Capitalization in legal contractsprojekty
...Contract Developer do projektu na 40 godzin w tygodniu. Stanowisko to wymaga solidnej wiedzy z programowania. Osoba, której poszukujemy, będzie pracowała zarówno w małych zespołach składających się z innych programistów, jak i samodzielnie z niewielką pomocą leadera projektu. Czym zajmuje się osoba na stanowisku Smart Contract Developer? Pisze smart contracts. Czego wymagamy od kandydata? Dobrej ogólnej wiedzy z zakresu smart contracts. Dobrej znajomości Solidity. Dobrej znajomości EVM. Dobrej znajomości co najmniej jednego języka programowania. Płynnej znajomości języka angielskiego i polskiego. Mile widziana dostępność “od zaraz” lub w ciągu kilku tygodni. Mile widziana znajomość , veCRV, ERC-20...
...ich wizualizacja. Obecnie aplikacja posiada funkcjonalności core oraz trzy moduły (bundles). Poniżej więcej informacji o firmie i projekcie. Company overview IT9 is consulting company in the areas of IT, process automation, project management advisory. IT9 is also software provider for business process robotization, as well as reg-tech, tax-tech and legal-tech solutions provider. Project overview • Web application for taxes helping to process financial data and create tax declarations. • Many inputs are CSV files and output are mostly XML files. • Processing of data is being done in a queque as the size of files can be huge, especially for input XML files that can be even 10GB files. However, the standard CSV files are up to 1MB. Technology...
Posiadam kilka umów w formacie .doc, jednak potrzebuję je odświeżyć tak aby były łatwo uzupełnialne z poziomu Worda. Teraz są dostosowane bardziej do uzupełniania ręcznego. Oczekuję, że zleceniobiorca doradzi jak najlepiej przygotować umowę, tak aby f...poziomu Worda. Teraz są dostosowane bardziej do uzupełniania ręcznego. Oczekuję, że zleceniobiorca doradzi jak najlepiej przygotować umowę, tak aby faktycznie wypełnianie było jak najszybsze. Stawka wynagrodzenia proponowana to stawka za jedną pełną stronę do przerobienia. W sumie umów jest kilka wersji, razem może będzie tego około 25-30stron. Szacuję budżet w granicach 250zł. Because the contracts are in Polish and some understanding is needed to prepare it properly, Polish language speaking freelancer is...
Dzień dobry, Mam do przetłumaczenia kilka tekstów z języka angielskiego na polski. ILOŚĆ SŁÓW w sumie:3222 Tematy: 1. Rental contracts & Housing rights 2. Higher education in the Netherlands 3. Dutch citizenship 4. General Practitioners (GPs) & Doctors in the Netherlands Uwaga: bardzo proszę o zachowanie kolorów w tekście ( tzn: jak coś jest na czerwono to po przetłumaczeniu tez powinno być na czerwony :)) Wymagania: - tłumaczenie organiczne - nie tłumaczymy pod seo ( ma się fajnie czytać ) - plik z tłumaczeniem musi się nazywać tak samo jak plik do tłumaczenia Zapraszam do składania ofert. oraz potwierdzenie od radcy prawnego, że usługi które oferuję sa legalne w kraju gdzie zarejestrowana dzizłalność, oraz w krajach w których planuję wyświetlać reklamę.Tak to zrozumiałem z tego: as well as provide a copy of their gambling license or a legal memo from a qualified legal counsel (when a gambling license isn't available) indicating the legality of the business in the region targeted as well as in the regions they operate in, for us to proceed with next steps. Czyli naprawde od prawnika muszę mieć takie pismo? Owszem konsultowałem to z radcą prawnym na zasadzie rozmowy zanim zarejestrowałem działalność, ale nie mam tego na piśmie. Firma jest zarejestro...
Mam do zlecenia mailing do firm oraz osób prywatnych zajmujących się SEO. Sprawa nie jest niby trudna, gdyż bazę takich firm i ich maili posiadam sam, lecz od zleceniobiorcy oczekuję jednego: MAILING FULL LEGAL, tzn. ma być wyrażona zgoda na otrzymanie takiego maila przez odbiorcę. Po zakończeniu proszę o raport osób, które odczytały maila. Rozumiem, iż płatność będzie właśnie za każdy z takich rekordów. Przy podaniu ceny proszę o opis, czy jest to cena za jeden rekord czy za całość usługi (i ile rekordów będzie ona wówczas zawierała). Czekam na propozycje i liczę na udaną współpracę.
