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I am interested in the design modeled on the photo with changes to make it unique, you can use my suggestions, open mouth, nose, hole for the coat hanger, design must give: cheap production, cutting wood for cnc, durability and unique pattern, Poszukuje osoby do stworzenia puzli 3D z drewna, plyta sklejki, np, jak w zalaczniku
Zlecę napisanie template do CACTI do rysowania wykresów na bazie danych z DDM-a (RX, TX power, temp. Voltage, Bias Current) ze switchy D-Link-a DGS-3120, DGS-1210-10/ME, DGS-1210-20/ME z możliwością dodawania innych modeli Można posłużyć się przykładem z Udostępnię środowisko testowe.
Potrzebny fotograf do zrobienia zdjęć ślubnych, kameralna uroczystość w Urzędzie Stanu Cywilnego w poznańskiej Wadze, a później obiad weselny w restauracji. Termin 10 Listopada. Proszę o oferty z cenami, i jeśli to możliwe wgląd do tymczasowego portfolio. [English translation] A photographer is needed to take pictures of weddings, an intimate ceremony at the Civil Registry Office in Poznań Waga, and later a wedding dinner at a restaurant. The deadline is 10 November. I am asking for offers with prices, and if possible, an insight into the temporary portfolio.
...wielkości i kolorów czcionek w kilku miejscach 3. Ustawienia przekierowania stron 4. Poprawienie układu css oraz wyłączenie wyświetlania URL oraz email w komunikatach email 5. Możliwości dodawanie kategorii podczas pisania z front-end'u (jak w pokrewnym motywie P2-categories ) 6. Wdrożenie responsywności (podobnie do motywu P2-Houston , ale bez 3 kolumn, lecz 2 i 1 kolumnowej) 7. Optymiazacja wydajności WP (baza, cache i td) 8. Poprawienie działania wtyczki Auto More Tag 9. Poprawienie stylu strony rejestracji (modyfikacja gotowego css wtyczki Profile Builder) 10. Ustalenie domyślnego wyświetlania nazwy użytkownika podczas logowania 11. Modyfikacja wyglądu i zachowania adminbar'u
Zlecę pozycjonowanie strony internetowej: , Jest to strona fotografa. Na początek ...płacić za efekty, czyli pozycję w Google pod konkretnymi frazami a nie ruch generowany gdzieś z Mongolii, Chcę również uniknąć płacenia za marne efekty czyli to, że strona podniesie się z pozycji 220 na 209 mnie nie urządza, więc jeśli uważasz, że nie dasz rady to nie licytuj. Wstępne frazy które mnie interesują: wedding photographer Nottingham wedding photographer Leicester wedding photographer Derby wedding photographer Sheffield wedding photographer Lincoln wedding photographer Birmingham zwycięzca wybierze najlepszą kombinację słów dla frazy w zależności od liczby wyszukiwań dla danej frazy. Możliwa współpraca przy innych projektac...
Lista projektów graficzno-internetowych do wdrożenia w firmie Exito Group. 1. Umieszczenie informacji o plikach Cookiem na wszystkich stronach firmy: www.exitog...stronę w taki sposób, że podpięta do stron agencji nie posiadałaby podstrony z kontaktem ale już w wersji niezależnej, zawieszonej w Internecie, były by kontakty do wszystkich naszych dystrybutorów, którzy podwiesili sobie tą stronę. 8. OPCJONALNIE Pozycjonowanie nowej strony PenSite na Rynku Wielkiej Brytanii. Słowa kluczowe: pens pens uk promotional pens personalised pens advertising pens cheap pens engraved pens mprinted pens printed pens cheapest pens logo pens company pens metal pens corporate pens pencils personalised pencils Proszę składać oferty na poszczególne p...
Potrzebuję stworzyć Logo dla swojej strony internetowej: Zależy mi na tym, żeby logo faktycznie miało charakter indywidualny i odzwierciedlało stylmoich zdjęć (który mogę opisać). Wolę unikać sytuacji, kiedy ktoś wpisze "Logo Photographer" w Google i dopasuje to co zobaczy do mojego nazwiska-) Dodatkowo chiałbym projekt wizytówki w takim stylu: Kontakt: @ Dziękuję!
Zlecę pozycjonowanie strony internetowej: , Je...tak: Nic nie płacę dopóki strona nie jest na pierwszej stronie wyników pod podaną frazą, w momencie kiedy pojawiam się na pierwszej stronie, przelewam uzgodnioną kwotę za rok z góry za utrzymanie na pierwszej stronie. Jestem otwarty również na inne propozycje. Wstępne frazy które mnie interesują: wedding photographer Nottingham wedding photographer in Nottingham wedding photographers Nottingham wedding photographers in Nottingham wedding photography Nottingham i to samo dla Derby in Leicester po frazie dla każdego miasta, zwycięzca wybierze najlepszą kombinację słów dla frazy w zależności od liczby wyszukiwań dla danej frazy. Możliwa współpraca pr...
