Black friday fragrance deals 2017projekty


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    2,000 black friday fragrance deals 2017 ofert prac znalezionych

    Witam serdecznie potrzebuje zmodyfikować logo Zamiast w/p napisu powinno być Kuchnia Staropolska Amber oraz druga wersja Catering Gorzów Czcionka to prawdopodobnie Berkeley LT Black Plik jest SVG i należało by przepisać dół dodać nową obwolutę etc Plik wynikowy może być w psd

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...haslo: Cycling ;oe=utf-8&rlz=1R1GGGL_en-GB___IE313&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi nie wstawiaj tam samych roverow -- bo sie przeterminuja, raczej jak ludzie jezdza /szosa, gorskie , dzieci-rodzina/ top powinien byc animowany --- ale cala historie pozniej mozesz mozesz dopracowac. Opening Hours Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 6:00pm Saturday: 10:00am - 5:30pm OPEN THROUGH LUNCH Tel: 021 4342240 menu poziome: Home / About Us / Contact Us lewa kolumna: menu z trescia jak jest na obecnej stronie kategoria glowna + pod menu /accordion menu/ srodek: text: Victoria Cross Cycles Lorem ipsum --> ok. 5 linijek duzy baner /taki promocyjny televizor/ na szerkosc srodka gdzie zjecie ladnego

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    35398 pzoycjonowanie
    Zakończone left

    Zlece pozycjonowanie fraz w (perfumy , perfumeria) oraz perfumes , fragrance, perfumeria . place tylko za wyniki . interesuje mnie wysoka pozycja . prosze o oferty cenowe za fraze miesiecznie.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wypozycjonowanie serwisu na frazę Ogame do top 3 w google. Aktualnie strona oscyluje w granicach 11-15 miejsce na tę frazę. Serwis posiada dużo linków Yahoo i Google. Domena ma ponad rok. PR = 4. Interesują mnie tylko profesjonalne firmy, których praca będzie dawała efekt na tyle, abym sam mógł tę pozycję podtrzymać (znam się dość na SEO). Żadnego Black Hat SEO.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukuję grafika do zrobienia serii bannerow na www: Proponowane wersje (przyklady): banner 468x60px wersje animowany gif + dobrze by było tez flash banner 750x100px wersje animowany gif + dobrze by było tez flash Dodatkowo bedzie do podmiany kilka ikonek w juz dzialajacym serwisie. Posiadam Plik PSD z grafika strony. Prosze zamieszczac linki do swoich prac oraz nr GG (ew email).

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert
    30169 Tłumaczenie EXIF
    Zakończone left

    ...=> "Latitude", 0x2 => "Interoperability Version", 0x201 => "Offset to JPEG SOI", 0x202 => "Bytes of JPEG data", 0x211 => "Color space transformation matrix coefficients", 0x212 => "Subsampling ratio of Y to C", 0x213 => "Y and C positioning", 0x214 => "Pair of black and white reference values", 0x2BC => "XMP metadata", 0x3 => "East or West Longitude", 0x4 => "Longitude", 0x4746 => "Rating", 0x4749 => "Rating in percent", 0x5 => "Altitude reference", 0x6 => "Altitude", 0x7 => "GPS time (atomic clock)", 0...

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecenie zrobienia projektu pod tytułem „Aspects of Mathematical Finance” w języku angielskim. Projekt na ok. 30 stron ( calość, gotowy) z rysunkami, przykładami, wklejonymi rzutami z ekranu (exel, matlab) Projekt powinien zawierac: -wprowadzenie do problemu, rola matematyki w bankowości, zrozumienie celu etc -równanie Black-Schole, wprowadzenie, opis, przykład, program do rozwiązywania równania B-S, wnioski -Binomial Tree - --- | | --- (jak wyzej) -zakonczenie (wlasna inwersja tworcza wskazana) w razie pytan pytac