>>> Przed podaniem dalszych informacji wymagane jest podpisanie klauzury poufności <<< Zlecenie dotyczy strony opartej o Na stronie należałoby wykonać: - dodać miejsce na reklamy na górze strony - zmiana niektórych szablonów listingu, wzór: - dodać możliwość załączania plików do formularza obecnego na stronie - dodać funkcjonalność typu “Podziel się” (Share/AddThis) - przygotowanie strony rejestracji - przygotować miejsce do logowania w górnej belce z menu na wzór - dodanie informacji w listingu i widoku szczegółowym odnośnie daty aktualizacji/dodania - uruchomienie komentarzy Podstrona
...requirements. 2. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost 3. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimisation (search engine friendly). 4. The navigation system should be intuitive and allow the visitor to quickly navigate the site starting from any page. 5. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost. 6. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-p...
...Safety Act Health and Safety Qualifications Health and Safety Technology Occupational Health Permit to Work Safe Person Strategies Safe Place Strategies The Effect of Making a False Claim The Importance of Risk Assessment in the Workplace FIGHTING A CLAIM CATEGORY Disproving Breach of Duty Last Resort - Employers' Liability Mitigation of Liability Through 'Contributory Negligence' The Financial Ombudsman Scheme Time Limits for Claims Vicarious Liability 'Volenti non fit Injuria' - A Key Defence THE LEGAL BASIS CATEGORY Compensation Payouts Held in Trust Criminal and Civil Liability Damages Under the Human Rights Act Employers' Common Law Responsibilities Key Health and Safety Legislation Legalisation of ...
Do wybrania jest 1 z 3 tematow. 1. Compare and contrast STR profiling and RFLP analysis techniques used in human identification - identify any advantages and disadvantages of the systems. 2. "Legal Highs": legislation and analysis 3. Fibres analysis and its usefulness in forensic science. Raport musi byc dlugi na okolo 2000 slow oraz referencje napisane w stylu Harvard. Dodatkowe wymagania beda zalaczone w pliku, ktory przesle po obejrzeniu ofert.
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 25...advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that identifies and justifies the key areas of risk and compliance that you need to take into account in the making your decision. 4 elementy raportuy ktore beda stanowic ala rozdzialy: 1. Briefly identify the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam ...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 25...advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that identifies and justifies the key areas of risk and compliance that you need to take into account in the making your decision. 4 elementy raportuy ktore beda stanowic ala rozdzialy: 1. Briefly identify the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam ...
jak w naglowku, krotki esej ok max 25...advantage of using a Cloud based CRM system, that identifies and justifies the key areas of risk and compliance that you need to take into account in the making your decision. 4 elementy raportuy ktore beda stanowic ala rozdzialy: 1. Briefly identify the purpose of a CRM system for your business and to then evaluate the reasons for considering a Cloud / Service as a Service (SaaS) offering. 2. Justify the use of the BS7799 series of standards as the analytical framework that you will use in evaluating the areas of risk and compliance 3. Critically evaluate the key risks and compliance issues that are raised by SaaS CRM, including relevant legal issues 4. Justify and present your conclusions and recommendations czekam ...
Mam szybkie zlecenie do zoutsourceowania na zewnatrz dla sprawnego freelancera. Zlecenie obejmuje: - ostylowanie czesciowo ostylowanych podstron - ostylowanie nowych podstron (jest juz bazowy html/css, nie trzeba ciac niczego!) - w paru formularzach pare suwakow w JS, - do zrobienia bedzie okolo 15, moze 20 podstron, w duzej mierze beda podobne do siebie, - podstrony maja nie mus...terminie 2 tyg, natomiast pierwsze podstrony potrzebuje na teraz, takze rozpoczac trzeba doslownie juz (z tego wzgledu, tylko osoby ktore nie pracuja na etacie, czyli prawdziwi freelancerzy). Szukam osoby/osob odpowiedzialnych i rzetelnych, z ktorymi moge utrzymywac w ciagu dnia kontakt tel/IM/mailowy oraz weryfikowac na bierzaco postep prac. Rozliczenie: musi byc faktura vat lub rachunek, czyli ...