...0&ei=ngdITpTFI4_Oswa668nKBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=678&page=2&tbnh=130&tbnw=181&start=19&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:19&tx=117&ty=100 9)Bloczek 60x60 pikseli podobny w stylu do tego z linku ;um=1&hl=pl&client=firefox-a&rls=:pl:official&biw=1280&bih=581&tbm=isch&tbnid=8lHU6yT3snKxPM:&imgrefurl=,r:7,s:0 Całość narysowana we flashu i zapisana w pliku .fla Forma rozliczenia
Zlecę wymianę łożysk w pralce INDESIT W105 TX. Posiadam części. Więc interesuje mnie wyłącznie koszt wymiany (robocizna).
...Traditional Thai cuisine was very much about cheap and easily-available ingredients, resulting in big regional differences. In the north, the dishes are milder and include quite a lot of cabbage and pork but not much seafood. The further east you go, the more surprising the food may become, as you can come across such exotic specialties as fried insects (mainly ants, grasshoppers and locusts) or frogs in a spicy sauce. The food here is hot, with copious amounts of chilli added. The south is primarily the country of coconut – sweet coconut milk is an important ingredient in many dishes. Coconut oil, in turn, is used for frying, and gives the dishes a unique taste. Crabs, squid, prawns and lobsters can appear both in main courses ...
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...327&w=1200&sz=139&hl=pl&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=_kfIQUH8p2TRnM:&tbnh=48&tbnw=176&ei=mLbbTe_0H8KY-waFkemfDw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dgame%2Bbackground%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dpl%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%:pl:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D581%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=227&vpy=123&dur=3440&hovh=117&hovw=431&tx=243&ty=80&sqi=2&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0 Grafika powinna byc narysowana w taki sposób by koniec rysunku płynnie przechodził w jego poczatek chodzi o to by po skopiowaniu rysunku i ustawieniu go obok konca kopiowanego nie było widać miejsca złączenia Całość narysowana w Adobe Flash (format koncowy fla); Forma rozliczenia umowa o przekazanie praw autorskich ...
looking for a freelance photographer for 2 hours job in Gdansk and Krakow next week. Please contact for more details. Darren: yoonhuat@
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I'm seeking a professional product photographer to capture high-quality studio shots of my cork-based products. The images need to be taken against a plain background for consistency and clarity, and will be used in an upcoming print catalog. Key Requirements: - Experience in product photography, particularly with studio shots - Ability to deliver high-resolution images suitable for print - Portfolio of previous work with similar style and product type Please provide examples of your work, particularly any that align with these specifications.
I'm in need of a professional photographer for my wedding. The style I'm looking for is primarily traditional. The wedding will be held in Staten Island on the 8th in a restaurant Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in traditional wedding photography - High-quality portfolio showcasing traditional photography - Excellent interpersonal skills to interact with guests - Ability to manage time effectively during the event - Professional equipment and backup options
I’m looking for an experienced architectural photographer who can capture both the interior and exterior of my property in a warm, inviting style. The photos will be used for real estate social media posts, so they must be high-quality and visually engaging. Key Responsibilities: -Capture detailed interior and exterior views of the property -Highlight unique architectural features, landscaping, and outdoor spaces (including lots of foliage and open areas) -Create a portfolio landing page showcasing the photos in a warm, inviting manner -Develop a layout or floor plan of the property to accompany the photographs Ideal Skills and Experience: -Proven experience in architectural photography -A portfolio that demonstrates a warm, inviting photography style ...
Seeking a professional photographer for a 60-minute wedding at Chelsea Townhall. Key Responsibilities: - Capture the short ceremony - Traditional/posed family portraits - Couple portraits on the stairs The ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience in traditional/posed wedding photography - A portfolio demonstrating capturing of key moments at weddings - Availability for a timely delivery of all edited photos post-event. Please note, the focus will be on posed shots, so a knack for creating beautiful, composed images is crucial.
We're a real estate company seeking an expert photo editor with a quick turnaround time. We have an in-house photographer, but the demand for high-quality edited photos has outstripped our current capabilities. Key Responsibilities: - Edit 50-75 photos per job, typically received daily - Color correction and lighting adjustment - Lens correction and straightening lines - Enhance images to attract clients and potential buyers Requirements: - Expertise in Lightroom or equivalent cutting-edge software - Experience in real estate photo editing preferred - Ability to deliver within a 24-hour timeframe We're open to your professional suggestions for style and presets. Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, particularly if you have experience w...
