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    2,000 christmas writing prompt ofert prac znalezionych

    Witam, Potrzebuję rozbudować PHP o własną funkcję. Mam gotową (działającą) funkcję xyz() napisaną w C i chcę abym w PHP dostał nową funkcję xyz() doładowywaną jako moduł PHP. Nie chodzi o przepisanie funkcji na PHP, bo właśnie przepisałem ją z PHP na C, bo była zbyt wolna. Jeżeli nie wiesz nic o extension writing dla PHP, to daruj sobie zlecenie. Możliwość dalszej współpracy.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert ). Here are some commonly violated policies and suggestions regarding your app’s workflows: - Only publish Stream stories on behalf of a user with his/her consent. (FPP IV.3) - Do not pre-fill the user_message parameter of Stream stories with app-generated text. (FPP IV.2) - Do not incentivize users to use (or gate content behind the use of) the Stream channel. (FPP IV.1) - Prompt users to publish stories only after they take perform significant actions within your app; do not encourage users to publish too frequently (even if you use the Facebook Publish form). - Keep Stream story quality in mind, especially as it will be judged by the recipient and/or users viewing the story. - When inviting users to your app, we recommend using the Requests (

    $8 Average bid
    $8 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...compensation: $2,000 (USD) monthly for a start, $3,000 after the trial period, $4,000 for proven team members * Opportunity to learn from the best: we know how to build internet software that scales, and we know what to build so that users love it * Flexibility and independence: you work from home when you want and how you want - we evaluate you based on your output We expect: * Experience writing web applications * Willingness and ability to learn quickly * High motivation and ability to work effectively without supervision * Understanding of scalability challenges * Reasonable English skills (we're not native English speakers, but we communicate in English) * Basic understanding of Facebook application platform Technologies we use most frequently: * Rail...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...<fstream> using namespace std; #include "" // przykladowy komentarz ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, Kstel& k) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<; i++) { o << *([i]) << endl; } return o; } void Kstel::save(const char * fname) { ofstream f(fname); if (!f.is_open()) { cerr << "Error writing " << fname << endl; return; } for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; i++) { if (tab[i] != NULL) f << tab[i]->getName() << " " << tab[i]->getNrTel() << endl; } } void Kstel::load(const char *fname) { ifstream f(fname); if (!f.is_open()) { cerr << "Error reading " << fname <<

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Demurez Cover Arts () is a new picture agency specialised on images for book covers. We are located in Vienna and plan to open a second office in Krakow soon. We are seeking a Freelancer for Keywording for 20-30 hours/week You will keyword our images through the internert. You are free to choose your working place and working time. The right candidate should have: - Good writing skills in English & German - Quick & reliable internet connection at your working place - Interest in art and a good imagination skills - You live in or close to Krakow - You can issue an invoice Please send your application with CV & photo via email to

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie dwóch modyfikacji pluginu WP e-Commerce: Potrzebuję dwóch funkcji: 1. Wybór formy wysyłki (przez dropdown lub radiobuttony) na podstawie...podsumowania (Checkout) przed zsumowaniem należnej kwoty (koszt wysyłki ma być wliczony do sumy). 2. Płatność poprzez - napisanie bramki na podstawie bramek istniejących (najbliższa wydaje się być bramka Paypal Express Checkout) oraz na podstawie dokumentacji: a) : b) pluginu: Posiadam konto w , które może zostać w razie potrzeby wykorzystane do testów. Faktura VAT mile widziana, ale nie niezbędna. W razie pytań zapraszam.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zapraszam chętne osoby do poprawienia błędu: Warning: imagejpeg() []: Unable to open './galeria/mini/phpcmnq8D' for writing: Permission denied in /home/megaaukc/domains/ on line 188 oraz jeszcze 1 który powiem zainteresowanemu. Zapraszam do kontaktu gg 3246270, kto pierwszy ten lepszy. prosze o podanie ceny za wykonanie.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Do wykonania wtyczka do popu...odtwarzania, filmu zostanie on przeniesiony na pobrany wcześniej z adserwera URL. Oczywiście ma czas odtwarzania filmu reklamowego zostają wyłączone elementy odtwarzacza pozwalające ominąć film reklamowy. Uwagi: 1. Funkcjami odtwarzacza można zarządzać z wbudowanego API odtwarzacza, podobnie jest z playlistami. 2. Dokumentacja pisania wtyczek: 3. Przykłady wtyczek do emisji reklamy dla innych sieci reklamowych: - kolumna "Advertising networks" 4. API: Wszelką korespondencję proszę kierować na adres "wroclaw [zwierzę z bananem] ".

