVE IT A NAME), incorporating presentations by distinguished speakers on: 'The Administrator's Role Today and Tomorrow', 'Effective Communication', 'The Role of Management', 'Human Relations' and ' Office Technology'. You have also arranged for demonstrations of the late...
... It is important for the new website to be stylish, effective, easy to use and accessible. The website will need to hold the user’s attention, provide the relevant information, and be able to grow with ESW’s future requirements. 2. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost 3. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimisation (search engine friendly). 4. The navigation system should be intuitive and allow the visitor to quickly navigate the site starting from any page. ...
Poszukuję osoby która na dzisiaj lub jutro wykona następujący program potrzebny mi na mój kierunek (po ang), proszę o kontakt osoby znające temat. Write a program with functionality similar to sort command (see man sort) supported options should allow at least: *ignore letter case or not; *sort in ascendant or descendant order; *specify which columns (and in what order) should be considered when comparing two rows. i tutaj dokumentacja
Witam:) Zl...doświadczeniu i przysłanie przetłumaczonego poniższego tekstu w celu weryfikacji umiejętności. There is a statutory right in English law not to be unfairly dismissed from employment, as provided by s. 94 Employment Rights Act 1996. An employee normally requires at least one year’s service with his or her employer in order to be eligible to pursue an unfair dismissal claim. This qualifying period does not apply however in discrimination cases (such as dismissals based on race, sex, disability, sexual orientation or religious/belief discrimination). There is a three-month limitation period (commencing from the date of dismissal) for issuing a claim for unfair dismissal. The venue for heari...
Poszukuje grafika, wykonawcy Dzieła w oparciu o wybrany model z , w następującej postaci : Zawartość: a. logotyp (logogram): - 3 różne projekty koncepcyjne do wyboru b. szablony poligrafii (druki firmowe): - karta wizytowa („business card”) - papier listowy („letter head”) - broszura (prospekt handlowy „trifold brochure”) - prospekt techniczny („datasheet”) - koszulka (teczka ofertowa) do wysyłki dokumentów - naklejka na CD - faktura - 3 koperty formatów ISO 269 : C4 (22,9 x 32,4 cm) C6 (11,4 x 16,2 cm) DL (11 x 22 cm) - kartka świąteczna („postcard” format C6) - zaproszenie (karton zaproszeniowy format DL) c. szablony reklamy: - pla...
Pocięcie następującego layoutu: Wymagania: zgodnosc ze stanradami xHTML , css Poprawne nazewnictwo klas css i elementow na stronei (nie przyjme projektu w ktorym be...ot;> ..............</div> <!-- koniec menuGora --> Zminimalizowanie wielkosci strony (powtarzanie tla gdzie sie da) Wszyystkie elementy na stronie (wszystkie menu, miejsca na tresc itd) - musza sie rozciagac na dowolna dlugosc Dostarczam pliki PSD dla każdej podstrony (w sumie 9) różniącej się drobnostkami (głównie cały top aż do apply jest taki sam w każdej podstronie, więc może uda się tylko zrobić 1/2 podstrony a do reszty tylko różne teksty). Zalezy mi na porzadnym wykonaniu i cenie - termin wykonanania do 7 dniach - zaplata po wykonaniu zlecenia
Witam, Poszukuję OSOBY, która zaprojektuje oraz potnie projekt graficzny pod tznw sales letter (przykład ) Do zrobienia praktycznie sam top i stopka. Oczekuję szybkiego terminu wykonania
Dzień Dobry, To moja pierwsza aukcja w tym serwisie, dlatego mam konkretne wymagania. Szukam kogoś kto wykona dla mnie sales letter i się na tym zna (wie czym są magiczne przyciski itd). Gdy będzie kumaty i konkretny grafik to szybko ogarnie. Celem tej strony ma być podniesienie konwersji i zwiększenie sprzedaży. Aktualna moja strona konwertuje około 1.3%. Dlatego potrzebuję osoby kompetentnej, która zrobi layouts, który jeszcze podniesie konwersję i zwiększy zaufanie klienta. Czego konkretnie szukam? Czegoś w stylu: Czyli konkretnej i dobrej grafiki. Osoby, które nie mają doświadczenia i mają zrobić to na odwal niech sobie darują. Szukam kogoś, kto jest wstanie takie coś
ATOMINIUM Biuro Tłumaczeń Specjalistycznych poszukuje do współpracy przy realizacji projektów lokalizacyjnych i tłumaczeniowych kandydatów na stanowisko: INŻYNIER LOKALIZACJI Wymagania: Doświadczenie w pracy zawodowej na stanowisku inżyniera lokalizacji. Znajomość różnych systemów operacyjnych, programów narzędziowych, programów wspomagających tłumaczenie (np. Trados, SDLX, Alchemy Catalyst, Passolo), doświadczenie w pracy w standardowych środowiskach programistycznych (np. Microsoft Visual Studio, Borland, Java Development Kit, Dreamweraver, Adobe Flash ) oraz języków programowania (Java, Delphi, C++, php, html). Osoba zatrudniona w charakterze inżyniera lokalizacji powinna także umieć modyfikować oraz testować dostarczone...
