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I am interested in the design modeled on the photo with changes to make it unique, you can use my suggestions, open mouth, nose, hole for the coat hanger, design must give: cheap production, cutting wood for cnc, durability and unique pattern, Poszukuje osoby do stworzenia puzli 3D z drewna, plyta sklejki, np, jak w zalaczniku
Zlecę napisanie template do CACTI do rysowania wykresów na bazie danych z DDM-a (RX, TX power, temp. Voltage, Bias Current) ze switchy D-Link-a DGS-3120, DGS-1210-10/ME, DGS-1210-20/ME z możliwością dodawania innych modeli Można posłużyć się przykładem z Udostępnię środowisko testowe.
Witam, Szukam pomocy w stworzeniu stosunkowo prostej strony internetowej. chcialbym zeby strona bardzo podobnie wygladala do tej: Probowalem sam ja stworzyc ale bardzo dlugie nieuzywanie html robi swoje. Mam nadzije ze uda mi sie znalesc kogos kto z checia podejmie sie tego drobnego projektu. Pozdrawiam Lukasz
Lista projektów graficzno-internetowych do wdrożenia w firmie Exito Group. 1. Umieszczenie informacji o plikach Cookiem na wszystkich stronach firmy: www.exitog...stronę w taki sposób, że podpięta do stron agencji nie posiadałaby podstrony z kontaktem ale już w wersji niezależnej, zawieszonej w Internecie, były by kontakty do wszystkich naszych dystrybutorów, którzy podwiesili sobie tą stronę. 8. OPCJONALNIE Pozycjonowanie nowej strony PenSite na Rynku Wielkiej Brytanii. Słowa kluczowe: pens pens uk promotional pens personalised pens advertising pens cheap pens engraved pens mprinted pens printed pens cheapest pens logo pens company pens metal pens corporate pens pencils personalised pencils Proszę składać oferty na poszczególne p...
Zlecę pozycjonowanie strony internetowej: , Jest to strona fotografa...dopóki strona nie jest na pierwszej stronie wyników pod podaną frazą, w momencie kiedy pojawiam się na pierwszej stronie, przelewam uzgodnioną kwotę za rok z góry za utrzymanie na pierwszej stronie. Jestem otwarty również na inne propozycje. Wstępne frazy które mnie interesują: wedding photographer Nottingham wedding photographer in Nottingham wedding photographers Nottingham wedding photographers in Nottingham wedding photography Nottingham i to samo dla Derby in Leicester po frazie dla każdego miasta, zwycięzca wybierze najlepszą kombinację słów dla frazy w zależności od liczby wyszukiwań dla danej frazy. Możliwa współpraca ...
...0&ei=ngdITpTFI4_Oswa668nKBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=678&page=2&tbnh=130&tbnw=181&start=19&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:19&tx=117&ty=100 9)Bloczek 60x60 pikseli podobny w stylu do tego z linku ;um=1&hl=pl&client=firefox-a&rls=:pl:official&biw=1280&bih=581&tbm=isch&tbnid=8lHU6yT3snKxPM:&imgrefurl=,r:7,s:0 Całość narysowana we flashu i zapisana w pliku .fla Forma rozliczenia
Zlecę wymianę łożysk w pralce INDESIT W105 TX. Posiadam części. Więc interesuje mnie wyłącznie koszt wymiany (robocizna).
...Traditional Thai cuisine was very much about cheap and easily-available ingredients, resulting in big regional differences. In the north, the dishes are milder and include quite a lot of cabbage and pork but not much seafood. The further east you go, the more surprising the food may become, as you can come across such exotic specialties as fried insects (mainly ants, grasshoppers and locusts) or frogs in a spicy sauce. The food here is hot, with copious amounts of chilli added. The south is primarily the country of coconut – sweet coconut milk is an important ingredient in many dishes. Coconut oil, in turn, is used for frying, and gives the dishes a unique taste. Crabs, squid, prawns and lobsters can appear both in main courses ...
