Best regards logoprojekty
odzyskanie starej wizytowki dla i jej Wdrożenie i dostosowanie wytycznych best practices boostujących pozycje wizytówki w wynikach wyszukiwania i tao samo dla tylko osoby z portfolio z doświadczeniem w tym zakresie strony .pl pod kontem sprawdzenia UX/UI strony internetowej, następnie podłączyć kody śledzące i konta reklamowe (Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics 4 + zdarzenia, Google Search Console, kody śledzące Google Ads, Meta Pixel, Pinterest Tag, LinkedIn Insight Tag, HotJar).
Hello, I am looking for a front-end developer to write in Vuejs ( framework). Work is partia...components and communication between backend agreed with backend developer. Business logic agreed with me. It would be best if the component had written tests. Example components: a double calendar with the ability to select time intervals and types of days, a modal window with a form for adding a user (some of the selectors taken from the API), a table and card listing of the users. Components should scale and be written responsively. The components in the mobile version will have a simplified structure. I would like to pay for individual components. I will appreciate if you can tell me your hourly rate, Please contact me if you are interested and I will provide more details. Rega...
Witaj BEST WEB-IT Translations, Twój profil przyciągnął moją uwagę, w związku z czym mam przyjemność zaoferować Ci mój projekt. Przedyskutujmy wszelkie szczegóły na czacie.
Website Hello create index php add a picture of the logo top left corner add black background on the left in the middle a small menu 6 menu items 1) About me 2) Timeline 3) Ardis Macros 4) Matrix System Ardis 5) Topsolid Systems 6) Corporate ERP 1) 1 large frame visible, photo space upper right corner (two frames superimposed on each other) 2) simple add function on which projects I have worked: - one frame per project - the name of the project on the top left - design price at the bottom left - project implementation time at the bottom right - number of people involved in the project - number of drawings Everything at the top is to be contained in one frame (there will be 22 projects to be added manually, or we can talk about adding a function so that I can add it myself). Of c...
...text file in JSON format - url - selector name - time after which the mouse cursor should move to the selected selector - clicking on the hovered over element At the beginning, if someone does it, we will supplement the application with other functions such as scrolling, entering text, managing browser windows and tabs based on the window handle, etc. But this will be for a separate valuation. Best regards, Luke ...
welcome. The project concerns the website , it is a spin-off of the game based on blockchain technology. Cooperation, if everything goes well, will be based on several stages - first we correct the errors and apply minor corrections that currently exist and then the casino support comes, plus we ultimately make it a full fledged internet casino. Slot...everything - and I would like it to look like it should. For this, as mentioned above, constant cooperation in the development of the casino plus the implementation of additional functions. I am looking for a reliable person who would like to ultimately become a part of a great project - with long-term cooperation it is possible to receive% of the casino profit, please contact me for more details. Best regards.
...create a simple business card page with basic information about the project itself, but also the option of sending an application form with the necessary anti-bot protection. Simple graphics in the field of valuation - real estate. Website adapted to PC and mobile devices without specifying a programming language. It will be easier for me to choose if the person also shares their portfolio. Best regards and feel free to contact me,...
...can look like rose, leafs, rose petals etc. Jar 2 – attachment Height 195 mm, upper and down side like underlined (blue color) in attached file sample.stl. Preview picture includes shape that we would like to get, additional elements (decorative style) are random and they can look diamonds or polygon shape. If you will have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards and good luck....
I want a sign on wallet which will looks like Tommy Hilfigher, Gucci, Ferrari, Lamborghini, our company name is PANAYOTOV, we can be Associated with Lion, because we have the roots from Bulgaria but not essential, first letters of 3 owners are Z M P, i want this sign looks like exclusive company in the annex i add what i am currently looking for, regards
...recording and in the photo. PS. On priv, please ask for additional items that are not known from the description. PS2. Optionally, I can buy a ready-made control that can be modified from the code. PS3. Welcome to use the Diagram control in DevExpress, and more specifically to extend it with the required functions, because most of them already have, such as mesh, container creation, standard shapes Best regards...