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...confidential consideration to this position, please send your resume directly to The right person will have proven experience in Web Development and Project Management. The role requires strong communication, organizational and project-management skills, and knowledge of the various phases of online e-commerce, website and marketing content development and production (copy writing, Web site design, interaction design, front end technologies and implementation). The ability to simultaneously manage multiple complex projects with critical deadlines and material risks is essential. Detailed knowledge of online, content development and e commerce (including a strong working knowledge of iterative Web design processes, a understanding of front-end technologies, a...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    We are looking for young hard-working, honest, ambitious people who want to gain experience by realizations on Internet. A very good knowledge of English is required. Editorial and researching information, writing thematic texts, we are also looking for web-masters, programmers and animators. If you are interested in this adventure, please send brief information about yourself, Info including interest, the argument of your skills and how you would contribute to this business. We do not accept CV! Contact studio@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    55032 Internet Service
    Zakończone left

    We are looking for young hard-working, honest, ambitious people who want to gain experience by realizations on Internet. A very good knowledge of English is required, including an ability to write precise information, whilst having a knowledge and analysis of global markets, particularly the BRIC. Editorial and researching information, writing thematic texts, we are also looking for web-masters, programmers and animators. If you are interested in this adventure, please send brief information about yourself, including interest, the argument of your skills and how you would contribute to this business, via e-mail address; produkcja@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Drodzy Państwo! Poszukuję dwóch _kreatywnych_ i _inteligentnych_ osób o bardzo dobrej znajomości angielskiego (i z odpowiednimi writing skills), którym chciałbym zlecić napisanie _dobrej jakości_ tekstów. Będą to: - około 30 artykułów o długości 4500-6000 znaków bez spacji - 70 postów blogowych długości 2500-3000 zbs - 65 _opisowych_ przepisów kulinarnych na różne dania (z góry narzucone), długość 2500-3000 zbs. (wszystko do podziału na dwie osoby; proszę __OFEROWAĆ CENĘ ZA POŁOWĘ__ powyższej ilości) Notki blogowe będą proste i bardzo łatwe do napisania. Artykuły będą od Państwa wymagały nieco większego nakładu pracy, trzeba będzie zapewne dokonać pewnego researchu w internecie... Niemniej jednak biorą...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję zakupić kilka fotek z istock photo Ponieważ procedury rejestracji są skomplikowane Chciałabym aby ktoś z Państwa odsprzedał kilka kredytów bądź przesłał na maila kupione obrazy Przelew wykonam natychmiast po otrzymaniu zdjęć Przesyłam linki do fotek : ów bądź przesłał na maila kupione obrazy Przelew wykonam natychmiast po otrzymaniu zdjęć Przesyłam linki do fotek : wszystkie rozmiar small !!!

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczącego portalu piszącego eseje. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła custom essay, term paper, research paper, writing service

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam Jak w temacie. Szukam osoby do wykonania intro strony. Kllimatem i dynamiką jak: z wjazdem logo jak: "Scenariusz" 1. wjazd logo + 2-3 teksty 2. pozniej kilkanaście sekund z "wchodzącymi" layoutami www, każdy bedzie sie skladal z kolejnych warstw podobnie jak w pierszym linku. całość ok 30 sek Wszystko w klimacie świateł itp jak w podanych linkach. Wizualizacje kolejnych etapów i części layoutów przygotuje wybranej osobie. Na wszystkie pytania chętnie odpowiem. Prosze o przesłanie wstepnej wyceny i portfolio. Pozdrawiam

