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    2,000 convert mq4 file els file ofert prac znalezionych

    Mam juz gotowa grafike ,jednak potrzebowal bym zamienic ja w plik ,ktory nie traci na jakosci przy na druku. Grafika jest o rozmiarze 1024x1024

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    Objective: The goal is to produce a video file that mirrors the content and style of the provided reference video (), substituting the original pole structure with a new one provided in the attachment (zerosite (2).png). The designer has the option to receive a 3D file for accuracy in recreation. Video Length: 5-10 seconds, ensuring the narrative and visual pacing matches the reference. Pole Structure Replacement: The new pole structure must be integrated seamlessly into the video. It should replace the original pole structure while maintaining the scale, orientation, and interactions within the environment. Visual Style: The visual style and quality should be consistent with the reference video, including textures, lighting, and any visible dynamics or effects. Animation...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    I need an excel file, where salesmen will introduce data after all visits to customers File description 1. Two loggin levels : admins and user. Admins can see all the data, users only that introduced by them 2. Admin panel lookout: -visit overview by date -visit overview by salesmen -visit overview by region -posting comments to visits or overall coments to salesmen - user is notified in his panel of any comment made by admin 3. User panel lookout: -visit overview by customer, region, date or tax id -replying to comments made by admin -introducing new visits (date, customer, region, tax id, remarks), making a checkilist: 3.1. Adding Tax id, region of the customer 3.2. Saying hello, small talk – YES/NO 3.3. Products talk YES/NO - description – what products? 3...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    I need a loader that will download .exe file from web and then run it. I want the Loader to support a large number of users, with the exception that 1 user - 1 device, preferably authorization should be done by classic login:pass and HWID It is also important that the Loader does not leave an .exe file anywhere for the user to copy (running from memory?) I also don't have any hosting from which the program could check authorization and download the file, you will need to program such functions and I will gladly take advice on which hosting to use. It will be good if the loader has any graphical interface where the user can enter his login and password and run the file

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I need to receive notifications when files change or folders change. Apparently, the Windows API has these methods (like FindCloseChangeNotification) The component (or DLL module) must have methods: AddFileOrFolder(path:string); RemoveFileOrFolder(path:string); OnChange(path:string) - change notification event. Greetings Marcin Konopka **************************************************************** Potrzebuję otrzymywać powiadomienia o zmianach plików lub zmianach w folderach. Podobno Windows API posiada takie metody (jak np. FindCloseChangeNotification) Komponent (lub moduł DLL) musi mieć metody: AddFileOrFolder(path:string); RemoveFileOrFolder(path:string); OnChange(path:string) - zdarzenie powiadomienia o zmianie. Pozdrawiam Marcin Konopka

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    Celem projektu jest stworzenie statycznej, responsywnej strony na podstawie designu przygotowanego w pliku o formacie AI lub PDF, wraz z pociętymi zasobami graficznymi do odpowiednich plików jpg/png. Konwersja dotyczy jednej, w miarę długiej strony informacyjnej. Oprócz standardowej struktury header-content-footer, strona zawiera kilka sekcji w tle (film, grafika), które powinny być osadzone jako parallax. Konwersja css/js powinna opierać się na frameworku Bootstrap. Szukam dobrej współpracy do kolejnych podobnych projektów.

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    We are looking for graphics to convert / create views in a mobile application. The application will be in the financial field (fintech), available in appstore and google play. Poszukujemy grafika do zamiany/wykreowania widoków w aplikacji mobilnej. Aplikacja będzie z dziedziny finansowej (fintech), dostępna w appstore oraz google play.

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję, by ktoś zrobił dla mnie wdrożenie pluginu lub podobnie wyglądającego uploadera plików na stronę. Chcę aby pliki oprócz tego, że wgrywają się na serwer, dodawały się również jako rekordy w bazie danych.