Zapraszam do składania ofert : 1) instalacja wordpress wersja pow. 2.8 ewentualne tłumczenie templetki na język polski - templetka sales letter templetka raczej bez edycji jedynie może być wskazana wymiana zdjęć na nowe lub bez zdjęć. oraz 2) serwis prosty w html z możliwością prostej edycji dla osoby nie znającej html (podam przykłady serwisu) wycena opcja 1 i 2 prosze o portfolio ( adres www.) poprzednich prac na adres email wraz z kontaktem, tel/skype/ email i własną www jeśli jest. preferowane osoby z doświadczeniem. zapraszam też osoby, które do tej pory wykonywały dla mnie zlecenia. pozdrawiam serdecznie,
...Okladki zazwyczaj inspirowane beda juz istniejaca okladka normalnego, komercyjnego filmu DVD. Zakladam przynajmniej jeden projekt dziennie (30 miesiecznie), dlatego szukam przede wszystkim SZYBKICH grafikow. Kreatywnosc wskazana ale glownie bedzie chgodzilo o jak najwieksze podobienstwo do okladki przykladowej. Dostarczam: - teksty, - grafiki, zdjecia - przyklad okladki juz istniejacej (cover filmu) Oczekuje: - w miare szybkiej realizacji przynajmniej wstepnego projektu - szczegoly mozna dopracowywac po akceptacji klienta - przystepnych cen uslugi - rozliczania przynajmniej w cyklu tygodniowym (najchetniej fra VAT) BARDZO PROSZE O oszacowanie KOSZTU JEDNOSTKOWEGO stworzenia projektu okladki i nadruku przy zalozeniu 30 zlecen miesiecznie. Ewentualne pytania p...
...pozostawic je w tym samym miejscu wtekscie, niezmienione. Dołaczam tekst aby można było łatwiej oszacować ilość pracy: # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 CC WELCOME BACK=Welcome back, %1$s # Page titles CC MY APPS=My Applications CC BROWSE APPS=Browse CC APPLICATION PRIVACY TITLE=Privacy CC APPLICATION SETTINGS TITLE=Settings # Applications buttons CC APPLICATION BTN SAVE=Save CC APPLICATION BTN ADD=Add Apps CC APPLICATION BTN REMOVE=Remove Apps # Application listings related CC APPLICATION LIST ADD=Add CC APPLICATION LIST ADDED=Added CC APPLICATION LIST REMOVE=Remove CC APPLICATION LIST CANT REMOVE=N/A CC APPLICATION LIST ABOUT=About CC APPLICATION COLUMN NAME=Application CC APPLICATION COLUMN DATE=Created Date CC APPLICATION COL...
Witam. Proszę o pomoc lub rozwiązanie problemu na skrzynce prezesa. Problem jest taki że przychodzi dziennie kilka wiadomości z jego własnego adresu. Jak z tym walczyć.