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Napisac aplikacje RMI, ktora pomoze studentom rejestrowac sie na kurs. Dane studentow zapisywane sa do pliku. Klient: 1. Wyswietlic GUI ...zapisywane sa do pliku. Klient: 1. Wyswietlic GUI - imie - nazwisko - miasto - rok urodzenia - ile placi - przycisk [rejestruj] 2. umozliwic wprowadzenie tych informacji 3. przekazac informacje do serwera (jako objekt Student) 4. krok 3 niesie za soba koniecznosc utworzenia klasy Student Serwer: 1. przyjac obiekt student od klienta 2. wyswietlic zawartosc obiektu na ekranie (dos prompt) 3. zapisac odebrane dane do pliku - program ma dzialac i umozliwiac wcisniecie przycisku [rejestruj] po stronie klienta az uzytkownik nie kliknie [x] - serwer po kazdorazowym wcisnieciu [rejestruj] dopisuje nowy obiekt do pliku ...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include your l...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    8878 Tłumaczenie z ang
    Zakończone left

    ...your password followed by the pound key. auth-thankyou: Thank you. invalid: I am sorry, that is not a valid extension. Please try again. pbx-invalid: I am sorry, that's not a valid extension. Please try again. pbx-invalidpark: I am sorry, there is no call parked on that extension. Please try again. pbx-transfer: Transfer. privacy-incorrect: I'm sorry, that number is not valid. privacy-prompt: Please enter your ten-digit phone number, starting with the area code. privacy-thankyou: Thank you. privacy-unident: The party you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls. ss-noservice: The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try again. transfer: Please hold while I try that extension. tt-allbusy: All representatives of...

    $2 Average bid
    $2 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include...

    $76 Average bid
    $76 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...profilu innych użytkowników(inni użytkownicy mogą zarządzać komentarzami, jakie otrzymują{nie podoba Ci się czyjś komentarz na Twój temat, możesz go usunąć Użytkownikowi nie wolno zmieniać, usuwać etc elementów profilu lub plików wrzuconych przez innych użytkowników. Portal powinien mieć kilka zakładek; tak jak Zakładki powinny się nazywać: my music, my video, my graphic, my writing(w pierwszym etapie uruchamiamy tylko zakładkę my music, później rozszerzamy o kolejne) Wyszukiwarka ludzi: Wg. płci, wieku, tego czy ma swoją muzykę, czy nie, ze względu na zdjęcie itp. Kolejna zakładka portalu to część informacyjna my events tam będziemy pisać o wszystkich wydarzeniach, o których będziemy chcieli napisać Strona gł&o...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    Blog Post Creation & Submission
    6 dni left

    I need a skilled content writer to create a blog post on a weekly basis. Key skills include SEO knowledge, engaging writing style, and experience with blog post submissions.

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Średnia Oferta:
    28 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an experienced academic researcher with a deep understanding of Compute...Science, specifically in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and more specifically, Machine Learning. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have a strong background and experience in conducting Computer Science research - Be specialized in Artificial Intelligence, particularly Machine Learning - Have a proven track record of delivering high-quality academic research - Possess excellent writing and analytical skills This project is about conducting comprehensive research in the field of Machine Learning. You will be required to explore existing literature, identify gaps in current knowledge and propose original ideas for further research. Prior experience in publishing academic pa...

    $392 Average bid
    $392 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    My website is currently not loading at all. I need an experienced professional who can help resolve this issue as soon as possible. Key details: - The website is entirely unresponsive - I have access to the hosting control panel What I need: - Prompt troubleshooting and resolution of the issue - Clear communication about what went wrong and how it was fixed Ideal Skills: - Web hosting & Server Management - Troubleshooting - Clear Communication

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    We have several pictures in a folder that have logos and text and symbols like arrows which need to be removed. Here is a link to the folder: Here a VIDEO explanation of the project. (READ THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION TOO) Winner is the first person to put a clean pictures up with no text as per instructions. This is easy money to anyone with good photo editing skills.

    $20 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Gwarantowany
    23 zgłoszenia