I'm looking for a professional to create a detailed business expense report for me. The report should be in a spreadsheet format, specifically Excel or Google Sheets. I have the spreadsheet template already and need help entering the data and attaching the receipts. Key Requirements: -Enter the receipt data, vendor, amount, location and distance from 4314 Airport Blvd, austin tx. Need the receipts copied then attached or attached in some way. - The spreadsheet should be well-organized by month, easy to navigate, and ready to submit for approval. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in Excel or Google Sheets. - Excellent attention to detail. - Previous experience with creating business expense reports. Please provide examples of similar projects you'...
As an experienced photographer and editor, I am looking to hire someone to work with me on editing existing logos in Photoshop. My current project requires a logo design and some Photoshop editing. I already have the designs ready and need someone who can take what I have and make small changes to it, as well as convert the finished product into a PNG file format. This job is going to require someone who is skilled in both logo design and image editing, as accuracy and precision are my top priorities. If you think you possess the skills necessary to work on this project and bring my vision to life, I would love to hear from you. Attention to detail and the ability to think outside the box will ensure the success of this project.
I'm looking for a professional photoshoot from a photographer with a model (will provide instagram link for contact once we agree on working). The purpose of this photoshoot is to create a bodyscan of the model, which will be the basis for a digital video game character. Key Requirements: - Photographer need to be able to shoot in a studio (preferably have one, or rent it) - Poses and angles: The bodyscan will require full body, frontal and rear shots. - Wardrobe: A seamless, 2-piece, semi-transparent outfit will be needed. The attire should be appealing to a male gaming audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experienced photographer with a professional attitude. - Model might not be fluent in english since migrated from russia recently, bein...
I'm seeking a talented photographer for a project capturing the beauty of India and its people. The primary aim of this venture is to compile these stunning visuals for a print publication. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional photography skills with a keen eye for detail. - Experience in travel photography, particularly in India. - Ability to capture a variety of subjects, from scenic landscapes to portraits of locals. - Understanding of the requirements for print publication quality. Please provide a portfolio demonstrating your relevant experience.
I'm in need of a skilled photographer with a keen eye for rustic/vintage aesthetics to capture my food products. The primary destination for these photos will be my social media platforms, so the images need to be engaging, high-quality, and capable of capturing the attention of my audience. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in product photography, specifically with food. - A portfolio showcasing rustic/vintage style photography. - Skills in post-production to ensure images are polished and ready for social media. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project.
I'm looking for an experienced web designer to improve the design and layout of my landing page. The URL is Key Requirements: - Focus on creating a professional and corporate design style. - Strategically emphasize customer testimonials and reviews within the design. - Enhance the overall aesthetic to boost conversion rates. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web design, particularly for landing pages. - Strong understanding of design principles and user experience. - Ability to incorporate and highlight specific content within design.
I'm in need of a skilled photographer who can also handle editing for a clothing shoot aimed at creating engaging content for social media. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct a clothing shoot with a focus on 'flat lay' (overhead) shots. - Use of seasonal themes to enhance the visual appeal and relevance of the content. - Edit the photos to ensure they meet the quality and style required for social media. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product photography, particularly flat lay shots. - Strong understanding of social media content requirements and trends. - Ability to create and execute seasonal themes. - Proficient in photo editing software. Please share your portfolio showcasing relevant work when applying.
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer to assist in creating a modern layout for our plant e-commerce site. The project entails: - Designing a modern website layout, with a clean navigation menu - Selecting a suitable color scheme - Creating engaging graphics - Editing product images taken by our photographer We're ready to start immediately and would appreciate a quote for your services.
I'm in need of a photographer to conduct outdoor photo sessions for a collection of around 90 plants. The goal is to capture two types of images for each plant: one against a backdrop of other plants and another on a clean background with a digital scale incorporated in post-production to indicate size. Key Points: - Sessions will take place at the plant producer's location, which I'll help organize. - I would like to accompany the photographer to streamline the process. - Sessions need to occur as soon as possible, weather permitting. - Photos will be used for an online store, so some editing will be required. Editing Requirements: - Basic color correction - Advanced retouching A bonus would be if you have skills in graphic design and c...
I'm in search of a professional photographer for my corporate event in Istanbul tomorrow, January 11th. The event runs from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and I need someone who can capture key moments and highlights throughout the day. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in event photography - Ability to work in corporate settings - Proficiency in capturing candid shots and group portraits Key Responsibilities: - Capture event highlights throughout the day - Focus on specific moments, including speeches or presentations and networking sessions Please provide a quote for your services.
I'm searching for a Joomla professional to make my joomla website live. I have joomla files and database. I want to make it live on any server. May be you can tell me a server also. I need it only for a month to copy data from it so something cheap like or any other free hosting should work good. Files sizze is 2.5gb. I can send all the files to make it live.