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...the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live the Western Balkans in one of the following countries... Bosnia and Herzegovina, or Serbia, or Montenegro, or Kosovo, or Macedonia, or Albania. *** RATE *** I will pay you $10 (ten US dollars per hour) on However, normally takes a 10% commission. Therefore, I expect you will be receive $9 per hour (nine US dollars per hour). *** HOURS *** You must work *one hour* per day, five days (or nights) per week. For example, I would allow you to choose to work one hour on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. *** EXPERIENCE *** I do not care about your experience. Rather, I am...
Project Description: We are looking for a talented and creative designer to help us create a professional logo and app icon for our new app. This platform is designed for creators such as photographers, videographers, and document specialists to monetize their digital content effortlessly. About the App This app empowers digital entrepreneurs to transform their work into cash with ease. Key features include: Simple Uploads: Effortlessly upload videos, photos, and PDFs. Instant Monetization: Set prices and earn in real-time. Secure Transactions: Robust payment processing ensures quick and safe payments. Global Access: Support for multiple currencies and languages. Real-Time Tracking: A sleek dashboard to monitor sales and performance. We need a logo and app icon that repre...
...NEED EXPERTS IN MARKETING, SEO, SEM OR AI. WE DO NOT INVEST IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OR SOCIAL MEDIA. We only invest in real people, we need salespeople. PLEASE ONLY RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic production in the US. It is time for american SMEs and freelancers to export products and services to Europe. Open a branch in ...
...Photo Editor/Retoucher to collaborate with us on a long-term basis for editing wedding and event photography. The ideal candidate will work on behalf of professional photographers who demand high-quality results and attention to detail. If you have a passion for photography and the expertise to bring out the best in every image, we’d love to hear from you. Job Requirements: Professional Expertise: Advanced skills in Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop for photo editing and retouching. Adaptability: Ability to adapt to various editing styles based on the preferences of each photographer. Attention to Detail: Proficiency in correcting lighting, contrast, color balance, and other fine adjustments. Creativity and Consistency: Ensure a cohesive look for...
Looking for a qualified professional with expertise in civil engineering, urban planning, or a related field to create a "Topography, Street Plan, Drainage Plan" and a "Water and Sewerage Plan" for a residential property in Haltom City, TX 76117, based on the attached prelim. plat. Ideal candidate: - Capability to draft Construction Plans in CAD software and/or other design tools - Licensed Professional Engineer in Texas, USA - Familiar with local building codes, zoning laws, drainage requirements, and utility regulations
Looking for a qualified professional with expertise in civil engineering, urban planning, or a related field to create a "Topography, Street Plan, Drainage Plan" and a "Water and Sewerage Plan" for a residential property in Haltom City, TX 76117, based on the attached prelim. plat. Ideal candidate: - Capability to draft Construction Plans in CAD software and/or other design tools - Licensed Professional Engineer in Texas, USA - Familiar with local building codes, zoning laws, drainage requirements, and utility regulations
I am a real estate agency from Switzerland seeking a skilled vid...footage of 2 hours that needs to be cut and edited for LinkedIn and Instagram. The final product should be between 1 to 3 minutes long and maintain a formal tone throughout. Key points: - The video is in Swiss German, so understanding this language would be a plus, but not necessary (I already wrote down, which parts you need to crop) - The editing style should be professional, avoiding cuts that look too cheap or too dynamic - Experience with real estate content would be advantageous (or banking, insurance etc.) - A keen eye for maintaining a stable, formal appearance is essential. Your expertise in video editing and cutting will be crucial to ensuring the final product meets our standards and alig...
...To assist me in buying and reselling phones by tracking listings in my area. 2. Business Service: To provide bot services to other businesses or individuals who buy and sell items in different cities and categories across the United States. Core Requirements: 1. Real-Time Notifications: • The bot must pull real-time data from Facebook Marketplace and send immediate notifications for new listings based on specified categories and zip codes. • The categories include: • iPhones • Samsungs • MacBooks • iPads • Cars • Jordans • Mattresses • Sofas 2. Multiple Groups for Different Clients: • The bot must support multiple groups simultaneously, each tailored to the specific needs of individual clients. &...