Witam, Zlecenie dotyczy wykonania skryptu który: - loguje się do serwisu (posiadam login i hasło) - otwiera określoną podstronę (lista podstron w tablicy lub bazie + do każdej podstrony przypisany idProdukt) - pobiera dostępne atrybuty produktu - czasami atrybuty są parami (plus ...bazy danych (idProdukt + cena + atrybut/para atrybutów) Preferuję skrypt PHP+MySQL. Proszę o podanie ceny za wykonanie takiego skryptu (czy mozliwa f-vat -> jeśli tak to proszę o cenę brutto). Jaki koszt dostosowania takiego skryptu do pobierania danych z innego serwisu (zmienią się podstrony w tablicy oraz preg_match do wyciągnięcia atrybutów produktu z podstron). Zlecenie jest Full Legal ;) - hurtownia nie dostarcza plików XML więc trzeba pobrać dane z hurtowni... w bazie (film powitalny) b. obok playera duze-wielkie patki: - stop/zamknij - pelny ekran - suwak i glosnosc tylko po mouseover na player c. jesli pelny ekran to fajno by bylo gdyby nie gralo od nowa tylko kontynuowalo film d. suwak zeby dzialal rzeczywiscie a nie po kazdorazowym kliknieciu wracal do startu (moze to byc istotna uwaga przy wyborze playera :) ) e. player legal (nie wiem o co chodzi z tymi playerami autorskimi do flashowych filmow paletajacymi sie po kilka dolcow po necie ale player ma byc legalny) f. powtarzalne elementy (np. player) sa preloadowane i ciagane z komputera a nie za kazdym razem z servera 2. koniec filmu lub stop/zamknij = znika zaslonka: odslania sie strona glowna z wylistowanym chronologicznie kontentem vi...
...depends on keyword) for the keyword in question. Btw 'Jennifer Lopez' is search term no 7 in all the US! What do we want? * URL http://<domain>/jennifer_lopez * Title: Welcome - All about Jennifer Lopez, main keywords from below in the page) * Ads: space for similar amount of ads as in the CW blog layout, similiar placement (728×90, 300×250, 468×60, 120×600) * Layout shall be similar across all sections/categories although we should be able to have different preferences in some sections (i.e. no pictures) * Two sidebars, first concatenated, then broken into two * Share This Buttons for each page in Sidebar * ...
Witam, Potrzebuje specjaliste od AS / FLASH do dokonczenia nastepujacej strony Oto konieczne zmiany 1. Powiekszyc czcionke o 1 punkt/pixel na wszystkich podstronach (chodzi o tresc podstron) 2. Przeniesc button The firm powyzej buttonu Legal Services czyli button The firm bedzie zaraz pod Homepage 3. Zrobic menu rozwijalne po najechaniu na Contact Us rozwijalne bedzie: i. Location – zawartosc podstrony taka jak obecnie podstrony Contact Us ii. Feedback – zawartosc jak obecny Feedback iii. Live Chat – tylko text Coming soon... iv. Case trucker – Formularz ktory narazie nic nie bedzie robil poza pokazaniem komunikatu Warning. Formularz z dwoma polami: UniqueID Password [ submit ] – button submit tak jak na innych podstronach
I need a Claris FileMaker c...Claris FileMaker contract management tool that can effectively store, track and manage contract renewals. Key Features: - Capability to store and retrieve contracts. - Tracking contract milestones. - Managing contract renewals. Organizational Structure: - Contracts should be organized by all possible variations. - Systems should be in place to categorize by contract type, client name and date of creation. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Claris FileMaker. - Experience in developing contract management tools. - Ability to create complex organizational structures within software. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal. The goal is to create a comprehensive and easy to use tool...