...First Home Buyers zrob w pionowym (czarnym) menu, my zrobimy reszte * pozostale elementy menu moge dodac sam, pod warunkiem ze sie beda tworzyly z taka grafika tabularna jak na wstepniaku (jak za trudno to zrob hard-coded menu z dropdownami i daj mi sciezke zebym sobie dodawal dropdowny i zmienial linki) Home * procenty bankowe co leca jako marque sprobuj znalezc jakiegos rssa zeby sie updatowaly same * "Please select from options below" wrzuc jako mosmodule, sprawdz ze efekty mouseover dzialaja, ja sobie potem polinkuje; w tym samym module moze byc przycisk Apply Online i animowany gif * ponizej tresc strony Home moduly-formularze * Free Morgage Health Check - user wypelnia i idzie na thank you page, admin dostaje alert mailo...
...Analyx is a professional services firm with its headquarter in the centre of Poznan. We develop state-of-the-art web applications for clients in Europe and the U.S. We’re looking for a freelance or full-time/part-time Flash Action Script Programmer to engage in developing “the next big thing” in Community / Web 2.0 web applications! A potential candidate would work with a team web developers on a regular basis in our Poznan office. Required skills are: - Relevant experience in Flash Action Script 2 (AS2) or AS3 - Good knowledge of English or German is mandatory since we are an in-ternational company and use the language every day - Grafic design, visual skills etc. are not necessary (bu...
Chciałbym prosić o wycenę stworzenia polskiej gry w technice Flash lub Shockwave, opartej na anglojęzycznej grze "Letter Rip". Oryginalna wersja: Polska wersja ma być znacznie uproszczona: - prosty loader odmierzający procent załadowania danych - grafika gry prosta i oparta na 4 kolorach (i ich odcieniach): biały, czarny, czerwony, niebieski - po załadowaniu gry pojawia się ekran tytułowy i 2 przyciski: "Start" i "Instrukcja" - przycisk "Instrukcja" otwiera okienko wewnątrz gry z krótką instrukcją gry - przycisk "Start" uruchamia grę - gra bez muzyki, ale z 2-3 dźwiękami - zaznaczenie litery, ułożenie słowa, zmiana planszy (na początek gry, na koniec poziomu i po 'odświeżeniu'
The Convolution Rooms is a young, forward looking company based in Earl Shilton, Leicester that covers all aspects of media under one roof. We are currently looking for a talented, open minded PHP/MySQL programmer to work on interesting and challenging in-house and external projects. The candidate must have excellent knowledge of PHP5 and MySQL. Must have idea about e-commerce and CMS systems. Must be self-motivated and have positive attitude. To apply send your CV and Cover letter to jobs@
Sklep interetowy z herbata i kawą ekologiczna wykonanie projektu graficznego oraz postawienie sklepu na serwer. Dodatkowo moduł news letter graficzny ze skorka sklepu : W pózniejszym terminie wykonanie skórek wielkanoc , swięta bzego narodzenia ,, ect ... ******
Website nearly ready - just needs someone to apply finishing touches with Java script intregration. Should be able to work at client site. 2 weeks work fulltime.
Witam, zlecę wykonanie pracy w języku angielskim, dokładnie listu OTWARTEGO. Ilość słów około 160. Oto temat: Write a letter asking for information. Ma to być bardzo prosty list, proste słownictwo. Bardzo zależy mi na czasie!!! Dlatego proszę o jak najszybsze przesłanie ofert na Z nadesłanych prac wybiorę jedną odpowiednią. Pozdrawiam Robert
...pomiedzy zdjeciami (poprzednie i nastepne) - Linki - katalog podzielony na kategorie + mozliwosc umieszczenia grafiki - Kontakt i moze cos wiecej... czekam na propozycje Oczywiscie takze i wykonanie loga. Strona moze byc prosta, ale estetyczna. Nie trzeba bac sie uzywac kolorow, zaokraglen itp Linki do okladek z muza jaka gramy: ,2&mediaid=2&avail=1&ptitle=shop%20by%20cover Muza: afrobeat, funky, nujazz, trip-hop, lounge, chillout itp Czekam na propozycje. Wybierac bedziemy na podstawie kreacji strony
Hi My name is Przemyslaw, I look for people who could help me put the new product, Collagen into The market in system multi level marketing I’m interested in all countries, the most about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natur...