I'm seeking a freelancer to conduct comprehensive research on four photographers related to the themes of borders and boundaries in my work. The photographers in question are Henri Cartier-Bresson, Vivian Maier, Martin Parr, and Rineke Dijkstra. Key aspects of the project include: - Investigating both geographical and social boundaries as depicted in their work. - Exploring biographical details, photographic styles, and major works of these photographers. - Presenting findings in a written report. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in photography and research, with excellent writing skills. Experience in presenting complex information in a clear and engaging manner is essential.
...identify and connect with influencers in the health and wellness or Christian fields. The ideal candidate should be proficient in sourcing influencers from TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, x or twitter and Instagram, specifically those based in or around the Dallas, Lake Ray Hubbard, Garland, Sunnyvale, Forney, and Rockwall, TX areas. I am looking for influencers with a range of 5000+ followers or subscribers that are local to this area. I will need email address for each one. Key Requirements: - Identify and compile a list of hundreds of relevant influencers - Focus on health and wellness and Christian content niches - Sourcing from TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram - Based in or around specified Dallas suburbs Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven...
I'm looking for a modern logo for my construction company located near Austin, TX. The design should incorporate elements of buildings or structures, reflecting the nature of our work. Key Requirements: - Name of Business: US Construction and Remodeling - No 2D or 3D concepts - A modern, clean design - Use of the color palette: red, white, blue - Incorporation of building or structure elements Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for the construction industry - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to interpret and incorporate specific visual elements into a cohesive design
...freelancer to assist in creating basic .stl file for a toy project. This project is intended for a toy that will be made of cheap plastic via blow molding, and is to be 15 inches in size. Key Requirements: - Design should be suitable for blow molding - Design is NOT finished project. - Previous experience with toy design preferred - Proficiency in CAD software and .stl file creation necessary The design should not be a finished product, but rather a basic .stl file that can be used as a starting point for the creation of a toy. The design is needed to get a quote from a Bootleg toy Factory, and will not be a direct copy of their work. This will be the 3rd time job has been one has been able to complete this basic 20 minute 3d sculpt. You MUST ha...
We're seeking multiple freelance iPhone photographers to collaborate on an exciting project involving product photoshoots right at the grocery store. These images will play a pivotal role in enhancing our food ordering app's visual representation of restaurant offerings. If you own an iPhone 11 or newer, possess an eye for capturing appealing product images, and are ready for a dynamic experience, we're excited to connect with you! items to capture: 250 per person You will be required to order a lightbox immediately upon approval, but you will be re-imbursed upon receipt. Location 1: 3615 Mount Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549 Date: Tuesday 28th Janurary 10AM-3PM, (more dates possible) Pay: $250 USD per day with all items completed. Equipment: Y...
We're seeking multiple freelance iPhone photographers to collaborate on an exciting project involving product photoshoots right at the grocery store. These images will play a pivotal role in enhancing our food ordering app's visual representation of restaurant offerings. If you own an iPhone 11 or newer, possess an eye for capturing appealing product images, and are ready for a dynamic experience, we're excited to connect with you! items to capture: 250 You will be required to order a lightbox, but you will be re-imbursed upon receipt. Location 1: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Date: Monday 27th - Thursday 30th, 10AM-3PM You will be required to be present at least 2 days. Pay: $200 USD per day with all items completed. Equipment: Your iPhone 10 or n...
...NEED EXPERTS IN MARKETING, SEO, SEM OR AI. WE DO NOT INVEST IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OR SOCIAL MEDIA. We only invest in real people, we need salespeople. PLEASE ONLY RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic production in the US. It is time for american SMEs and freelancers to export products and services to Europe. Open a branch in ...