    $183 Average bid
    $183 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecenie zrobienia projektu pod tytułem „Aspects of Mathematical Finance” w języku angielskim. Projekt na ok. 30 stron ( calość, gotowy) z rysunkami, przykładami, wklejonymi rzutami z ekranu (exel, matlab) Projekt powinien zawierac: -wprowadzenie do problemu, rola matematyki w bankowości, zrozumienie celu etc -równanie Black-Schole, wprowadzenie, opis, przykład, program do rozwiązywania równania B-S, wnioski -Binomial Tree - --- | | --- (jak wyzej) -zakonczenie (wlasna inwersja tworcza wskazana) w razie pytan pytac

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Szukam specjalisty od Black SEO, z doświadczeniem w spamie/farmaceutykach/xxx. Praca bez dostępu do serwera (farmy odpadają). Cel: ban/sandbox. Oferty jedynie na @.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...wyszukań) w Zależy mi na podaniu ceny za osiągnięcie jednokrotne TOP3 lub TOP1 oraz ceny za utrzymanie tych pozycji. Proszę określić, czy podana cena jest "za osiągnięty efekt" (czyli płatność dopiero po osiągnięciu danej pozycji) - w zasadzie tylko taką formę akceptuję, chyba, że ktoś ma kuszącą inną ofertę. Wymagam podania planowanych technik pozycjonowania, nie akceptuję black-seo. Proszę także podać oszacowany czas osiągnięcia efektów od momentu podpisania umowy. Istnieje możliwość zmodyfikowania kodu HTML w razie potrzeby. Strona znajduje się pod adresem Wymagam podania WERYFIKOWALNYCH referencji. Propozycje proszę przesyłać na adres @, najlepiej w czystym tekście. Można także zamieścić je tutaj. POD UWAGĘ BĘDĄ BRANE

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ..."DUPLICATE CONTENT" Poszukuje osoby do napisania tekstow o nastepujacej tematyce: RULETKA: Histora Gry w Ruletkę - 10000 znakow - 18 zł Zasady gry w ruletkę - 10000 znakow - 18 zł Systemy Gry w ruletkę - tutaj 0,50 zł za 1000 znakow , przesyłam materiały a twoim zadaniej jest tylko opisanie tego w "unikalnym" jezyku - ilosc do kilkudziesięciu systemów. BLACK JACK: Histora Gry w Black Jacka - 10000 znakow - 18 zł Zasady gry w Blackajacka - 5000 znakow - 9 zł Systemy - tak samo jak w tematyce z ruletka. POKER: ( glownie nacisk na poker Texas Holdem) Historia - 10000 znakow 18 zł Zasady - 10000 znakow 18 zł Systemy - J.W Kosci: Historia- 10000 znakow 18 zł Zasady - 10000 znakow 18 zł Systemy - Jw....

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie spisu 500 idiomow angielskich wraz z ich tlumaczeniem na jezyk polski oraz przykladowym zdanem z uzyciem tego idomu (po ang i po polsku) przykład : beat somebody black and blue - zbić kogoś na kwaśne jabłko Tommy always threatens his little sister that he will beat her black and blue if she tells their parents about his marks at school. kryteria wyboru oferty: 70% cena 30% doświadczenie ( potwierdzone np CAE, CPE, dyplom filologi angielskiej, lub przykłady wykonanych prac) UWAGA: Zastrzegam sobie prawo do wcześniejeszgo zakończenia aukcji z wyłonieniem zwycięzcy

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    15246 Poszukuje grafika
    Zakończone left

    Witam chętnie nawiążemy współpracę w zakresie przygotowania szeroko rozumianej oprawy graficznej dla nowego portalu buttony, animacje flash, grafiki 3D etc... ). Każda z osób chętnych otrzyma małe testowe zadanie do wykonania:-) Liczę na poważne podejście do tematu. Osoby zainteresowane proszę o przesyłanie zgłoszeń bezpośrednio do mnie na email : black@ Zadanie testowe : Proszę wykonać box gry Day of defeat source. przykład : (bez tła, samo pudło ) Wstępnie moge powiedziec że grafik bedzie z nami wspolpracowal przez miesiac gdy sie sprawdzi pomyslimy o stalej wspolpracy