I'm seeking a professional to assist with the preparation of documentation related to an increase in child support. The primary focus will be on income verification. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with child support processes - Experience with documentation preparation - Ability to conduct financial assessments - Legal knowledge in child support matters is a plus - Skills in creating and organizing income verification documents
I need an agreement document to confirm the exchange of funds post-divorce. The document should include details of 'completed funds sent and received'. This document is strictly between myself and my ex-spouse. Ideal Skills Include: - Legal document drafting - Familiarity with divorce-related agreements - Excellent attention to detail
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I have some documents that need to be translated from English to Twi. The ideal candidate for this task should be a native Twi speaker with excellent command over English, able to accurately convey the meaning of the original text in a culturally and contextually appropriate manner. Skills and Experience: - Native Twi speaker - Proficient in English - Strong translation skills - Familiarity with cultural nuances - Document translation experience
I need assistance in preparing and filing one personal injury case and three small claims cases. Details: - Most of the cases will be filed in small claims/justice court, with one in district court for the personal injury case. - I require support in various aspects including legal research, document drafting, case strategy consultation, and settlement negotiation. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in legal research and document drafting. - Experience in strategizing for personal injury and small claims cases. - Skilled in negotiation and settlement discussions. Required Skills: -Fluent in Englsih
I'm seeking a professional to review my bid proposal for a government contract. The ideal candidate should have experience in proposal writing and reviewing, particularly for government contracts. Key focus areas include: - Compliance with requirements: Ensuring the proposal meets all necessary guidelines and conditions set forth in the contract. - Technical accuracy: Verifying all technical specifications and details are correct. - Persuasiveness: Assessing the proposal's ability to convincingly present my case. Please note, the proposal has not been skipped, however, more specific details may be provided upon discussion.
As the owner of a business in the UK, I am currently dealing with an online fraud issue. I am in need of a lawyer who specializes in cybercrime. The scope of this project involves both legal representation as well as guidance on preventive measures to safeguard my business from future incidents. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have a strong background in cybercrime law, particularly in cases of online fraud - Proven track record of representing small businesses - Experience in advising on preventive measures against cybercrime - Located in California - Able to communicate complex legal concepts in an understandable way - Able to sign a Contingency Fee, Costs, and Expenses Agreement
...a range of topics including legal advice and insights, industry trends and updates, and personal experiences and stories. Ideally I'm looking for someone who can help me brainstorm ideas for posts and articles, draft those posts, and then send them to me for final review and posting. My goal is to craft content to post every 1-2 weeks. Your writing should: - Be in a conversational tone, allowing for a friendly yet professional approach - Highlight my expertise in the legal field - Showcase my knowledge of industry trends - Share personal anecdotes that resonate with potential clients Ideal skills include: - Strong understanding of legal content - Proven track record of creating engaging LinkedIn posts - Excellent storytelling abilities - Abili...
I'm seeking assistance to convert legal PDF documents into Word format. The successful freelancer will need to meticulously preserve the original layout of the documents. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in typing and Microsoft Word - Exceptional attention to detail - Experience handling legal documents - Able to preserve document layouts accurately
I seek a qualified lawyer with expertise in property law and waste land. The purpose of the consultation is to clarify my legal rights concerning a piece of land I have some documents for. Ideal candidate should: - Be proficient in property ownership laws - Have experience dealing with waste land - Be able to interpret and assess property documents - Provide clear and concise legal advice - note* : need tamil lawyer Pay for consultation ( 1 hour ) = 200₹
*BUDGET IS UNDER 70* IF YOUR ESTIMATE I...POINTS, TABLES, IMAGES, DIAGRAMS)....How can AI improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses using patient records while ensuring compliance with data privacy laws like HIPAA? Why? This question tackles two critical fields—healthcare accuracy and legal compliance—showcasing both technical and ethical awareness. It’s also highly relevant in today's healthcare systems, making it an appealing topic for academic journals. What role can AI play in detecting and preventing cyberattacks on electronic health record (EHR) systems in real-time? Why? Cybersecurity in healthcare is a growing concern, and this question explores a very specific and impactful application of AI. It's both technical and ... app in Australia and I am seeking a consultant with expertise in international business to assist in starting a subsidiary company overseas. The potential countries for this expansion could be the United States, United Kingdom, Canada but I am open to other possibilities as well. Key Responsibilities: - Provide legal and regulatory guidance for establishing a subsidiary in a foreign country - Assist in strategic business planning for this expansion - Conduct comprehensive market research and analysis to identify the best location for the subsidiary Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in international business consultancy - Strong understanding of food delivery industry - Excellent legal and regulatory knowle...