I ...comments. Admin features for photographers, including: Secure login for staff. Upload and manage photos/videos for each event. Generate unique, secure customer access URLs. Log actions taken by staff for transparency. Manage customer details, events, and permissions. Integration with a QNAP server for data storage. Data organization with folders for original photos, selected photos, and videos, categorized by event. Key Features: Highly secure system to protect customer content. Responsive design for desktop and mobile. Retain user session data if logged out. User-friendly interfaces for both photographer and customers. Budget: ₹30,000 (fixed) Timeline: 3–4 weeks Future Scope: This is a long-term project. I am willing to pay more for dedicated support and enhancements ...
...into an unforgettable experience. Everloped specializes in intimate, personalized micro-weddings and elopements, focusing on creating stress-free, beautifully crafted celebrations. We are seeking a creative and strategic Social Media Manager to elevate our brand presence, engage with our audience, and drive growth across various platforms. Responsibilities • Content Strategy & Creation: • Develop and execute social media strategies aligned with brand goals for both Everlux Experiences and Everloped. • Create engaging, high-quality content (captions, images, reels, stories) that aligns with each brand’s voice and aesthetic. • Plan and manage content calendars for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn. • Work with photographers/v...
...We're a real estate photography agency based in New York. The job will start with a 3-week trial period at 48 hrs/week. If we find during that period that you are a good fit for the role, this could become a long-term position. Our budget for the job is $2/hr USD. Requirements -- Available Mon - Sat, 9am - 7pm NYC time -- Great visual eye -- Attention to detail -- Fluent in English -- Great communication (verbal and written) -- Patience -- Experience with Google Docs, Google Calendar, & Microsoft Excel preferred -- Content writing experience is a plus. -- Newsletter management is a plus. Roles & Responsibilities -- Quality check photos and provide feedback to photo editor. -- Schedule photography appointments with clients and photographers. -- Res...
Requirement: Hyperlocal Marketplace for Photography Services We are looking to develop a hyperlocal marketplace for photography-related services where nearby photographers can offer their services to customers. The solution will include: User Channels: Photographers (Vendors): Mobile App Customers (End Users): Mobile App Admin (Marketplace Management): Web Panel Services Required: Design (UI/UX) Website Development Mobile App Development Issue Maintenance Functional Workflow Overview: Vendors (Photographers): Sign up and set up profiles via the app or web. List services under admin-defined categories. Create custom packages combining services with add-ons. Set pricing for services and packages. Upload work portfolios. Specify availability slots for services. Custo...
I'm looking for a skilled Android develo...dont have anything that I could remember exactly like this, I am attaching a pdf file or bulet file explaininy everything about the app. Please only serious developers msg me with full plan. I need it fast and cheap. Key Features: - The app should prioritize productivity, incorporating task management, calendar integration, and note-taking features. - The online store should be designed with gamification at its core, making the shopping experience interactive and fun. - The store will sell a range of products, so the app should accommodate diverse inventory. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development. - Previous experience with e-commerce and gamification is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of productivity ap...
Looking for two corporate photographers available on Feb 26th (W), 9am – 8pm at the Hilton Miami Downtown, 1601 Biscayne Blvd. Photographers will be needed for: -Employee headshots (Indoors, from 12-1pm). note not all employees will get this. just anyone who wants a new one. -Roaming photographer who will take photos of meeting speakers on ballroom stage, breakout meetings (indoors), and during award ceremony dinner -Access to all digital files post event
I'm looking for a modern and sleek flyer for promoting our Super Bowl game day orders. It should be bold and vibrant, reflecting the excitement of the Super Bowl. Key details to include: - 60 Wings (Up to 3 Flavors), 1 Large Fry, 2 Orders of Veggie Sticks, 3 Ranch or Blue Cheese for $80 - "Please come in person, call ahead or order online to place your game day orders!" - Contact and location information: (214) 242-8547, , 7989 Belt Line Rd, Unit 110, Dallas, TX 75248 (use logos for phone, online and address) The flyer should also include photos. Please see reference
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm in search of an economical beauty enhancement SDK that operates on desktop web browsers. The SDK should enable video export after applying various beauty enhancements. Key Requirements: - Specific beauty enhancements needed include skin smoothing, eye size adjustments, contour alterations, and nose modifications. - The SDK must support exporting videos in MP4 format. Ideal Skills: - Experience in working with SDKs, particularly beauty enhancement ones. - Understanding of desktop browser compatibility. - Knowledge of video export functionalities and formats.