Cześć, Poszukuje kogoś ogarniętego z dobrą znajomością Symfony 4. Mam projekt do skończenia. Jeśli jesteś / jesteście zainteresowany to daj znać, mój numer tel. 791390348. Projekt musi zostać zamknięty do 25 X + 1-2 dni na migracje danych (synchronizacja z obecnym systemem). Oczekuje systematycznej pracy i dobrej dostępności. Wynagrodzenie do ustalenia - za całość lub za godz. pracy. Rozliczenie przez FV lub umowę o dzieło. Mieszkam w Kiełczowie więc możemy się spotkać i omówić wszystko.
How to see what Facebook groups someone is in? I need list of people for group like: votum s.a odszkodowania, Europejskie Centrum Odszkodowań S.A. You can use facebook graph or other tools. Best regards, Paweł
Witam, szukam kogoś, kto zna się na streamingu RTMP. Generalnie poszukuję narzędzia do wyciągania URL z Bet365 i - część z nich bez problemu da się IDM wyciągnąć, jednak nie wszystkie. Potrzebuję toolsa, który poradzi sobie ze znalezieniem linka, dekodowaniem go i po prostu przedstawieniem jako link do odczytania w VLC bądź Potplayerze (pot player byłby lepszy) ...da się IDM wyciągnąć, jednak nie wszystkie. Potrzebuję toolsa, który poradzi sobie ze znalezieniem linka, dekodowaniem go i po prostu przedstawieniem jako link do odczytania w VLC bądź Potplayerze (pot player byłby lepszy) Pozdrawiam I am looking for a person that have time and knowledge in live stream RTMP to get URL playable in VLC or Potplayer from bet365 and Regards
Witam, chcialbym aby wykonano mi dwa rysunki, grafiki komputerowe, podobne do tych na zamieszczonych plikach. Chcialbym by były podobne, utrzymane w takim stylu jak na załącznikach ale będą zawierały mniej szczegółów. Więcej informacji po otrzymaniu ofert. Pozdrawiam serdecznie. / Hi, I would like to have two computer drawing to be drawn similar to drawings attached to this message...tych na zamieszczonych plikach. Chcialbym by były podobne, utrzymane w takim stylu jak na załącznikach ale będą zawierały mniej szczegółów. Więcej informacji po otrzymaniu ofert. Pozdrawiam serdecznie. / Hi, I would like to have two computer drawing to be drawn similar to drawings attached to this message. There will be some changes needed to be done, more info after receiving some ...
...commercial / project throughout the premises, which organizes children's birthday, baptisms, first communions + The commercial / project organization communion. + Greeting card birthday invitation Working with me, I will be asked, source files and fonts to the project you'd have edited. I want to projects included photos, where to find them will be the role of the designer. Pozdrawiam/Regards...
Witam, chce zalozyc e-biznes i potrzebuje dobrego biznesplanu, aby moc w przyszlosci ubiegac sie o dotacje unijna Co do zaplaty to wszystko jest do ustalenia/dogadania sie. Ja niestety nie potrafie zabrac sie za takowy biznesplan. Regards..
We are looking for 10 Polish kid voices and 6 Polish adult voices: 5 boys (8 to 10 years old) 5 girls (8 to 10 years old) 5 adult men 1 adult women To record a script of simple sentences through your mobile phone. Delivery method of recorded file: by e-mail. NO ACTING, NOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR THIS RECORDING, the kid & adult must be 100% POLISH NATIVE SPEAKE...sentences through your mobile phone. Delivery method of recorded file: by e-mail. NO ACTING, NOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR THIS RECORDING, the kid & adult must be 100% POLISH NATIVE SPEAKER with reading ability (for example can read aloud & clearly). Please reply me to send you more details on the job schedule and pricing of this special freelance job :) Thank you very much in advance. Best...
Hi, for one of my Clients I need for a 6 months job, to start ASAP in Wielkopolska, an process engineer with good level of knowlage of plastic injection processes. Work is about: - opracowanie technologii procesu wtrysku tworzyw sztucznych - opracowywanie specyfikacji technicznej maszyn, urządzeń i przyrządów od koncepcji, poprzez dostawę, instalację ...analizy przyczyn awarii - analiza nieprawidłowości w procesie pod kątem przyczyn i proponowanie rozwiązań - aktualizowanie dokumentacji technicznej dla nowych produktów - udział w tworzeniu i nadzór nad planami działań stabilizujących proces produkcyjny i monitorowanie wyników - wymagana obsługa wtryskarek Demag lub Kraus Maffei w zakresie pisania programów If interested, please let me know. Regard...