Hi My name is Przemyslaw, I look for people who could help me put the new product, Collagen into The market in system multi level marketing I’m interested in all countries, the most about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natur...
I'm in need of a talented AI artist who can bring my vision of Warrior Bears to life. The design should be in a realistic style, so attention to detail and understanding of realistic proportions and textures is key. Character Design: - I have detailed descriptions of the Warrior Bears, so your job will be to interpret these and create visually compelling characters. Are you passionate about creating dynamic, visually captivating characters and scenes? We're looking for a talented AI artist experienced with tools like MidJourney to help bring our Berserker Bears characters to life in epic and consistent designs. Our project is centered around Steel, Mace, and Scout—three warrior bears with distinct pers...
Hello Freelancers, I am looking for 10 testers to thoroughly test my small Android app, Egg Master. This app has only 4 simple screens and is designed to help users boil eggs perfectly every time with customizable timers and notifications. Your job will be to: Test the app's functionality, usability, and overall experience. Report any bugs or issues with detailed reproduction steps. Payment Details: €2 per tester for completing the testing process. A bonus of €1 for each new, valid bug found (not previously reported). Requirements: Access to an Android device. Ability to install apps outside the Play Store (APK testing). Detail-oriented and able to provide clear feedback. Deliverables: A...
Help create a logo and a separate Facebook cover image for my women's networking group. Do NOT use red or green font colors. The group name follows: Leading Ladies: Long Island Women in Business
I'm in need of a PCB designer who can create a compact PCB for prototyping purposes. This board will need to accommodate a microcontroller, various sensors, a power supply, and Bluetooth components. Specifically, I want to gather data from a sensor (e.g. thermometer) and send that data via Bluetooth to a receiving device (iPad). The PCB will need to be powered by a 3.7 LiPo battery. I'll need all the files, so I can print at PCBWay. The board will need to be no larger than 26 mm by 30 mm. The components will need to lay flat on the board so the overall height is less than 4mm. Ideal Skills: - PCB design - Knowledge of compact design principles - Experience with prototyping PCBs Pl...
Description: I’m looking for an advanced developer with expertise in PHP and Adobe Dreamweaver to update the existing website The site has been worked on by multiple programmers, so the code may be disorganized. Tasks include improving functionality, fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and updating the file for the registration form. Dreamweaver proficiency is required because updates to the template will apply across the entire site. Requirements: • Expertise in PHP and Adobe Dreamweaver • Strong problem-solving skills for handling unorganized or legacy code • Ability to optimize the site for performance and responsiveness • Experience with updating and testing PHP forms • Knowledge of respons...
I need a small task done on my PDF file. The page margins need to be fixed and the center alignment on the cover page needs to be corrected. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in PDF editing software - Attention to detail - Good understanding of layout design principles
...WebSocket-Based Position Management Module for KuCoin Futures Bot with Bot-Managed Stop Loss and Take Profit Description I am seeking a Python developer to build a WebSocket-based module for managing positions in a KuCoin Futures trading bot. The module will dynamically handle position entries, bot-managed Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP), and real-time synchronization of wallet and trading data. It will integrate with a Redis database for state management, providing seamless performance. Below are the detailed requirements and expectations. Key Features and Requirements 1. WebSocket Integration The module must utilize KuCoin’s WebSocket API to ensure real-time updates and precise control over trading operations: ...
...Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) stands as a testament to human innovation and the quest for achieving unprecedented speed and efficiency in aerial operations. These cutting-edge vehicles, capable of traveling at speeds exceeding the sound barrier, have emerged as a new frontier in military aviation, promising groundbreaking advancements in reconnaissance, surveillance, and combat capabilities. The need for supersonic UAVs stems from the rapidly changing nature of modern warfare. In an era where agility, precision, and rapid response are paramount, supersonic UAVs offer unparalleled strategic advantages. These vehicles can swiftly cover vast distances, providing real-time intelligence and enabling rapid deployment of military assets. Their abilit...