...ghusa rehta hai. Real life ka kya?" Raj: "Real life? Arre Simran, real life ab bas Instagram stories aur reels tak limited hai." Simran: "Arre gadhe, woh virtual duniya hai. Padhai likhai, dost, family... Inka kya?" Raj: "Tu nahi samjhegi, Simran. Mujhe viral banna hai!" --- (Scene 2: Fake Influencer) Fake Influencer (Priya): (dressed up in flashy clothes) "Hey guys! Main hoon Priya, aapki favorite influencer! Aaj mai aapko bataungi kaise ek cheap moisturizer ko luxury product banate hain." Raj: (awed) "Priya didi! Aap toh meri inspiration ho!" Simran: "Priya, tumhe pata hai na log tumhare fake reviews dekhke paise barbaad karte hain?" Priya: "Toh kya? Paisa toh aa raha hai na!" --- (Sc...
Below is an overview of how you can build a **digital signage system**—similar in concept to ScreenCloud—that allows restaurants and other businesses (or your own team) to remotely manage and display content (images, videos, menus, prices, ads) on screens located in various places. We’ll break it down into key components, approaches, and technical considerations. --- ## 1. High-Level System Architecture 1. **Cloud-Based Management Platform (CMS)** - A web-based dashboard (for restaurants, your company’s internal users, etc.) to upload designs, videos, text, and schedule content for specific screens or groups of screens. - A backend server (API) to store and manage all the content, user information, screen configurations, etc. 2. *...
I'm in need of a reliable freelancer to help with the shipment of non-fragile electronic items. The items are located in the Kingwood/Houston TX area. This is a one-time project. Ideal Skills: - Possession of a car for transportation - Keen attention to detail for secure packaging and accurate documentation - Ability to take and send clear photos Responsibilities: - Photograph items as they are received - Transport items to the shipping service (UPS) - Package non-fragile electronic items securely for shipment using UPS boxes - Ship items to a provided address - Send tracking information and photos to me Please, only bid if you can meet these requirements. Thank you.
I'm looking for a developer to create an typing game aime...option to mix the levels together.). Letters they need to type needs to appear in a random order to improve their knowledge of the keyboard layout. - Auto selecting/clicking into text box so that the child does not need to use the mouse when the game is on, and automatic change in level once the correct letter has been put in. - The game should focus on compatibility with PC (Desktop/Laptop) and Web game, possible use with table if possible buy not needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in game development. - Knowledge and understanding of learning disabilities and how to create simple and inclusive content. - Proven experience in developing games compatible with PC. - Working fo...
Job Description: SnapAuditAI™ is a workplace hazard identification company seeking skilled freelance photographers to assist with capturing high-quality site images for hazard identification and safety compliance. This role involves independently organizing and conducting local site visits, ensuring privacy compliance, and using software to blur faces when necessary. The images will be used as part of SnapAuditAI’s AI-powered hazard detection system to improve workplace safety on construction sites. Responsibilities: Organize site visits independently and capture images in your local area as assigned by SnapAuditAI™. The Company will not be responsible for organizing site visits or for any liabilities related to injuries or accidents incurred during ...
...a photoshoot in Delhi. The model will showcase 100 - 150 items, including various fashion pieces and home decor items. Key Responsibilities: - Model a range of fashion items: casual wear, formal wear, and traditional wear. - Showcase a variety of home decor items, mainly decorative accessories. The photoshoot will take place exclusively in an indoor location in Delhi, India What We’re Looking For: • Dependability and Professionalism: Reliability and trustworthiness are non-negotiable. • Modeling Versatility: Ability to model both luxury and lifestyle items with confidence. • Portfolio Required: Please provide digital or physical photos or videos that demonstrate your modeling abilities. • Team Player: A positive attitude and willingne...
I'm in need of a budget-friendly Python scraper. who can create script for cheap budget. i want to build long term relationship with him