Hi, for one of my Clients I need for a 6 months job, to start ASAP in Wielkopolska, an process engineer with good level of knowlage of plastic injection processes. Work is about: - opracowanie technologii procesu wtrysku tworzyw sztucznych - opracowywanie specyfikacji technicznej maszyn, urządzeń i przyrządów od koncepcji, poprzez dostawę, instalację ...analizy przyczyn awarii - analiza nieprawidłowości w procesie pod kątem przyczyn i proponowanie rozwiązań - aktualizowanie dokumentacji technicznej dla nowych produktów - udział w tworzeniu i nadzór nad planami działań stabilizujących proces produkcyjny i monitorowanie wyników - wymagana obsługa wtryskarek Demag lub Kraus Maffei w zakresie pisania programów If interested, please let me know. Regard...
Hi, I'm looking for person who would build an e-mail database of people working in one of the branches of professional services in Poland. Estimated maximum capacity of the database is 50.000 records but not as many may be availible through public databases and companies' websites. If you're interested, please let me know about your experience and estimated time of completion. Regards, TOST Design ----- Dzień dobry, szukam osoby, która zbuduje bazę emailingową pracowników jednej z branż usług profesjonalnych w Polsce. Rozmiar bazy szacuję na 50.000 rekordów, ale aż tyle może nie być dostępnych w innych bazach i na firmowych stronach internetowych. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, czekam na informacje o Twoim doświadczeniu i przewidyw...
...Boutique for Adult (stationary and internet shop) and I'm looking for web designer for redesign my website project. I would like order: - complete redesign layout for my new internet shop (Prestashop 1.6) - business card - discount card - flyer Current look of my internet shop Can you do this for me? How much this will be? How much time you need for this? best regards Luke -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- witam serdecznie, poszukuję osoby, która podejmie się redesignu layoutu sklepu internetowego, wizytówki, karty rabatowej oraz ulotki. Planuję zmianę silnika sklepu z osCommerce na Prestashop w najnowszej wersji 1.6 Link do obecnego sklepu internetow...
...Boutique for Adult (stationary and internet shop) and I'm looking for web designer for redesign my website project. I would like order: - complete redesign layout for my new internet shop (Prestashop 1.6) - business card - discount card - flyer Current look of my internet shop Can you do this for me? How much this will be? How much time you need for this? best regards Luke ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- witam serdecznie, poszukuję osoby, która podejmie się redesignu layoutu sklepu internetowego, wizytówki, karty rabatowej oraz ulotki. Planuję zmianę silnika sklepu z osCommerce na Prestashop w najnowszej wersji 1.6 Link do obecnego sklepu internetowe...
Hello. I can translate for you the text for 240 usd within 3 days. I am new at freelancer. I would like this job to be awarded through Elance - User: deberi1 Please find my CV enclosed. Translation: 5. Ile chusteczek zużył Pan / Pani na krew, która ciekła z nosa? 13. Czy Pana / Pani wypróżnienia są wodniste? 24. Czy karmi Pani piersią? 28. Czy oddaje Pan / Pani this job to be awarded through Elance - User: deberi1 Please find my CV enclosed. Translation: 5. Ile chusteczek zużył Pan / Pani na krew, która ciekła z nosa? 13. Czy Pana / Pani wypróżnienia są wodniste? 24. Czy karmi Pani piersią? 28. Czy oddaje Pan / Pani mocz z przerwami lub nierównomiernie? 40. Czy czasami nie widuje Pan / Pani migającego światła w polu widzenia? ...
Looking for a person / company that will design a unique application for me to reject specific phone numbers. Principle of operation of the program: The application will be automatically rejected calls to your telephone if the number you called will be located at the base of the numbers programmed into the application. The program should be able to efficiently use about 150 numbers. ...address the next time you connect your phone to the Internet. -The application must be as intuitive. Person after installation you will need to do nothing to make the application work efficiently -I would like the person / company that will undertake the creation of applications created in different versions tailored to specific environments / systems which are currently used in mobile phones. R...
writing/creating/researching five articles for my blog on house party ideas? 400-500 words each. Each article describes and give information/guide on one idea. It has to be informal and fun, and encouraging with some author's opinion(light fun opinion) so people would want to respond/leave comments. You will need to perform some research for fun/unusual/extiting ideas. Please do not us...some author's opinion(light fun opinion) so people would want to respond/leave comments. You will need to perform some research for fun/unusual/extiting ideas. Please do not use very first borring google page for your researches, no rewriting. Could you use your life experience or something similar? I think you'll like it :) I will have more orders in the future, around 50-100 articl...