**Job Description: Photographer & Videographer for Her Fight Club Campaign** We are looking for a talented **Photographer and Videographer** to create captivating content for the launch of **Her Fight Club**, a Muay Thai gym dedicated to empowering women and children in Abu Dhabi. This is a short-term, project-based role with the potential for ongoing collaboration. **Responsibilities:** - Capture high-quality photographs and videos that showcase the energy, strength, and community of Her Fight Club. - Create content tailored for platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, our website, and print materials. - Collaborate with our team to align visuals with the brand's vision and message. - Produce a mix of action shots, class highlights, and instructor-led content t...
I'm seeking a professional product photographer for my marketplace business, who is able to capture thousands of product items in close-up shots. The images will need to be set against a plain white background. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in product photography - Proficiency in creating close-up shots - Ability to deliver high-quality images suitable for a plain white background Please provide your portfolio demonstrating relevant work.
I'm seeking a skilled photographer to create a series of six retouched photographs that depict an urban location of significance to me. The project is not just about capturing a place, but conveying a balanced, neutral mood throughout the series. Key Project Elements: - Location: The photographs will be taken in an urban setting. - Mood: The overall sentiment of the series should be neutral and balanced. - Focus: Emphasis will be placed on the architecture and structures of the chosen location.
I'm seeking a talented photographer for an outdoor portrait session in Copenhagen. The shoot will primarily focus on capturing images against the city's striking urban backdrop. - Photography Type: Primarily portrait-focused with an emphasis on the city's unique features. - Location: Various spots throughout the city, outdoors. - Style: Urban backdrop with an emphasis on the city's architecture and street scenes. Ideal candidates should be: - Experienced in portrait photography. - Proficient in capturing natural light. - Familiar with urban photography. Please provide a portfolio showcasing similar past work.
I'm seeking an abstract photography expert to capture my paintings. This will take place at my location, so the photographer needs to be able to work on-site and adapt to the space. Your skills in abstract photography will be essential in transforming my artwork into visually compelling photographs that reflect the intricacies and emotions of the pieces.
I'm in need of a professional photographer for my cabin crew headshot. The main purpose of this photo is to be featured on our company website, so it needs to represent the formal and traditional style appropriate for such a setting. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in professional photography - Portfolio showcasing formal and traditional headshot styles - Ability to provide high-quality images suitable for a corporate website - Excellent understanding of lighting, composition, and post-production techniques
I need engaging advertisements tailored for both TikTok and Instagram. The content can be a mix of 3D animation, static images, or video clips, as long as it is compelling enough t...animation, static images, or video clips, as long as it is compelling enough to ensure product sales. - Content Type: While the specific type of content is flexible, it should be suitable for both platforms and capable of capturing viewer's attention. - Product Photos: I can provide photos of the product to be used in the ads. - Sales Guarantee - You can make the 3D and I may try to send the product depend how cheap u price is. Ideal skills for this job include expertise in content creation for social media, particularly TikTok and Instagram, and experience with 3D animation, video...
I'm looking for a designer to create a simple and minimalistic water bottle design for me. The bottle should be made of a cheap material, ideally plastic, and should measure 16.9 fluid ounces (approximately 500ml). Key Design Features: - The bottle should be predominantly white with very light blue accents. - It should feature three crosses on the body, and a cross on the cap to match the label. The name of the water is “Jordan” the motto is “bless your body” Ideal Skills: - Experience in product and packaging design. - Proficiency in minimalist design aesthetics. - Understanding of cost-effective material selection. I value clean, simple designs and look forward to seeing your proposals.
I'm hosting a family gathering on February 2, 2025, at 8:30 AM in Ahmedabad near Gota, and I need a talented photographer. The event will have over 100 guests. Requirements: - Capture a mixed style of photography: candid and traditional posed shots. - Experience with large gatherings is essential. - A portfolio demonstrating previous work at family events would be ideal.
I'm seeking a professional photographer based in or near Padova, Italy, who can organize and shoot a studio session with a model. The purpose of this shoot is to tailor a video game character based on the model's features. Key Requirements: - You contact the model and arrange the shoot (and also arrange pay for the model out of this project budged) - The shoot will primarily focus on capturing the model's body structure and movement - Light exercise movements such as walking, jumping, and various arm and leg movements - The shoot will take place in a professional photo studio, or any suitable indoor location Ideal Skills and Experience: - Ability to capture a variety of movements and poses - Shoot needs to be done indoor preferably on a clear backgrou...
I'm seeking an experienced property photographer to capture my residential property's modern style photo set in the BS5 area. Key Requirements: - The focus should primarily be on the living areas, bedrooms, and one exterior - A keen eye for detail to highlight the unique features of each space. - Ability to deliver high quality, professionally edited photographs. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in residential property photography. - Proficiency in modern photography techniques. - Prior work showcasing living areas, bedrooms and outdoor spaces. Please provide a portfolio of similar properties you've photographed, please also include a quote specifying VAT included