    ...misc. tasks. There is a possibility for this position to expand to other tasks besides those listed depending on the skill level of the candidate. The position involves replying to emails within 24 hours except on weekends, including inquiries for the festival from students and parents and Artist Faculty during our hiring period and then as we prepare for the physical festival, and replying and writing to guest artists. Many emails will be prepared and proofed with the team. There are many frequently asked questions and default answers, however, that just need a response that can be copied, pasted, and adjusted. Tasks include email handling using Microsoft Outlook through Microsoft Exchange, sending many emails daily through specific secure and clean processes using the desktop...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a seasoned content writer for my E-S-C-O-R-T niche websites. The primary task will involve crafting formal and professional blog posts focused on client expe...E-S-C-O-R-T niche websites. The primary task will involve crafting formal and professional blog posts focused on client experiences and reviews. Key Responsibilities: - Write engaging and informative blog posts from a formal and professional perspective - Center posts around client experiences and reviews in the E-S-C-O-R-T industry Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in content writing, particularly in the E-S-C-O-R-T niche - Ability to adopt a formal and professional tone - Excellent storytelling skills to convey client experiences engagingly - Strong understanding of the E-S-C-O-R-T industry...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    I am a freelancer specialized in creative writing and translation, with a professional and charismatic approach. My communication is clear and friendly, making it easy to build a good relationship with clients, who feel comfortable sharing their needs and expectations. Although I am approachable and empathetic, I am extremely serious and committed to quality and deadlines. My focus is to deliver exceptional results within the agreed timeline, without compromising excellence in any detail of the project. I am highly organized and efficient, which allows me to manage multiple projects at the same time, always maintaining a high standard of quality. Additionally, I am transparent in all stages of the work, clearly outlining what is included in each service and managing expectations i...

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    I need a 2000-word essay for my final year research project. This will be divided into two chapters of 1000 words each. The focus of the essay is: - Chapter 1: The Rise of Streaming Platforms - Chapter 2: The Decline of Traditional Cinema I want the writer to use their discretion to incorporate relevant theo...discretion to incorporate relevant theories or case studies. A clear, coherent argument with good use of relevant evidence and critical debates is a must. Thesis is well defined, the conclusion is analytically realized. Good research with relevant sources, solid engagement with critical debates. Ideal candidates should have: - Strong academic writing skills - A good understanding of the evolution of streaming platforms and traditional cinema - Experience in writing...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    I need an 8-page white paper that educates gaming company executives on Digital Transformation in the Gaming industry. The paper should be comprehensive yet easy to digest for its...should be comprehensive yet easy to digest for its intended audience. Key topics to be covered include: - The impact of emerging technologies on the gaming industry - Current and future market trends - Frameworks for implementing digital transformation Ideal freelancers for this project should have a strong understanding of the gaming industry and digital transformation, along with excellent writing skills and experience in creating educational content for industry professionals. The white paper must include sufficient citations to scientific papers. The white paper must include diagrams relevant to ...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Średnia Oferta:
    27 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking assistance with a multi-page brochure primarily intended for event information. I have the design set, but I need someone to make layout adjustments to accommodate the content more effectively. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brochure Design - Event Promotion Material Design I have images and display ads to place on s...adjustments to accommodate the content more effectively. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brochure Design - Event Promotion Material Design I have images and display ads to place on specific pages - no design is required - Experience with event information brochures would be a plus. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've worked on, if available. I'm looking to finalize this soon, so prompt communication and turnaround ...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Średnia Oferta:
    80 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an engineering expert with a focus on multimedia optics to help draft a technical paper. The paper will be a proposal for a new method or technology in this field. Key Responsibilities: - Research and understand current methodologies in multimedia optics. - Develop a compelling proposal for a new method or techno...field. Key Responsibilities: - Research and understand current methodologies in multimedia optics. - Develop a compelling proposal for a new method or technology. - Write a clear, concise, and technically accurate paper. - video step by step methodology Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in multimedia optics. - Strong engineering background. - Excellent technical writing skills. - Proven track record of publishing te...

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled content writer who can craft compelling website copy for my Home page. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in copywriting with a focus on web content. They should be able to create engaging, clear and persuasive copy that resonates with our target audience. Skills and Experience Needed: - Proven experience in content writing and website copy - Strong understanding of web copywriting principles - Ability to write engaging and persuasive content - Excellent understanding of SEO principles

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    60 składanie ofert
    Write and Illustrate Adventure Book
    6 dni left