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    Mam kupiona templatke do magento2, chce ja poprzerabiac. Interesuje mnie wspolpraca osoba/firma z Polski

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    Poszukuję frontend developera, który zakoduje w HTML projekt, który przygotowany jest w formacie PSD. Preferowane użycie AngularJS 1.x lub 2.x. Do zakodowania strona główna oraz 6-8 podstron. I'm looking for frontend developer who will be responsible for conversion from PSD to HTML (using AngularJS 1.x or 2.x). There are main page plus 6-8 subpages.

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    Zlecę skonfigurowanie posiadanego przeze mnie template'u WordPress na działającą stronę WWW. Treść do wstawienia do template jest zapisany w MS Word. Domena i serwer też są gotowe. Data realizacji - do 15.09.2015

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję prostego programu działającego na Windows 7, w którym mogę wybrać lokalizację folderu z logami pochodzącymi z pewnej aplikacji w formacie .dat (w środku jest to tak naprawdę normalny plik CSV z uporządkowanymi danymi rozdzielanych przecinkiem), który zamieszczam jako załącznik. Nazwa pliku z logiem zawiera dokładną datę - np. 20150725.dat. Jeden log = jeden dzień. Chciałbym, żeby program łączył pliki z wybranego zakresu dat w jeden plik, przy założeniu, że dane z logów ustawione będą chronologicznie datą oraz w pliku wynikowym do każdej linijki loga dodana będzie data (dodatkowa kolumna w csv - pierwsza z lewej) pobrana z nazwy loga w formacie W pierwszej linijce zbiorczego loga powinny też być definicje nazw kolumn, które przekażę. Plik w...

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie skryptu który będzie pobierał wideo pliki z Youtuba w największej jakości jaka jest dostępna jeśli jest w HD pobiera w HD, wszystkie pliki pobiera na serwer, czyli wklejam link do wideo w skrypcie a ten pobiera plik wideo na serwer i zapisuje informacje w Mysql .

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Zlecę przetłumaczenia pliku .po ( tylko części dla użytkowników ). Proszę zapoznać się z plikiem i w swojej propozycji podać cenę i czas wykonania.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    ...programisty do napisania prostego batch file-a. Docelowy batchfile posłuży do stworzenia rozwiązania odpalanego z płyty CD, które to rozwiązanie: a) odpali instaler zewnętrznej aplikacji (nazwijmy ją "Q") i pozwoli zainstalować ją użytkownikowi b) następnie gdyby użytkownik uruchomił aplikację z poziomu instalera ("Run now") batch file zabije launcher aplikacji Q c) następnie batch file przegra dodatkowe pliki do odpowiedniego katalogu aplikacji Q (pliki będą znajdowały się na serwerze FTP lub na płycie CD) d) następnie batch file usunie skrót do aplikacji Q, znajdujący się na pulpicie i pojawiający się tam domyślnie oraz podmieni go na batch file, który będzie uruchamiał aplikację Q z określonymi param...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje osoby do wykonania szablonu newslettera

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert


    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    7 składanie ofert

    Witam serdecznie mam do wykonania szybki prosty projekt strony (fla, external file, xml) etap 1 - storyboard: + prosty sample tego web: etap 2: footer - ale to prawie banał. coś jak tutaj na dole: tylko środkowa sekcja = tło +rozjaśnione napisy (wysuwany, sklejony z dolną krawędzią) Proszę o pilny kontakt Artur Marlewicz marlewicz@ 506 780 909 ps. do pliku PDF mam uszczegółowienia wybranych rozwiązań via mail.