I am building a creative agency from scratch and are seeking passionate, talented individuals to join our team in its earliest stages. This is a unique opportunity to grow together as we establish a dynamic and innovative agency. At the initial stage, we are prioritizing investment in marketing and other essential areas, so we are looking for team members who are willing to work without upfront compensation. However, we guarantee that once we secure clients and generate revenue, all payments will go directly to you for your contributions. We are looking for individuals for the following roles: - Fashion Designers (Female) - Graphic Designers - Digital Marketers - Video Editors If you are skilled in more...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
...Need a catalogue of minimum 25 designs. We will provide the theme. Project Overview: We are seeking a creative and skilled graphic designer to create designs for a clothing merchandise collection inspired by the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site, its surroundings, and the broader Cape Breton region of Nova Scotia. These designs will be printed on clothing such as T-shirts, hoodies, and hats, intended for tourists visiting the Fortress and the beautiful Cape Breton area. The designs should reflect the region’s rich history, cultural landmarks, and natural beauty, while also appealing to tourists looking for stylish, everyday wear that captures the essence of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and Canada. In addition, we...
I need a freelancer to recreate a non-fiction book cover image that I have created using ChatGPT. The original image is not editable, so it needs to be recreated in PhotoShop. The freelancer will provide me with .psd files. Key Requirements: - Cover size: 6"x9". - Reproduction of the provided image with high fidelity. - All files must be created with the pixel to maintain image quality for ebook version and other sizes. Additional Elements: - Title text - Author's name - Copy of the image I provide - Space on back cover for other text, author info or image Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PhotoShop - Experience with book cover design - Ability to reproduce images with high ...
I'm in need of a mid-level call center agent proficient in French for my HVAC service. The agent will primarily handle inbound customer service inquiries and provide technical support. Key Responsibilities: - Responding to inbound customer service calls - Providing technical support to customers Ideal Candidate: - Mid-level experience in call center environment - Fluent in French, both spoken and written Skills Required: - Proficiency in CRM systems - Experience with Call Center Software - Familiarity with Ticketing Systems This is a fantastic opportunity for a French-speaking mid-level call center professional with HVAC technical support experience. Please apply if you meet the qualifications and are ready to deliver ...
...Expert for Video Tutorial on Creating and Importing Custom Superhero Ped into GTA5 Description: I am looking for a seasoned 3D modeler and GTA5 modding professional to create a comprehensive video tutorial. The goal is to guide viewers step-by-step on designing, rigging, and importing a custom superhero ped (e.g., Hulk, Spider-Man) into GTA5. The tutorial must be beginner-friendly and leverage AI tools like Meshy AI, MidJourney, and Blender, along with GTA5 modding tools. Key Steps to Cover: Model Creation with MidJourney or Meshy AI: Use AI to generate a base superhero model and texture. Model Structuring and Texturing: Utilize AI or texturing platforms to apply realistic and detailed texture...
We're looking for a seasoned Blockchain Developer with expertise in NFT ecosystems to create a sophisticated tool that not only monitors but also verifies and interacts with major and niche NFT marketplaces. This project involves: Monitoring: Real-time scanning of specified NFT marketplaces (like OpenSea, Rarible, SuperRare, and more) for Aerodrome veNFTs and other specified NFTs. Custom Parameters: The tool should allow for setting and changing parameters such as NFT rarity, price thresholds, specific traits, and more. Verification: Scan and verify that the NFT is legitimate, ensuring it matches the listing details (authenticity, traits, ownership history). Notifications: Immediate notifications via email, SMS, or app when NFTs matching the ...
I'm on the lookout for top-notch advertising beacons with high power. These beacons play a crucial role in my marketing strategy and need to be versatile, reliable, and feature-rich. Key Requirements: - **Type**: I need a comprehensive solution that includes Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC beacons. - **Features**: The beacons should have long battery life, wide range, and customizable messaging capabilities. They're expected to cover a broad spectrum of use cases, from retail promotions to event management and proximity marketing. - **Primary Use Case**: These beacons will be utilized across all potential scenarios. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in sourcing high-quality advertising beacons. - Strong under...