Hello, I'm looking for a company which could provide a complete web site design + installation + at least 1 year guaranty period. The objectives of the web site: 1. It will be dedicated to professional seeking for reports, news and advisory for business solutions. 2. It must have any easy to use CMS system for multiple administrators with different levels of access. 3. Integrated pay...banner manager, SEO options (meta words, settings), dashboard (Google analytics, etc.), photo and video, LinkedIn. We are looking for a company with experience in CMS, which could provide a complete design and installation of the web site within maximum of 45 days after signing agreement. The detailed specification is available and will be sent to the chosen companies after signing a NDA. Regar...
...and some examples on the web. I'm not certain it is correct. When i try to update data in the view i get the following error: Query failed: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "new" CONTEXT: Error occurred on dblink connection named "unnamed" Tried googling it but to no effect so far. It would be great if someone could just point me in the right direction. Regards, Pustka postgres 9.1 debian 2.6.26-1-amd64 (make sure u installed the postgres-contrib) CREATE DATABASE db1; CREATE TABLE users ( uid serial NOT NULL, name character varying(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying, pass character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying, CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uid ) )WI...
Integracja : plik xml ceneo => skrypt do zarządzania aukcjami => webapi allegro => Zainteresowanych proszę o kontakt na maila lub tel: 783 447 373. -- Pozdrawiam/Best regards, Paweł Piekarski Kierownik Działu Obsługi Klienta tel. 71 722 52 60 @ Internet Mall Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Wrocławska 33 D 55-095 Długołęka NIP: 5213365047 KRS: 0000242813 REGON: 140285770
Hello webdevelopers from Poland. At first let me introduce Tribal ======================================================== We 're a small webdevelopment Agency, called Tribal, from Den Bosch, in the Netherlands. We have 15 employees (4 developers) Our core business is developing Websites and intranets, for midsize companies in the Netherlands, in often cases complex websites, based on the best open source .net Framework, Umbraco. Examples , , At this moment our development is done by several webcompanies in the Netherlands, an offshore company in China and intern at Tribal. In may 2011, we want to start a nearshore department in Gdansk, starting with a small team of 2-3 developers, managed by our Technical director, who moves to Poland. He
Zlecę wykonanie oraz wdrożenie modułu do BestShop Pro integrującego sklep z serwisem Allegro. podstawowe wymagane funkcje: Możliwość automatycznego wystawiana produktów w allegro wg zadanej listy z oferty sklepowej. Obsługa szablonów Allegro. ustawienie wszystkich opcji dla aukcji - kategorie, koszty przesyłki, wyróznienie, faktura vat itp. linkowanie do zdjęć w sklepie pobieranie do formularza: nazwy ceny opisu proszę o informację dotyczące funkcjonalności modułu i ceny w jakiej moduł mógłby zostać wykonany.
Hello, our company looking for someone to make a custom script similar to the one used on; I need it to capture customers details and then ask...customers and no charge for contractors for signing up, only if they buy the leads. Hope this makes sense. It also needs to run on php / mysql and be fairly easy to integrate into web design. Quote me if you can do this job and don't ask me please about budget... :-) I like this script with source code and full owned right. When you a have script like this send me please a demo. Regards Kate P.S. Oferty moga ale NIE MUSZA byc skladane w jezyku angielskim, zapytanie jest zlozone w tym jezyku aby mozna bylo potwierdzic jej zrozumienie przez potencjalnych wykonawcow.
Witam Poszukujemy wspólnika do rozwoju projektu gry via www lub firmy chcącej odkupić prawa do gry Podczas beta testów w grze zarejestrowało się 822 osoby, które testowały ją przez miesiąc. Po tym okresie gra została zdjęta z sieci, a kilka skryptów z niej odsprzedano. Projekt zawieszono, w połowie stycznia projekt ponownie pojawił się na sieci i poszukujemy wspólnika. Od tego czasu zarejestrowały się kolejne 114 osoby Całościowo, projekt należy do naszej firmy Gra oparta jest o framework Seagull W razie chęci odkupienia praw i kodu do gry oferujemy możliwość przepisania gry na prosty CMS w trakcie do 10 dni roboczych. Poszukujemy wspólnika, który za pakiet większościowy (80% netto) udziałów w grze zechce zain...