    $203 Average bid
    $203 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Szukam osoby ze znajomością programu file maker do wykonania bazy danych dla nowo powstającej firmy. Pozdrawiam Pawel

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...would submit the user’s details (name, telephone and email address) to an email address at ClearView for manual processing. b) Live Chat – This would link to the live chat facility mentioned below. c) Call Me Back form – This would link to a simple call me back form that would email ClearView communications. For (a) and (b) you will need to create a form handler to convert the submission into an email to the client. Let me know if you are happy to do this or we can do so. The server is Windows based but can run both ASP.Net and PHP. 2. Live Chat - Account Set-up, Website Integration and Customisation - To integrate the Website Alive software into the site I would create a custom live chat button and also spend some time customising

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlece napisanie prostej aplikacji do wyszukiwania i zarządzania plikami. Jest to projekt na zaliczenie laborek na studiach i jest on potrzebny maksymalnie do piątku. Aplikacja ma być baaardzo prosta, bez zbędnych pierdół:) Specyfikacja: "Realizowanym celem w ramach projektu o powyższym temacie jest stworzenie prostej aplikacji przeznaczonej do zarządzania plikami znajdującymi się na dysku komputera. Za pomocą stworzonej aplikacji będzie można przeglądać katalogi/pliki znajdujące się na dyskach twardych komputera oraz wykonywać podstawowe operacje na plikach/folderach, takie jak: wyszukiwanie plików/folderów, kopiowanie plików/folderów, wklejanie plików/folderów, zmiana nazwy plików/folderów, usuwanie plików/...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, potrzebuje na "cito" przygotowanie wizytowki z jpg...bezpiecznej odległości od krawędzi (4mm od krawędzi projektu czyli 2mm od krawędzi wizytówki pozbawionej spadów) - nie powinny wychodzić poza obszar linii "Ograniczenie dla ważnych elementów". - Rozdzielczość minimum 300DPI, - Paleta barw CMYK ewentualnie RGB (Dla projektów tworzonych w PhotoShop, Gimp, itp). - Wszystkie czcionki muszą być zamienione na krzywe (convert to curves - w anglojęzycznych wersjach programów) - dotyczy projektów zapisanych w pdf, cdr, ai. - Pliki najlepiej zapisać jako: *tiff dla programów tworzących grafikę rastrową *pdf *cdr do wersji 14. *ai do wersji CS4 Uwaga! zle...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam! Potrzebuję naprawić błąd przy upload filmów. Błąd: "Failed To Find Flength File" Strona: A tutaj w razie potrzeby konto do usera: test test Jeśli ktoś wie jak temu zaradzić zapraszam do mnie na GG bądź email: kupwwwpl@ gg: 9851962

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Potrzebny mi uploader do plików napisany we flashu. Wymagania: - upload plików minimum 500MB, jeśli to możliwe nawet do 3GB - obsługa wszelkich problemów takich jak zerwane połączenia itp., jednym słowem wrzucony plik musi dotrzeć na serwer. - prościutka walidacja - przepuszczane tylko pliki zip - po stronie serwera możliwy odbiór plików z POST'a

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Instalacja na server programu ImageMagick i sox Path to sox and ImageMagick binary not found ImageMagick () Example: /usr/local/bin/mogrify Example: /usr/local/bin/convert Example: /usr/local/bin/composite SoX () Example: /usr/bin/sox phpinfo jest to portal DATING chat+Video dla osoby co maja pojecie to jakies 10 minut pracy

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to convert 4 of my PSD files into Figma. I need all layers to maintain the same structure as in the original PSD files. The Figma files should be completely editable, similar to how they currently are in Photoshop. Additionally, please ensure that all Adobe fonts used in the designs are included. Key Requirements: - Convert 4 PSD files into Figma - Connect 4 Figma pages to each other - Maintain original layer structure from PSD files - Important that everything stays organized - Ensure all design elements are editable - Include all Adobe fonts Please note, I do not need any new design elements or components to be added. The Figma files should only contain conversions of existing elements. See attached screenshots. I blocked out ...

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Średnia Oferta:
    30 składanie ofert

    ...will be part of a single WordPress multisite installation but must have unique designs, colors, and themes for distinction. - Menu & Navigation: The menu should be designed to clearly explain the purpose of each site, making navigation intuitive for visitors. - Conversion of Example Sites: We will provide example versions of the websites (created online), and the freelancer will convert these into WordPress sites. - Content Integration: - Text and structure will be provided, but the freelancer will translate the content into English. - The homepage should feature summarized text, bullet points, and a creative, engaging structure. - Design Requirements: - A strong eye for color schemes and image selection, ensuring relevance and emotional impact...