I need assistance in drafting a reply to a legal motion concerning an employment-related civil law issue. If you have a strong background in civil law, particularly in employment matters, and legal writing experience, I would like to hear from you. Key requirements: - Expertise in civil law - Experience with employment-related legal matters - Strong legal writing skills
I'm currently in the process of drafting a quit claim deed and I need a professional who can assist me in finalizing it. The deed needs to include: - A detailed property description - Accurate grantor and grantee information - Appropriate legal terms and clauses The primary purpose of this quit claim deed is transferring property ownership. Therefore, a strong background in real estate law, and experience with property transfer documents is essential. Please only apply if you can provide an accurately drafted quit claim deed that meets all legal requirements for property transfer. Your expertise will save me time and ensure the deed is valid and enforceable. After its drafted I will get it notarized and sent back to you then you will send the nota...
I am seeking a professional to assist with writing a tender application for a government contract. The main goal of this application is to secure funding for a project focused on community services. In your bid, please highlight your: - Experience with writing tender applications, specifically for government contracts. - Understanding and knowledge of community services. - Proven track record of securing funding through successful tender applications. Your expertise in this area is crucial to the success of this project. Thank you.
...issues. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ethereum contract development - Experience with Remix IDE - Skills in debugging and gas optimization - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner Please note, the assistance will be through a TeamViewer session and estimated time should be 60 minutes or less. Copy of the deployed smart contract that needs to be closed is : //SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.6; // Import Libraries Migrator/Exchange/Factory import ""; import ""; import ""; contract
...Laravel developer to finalize our Legal Management System. This is an opportunity to work on a unique project with substantial potential. Key Responsibilities: - Completing frontend development: The UI needs to be intuitive and user-friendly for legal professionals. - Enhancing backend functionalities: The system should be robust, secure, and able to handle a high volume of data and transactions. - Database integration: We need a reliable and efficient database setup that can manage case files, documents, billing information, etc. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Laravel framework - Previous work on developing or improving a legal management system - Strong skills in frontend development, particularly with creating intuitive UIs - Ex...
...You have hands-on experience with Solana blockchain development, smart contracts, and transactions. ? Bundling Functionality: Build a bot that can bundle multiple transactions into a single transaction to reduce gas fees and improve processing speed. ? API Integration: Create an easy-to-use API to allow developers to integrate the bundler bot seamlessly into their existing projects. ? Scalability: Ensure the bot is scalable and can handle large volumes of transactions with high reliability. ? Security: Implement strong security measures to ensure the bot works safely with user funds and sensitive data. Skills Required: ⚡ Deep understanding of Solana’s ecosystem, Rust, and Solana SDKs. ⚡ Experience with smart contracts and transaction optimization on Solana. ⚡ Famili...
I need a solicitor to sign a sabbatical agreement for a career break. I am happy with everything in the contract it just needs a legal signature.
I'm currently involved in an international arbitration case and in need of expert advice and assistance. My primary need is help with drafting submissions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in international arbitration - Proficient in drafting legal submissions - Understanding of arbitration procedures and protocols - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Please reach out if you have the necessary qualifications and experience to assist me during these proceedings.
I'm in need of assistance with filing a small claims cases regarding an unpaid invoices. I have all the necessary documentation to prove the debt, and I prefer to present these as physical documents. Ideal Skills: - Legal expertise, particularly in small claims court - Excellent organizational skills - Strong communication skills Experience: - Prior experience assisting with small claims filing - Proven track record in handling unpaid debt claims
...Scalability Deploy on scalable cloud hosting (AWS, Google Cloud, or managed hosting). Optimize for speed and reliability. Legal & Compliance Include GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and Anti-Piracy Agreement. 4. Design Requirements Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly and optimized for various screen sizes. Professional Look: Simple, clean, and focused on usability. Sample Inspiration: [Provide examples, if available]. 5. Project Timeline Start Date: [Insert Preferred Start Date]. Deadline: [Insert Preferred Deadline]. 6. Budget ₹50000 (negotiable based on features and quality). 7. Developer Requirements Proven experience with subscription-based platforms. Expertise in TradingView API integration and automation. Familiarity with DRM video hostin...