Witam W związku z planowanym rozwojem mojej firmy i uzyskaniem dużego dofinansowania ze środków Unijnych chciałbym przygotować internetowy system zamówien gotowych produktów poligraficznych razem z witryną WWW oraz systemem płatności + propozycja fo...automatycznie w oparciu o wspolny kalkulator) - system powinien śledzić rentowność – czyli stosunek kosztow druku do ceny sprzedazy w podziale dla każdego produktu i dla każdego klienta. Proszę o podanie przybliżonej oferty na wykonanie zamówienia zawierającą cenę oraz termin wykonania. W razie dodatkowych pytań (których może być sporo) proszę o kontakt mailowy. Pozdrawiam / With regards Maciej Mizgalski Marketing Manager maciek@ "zmieniamy rzeczywistość&q...
E-commerce Print House Website This project is split in 2 Phases. ----------------------------------------- !! Please only bid for Phase ONE (1) !! – Please give detailed suggestions of which methods you will use to complete. Phase 1: Making a Website with an E-commerce Solution Order Module Online Payment with VISA/Master Card and Pay pal,. We...order. If user is decided that order is correct and price is ok, the order files are uploaded to company ftp server and order record is store in database. After order is received by company client receive an email that order is in progress. Payment methods such as Escrow is acceptable, But we will not send any money up front. We can pay in Phases according to how far you reach completion. Best Regards a...
Project Overview Development of a modular stock and sales management system to list products, manage platform integrations, and track sales. The system will be scalable and flexible, allowing future integrations and continuous improvements. Scope of Work 1. System Design Backend: Laravel 11 with MySQL Frontend: Laravel Blade or Data Processing: Python (if need...detection Offer status monitoring Manual marking for sold/problematic offers Project Timeline Estimated duration: 4 weeks + 1 week testing Starts after first payment Completion upon final walkthrough Payment Terms Total Budget: $5040 Milestone payments upon phase completion Additional Notes Both parties will adhere to's terms. Next Steps Please review and confirm to proceed! Best Regards, A...
Project: Personalization and Recommendation Solution for Clothing Stores Overall Objective The main goal is to develop a personalization and recommendation solution to optimize the customer experience for online stores. The key objectives are: Increase conversion rate. Improve click-through rate on recommendations. Increase average cart value. Strengthen customer engagement. Propose...tested and validated, we plan to: Adapt and refine recommendations based on user feedback. Explore other solutions if more advanced personalization is needed. Continuously optimize the personalization strategy. Next Steps If this approach interests you, we could arrange a call or video conference to discuss details and explore potential collaboration. Looking forward to your response. Best...
We are looking for someone who will do the following. You will get an excelliste There you will find entries from 21435 rows Only columns A and B are relevant for you There you have to copy out the so-called HSN and TSN of the vehicle and enter them in a portal to identify the engine code of the vehicle. The engine code must then be entered in column H or, if there is more than one engin...ensured that no errors are made. We will pay in milestones everytime 2000 entrys are provided and verified by a second freelancer validying the data which has been entered by you. So the offer you make will be divided by 11 (we´ll calculate from 22.000 entries) and everytime you deliver a bunch of 2.000 entries the agreed price divided by 2.000 will be paid until the porject has been finished. ...
Dear. I've already built a similar booking webapp and we can customize this system to your personal purpose. Here are some main features. - User Register/Login - Booking Calendar - Booking History - Push Notification | Messaging | Email - Service Gallery - Customer Testimonials - Contact Us If you are interested in my product, let's discuss the details. Best Regards, Juan.
Hello, I am a professional photographer specializing in nature photography, and I am currently launching my first NFT collection on OpenSea. My goal is to generate enough revenue to expand my photography business, invest in new equipment, and develop future projects. I am looking for an NFT marketing expert who can help me build a strong promotional strategy and drive sales. S...long-term growth strategies Experience with social media marketing and community building A results-driven mindset with a focus on high-value sales I am looking to move quickly and would like to start selling as soon as possible. If you have the expertise and the right connections to make this project a success, I would love to discuss how we can work together. Looking forward to your response. Best r...