    $315 Average bid
    8 zgłoszenia

    I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create a multi-faceted application for both iOS and Android. The app will encompass three key areas: a learning section, a paper trading segment, and an interactive gaming section. Key Features: - Learning: Users will access external online video lectures via a browser link. - Paper Trading: Users can convert real money into virtual currency for trading. If they lose all their virtual currency, they must purchase more. - Gaming: Users can engage in virtual trades against one another. The trading outcome is based on who gains more or loses less over a given time period. The app will charge a 10% platform fee on total trade value. User Experience: - The app will display index candles from a third-party source concurrently with the t...

    $266 Average bid
    $266 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert
    Convert ZIP Project to User API
    6 dni left

    I have a ZIP file containing a project that currently requires Power BI to activate. I need this converted into an API that can handle user data. Key Requirements: - Convert the ZIP file into a usable API - API should be capable of handling user data - Implement data filtering functionality within the API Given the budget is around $25, I am looking for a quick and easy solution. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Experience in API development - Knowledge in handling and filtering user data - Ability to convert files from various formats into an API.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced architect who can convert my existing house plans (provided in Chief Architect or DWG format) into comprehensive construction documents using Chief Architect or CAD software. Key Responsibilities: - Transform current house plans into detailed and accurate construction documents, including complete specifications and annotations. - Ensure all drawings comply with local building codes, energy efficiency standards, and national building codes. - Provide multiple views and detailed sections of the construction plans. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Chief Architect or CAD software is a must. - Extensive experience in creating construction documents from house plans. - Strong knowledge of local building codes and energy efficiency stand...

    $5000 - $10000
    $5000 - $10000
    21 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a professional to assist me in generating leads on LinkedIn. My primary goal is to acquire new clients, specifically targeting small business owners across all industries. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with small business owners on LinkedIn - Promote my services to potential clients - Use effective lead generation strategies to convert connections into clients Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in LinkedIn lead generation - Excellent understanding of small business landscape - Strong sales and networking skills - Ability to work across various industries - Proficient in LinkedIn's tools and features for lead generation

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    export csv file for tnt italy

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I am looking for a seasoned sales professional from the Edutech industry to help convert my leads into customers. The target audience for these sales calls are working professionals looking to upskill or change careers. Key Responsibilities: - Make sales calls to warm contacts and follow-up on previous conversations - Convert hot leads into sales - Use your industry experience to understand and cater to the needs of the target audience Ideal Candidate: - Proven sales experience in the Edutech industry - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Ability to understand and cater to the needs of working professionals - Track record of closing deals on sales calls Payment - every closure 10% of revenue generation

    $674 Average bid
    $674 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a specialist in Facebook lead generation to help me in the technology sector. The objective is to generate quality leads that can potentially convert into clients or customers. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective lead generation strategies on Facebook - Identify and target potential leads within the tech industry - Monitor and report on the success of lead generation campaigns Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in lead generation, particularly on Facebook - Strong understanding of the technology industry - Excellent communication and analytical skills

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    I need a web developer to convert my site into a responsive one. It is a very simple website, just the conversion is needed. The website is already built. Key Requirements: - The carousel should reactively adjust to different screen sizes; for instance, displaying a single image on smaller devices, and two on tablets. - Redesign the header to match a design I've already created. - Reorganize page content for mobile: from multi-column on desktop, to a single column on mobile. - Redesign the footer to align with the new design. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with responsive web design. - Proficient in HTML/CSS/JavaScript. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles.