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecę modyfikację templatki Joomla "Simplify Black": ;id=simplify_black&option=com_gallery&Itemid=37&include= Templatka jest na licencji Freeware. Standardowo w templatce są dwie kolumny - lewa i środek, ja potrzebuję żeby miała trzy - dodatkową prawą o wyglądzie oczywiście jak lewa. Myślę że to dla fachowca kilka minut roboty. Sposób rozliczenia: 1. Wybieram zwycięzcę (na podstawie opinii i ceny), 2. Zwycięzca modyfikuje templatkę i przesyła mi gotową, 3. Instaluję templatkę, jeżeli wszystko OK przelewam pieniążki na wskazane konto bankowe. Zainteresowanych proszę o kontakt.

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecę pozycjonowanie strony związanej z kasynem / bukmacherstwem / grami karcianymi : Frazy: Kasyno, kasyno online, kasyna, ruletka, kasyna online, black jack, blackjack, jednoręki bandyta interesuje mnie top 5, najlepiej top 3 dla fraz kasyno ruletka, black jack - reszta top 10 lub wyżej. Mogę nawiązać stałą współpracę, faktura mile widziana.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zakres zlecenia: Wykonanie ok 10 gier jak: backgammon, solitare, scrable, (typu ) ORAZ kasyno gry = ruletka x2, black-jack, sloty. Technologia: flash, php, mySQL Współpraca przy integracji gier i kasyna z istniejącym systemem do obsługi finansowej graczy. Proszę o oferty cenowe wraz z portfolio prac flash'owych.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam. Szukam firmy lub osoby, która byłaby chętna stworzenia generatora aukcji na Chodzi o to aby generator pozwalał uzyskać takie wyniki: (przykładowe aukcje) Podane aukcje zostały wystawione dzięki: Kopia nie musi posiadać wszystkich

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Proste tlumaczenie z angielskiego na francuski: Home About Us Customer Support Privacy Policy My Account Create Computer View Cart Checkout Now Search Advanced Search Buy Now More Info Featured Products More Great Deals From GlobalTekMall Pozdrawiam i dziekuje za wszystkie oferty. Adam

    $2 - $2
    $2 - $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...zdjęcia, z jakimi tematami strona powinna się kojarzyć: :KIntIZKvOf1t-M: stworzenie ikony dla programu: ikona programu powinna wyglądać mniej więcej tak: stworzenie 3 tapet (w kolorystyce: niebieskiej, zielonej, beżowej) dla windowsa rozmiar