Payment in regards to Preparation of Notice of Relocation with Child, Statement in support & Proposed parenting Plan
for my website I need an experienced web designer who can urgently update content and give my existing theme a makeover. I will provide the pictures and general Idea, you need to put the text from your own creativity or generate text from AI, I dont care, but the content must look good on website. I will provide most of the content and if you think you can add or fill in ...put the text from your own creativity or generate text from AI, I dont care, but the content must look good on website. I will provide most of the content and if you think you can add or fill in the gaps, then you are free to do it. I need these About us | Our Courses | Students Login | Contact us I need this to be done before Friday 1:00pm Strictly the Budget is $20 only. No Negotiation. Regards
Create the landing page for a dating site called HundRoses. Should be fairly clean, with a HundRoses logo in the upper right hand corner- logo is attached. Site should feature SSL certificate as well using this code: <script type="text/javascript"> var tlJsHost = (( == "https:") ? "" : ""); (unescape("%3Cscript src='" + tlJsHost + "trustlogo/javascript/' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> TrustLogo("", "SC5", "none"); </script> <a href="" id="comodoTL"></a>
I'm in urgent need of a skilled team or individual who can create a Master App with comprehensive parental control features. This app will be responsible for controlling devices including mobile phones, tablets, and Smart TVs. Key Features: - Blocking unsafe games and apps: The app should be capable of identifying and blocking pot...and Experience: - Expertise in app development across the specified platforms. - Prior experience in designing parental control software or similar applications. - Knowledge in implementing advanced AI for content filtering. - Capability to integrate a secure and reliable payment gateway. The project is slated to begin immediately. I look forward to working with a dedicated and capable team. Best Regards, Vijay M. The app should provide m...
...aesthetics and details. Design Software Proficiency: Utilizing the latest tools to bring your vision to life. Promotional Materials Experience: A track record of creating engaging and effective event flyers. I'd be thrilled to share samples of my past work that align with your vision. Together, we can create a flyer that resonates deeply with your audience. Looking forward to your response! Warm regards, Kareem...
Hello, I am working on an innovative mobile application and need a talented UI/UX designer with experience in Figma to design around 20-25 screens for my project. The design will need to be visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully responsive. What I'm Looking For: UI/UX design experience, preferably with mobile apps (iOS/Android) Ability to create high-fidelity mockups usin...Apply: If you think you are the right fit for this job, please provide: Examples of previous mobile app designs you’ve worked on (specifically using Figma) A brief description of your design process Your estimated rate for the project (or hourly rate) Your availability and timeline for completing this project I look forward to collaborating with a talented designer to bring this app to life! Best...
Subject: Looking for a Freelancer to Build a Structured Database from Korean Community Websites Dear [Freelancer's Name], I am looking for a skilled freelancer to help build a well-structured Excel database by collecting and categorizing information from Korean community websites in Sydney. These websites receive around 1,000 daily visitors and contain valuable information re...Understanding of Korean community media in Sydney (preferred) Basic Korean-to-English translation skills for better data organization Attention to detail to ensure accuracy and consistency If you are interested, please let me know your experience with similar projects and your availability. I would also appreciate a rough estimate of the cost for this work. Looking forward to working with you! Best ...
Seeking PHP Security Expert for Part-Time Project Hello everyone, I'm Rohan, and I'm currently facing a challenging security issue with my PHP application. Recently, I discovered that someone is exploiting I'm looking for a PHP security expert to help implement a robust solution—ideally a token-based system or another method—that restricts access exclusively to my domain. This is a part-time opportunity, and I'm open to coordinating through Fiverr if that platform works best for you. If you have experience with PHP security and web application protection, please reach out! (Removed by admin) Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to connecting with potential candidates. Best regards, ...
...preferably one-page layouts. • Expertise in tools such as Adobe XD, Figma, or Sketch. • Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (preferred but not mandatory if design-focused). • Experience with modern web design principles (minimalism, typography, color theory). • Ability to optimize designs for performance and speed. • Familiarity with user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) best practices. • Creative problem-solving skills and attention to detail. • Good communication skills to collaborate effectively. Nice-to-Have Skills: • Experience working with Shopify, WooCommerce, or similar e-commerce platforms. • Basic knowledge of SEO and web accessibility standards. • Ability to suggest design trends ...