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a professional to create a vector gradient file of my logo. - Final file format should be EPS. - I only have a PNG file, so we might need to recreate the "X" for smooth results. - Ideally, you should have experience with graphic design, particularly with creating vector files from raster images. THE FONT USED FOR THE TEXT IS "MONTSERRAT EXTRABOLD" AND THE SPACING IN THE TEXT UNDERNEATH IS "280"

    $25 Average bid
    102 zgłoszenia

    I need assistance converting text and numbers from an unstructured PDF into an MS Excel spreadsheet. Key Requirements: - Convert text and numbers from PDF to Excel - Data is unstructured, so adaptability is key - High level of accuracy required, with manual verification Ideal Skills and Experience: - Data entry experience - Proficient in MS Excel - Detail-oriented - Able to manually verify data for high accuracy

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a proficient freelancer to generate buyer leads for my personal brand, primarily in real estate. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a focused online advertising strategy primarily on Google Ads. - Optimize ad performance to drive traffic to my website, with the ultimate goal of increasing requests for consultations. ...- Optimize ad performance to drive traffic to my website, with the ultimate goal of increasing requests for consultations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in generating real estate leads is a must. - Strong analytical skills for ad performance optimization. - Experience with Google Ads is necessary, with a focus on generating website traffic. Your ultimate goal will be to convert increased website traffic into consult...

    $328 Average bid
    $328 Średnia Oferta:
    33 składanie ofert

    ...Provide Unix timestamp: Use the RTC to track “Unix time” in seconds (if needed for real-world time reference). Convert or read the RTC to produce timestampUnix. Stream data over UART: Continuously send lines in the format: timestamp timestampUnix E.g. 1723390177448695880 1723390176459 Transmit at a fixed baud rate (e.g., 115200) to the Pi. 2. Core Requirements TIM2 @ 1 ms Configure prescaler/period for a 1 ms interrupt on STM32F103 (72 MHz). In the interrupt, update timestamp (+1,000,000 ns). Optional RTC Enable the STM32 RTC if real-world date/time is needed. Read or convert to Unix epoch, stored in timestampUnix. UART Transmission Format a string lik...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I need a freelancer to convert 49 pages of a PDF file into an Excel sheet. The PDF contains mixed data - both text and numeric information. Key Requirements: - Experience with data entry and Excel - Ability to understand and implement custom formatting - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy The Excel sheet needs to be formatted according to specific, custom requirements. This may involve detailed cell formatting, such as merged cells and specific alignments. Please note that this project does not require maintaining the original PDF formatting, but rather creating a unique, custom layout in Excel. Ideal candidates should have strong Excel skills, experience with custom formatting, and a meticulous approach to ensuring data accuracy.

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Średnia Oferta:
    31 składanie ofert

    Project: 280-Page Word Document to PDF Conversion Overview Convert a 280-page Word document into a high-quality PDF using InDesign. Maintain consistent formatting, typography, and Arabic language accuracy. Daily target: 16 pages. Schedule: Monday - Friday. Payment: Upon successful completion of the entire project. Budget & Time Budget: 50-100 USD. Estimated time per page: 30 minutes. Requirements Fluency in Arabic. Expert InDesign skills (including Arabic typography). Strong project management & communication. Meticulous attention to detail. Application Only applicants meeting all requirements and comfortable with the budget & time will be considered.

    $45 / hr Average bid
    $45 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    ...Generate story scripts using ChatGPT 2. Create voiceovers using ElevenLabs or similar AI voice tools 3. Generate matching visuals using AI image generators 4. Compile everything into polished 1-minute videos ## Required Process 1. Story Script Generation - Use ChatGPT to create engaging scripts from provided story ideas - Optimize script length for 3 minute videos 2. Voice Generation - Convert scripts to natural-sounding voiceovers using AI tools - ElevenLabs or similar AI voice generators 3. Visual Creation - Generate matching images/scenes using AI tools - Ensure visuals match the story narrative 4. Video Compilation - Combine voice, visuals, and background music - Create smooth transitions - Deliver in high quality (1080p minimum) ## Deliverable...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    I need a professional to convert my existing Pinescript indicator into a strategy for TradingView. The script identifies patterns like head and shoulders. Key requirements include: - Utilization of existing Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) parameters already existing in the script The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Ability to deliver competitive pricing and fast turnaround and excellent skills in dealing with patterns

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    12 składanie ofert

    I need to convert 80-90 slides into a professional morph version. The project will involve many repeated pages. The style of the transformed slides should be creative and modern. Key requirements: - Ability to understand and implement modern and creative design elements - Proficiency in PowerPoint morph transitions - Keen attention to detail, especially with repeated slides I don't have a specific design theme or color scheme in mind, I'm open to suggestions. Please provide links to your preferred designs or similar styles.