Job Position: Internet Link Poster Employment Type: Full-Time Location: Remote (Work from Home) Salary: ₹1,00,000 per annum (1 LAC PA) Job Summary We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented individual for the role of Internet Link Poster. The primary responsibility is to post specific links all across the internet on a variety of websites, forums, platforms, and communities. You must find suitable locations to post these links and ensure they are relevant, well-placed, and stay permanently online. Only links that remain live will count toward your daily target of 160 links. This full-time position will become easier with practice as you learn to identify the best posting opportunities efficiently. Key Responsibilities 1. ...
I am seeking a graphic designer with experience in creating high-end, minimalist designs for a matte metal business card. The card will feature the name "George Peter" and should exude luxury. Key Requirements: - The card should incorporate a logo based on the letter "G." This logo will be cut out of the card using CNC or laser technology, so precision is key. - The design should include two phone numbers (German and UK), each accompanied by the WhatsApp logo, and one email address. - The design style should be minimalist, avoiding any unnecessary elements that could detract from the overall luxury of the card. - The finish of the card should be brushed metal, creating a sleek and sophisticated look. At the end of the project,...
I'm looking to enhance my Framer website by adding 5 new pages, each with a specific purpose and functionality. - **Careers Page**: A professional layout to chronologically display job postings. I will provide the template for this page, which will need to be adapted to accommodate a list of job openings. - **Job Description Page**: This will detail the specifics of each job, complete with an "apply now" button. - **Job Application Form**: A simple form for applicants to fill out, including fields for their name, email, and resume attachment. - **About Me Page**: A professional depiction of my personal and career background. This will involv...
I need assistance with preparing documents in response to an FBR Notice. Specifically, I need help with my income tax return, focusing on the business income details. I received the FBR below Notice, which needs to be replied to and solved with documentation. My company is silent and has no business. also attached notice picture. ------------------------------FBR Notice------------------------------- Dear Sir / Madam, Whereas you are a company filed return u/s 114 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 for tax year 2023. Preliminary examination of your Income Tax Return has revealed that it has been filed without copy of audited accounts/ annexures as prescribed by section 120(3). You are requested to fulfill the required discrepancies / deficiencie...
I need an experienced developer to integrate a comprehensive global tax system into both my mobile app and website. This integration should initially cover critical tax regions, specifically Australia and the USA, with the potential for expansion into other regions in the future. Key requirements: - Full tax integration for both web and mobile platforms - Initial focus on Australian and USA tax systems, with scope for other global regions - Future-proof design for seamless integration of additional tax regions Ideal skills: - Proficient in mobile app and website development - Extensive knowledge of global tax systems, particularly Australia and USA - Experience in implementing scalable systems for future expansion
I'm looking for a skilled and creative designer to convert a one-page website into a Figma project. The Figma project design has been started, and your task will be to finish it using Figma best practices. Key Tasks: - Complete the Figma design with meticulous attention to detail - Use Figma's auto layout feature for precise element positioning - Create and utilize Figma components for all repeatable elements, such as cards, links, logos, and buttons - Develop and apply local styles for consistent color and font usage throughout the design The ultimate aim of this project is to ensure consistency in design elements. Your work will serve as a foundation for enhancing our website...
We are seeking a talented and motivated Computer Vision and Generative Models Algorithm Developer to join our dynamic team. This role is ideal for someone passionate about applying cutting-edge technologies to solve real-world problems. You will be responsible for designing, developing, and optimizing algorithms related to computer vision and generative models, contributing to groundbreaking projects in fields such as agriculture, healthcare, robotics, etc. Key Responsibilities: Design and develop algorithms for computer vision tasks such as object detection, segmentation, recognition, and tracking. Develop and optimize generative models, including GANs, VAEs, and other advanced architectures for various applications. Implemen...