I'm seeking an experienced Wikipedia editor to create a page for a notable individual in the Legal & Compliance sector. The page should primarily highlight the person's career achievements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of Wikipedia page creation and editing - Deep understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and policies - Exceptional research and writing skills - Ability to present information in a clear and engaging manner - Prior experience in documenting career achievements within the Legal & Compliance sector will be a plus. Let's make this person's contributions recognized on a global platform!
...platform. 3. Detailed Requirements: 3.1 Design: - Interface: Modern and intuitive design, similar to BlueLots, with adaptive layout for correct display on different devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones). - Navigation: Simple and logical menu structure, providing quick access to the main sections of the site. 3.2 Functionality: - Online Auctions: Ability to create and participate in auctions with a starting price, bid step, end time and automatic winner determination. - Filtering and sorting: Filters by category, price, item status, delivery unit and other parameters, as well as sorting by date added, price and popularity. - Registration and Authorization: Functionality to create buyer and seller accounts with email confirmation. - User Profile: Personal pr...
I'm in need of a ready-made eSign solution for contract signing with my clients. This system must seamlessly integrate with my existing cloud-based predictive dialer through API and accommodate a custom in-house eSign solution. Key Features: - Admin User Capabilities: - Manage and design PDF templates - View real-time reporting on contracts - User management - User Agent Functionalities: - Select and send contract templates - Prompt for asking CC email - Track PDF report Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Extensive experience with eSign solutions - Proficient in API integration and predictive dialers - Proven track record in creating user-friendly, efficient systems for contract management and tracking. I'm seeki...
...written in a formal tone, emphasising the critical reflection on how cyber psychology has advanced, what are the key developments. A discussion of the potential ethical, legal and cultural issues raised by this research study. It should be accessible and engaging for the general public, making it easy for them to understand the key findings of the study and their implications. Part 2: Research Proposal Following the article, the freelancer will need to draft a proposal for further research in two areas: - Cyber psychology, as suggested by the study in the last five years - research methodology and analysis - ethical consideration - research question & hypothesis - expected results and how it contributes to the research area Ideal candidates will ...
I'm looking for a talented web developer to design and install an interactive community site that is adult content friendly. Key Features: - User Profiles: Each member should have a personalized profile. - Content Posting and site that is adult content friendly. Key Features: - User Profiles: Each member should have a personalized profile. - Content Posting and Sharing: User profiles should have the functionality for members to post and share content. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficient in creating user-friendly and engaging web sites. - Understanding of Adult Content Regulations: Ability to design a site that is compliant with legal requirements and safe for users. - Community Site Experience: Prior experience in developing interactive com... the price history of each product in a database (e.g., Wix Data). Displaying the Lowest Price: If a product is discounted, the lowest price from the last 30 days should appear below the current price. Flexibility: The functionality must work for all products in the store and be easy for the administrator to manage (e.g., no need to manually add code to each product). Compliance with Regulations: It must adhere to the EU Omnibus Directive, including clear messaging for users, such as "Lowest price in the last 30 days: [amount]". Technical Requirements: Proficiency with the Wix Studio platform and Wix Velo (or willingness to quickly familiarize yourself with the documentation). Ability to work with Wix Data to store and process price data. Experience ...
Job Description: Are you a seasoned professional in your field? Do you have a passion for sharing knowledge and guiding others toward success? Join the FFreedom App, India’s largest mentorship platform, with 1 crore+ downloads and a thriving community of 10 lakh active users. We are seeking experienced individuals to mentor users in the following categories: Digital Services Agriculture Animal Husbandry Marketing Personal Finance Business Jobs Wellness Legal & Compliance Exports and Imports Government Schemes Key Responsibilities: Conduct 10-15 minute virtual mentoring sessions to provide guidance and actionable insights. Share expertise, strategies, and best practices tailored to user needs. Empower individuals to achieve their goals and improve their ski...
This project involves the delivery of translated documents related to "Attachments - كتاب ومرفقات خاصة بملف الشركة الأهلية للتأمين." The scope includes six files: two previously delivered (كتابنا للموكل and تقرير الخبير), one translated last November (صحيفة استئناف), and three newly delivered (إجراءات تنفيذ 4, حكم أول درجة 2, and حكم الوقف). A translation progress report, including rates and pricing details, has also been provided.