Catchy company namesprojekty sending of UDP messages when parameters of any mode are changed (currently messages are sent but using COM/UART, also the message structure need to be changed) The 5 existing UI forms/screens are shown on the attached PowerPoint slide where the to-be navigation paths are also shown with arrows. The names of the forms are also visible on the slide when zoomed in in PowerPoint and can be used as reference to the attached source code where there are project files with the same names as these forms. In a separate Word document attached I also provided a description of each source file (or source files group related to a UI form) and marked which source files and forms will not be used (most of the project will be purged and only some fraction used) and do not need to b...
I am looking for an experienced person in matrices and vectors to optimize the game client (lags caused by game effects. Images read from files in .tga and .dds formats. If you are interested, please contact me. Possible one-time order or longer cooperation. The second problem is with the outline, because Character names can also lead to game lag.
Witam :) szukam pomocy, z wyborem nazwy dla firmy, brandu oraz projektu logo. Branża meblowa. Czy jest to coś w czym czuje się Pan/Pani dobrze ? ;) W dalszej perspektywie, potrzebowałbym tworzenie infografik na marketplace'y, więc mogą wyniknąć z tego regularne zlecenia. Budżet projektu: 100-250 Euro Pozdrawiam
Logo sklepu internetowego "Kardio - Zegarki" - branża elektroniczna - smartwatche Logo of the online store "Kardio - Zegarki" - electronic industry - smartwatches
[ANG] We are looking for a freelancer, with the intent to work with us long-term. We need someone who has at least a few years of experience in Google Ads, Google remarketing and Google display ads. The first campaign will be for Polish Construction Company. We are especially looking for people from Poland or speaking the Polish language [PL] Poszukujemy freelancera z zamiarem stałej współpracy w zakresie reklamy w Google Ads. Pierwszym zleceniem jest promocja firmy zajmującej się ociepleniami budynków oraz podobnymi usługami. Serdecznie zapraszamy szczególnie osoby z przynajmniej kilkoma latami doświadczenia w promocji w Google ads, włącznie z remarketingiem i reklamami displayowymi. Szczególnie zależy nam na osobach znających język Polski.
Poszukujemy copywritera do pisania tekstów do postów w mediach społecznościowych (fb, instagram, w tym reklamę), a także wiadomości i artykułów na stronie internetowej. Jest możliwość długoterminowej współpracy. Warunkiem koniecznym jest wiedza na temat budownictwa oraz doświadczenie pracy z deweloperami. Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesłanie CV wraz z portfolio.
The company deals with the production of technological equipment, machining and spatial CAD 3D design.
Witam nasza firma planuje odświeżyć swoje logo firmowe - nie budujemy nowego loga a chcemy tylko odśw...geodezyjnymi na obszarach kolejowych Podczas konfiguracji firmy koncepcja naszego logo została utworzona jako nakładające się warstwy mapy lub terenu nasze logo można zobaczyć na naszej aktualnej stronie internetowej Hello our company is planning to reconstruct its old company logo - we do not build a new logo and we only want to refresh the old logo - we would like the new logo to be associated with our company - our company deals with geodetic measurements on railway areas As we setup the company, the concept of our logo was created as layers of the map or terrain overlapping our logo can be seen on our current website
...składa się z dwóch członów : art - sztuka, artystyczny, most - most, natomiast po angielsku oznaczająca podkreślenie kreatywnego myślenia. Company profile The company closely related with architecture aims to develop a profile for bridges design in the future. The company creates a young team, creative people who are not afraid of challenges and follow the trends. Logo look Minimalist, good looking both as a black logo on a white background, and also as a white logo on a colored background photo, referring to the character of the company: design architecture and bridges. Logo ought to be catchy and recognizable. Logo should refer to company name ARTMOST. ARTMOST translation in Polish consists of two parts: art -...
Projekt logotypu, jeśli będzie dobry - realizacja kolejnych projektów marketngowych
Mam kolejne zadania powiązane z naszym poprzednim zleceniem 'Logo design for jewellery company / Logo firmy projektującej biżuterię'
Mam kolejne zadania powiązane z naszym poprzednim zleceniem 'Geophysical Company logo'
Mam kolejne zadania powiązane z naszym poprzednim zleceniem 'Design logo for Fresh Juices and Smoothies Company'
Mam kolejne zadania powiązane z naszym poprzednim zleceniem 'We need logo and company mascot'
We are an online retailer of Sports Supplements; supplying a wide range of products from nutritional food supplements to vitamins. We deal solely with one manufacturer - who are one of the largest manufacturers of proteins within Europe and we are the UKs official partner. We have a large and growing presence within the UK with an excellent reputation. Currently there is a large untapped market of potential clients that are Polish, as in Poland the product is extremely popular. We are therefore looking for someone that is a native Polish or fluent in Polish to help us with marketing to Polish people within the UK. You will be required to use forums, social media and 3rd party selling sites to make Polish people a wear of the product within the UK. We are able to provide a wide range of mar...
Design an elegant Logo for an IT Company
Logo TVCable Company, StreamTV, OTT-TV, Satellite.
Logo TVCable Company, StreamTV, OTT-TV, Satellite.
Logo TVCable Company, StreamTV, IPTV, OTT, Satellite.
Hong Kong OffShore company - nawiążemy długoterminową współpracę oraz wyszkolimy sprzedawców nowej ery, internetowych Resselerów, agentów mlm, pozycjonerów, kreatorów ofert,a także ludzi którzy prowadzą w postaci fizycznej punkty sprzedaży, sklepy, bazary. Dla każdego naszego partnera sprzedaży dopasujemy plan współpracy i określimy wspólną przestrzeń biznesu. Jesteśmy otoczeni smart-phonami i dostępem do internetu - to tutaj dzisiaj odbywa się największa walka o klienta, ten "Mc świat" czyli iluzoryczny, wirtualny Świat - bierze górę nad fizycznym materialnym światem jeżeli chodzi o zawieranie sprzedaży - dla branży handlowej oznacza to tyle, że dzisiejszy klient nie zależnie od usługi czy towaru ...
Hong Kong OffShore company - nawiążemy długoterminową współpracę oraz wyszkolimy sprzedawców nowej ery, internetowych Resselerów, agentów mlm, pozycjonerów, kreatorów ofert,a także ludzi którzy prowadzą w postaci fizycznej punkty sprzedaży, sklepy, bazary. Dla każdego naszego partnera sprzedaży dopasujemy plan współpracy i określimy wspólną przestrzeń biznesu. Jesteśmy otoczeni smart-phonami i dostępem do internetu - to tutaj dzisiaj odbywa się największa walka o klienta, ten "Mc świat" czyli iluzoryczny, wirtualny Świat - bierze górę nad fizycznym materialnym światem jeżeli chodzi o zawieranie sprzedaży - dla branży handlowej oznacza to tyle, że dzisiejszy klient nie zależnie od usługi czy towaru ...
Hong Kong OffShore company - nawiążemy długoterminową współpracę oraz wyszkolimy sprzedawców nowej ery, internetowych Resselerów, agentów mlm, pozycjonerów, kreatorów ofert,a także ludzi którzy prowadzą w postaci fizycznej punkty sprzedaży, sklepy, bazary. Dla każdego naszego partnera sprzedaży dopasujemy plan współpracy i określimy wspólną przestrzeń biznesu. Jesteśmy otoczeni smart-phonami i dostępem do internetu - to tutaj dzisiaj odbywa się największa walka o klienta, ten "Mc świat" czyli iluzoryczny, wirtualny Świat - bierze górę nad fizycznym materialnym światem jeżeli chodzi o zawieranie sprzedaży - dla branży handlowej oznacza to tyle, że dzisiejszy klient nie zależnie od usługi czy towaru ...
Music Company seek creative website joomla programm
Logistics Company Logo Design /Logistics Company Logo Design
pls contact me on charliesforza@ bbm-7529F049
Prosta strona WWW maej firmy, zbudowana w oparciu o gotowy szablon graficzny typu / potrzebne: - katalog produktów - lista sklepów wspópracujcych, w których mona kupi produkty Reszta to standardowe mechanizmy.
Witam, mam do przeniesienia bazę MySQL z serwera w prohost na serwer w home. Oryginalnie w pliku sql ustawione jest: /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; jednak po imporcie na stronie wyświetlane są 'krzaczki' zamiast polskich znaków (w phpmyadmin polskie znaki są wyświetlane poprawnie). Kiedy zmieniłem na: /*!40101 SET NAMES latin2 */; polskie znaki zaczęły być poprawnie wyświetlane na stronie, jednak w phpmyadmin pojawiły się 'krzaki'. Na poprzednim serwerze dane były poprawnie wyświetlane zarówno na stronie jak i phpmyadmin.
Website description General Information a) Music Vendor b) Joomla c) Other details functionality (front end) a) Search Panel Main For sound effects b) Search results Table display (names and folders) Every track should have Every album should have Every collection should have Results page display and filtering options c) Shopping cart d) Buying aministration panel (back end) a) Songs attributes b) Albums attributes c) Collection attributes d) Songs / Albums / Collections / Artists administration e) General attributes a) General information b) Graphic design c) Logo d) Menu e) Modules
...password: YES)' in /library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/ Stack trace: #0 /library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/(96): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->_connect() #1 /library/Zend/Db/Adapter/(444): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->_connect() #2 /library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/(232): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('SET NAMES 'utf8...', Array) #3 /library/WF/Controller/(19): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->query('SET NAMES 'utf8...') #4 /library/Zend/Controller/(132): WF_Controller_Action->init() #5 /library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/(261): Zend_Controller_Action->__construct(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http), Array) #6 /library/Zend/Controller/(945): Zend_Controller_Dispatche
Witam, w bazie (mysql) mam krzaczki Na stronie wszystko jest w porządku nie ma po wydaniu polecenia "set names 'latin1'" Pola i tabele z kodowaniem utf8_general_ci Interesuje mnie sposób na pozbycie się tego w bazie aby były pl znaki Z racji tego że baza ma ponad 200 tabel pobieranie i updatowanie rekordów z osobna nie wchodzi w grę Interesuje mnie sposób: zapytania mysql ewentualnie konwersja iconv z poziomu konsoli na pozbycie się tego Dostęp do całej bazy niemożliwy - ewentualnie kilka rekordów z tabeli class). 6. Explain the nature of the commonwealth of Utopia on the example of the extract analysed in class (paying attention to the elements analysed in class). 7. Define the Petrarchan sonnet and its subject matter. 8. Define the English sonnet and its subject matter. 9. Explain the terms: octave, sestet, quatrain, couplet, iambic pentameter, blank verse 10. Who were courtier poets? (names, biographies, titles) 11. Define an ideal courtier (features, origins). 12. Analyse Sir Thomas Wyatt’s ode (The lover showeth how is he is forsaken of such as he sometime enjoyed) and sonnet (The lover confesseth him in love with Phyllis). 13. Analyse Surrey’s sonnet (Description of spring, wherein every thing renews, save only the lover). 14. Analyse Sir ...
Witam, poszukuję osoby, która poprawi mi kod kalkulatora w ...wyświetlacz (trzeba ograniczyć do 12) - przy wpisaniu liczb 0.3 , 0.6 , 0.7 pojawiają się jakieś dziwne liczby, ale przy wykonaniu działań z nimi wynik jest prawidłowy - przy publikacji pliku wyskakują błędy: WARNING: Text field variable names are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. The variable 'output' used for the text field 'output_txt' will not be exported. WARNING: Text field variable names are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. The variable 'action' used for the text field 'action_txt' will not be exported. WARNING: Text field variable names are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. The variable '' used for the text field '...
...sieci w formacie blif (uzupełnić opisem działania bramki) .model nazwisko ; nazwa sieci = nazwisko studenta .inputs a b c d e ; lista wejść .outputs y ; lista wyjść .names a b p1 ; G1 .. .. 1 ; opis działania bramki (wykaz pobudzeń dających wyjście =1) .names c d p2 ; G2 .. .. 1 ; opis działania bramki (wykaz pobudzeń dających wyjście =1) .names b p2 p3 ; G3 .. .. 1 ; opis działania bramki (wykaz pobudzeń dających wyjście =1) .names p1 p3 p4 ; G4 .. .. 1 ; opis działania bramki (wykaz pobudzeń dających wyjście =1) .names p2 e p5 ; G5 .. .. 1 ; opis działania bramki (wykaz pobudzeń dających wyjście =1) .names p4 p5 y ; G6 .. .. 1 ; opis działania bramki (wykaz pobudzeń dających wyjście =1) .end ; koniec opisu Proszę zdefi...
Witam, Poszukuję osoby która skonfiguruje mój nowy serwer dedykowany na CentOS 5.0 To czego bym oczekiwał to: wgranie 1. apache2 2. mysql 3. php w tym mod_rewrite oraz niezbędne serwery bind, names etc. czyli generalnie ustawiamy i optymalizujemy serwer pod hosting dla dużego forum i dwóch mniejszych serwisów. Mile widziane wgranie prostego panelu np. webmin. Następnie obserwacja serwera, ew. aktualizacje i pomoc jeśli będziemy mieli awarię (rozliczane miesięcznie) Pozdrawiam, Paweł.
I'm looking for a proactive Business Development Manager for my web development company, primarily focusing on increasing sales leads. The target market for this role is international, with a special emphasis on the E-commerce industry of SMB. Your responsibilities will include: - Generating New leads and building strategy - Identifying and pursuing international sales leads in the E-commerce sector - Developing and implementing strategies to penetrate new markets - Building and fostering relationships with potential clients Ideal candidates should possess: - Proven experience in business development, particularly in the web development and E-commerce sectors - Exceptional sales skills with a track record of meeting or exceeding targets - Excellent communication and interper...
I'm seeking a professional to review and enhance my website primarily focusing on design and layout, specifically the imagery and visuals. Additionally, I need assistance in improving my product descriptions. Key Focus Areas: - Design and Layout: Evaluate and improve the overall aesthetic appeal of the website, with a particular emphasis on imagery and visuals. - Content Enhancement: Revamp product descriptions to make them more engaging and persuasive. Ideal Skills: - Web Design: Proficiency in design principles and tools. - Copywriting: Ability to craft compelling product descriptions. - SEO: Understanding of search engine optimization to enhance visibility.
...matrices. Key requirements: - Proficient in both Haskell and Scheme -Proficient in Math - Experience with matrix operations and echelon method - Able to write code handling 1000x1000 matrices **In Scheme, external libraries are only allowed to be used in flomat and only for vectorization of code. In Scheme, functions that modify the values of objects are not allowed, in particular, functions with names that contain ! are not allowed. **In Haskell, you can use Hmatrix for code vectorization only...What it means? you CANNOT use functions: Skills and experience: - Strong programming skills - Knowledge of linear algebra - Experience with Haskell and Scheme programming - Ability to write efficient code for matrix operations
Project Brief: Website Development for Pink Panther Cleaning Company Timeline: 2–3 weeks Overview I’m looking to create a minimalistic, professional, and user-friendly website for my company, Pink Panther Cleaning Company. My goal is to build the most innovative, customer-focused cleaning service in the area—one that stands out from the competition. The website needs to emphasize the brand, offer seamless functionality, and provide an exceptional experience for customers. The website should highlight: • Ease of use: Customers should be able to book, pay, and subscribe in a few clicks. • Innovation: Implement features that go beyond the typical cleaning service experience. • Personalization: Allow customers to tailor their cleani...
I need assistance in creating a LinkedIn company profile for our tech organization, along with profiles for 7 of our employees. (Fictive that you need to creat ) The goal is to establish a credible, professional presence for networking purposes. - Company Profile: Set up a realistic company account with followers. - Employee Profiles: Each employee should have a specific role (e.g., Sales Director, Manager, Accountant, etc.) with detailed, authentic backgrounds. The profiles must communicate their job responsibilities and have a follower base that reflects credibility. The profiles and the company page need to feel genuine and professional. Key attributes to highlight in the employee profiles include their technical expertise, as this is the industry we'...
I'm seeking a minimalistic logo for my tree surgery company. The design should feature: - Axes crossed at the center - The company name written in a circle around the axes The color scheme is quite specific. I want the writing and the axes to be in gold. The ideal freelancer would be a graphic designer with a strong portfolio in creating minimalistic and nature-themed logos. Please provide examples of your prior work that closely aligns with this project. Looking forward to your bids!
I'm in need of a family tree that should be designed in a traditional style. The design should be suitable for both digital and printed mediums. It should include only the names of the family members. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic Design - Family Tree Design - Traditional Style Illustration - Print and Digital Design Please note that the tree doesn't need to include dates or photos, only names. A keen attention to detail and ability to create a clear, visually appealing design is essential.
I'm looking for a professional who can help me create a PowerPoint company profile. The profile should include a Company Overview section, detailing our history, mission and vision, and leadership team. Key Requirements: - Proficient in PowerPoint with prior experience creating company profiles - Excellent understanding of how to present information visually for maximum impact - Ability to distill complex information into clear, concise content - Prior experience in corporate communications or business presentations is a plus Please provide samples of your previous work in your bid. I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality, professional presentation.
I'm looking for a React developer to help enhance a tech project. The specifics aren't locked down yet, but I expect a good amount of collaboration and input from the developer. Ideal Skills: - Solid experience with React - Strong understanding of JavaScript, HTML, CSS - Familiarity with performance optimization and user interface development - Experience with code refactoring - Good communication skills for collaboration
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I need a scrapbook created in PowerPoint with a Gryffindor theme. The project is time-sensitive, with a limit of 3 hours. Content: - The scrapbook should primarily include photos and captions. (i'll provide names, photos and caption) - The arrangement of the photos should be in a collage style. Design Elements: - The scrapbook must incorporate Gryffindor house colors and emblems alongside the photos and captions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PowerPoint. - Must be Animated - Creative design skills, particularly in collage-style photo arrangement. - Familiarity with Gryffindor and Hogwarts themes will be a plus. Please bid only if you can complete the project within the time frame.
I need someone to match data between two Excel files and integrate relevant information into File A. Key Requirements: - Compare product names in File A and File B - Fill File A with corresponding data from File B (specifically UNIT SIZE, GST RATE, HSN CODE as per their product names ) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Attention to detail - Experience with data matching and integration. I look forward to your proposals.
I need a professional freelancer to help me redesign my company profile, which consists of 56 pages. I have some information that needs to be edited, and the current PDF file is not suitable for my needs. - Text Updates: The majority of the edits will involve updating the text content. I have the updated text ready to be inserted, so you won't need to create new content. - Modernization: The primary goal of this redesign is to modernize the look and feel of the document, as well as improving its readability and organization. - Skills and Experience: Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in graphic design and document formatting. A strong eye for detail and design is crucial, as well as proficiency in using PDF editing software. Please provide examples o...
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create some company T-shirt designs for me. The designs should be a mix of minimal and abstract styles. Key elements to include: - Our company logo - Our slogan - Abstract shapes - Some fun and pun wording The color palette for the designs should be bright and vibrant, but using some monochrome on a few. Ideal candidate should: - Have a strong portfolio of minimalist and abstract design - Be able to incorporate our company elements in a creative way - Understand the importance of color and design in T-shirt printing.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a modern, minimalistic logo for my building company, that incorporates abstract shapes. The color scheme will be red, white, and black. Key Requirements: - Experience in logo design, especially for the construction industry. - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics. - Ability to creatively incorporate abstract shapes into the design. - Proficient in using the specified color scheme. Please provide a portfolio of relevant work.