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    poszukuje osoby z Krakowa (najchetniej) do wspolpracy przy konkretnych zleceniach / projektach na chwile obecna: wykonanie skryptu (w funkcjonujacym juz serwisie) generujacego krotka liste ofert (zajawek) - po kliknieciu na jedna z nich przechodzi sie do strony szczegolowej, generowanej wg. okreslonego szablonu nalezy rowniez wykonac prosty panel do zarzadzania tym mechanizmem, dodawanie i usuwanie zajawek oraz przypisanych do nich stron szczegolowych przyszlosciowo (oczekiwania): w wypadku dobrze ukladajacej sie wspolpracy oferuje zlecenia dorywcze o podobnym, jak opisane powyzej, charakterze - doswiadczenie w tworzeniu proj. dzialajacych w oparciu o PHP/MYSQL - mile widziana znajomosc Action Script - komunikatywnosc - dyspozycyjnosc i terminowosc - swobodny dostep do ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...napięcie i elastyczność. Systematyczne stosowanie kolagenu wyraźnie odmładza skórę. Kolagen stosowany na skórę głowy wzmacnia włosy, zapobiega ich wypadaniu i siwieniu. Produkty na bazie kolagenu z czynnikami transdermalnymi: Seria ogólnodostępna COLLAGEN • Collagen Beauty Exclusive - żel do twarzy i dekoltu • Collagen Beauty Body - żel do całego ciała • Collagen Beauty Black - żel do włosów i paznokci • Collagen Beauty G LA Revive - krem pielęgnacyjny zawiera¬jący GLA COMPLEX • Collagen Beauty Light Cream - lekki krem pielęgnacyjny • Collagen Beauty Marigold Cream - krem z wyciągiem z nagietka • Collagen Beauty Light Body Balm - balsam do ciała z wy¬ciągiem z miłorzębu japońskiego Seria dla ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert sign ups but paid sales). #3—> MY EFFORTS 1. I won't do any work for these sign-ups 2. I'll only provide you the link to promote 3. And do the payment on time. 4. I'll also create a milestone of 500 inr to secure the deal. #4–> CONDITIONS 1. don't spam the link 2. Don't paste the link in ads ( if you use ads then create a landing page and paste the link there. 3. Don't use illegal or black hat techniques for sales. 4. Sign ups that you bring should be potential leads, they should have that hunger to be successful and also be financially good to pay for upsell products. #5—> REMEMBER 1. I won't pay if you don't bring minimum 501 sign-ups before March 8 and hire someone else. 2. You at least need to bri...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Are you a natural closer with a hunger for success and the drive to make deals happen? If so, LBH wants YOU to join our fast-growing team! As an Acquisitions Manager, you’ll be at the heart of our land-buying process, handling lead intake, conducting basic property evaluations, and negotiating deals. This is your chance to thrive in a supportive and fun environment where you can earn $2,000 to $10,000+ per month in commissions if you’re great at what you do. Why Join Us? - Uncapped Earnings Potential: Close more deals, earn more money—it's that simple. Top performers regularly make $10,000+ monthly. - Exciting and Fun Team Culture: We work hard, play harder, and celebrate your wins. - Full Training Provided: No prior real estate experience? No p...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a logo for my new brand, Sunny Lashes. The design should embody a modern, minimalistic and luxurious style, much like other high-end lash brands or luxury labels like Louis Vuitton or Gucci. The color scheme will be strictly black and white. Key Requirements: - The logo should creatively incorporate all three elements: the full brand name (Sunny Lashes), the initials (SL), and a unique intertwining of both. - It must convey an elegant and sophisticated tone. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in luxury brand design. - Strong portfolio of minimalistic and modern logos. - Exceptional creativity in brand identity design. Please include your previous work with similar brands in your proposal.

    $50 Average bid
    131 zgłoszenia

    ...the scope of work: Social Media Integration (FB, Gads, Insta) o Social Media Messenger (FB, Insta) o CRM form & live chat code. o Department Creation (We've already structured some of the departments) o Employee Onboarding (invitation, placement in departments & access permission) o Email Integration o Configuration of Pipelines, creating sales Process Flow to track leads, opportunities, and deals. 1 lead flow and ----2 deal flows- Sales & PR o Configuration for Product / Service catalogue for commercial / sales team o Project/Task Workflow & Automations for Editorial & Social Media Management Departments. o Configuration for Contract signing o Configuration of HR Process Flow Hiring Process ----Email templates/Scripts for HR & PR Onboarding Proc...

    $461 Average bid
    $461 Średnia Oferta:
    74 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a dedicated sales professional to promote and sell our line of industrial components, specifically rubber parts. This...customer base in the USA. • Develop and implement effective sales strategies to drive revenue growth and market share. • Conduct market research to identify potential clients and understand their needs. • Build and maintain strong relationships with key decision-makers and stakeholders. • Present and demonstrate our products and services to prospective clients. • Negotiate contracts and close sales deals. • Collaborate with the marketing and product development teams to align sales efforts with company goals. • Provide regular sales reports and forecasts to management. A background in sales of industrial componen...

    $58333 Average bid
    $58333 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    ...caters to weddings and parties. I have a brief idea with sun glasses leaning against the K in Kombo. Thesun glasses has to be Steven Seagal style. See pic. I also imagine a K styled as a separate icon, a little like the K in Kingsman movie logo but yet different. Go go and surprise me. Requirements: - Design a logo that embodies a classic and elegant style - Incorporate the colors gold and black into the design - Include specific symbols and icons like sun glasses, a K-symbol, and a gold bar (if possible) - Use a modern and minimalist approach to balance the classic style Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in graphic design, specifically logo design - Strong understanding of color theory and minimalist design - Ability to translate specific requests into effective design el...

    $100 Average bid
    178 zgłoszenia

    would be essentially -check all the rents at the begging of every month and make sure all the tenants paid, -make sure all the bills are paid correctly, its not difficult, it's just consistency, -manage my agenda and meetings, -property deal research, find 5 potential property deals per day (I will teach you exacly how to find it) -edit and post 2 TikTok videos per day it's not an intense job, 2/3 hours per day will certainly be more than enough to do everything

    $285 Average bid
    $285 Średnia Oferta:
    80 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon Zcoil Sneaker Mockup Design
    6 dni left

    NEW COLOR OF Z-COIL TOFFLER CLOG: I'm looking for a talented designer to create a mockup of a unique pair of zcoil-style sneakers. The design should incorporate: - New silver upper: Changing out the black leather upper with new style: Silver. in this case I'll want this silver to replace the black the upper only. * I attached the images that need to be mocked up and also added the silver image I'd like to replace the black upper Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in sneaker design, particularly in creating mockups. Experience with designing custom cushioning systems is a plus. Please provide a portfolio showcasing your previous sneaker designs.

    $55 Average bid
    56 zgłoszenia

    The logo I made is attached. The original source files for my logo are also attached but do not look like what I created with the yellow background. I want what you make to have a black background! I need this done quickly please and make it pixel perfect! :D -- When you look at this file attached from me [I made this ] here re the instructions you need: 1 & 2) I just want everything currently yellow into black permanently, and then everything currently black into white permanently. 3) then make the white IQ and -ik font colors into yellow please.

    $10 Average bid
    96 zgłoszenia

    ...Representative** to join our team. This is a performance-based position with the potential to earn **$10,000/month**. The ideal candidate is driven, persuasive, and ready to work hard to achieve and exceed sales targets. **Responsibilities**: 1. **Sell a Minimum of 100 Products per Week**: You will be expected to achieve weekly sales targets by engaging with potential customers and closing deals. 2. **Proactively Generate Leads**: Identify new prospects through online platforms, social media, or networking events. 3. **Build and Maintain Client Relationships**: Ensure excellent customer service and follow up with clients to secure repeat business. 4. **Report Sales Performance**: Submit weekly performance reports detailing sales progress and challenges. 5. **Collabor...

    $8749 Average bid
    $8749 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    We're an MSP and offer CyberSecurity services. We are looking to build a simulated phishing tool so we can test our clients and their end users regular with simulated phishing emails. This is NOT a project, or build or similar...- platform hosting for evolving IPs would need to be considered (if the system was blacklisted through spam, which is likely then it would stop working). A system design to help users improve their knowledge of cybersecurity getting blocked can't be blocked You would need a deep understanding of - email clients - cyber security - phishing - webbased platforms - spam lists, spam scores - black lists of emails and IPs Responses to this project would need to offer thoughts and insights to be sure there was a good understanding of the tas...

    $193 Average bid
    $193 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert
    Modern Electronics Box Design
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a graphic designer with a knack for modern aesthetics and sleek designs. The box will be for an electronics product, so it needs to reflect the quality and sophistication of the item inside. - The product box will have a black background, as our product features RGB lights. Therefore, the design should be able to stand out against a black backdrop. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, product packaging design, and a strong understanding of modern design principles. Prior experience in designing for electronics is a plus. I have attached the box dimensions pdf And sample photo attached

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert
    SQL 2017 Database Connection Issues Fix
    16 godzin left

    I am currently experiencing connection issues with my SQL 2017 database. These problems are not affecting all users, but rather, they are specific to certain users. - The credentials for these specific users have been verified and are correct. - I need an SQL expert who can help me diagnose and resolve these permissions issues. Ideal skills and experience for the job include a deep understanding of SQL server permissions, experience with troubleshooting connection issues, and familiarity with SQL 2017.

    $467 Average bid
    $467 Średnia Oferta:
    89 składanie ofert

    ...innovetion, modernity, and simplicity while aligning with our company's mission and values. Requerements: a unique, scelable, and versatile logo. 3 initial design concepts. based on feedback ( up to 3 round). the final logo in multiple formats: • vector file ( AI EPS). • PNG ( transparent background). • High-resolution JPG. • Black-and-white version. Preferred style: • Minimalistic and modern. • Clean typography. • A tech-inspired color palette ( e.g., blue, gray, white). Deliverables: • Final logo files in the requered formats. • A short brand guide specifying logo usege, fonts, and colors. Budget: $50-$100 ( negotiable based on experience and portfolio). TIMELINE: • Initial concepts:3-5 ...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    59 składanie ofert

    I need a modern-style T-shirt design for our family reunion. The event, named the "Stone Family Roundup", will take place in Houston, Texas from August 8-10, 2024. Design Elements: - Incorporate the Texas state outline - Use Rodeo imagery Color Scheme: - The T-shirt design should be in a black and white color scheme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design with a modern aesthetic - Experience with T-shirt design - Ability to creatively incorporate specified elements into a cohesive design

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert
    Product Image Variants Creation
    6 dni left

    I need several variants of two product images. The variants are different colors of the product and different sizes (added glass planes). - Colors: The product variants should be in black, white, and anthracite (the profiles). - Color of the wooden subframe: Pine wood and Douglas wood - Sizes: The product comes in 5 or 6 sizes. The variants need to include added glass planes for these sizes. - Glass Planes: Each variant should consist of 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6 glass planes for 1 image, and 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 glass planes for the other variant Ideal skills for this job include image editing, graphic design, and product photography. Experience with creating product image variants is a plus. Please provide a portfolio of similar work. I attached the briefing to this job, including the o...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Średnia Oferta:
    107 składanie ofert

    I need a professional photo editor to help me with a specific task. - Remove specific individuals from the picture as identified by me. (The child up front, and the fourth and third people from the right - grandpa and grandma in black) - After their removal, please pull the remaining people closer together to maintain a natural look. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop or similar photo editing software. - Attention to detail to ensure a seamless and natural final product. - Prior experience with similar photo editing tasks. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you.

    $30 Average bid
    10 zgłoszenia

    ...a talented graphic designer to create a unique and sophisticated logo for my chain of medical centres in Dubai, Crescent Clinics. The logo should embody a stylish and minimalist design, preferably utilizing the initials 'CC', with the full name either integrated within or placed underneath. Key Requirements: - Incorporate a crescent element into the design, reflecting the brand's name - Use of black and gold color scheme - Ability to provide edits over a few weeks post-design - Deliver logo in various color versions Design Inspiration: - I particularly admire the crescent-like leafy shape in the first attached image and the crescent from the second image. - The third image showcases a simple yet strikingly attractive brand look, which I believe would resonate wel...

    $62 Average bid
    575 zgłoszenia

    I'm seeking a designer to create a sleek, minimalistic black and white logo for my aviation teaching centre. This centre focuses on small, private aircraft, with the Cessna 172 being a common model. Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate one or several items: an aircraft silhouette, wings or aviation symbols, and a helm. - The design should be exclusively image-based (NO TEXT). - The style must be elegant and not overly detailed. - The design should be minimalistic and elegant. - NO stars, bird wings, big passanger aircrafts, navy or military attributes Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, preferably for the aviation industry. - Portfolio of minimalistic and elegant designs. Use attatched pictures as inspiration

    $10 Average bid
    184 zgłoszenia

    I'm in need of a competent sales professional for my agricultural machinery company. The primary focus will be on maintaining relationship with customers as well as closing deals. Key Responsibilities: - Closing sales deals and meeting sales targets. Ideal Qualities: - Strong Negotiation Skills: The ability to secure the best possible terms for our company and clients is key. - Deep Industry Knowledge: Familiarity with agricultural machinery and the industry as a whole will be a significant asset. - Excellent Communication Skills: The ability to convey our company's value proposition clearly and persuasively to potential clients. Please bid only if you have a proven track record in sales, particularly in the agricultural machinery sector. Your industry knowledge ...

    $1260 Average bid
    $1260 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a sophisticated logo for my luxury car and rental business, Sunshi...rental business, Sunshine Luxury Rentals (SLR). The logo should primarily feature the initials 'SLR', embodying an elegant and classic aesthetic without including any specific rental vehicle, as the brand encompasses cars, apartments, and boats. The colour scheme should predominantly be White, Gold, and Black, although I'm open to your creative suggestions. Key requirements: - Incorporate the initials 'SLR' into the design - An elegant, classic style - Effective use of a White, Gold, and Black colour palette Ideal skills and experience: - Proven graphic and logo design experience - Strong understanding of colour theory - Ability to create elegant, classic design...

    $1126 Average bid
    $1126 Średnia Oferta:
    71 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon Logo Upgrade for Strength Event
    2 dni left

    I'm l...on powerlifting, so I want the logo to reflect this aspect, while still being representative of the strongman sports. Key requirements: - Emphasis on powerlifting: The logo should clearly highlight the powerlifting component of the event. - Professional look: The updated logo should embody a fresh and professional character. - Incorporation of specific colors: The logo should utilize a red and black color scheme. - Highlighting the event name: The event name should be a prominent feature in the logo. - The new logo should incorporate the main figure in the uploaded file The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in logo design, particularly with sports-related logos. A modern and sleek design style is preferred, with a focus on creating a bold and im...

    $51 Average bid
    365 zgłoszenia

    ...outreach, conducting sales demos/presentations, and closing deals. Key Responsibilities: - Prioritize and target potential clients within the Healthcare and Real Estate industries. - Utilize various methods for lead generation, including cold calling, email marketing, social media outreach, and online research. - Qualify leads and engage in sales outreach. - Conduct sales demos and presentations. - Close deals and contribute to business growth. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in business development, preferably in the Healthcare and Real Estate industries. - Proficient in lead generation techniques, particularly cold calling, email marketing, and social media outreach. - Strong sales skills with a track record of closing deals. - Capable of conduc...

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    ...minimalist approach is crucial, as I prefer a clean, uncluttered design style. - The color palette is strictly gold and black. The designer should have a good understanding of how to use these colors to convey a sense of luxury and refinement. - As the brand will be offering a diverse range of products, the logo must be versatile enough to suit all these different sectors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, with a strong portfolio of luxury brand logos. - Excellent understanding of minimalist design principles. - Ability to create a design that is both elegant and versatile. - Strong skills in color theory, particularly with gold and black. Your task will be to create a logo that not only meets these requirements but also stands out in th...

    $23 Average bid
    127 zgłoszenia

    ...playful. Versatility: The logo should be scalable and look great in both full color and black & white. It should work well on signage, menus, uniforms, and digital platforms. Inspiration: Think of tropical island vibes, sunsets over the lake, beach life, good food, and cold drinks. Skills Needed: Proven experience in logo design, with a portfolio showcasing creative, clean, and unique logos. Strong understanding of color theory and typography. Experience in designing for hospitality businesses or similar industries is a plus. Ability to deliver in multiple file formats (AI, PNG, JPG, etc.). Project Deliverables: A finalized logo in vector format (AI, EPS) and high-resolution files for web use. Color and black & white versions of the logo. Optional: Any brand gu...

    $74 Average bid
    $74 Średnia Oferta:
    134 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a seasoned salesperson with a deep understanding of the technology sector. While the specifics of the products have not yet been defined, it is crucial that the candidate is adaptable and able to understand and sell a variety of tech products and services. Ideal Skills: - Proven sales track record to understand and sell a variety of tech products and services. Ideal Skills: - Proven sales track record in the tech industry - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Ability to quickly learn about new products - Strong understanding of technology trends and market dynamics Your role will primarily focus on identifying potential clients, pitching our tech solutions, and closing deals. A proactive, results-oriented mindset is essential for success in this...

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert
    Modern Black Business Logo Design
    6 dni left

    I am looking for a modern style business logo that incorporates both an icon and text. The primary color is black. Overland outffitters Australia is the name of the business. If someone could incorporate a nissan patrol rear into the design, itndoesnt need to be the image itself but the outline of the rear of the car ornthe grill so you can tell its a patrol.

    $186 Average bid
    $186 Średnia Oferta:
    133 składanie ofert