    I'm seeking a skilled writer and illustrator to bring to life a 3000-word book about an 8-year-old Therian girl named Lilah. The story is based on the outline I will provide. Key Elements: - Illustrations: The illustr...provide. Key Elements: - Illustrations: The illustrations should carry a whimsical style, capturing the adventurous and exciting tone of the book. - Transformations: Lilah, the protagonist, has the ability to transform into various animals. The narrative should creatively incorporate her transformation abilities into thrilling plot points. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in children's book writing and illustrating. - Ability to convey an adventurous and exciting tone through both text and illustrations. - Creativity in developing plot points around ani...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    I'm on the lookout for a talented designer with content writing skills to create a striking, colorful banner for product promotion. If the work is impressive, there's potential for ongoing collaboration on additional banners. Submit your work with proposal. Don’t bid if you are not good with creative writing. Put ‘Nothing’ at top of proposal to avoid getting rejected.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a legal expert in...comprehensive case study analysis focusing on terrorism finance. The primary objective of this analysis is to identify key legal precedents. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in international law, specifically in relation to terrorism finance. - Proficient in conducting case study analyses. - Excellent research skills to identify and interpret legal precedents. Experience: - Prior experience in writing legal case study analyses. - Demonstrated ability to work on international law cases. - Proven track record of identifying key legal precedents. This project requires an individual who can deliver a thorough and insightful analysis. Your expertise in international law and prior experience with similar projects will be crucial for the success o...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Średnia Oferta:
    38 składanie ofert

    ...Responsibilities: - Identifying 4 procurement opportunities from government websites weekly that meets criteria (site will be provided) - Filtering and categorizing these opportunities based on relevance criteria for translation service. Criteria will be provided and must comply with requirements -Draft proposals for submission. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in procurement and proposal writing -Keen eye for details -Able to follow instructions - Excellent understanding of translation services procurement process - Proficiency in navigating government websites for RFPs and procurement opportunities - Strong analytical and categorization skills I am looking for someone who cannot only find these opportunities but also help me sort/filter them to meet criteria...

    $194 Average bid
    $194 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional who can help me update and revise the content on my resume. The focus will primarily be on my Work Experience and Education sections. Specifically, I need to make changes to the company names in the Work Experience section. Ideal skills for this project include: - Strong background in resume writing and editing - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to present information clearly and concisely - Understanding of current job market trends Please note, the primary task will be updating the company names, but any additional suggestions for improving the content would be greatly appreciated.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a freelancer based in either South or North America. Your role will primarily be to provide me with some needed resources or support. Ideal skills for this job include: - Good communication skills - Understanding of basic task execution - Ability to source relevant materials or support Please note, this is not a writing, design, or programming task. It’s about being a provider.

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in content creation and Wikipedia's guidelines to help me craft a comprehensive biograph...provided sources. - Ensure the biography meets Wikipedia's standards for notability and neutrality. - Conduct additional research if necessary. - Fluent in Arabic and English is a must! I have a variety of sources at my disposal including: - Academic journals and books - News articles and media coverage - Personal documents and testimonials Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in writing Wikipedia articles - Excellent research skills - Ability to write in a clear, engaging, and neutral tone. Please note, that this project is not about promoting the individual's achievements, but rather providing a well-rounded and d...

    $210 Average bid
    $210 Średnia Oferta:
    33 składanie ofert

    I hope this message finds you well. Based on your requirements for a PhD research proposal exploring the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and policy development, I would like to suggest the following topic "Leveraging Artificial Intelligence fo...aspects, meeting the standards of PhD-level research. Proposed Focus Areas: How AI can support evidence-based decision-making in policy development. The ethical implications of using AI in governance. Case studies of successful AI integration in public policy. Challenges and frameworks for adopting AI responsibly in governance systems. If you’re okay with this topic, I’d be happy to proceed with writing the proposal for you. Please let me know if this aligns with your vision or if there are specific adjustments y...

    $1110 Average bid
    $1110 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    I'm a small business owner seeking an experienced social media marketer to help enhance my brand's presence across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize an...Responsibilities: - Strategize and implement engaging written posts to boost brand visibility and recognition. - Target specific audience segments to maximize reach and engagement. - Monitor and report on social media metrics to measure success and adjust strategy as needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media marketing, particularly for small businesses. - Excellent writing skills with a knack for creating engaging content. - Experience in using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for brand promotion. - Ability to analyze social media metrics and adjust str...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    ...pages: Home, About Us, and Services- with better text for improved SEO performance. - Optimize one page with 10 of our projects and a blog page with 15 posts - improve titles and keywords... - Build high-quality backlinks focusing on high DA from the design and marketing industries. - Review and adjust text, headers, meta tags, and image alt texts based on SEO standards for all pages. - No new blog writing is required; there is potential for future content collaboration. Additional information: - Interested in long-term collaboration for future blog post creation and other content needs. - languages: English, German - 2 versions of the website, 2 domains: .com and .de - Industry: Web development, design, Marketing & advertising, logo, branding, E-Commerce Tell me more abo...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to create a Word document company profile for me. The profile should have a creative and modern style, and should include the following section...create a Word document company profile for me. The profile should have a creative and modern style, and should include the following sections: - Company History: A brief overview of our company's journey, milestones, and achievements. - Services Offered: A comprehensive list of the services we provide, presented in an engaging way. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Excellent writing skills - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Experience in creating corporate documents - An understanding of modern design principles. Please provide examples of similar projects you've compl...