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Średnia Oferta:
    47 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a social media expert to help me generate leads via Instagram. The job will involve creating and posting engaging content, as well as strategizing on how to reach the right audience. Key Responsibilities: - Create and post high-quality images and photos, Stories and Reels, and Carousel posts on Instagram - Develop and implement strate...right audience. Key Responsibilities: - Create and post high-quality images and photos, Stories and Reels, and Carousel posts on Instagram - Develop and implement strategies to increase lead generation Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram - Excellent content creation skills - Ability to strategize for lead generation The ultimate goal is to convert Instagram followers into p...

    $467 Average bid
    $467 Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert
    PDF Building Plan to UK Floor Plan
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a professional who can convert a PDF building plan into a basic outline floor plan suitable for a UK rental website. The floor plan needs to have dimensions annotated on it. Key Requirements: - Conversion of a PDF building plan into a basic outline floor plan - Remove Bedroom 4 and 5 from plans - Change loft bathroom to bedroom and 1.5 metre ensuite bathroom as annotated - Annotation of dimensions on the floor plan - Delivery of the final product in JPEG format Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD or similar software - Experience with floor plan design - Attention to detail in dimension annotation Please note that the level of detail required in the floor plan is a basic outline, not a detailed plan with measurements or furniture.

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Średnia Oferta:
    80 składanie ofert
    InDesign Expert - Arabic Language
    6 dni left

    Project: 280-Page Word Document to Indesign Conversion Overview Convert a 280-page Word document into a high-quality PDF using InDesign. Maintain consistent formatting, typography, and Arabic language accuracy. Daily target: 16 pages. Schedule: Monday - Friday. Payment: Upon successful completion of the entire project. Budget & Time Budget: 50-80 USD. Estimated time per page: 30 minutes. Requirements Fluency in Arabic. Expert InDesign skills (including Arabic typography). Strong project management & communication. Meticulous attention to detail. Application Only applicants meeting all requirements and comfortable with the budget & time will be considered.

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I need my WordPress website turned into a static HTML/CSS/JS version. The project will serve as a trial for potential team recruitment. Key Requirements: - Replication of contact forms and interactive elements from the WordPress site. - Dynamic content updates need to be handled using simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - No specific JavaScript frameworks or libraries are required; just pure, straightforward coding. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Experience with WordPress and understanding of its structure. - Able to replicate interactive elements accurately. - Attention to detail to ensure the static site mirrors the WordPress site. this is an example...

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Średnia Oferta:
    128 składanie ofert

    I'm looking to create a comprehensive PDF Software solution. The project entails building a web application akin to along with a desktop version compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Primary Functionalities: - Sign PDF both digital signature and drawn signature. - Merging PDF files - Splitting PDF files - Editing PDF content - Convert PDF to Word and vice versa Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in software development with a focus on PDF tools - Proficiency in cross-platform application development - Strong skills in creating user-friendly interfaces A solid understanding of implementing PDF functionalities and creating seamless desktop and web applications is crucial. While the web application's user authentication methods are...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Średnia Oferta:
    30 składanie ofert

    I'm a web developer in need of a skilled lead generation, sales, and outreach specialist to help boost my client base, primarily targeting small businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Identify potential clients in the small business sector. - Initiate and oversee email and LinkedIn outreach campaigns. - Communicate my web development services' value proposition effectively to convert leads into clients. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in digital marketing or sales. - Exceptional communication and persuasive skills. - Familiarity with CRM tools and outreach platforms. Your main objective will be to help me increase my client base. If you have a proven track record in these areas, I would love to hear from you.

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert