Car washing kitprojekty
Zlecę wykonanie bannera na górę sklepu internetowego sprzedającego audio i car-audio Rozmiar 880x150 pix. Żadnych flashy ani fajerwerków po prosu ładne logo w kolorystyce niebiesko czarnej z zamieszczeniem w nim 3-4 słów podanych. Sprawa bardzo pilna.
Zlece wykonanie skrytpu PHP / MySQL Wypozyczalnia samochodow. Klient na stronie wybiera na jaki czas wypozycza auto, rodzaj oraz typ samochodu (osobowe [okolo 5-15 aut] / transporter [okolo 5-15 aut] / ciezarowka [okolo 5-10 aut]). Po wyborze przechodzi do nastepnej strony gdzie pokazuja sie dostepne samochody wraz z obliczona stawka. Po wyborze samochodu loguje / rejestruje (potwierdzenie e-mail) sie na stronie, gdzie podaje dane kontaktowe (imie, nazwisko, e-mail, adres). Po zatwierdzeniu dane przesylane sa na wybrany e-mail i do panelu administratora, a wybrane auto zostaje "zablokowane". Przez panel administratora, mozna dodawac i usuwac samochody rozwniez udostepniac i blokowac.
...oferowanych usług. Dziś mamy wiele profesjonalnych firm tuningowych, Car Audio, profesjonalnych rzemieślników lub firmy sprowadzające auta. Portal w pełni poświęcony motoryzacji dla firm i użytkowników. Obejmujący m. in. : I -przeróbki aut tzn. wiele marek samochodowych wypuszcza nowe modele lekko zmodyfikowane np. Użytkownik naszej stronki ma Passata b5 wstawia jego fotki w dziale zlecenie i w opisie przekazuje informacje iż szuka dobrego blacharza lub profesjonalną firmę która mogłaby zmienic w nim grill oraz lampy tak żeby wyglądał jak Passat B5 FL – firmy wpisują swoje oferty i ceny za jakie mogą wykonać usługę - klient wstawia zdjęcie i chce żeby jego auto wyglądało bądź brzmiało jak ten demo car - firmy Car Audio bą...
...oferowanych usług. Dziś mamy wiele profesjonalnych firm tuningowych, Car Audio, profesjonalnych rzemieślników lub firmy sprowadzające auta. Portal w pełni poświęcony motoryzacji dla firm i użytkowników. Obejmujący m. in. : I -przeróbki aut tzn. wiele marek samochodowych wypuszcza nowe modele lekko zmodyfikowane np. Użytkownik naszej stronki ma Passata b5 wstawia jego fotki w dziale zlecenie i w opisie przekazuje informacje iż szuka dobrego blacharza lub profesjonalną firmę która mogłaby zmienic w nim grill oraz lampy tak żeby wyglądał jak Passat B5 FL – firmy wpisują swoje oferty i ceny za jakie mogą wykonać usługę - klient wstawia zdjęcie i chce żeby jego auto wyglądało bądź brzmiało jak ten demo car - firmy Car Audio...
Witam, poszukuję szablonu do Seicento i/lub wykonania grafiki na auto. Płyta z CAR'N TRUCK COLLECTION 2007 zawiera wiele pojazdów, ja potrzebuję jednego. Jeśli ktoś zaskoczy mnie projektami rozważę współpracę dot. projektu reklamy na auto, jeśli nie, ofertę traktuję także jako ew. odkupienie rzutu Fiata Seicento. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowaną osobą pisz pw i oferuj możliwości, chętnie portfolia i linki do prac wykonanych pozdrwiam seb
...firm" i "Serwis" - udostępnienie możliwości zmiany nazw tych działów w Panelu Admina lub w kodzie. Pasek rozwijany. Zmienimy oznaczenie: FAQ na Pomoc, Album na Zdjęcia. -przygotowanie nowych rang motoryzacyjnych: User, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, Level 9, VIP, Mistrzuniu, Admin, Junior Admin, Mod, Aspirant, Newser, Tuner, Mechanik, Elektryk, Car Audio, GAZ, TIR DRIVER, MC, VT, TM, Motor, Partner, Sponsor, Przyjaciel, Miss. -dodanie paska do góry - "Dodaj do ulubionych" - pasek z prawej strony ukośny. Z lewej strony dodatkowo dać taki pasek, ale z hasłem "Ustaw jako stronę startową" - również ukośnie. -dodatkowo ikonka RSS dodaj, czytnik jest już zainstalowany i możliwość... motoryzacyjną: - wprowadzenie nowej kolorystyki na bazie trzech głównych kolorów logo: biały-czarny-czerwony, zalecany kierunek zmian lub - przygotowanie nowych rang motoryzacyjnych: User, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, Level 9, VIP, Mistrzuniu, Admin, Junior Admin, Mod, Aspirant na Moda, Newser, Tuner, Mechanik, Elektryk, Car Audio, GAZ, TIR DRIVER, MC, VT, TM, Motor, Partner, Sponsor, Przyjaciel Forum, Miss. - dodanie zakładki do góry - „ Dodaj do ulubionych” - pasek z prawej strony ukośny. Z lewej strony można dodatkowo dać taki pasek, ale z hasłem „Zakupy”. - dodanie linku do działu w topie „ Zakupy”, „Katalog firm” i ̶... motoryzacyjną: - wprowadzenie nowej kolorystyki na bazie trzech głównych kolorów logo: biały-czarny-czerwony, zalecany kierunek zmian lub - przygotowanie nowych rang motoryzacyjnych: User, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, Level 9, VIP, Mistrzuniu, Admin, Junior Admin, Mod, Aspirant na Moda, Newser, Tuner, Mechanik, Elektryk, Car Audio, GAZ, TIR DRIVER, MC, VT, TM, Motor, Partner, Sponsor, Przyjaciel Forum, Miss. - dodanie zakładki do góry - „ Dodaj do ulubionych” - pasek z prawej strony ukośny. Z lewej strony można dodatkowo dać taki pasek, ale z hasłem „Zakupy”. - dodanie linku do działu w topie „ Zakupy”, „Katalog firm” i R...
...chaotycznosc opisu. Sprawa wyglada tak: Mam strone internetowa na ktorej jest zalozmy 30 - 50 banerow. Kazde klikniecie w baner otwiera inna strone www jak rowniez kazde klikniecie w baner musi podtrzymac stan "1" ( przez 5 sekund ) na wyjsciu interfejsu sprzetowego podłaczonego pod wejscie USB komputera niebedacego serwerem w/w strony. Posiadam interfejs experymentalny , jest to kit valleman-a P8055 i o jego wykorzystaniu myslalem ale kazde inne funkcjonalne rozwiazanie bedzie OK. Zakladajac ze w ciagu kazych 5 sekund moze nastapic od kilku do kilkunastu klikniec w kilka banerow potrzebny by byl bufor zapamietujacy i sumujacy klikniecia. Na stronie w banery moga klikac osoby zarejestrowane i niezarejestrowane - dla osob zarejestrowanych potrzebny jest m...
...zalecany kierunek zmian. Chodzi o przebudowę całkowitą przebudowę grafiki tak jak na forum z zachowaniem specyfiki branży motoryzacyjnej: - przygotowanie nowych rang motoryzacyjnych: User, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, Level 9, VIP, Mistrzuniu, Admin, Junior Admin, Super Mod, Mod, Redaktor, Tuner, Mechanik, Elektryk, Car Audio, GAZ, TIR DRIVER, MC, VT, TM, Motor, Partner, Sponsor, Przyjaciel Forum. - dodanie zakładki do góry - Dodaj do ulubionych - jak na - dodanie linka w topie - Zakupy 2. Wprowadzenie drobnych zmian graficznych stylu strony przełączanych w PA: - Wielkanoc - dodać graficzny motyw Wielkanocy, - Gwiazdka i Sylwester- dodać graficzny motyw Gwiazdki- np
...zalecany kierunek zmian. Chodzi o przebudowę całkowitą przebudowę grafiki tak jak na forum z zachowaniem specyfiki branży motoryzacyjnej: - przygotowanie nowych rang motoryzacyjnych: User, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, Level 9, VIP, Mistrzuniu, Admin, Junior Admin, Super Mod, Mod, Redaktor, Tuner, Mechanik, Elektryk, Car Audio, GAZ, TIR DRIVER, MC, VT, TM, Motor, Partner, Sponsor, Przyjaciel Forum. - dodanie zakładki do góry - Dodaj do ulubionych - jak na - dodanie linka w topie - Zakupy 2. Wprowadzenie drobnych zmian graficznych stylu strony przełączanych w PA: - Wielkanoc - dodać graficzny motyw Wielkanocy, - Gwiazdka i Sylwester- dodać graficzny motyw Gwiazdki- developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include your license key with each query you submit to the service. Mam pobrany plik spakowany r...
...konkretnego pliku textowego. 1. Formularz rezerwacyjny, w ktorym musza byc nastepujace dane: - imiona, nazwiska, nr telefonu kontaktowego, wiek kierowcy/ow - nr polskiego prawa jazdy (nie wymagamy miedzynarodowego) - nazwe apartamentu lub hotelu, miejsowosc - termin wynajmu - klasa auta - dodatkowe zyczenia Po wypelnieniu formularza komunikat: Rezerwacja zostala przekazana do DRIVE Rent a Car. Zostanie potwierdzona w ciagu 48h. 2. Formularz kontaktowy a w nim: Imię email Pytanie tel komórkowy Wiem , że dla ludzi zaawansowanych takie formularze to nic trudnego i w krotkim czasie da sie to zrobic. Proszę o konkretną cene za wykonanie tych formularzy. prosze o wyslanie ofert na maila:
...aktualnie otwartego działu, poniżej pod bannerem zakładki do oddzielnych działów sklepu pierwszy od lewej: CZEŚCI ZAMIENNE (po najechaniu kursorem na tą zakładkę pojawia się: części zamienne – ); pierwsza od prawej zakładka: TUNING (po najechaniu kursorem na tą zakładkępojawia się: części tuningowe – ). I te dwie zakładki mają być większe w stosunku do innych. Pozostałe środkowe zakładki to: car audio, akcesoria, bagażniki ... (szczegółowo do uzgodnienia)(około 5-ciu zakładek środkowych) Zakładki środkowe muszą mieć funkcje włączania / wyłączania (tak byśmy mogli samidecydować kiedy są widoczne i dostępne - te działy będą uruchamiane stopniowo). Po kliknięciu na każdą z zakładek i wejściu w poszczególne działy kolorystka całego sklepu ma się niezn...
...(all opt-in customers as default) SPECIAL SHOP FUNCTIONS 1. Compulsory element option – selected products may consist of a number of subproducts (eg. a kitchen kit consisting of several cabinets). When product is added to the cart, those subproducts are listed separately in the cart view so that the shopper has the option of deleting some of them. In that case the price of the product would be the sum of prices of its components, and deleting a component would reduce the price accordingly. 2. Optional element option – selected products may consist of a number of optional subproducts (eg. a kitchen kit consisting of optional extras). When product is added to the cart, those options would require shopper’s selection. They would come to the sho... developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include your license key with each query you submit to the service. Mam pobrany plik spak...
...(all opt-in customers as default) SPECIAL SHOP FUNCTIONS 1. Compulsory element option – selected products may consist of a number of subproducts (eg. a kitchen kit consisting of several cabinets). When product is added to the cart, those subproducts are listed separately in the cart view so that the shopper has the option of deleting some of them. In that case the price of the product would be the sum of prices of its components, and deleting a component would reduce the price accordingly. 2. Optional element option – selected products may consist of a number of optional subproducts (eg. a kitchen kit consisting of optional extras). When product is added to the cart, those options would require shopper’s selection. They would come to the sho...
Poszukujemy osoby, która: 1)zainstaluje(reinstaluje stary) sklep internetowy (oscommerce) na naszym serwerze 2)w pełni go skonfiguruje do poprawnej pracy 3)Zrobi i wprowadzi interesującą szatę graficzną(sklep zajmuje się sprzedażą sprzętu nagłaśniającego do aut (car-audio)) 4)Przeniesie starą bazę danych ze starego sklepu do nowego sklepu. 5)Zrobi około 4-5 podstron, które będą opisywać sklep, warunki zakupu, mapkę dojazdu w przypadku odbioru osobistego itp. Zaeży nam na osobie z doświadczeniem, która przed zabraniem się do projektu pokaże nam podobny projekt, nad którym wcześniej pracowała. Kontakt: vermaspl@
Witam, Chodzi o dopasowanie numerow kategorii. Jest tablica w ktorej znajduja sie nastepujace dane [ilosc 560]: Numer = '', Numer = '' trzeba w serwisie http://...560]: Numer = '', Numer = '' trzeba w serwisie znalezc odpowiednia kategorie i podac jej numer: 283 = '', 161 = '', Numer kategorii jest widoczny w linku, kiedy na nia klikniemy: Jezeli brak danej kategorii nic nie zmieniamy. Pozdrawiam i czekam na oferty. Adam p.s. jezeli cos jest nie jasne prosze o kontakt.
Hello, We’re looking for a talented designer to create a modern logo and branding kit for our web agency, Valvi Websolutions (). Our current Website is totally outdated, and we want to rebrand ourselves SVG Logo with Color, same Logo with Black and white. Exported Logo only as SVG and Favicon. What We Need: A colored logo that includes both a small graphic and our name next to it. Our main goal is for people to recognize our name rather than just the logo, so the text should be prominent. A professional color scheme, typography, and overall branding that reflects our agency’s identity. A clean, sleek, and minimalistic design that aligns with our target audience. About Us: We specialize in creating websites for medium-sized businesses and want our brand to appear high...
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer who can create modern and sleek social media graphics for my car promotional offers. These graphics will primarily be used on Facebook and Instagram. Key requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly for social media - Understanding of modern, sleek design aesthetics - Experience with automotive promotional content is a plus - Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively
...description) This technology displays on a user's vehicle the power supply services available to the vehicle. The user then reserves the power supply service. Please search for this technology. (Reference descriotion) The power supply service may be a power supply facility or a power supply vehicle. The power supply service may be displayed on the vehicle's navigation system. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, and South Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2...
...power when necessary while taking into account battery degradation. As a result, the battery can be used more appropriately. [2. Technologies to look for] This technology increases the maximum discharge power of a mobile battery when a specific event occurs compared to when the event does not occur. [3. Reference information] A specific event is, for example, a disaster. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, and South Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclosed. [example 1]★Technical Details YouTube: “” Time: 2:30-3:15 Produ...
...comprehensive car rental service website and mobile application, inspired by the design and functionality of , but with added unique features and enhancements. Key Project Aspects: - The mobile app needs to be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. - The overall design aesthetic should be modern and sleek, appealing to contemporary users. - Additional functionalities to be incorporated include: - A live chat support feature to assist users in real time. - A user reviews and ratings system to ensure transparency and build trust. - An efficient booking management system to streamline the reservation process. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Extensive experience in website and app development, particularly in the car rental domain
I'm looking for a skilled UI/UX designer for my web app which focuses on car insurance. The primary purpose of this app is to facilitate the purchase of insurance online. Key Responsibilities: - Design an intuitive and engaging interface that enhances user experience and simplifies the process of purchasing insurance - Create a seamless navigation system that guides users through the app effortlessly Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in UI/UX design, particularly forr fintech platforms - Strong portfolio showcasing previous web app designs - Excellent understanding of user-centered design principles - Ability to work collaboratively and incorporate feedback Please include relevant samples of your work in your proposal.
I am in need of a high-quality close-up shot of a car's front for personal use. The primary purpose of this image is for research, so it will be utilized in a variety of contexts related to that. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Photography: Ability to capture a detailed close-up image. - Attention to Detail: Ensuring the image meets the requirements for research purposes. - Understanding of Research Needs: Prior experience or understanding of academic or scientific research could be beneficial.
We have a store hosted on shopify. We received a message from Shopify indicating deprecation of the current Shopify Checkout API and need tp transition to the new Storefront Cart API or Checkout Sheet Kit. Need Shopify Expert to facilitate the migration.
I require a talented and creative graphic designer to craft a unique vehicle wrap design that incorporates 3 logos. The design must be done ASAP. Key Requirements: - The design should embody the luxury feel that's synonymous with high-end services. - Simplicity is key. The design should be sleek and not overly complicated to ensure it's easily recognizable and memorable yet reflects luxury. - I'm looking for a designer who is open to feedback, has excellent communication skills, and can deliver a high-quality, professional design that aligns with the values of my business. Must be able to custom make the design to scale of each vehicle. The vehicles are: - 2019 Toyota Hiace LWB Van - 2015 Hyundai ILOAD Van - 2024 Subaru Outback Please ensure all communication remains on...
I need someone who can calculate the yearly interest payable on a motor vehicle loan. Below I have provided all the necessary details of the loan. The car was purchased on March 20, 2024, at a cost of $63,540 with an interest rate of 7.34% over a total term of 60 months. The monthly payment to the loan provider is $1,016.66 for 59 repayments, with total interest charges amounting to $15,788.94 and a final residual amount of $20,066. Your task will be to calculate the interest payable as at: - June 30, 2024 - June 30, 2025 - June 30, 2026 - June 30, 2027 - June 30, 2028 Your total calculated figure needs to match with the total interest figure provided in loan document ($15,788.94). 420 will be provided to contest winner. Plus opportunity to work for my future projects.
I'm looking for a developer who can create a car crash management app for me. The functions of the app include: - Registering a crash event with a form - Managing the events - Sending out the events to assigned professionals The specifics of the project are still to be determined, as I've left some questions unanswered. Therefore, I'm open to suggestions and expert advice on the best way to approach this project. Ideal Skills: - Mobile App Development (iOS, Android, Both) - Backend Development for event management - Experience in creating forms within an app - Geolocation Services for assigning professionals Please feel free to ask questions or provide insights based on your expertise.
I'm looking for a vintage-style logo for my classic car collection, specifically featuring International Harvester Scout II's. The logo should incorporate a silhouette of the Scout II and include the text "Ploen Garage". Ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly logo creation - A strong portfolio of vintage-style designs - Ability to incorporate specific imagery and text into design - Experience with automotive-themed designs would be a plus
I'm seeking a modern, dynamic, and memorable logo that encapsulates the power of pressure washing. The logo should also prominently feature my company's name. Key Elements: - Incorporation of pressure washer imagery - Use of water elements - Inclusion of my company initials The logo should be designed using a bold and vibrant color scheme. A comprehensive understanding of modern design principles and a knack for creating visually striking logos will be crucial for this task. Experience with dynamic, impactful imagery and the ability to convey a strong message through design will set your proposal apart.
...The goal is to create an informational directory where users can search and filter through credit products offered by banks, credit unions, and others, accessing detailed product information. Product detail pages will open in new tabs, allowing users to continue exploring additional options. Key Features: * Search and Filters: - Filters based on financial goals (e.g. build credit history, own a car), product type (e.g. credit card, mortgage), and eligibility (e.g. no credit history, 3 months bills payment). - Free-text search functionality. * Product Display: - Results are presented as visually appealing cards. - A single dynamic details screen displays the data for each product (no static individual pages for products). * Design: - Responsive design optimized ...
I'm looking for a formal, informative 20-minute PowerPoint presentation aimed at beginner car owners on how to change their own oil. The presentation should include: - Step-by-step instructions on the oil change process - Safety precautions to take during the process - Necessary tools and materials needed for the job Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in creating instructional PowerPoint presentations. A background in automotive knowledge or experience in teaching car maintenance would be a plus. The presentation needs to be clear, concise, and easy to understand for those with little to no previous automotive knowledge.
I need a highly realistic, detailed 3D model of a soccer kit including the jersey, shorts, and socks. The model should be able to represent real-world characteristics such as wrinkles and stitching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating detailed and realistic models - Previous work designing sports gear or clothing is a plus - Able to deliver in specific software format Please note, the final 3D model should be delivered in PDF format.
...service to their Supplier for smooth supply. The booking for Franchise Dealership has been started. Category Ownership / Franchise Type Rs. Per Month @country level 25000/- + GST Product Maintenance Per Year Rs. 100 Each Unlimited User IDs Available Categories - Artificial Jewellery (Excluding Gold; Platinum & Silver etc.) - Electronics (TV, Washing Machine, Mobiles Phones, Cooler, AC, Press, Heater & Geysers etc. Computers Products, Desktop/Laptop etc.) - Garments Apparels - Cosmetic, Perfumes & Cosmetic Accessories - Grocery products - Pickles - Eye Glasses Products - Books, Educational Products & Stationary - Gifts - Bakery Items (Cake, Biscuit, Namkeen etc.) - Food from Restaurant - Toys - Games and Sp...
...Ad (1080 x 1080 pixels): Reference: Use images attached Design Layout: Background: Clean, high-contrast background that complements both Black ⚫ and Orange ? (product colors). Subtle road textures or a highway outline in the background to create a travel vibe without overcrowding. Light grey or metallic gradient to keep the focus on the product. Top Section (Headline): Bold, attention-grabbing text: "Tow with Confidence ?⚡" Font: Strong, bold sans-serif (e.g., Montserrat, Oswald) for maximum readability. Main Visual (Center): Product Images: Showcase high-quality images of the Vehicle & Trailer Safety Chain Hook Kit in both Black ⚫ and Orange ?. Display the products diagonally or side-by-side to highlight both
I'm in need of a minimalist style logo for my car and jeep rental business. The logo should incorporate car and jeep icons alongside the company name/text. A monochrome color scheme is preferred. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, minimalist logo - Include car and jeep icons - Incorporate the company name/text - Use a monochrome color scheme Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Experience with minimalist designs - Knowledge of monochrome color palettes NOTE: I would like a similiar logo to my main company logo attached.
We are looking for a talented and creative designer to craft a professional logo for RentOS, an innovative management software for the car rental industry. Important: - We do not want a car image in the logo. - Logo must be adaptable for both light and dark mode (browser themes). The logo should be flexible enough to be used as an icon, even without the full name—using just the letter “R,” “RoS,” or “OS,” for example. The word “Rent” represents rental services, while “OS” refers to an operating system. --- Project Details: - Product Name: RentOS - Industry: Car rental, fleet management - Design Style: Modern, professional, minimalistic, with a tech-oriented touch - Usage: Website, app, branding mate...
I need a classic and professional logo for my website "Der Schadenprofi". This site is dedicated to damage assessment, primarily for cars. The logo should be serious, creative and recognizable. It should reflect the essence of a damage assessor - inspecting cars and evaluating accident damages. - A classic and professional style is preferred. - Car imagery, damage impact symbols, or assessment tools could be potential elements, but I am open to your creativity. Maybe as a tip: You might like to create a simple superhero character with an "SP" on his chest. But we are open to anything if it suits our taste. I have not decided on a color scheme yet, so I am open to suggestions. I look forward to seeing your ideas and visualizations.
...challenges - Knowledge of sustainable and eco-friendly design practices The budget for this project is $100,000-$1,000,000. expanding the side of the house opposite the garage, rear of home, side of MBR in read, and making upstairs larger. bonus room above garage is option as well. I understand making home addition especially upstairs will require roof redesign. May also extend 2 car garage out towards road into for three car. The project timeline for redesign is 30 days. Please include detailed 3D renderings of the redesigned spaces. Blueprints are also acceptable Incorporate an elegant outdoor living area in the overall home design. I want to have larger porch area with deck, some of which being covered porch with screen. Please include a pool in the outdoor living a...
...dashboard**, the goal is to provide key metrics that help analyze sales performance, customer trends, and operational efficiency. Below are some important **metrics** to include in such a dashboard, along with their corresponding **data points**: ### Key Metrics for a Travel Sales Dashboard: 1. **Total Sales Revenue**: - **Data**: Revenue generated from bookings, including flights, hotels, tours, car rentals, etc. - **Formula**: Total Sales = Sum of all booking transactions. 2. **Number of Bookings**: - **Data**: Count of all bookings made during a specific period. - **Formula**: Total Bookings = Count of all sales transactions. 3. **Average Booking Value**: - **Data**: Total revenue divided by the number of bookings. - **Formula**: Average Booking Value = T...
...a modern design for my racecar wrap. The main color will be silver/grey, complemented by black and potentially the BMW M colors. Key Elements: - Incorporation of my sponsors' logos into the design - Placement of race numbers on the car and design of the race number 88 - Incorporation of dynamic/playful/cool lines to enhance the sleekness of the design (similar to modern BMW GT3 car designs) - Gloss finish, no matte - Sponsor logo's to be provided and with explanation on where to place etc. - The white BMW 330I E90 Cup car included in the photo's, is the car that needs a wrap. The bumpers will be replaced for M-bumpers, which have more space to add logo's etc. especially with no license plates mounted - On the rear window I want to have ...
I urgently need a skilled CAD technician for the detailed design and location plans of various signs for our project. The signs include: - Outdoor signs: These will be made from a variety of materials including metal, plastic, and wood. - Indoor signs: Designed for various spaces within the building. - Car Park signs: To guide vehicles within the parking space. - Directional signs: To guide users to different areas within a large facility. - Informational signs: Providing important information to the public or employees. - ADA compliant signs: Ensuring all signs meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. - Safety signs: Indicating hazardous areas and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. - Digital signage: Using electronic displays instead of traditional ...
I am in need of a high-quality close-up shot of a car's front for personal use. The primary purpose of this image is for research, so it will be utilized in a variety of contexts related to that. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Photography: Ability to capture a detailed close-up image. - Attention to Detail: Ensuring the image meets the requirements for research purposes. - Understanding of Research Needs: Prior experience or understanding of academic or scientific research could be beneficial.
I'm seeking a solution for my Windows system to ensure a specific USB device - a Zero Delay Arcade DIY KIT USB ENCODER PC TO JOYSTICK - always appears last in the Game Controllers USB list. This should be consistent across different USB ports, reboots, and system configurations. Key Requirements: - The device should always be identifiable by its position in the list, regardless of how or where it's plugged in. - If absolutely necessary, I'm open to installing additional software or drivers to achieve this goal, but I would prefer not to. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Windows operating system. - Proficiency in USB device management. - Experience in software installation and system configuration. Prefer a software-based solution to ensure the device position...
I'm looking for a seasoned app developer to create a Turo-style car-sharing app for both iPhone and Android platforms that is tailored for the Australian market. The application needs to be fully scalable to accommodate future growth. Core Functionalities: - A robust car booking system that is intuitive and user-friendly. - An integrated user review and rating system to foster trust and transparency within the platform. - A reliable and secure payment processing system that ensures seamless transactions. User Verification Features: - Comprehensive driver's license verification to ensure only eligible users can book vehicles. - Email and phone number verification to maintain a secure and authentic user base. Design Preferences: - The app should embody a modern and...
...Corporate Pitch Deck – A well-structured PowerPoint/Google Slides deck introducing our agency, services, case studies, and value proposition. ✅ Sales Collaterals – Professionally designed sales one-pagers for our key services. ✅ Case Study Templates – Branded layouts to showcase client success stories. ✅ Pricing & Proposal Templates – Customizable templates for client pitches. ✅ Client Onboarding Kit – A branded, professional onboarding document for new clients. ✅ Brand Consistency – Ensure the design follows our corporate colour guidelines, fonts, and overall visual identity. Ideal Candidate Should Have: ? Proven experience in corporate presentation design ? Expertise in PowerPoint, Canva, Visme, or Adobe InDesign. ? Understanding of dig...