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Średnia Oferta:
    77 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professionally crafted mid-level engineering resume, complete with a template, structured content, and tailored for the product and tech field. The resume should encompass the following sections: Work Experience, Skills, and Education. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Expertise in resume writing, particularly for the engineering sector. - Understanding of mid-level career progression and corresponding qualifications. - Ability to highlight skills and experiences effectively to appeal to potential employers.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I am seeking an experienced professional to help me compile an academic-style report. The report will focus on data and is primarily intended for an audience familiar with the subject matter. The report will need to: - Analyze mixed data - Conduct exploratory analysis The ideal candidate will have: - A strong background in data science - Excellent academic writing skills - Experience with exploratory data analysis

    $310 Average bid
    $310 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert
    Asia Travel Blog Writer
    6 dni left

    ...captivating narrative, drawing readers in and making them feel as if they're on the journey with us. - The blog's primary focus will be on various regions and destinations within Asia, so a deep understanding of, or experience with, this continent would be a significant advantage. - Your writing should be engaging, yet also informative, providing readers with useful travel tips and factual information about the places we're exploring. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proven experience in travel writing, particularly with a focus on Asia. - Exceptional storytelling abilities. - Strong research skills to ensure accurate and informative content. - Ability to write in a casual, conversational tone that still maintains a level of professionalism. Please ...

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Średnia Oferta:
    64 składanie ofert
    AI Tutor Robot Design
    6 dni left

    ...AI-based robot . This robot should be half of a human body, without hands, and shoulder have the following features: - A tab-sized screen located at its chest for displaying information and instructions - Two small speakers for voice output - A microphone for interactive communication - web cam for screen analysis (real time screen analysis) - chart bot ai robo making this all task that as given any prompt The is example of 1) role of this robot will be to assist children with their homework, absorbing his work and make better with showing on his screen and the same time voice. 2) guide them during exercise absorbing his work and make better with showing on his screen and the same time voice. 3)provide advice on idea generation or coding tasks, absorbing his work and make be...

    $404 Average bid
    $404 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a meticulous professional for mI am writing to express my strong interest in the Data Entry Specialist position at ByteCraft. With my exceptional attention to detail, strong organizational skills, and passion for data accuracy, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team. anual data entry from digital files into Word documents. Key Requirements: - Proficient in handling digital files, especially PDFs and Excel. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure accurate data entry. - Familiarity with Microsoft Word for formatting documents. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in manual data entry. - Strong organizational skills to manage and sort data effectively. - Ability to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    79 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled professional with a strong background in both Artificial Intelligence and policy development to help craft a compelling PhD research proposal. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in Artificial Intelligence, particularly in its application to governance. - Strong understanding of policy development processes. - Proven experience in academic writing and proposal development. The project requires a deep exploration into how AI can influence and improve policy development processes. The freelancer will need to articulate this in a way that meets the rigorous standards of PhD-level research proposals.

    $346 Average bid
    Pilny Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $346 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    ...particularly relational databases. The purpose of this paper is for it to be published in an academic journal, so it must meet high scholarly standards and be written in a professional, clear, and concise manner. Key requirements: - Extensive knowledge of relational databases - Proven experience in academic paper writing - Familiarity with mixed methods research - Ability to conduct rigorous qualitative and quantitative research - Understanding of the conventions of academic writing and publication The paper should employ a mixed methods research approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative research. It should comprehensively cover the topic, demonstrating thorough knowledge, critical thinking and originality. Your ability to meet deadlines and adapt to fee...

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Średnia Oferta:
    55 składanie ofert